Too much negative news?

It’s hard to escape news about climate change and while there are regular positive breakthroughs, most of the news people see about the climate is negative.

What is more useful to the world: positive news about climate change or negative news about climate change? This week we want you to make a difficult decision by answering the question:

Whose opinion do you agree with most?

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  • I believe that balance is the key to this matter. Currently, I mostly see negative news about weather and almost no positive news. Because of that, I often prefer not to watch anything of the kind. It makes me feel like everything is going downhill.
    However, it isn't true. There are a lot of people who are actually working hard to solve this problem. I feel like they are not being talked about enough. They need to get the credit they deserve for it. Also, if more successful campaigns were presented on TV, then maybe more people would watch them and think that there is still a chance. They might feel empowered by such positive facts and start helping too.
    On the other hand, if people only hear positive facts, then they are very likely to believe everything is alright, so they don t have to put any effort into it. That's why, from my point of view, people should have access to information about the actual situation, with the good and the bad.

    1. A well thought-out comment. If they've got access to everything, what measures can be put in place to ensure that they don't become overwhelmed?

      1. I believe that in order not to get overwhelmed with information, the news should present some facts, both good and bad, but not get into too much detail. As there are more than just a few news publishers, I think that each article should be divided into three categories.
        1. The main one that only presents the headlines
        2. The second one talks about what has been done, who participated and maybe some information about future campaigns.
        3. The third one which gives the most detail.
        Most likely, people won't read the third one unless they are really passionate about the subject. This way, they can read as many articles as possible without getting overwhelmed, due to the fact that they don't need to get into much detail. For some, just the first category will be enough. Students, for instance may need to do a project, but they may not need the whole detailed article.
        From my point of view, another way of not getting overwhelmed by the news is self-control. If you feel like all the information is too much, then I suggest you take a break. After some fresh air, you might be ready to read the news again and analyse. You can ask yourself: Is this information true? How will it affect me and how will it affect others? An important aspect about this is that while we might be doing our best to help others, we shouldn't destroy our own mental health. If we only help somebody once or twice and then we are forced to give up because we overworked ourselves, then we haven't done much, have we?

        1. A great explanation for your opinion with some sound advice. Well done!

        2. I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your approach to managing news consumption. I think it's really thoughtful and practical to categorize articles and emphasize self-control and mental health. By structuring news articles into different levels of detail, readers can engage with the information at their own pace and according to their needs. Plus, your reminder about the importance of self-care and avoiding burnout while staying informed is so crucial in today's fast-paced media environment. It's all about finding that balance between staying informed and maintaining mental well-being, and I think your approach is spot on!

    2. I agree because... Yes, seeing positive news will comfort people but showing too much of it will make them feel too comfortable. Showing bad news will make people stand on their toes but showing too much bad news will make them feel worried. At this point we can all agree that balance is the key. A mixture of the good and bad news will help people know all the bad things that happen in our climate but keep them encouraged with the good news. The bad news will keep them vigilant and the good news will keep them positive about the future.

      1. Balance is key - good point.

    3. Hello!
      I strongly agree with you when you say that people should be shown every angle to the story both the good and the bad and as you have rightly pointed out if the right balance is not struck it could lead to uninformed decisions but I don't think we have talked enough about the role of the wider society.
      I believe that most of the pressure of climate change and global warming has been put on our governments, its agencies, and other global organizations rather than focusing on the uninformed population which also contributes greatly to the effect of global warming.
      People in rural areas don't have access to the internet and other news sources as such they make no effort to change the patterns of their daily lives to one which is conducive to the environment. For instance here in Africa in the rural areas, people cook by burning things such as firewood and coal thereby releasing harmful substances like carbon dioxide which is a major contributor to global warming.
      In essence, I am trying to say that yes the topic is whether positive or negative news should be shown I think it is beyond this and we have to understand this before we can fully curb climate change and global warming and profer informed decisions and solutions.

    4. Hi ! , i agree with your points watching news and seeing these bad things happening does make me feel like everything isn't working out, but it also exposes me to the reality of the events that are occurring and shows me that this is a topic that isn't covered enough or needs to be talked way more. I also agree with you on there needing to be balanced because people need to see these people that are actually working to make a change and give credit where credit is due but i also think when they launch campaigns they should also include videos, images, and interviews from places where climate change is affecting communities so that people know what the activist are actually fighting for and so that they can also get inspired to join the act and help.

      1. I agree because... Negative news will actually spread more awareness and important information than positive news. Positive news will show them the good side, the side that shows that everything is working out, but it isn't. Negative news however will make it known that if something is not done, there will be consequences. But in this situation, balance is paramount. Positive news is important if we want to keep people optimistic but negative news will also be needed if action is needed.

    5. In my opinion, I think you are completely right, but a problem arises from this solution. It is hard to get that balance on speaking the fact that everyone is different. Some people find it more motivating to help the planet when they hear more good news and others vice versa. So, it is hard to really balance it out. It is a good idea, but it is hard to enforce it.

    6. I agree because yes we should all listen to both the positive and negative news about the eco-climate change.
      Let me start with the positive facts as you said marvellous_hedgehog that "if people listen to the positive facts, they are likely to believe everything is alright" actually that is true so yes, I agree with your comment on that which is good. Now down to the negative news of the climate change, I actually will say something about it but before that let me say something about what you have said, not forgetting, that yes for some people if they listen to the negative news they will actually feel discomforted and also sad, now concerning the climate change people may start to become worried about which is true,but the climate change towards the negative news being listed to, some of us will sincerely take it as though we are not doing enough that we should do more so as to secure the climate change for the better of the future. Thanks.

      1. I agree because we are supposed to listen to two sides both the positive and negative. When people listen to the positive side the tend to think that they are safe and everything is all right and this makes them more willing to engage in climate action and to encourage others to do the same. I’m not the only one who experiences this effect: Research has shown that positive news framing of climate change minimizes fear and anger, while increasing hope and the likelihood of people fighting against climate change,while the negative news on climate change can make people feel more threatened by other social groups it also makes people to be more concerned for climate change and it increases people’s intention to act pro-environmentally.

    7. I agree with marvellous hedgehog because spreading bad news about the climate change it makes/helps to create self awareness about the environment. ,any people has lost their lives and properties because they fell so reluctant when they continue hearing the good news about the climate change without them knowing about the upcoming earthquake or tsunami that is about to happen in their environment.

      When people continue to hear only positive news about the climate or eco-system, they will think everything is alright, and so they will also fell there is nothing to do than to relax.

      From my own point of view, I think people should have access or be aware of informations about the climate change and always stay updated whether the news is good or bad in other to be in a safer place.

      For example, if an earthquake begin to happen, people will say the government did not inform them about it and they will start blaming the government for what is not true.

    8. I totally agree with you. Having a balance is the best that could happen. We can not say that ONLY negative or bad news can be shown.
      I also agree with you we need more successful campaigns on TV. We are mostly shown the bad consequences the climate change brings like flooding, ice melting.... but we they are not offering practical solutions to specific environmental problems. I think that a lesson about environment should be exclusively taught at our school and be part of the basic curriculum.

    9. You raise a valid point. Balancing news coverage can inspire positive action and acknowledgment of those working towards solutions. It's crucial to present a realistic view of both challenges and successes. 👏
      Certainly! Achieving balance in news reporting involves showcasing not only the problems but also the efforts and solutions. By highlighting success stories and the hard work of individuals addressing issues, media can inspire a sense of hope and empowerment. This approach can encourage collective action and engagement from the public. Striking this balance fosters a more informed, motivated, and proactive society in addressing challenges like climate issues.

    10. Yes! I totally agree! There is hardly any good news here in Georgia, USA. Every time I go watch the news, some crime was committed in Atlanta or Dekalb. People are slowly losing hope in the world because they're used to seeing someone passing or someone robbing a store! It's horrid that we are used to seeing things as it's a strange day for me if a crime wasn't committed in North or South Dekalb!

      This is exactly what we need to live by and I am so happy more people realize that we need to have hope in the world if we want to see it change for the better. You are definitely getting a thumbs up for me!

    11. I fully agree with this statement as constantly seeing only bad news makes alot of people feel like everything is going downhill.
      It was great how you explained both sides to the argument in great detail and then came to your own point of view/conclusion.
      I also agree with your final point that people should have access to both the good and bad. I agree with this as to find out the full image and scale of the situation everyone needs the good and bad to form the best outcome.

    12. I agree with you. Balance is the key. And you are right. If you only hear good news then we may believe that everything is OK . This can make us feel relieved and ignore the real problems our planet has. Nature has changed during the years and is still changing. We need to know all the real facts so as to be prepared for the future.

    13. Hello marvellous hedgehod,
      I agree with the point you are making on striking the balance on the positive / negative news on climate change and other related environmental news. I notice you stated that if more successful campaigns were presented on TV, then maybe more preople would get involved in pro-environmental actions. How important do you think the role of media is in setting people's opinion and minds on a specific topic?

      1. I believe that news have maybe one of the biggest influences on our lives. We take most of our information from the media. We also tend to believe many things that are written in the news. So they have quite an impact on us. For example, if we read something negative about a certain person online, it changes our opinion about them entirely. The news have the power to control people's point of view. And it is normal, given that people need a source in order to form an opinion. In history class, I have learned that in Middle Eve, the church had the biggest influence in a kingdom. The church could even cause a revolution, only by telling something to the population. It was their decision to listen to it or not, but they mostly did. After all, they had no other way of knowing the truth. I think that the media nowadays has a pretty similar purpose. As the church used to inform the people about what was happening, so are our current "News". Thankfully, it is now easier to check if the information is accurate or not. We have the possibility to read more than one source. It is also known which big news providers are to be trusted and which have lied in the past. There will always exist the possibility of being wrong, but at least now we have more options. From my point of view, we should constantly be aware of what some news can make of us. Sometimes, we don't even realize that we are being influenced.

        1. Thank you for sharing your opinion on the impact of news on our lives. I agree that news may greatly influence how we see the world and create ideas. You raise exciting comments and similarities with the role of the church in the Middle Ages.
          I have two questions for you if you don't mind.
          -How do you determine which news source to trust and which to avoid.
          -I s there a way to determine whether or not a news source is influencing us?.

    14. I strongly agree with you because news is to make people know what is happening around the globe so it will not be fair to lie to people by giving positive news because as you said, climate change itself is negative. I also think that people should be credited when they make a move about climate change so that they can continue to strive harder to halt climate change.

    15. that's a vivid point there, the new reports have to talk positively too, I mean you can't tell me that a person will get encouraged if they get only bad news about the climate especially those who have contributed to reducing the effects of climate change, for example, as students we have some subjects that we are weak and your teacher complains a lot about you, then you decide to put in the effort and your teacher keeps giving you an earful of how bad of a student you are instead of encouraging you then obviously you will stop putting effort because it will seem like there is nothing you would do to secure a good grade so you just stop. This also applies to those people who have tried to improve our climate and they keep getting bad news after all the efforts they have put in. At some point, they might just give up cause it seems like all their effort just went down the drain.

    16. Hello marvellous_hedgehog,

      I agree with a majority of what you are saying since the things you are stating are wonderful when placed the contexts of how much the different kinds of news can affect people's mental health as well as how their mental health can severely affect their actions. Since a majority of the world's population knows about climate change, but many people either could care less about what people do to help or they know nothing about how an abundance of people try for weeks on going to months try to solve this problem. As you said of how balance is key especially when it comes to spreading information via news, social media, or website articles. When people hear these terrible stories of how glaciers are breaking, ocean levels rising, and continents eventually ending up smaller having can have and have had people freaking out about when the world will end and having them question their life expectancy. While if people hear the positives along with the negatives, people can have these ideas conjure up in their heads that if I recycle more than I can help stop this much plastic pollution in the ocean, if I go to this protest with this large group and post on my story people can see how people need to help the Earth by taking public transport more than driving, or even just people always taking up their trash wherever they go they can help us have less pollution on the streets.

    17. I agree the statement because as we all consider that "Life is like a riding bicycle, which needs to be balanced".So while making this decision that which news is better regarding climate change - good news or bad news? The answer comes here that the news should be balanced. They both should be balanced, which should make a difference in people's thinking. As we can read these days bad news about climate change getting flashed in bold letter through news channels or newspapers. We can rarely see, any good project news, flashed again and again, or an outcome or result, which make us feel enthusiastic towards nature and make them feel proud amongst themselves.
      But an important point comes here, to read a balanced news : Negative or Positive ?
      If we excessively read negative news, it would make us over think and think in a pessimistic way. An aggrandized negative exposure can make feel people that world is inescapably bad, which would lead to emotional distress in our mind. It would be really difficult for the people to concentrate on a particular topic, and bad thoughts or dreams would wander in their mind. It can also cause them mental health related problems such as anxiety which would make them difficult to face the real world. It would also cause us fear, of facing the world in its problems.
      Positive - A positive news is good on other side, but if people would get news in over-elaborated form which would make person think positive and relieve their stress which can make them think that everything is going in a smooth way, and they do not need to pay attention around the world.It would make them stress free, which can make them lazy in their routine habits and they wouldn't add any efforts to the world.

      A balanced news may contain all of the news, whether it may be positive or negative in an adequate manner. The negative news can make us worry about the nature world, which would make us aware of the daily news. It may also make us eager, to know about the current updates, which would increase our knowledge and make us think of new ideas! Which would be for the betterment of the environment of our world. Positive news may help us in giving a helping hand towards nature. The positive news could make us know about the positive results or outcomes of the project tested by government and the people. Positive news may curious us to help our nature, and contribute through new ideas towards nature, which would embrace all the citizens of our nation.

    18. l argee with marvellous hedgehog because most parents don't want their chlidren to worry so much about climate change and they can be scared easily .But the only age you can hear about climate change is 9 and over. People are suffering because of climate change ; we need to come together to stop it or it will get worse and worse .

      1. I disagree because... I think parents would like children to know about climate change so that they don't repeat the same mistakes they made and don't grow up having eco anxiety. And you are trying to say children below 9 years are the only ones going to get frightened about climate change. Do you know that even adults have eco anxiety? They care way more than the children do.

    19. Hello,
      I strongly agree with you. A balance between good and bad is for the most part beneficial. To be able to fix this problem as soon as possible it is important to give the right amount of good and bad news to not discourage or get people to think that the problem is resolved. When I hear positive news it warms my heart, but when I hear negative news I suddenly get worried. This is why, it is very important to show the good side of fixing our environment so we don't lose hope, and can get as many people as possible to contribute to the solution, increasing our chances of saving our planet, thank you.

    20. I totally agree It should not just be black and white . A balance of good an bad news is key for a motivated population. In our debate today in class was about too much bad news and too much good news and it was really fun.

    21. Wow, I couldn't agree more with marvellous_hedgehog! You've raised such an important point about how we tackle climate change. It's crucial to provide a balanced view of the situation. Yes, we need to acknowledge the challenges and potential negative impacts, but we must also highlight the positive efforts and solutions being implemented. When we provide a comprehensive view of both successes and obstacles, it empowers people to take action while also maintaining a realistic understanding of the situation. Balanced reporting can inspire individuals to contribute to solutions without feeling overwhelmed or complacent. It's all about finding that perfect balance between awareness of the issues and hope for positive change.

    22. Balance in media coverage of environmental issues is crucial to acknowledge progress while highlighting challenges, inspiring informed action.

  • This decision was a tough one. I voted that people should only be shown bad news about climate change.
    It was hard for me to choose because sometimes when one continually receives bad news, they begin to lose hope. But sometimes even the slightest bit of good news can cause someone to try harder and inspire them to do better.
    But I chose only bad news because I felt that if a lot of people begin to realise that their activities are hurting their habitat, it will stir them to act, to do something about it. I felt that if all we receive is good news, then nobody will actually realise the direness of our situation and our earth's situation. We need to be aware.

    1. I agree with you, this is because when someone hears good news over and over again, it causes them to relax, and not to fully analyze the situation, to see what's actually going on behind the scenes. Most times, we actually need bad news to cause us to pay attention and see our faults and make us correct them. For example, in areas were technology and telecommunication is scarce, such as rural areas, they may not even know what is happening to our planet. They may notice that the place is getting warmer, or that their land is receiving less rain and other adverse effects of climate change, but they may not know the cause, and so continue in ignorance to engage in activities that hurt our planet, such as burning of fossil fuels and deforestation.
      In conclusion, hearing bad news can prompt us to put in more effort to save the planet. Like invigorated anteater said, we need to be aware.

      1. At first, I thought when one is given constant bad news it helps them get into action.Where as, when they are given good news about the effort other people have made and the positive impacts, they are motivated to start doing something.For instance, when I am scolded on my constant failure in a subject, I feel scared and examination fever comes in. But when I am applauded, I am pushed to exceed my limits .The same occurs when there is constant bad news on climate change and could prompt people to turn a deaf ear to the direness of our situation.Because, they have lost all hope and given in to fear.In some cases, certain people might feel suicidal.Yes good news help us to relax but ,those who are relaxed always analyze situations better and look for best ways to make the planet a better place.That is not a weakness rather a strength.
        Thank you

        1. Before seeing your comment I think I forgot that a coin has two sides; for I made myself believe that if people are shared with bad news about the reality of this ravaging situation then only will they take the desired actions. But you made me realise that such bad news might just be the root for eco anxieties. If a person is introduced to a much optimistic side of a situation, they proceed with a subtle patience and understanding. It underscores the importance of maintaining a balance in communication to inspire positive actions without causing undue distress.

      2. I disagree because when people are only being shown bad news constantly, it can discourage them and make them to lose hope. But when they are show news, it can also motivate them work harder in order to make the society a better place for everybody

    2. I agree because...
      Although bad news is not something we all want to hear, but let's face it we are in dire need of a good, long-lasting, and efficient solution to save our planet. Despite all the excitement of the digital age and its technological advancements, I think this is where it really counts, I mean the discovery of good technology is meant to find efficient solutions to our ongoing problems rather than creating greater problems such as the one we are discussing right now right?
      Simply we need to find solutions to solve our ongoing climate conditions and we need to act fast

      1. I think it is important to find a middle ground between being exposed to too much negative news and positive news. Positive news can make us feel relaxed and complacent, and not motivate us to take action to improve our environment. Negative news can make us feel frustrated and hopeless, and not appreciate the progress we have made. Therefore, I believe we should balance our news consumption and be aware of both the challenges and the opportunities we face.

    3. I agree because we can only change the wrong we are doing if we are aware of it. People would not make efforts to be better if the keep hearing good news, when people hear bad news it challenges them and helps them to be more innovative and think of new ways to solve the problem they are facing.

      1. I agree because... I believe that informing people about the negative aspect of climate change is crucial. When individuals are aware of the changes the climate is facing they are more likely to engage with their communities in finding solutions to address and mitigate climate change

        1. I agree because... Hearing only bad news is really crucial to the people around you, so you can learn about your mistakes and find new ways to solve thier proplems. And if you only hear good news you won't know about your mistakes and keep doing those mistakes. And that's why I think you should only hear bad news.

        2. I strongly agree with you polite_king to an extent because negative aspects of climate change is crucial for individuals to know and develop ways on curbing this negative effects.
          My question for you here is do you think too much of these negative news can affect individual's health?

        3. Actually, what you have said can be true but I disagree with you because, remember that some people whenever they hear negative news about the climate change it can affect them mentally or otherwise so probably sharing more negative news about can do more harm than good to the health of the people.
          So in conclusion what I am trying to say is that negative news about climate change can actually do more harm but, I still go with what you have said but don't forget that it can damage to the people of the negative news of the climate change. Thanks.

      2. When a person continuously hears negative things, two changes can occur in their life. They can either try to make a positive change to it or give up entirely. I'll leave you to think which one society is doing today. I believe good news encourages people and give them hope and resilience to make a change.

        1. I absolutely agree with you original Robin. Around us, rarely do we hear good news about climate change. Most times, they edit the positive impacts making us feel like we are not even doing anything which tend to make people give up entirely.

        2. I agree because... Many individuals grapple with sadness when confronted with negative news about climate change. This emotional response often arises from the perception that not everyone is sufficiently caring for the climate. Moreover, many people struggle to communicate effectively within their community, fostering a sense of helplessness and a desire to disengage.

        3. I agree because... only hearing bad news makes those two thing happen very frequently but knowing the kind of people we are we will not give up but we will find more ways to reduce climate change and allow us to feel good knowing that we had a positive impact in the society.

    4. I agree with you because when people continually hear good news only, they tend to relax and no get bothered about the bad things going on around them. But with the bad news some may let reality dawn on them and realize what they've done and what they can do to correct their bad ways and make the world a better place.

      1. I strongly agree with you because more frequent and intense drought, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places where they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods, communities as well as countries. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more severe ,so if this is not made known to people the will sit in the comfort of there home

    5. I like the what invigorative_anteater said about using bad news to motivate people to care for our planet is not a good idea because according to Graham Davey a professor of psychology in the University of Sussex said that reading bad news causes acute stress reactions and sore symptoms of post traumatic stress that can be quite long lasting.

    6. I totally get where you are coming from. While it might is important to highlight the positive actions being taken to address climate change, it is equally important to inform people about the negative impacts. By raising awareness about the negative impact like extreme weather event, habitat destruction and rising temperatures people can be motivated to take action and make necessary changes in their lives. It is not about focusing solely on the bad things, but rather providing a balanced perspective that encourages people to be proactive in addressing climate change. Sharing the bad things about climate change raises awareness about potential consequences it helps people realize that urgent action is needed to mitigate these effects. by understanding the challenges, we can work together to create a sustainable and resilient future for ourselves and future generations

      1. That's a superb idea radical_black_bear! I really like the way you explained both the negative and positive actions to be taken...How about diving into renewable energy as it plays a vital role in addressing climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.
        The benefits of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, highlighting their environmental sustainability and potential for long-term energy security. It emphasizes the need for transitioning to renewable energy systems on a global scale to mitigate the impacts of climate change and create a more sustainable future.

    7. Your concern for raising awareness through the direness of situations is valid, but it’s important to consider the potential impact of incorporating positive news into the narrative. While constant exposure to negative news can induce anxiety, and encourage feelings of helplessness, integrating positive narratives into the conversation can inspire hope and champion pro-active engagement.
      Ever thought about how bad news affects mental and physical health? What if balancing negative news with positive stories alleviates stress and inspires change?
      Additionally, examples of positive developments in climate change, like affordable technologies and efforts to assist vulnerable nations, provide hope amidst challenging news.
      Insight from a study shows that positive news stories motivate individuals to take proactive steps, challenging the belief that scaring people into action is most effective.
      In order to annul the negative impact of bad news, strategies like taking breaks, listening to better news, and setting boundaries on news consumption are effective ways to maintain a balanced perspective on climate-related issues.

    8. Yes ,I support your opinion . If person hear bad news daily it made him/her realize the situation around them and bad news create negative impact in human mind . But good news motivate and inspire them to do progress in their livelihood

      That's from my opinion

      1. I disagree because if we keep are hearing bad things about climate change soon we would lose our hope and stop trying to prevent it. If awareness should be speard among people we can use positive and negative news so that they know there is something that they can do about it .

        1. Exactly, I believe there should be a balance of both good news and bad news so people can see both the pros and cons in order to motivate them by them weighing their options. Thereby reminding them of the urgency of the situation and monitoring their lifestyle e.g recycling

        2. I disagree because I because the constant reminders of the unstable effects of climate change can influence a person to do more because the unpleasant feeling about the boundless threat of climate change present, they are able to persuade themselves into thinking they have control over the situation which conveys into greater effectiveness in the belief that their actions will make a difference.

    9. Hello invigorated_anteater
      I agree with you alot as hearing only bad news will make us lose hope but even if we hear a slightest bit of good news it will make us have a little amount of hope so we will try even harder.
      But if we only hear good news, we will only be relaxing as we will think there are only good news and no bad news about any topic so we won't think much of it and start being a bit lazy and like reasoning_knowledge said bad news will make us see our faults and we can pay attention to them so we can correct them.

    10. I agree because nowadays people migrate from the country due to problems like this, symptoms of climate change are all around us: extreme weather, year after year of record-breaking warmth, fires, and stress to ecosystems. Many of these consequences will create hardship for humans.
      The effects of climate change on human health are increasingly quantified. Rising temperatures and changes in weather patterns are increasing the frequency and severity of heat waves, droughts, floods, landslides, hurricanes, and other causes of injury as well as illness. It has made a big difference in the lives of so many people

      1. Migration due to climate change is a great topic and a really big issue. What is your opinion on this?

        1. Climate migration is the moving of people from their habitats due to climate change. Hotter temperatures can threaten agricultural livelihoods, sea-level rise can make floods more severe, and desertification can foster conflict over water access.
          To reduce the rate of climate migration, we must cut greenhouse gas emissions, by;
          - Renewing energy (bioenergy, geothermal, solar and wind)
          - Waste reduction (recycling)
          - Increase of fuel efficiency (transportation)

    11. I agree with you because if people are aware of the bad news of the climate they tend to take steps to avert it. This is due to fear of the damage it could cause to the future, in the poll it was said that 75% of people are frightened of the future, such people who are scared will go any length to avert the apocalypse they are scared of. This doesn't mean people shouldn't be told good news about the climate, because when told they still tend to work towards improving the climate.

    12. You are right about the fact that says people should be shown bad news. Good news can also be shown to people to encourage them to work and persevere harder in order to make their environment a better place for everybody to live happily without any problems and challenges that are around us like flooding and global warming.

    13. I also voted on showing people bad news because when people see what is happening around them they will try to avoid that particular thing for instance when ignorant people are told to not put dirt in drainages so that it will cause the drainages to be blocked, resulting to flooding they will get scared and decide to stop doing such act .

    14. I agree with you that showing bad news increases the level of Eco-anxiety among bad people. Still, I chose to look at it from the angle of a Doctor not telling the client the gravity of his or her sickness thereby leading to sudden death.

      The weight of the effect of climate change must constantly be placed before the global community so that we all know the import of our activities on our environment. Perhaps, just perhaps, this will influence our activities that negatively affect the earth.

    15. I agree with invigorated_anteater because climate change affects the world. It can lead to some places in the world being destroyed and it can also cause a suffocating sensation or even depression. Among the latter group of people, it is quite common for them to feel a strong sense of guilt about the situation of the planet, which can be aggravated among those who have children and making them worried for their children’s future and the effect climate change will have in the nearest future.
      There are many negative aspects of climate change, including increasing sea levels, global warming, greenhouse gas emissions, and more, that endanger human health, welfare and the planet Earth. It is crucial that people are informed about the negative effects of climate change in order for them to understand how human activities such as urbanization and industrialization are impacting the planet Earth and putting not only the human race but the entire planet and everything on it in grave risk.

      1. I see you feel that the negative news will yield better results in the stabilization of our climate. Yes, negative news will trigger guilt which will make people work towards a stable climate for their family but if you should weigh the benefits of positive warnings over the negative, you'll find out that the positive warning is a more effective way to face this issue. The reason being that, the pressure that the fear of catastrophe happening will likely cause panic and will even result to people following the wrong method towards achieving the goal, it may even raise dark emotions like dislike towards those who don't share their goal. But with positive news, they are more likely to act calmly but at the same time, think clearly for a solution to the problem and instead of developing dark emotions, they try to convince those who don't share their goal to aim towards a better climate, therefore, increasing the people who are working towards a stable climate.

    16. I agree also because it was also so hard for me to decide whether to say "people should listen to negative or positive news about climate change" but at last I chose to say people should listen to negative news, for some people, they might ask me why my reason for why I chose to say that, in the eco-anxiety poll is my reason is cause of people should listen to positive news of such it might make us the humans not to care about the negative aspects which may be higher or even more dangerous to us who stay on the place we call Earth, but listen to the negative it will make us to be aware or rather have awareness of the negative aspects which will make us to sit up and be aware and to make us to keep the earth safe from the dangerous event reoccurring again.
      So I say yes we humans should be more aware of the negative aspects of climate change in the world and also don't forget KEEP TODAY CLEAN FOR THE FUTURE OF TOMORROW. Thank you.

    17. I agree but it was a tough one. I voted that people should only be shown bad news about climate change.
      Why I chose it because we citizens hear good news everytime without even hearing the negative side of news. And if we hear bad news we will not have the zeal to know more about the climate change.
      Citizens get sad when the are about to go to work and rain fall today and the will pros pond their activities for that day and the will lose 2% of their salary. Even the go to work under the rain the will fall sick. Same if you are working under the sun working to.
      And that is why we need climate scientist to tell us when a rain or sun will happen today.I felt that if all we receive is good news, then nobody will actually realise the direness of our situation and our earth's situation. We need to be aware.

    18. I disagree because I get worried whenever I hear negative news since climate change poses a major risk to human health and can have an impact on the food we eat, the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the weather we experience, which increases the risk to agriculture. There are too many negative stories about climate change, to the point where the news alone has alarmed a lot of people. Negative news is a good way of waking up the people and alerting them of the dangers of climate change but too much of it is counter effective. Therefore, in my opinion, we should all be informed of positive stories about climate change so that it will motivate people to work improve their habits so that they will reduce their carbon foot prints

    19. I agree with you! It was a tough decision. The best would be to balance good and bad news. However I chose good news. I think that a lot of bad news can cause too much stress to people about the environment. Of course they need to be aware but staying positive is the key. We need to know and all the good that happens and this will keep us motivated to make it even better.

    20. I agree with you on the fact that bad news should be only shown regarding climate change, though if one loses hope they may feel as if something needs to be done and attempt to solve the problem. Furthermore, hearing slight good news as I've seen and experienced instead causes people to believe that maybe there is no problem whatsoever, which can begin misinformation being spread that there is nothing wrong, in other words constant good news can change a narrative to something untrue. Not only would people believe nothing is wrong, but they'll also feel calm and not so persistent about this situation and later on try a lot less because things start to feel almost resolved.

      Although my thinking differed from yours in other aspects, I do agree that receiving bad news will stir people to act on change. As you've suggested that people will soon realize they themselves are harming the environment, they'll feel more obligated and guilty about climate change. When one feels guilt they'll soon at least try to fix things.

    21. In my perspective, people should be shown only good news. So, i strongly disagree with your view. To illustrate my point, although negative informing can make people perceive that their actions have detrimental implications to the environment, urge them to try to make a change for the future and transmute the way they see the world, positive informing is much more essential. For this purpose, positive news offer people a slight sight of hope and optimism that their world isn' t falling apart and there is still time to make a difference. So, i believe that negative news should be limited and only shown at several situations!

      1. Does this mean that the world should not be told about climate disasters that are happening at all, educated_revolution? How might the people who are experiencing the disasters feel about this?

        1. When I say that people must be informed about positive news, i don't mean that they should not be told about negative ones. I believe that people should be aware of the consequences their actions have and feel compelled to take steps in order to save the planet. Moreover, negative news can make people realize that there are other people who are in difficult situations and suffer from disasters. They have to put themselves in their position and try to understand how they feel. For example, a person who is experiencing climate disasters, feels knackered and agitated and stressed about whether they will manage to survive.

    22. I agree, I too voted to let people know only bad news as I think that it us better for people to know the reality, realize it and move on carefully rather then under only comfort, good news which is like living under fake hope.

    23. I agree
      Let's look at a business scenario. when things are ambiguous in a , it can be hard for workers to focus, and employees can spend a lot of time in presumption. This can distract workers from productivity, reduce engagement and lesson employee satisfaction (after all, worry and satisfaction generally don’t go together).Rumor gives people an opportunity to brainstorm. Eventually. When you’re straight with people and share more about what’s happening, they can stop spreading rumors and hypothesizing. It makes people to assume less and engaging more.

    24. I also chose that people should be shown bad news about climate change, because I believe the more people watch bad news, the more it will raise awareness that it is important to take care of the environment and then we will be able to save people and also be able to save our world. There are lots of things we can do to save our planet for example we can help our environment when we drive less and bike or walk more to reduce the fumes from our cars as these fumes posses health hazards like irritation of the eyes, affect respiratory organs when people breath in. Walking is a form of exercise that give strength to our muscles and bones, manage weight gain and reduce risk of illness and disease.

    25. I also voted for people should only told bad news about climate change because if they are only told good news about climate change,they will not really take preventive measures that will fight against climate change,while on the other hand,if people are only told bad news about climate change,they will put/make efforts to prevent climate change and save our planet earth.

    26. This is a well-reasoned choice, invigorated_anteater. Do you think it's possible to show people bad news in a way that doesn't make them lose hope?

      1. Yes, I do. It all depends on the way that the news is being laid down. When dealing with people, you have to let them down slowly. I feel that if one has to share bad news, they should do it in a way that people realize the gravity of the situation without being discouraging. Being able to deliver bad news is a key communication skill that needs to be employed in situations like this.
        Let me relate this to bad news about climate change. Imagine you wanted to tell people that due to climate change, temperatures may continue to rise until some places are no longer habitable. Instead of being pessimistic and delivering the news flatly, say, " Climate change will soon destroy the earth's habitats", be positive, calm and collected but honest. For example, " If we don't do anything about climate change, a lot of ecosystems may become uninhabitable due to increase in temperature. But, if we try, we can fix this together." You can decide to deliver some positive news alongside the negative news. When breaking bad news, we must consider people's feelings. I feel it will go a long way in reducing people's eco-anxiety.
        Thank you!

    27. Your evidence is good, but I prefer it to be a balance. So then, they can get a balance of bad and good. This will help citizens realize that the environment is changing, but it also helps people realize that they can be like the people that are doing good activities on the news. They can be so motivated to be a big helper and contributor too when seeing such good news. People may even try to work harder when they see negative news.

  • In the survey above, I went with the option which said that individuals should only be shown bad news. And then the question is "WHY" right?... Well, normally, some people would say rather than negative, lets see the positive parts of it. Others would say, lets just see both which to me, all are correct. Since according to my teachers, no answers is wrong since we're all here to learn.
    Well, I chose that option because, if individuals do not have any knowledge on some negative climate/news, they will continue to remain ignorant about their immediate environment. They may not know that their ignorant act on their environment or activities may even be a major cause for that negative effect. As a saying goes, "Prevention is beter than cure", this indicates in this aspect, that its better to know about negative news and find out what can be done to reduce or put an end to that problem completly rather than be ignorant of it and letting the case worsen

    1. Thank you for your balanced thoughts on this. Do you have any ideas about how negative climate news could be presented to have the greatest impact on people?

      1. Wow, this is such an interesting question. I feel when it comes to presenting negative climate news, it's important to strike a balance between informing people and motivating them to take action. In my opinion, I feel it would be to highlight the immediate and personal impacts of climate change, like how it affects our daily lives, health, and how it could affect future generations. Sharing success stories and showcasing the positive actions individuals and communities are taking to combat climate change can also inspire others to get involved.

    2. I agree because if we only see the positive news, then we will think that the earth is fine, and we won't have to worry about doing anything else to make it better. But if we see what is actually happening to the world, then most of us will get worried and try to do something to save ourselves. Even though spreading only negative news could be bad for some people, it is the best choice. In the end, the negative and positive news should be balance, since some people have different perspectives. Like, one person could see the negative news and would be motivated to help. But others would probably lose hope and hate everything. And other people, when they see positive news, would be hopeful and motivated to help. Others would think the earth is perfectly fine and won't care about anything.

    3. I absolutely agree with you because negative news will cause people take action on the situation rather than doing nothing about it thinking that the situation is handled due to all of the positive news that they have taken in.

  • Although I do not support any of the views or options presented to me today. Because I think it's important to show both the negative and positive side of any situation. But when I was told to choose one, I chose that people should only see bad news about climate change. Because I think understanding the drawbacks and potential challenges leads to more informed decisions. It helps individuals and organizations weigh the pros and cons before taking any action. Awareness of negative aspects helps identify and manage risks. This proactive approach leads to better preparedness and minimizes the possibility of unintended consequences.

    1. I agree because... People need to know both the positive and negative side of any situation so that they may know the advantages, disadvantages and how to prevent the disadvantages. But I choose that people should see bad news about climate. Knowledge regarding this phenomenon helps young people to understand and tackle the consequences it also encourages them to change their behavior and helps them to adapt to what is already a global emergency. It 's important that we understand how the climate is changing, so that we can prepare for the future. Studying the climate helps us predict how much rain the next winter might bring, or how far sea levels will rise due to warmer sea temperatures. I feel it's very essential to know the bad news about climate and how you can prepare for it by raising awareness and people can begin to plan on how to prevent it by giving solutions.

    2. I agree with you because.... seeing bad news helps to awaken the fact that something needs to be done. The bad news shown on the television can raise entrepreneurs who are willing to solve such problems. @fantastic_song makes a strong point as he is right when he says that we need to know the problem to solve it. As the saying sais "A problem known is a problem half solved"

    3. .You're absolutely right that both extremes - too much bad news and too much good news - can have negative consequences when it comes to climate news. Too much bad news can lead to climate anxiety and create helplessness and hopelessness and cause people to loose interest in helping to stop climate change.
      Too much good news can make people too relaxed and make people blind to the importance of climate change
      Bad news and good news are supposed to be balanced to avoid negative consequences

    4. I agree because... the more it weighs down on someone, the more they will try to make a more impactful change. It can make them think deeper about a situation. Some may see negative news, think about helping, but end up not doing it. Sometimes the news is too fluff, or too light. It's better to have a bit stronger news. It does not have to have very worrisome news, like saying the world will fail. The news should have a mix of good and bad. For example, the news can be of how the world is becoming damaged but also how others can help and how they can help. Putting too much of the negative will lead to strong emotions that worsen a person's mindset about the future. So, I agree with you, fantastic_song. Bad is stronger than good.

      1. hey accurate_personality
        You know what? the fact is that whenever we talk about climate change it's always like it's a huge problem it's not something that we can solve easily it is something that will kill us that will destroy us that's the kind of news and that's the kind of point of view we always seem to get . But it's really simple actually to solve this particular issue. Because whenever we say plant more trees or shift to a more sustainable lifestyle by including vegetables in your diet, we don’t mean go completely vegetarian and eliminate meat from your diet, we mean reduce it Amount to fulfill your calling. Or when we say switch to using reliable sources, we don't mean you have to go to the market to buy a Tesla, we mean there are more alternatives like biking or walking, or reducing the use of private cars. Here’s the thing, people who often feel Eco anxiety feel like they don’t have the ability to make any changes, or that switching to an eco-friendly lifestyle is expensive, but actually if you want to do it, it’s actually quite simple and there are many alternatives , there are many ways you can be successful in this particular way. That's why it's important to create a balance between negative and positive news .

        1. You're absolutely right fantastic
          Making eco-friendly choices doesn't always mean buying expensive things like a Tesla. There are plenty of alternatives that are accessible to everyone, like biking or walking instead of driving, or reducing the use of private cars by carpooling or using public transportation. It's important to remember that even small changes can make a big difference in creating a more sustainable lifestyle. And you're spot on about the balance between negative and positive news. It's crucial to focus on the positive actions we can take to make a change and inspire others to do the same. Let's keep spreading the message and making a positive impact together!

  • Personally, I believe that it is better for the bad news about climate change to be shown than the good news because when the public is aware of the bad things that happen in the climate it builds more awareness in them to change so as to improve the climate. But when the good news about the climate is shown, it doesn't really bother the public. Therefore, I believe it is better to show mostly the bad news about climate change than mostly the good news.

    1. Your comment is well thought out as it is a very difficult choice to make. For me personally, seeing lots of bad news about climate change can make me feel anxious about the future. Do you think that good news stories could also inspire people to take action in a similar way as the bad news stories?

      1. I also believe that good news stories about climate change could also help because when people are doing good to better the situation of the climate. The good news stories motivate them to do even more good to help the climate.

      2. I do not think good news would inspire people as much as bad news will because good news would make us relax while bad news would help us to know what to expect and it would also help us to try to improve in the areas we are having problems in.

      3. I believe that good and bad news are important but a fact is that bad news will push people to work more than good news. Good news will put them at ease. Bad news will get them on their toes. Bad news will have a more superior effect than good news. If only good news is shared, people will think everything is all right and will not see the need to work but if only bad news is shared, people will get scared or anxious and will try to avoid any more bad news. Nevertheless, i am not in complete support of bad news. Good news will inspire and make people happy but bad news will push them to work harder. The reaction from good news will not be the same as the reaction people will get from bad news.

      4. I think balance is key here. While maintaining balance is crucial, it’s important to acknowledge that while good news can inspire and uplift people, its impact is less profound. Interestingly, the prevalence of negative news over positive news is strategic aimed at instilling fear in the public and raising awareness. Bad news often evokes stronger emotional responses and resonates more deeply than positive news, touching people's hearts in ways that positive news cannot. That's why it's more effective, and that's why it's shown more in the media. An emphasis on negative news can also help shine a light on the darker sides of our society and raise awareness of pressing issues. I firmly believe that awareness of the darker side of human nature is important because it encourages us to address and correct social flaws. Therefore, bad news is considered more effective in conveying such information. it is equally important to recognize and praise those who take positive actions to prevent or mitigate adverse situations. Showing the brighter side of the story not only helps create a more balanced perspective, but also gives a sense of relief. In recognizing the positive impact of individual efforts, we create a more relaxed and optimistic atmosphere, balancing recognition of challenges with appreciation for those working on solutions.
        So balance is the key but negative news is more effective.

    2. Hi. I agree that bad news can be a way to keep people aware, however it is also something that can be overused and misused. Lately on the news in America, there is a lot of bad news that makes people afraid and scared, since it is more eyebrow raising to show more bad than good. I believe it is in fairness to show the good that is being done for climate change to show how we are advancing towards a greener future, alongside the unsavory for a nice reality check to get people to try to do more, and feel their efforts are not in vain when they are only showed the bad. It would be good for people to feel inspired by the good rather than bad.

    3. I agree because as negative news emphasizes the global nature of climate change and its impacts, it can foster international collaboration. Countries, organizations, individuals may come together to share knowledge, resources and solutions to address the shared challenge. Also, negative news about climate change can drive investment towards green and sustainable industries. Investors and businesses may prioritize environmentally responsible practices and technologies, contributing to the growth of the green economy.

    4. I disagree because...jazzed_tarmadillo I understand your perspective, but I believe it's important to strike a balance between sharing the challenges and the progress being made in addressing climate change. While it's true that highlighting the negative impacts can create awareness and a sense of urgency for change, it's also crucial to showcase the positive actions and solutions that are being implemented. Sharing success stories and positive news can inspire and motivate people to take action and contribute to a more sustainable future. By highlighting both the challenges and the progress, we can create a more comprehensive understanding of the issue and encourage collective action. Let's keep spreading awareness and working towards a better climate together!

    5. I agree because... sometimes when people are shown good news, they turn to become relaxed, stopping all the changes they have made to help stop climate change. If there shown the bad news about climate change though, I think it will give them the courage to help save our planet from climate change, and I 'm sure that the bad news will help them stop all the activities which worsens the climate change.

  • This was a really difficult decision but I voted people should only be shown the good news about climate change. Im sure you must be wondering why? I voted for this because there are a lot of environmentalist, conservationists and eco-activists putting a lot of effort into raising awareness about the adverse effects of human activities on our planet and how we can save our planet. They are trying their best to save our planet but when they keep seeing only the bad news about climate change some of them might begin to feel discouraged and they might even give up, but when they see the good news about climate change they'll be inspired and begin to work harder and put in more effort into raising awareness about the adverse effects of man's activities on our planet and more people might begin to work towards saving our planet.

    1. Thank you for this thoughtful answer. Are there any particular examples of good climate news you think people would find inspiring?

      1. An example of good climate news is the provision of climate cash for endangered countries. Nations like Madagascar, South Sudan, Pakistan, Somalia and many other nations who are vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change have been demanding for support for more than three decades but in 2023 at the COP28 (28th Annual United Nations Climate meeting) in UAE world leaders finally agreed to set in motion the long awaited fund for loss and damage caused by climate change.

        Also, deforestation of the Amazon rainforest has dropped due to the pledge made by Brazil's new government to stop deforestation completely in Brazil by 2030 and took action by monitoring the forest for criminal activity such as wood laundering or illegal logging.

        Personally, reading this kind of news about climate change makes me overjoyed because i can see people working towards saving our planet and by this kind of news i'm motivated to continue to aim towards saving our planet and informing more people and making them aware of the dangers of climate change and how if we all work together we can prevent it.

    2. I agree that highlighting positive developments in the fight against climate change is crucial. When people witness encouraging news it boosts their morale, affirming that their efforts are making a difference. The positivity not only motivate them to continue their hard work but also inspires others to do the course.
      On the other hand, presenting negative news about climate change may lead to sense of futility , potentially discouraging individuals and hindering collective efforts to combat climate change.

    3. Hello jubilant_accordion
      As much as i understand your point of view, I would like to disagree because as for the environmentalist's who are working so hard to reduce the effect of human activities on the earth I think that if they continue to see this news they will know ow much they as environmentalist's are needed to help save our planet which wants to make them do better and not discourage them . As for the other individuals seeing more and more negative news about the climate change in the environment may lead to Eco anxiety eventually, but also will try to make continuous efforts to impose change on the environment to relief themselves of Eco anxiety.
      Thank you!

      1. Hi coherent_perspective,
        Honestly speaking I understand your point of view but I beg to differ. Everyone is unique in their own way and everyone chooses to react to certain situations in different manners. Some people might choose to work harder when they are faced with bad news but others might feel discouraged and tend to give up when they are faced with bad news. Personally, I'd say I fall into the class of people that tend to get discouraged when faced with bad news but good news tends to encourage me to try more and put in more effort to gain better outcome. Environmentalists or Eco-activists could tend to get frustrated when they are putting in lots of efforts to save planet earth and all they see is bad news this could be really discouraging and they might decide to give up. But then good news helps encourage them to do more because they will see that all their efforts are not going to waste and if they try harder there might be even better outcomes.

    4. I'm not sure about this because... I feel people should be shown the bad news quite frequently, so they won't be too comfortable with the present climate change. After this news is taken seriously, then the good news can begin to drop in, so scientists won't over work themselves or be discouraged about researching and climate change and its effects.
      We should also acknowledge the fact that air pollution is a major cause of climate change. More incinerators should be built and other comfortable ways to properly dispose refuse.

    5. I agree with you because I believe that it's important for people to appreciate the positive aspects of nature. This can motivate them to work towards improving their environment when they receive news about it. However, some individuals tend to think that if the news is positive, then there's no need to worry about it. Therefore, I think it can be challenging for us if we only focus on the positive side and ignore the negative aspects.

      1. Hey contemplative_fly,
        Honestly I couldn't agree with you better and no doubt about it, its really challenging to pick between showing people the good news or the bad news about climate change. But like you rightly said showing people the positive outcome or the good news about climate change can really motivate people to do more to save our planet. Motivation is one of the driving forces to success in an individual's endeavors or goals. When environmentalists tend to see the positive outcome that has amounted from all their efforts they're motivated and they push themselves to achieve even more but you see bad news tends to be discouraging and demoralizing and when environmentalists continually keep seeing bad news after putting in so much effort they might decide to stop trying.

  • I went with option A because to me it is more reasonable. Sure, good news makes you happy and keeps you free from worries, But that is the main problem. We cannot remain carefree for our climate. It is changing and in a bad way. If this keeps up, we might get wiped out before scientists even find a way to get to Mars. This negative news is important for us. Positive news will only make us carefree. If we don't get any positive news at all then we will find a way to stop global warming. People will keep brainstorming if negative news is around not when positive news is around. So in my opinion, Option A is best for humanity

    1. Hi,

      Although I understand the need for negative news, it’s important to think about how negative news affects us alone already. When you just consider negative news about global warming, it becomes difficult to remain optimistic and hopeful that there is some change or progress being done. Negative news makes headlines, because it is shocking and raises eyebrows. Negative news also leaves a lot of young people with eco anxiety, the weight of our damage to the globe already. So I believe positive news and negative news is a must, however everything is worse if not in moderation. I agree with your point of having negative news, but there should be a balance with the positive so everyone can have a reality check and a way to hope for a greener future.

      1. I see your point here, I have to agree with you. That is right, both positive and negative news is important. But let me give you an real life example, recently in all news channels and articles I have been seeing bad news about climate only, no good news at all. It was not only me but also my friends who noticed this. So we, the ones who never even thought of climate before, decided to hold placards and let people know. We even boycotted most of our habits that harm the environment. We now throw trash at designated places so it doesn't harm environment and animals. We refrain from using too much electricity and unnecessary amount of water. We started doing this because of bad news. No one notices the the bad sides when positive news is around. But, I reconsidered. Not all of us can handle the news in same way. Many are too anxious. Since climate change is a global issue, we have to consider everyone's way of viewing it. Many people might get inspired from the positive news and start working towards this issue. I have to thank you. May our collective efforts carve into a future where Antarctica is still in the white landscape filled with snow.

  • from my opinion climate change is not negative rather it is neutral, it is just a way of is simply part of the daily processes of our planet earth, I mean analyze the situation, without climate change, virtually nothing will be able to progress anywhere really.

    1. That's an interesting point. Can you tell me more about why you think it's a process of the planet and not something humans might have contributed to? Or is it both?

      1. Thank you for replying and if i was to answer your question i would say both. For the fact that humans contributed to the change of climate by global warming and ozone layer depletion and the fact that the earth rotates causing different weather changes and seasons, I hope this answers your question.

  • I personally wish it was possible to vote for both of the options,but I voted for people to be shown bad news about climate change because it is destroying our society. If many people are able to know about the consequences of their actions(climate change), they will adjust their standard of living and protect our world. But if people are shown only good news on climate change, they will only but undermine the effects of climate change. I personally wished to vote for all the options because if people are only shown only bad news about climate change, they will be over protective about the society,but if they are shown both good and bad news about climate change, they can know about the rate of improvement or retrogression of the actions they are taking against climate change.

  • I feel like people should only be told bad news about climate change because if they are always told good news about their environment,they will not put effort into making their environment better but if people are only told bad news about their environment they will try to step up their game and make their environment a better place for living.

    1. I agree because... Highlighting the adverse effect of climate change is crucial . When communities are informed about the negative impact, they are more likely to make concerted efforts to understand the importance of preventing climate change and how to address it effectively

    2. Although I understand why you would suggest negative news, Straightforward_King, I have to disagree. Being only told negative news can be very disheartening to those who are putting in effort, only to be shown all negative news about how the climate isn’t getting any better. Instead, I believe a balance is vital in media. Showing that the earth is getting better and efforts are being put it can be encouraging to those who are trying their best. Showing negative news only, however, can cause disappointment and disparity. A statistic shows that 27% of Americans have eco-anxiety, a fear of global warming. Only negative news can worsen this, and so, I think finding a balance is for the best.

  • Personally, I am more like in the center of everything cause at times telling people good news may make them feel relaxed and at times, they do not push for the best possible outcome but it can also motivate people to do better seeing that they are going somewhere. But, on the other hand telling people bad news may discourage them giving that there are people that actually put in effort to see change. When such people see that with all their efforts they only get bad news in return, they are prone to giving up. So, for me I think the bad news and good news should be substituted, each should be brought in when necessary, in moderation without one superseding the other. This will enable people to seat up and also get motivation whenever it's necessary.

    1. That's an interesting perspective! Can you think of a time when positive environmental news motivated you to take a small action?

      1. Living in a small community in Plateau State Nigeria, we have a small water body which is the main source of water for the people living in the community, it was certified for use by the State's Health Organization in March 2022 but due to the inappropriate discharge of waste and plastics, it got polluted and it's certification was declined by the Agency, this really made life hard for the people owing to the fact that their main source of water could no longer be used. A few months later, a new recycling company opened up in the neighboring community and they came asking for volunteers to clear out the pond and environment to gather recyclables. My friends and I where on holiday so we decided to join the force along with some other members of the community. Few weeks later, the water body got back it's certification and the people were happy again. Seeing what contribution of little efforts by everyone did, I got motivated and now, I go to join the force every holiday because I believe that the world can become better. All we need to do is to ''TAKE THE FIRST STEP''.

  • I voted for people should be shown only bad news about climate change because it is one of the most worldwide topic as due to industrialization and urbanization various problem regarding environment have shown up which has a diverse effect in climate due to which various news about climate change is talked about nowadays. And if those bad news about climate change is shown to people, there might be chances of people being alert about the frequent changing climate of the earth as due to various turn of events in climate change, in one point people might feel alert and insist on solving the problem of climate change. So, it might be effective if people are shown only bad news about climate change.

    1. I do respect your opinion but I simply disagree because nowadays the world is depended on one another. In my view and analyzation after hearing only bad news about environment I believe that people will be worried yet they will think "the other person" will solve the problem.While in the other hands after hearing the positive news people may be more inspired and with peaceful mind they will work on it more.
      Thank you

    2. That's an interesting point. What do you think about feelings of anxiety or sadness that the climate crisis may cause others? How shall we manage this if all news is negative?

      1. depends upon how we would take the news as. But since every people have different ideas and thoughts,so it is inevitable ..the feelings of anxiety or sadness. But have we ever put some thought on why we get sad due to negative news of climate change? For the happiness that we human seek we have sacrificed the nature that gives us food, shelter, etc due to which problems of climate change arises. So, instead of just feeling sad if we ourselves do something good for changing the climatic condition to how it should be it will have great impact. As drops of water helps to create a pond, flowing river likewise if every people who gets sad due to that reason, start to find the root cause of the problem by viewing the news, etc and doing works that can change the climate how it should be there problem of anxiety or sadness will also disappear. I don't mean that we can change every people to think that way but even if some people gets motivated it can at least create balance in the environment and climate.

    3. I disagree because... while this is true and I respect your opinion, it affects a person's mental health. It can make them give up, feel disappointed in their progress, and make them think that the world is ending. Such strong negative news can damage one's hope and worsen their fear. We should show good AND bad. Not only just hope can be damaged, but people can give up on the world and themselves. Some people's mental health is already so bad that if they hear negative news about the world, they might even just lead into causing injuries on themself and even suicide because they think the world WILL or is MOST LIKELY to end.

  • Well, when I saw the question I thought it was a tough one but I choose that people should be shown bad news on climate change - the question is WHY? It is a fact that no corner of the globe is immune from the ravaging consequences of climate change. Climate change won't just impact forest, or coral reefs, or wildlife, or people far away from us – it will affect all of us. From more extreme weather to increasing food prices, to recreation and decreased opportunities to appreciate the natural world, food and water insecurity, fueling environmental degradation, conflict, terrorism, people everywhere will feel its effects. Humans are the main cause of climate change — we burn fossil fuels and chop down forests in the name of industrialization, causing average temperatures to rise worldwide. WHO data indicates 2 billion people lack safe drinking water and 600 million suffer from foodborne illnesses annually, with children under 5 bearing 30% of foodborne fatalities. Climate stressors heighten waterborne and foodborne disease risks. In 2020, 770 million faced hunger, predominantly in Africa and Asia. Climate change affects food availability, quality and diversity, exacerbating food and nutrition crises. If people are aware of the effects of their actions on the environment, it will ring a bell in their minds to start looking for ways to improve situations and make a positive change (one of the WHO response to climate change is raising awareness on it).
    If people get bad news on climate change they would be more compelled on joining goals on reducing climate change.

    1. I agree because humans are destroying our climate. If they are reminded of the adverse effect they impact on our climate, this would motivate them to make a change. This is a brilliant point.

    2. Can you think of examples where bad news about environmental issues led to positive changes or actions in your community or globally?

  • I agree with invigorated_anteater because if people are only shown the good news about climate change they will not be aware of the bad things happening to their oceans, forests cities, etc. and will continue to burn rubbish and do other things that will cause the Earth climate to become worse than it already is, causing the destruction and eventually the non-existence of our oceans and forests.

    I also learnt that we release a carbon footprint that is the amount of carbon dioxide released into the Earth's atmosphere because we pollute the Earth

  • If I had to pick just one, I would want only the negative news on climate change. This way, people will take into consideration the urgency of the situation, we are running out of time and action needs to be taken to prevent climate change now. If people are well aware of the dangers and are constantly reminded of them they would obviously want to stop such events from happening.
    In addition, if people see only positibe things on climate change how then would they be aware of the negative things which will have a bigger impact in the long run.
    In my opinion, only receiving negative news is a temporary sacrifice for the greater good.
    At the end of the day, the negative news already outweighs the positive news on climate change.

  • As a student who actively participates in climate action projects, and with the knowledge gained so far in a recently launched project in my school "my climate action story", I believe that bad news about climate change should be shown. According to many people in my country are not aware of the impact of climate change on their lives and livelihoods. If more people in the areas are aware of how climate change negatively impacted them, they would understand that little steps matter for example using less energy: which reduces greenhouse gas emissions or Planting of trees which helps improve air quality by removing dust, smoke, and pollutants (such as sulfur dioxide that causes acid rain). By spreading the negative effects of climate change, it enables people to become more aware of their surroundings and stop things like improper disposal of plastics and wasting food that generates methane (a greenhouse gas).
    In referral to the report by Oxfam, over the past decade, extreme weather has displaced 20 million people a year, on average, due to climate change. I remember picking up about 3bags filled with plastics in the year 2018 at a summer camp, my imagination can only run wild as to how much plastics have increased in our environment drastically over the years. Should we then let people continue feeling apathetic and hopeless about the climate situation? Certainly not. Let's all put in effort into sharing the negative impacts of climate change today!

  • While casting the vote I was a bit confused but I believed my guts and casted the vote for showing bad news to the people regarding Climate change.
    I thought that showing bad news to the people can lead their lives to eco anxiety but that eco anxiety can help people to understand the importance of our environment and of our Mother Earth . An Eco anxiety also consists the potential to face those environmental challenges as solution to any problem lies within that problem!
    By showing people bad news of Climate change they will understand that if due to this climate threat, if our Mother Earth is ruined then we human beings will not be able to survive as there is no Plant B for our survival then only they'll be able to restore the natural resources once again since they will be acknowledged that what is happening in their surrounding!I'd like to end this by remembering the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "The Earth provides to satisfy our needs not to satisfy our greeds" Really, how true this is!
    Thank you!

  • In the poll above, I casted a vote supporting the option that people should be shown bad news about climate change. This is because I strongly believe that pampering the people by telling them what they want to hear and showing them what they want to see is not the right way to go about things in this day and age.
    The only way to arouse proper awareness is by offering the hard to swallow, but honest, truth. We must disillusion the people with an occasional dose of realism.
    When people only hear the good news and are then able to relax, when will we, as a county be able to progress?
    The most effective and efficient medium of encouraging hardwork that is directed at the betterment of our world is by inspiring those who are capable of doing so. The best way to make things better than they are now is by lightning a fire of inspiration in the hearts of the people.

    1. This is a very up to standard comment in my opinion. The people of this world will only rise to action when things seem to be getting worse. Informing the people on only the good things that are happening will make them enter into a state of pure delusion. This will only lead them to think that everything is alright even when it is not. The year 2023 was the warmest year since global records began in 1850 at 1.18°C (2.12°F) above the 20th century average of 13.9°C (57.0°F). This value is 0.15°C (0.27°F) more than the previous record set in 2016. The 10 warmest years in the 174-year record have all occurred during the last decade (2014–2023). The state of our world keeps getting worse and this is mainly because the world is not properly and fully enlightened about what is going on and what they can do to reinstate or salvage the situation. We need to get the people up and going to ensure progress.
      I completely assent to this comment.

      1. Can you tell us where you got the figures from so that we can all research your findings?

        1. I got this information from , Annual 2023 Global Climate Report (NCEI)

        2. I got this information from , Annual 2023 Global Climate Report (NCEI)

  • This was a tricky decision to say the least. But I stand by the choice that the world needs more good news on climate change.
    Climate change isn't a new topic and ever since it became more mainstream, a lot of people have changed some if not most of the bad habits they had that lead to it. So when more positive news is brought to light, people will be more encouraged and inspired to help stop climate change and support organizations that do so.

  • From my point of view, focusing only on the negative effects of climate change may seem contradictory, but there is value in highlighting how serious the problem is in order to motivate significant action. A preponderance of negative attention can act as a wake-up call, urging people, groups, and countries to act swiftly and forcefully. For example, drawing attention to the increasing frequency of natural disasters like hurricanes and wildfires may increase public support for policies that attempt to lower carbon emissions and encourage sustainable practices. Furthermore, highlighting the negative effects of climate change on the environment and the economy can instill a feeling of urgency that encourages businesses and governments to invest in green technologies and regulations. While it's typically preferable to take a balanced approach to news, strategically highlighting the dire consequences of climate change can be a useful tactic to inspire mass dedication to addressing this global catastrophe.

  • I easily chose he option that stated people should only be shown negative news about climate change. I believe that when things are looked at in its worse case scenario, only then can we be prepared to the fullest, saying positive things about climate change, wouldn't make that problem we face right now better, it could only give us a reason to cut ourselves some slack. The negative impacts of climate change can only be noticed when it is being brought up negatively. I would have never bothered to understand climate change and its effects if i only heard harmless and positive things about it. To solve a problem, it has to be viewed as a problem, not just something with downsides. Let's stay strong so our earth can too!

  • For such a clear cut question, it is really tasking for me to answer the question and to agree completely on both points of views because although climate change is a serious impediment to our economies, societies, physical and mental health, the truth of the matter is that there is always a mix of drawbacks and opportunities and we have to embrace both outlooks on the topic.

    Alright, think of climate change as this wild roller coaster ride for our planet. You've got these crazy twists and turns – it's a real adventure. But here's the catch: if we only talk about the heart-pounding drops (the bad stuff) or the exhilarating climbs (the good stuff), we're missing the whole experience.

    Imagine this: just focusing on the dips could leave us clueless about what's coming next. It's like riding the coaster blindfolded, not knowing about those unexpected loops and turns. On the flip side, if we only talk about the highs, it might seem like it's all rainbows and smooth sailing.

    So, to truly savor the ride and avoid feeling eco-queasy, let's keep our eyes open for both the thrilling and challenging parts. That way, we can enjoy the journey while being ready for whatever twists climate change throws our way.

    Research from ' The Lancent Planetary Health ", shows that feeding individuals with only negative beliefs and views on Climate change cause a spike in Eco anxiety in the society.

    I'm totally on board with what rhetorical_goat mentioned about there being no absolute right or wrong answers – we're all in this to learn from one another.

    Personally, I'm all about showcasing both the storm clouds and rainbows. I think it's key for our society in the long haul. It's like saying, "Hey, don't be scared of the bad stuff!" Not everything tied to climate change has to be this daunting, scary thing. Let's face it all head-on and show the world there's a bright side too.

  • I personally voted for people should only be shown bad news about climate change because if the good news about climate change is posted people think that we have done our part and let the environment do their part and laze around. This kind of negative thinking is in a persons mind. But if we show bad news about climate change people think that the environment couldn't stand the pollution that the humans have made and try their best to help to get rid up of pollution from surroundings.
    A persons mind always reacts with the negative news as it wouldn't from a good news.
    I am not saying that good news shouldn't be posted but if bad news about climate change is focused above good news, people would try their part on cleaning the environment.

    This is my personal thought.


  • Good news rises hope! Just imagine a student who has been having C grade and then has a tutor to mentor him and saying words of encouragement like "you are great" all of the reasoning and point of view of the student changes and then he finally struggles to get a B grade no one would say the student has not tried his best. The same applies to the climate change, but I believe there should be a balance. Humans are very special beings when we hear too much good news, we believe we have gotten to our peak and start relapsing again. I hope that we get to that point globally, that climate change is no longer a problem. I look forward to that time.

  • Hello Everyone,
    The question above is one to think about, but after I thought I got to realize that these days there is actually no good news about climate change. These days the only thing that comes to mind when the term "climate change" is mentioned is ozone layer depletion which is nothing but bad news. Which is very alarming, personally I believe that with the way new automobiles that release fumes that can deplete the ozone layer are produced day by day there might never be good news on climate change.

    1. I agree that there is often a lot of bad news about climate change. Can you find out some recent good news about climate change, like a new technological advancement to share here?

      1. Okay yes, the rate at which chlorofluorocarbons are being released into the atmosphere is alarming.
        And as we all know about 85% of the chlorofluorocarbons are emitted by the vehicles we use, the industries that produce goods and some electricity generators.

        Now if you notice all the machines, I mention above can be replace by renewable energy sources. The car can be powered by solar energy (sun light), the industries can be powered by windmills (wind energy) and then instead of the generator that emits gases that are threats to life, why not install solar electricity that is cheaper to maintain and will not in any harm life.

        Industries can make use of the geothermal heat technology. which make use of the heat beneath the earth's crust. that heat is used to heat up water and then the steam produced from the water is then used to power turbines, and this make go a long way in reducing the number of harmful fumes emitted by industries.

        And also giving humans hope that our protection from ultraviolet rays has a chance of surviving.

        I hope I have answered your question ma'am Harriet.

    2. Hi,
      I do agree with you to some extent i do believe that much of the news about climate change isn't the best but don't you think that's a good thing ? i say this because if we think about it, people seeing this bad news spreads awareness and makes people rethink their lifestyles and even make them consider changing it. So maybe even though there might not be "good climate change news" we don't have to think of it that way.

  • This was tough, I chose good though, Because if we see the good news, we can learn from it, and do more, but if we are shown the bad news, its also good, as we can try and make it better, so we know what we are doing wrong.

  • The decision to vote was tricky as both of the options have a good reason to agree with either one.I picked that people should see the bad news of climate change as I believe when people see it they will take action to save our planet! They will see what it is doing to affect our planet and how much it will impact the people in the future.

  • Answering that poll was sincerely one of the hardest decision I've made since this month. My reason being that, people work with different mindsets, some perform better when exposed to positive news but some respond better to negative news. In the aspect on positive news, some people respond better to that because they feel encouraged to do more but for the negative news, some respond better to that out of fear of the consequences of their actions. So we can't say for sure which works better but I personally feel that good news should be used because controlling people with fear is wrong and if they try to work towards getting a better climate and they still get bad news, some may feel discouraged which will eventually cause them to lose interest, but I can't say that only good news should be used considering the different ways people think.

  • I chose "We Should Only Be Told About Bad Climate Change" because, If we know about the state of our climate, we would learn how to prevent, reduce and remove it.

    1. I disagree because,I believe it's important to have a balanced approach and show both the challenges and the solutions.

      1. Could you elaborate on this and provide some examples?

        1. Absolutely! When it comes to sharing news about climate change, it's crucial to provide a balanced perspective. By showing both the challenges and the progress being made, we can inspire action and encourage people to get involved in solutions. For instance, we can highlight the impact of climate change on our environment and communities, but also showcase innovative solutions like renewable energy and sustainable practices. This approach can help raise awareness and drive positive change!

      2. Well I disagree with you, yes we should have a balanced approach but then hearing the bad news doesn't make matters better because it can just be very discouraging like, you hear a bad news so just declare there is nothing you can do about it. Isn't it better to hear the good news and think " I can also make a difference" than to think "There is nothing we can do anymore"?

  • In the point of my view, both positive and negative news are important but today the media is over-scaring people about the climate change and by which people are afraid of very small change which occurs in nature. So for this purpose, News media should give people positive news but with it's precautions, advantages, disadvantages, etc. From which people will be calm and relaxed but also take precautions before doing anything . People also becomes stress free if anything negative is shown by positive way.

  • I believe that only bad news should be shown based on the fact that people have to be aware of the effects their actions have on the ecosystem. I've talked to a lot of people and they don't understand the notion of carbon footprints. This is due to the fact that they are not shown the effects if their actions. I am convinced that if shown the effects they would be more careful and make a conscious effort to reduce both their carbon footprints and damaging actions.

    1. This is an interesting point. Do you think only showing negative news will encourage people to understand their damaging actions more or could this have the adverse effect?

      1. I think that the news will shame them into action. When they see what their actions are costing the Earth the first thought would be "Is this a world I want my child to grow up in?". After the obvious answer is no this would spur them into action. It doesn't even take much as all it requires is the little effort from one person. As the proverb goes that if you are eating an elephant you eat it small piece by piece. It is a collective small effort not a overnight change. However, the change needs to be immediate.

  • This decision was a bit hard, but I have thought long and hard that people should be shown only bad news about climate change. because sometimes people should be shown their errors so they can correct their mistakes. because if you are shown only good news you will not know about your mistakes and that will lead people to think that there are no problems so people can continue creating more carbon emotion and that will cause climate change to keep rising. we need to work together to keep the balance so there can be peace and harmony.

  • I chose option A "People should only be shown bad news about climate changes" cause The effects of climate change are serious and have the potential to cause significant harm to people, ecosystems, and the planet. If only the good news are shown, The people will keep on ignoring the negative impacts caused in our planet. Ignoring the negative impacts of climate change could result in continued neglect and mismanagement of the crisis. It is essential to acknowledge and address the negative aspects of climate change in order to take meaningful action to reduce its effects and the harm done by climate change. Additionally, the more people are aware of the consequences of climate change, the more likely they are to take actions to reduce their impact and increase their resilience to the changing environment. It is important to provide people with accurate information about climate change and its consequences so that they can make informed decisions about their actions and their future.

  • I think that only showing good news about climate change could be beneficial. It's important to stay informed and optimistic about the progress being made in addressing climate change. Positive news can inspire people to take action and make positive changes in their own lives. However, it's also crucial to be aware of the challenges and the urgency of the situation. Climate change is a complex issue that requires collective effort and systemic changes. By being aware of the realities and the potential consequences of climate change, we can better understand the need for action and advocate for sustainable solutions. Additionally, being aware of the challenges can help us prepare for potential impacts and adapt to a changing climate. It allows us to support policies and initiatives that prioritize sustainability and resilience. Ultimately, a balanced approach that includes both positive progress and the challenges ahead can help us maintain a realistic and informed perspective on climate change. It's important to stay hopeful while also acknowledging the need for continued action and collaboration to address this global crisis.

  • I agree with opinion B that people should only be shown good news because a lot of people are already suffering from emotional in-balance caused by devastating effects of climate change in their area like for instance victims of wild fire in Australia, they already suffer from eco anxiety and in my opinion, showing people like that more negative news about effects of climate change could cause more negative effects to their mental health.

  • I voted that people should only be shown bad news about climate change. People may ask why.
    Well, as humans, we naturally have the ability to react to threats. Humans have developed what is called a “negativity bias." Like Google or Chrome, humans are pattern discovery machines in the sense that when something stands out, like a threat or bad news in this case, our minds highlight it. When we have something constantly at the back of our minds we will never forget about it. If we are only shown bad news about climate change, it will register in our minds and we will start thinking of new ways of stopping it. As humans when we have a problem, we will always try to solve it which will help us solve the problem of climate change.
    If we are only shown good news we will relax and nothing about the environment will change. That is why I made my choice.

  • I chose to show only positive news..I wish that there was a option for both.but in my opinion for only positive news since only listening to bad news can make humans stress.It surely will provide awareness but with bonus tension.Hearing to good news can cause relief and first priority would be a balance between them but second is positive news. Positive news can be inspirational,helpful, will be like removing a heavy rock out of your chest and it can support us human to work more for environment.
    Thank you

  • I think a bit of both because people react to news very differently. Some people see bad news as a call to action and people like that tend to make an effort to slow down the effects of climate change. At the same time, a lot of the "Bad News" could also have a negative impact on the mental health of the people that it is shown to. To those sets of people, it is advisable that they are only shown good news because they are already suffering from eco anxiety so in order to protect them, I feel they should only be shown good news.

  • I believe that individuals should recognize both the negative and positive impact of climate change. Acknowledging the adverse effect can motivate people to decrease harmful activities, while understanding the positive aspect might encourage them to sustain efforts to protect the environment, ultimately contributing to the reduction of global warming.

  • Reacting to this was challenging. In as much as it is important that all individuals recognize the challenges and progress faced in the fight against climate change, increasing our awareness of the urgency motivates us to take action. I recognize that drawing attention to the benefits of climate change control may be stimulating and motivating. Having knowledge of both the areas that have advanced and those that still need improvement is essential for making informed judgments and acting more effectively. In response to your question, it is important that people learn about the catastrophic impacts of climate change since it emphasizes the gravity of the issue. The greater knowledge and sense of urgency it creates inspires individuals, groups, and governments to act.

  • Showing negative and bad news about climate change is crucial for several reasons:

    Awareness and Understanding: Negative news about climate change helps raise awareness among the public about the severity and urgency of the issue. It provides a realistic picture of the challenges we face, fostering a better understanding of the consequences of inaction.

    Motivation for Action: Bad news serves as a powerful motivator for individuals, communities, and governments to take action. When people are informed about the negative impacts of climate change, they are more likely to support and engage in efforts to mitigate its effects.

    Accountability and Responsibility: Exposure to the harsh realities of climate change encourages accountability. It prompts individuals, businesses, and policymakers to take responsibility for their actions and consider how their choices contribute to or alleviate environmental issues.

    Policy Advocacy: Negative news can drive advocacy for stronger environmental policies. When the public is aware of the severity of climate change, there is increased pressure on governments to implement and enforce policies that address the root causes and promote sustainable practices.

    Behavioral Change: Bad news about climate change can lead to changes in individual behavior. It prompts people to adopt more sustainable practices, reduce their carbon footprint, and make environmentally conscious choices in their daily lives.

    Preparedness and Resilience: Understanding the potential negative consequences of climate change allows communities to better prepare and build resilience. It encourages proactive measures to mitigate risks and adapt to changing environmental conditions.

    Global Collaboration: A shared understanding of the severity of climate change fosters international cooperation. Negative news can lead to a sense of global responsibility, prompting countries to work together in finding solutions and sharing resources to address the challenges on a broader scale.

  • In my opinion, in countries that are seriously affected by the negative effects of climate change, it will be better to only show good news about climate change because such countries already have a high rate of climate anxiety. For example in countries that suffer from forest wildfire, so much is affected like wildlife endangering and so on, i think it would be better to show good news about climate change in such countries because a lot of people are afraid, anxious and depressed already about the effect's of climate change in such areas. So I think, it would be better to only show those people good news about climate change.

    1. Great point respectful_song. Can you give some evidence or examples to support your opinion?

    2. I feel this solution may give the occupants of such countries false hope, and I am not saying things won't get better, but I believe they should also be able to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Despite that this topic is very controversial and I don't necessarily think there is a right or wrong answer.

  • Humans tend to respond to threats more quickly than any other thing. The bad news about climate change might serve as a threat to humans which will make them respond faster to climate change reminders. I will go for option A.

  • As the question being asked that "What is more useful to the world: positive news about climate change or negative news about climate change?" In my judgment, I think negative news about climate change is more useful and important and also it would be more effective in motivating people to take action. Although hearing negative news would be causing a decrease in motivation and increase in hopelessness in people but if we are focusing solely on positive news and ignoring the negative impacts of climate change will only lead to further damage in the future and also hearing only positive news can lead to a lack of awareness about important issues and prevent necessary action from being taken. Hearing negative news enables us to develop a comprehensive understanding of the circumstances and also focusing on negative news, people will be able to identify potential risks and challenges that may arise, and devise strategies to mitigate them.

  • I voted for A, people should only be shown the bad news because they would become very aware of the activities they do both consciously and subconsciously. On top of that if someone is told only good news they begin to calm down and they start to stop being aware and eventually ignore it but when shown only bad news they become worried and soon enough they take action and then they convince other people to take action and eventually they make a change. This is my personal opinion I'd like to hear yours

  • Hi Kim,

    I wanted to talk about why I chose negative news for climate change. To me it is akin to the signal of danger, which gets our eye and makes us respond. The presentation of information in a loud manner keeps us on our toes and prompts us to respond.

    On the other hand, good news can be misleading; as it makes people feel like everything is alright when in reality it is not. Glaciers are thawing; ocean levels are rising and extreme climatic conditions are felt in Africa.

    Thus, my thought is that there might be an element of truth revealed through propaganda. Something like “hey you, let’s do something now; let’s do it fast.” We must tell ourselves raw truths so that we can all plunge into action jointly.

  • I don't agree with any of the options because to the people in a certain community should know both the positive and negative news about climate change. For example,
    Positive news about climate change.
    Renewable energy advancements, the rapid progress in renewable energy technologies, such as solar and wind power, has led to increased adoption and affordability. The global shift towards clean energy sources is reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the effects of climate change.
    Technological innovations, numerous technological breakthroughs are aiding in the fight against climate change. These include advancements in energy storage, carbon capture and storage (CCS), sustainable agriculture practices, and more efficient transportation systems.
    Negative news about climate change.
    Rising global temperatures, Earth's average temperature is increasing due to greenhouse gas emissions, leading to various negative impacts such as heat waves, melting polar ice, rising sea levels, and more frequent extreme weather events.
    Human health risks, Climate change poses risks to human health, including increased prevalence of heat-related illnesses, the spread of infectious diseases, and worsened air quality due to pollution and wildlife.
    It's important to recognize both the positive and negative aspects of climate change news to understand the challenges we face and the progress being made towards a more sustainable future.

  • I voted against seeing positive news on climate change and it was a very decisive decision for me to make and the reason is because as humans we are naturally supposed to be comforted by good news/feedback and if we keep hearing about breakthroughs in relation to climate change (no matter how big or small) we would be under the impression that everything is always getting better and then the overall promotion of the climate action will simmer down which will make things worse for the environment.

  • I chose the option of people seeing only bad news about climate change. As much as there is a good side to everything, there is also a bad side. The good news we get from climate change will brighten the state of minds of the people which is upright for the consciousness of the people. However, if the bad news is not shared, the people would not fully know what is going on about the climate. When the bad news is shared, people look for solutions and ideas to help eradicate the presence of bad news of climate change. Without information of the bad news, nothing is done by the people to achieve a positive comeback from negative statistics, hence leading to more negative information in due time.

    1. I agree with this as if we never get the bad news we will never know what to do to help our planet instead of harming it

  • People need not to be too overwhelmed about the negative aspects of climate change. They need to be reminded that they are people out there doing their best to make a difference, a positive one. They must remember that they shouldn't wallow away in their sadness consumed by the threats of climate change but to keep making a difference and join the others to make our environment a safe space.
    People need to learn to consume less, in the sense that we reduce our waste products. We keep fossils in the ground, invest in renewable energy and switch to sustainable transport. We need to encourage more of vegan diets, reduce our consumptions of meat and diary and improve farming.
    We need to look after the natural word even though it does a good job at cleaning up our emissions. We could take care of the Earth by planting more trees which would help to restore nature and absorb more carbons. We shouldn't forget to protect forests like the Amazon and protect the oceans that keep our climate stable by absorbing large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
    Its encouraging to know that the International Energy Agency says that, in the year 2023 is on track to see the biggest increase in renewable energy capacity to date. Such news is something we don't here everyday but we need to. This helps us know that hope isn't lost and we still have more to do and we can reduce the impact of climate change.
    I hope I was able to inspire a lot of people today to remember not to only focus on the negative aspects of climate change but to look unto the bright side and see what we can do to help. In my school, Caleb British International School, we planted trees around the school compound and outside it ( with the help of teachers and parents) and I believe that that's something inspirational that we all need to aspire to do. It doesn't have to be just planting of trees but you can think of a creative way to make our environment happy and healthy.

  • It was really hard for me to choose one option. Because I believe in the balance of showing bad news as well as good news. Still, I choose that we should show the bad news more because it will help people to create Eco-anxiety. And we already know that eco-anxiety can bring good things. When people came across the bad news, a tension or I will say a force work to get out of the situation and who can tell this force can one day help us to overcome the climate problem. The bad news of climate change can work as a fuel to make people aware of it and to bring people together under the same string to work on climate change. At the time danger people naturally try to figure the best solutions of the problem. So we can share the bad news of climate, but we should also share the true condition of climate whether it is bad or good. Because I believe that every people have the right to know the true condition of the climate. We can hide the minor progress of climate change, but we shouldn't hide the overall condition of the climate. Actually, I think we should be always truthful when it's come to climate. We should let people know the true condition of climate so that they can decide what to do. As I have to choose on option, I could choose the exposer of bad news rather than good news. Because good news will make people reluctant to work with full enthusiasm to save the climate. So, let's take a pledge no matter whether it's a good or bad news about climate, we will never stop working on climate change. We will always try to protect the planet from the effect of climate change.

  • This was a hard decision as we need to know both the good and the bad. This is because the bad news is needed to know what should and has to be done and the good because we need to know the progress we have already made and that will make people more likely to continue doing their part.
    I eventually chose to go with "people should only be shown bad news about climate change" because if people continuaslly see bad news about climate change they might realise how their activities can hurt and harm our planet

    1. You reason your point very well, especially when saying people need to know about the progress that they are making in tackling climate change. Can you think of one positive and one negative news story about climate change you have seen recently?

  • I picked “people should be shown the bad news”.
    Here’s why, if people are only told about one part of a story, it can lead to disaster same as almost every other one-sided story.
    People should be readily informed about the happenings with regards to climate change, in order to be adequately prepared; should there ever be an incident in which they are directly affected.
    It’ll also help them assist, inform and equip affected parties even when they are not the affected party.

  • The decision for the question was a hard one. I voted that people should only hear bad news about Climate change. I picked this because if people didn't know the bad news they would always think the world is a happy place. I also picked it because people should know about how some of their activities might be hurting the world. This was a hard decision because I also think people should only hear the good news . I think this because if people have Eco- anxiety this won't be a good thing for them If they heard about all the bad things that were happening they would worry too much which might result in bad things happening. But if people always receive good news and are never bad then they will never know the misery of what's actually happening around the world . Say if a bad person was in your area and you only received good news then they wouldn't know what's happening so they wouldn't be aware and something bad can happen. This is why I think we need both good news and bad news.

  • in my own opinion ,i think the negative news is more important to the climatic change,if one hears about the negative impact ,it can be discouraging or despairing ,but it is still helpful for you to be aware of what is going on, in the country and the climatic change . it can also help to do the right thing e.g environmental conservation : it is the protection of the air ,plant , animal and human life. the method which environmental conservation are included :
    * Mixed farming : it has to do with the combination of rearing of animals and planting of crop .
    * Terracing :it has to do with slopping piece of land that has flat areas like step
    built on it ,example so that people can grow there.
    * Recycling : it is the process of converting waste into reusable material; e.g ,recycling paper,cartons,textile e.t.c, if possible program can be developed in the society .
    Negative news may bring depression into an individual ,although it also leads to feeling of hopelessness or even desperate. it help individual to feel move or motivated on how to break or solve the problem causing climate change .
    Negative news makes individual feel alert or active and would like to do something that will solve the problem of the climate change . So i think the most useful news would be the negative news with a focus on solution and ways to take action.

    1. I really like your suggestion about having the negative news with a focus on the solution and ways to take action. You have shown brilliant reasoning and been creative in your problem-solving here!

  • I voted that people should be only shown the bad news about climate change. The reason being is that we have to be conscious of our actions and know the impact it has on our planet. If we are being shown the good news, everybody will think our planet is safe and not make an attempt to keep it that way. However, if we are been shown the bad news, our eyes are been are been peeled to the consequences of our actions, and we will put all our efforts to make our planet safe.

  • I agree that people should only be able to see the bad things about climate. So they know the danger they can be put in. I don't agree with showing only the good things because, what if someone goes outside looking at the climate report thinking it's good and they go and it's a bad climate. That can ruin someone's day and make them mad, so that's why it's good to show the bad things so they can be aware.

  • Honestly, this question was pretty challenging to answer. Showing only the good news about climate change could make people unaware of the minor to severe damages caused by the change in climate, meaning they wouldn't see the situation as problematic and would likely stay calm and optimistic. However, only displaying terrible news to people will surely increase their awareness, but would cause widespread panic across the globe. Knowing the risks to this question, I chose for people only to get shown the bad news about climate change. Why did I choose this? Well, I believe this answer choice was the most reasonable because informing the public about the problems with climate change can help people gain consciousness of the ongoing crisis. Although nervousness and anxiety will grow and expand, this apprehensiveness can help individuals realize that every one of them must act and play their part in resolving the worldwide climate change issue.

  • I voted for knowing the bad things about climate change because it is crucial for us and helps us make smart choices... When we can understand the problems we can work together to find solutions to solve them.. It motivates us to take part in action and use our resources wisely .....If we don't know about the bad side of climate change we might not realize how important it is to protect our learning about the problems helps us make better decisions and work together even bring positive changes in the climate!!
    Truly i also understand showing negative side of climate can cause climate stress and anxiety but its better trying to deal with it rather than bringing negative changes in earth

    1. It is arguably impossible to avoid negative climate news, and not to be aware of how human behaviour negatively affects the climate. However, many people do not change their behaviour based on this. Why do you think this might be?

      1. People sometimes don't change their behavior even when they know it's not good for them cause that is human behaviour...they might not fully realize the bad effects of their action too and depend on other citizens to do good things for climate rather than doing it themself(this mindset is the major problem)... some people ignore the negative consequences trying to avoid eco anxiety and stress too!!..people also might be used to doing things a certain way which can harm our ecosystem too and changing our self is a hard job that is why people choose to stay the same rather than change themself which causes people to not change their behaviour even when knowing the consequences...

  • This was a very interesting question. I voted that people should be shown the bad news about climate change. Climate change is a real thing happening all over the world and it is hurting are earth. Most people don’t care or think it could it be affecting them. But with air pollution you are breathing In harmful things everyday . This could affect you physically causing you to have respiratory issues. That is why people need to be informed so they can see what they could possibly do to help the future of are planet. This could also get them interested in their community to help around or try to go biking to work.

    1. I does not totally agree with you .I think we should only see the bad news about climate change is not generally recommended. While it's crucial to understand and acknowledge the severity of the challenges posed by climate change, focusing solely on the negative aspects can have several drawbacks:

      Emotional impact: Constant exposure to negative news can lead to heightened anxiety, stress, and feelings of hopelessness. This emotional toll may result in people disengaging from the issue or becoming desensitized, hindering their ability to take positive action.

      Motivational factor: Exclusively presenting bad news without highlighting solutions or positive efforts can diminish people's motivation to address the issue. A sense of doom and helplessness may lead to inaction, as individuals may perceive the problem as insurmountable.

      Overemphasis on fear: Relying solely on fear-based messaging can lead to fatigue and desensitization. When people become overwhelmed with fear, they may tune out or avoid information altogether as a coping mechanism.

      so, I think showing bad news of climate change is important but showing good news of climate change is also important.

  • People should only see the bad news of climate change. If we see the bad news we will be concerned about climate change. We will do our duties properly to prevent it and we can also encourage others to do it.If we know the problem properly we can solve it too. But if we receive the good news, then we will not think about it. It will cause great problem in future and we have to deal with it. That's why I think people should only see the bad news of climate change.

  • I voted that people should only be shown bad news about climate. The world is dying slowly, and people need to be informed about the changes of the world. It might be useful for others to know the good news about climate change, but being informed of the negative would be a good way to know how to solve these problems, if what we only receive is good news then most people won't see the need to do things to promote the earth's ecosystem, but when they hear bad news more, they'll feel the need to act out against the negative change and thus promoting the earth's ecosystem.

  • The decision was a hard question for me. I believe we should be shown bad news and good news. I think this because people need to see the destruction we cause so we can change it. Although, some people will be sad at the thought of deforestation and Global warming so we need to try and keep things positive. In the end, I voted for bad news as we need to change our ways and I believe the only way to do that is to show people the damage they're causing.

  • I voted that the bad news should be shown because people will start worring for the world and it's climate so they want to try and stop global warming by planting trees picking up litter and stop driving cars.

  • I vote the bad news because people will do something about it and all of it will stop after the long years of global warming then the heat will go down and the world will be safe from the danger of global warming.

    1. Do you think there is such a thing as too much bad news? What effect might this have on people's behaviour towards climate change?

      1. In my own opinion, I don't think so because bad news is always bad news come rain come sunshine. Even if there was such a thing as too much bad news the effects of this towards the people's behaviors might be very negative. Imagine a situation where the citizens of the country continually put in their best to ensure that this bad news are lessened, but the outcome is just opposite. The repercussion of this will be very heart melting so to say. Climate change is an immense challenge. Human behavior is crucial in climate change mitigation, and in tackling its arising consequences. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that human behavior is the main driver of climatic changes and global warming. The fight against climate change is a collective endeavour and people's mindsets and behaviours towards it can be of a very great determinant if effective and large-scale solutions are to be made. Collective action, however, usually starts with individuals who raise awareness and drive change.

      2. I think Yes, there is a concept known as "headline fatigue" or "doomscrolling," which suggests that constant exposure to negative news, especially concerning issues like climate change, can have detrimental effects on people's mental health and engagement. Too much bad news without a balance of positive or solution-oriented information can lead to feelings of anxiety, helplessness, and even apathy. This emotional fatigue may cause individuals to disengage from the issue or feel overwhelmed, leading to a lack of motivation to take action.

        In the context of climate change, if people are continually bombarded with alarming and catastrophic news without also being informed about potential solutions, positive efforts, or strategies for personal and collective action, they may become desensitized or resigned to the problem. This can hinder the necessary behavioral changes and collective actions needed to address climate change effectively.

        It's crucial to strike a balance in the information presented, providing a mix of challenges and successes, and highlighting actionable steps that individuals and communities can take. This approach is more likely to empower people, foster a sense of agency, and motivate positive behavior change in response to the challenges posed by climate change. Communicating a comprehensive and balanced narrative is essential for maintaining public engagement and encouraging meaningful action.

  • Hello, This was a tough decision from my side because when people hear too much good news about the same topic they will start to be loose. Although this will cause some people to lose hope when given any bad news. Though given the bad news, people will start to realize the mistakes and will start to try harder and improve on the mistakes. I understand that both good and bad news are important for our moral health, but i think bad news will push us to out strongest and most efficient form. Good news will ease people, when given too much good news, people will understand everything is alright and will not see the fact that they need to work harder. On the other hand, if only bad news is shared, people will start to have anxiety and get scared. Nontheless, i believe bad news will push people to work harder. Balance is key, people should be shown both the good and bad. If the balance is not in the middle, it could lead to unknowledgeable decisions that could possibly cause some negative effects in someone life.

  • I think it is not advisable to selectively show people only bad news or good news about climate change. Both approaches can have negative consequences and distort the overall understanding of the issue. It's important to provide a balanced and accurate representation of information to foster informed decision-making and a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and potential solutions.

    Showing only bad news may lead to feelings of hopelessness, fear, and despair, which can result in people disengaging from the issue or feeling overwhelmed. On the other hand, presenting only good news might create a false sense of security and complacency, hindering the urgency needed to address the serious and complex challenges posed by climate change.

    A more effective approach is to present a mix of both challenges and successes, highlighting the gravity of the situation while also showcasing positive efforts, innovations, and solutions. This approach encourages a realistic understanding of the issue and motivates individuals and communities to take meaningful actions to mitigate and adapt to climate change.

    Ultimately, fostering a well-informed and engaged public is essential for driving collective efforts to address climate change and work towards a sustainable future.

  • I choose option B because of this reasoning :

    Nature is an endless source of exploration and adventure, filled with resources and diversity that offer solace and peace in moments of stress and turmoil. From towering peaks that beckon mountain climbers to the hidden depths of the ocean that invite divers, nature provides opportunities for discovery and challenge, fostering a sense of wonder and exploration. However, its graceful beauty is being corrupted by the greed of humans. The reflection of the human condition in nature grows bleaker as we destroy its beauty. Our own disregard for the environment is a testament to this. Even I thought that climate change was a minor problem.

    The proposition that fear serves as a powerful motivator holds merit, especially in the context of climate change. Human tendency to procrastinate in the face of impending crises is always present. Despite the growing awareness of environmental issues, the lack of tangible action often stems from a sense of detachment and the belief that the consequences are distant, and climate change will somehow or in some way just leave or be solved by someone else. Even though we know deep inside our hearts that we should take action, positive news, while uplifting, may not be sufficient to break through the characters of the public response to climate change.

    The call for a deliberate shift toward presenting the harsh realities is extremely important when confronted with the severity of the situation. Only after acknowledging these bitter truths will individuals take meaningful action. Even though millions of protests will definitely erupt, the realization will eventually dawn on the people, creating bonds and unity among them. The call for governments to cease attempting to control or please everyone aligns with the understanding that nature cannot be restrained by human desires. Even though the problem is manageable now, who knows what the future holds? In essence, the ideas put forth by me emphasize the necessity of embracing uncomfortable truths, using fear as a motivator, and recognizing that only through collective, united and meaningful action can humanity hope to address the colossal challenge of climate change and secure a better future for all. Hence, delivering bad news is incredibly efficient for humans to strive for a better and hopeful future.

  • thats was a really tough decision to make! if there had been an option to show both good and bad i would have picked that option in a heartbeat. but unfortunately there was no such option so, i chose to show bad news only. Because if the news only said the climate is declining than the people will start to try to fix it in fear of losing their homes. well a bit of fear can drive people to do anything to be safe so in my opinion only showing bad news would be better than to only say good news. When the world's climate is declining who would only show good news? it would be ludicrous, people would be more careless if that would to happen. well its only just my opinion.

    1. That is an interesting point you made Vidhya. Do you think that instilling fear in all people will help in dealing with climate change, or do you think that some people would deal better with climate change if they knew that some positives would come out of it?

      1. Hello Afifah!
        I think that instilling fear in people could potentially improve the state of the climate. This would make people feel that their homes are in danger of being destroyed, leading to a decrease in their sense of security. Consequently, people may become more cautious in their handling of waste and pollutants. Additionally, I believe that once the majority of people become more conscientious, they should receive positive news about climate change. This could bring happiness to people, knowing that their efforts have had a positive impact on the world and could continue to do so.destroyed, and their sense of security decreases. This may cause people to be more careful with how they handle waste and pollutants. I also believe that after the majority of people start being more carefulb people should hear some good news about climate change, this may make people happy that their efforts have done good for the world and may keep doing so.

        1. Thank you for sharing your view - do you think that at the beginning, bad news should be shown to people, and then, showing them the positive impact they made after they become more aware of climate change, will give them a deeper sense of satisfaction, and therefore motivate them to help tackle climate change even more?

      2. Hello Afifah, Financial Adult Gratitude @KPMG !
        In my perspective I think that instilling fear in people can be a powerful motivator, it is not the only approach to addressing climate change. It is important to balance between raising awareness about the severity of the issue and highlighting the potential positive outcomes of action.

        Fear can absolutely force people to take immediate action, but it may also lead to feelings of helplessness or disbelief. While focusing the positive aspects of addressing climate change, such as job creation in renewable energy industries, improved air quality, can create a little hope and encouraging to do challenging tasks.

        By highlighting the benefits and opportunities that come with the sustainable practices , we can promote a sense of collective responsibility and encourage others to create a better future.
        No I don’t think that some people would deal better with climate change if they knew something positive would come out of it because climate changes due to excessive burning of fossil fuels, cutting down trees and forest and at the last the human can’t see future. So human are the ones who changes the world.

        1. Hello! I think that you are absolutely right, balance is key here. Do you think that people should be shown more of the positives that might come out of their actions, or should the negative impact of climate change be shown more?

  • Every human have a bad habit. That is transfer too much negative news with each other. We tell with everybody about negative news. Negative news are rising soon than bad news . Everybody, see only negative thing about a parson or any other things. That is so sad for us . If we don't think about only one negative thing and told with each other a good or nice news , the negative news will be not transfer from one by one . So, we all should be think with only one good thing not bad or negative thing. If we don't stop it , we can not develop our world and country .

  • In this topic i'll remain neutral. As we know every action has its opposite and equal reaction. In my prospective, positive and negative news about climate change can be useful in different ways. Positive news can inspire people and give them hope that positive changes in climate is possible. On the other hand, negative news can create awareness among peoples to take action as fast as possible. It is important to make a balance between both of them to keep people informed, motivated and influenced.

  • I agree. This was a very difficult decision because if people only know about the good things about climate change they wouldn't know what is really happening in the world and wouldn't be doing anything to help as they just know about the good news. While on the other hand, if people knew about the bad news they might do something to help stop climate change however they can also get eco-anxiety.

  • This question was tough to answer. I thought that being able to know about the good news can help our mental health to become positive,but if there was only good news in the world, people wouldn't be warned and they could be in a dangerous situation and/or place. We can do something about the bad news if we knew and do something to get rid of it.For example, imagine we didn't know about climate change, we wouldn't know how to stop it and there would be lots of methane and Co2 travelling into the atmosphere.We should be aware of the things that can hurt us but good things are important as well.

  • For me, that was a really hard decision. If people did not know what the bad news was it would be very dangerous, for example, if there was going to be a really dangerous hurricane and people didn't know then they wont know about the dangers. However, if we only see bad news and no good news people may become upset and depressed and will think everything is bad and it turns out that in one of the other countries something really good happened and you wouldn't be happy because you didn't know.

    That is my opinion. What is yours?

  • This was a difficult decision but I think that it would be better if there is only bad news about climate change because if you don't know what is happening around the world then you could think that it is a perfect place but in reality, the world could be suffering. Also, if you know what's happening, instead of thinking negatively, you could start finding out ways to help the planet in any possible way big or small.

  • This was a tricky choice, after some time I voted that people should be shown the bad news. If everyone receives the good news we wont be aware about the bad effects that are happening to our planet. When we receive bad news everyone can think twice about their actions and how it can cause a bad impact. We need to do something and act fast.

  • I voted bad because if people thought the environment was in good hands and kept on receiving good news they would not be aware that the world struggles and needs your help. However, this is a tricky question because if we continuously started watching bad things about the climate there would be a big impact but would you not be scared? We need to act fast!

  • This decision was very hard: I didn't really agree with either but I did vote for option A, to be only shown bad news. I voted for this because I thought if people only know about the bad things that were happening in our environment, they may do something about it to help and to make things better. Despite this, only knowing about the bad things that occur in our world may cause distress to some people. However, I do think that knowing about the bad things is a good thing because you are aware of your environment and you could begin with making a small change in your local community.

    1. Can you think of a good news story from your local community?

  • I don't agree with either, but if I had to choose then I would choose to only be shown bad news about climate change. I chose this because if everyone only knew good news then eventually everyone will stop worrying about the environment and climate change would get worse and worse. On the other hand if people see too much bad news then they might get even more worried and think that everyone is a horrible person for doing this to the Earth. People have to do their part on this planet and if they don't we may lose the beauty of this planet.

  • I do not agree with both of the options mentioned above. Both good as well as bad news are necessary to bring good changes in anything. If people are shown only the bad news regarding climate change , it will leave a negative marking on them that any effort from their side will not change whatever is existing. If they hear some positive news regarding the topic, then it provides some encouragement for them to put effort to control climate change. And if they hear only positive news , then their mind will set up climate change as a small topic. They will not take this topic seriously that may not be the solution. So people should be shown actual news regarding climate change either it may be positive or negative.

  • I think people should be shown bad news about climate change. In my point of view, I think it is better because people should beware of how their actions are hurting the planet and it will help them to change their ways. Here in Africa especially, citizens burn their toilet paper and sometimes their rubbish not knowing they are harming the planet. So, when more bad news come it can inspire others to choose better decisions.

    1. I agree because the people should know that something they are doing is making the planet that way so they can change for the hopeful better.

  • I think we should know all the bad climate change more than good climate change, because i feel like we would notice the good climate change.

    1. What determines good or bad climate change? Most people would say that all climate change is bad.

      1. Climate change is a phenomenon that affects the planet in various ways. Some people might think that climate change is always negative, but this is not necessarily true. There are some aspects of climate change that could have positive impacts on certain regions or ecosystems. For example, warmer temperatures could increase crop yields, reduce heating costs, or create new opportunities for tourism. However, these benefits are often outweighed by the risks and challenges that climate change poses to human health, food security, water availability, and social stability. Therefore, it is not easy to determine what constitutes good or bad climate change, as different people and places might experience different effects and have different preferences and values. A more useful way to approach the issue is to consider how we can adapt to the changes that are inevitable, and how we can mitigate the changes that are avoidable and harmful.

    2. I'm not sure about this because not all climate change is easy to notice, people have to pay attention to the weather and use resources that use technology and the item may be quite expensive.

  • I chose that we should only see negative news about climate change because if people only see good news, who is going be worried about our world and try to change it for the better?

    1. Hi logical_cookie,
      I'm not sure about the fact that you made mention of us focusing on only the negative part of the climate. Yes, it is a little bit alright to focus on the negative news about the climate change, but the good news counts as well. Our climate future is up to what we decide. The reason for optimism is that we have the tools to collaboratively work towards reducing emissions, strengthening resilience, inspiring adaptation and advancing equity.
      To sum up all i have just said, reflect on negative situations, but try to find a positive out of it, or something you can do better next time. If you have these positive expectations, it's actually related to better mental health and minimized anxieties.

  • Alright, let's think about it. If we only share negative news about climate change, it could grab more attention and urgency. People might be more motivated to take action when they know the serious problems we're facing. Sometimes, a bit of fear can push us to make important changes. However, we still need to be careful not to make people feel hopeless. So, while focusing on the negative can be powerful, we should find a way to balance it with solutions and positive steps forward. but if i had to choose then negative news about climate change is the better option.

  • In considering whether people should only be shown bad news or good news about climate change, I believe that a balanced approach is crucial. Both options, a and b, have their merits and drawbacks.

    On one hand, exposing individuals exclusively to bad news about climate change, might raise awareness and urgency. It could instigate a sense of responsibility and motivate collective action to address the pressing issues at hand. However, an overwhelming focus on negative aspects may lead to feelings of despair, helplessness, and disengagement. Constant exposure to pessimistic information might create a sense of doom that discourages proactive efforts.

    On the other hand, option b, showcasing only good news about climate change, could inspire hope and optimism. Positive stories of successful initiatives, innovations, and progress may encourage people to believe in the possibility of positive change and motivate them to contribute to environmental solutions. Nevertheless, an overly optimistic narrative might lead to complacency, as individuals may underestimate the severity of the challenges posed by climate change.

    In my view, a balanced approach that combines both positive and negative information is essential. This approach provides a realistic portrayal of the climate change situation, acknowledging the challenges while also highlighting successful efforts and potential solutions.

  • Well, I had a tough time choosing, but it's a thought-provoking question. I wholeheartedly agree with option (A) because it's crucial for people to be aware of the negative aspects of our climate. This awareness can help us rectify the wrongs we've been doing to it. Just imagine if we weren't informed about the detrimental effects of our actions, such as deforestation and burning of tires. How would we know we're making mistakes? We might continue to burn tires and destroy trees without realizing the consequences. However, if we're aware of the negative impacts on our climate, we can take steps to prevent further damage.

  • in my opinion, people should only be told bad news becuase it is crucial for people to know thier mistake and continue causing climate change to rise. imagine
    a world where you don't know your mistakes you'll just keep causing it to rise.
    and in this situation we all need to be aware.

  • I agree with option 1, even though I think people should show the bad and good news about climate changes. Option 1 I agree the most because people will know what's going on with climate change but also is not a good thing because people get more worry about the climate change and try to help, but if people only talks good about the climate change no one will know the circumstances we live .

  • I personally believe that there shouldn’t be a limit to where people should only hear about good or bad news about climate change. I feel this way because although climate change is bad giving people nothing but bad news causes fear and panic, where as if you only give out good news about the topic it seems as if you are sugar coating the situation. A solution to this would be to not only give out good news but don’t only give out bad news. Instead tell people the truth and only the truth which is that while climate change is horrible there are a lot of solutions to it which means the news that should be given out should be both good and bad

  • Hello ! i chose that people should only be shown bad news about climate change because even though too much bad news can be bad for someone, i believe that the bad news should be shown more because we need to realise what is happening and how it's actually affecting us and our earth in a bad way. By showing more bad news it can be like a call to action and can inspire movements that can help put effort into trying to fix issues that are causing climate change. Although some people might argue that too much bad news can cause a person to believe that there is no more hope because all that they see is bad news, i argue that even though that is true for something like climate change i think it can be very important for everyone around the world to really see what's going on even if it's bad so that people can start incorporating eco-friendly things into their lifestyle that can slowly help better climate change.

  • Many people would believe that showing only positive things about climate change will affect people and the world positively. Unfortunately, I don't exactly agree with this. This is because If there are only positive things about climate change, how would people know about the horrible things that are happening that they could help fix? Social Media is the main tool that people use to spread information about many things going on within the world we live in. If there were only good things about events in our world that also have horrible effects, no one would know. This would cause there to be no one to help resolve these problems, as everyone would believe nothings wrong, because no one is talking about the horrible things going on within the world including climate change! While yes, it's amazing to mention the good things about climate change every once and a while, it isn't good to hide people way in the dark about what climate change is doing to their home, their world, their planet!

  • I voted being shown bad news about climate change. This makes people aware of what's going on, despite if they want to make a difference or not. Being shown good news regularly makes people feel good, too good in my opinion. Things get sloppy after that and progress that was once made has been thrown completely out the window. Being shown bad news however makes people feel bad, some people feel bad enough to try and make a change. That guilt turns into motivation and they are adding onto the good progress that will create better news for the near future.

  • This was a really hard decision.I voted that people should only be shown bad news about climate change.
    It was a hard one for me because if we are constantly and constantly receive bad news,it seems as if there is no hope left to change climate change and then we feel hopeless and useless to even try to change climate change the slightest bit.But most of the time even a tiny bit of good news can cause someone to believe there is still hope left and can cause someone to try harder.
    But I chose bad news because of seeing bad news as a disadvantage I see bad news on an advantage because the bad news can tell us what we need to work on and improve one.We can also realise that most of our human activities are causing climate change,it convince people to act,to do at least something.I feel if we'll keep one receiving good news then we begin to believe that we done enough to change climate change and don't need to do anything to climate change and to continue our deadly human activities.We will begin to also forget that climate change existed and make it worse.We need to be aware of what we are doing!

  • As people have already stated: both options are not ideal. I believe that exclusively showing good news about this particular topic will make people underestimate the seriousness of this situation. When discussing climate change in politics, all the good news can be used against the establishment of new climate policies since the believe of climate change "not being that bad" will spread a lot quicker. On the other hand only showing negative news about climate change can make people loose hope and create a general attitude of nonchalance, making society think, that any attempts to slow this climate change down will fail anyway. However I chose the latter one, for only bad news to be shown, because the issue at hand should under no condition be underestimated and although exclusively showing bad news can cause a sense of hopelessness, it can also achieve for people to start educating themselves and taking action. Because taking action is always what is needed to reach a goal!

  • It's challenging to determine a clear preference, as both positive and negative news about climate change serve important roles. Positive news can inspire hope and motivate action, while negative news highlights urgent issues that need attention. Ultimately, a balanced approach that combines awareness of challenges with encouragement for positive efforts is likely most effective.
    Positive news on climate change helps maintain public engagement and encourages people to adopt sustainable practices. It showcases successful initiatives, technological advancements, and positive policy changes, fostering a sense of collective achievement.

    On the other hand, negative news is crucial for raising awareness about the severity of the climate crisis. It highlights the consequences of inaction and prompts individuals, governments, and businesses to address urgent issues.

    A balanced approach involves sharing both positive and negative aspects, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of the climate situation. It empowers people to contribute to solutions while recognizing the gravity of the challenges ahead.

  • Hi,
    I am of the opinion that only bad news should be shown to the general public. My reasoning is that showing the bad news to people will hopefully provoke them into doing something about it. The constant news about forest fires, severe weather, trash islands, polluted air, airborne diseases, oil spillages, and the depleting ozone layer will probably scare some people and make them want to stop harming the planet. It will help them quickly search for ways to stop the climate change such as public transportation and dissolvable packaging to prevent them from seeing the horrible news frequently.

  • I voted that people should only be shown bad news related to climate change because showing good news about climate change only can change the thoughts that climate change may not be too endangered, in other words it wouldn't be brought to attention/made aware much that climate change is suffering. For it'd be a better choice to show only bad news because people will feel more alert and the urgency to actually take in account for bad news of climate change being informed always. Furthermore, when being awarded or even brought upon the idea of goodness towards most subjects can shift to the wrong idea of only there being goodness to the, said topic or even tranquility to in this case climate change, which is a serious in our current world. In order to have anything acknowledged we shall, bring the topic to spotlight continuously.

  • I think that people should only show the bad news about the climate change so, that we can realise our mistakes and go ahead by solving them .
    Thank you.

  • I decided to vote for "people should only be shown bad news about climate change" as I think that it is important to highlight the importance of climate change and its negative influence. There are still too many people who do not believe or deny human made climate change. Therefore, it is essential to show all of the negative impacts, this way stressing our need to take action and persue a more sustainable lifestyle.

  • I feel bad news should be shown more frequently so that people won't be too comfortable with the present climate change. When a lot of effort has been put in to subdue its effects, then the good news can be spread to avoid people overworking themselves.
    We can't also ignore the fact that some of our action cause climate change, pollution. Air pollution is a major cause of climate change. Burning fossil fuels increases the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It traps heat in the atmosphere through greenhouse effect.

    1. I agree with your choice, but I think there should be a mix of both good news and bad news. I say this because if people see bad news, they might be urged to do something about it. This can go the same way for good news. If someone hear good news, they might urge theirselves to do something about it and possibly make it better news.
      I still agree with you when you say that there should be bad news, but they could possibly even it out with good news.

  • I agree about the decision of bad news in as much bad news is not what one will always like to hear in their lifetime but to face the reality we should all know the dangers we will face if care is not taken at this early stage.
    People should be aware of all the negative news that are in the climate change because without knowing all this we will not be able to curb the dangers in the society or the globe at large which can cause loss of life or pandemic which can come up in the future because of the pollution around us which can cause health challenges or issues and at a high risk death can occur.
    In conclusion, we should all be educated about the dangers that we may likely face in the future.

  • I can't really choose whether only positive news should be shown to people or only negative news because too much positive news may make people think things are going well and do not need to worry much but too much negative news will also make people lose hope. I think the most effective approach to climate change lies between balanced presentation of both positive and negative news.

  • I've spent hours thinking, but in all its very essential that we always hear the negatives about climate change because my findings suggest that negative network news content, in comparison with positive news content, tends to increase both willingness to work immediately and attentiveness.
    And on hearing the negatives, we are being empowered to work immediately and effectively. For example if you should find out that in the next few years that deforestation could damage the planet and remove all oxygen, which could clear humans, Why won't we start planting trees!

  • Yes I agree that people should be shown bad opinions about climate changes because it is when people get to be aware of what is going To happen that they start to look for ways that it can be prevented.
    I know that it is not always easy to withstand bad news especially when it has to do with the climate but at the same time we need to know that even if we do not share the bad news about climate changes people will still die when it comes so the easiest thing to do right now is to share the bad opinions of the climate changes so that it will trigger us on the things to do in other to prevent it.
    For example, one might come up with the idea of making a car that will be using fuel but immediately it comes out of the exhaust pipe it turns into water, now this will help in reducing the climate changes, and it is because we get to be aware of the bad opinions that one has to come up with this type of idea.
    Finally, why I voted for the second opinion is that as people get to hear the bad News, they get More motivated to do something that will reduce the risks ahead of us.
    For example, as we become aware of the climate changes,

  • To me people should be shown only good news about eco anxiety because if they are shown the bad ones , it can cause depression and even fear to the person .

    1. Do you think there would be any downside to only showing the good news?

      1. Hello Abigail,
        well, in my opinion i feel there is a downside to showing only good news because if only good news is shown to people and not some of the bad news or pressing issues on climate change, the people will become relaxed and think within themselves that climate change is not so serious and won't do anything to try to stop it. in conclusion the bad news should be shown for awareness, while the good news also be shown for encouragement.
        Thank you! 👍

      2. To me I don't think there will be any downside to showing only the good ones. To add to what I have said before imagine when someone from Nigeria has a child in places where natural disasters are rampant and on hearing news of maybe flood or something like that , the person gets frightened and afraid , loosing hope for the life of his or her child . This can cause emotional harm to the person.

      3. Yes indeed, there will undoubtably be many negative effects of this proposition of showing the people only good news because it is in human nature to unknowingly choose the most urgent and important task to be done the first. The first quadrant of 'The Eisenhower Matrix' also states this fact. The sad reality is that people don't care if the problem is not linked with them in some way. The activists trying to solve climate change will likely put less effort into their work and other people will be at ease with the climate change even though it's a huge problem. If new articles came out showing reports like '''We have helped find a new way of reducing waste easily without harm to environment''' or something like ''This charity has come up with a solution to clean this river'' or even worse 'Climate change will undoubtably vanish in the near future ''etc, are the articles that put people's minds at ease. Leading them to do nothing meaningful, which can create a disastrous effect on environment. CLIMATE CHANGE IS A GLOBAL PROBLEM, and if people don't unite to save the environment, I guess there will be no hope. Even people who have put their minds to it will just quit, thinking that others will just solve it, they will think that 'ITS NOT MY PROBLEM SO WHY SHOULD I CARE?! ' And that is the main problem of showing only good news as being positive also sometimes doesn't help in the struggles of life. This is a global problem and being lazy doesn't help at all.

  • My choice was bad news. Simply because you will never know what is really going on around you if you only look at the good side of life. But, you need to keep the good news around to still give you hope in our world. The bad side will encourage people to improve how they treat the environment. The good news will help them to see that their actions have good outcomes.

  • As committed_writer said, pollution is a major cause of climate change. And fracking in rural areas is a major cause of this. Illegal or dangerous excavation are practiced in rural areas just to find oil to make money. It affects the indigenes negatively. They do this to make money forgetting the fact that if this does serious damage to that area or the world as a whole, we will all be affected and there will be nowhere to make money again. What do you think should be done to help this indigenes?

  • I chose bad news because if people see what is wrong with our planet it will push them to do the right things, change the habits which affect the planet and push them to encourage others to do the same, so that in the end only good news will be available to share and there will not be any bad topics under climate change.

    I suggest that in the bad news about climate change, there will be ways to fix it discussed so if people don't know what to do to fix it, some ways are explained to them.

    1. I really agree with your comment. I can see how people will push theirselves if they see something bad happening that they know they can fix. But me personally, I chose for good news. I chose good news about climate change because if people see good news about a tragedy, they will feel better about themselves. And I feel if they see something good about it, they will try to contribute to make it better news. I still very much agree with your opinion.

  • I voted that people should only be shown bad news surrounding climate change. Without being shown these negative views people won't begin to see the urgency around climate change and the affects it will have on us and our future generations. This negative news may lead people to feel hopeless about the situation so some positivity would have to be shared. Good news can bring some hope after all the negativity, but too much good news would begin to make people think that the issue no longer exists and has been solved. If you only show good news, people won't begin to take action to try and save or help the environment. I believe that this balance between both positive and negative news is crucial to people seeing the urgency around our everchanging climate and the extremity of this ongoing issue.

  • I wan't sure what to choose at first, but after coming up with multiple reasons for each side I decided that it is more important to be shown negative news. Here are some reasons why: first of all , we probably need to hear the negative news so we can make a change to whatever has happened or prevent it from happening again . It is also important to know what is going on in the world but normally the negative things are generally more important to us. So while it is nice to hear about good things in the news , I think negative things in the news are more important to hear about.

    1. I agree because as an example a war we wouldn't even see it happen if we were only shown the good news. There might also be a reason for it happening so like you stated we could prevent this from happening again.

  • In my opinion I think we should listen to the negative news about climate change to raise awareness and prepare for the actions of climate change. It provides information about the current state of the environment. It also adapts to changing environmental conditions. The negative news helps in a lot of things which can help with a better future and change are lives. Negative new gives us more ideas and initiative on how to do things better.

  • This choice was a tough one and it really got me thinking. I believe that people should be shown both good and bad news about climate change. It is essential that we are informed about the negative effects so as to become alert and maybe consider what we could do to get ourselves out of this situation and save our planet. On the other hand, the good news is what is supposed to keep us motivated to change our habits and keep making daily efforts to create a brighter future for our planet. In the name of objectivity it is fundamental that people are shown both sides of the coin.

  • According to scientific evidence, both positive and negative news about climate change are important as they serve different purposes. Positive news, such as advancements in renewable energy technology and successful conservation efforts, can inspire action and hope for a better future. On the other hand, negative news, like reports of record-breaking temperatures and extreme weather events, can serve as a wake-up call and emphasize the urgent need for action. However, the way climate change news is presented can have a significant impact on how people perceive and respond to it. Negative news can sometimes lead to feelings of despair and hopelessness, while positive news can foster optimism and motivation. Therefore, it's crucial to present both types of news in a balanced and nuanced way, highlighting both the challenges and the opportunities for action. Ultimately, the most valuable kind of news for addressing the climate crisis is the one that empowers individuals and communities to take action, regardless of whether it's positive or negative.

  • i said poeple should know about the bad climate change becuaseAs the impacts of climate change become more frequent and more severe, they will create—and in many cases they already are creating—crises for people and nature around the world. Many types of extreme weather, including heatwaves, heavy downpours, hurricanes and wildfires are becoming stronger and more dangerous

  • I believe that when people see that things are working out good, they work hard to keep it that way. Part of the human nature is to maintain positive changes. If we are shown positive effects of our actions that are actually making a difference to the current climate issue, we may want to try it out ourselves. A lot of people want to make a difference in the climate change situation but, most are uneducated on how to take action. If people see on the media, more of people who are making a difference and more of good news on the Earth getting better, I think this will strike hope in them and keep them striving as well as continuing to play their positive, little or big , part in impacting the future of our planet.

  • I think that people should only be shown good news about climate change. I say this because people will feel better about what they are doing if they hear about the good news. To elaborate on this, if someone sells their gas car for an electric car, and then they see that climate change as slown down, they would feel good about theirselves because they knew they contributed to the slow down. Another reason why I think that people should be only shown good news about climate change is because there are people who worry about death. If these people see good news about climate change. What I am trying to say is that if people hear good news about something, they will feel better.

    1. I disagree because the feelings of the people wouldn't really matter if the world is in trouble. If people were told that the world was coming to an end, they would panic and try to fix the problem that is causing this. If people were lied to that the world wasn't coming to an end they would live their lives normally. Therefore, if people are only told good news the world wouldn't benefit from that good news

  • My choice was very valid to me, but it was a tough one, because if people where to be noticed on the bad news about climate change, maybe it will make them realize that they have to start to protect the earth from climate change. I am also happy with my answer, because good news about the climate change can make people happy and allow them to realize what they have been doing is wrong, leading some people to change and save our world.

  • This decision was really tough because i truly do not agree with these options. Climate change is something that affects the world on a day to day basis. People should be shown be shown the good progress that is being made in climate change and the bad in climate change because if people are just focused on the good side of it they won´t be seeing how it´s affecting the world, but on the other hand if people only see the bad side of climate change they will only be focused on how its affecting the world. I genuinely think that people should have the option to talk about both the good and the bad and not being forced to choose between one.

  • I picked that we should only be shown the bad news about climate change, but I truly don't agree with any of the statements. I think this is because, we need to be aware of both the good & bad of climate change. I think if we know what we are doing wrong and how to prevent what we are doing we can make real progress. I believe that it is good to know all the good things about climate change to see if we are improving. I think that it is also good to know because that way we know what we are doing right, and we can continue to do that. and this will lead to solving the problem or at least making a little better

  • This decision was quite a hard one to make. I voted that people should only be shown bad news. I picked this because if their country was in danger and they didn't know about it, that would not end well. Also people can't just think that the world is all happy as it is not and the news helps us to see why the whole world is not a happy place. People should also know that their actions that might not seem that much actually might hurt the world. It was a hard one as I also wanted to go with people only to hear good news. I wanted to choose this as for people that have Eco- anxiety that might make them even more worried if they see the world in a bad position. If people with Eco - anxiety see the world like this something dreadful might happen if they get too worried. Seeing only good news helps people not to worry about what's going on around the world. But at the same time they need to see bad news too for people to be safe.

  • These 2 decisions were hard to chose on, but I chose that people should only be shown bad news about climate change. The reason why I chose that option was if people were to see the only good stuff about climate change, how would they know about the bad stuff happening to the earth we all love. if people were to see the bad stuff instead of the good stuff in climate change people would be encouraged to take a stand and make the earth a better place for us and the next generation.

  • In my opinion, I think bad news about climate change is the best. For me this wasn't hard for me to choose. Sometimes people need bad news about climate change. When the time comes it gives people information about when it's coming so they could get ready for it. People could realise things around the world about what's happening around them. This inspires them and makes them want to help people around the world. It's a really good thing that bad news is out there, it can spread awareness. But, if people had good news then people won't realise what's around us.

  • i chose good news daily, because when someone here's to much negativity it becomes a problem it is said too much negativity is bad and especially when it affect the whole world but when we here about good news our minds become free this is what drives us to do better but if it is too much negativity people think it keeps getting worse and worse with non stop but with positive news technology is advancing to help save the planet like renewable energy also known as infinite energy which doesn't affect the planet in a bad way and with positive news new ways to save the planet are created though negativity is good to help understand our action i still recommend positive news to there is still hope for us about climate change. positivity reduces stress help the mind it is said a better mind a better world a bad mind a bad world with positive news technological enhancement are created.
    thank you
    looking forward to correction

  • I believe that we should be shown the bad news about climate change. Even though it'll cause some distress for some people, we shouldn't have it be sugar coated so we can get actual information about what's going on.

  • In the world there is the concept of good and evil.But how do we do know how to differentiate the two concepts when everyone has different opinions. I suggest they should only be shown the negative aspect in the news about climate change because of the awareness that can be spread.With bad news being showcased the audience can see what is wrong with climate change and eventually they can come up with a resolution and create a better environment.When good news are being spread it blinds the audience and will gaslight them to not see any bad in the environment or any problem at all.Most of the time people are given good news so they are vulnerable and are not given a reality check that the world is not just good,and rainbows,and unicorns there is bad and that is the world we live in,even though it is we can overcome the bad and improve.That is why i suggest we only see bad news.We must be open.

  • This was a very hard choice for me. I voted that people should be shown bad news about climate change. Although with bad news people tend to lose hope about climate change getting better, but I believe it's probably better to be informed about the reality that's happening in the world. Although hearing about good news inspires people and gives them hope, I would say that since people start to think that things are going good they stop trying to continue to make things better. If people only heard bad news about climate change then they would care for this issue and try to solve it.

  • While making this decision i had second thoughts. At first i thought that showing people good news about climate change could be a good thing because it could help encourage other people to join acts that help try and lower climate change, but i also at some point belive that showing a little of the bad things about climate change could also help people gain awareness to what's going on and that could also move people to try and join the help. Aswell, i just believe showing people the good can show people that we are actually making progress in trying to fix this issue.

  • In my opinion, I think the news should mostly shed light on the negative news about the climate crisis. Although, negative news can cause anxiety and panic among our younger audience, it alerts people of the reality we live in. To save the planet and our future, we must be informed and aware. Nobody likes to receive bad news, but it puts us to action. The climate crisis should be something that we are challenged to improve!

  • I'd lean towards the idea that people should get more positive news about climate change. Yeah the harsh realities (the bad news) give us a kick in the pants, making us aware and urgent about the problems. But let's be real too much of that can be a downer and people might just throw their hands up in despair.

    On the flip side focusing on the positive stuff is like giving everyone a pat on the back. It boosts morale makes us feel like our efforts matter and keeps us motivated to keep doing the right thing for the environment.

    So my pick would be to serve up more of the good news It's like fuel for our eco friendly fire keeping us inspired to keep pushing for positive change.

  • I agree with option 2 since if we shared the good things about climate change can make less traumatized people around the world. Also I think we should see the good and bad news but if we only shared the good news people will most likely be not traumatized with the climate change.

  • I agree with this statement because a lot of people already take in to consideration that climate change is real and how it is affecting the world slowly but surely. It is already bad when the news makes the public eye feel bad due to peer pressure to stand up to the high expectations to stop climate change. If they want to help they should talk to the powerful people not the people that can try to do stuff that isn't effective. People are trying to turn climate change from a negeitive situation to a positive one by using the gas made products less and natruel products more. This is why i think that the news should stop looking at the negitive things people do for the situation but the positive things for this global crisis.

  • In my opinion, for safety reasons bad news should be exposed about climate change. Knowing good things about climate change can be relieving, but all the time can cause many consequences. Knowing all the things that are bad can help people find out ways they can prevent it. People will start to feel hope, but that can lead towards too much hope. Negative news can cause effects to health and cause people to be worried but just incase of a disaster people can be prepared to save themselves.

    1. I disagree because... the bad news will make people to be aware and be on their toes knowing fully well the negative impact of climate change. Imagine that MR. A told MR. B the postive impacts of smoking and not the negative impacts. Mr B will not know that there are disadvantages to smoking and he will keep smoking until the consequences become obvious and irreversible. I think that the negative news should be made known to the public even more than the postive news. Prevention is always better than cure. I am open to any other ideas or oppositions.

      1. When you say prevention is better than the cure, can you give an example to explain this?

        1. You can use the phrase “prevention is better than cure” when referring to behavior that protects you from future problems or adverse events. For instance, you could say “prevention is better than cure” to describe your behavior of eating right and exercising compared to taking medication for heart problems later in life.
          For example, I always try to eat healthy and exercise regularly, because I know that prevention is better than cure when it comes to my heart health. I don't want to end up taking medication or having surgery for something that could have been prevented.

        2. I agree because...
          A good way to live a healthy and happy life is to follow the principle of “prevention is better than cure”. This means that you should take care of yourself before you get sick or face difficulties. For example, you should eat nutritious food and exercise regularly to prevent heart problems in the future, rather than relying on medication or surgery later. By doing this, you can save yourself from pain, suffering and expenses. “Prevention is better than cure” is a wise and practical motto that can guide you in making better choices for your well-being.

  • This choice was definitely a hard one. In my opinion, I believe that we should be shown both not just bad or even just good. I have decided to choose to only show the bad news that is happening around the world. I have chosen this because we as people should know how to clean the environment and save our world so we know when we have helped the environment. Many people around the world have seen all the war happening and are helping out those countries - an example of bad news . Let's take the example of Russia attacking Ukraine. We as countries have given many things to help out like food and water. On the other hand, if we were told only good news we could not have helped them at all because we wouldn't even know it was happening. There would have been no help at all. That is why I have chosen to pick only bad news should be shown.

  • Honestly, this is very hard decision for me to make. But at last after some reasoning I have to choose the first option which says " people should be shown bad news about climate change".
    I decided to choose this first option because, if the journalist is always saying The good news about the climate changes, that will definitely make the people to fill relaxed and probably think that everything is fine while there is fire on the mountain, but when we are been told and informed about the danger that is ahead of us, we get to act in other to stop what is about to eat us up.
    At the same time, I will not forget to add that this news will probably make some people to develop high blood pressure, but let me also remind us that it is better for some people to fall sick because of the news, than for the whole earth to collapse because we do not want to hear news that will break our hearts.
    Finally, what I'm saying is that when we get to know what is happening, that will motivate us the more to be able to terminate it.

  • I think hearing bad news is a good thing cause people can hear the mistakes that happened in the world and correct them!Hearing only good news isn't going to correct anything!!!We learn from our faults and I think that the some people in the world agree with me...

  • This was so challenging to choose between the anticipation and pessimistic news about climate change because climate change is the main problem caused by human beings . Climate change is the the ongoing increase in global average temperature. People should know what going on in this world . Everyone know if climate change occur themself they will face the problem .Everyone know us human being are sinew of climate change who are just augmenting the global warming . According to me people should be well known about what are they doing and what will be the output. If people will only get anticipating news people will give up spreading awareness. But if they will get pessimistic news they will get hope to educate others about bad outcome of climate change.

  • In my opinion, this is a crisis of epic proportions and it shall not be sugarcoated. It's better that the common folk see exactly what's wrong with the earth currently rather than live in denial about it and then it being too late to change when their eyes finally open. It's not like climate change cannot be stopped, It can! And it has been in the past. One example that comes to my mind is that of the ozone hole over Antarctica which was caused in the 1980s by the emissions of CFCs. When scientists found out about the ozone hole, governments put strict regulations against CFCs and now the hole has stopped growing. So this proves that with unity and correct actions, humanity can endure almost anything, Given that the people don't turn the other way and ignore the issue.

  • At first, I voted that people should be shown only the good news about climate change, but my opinion changed after I read different people's opinion about the topic. There was a particular comment made by marvelous hedgehog that stood out to me. The comment made me understand that there should be a balance between both the good news and the bad news shown to the public because if people keep seeing only the positive aspects of climate change they might decide to relax and might begin to feel everything is alright meanwhile there is still a lot of damage happening to the earth and if people are being shown only the negative aspects they might be discouraged and they might give up but then if people are shown both the good and bad news about climate change there will be a balance and people will see that their efforts are producing good results but they still need to put in more effort because there is still a lot of damage being done to planet earth.

  • I would say, the bad news that is broadcasted about climate change every day out ways the good news, if there is any.
    Which is why I want to talk a little on how we can use AI's to generate more good news about climate change.

    AI application can be used to design building for power storage, and to give Ideas on how the excess fumes released from vehicles can be controlled, AI's can provide a lot of unstructured data and graphs, which can help those who work on climate change, to predict what might happen in future based on present terms and make them brace up to combat the climate change.

    AI's could help enlighten owners of industries that are known for production of greenhouse emissions on how to curb such situations.

    Clutton brock said, "the threats posed by climate change ensure that that efforts to find a fix using AI would continue" Of course we all know that "the opportunity is better than the risk.

    If all these things I stated above are done, I would have hope and also give others hope that there would be good news about climate change some day. Because the news about climate change alone is almost as frightening as the climate change itself

  • Hey everyone,

    I personally think that it's important for people to receive a balanced view of the news regarding climate change. A lot of the news we see about climate change is negative, which can be really overwhelming and make us feel like nobody cares about the environment. But that's not the case! There are actually some really amazing people out there who are doing their part to reduce climate change and encourage others to do the same.

    On the other hand, if we only hear good news, we might think that everything's fine and not take any action to reduce climate change. So it's important that we're aware of both the positive and negative aspects of the situation.

    I totally agree with Marvelous Hedgehog when he/she said that balance is key in this fight against climate change. Let's all work together and do our part to help protect the environment!

  • Nowadays, i mostly see negative news about climate and wether and almost no positive ones . Beacause of that i often prefer not to watch anything if that kind beacause it makes me feel like everything is going downhill. However there are many people who are working hard ti solve this problem.
    That's why, people should have access to information about the actual situation, with the good and the bad.

  • I think that a balanced approach is crucial in presenting news about climate change. The current focus on negative news can be overwhelming, and it often makes me want to avoid the topic altogether. However, it's important to remember that many people are working tirelessly to address this issue, and their efforts deserve recognition. Highlighting successful campaigns and positive developments could inspire more people to take action and believe that change is possible.
    On the other hand, presenting only positive information could create a false sense of security, leading people to think that no action is necessary. Therefore, I believe that people should have access to a comprehensive view of the situation, including both the challenges and the progress being made. This would provide a more realistic and actionable understanding of the issue.

  • I think the news is so negative and it is always about the latest wars or murders.I feel like the news should be a to programme where you can feel safe and learn about the world but not feel scared about our future.

  • I believe that negative news should me shown more about climate change; to make people realise about the consequences of climate change and to awake them about bringing a change in their lives..

  • I don't think any of us would ever be able to forget the dark age of COVID-19 when we all were stuck in our homes. But the worst part about it was the negativity that got spread in everyone. When you are stuck in a place for approximately 2 years your emotions, feelings and thoughts get bottled up leading to negativity. What made things worse was the news about deaths and people staying away from their families, it was like fuel in a fire. When you are already going through a lot what you need is probably not always the truth that spreads negativity. In these circumstances perhaps a positive push is all you need. During that period me an my family spent time together to cancel out the negativity and bring positivity into our lives even in those tough circumstances.
    This was just an example to show that maybe you don't always want the truth because it might spread negativity which won't be good for you.

  • I say they should spend bad news about climate change because , it can help people know whats going on in the world.

  • "I believe people should be exposed to positive news about climate change because seeing the positive aspects will evoke a sense of happiness, motivating them to recognize their positive contributions to the planet. This, in turn, can inspire individuals to collaborate with their community, brainstorming different ways to actively contribute to the fight against climate change."
    Thank You

  • There is no definitive answer, as different people may have different preferences and reactions to the type of news they consume, this is why I agree we should be shown both sides of the news about climate change even after I chose bad news, I agree we should be opportune people to see both sides of the news. I think we should be shown bad news as it can raise awareness and urgency about the seriousness of the climate crisis and show the need for immediate action, it can also motivate people to change their behaviors and reduce their environmental impact. Bad news can provide factual and accurate information about the causes and effects of climate change rather than give false hope. However, we should be shown good news as it can inspire hope and positivism about the possibility of solving climate crisis and creating a better future.
    Ultimately, I think both types of news are useful and necessary for the world, as long as they are balanced and credible. Too much bad news can cause fear, despair, and apathy, while too much good news can cause complacency, denial, and greenwashing. A mix of both can provide us with a realistic and holistic picture of the climate situation and empower us to take informed and positive action. One sided information about climate can cause inefficiency and eventually cause more climate crisis so a mix of both is a mix of opportunities for the Greenworld.

  • News channels often focus on sensational or negative stories, as they tend to attract more attention. While it's important to be aware of a critical issues, it is also beneficial to seek a balance by consulting a variety of news sources and staying informed about positive development, solutions , and inspiring stories that progress resilience in different areas.

  • This was a hard decision to make. I chose bad news because now when I look at the news there are always bad news and almost never good. Because of that, I prefer to watch other things that don't include the news. It makes me and probably people with Eco-anxiety to feel like everything is going downhill. However that is not true as there are people working really hard to help the planet. But no one on the news seems to mention the people who are actually helping and instead they show just the problem. Also if they would post about the people helping most people would be encouraged and think they might or can help .But , On the other hand, people should not only hear good facts because if they do then they will think everything happening in the world is fine and it is a happy place but it is not. This means that people won't help as they think that the world is fine and they will put no effort into helping as they think everything is okay. This is why I think everyone should have access information about the news that show the problem and the good and bad things about it.

  • I think it's crucial to strike a balance when it comes to sharing news about climate change. While it's important to be aware of the challenges and urgency of the situation, it's also uplifting and motivating to see positive developments and solutions in the fight against climate change. By finding this balance, we can inspire action and hope while also highlighting the areas that need attention and improvement. This approach can help people stay informed and engaged without feeling overwhelmed or disheartened by the constant stream of negative news. It's about empowering individuals to take positive action while acknowledging the reality of the situation.

  • I totally understand where you're coming from! It can feel like there's a lot of negative news about climate change out there. But don't worry, it's important to find a balance between positive and negative news. While negative news can be overwhelming, there are actually some positive things happening too! People all around the world are coming up with cool solutions to help combat climate change. Like, there are renewable energy sources like solar and wind power that are becoming more popular. And there are sustainable farming practices and conservation efforts that are making a difference too. It's pretty awesome to see so many people working together to make a positive impact. So yeah, let's stay positive and keep spreading awareness! 🌍😄

  • I totally understand where you're coming from! It can feel like there's a lot of negative news about climate change out there. But don't worry, it's important to find a balance between positive and negative news. While negative news can be overwhelming, there are actually some positive things happening too! People all around the world are coming up with cool solutions to help combat climate change. Like, there are renewable energy sources like solar and wind power that are becoming more popular. And there are sustainable farming practices and conservation efforts that are making a difference too. It's pretty awesome to see so many people working together to make a positive impact. So yeah, let's stay positive and keep spreading awareness! 🌍😄

  • I chose people should only be shown bad news about climate change because it is better to be aware of what is happening than to not know at all, that way more poeple could act. If we only showed good news then people won't really care, but is we show bad news then at least we are aware that this is happening so then we can do our part to help. I understand that we don't really want to be hearing the bad news, but if we don't then the situation will just get worse.

  • I think people should know the negative news about climate change because the negative effects of climate change can serve as a wake-up call and motivate people to take action. When people witness the devastating impacts on communities, ecosystems, and even their own lives, it creates a sense of urgency to fight against climate change. It encourages individuals, communities, and governments to adopt sustainable practices, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and transition to renewable energy sources. The negative effects of climate change can inspire collective action, raise awareness, and drive the implementation of environmental-friendly policies and practices.

  • Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The first known case was identified in Wuhan, China in December 2019.The disease spread rapidly around the world, causing the COVID-19 pandemic..Symptoms of COVID-19 vary, but often include fever, cough, headache,fatigue, difficulty breathing, and sensitivity to smell and taste.These symptoms may begin one to fourteen days after exposure to the virus. At least a third of those infected do not develop noticeable symptoms.Of those with symptoms significant enough to be classified as patients, the majority (81%) develop mild to moderate symptoms ,while 14% develop severe symptoms as respiratory, hypoxia and 5% develop critical symptoms a as respiratory failure, Older people are at greater risk of developing severe symptoms. Some people experience multiple effects months or years after infection, and organ damage has been observed. Multi-year studies are being conducted to further investigate the long-term effects of the disease..COVID-19 appear approximately 2 to 14 days after exposure to the virus. People who test positive for COVID-19 usually develop symptoms within a few weeks. Long-term COVID patients may have persistent symptoms that last at least 12 weeks after infection

  • I think it is more than important to show people the bad news about climate change. We have a saying here that says that as long as Humans are not afraid of something, they will never curb their actions. A psychological experiment conducted in the 1980s, had once proved that if humans are left at their own free will, without any checks or repercussions, their darkest sides will overflow, harming not just the people around them.
    How long will we keep things balanced? Showing people the good and the bad sides will make them lenient. Showing them just the bad aspects of Climate change will induce worry which will turn into self control. If bad news about climate change is floated throughout the world, a large part of our minds will compel us to find the solution. We will, unknowingly even, start working in a sustainable manner.
    Honestly, I believe our consciousness tries to push us into our comfort zone, a place with no responsibility. The only way to break this externally, is to worry the human mind into finding solutions.
    It's almost like feeding a child the bitterest medicine to cure him.
    Hence, I believe that only bad news should be shown about climate change.

  • Good news can give us hope and motivate us
    to countinue our efforts in combating climate change. It shows us that our actions are making a difference. On the other hand, bad news can be alarming and highlight the urgency of the situation. It reminds us that there is still much work to be done. Being aware of both good and bad news allows us to have a more comprehensive understanding of the climate crisis. It helps us stay informed and encourages us to take action. It's important not to be overwhelmed by the negative aspects but rather see them as opportunities for change. By staying informed about the challenges we face we can work towards a sustainable future and make a positive impact. So, it's beneficial to pay attention to both good and bad news about the climate.

  • HI!
    I think we should hear the negative news and some of the positive news about eco anxiety. I say that because:
    1. When people hear the negative side of certain news such as Eco Anxiety, they become agitated and also start to lose hope.
    2. On the other hand, if they hear some positive news like: there are solutions to eco anxiety, they will be strengthened and also find ways to see that they can help the society.
    3. Also when people hear the bad aspect such as, floods, drought and so on they will take precaution and be alert.
    4. People will realize that they are destroying their habitat.
    Finally we should not only focus on the negative aspect, but look on the bright side and know there is hope for Eco Anxiety and the people.

  • Well, people deserve to get to know about the actual scenario about what’s happening in the global scenario regarding climate change. There are a lot of negative outcomes that are visible but also at the same time a lot of efforts are there too. Everything should be sorted of with balance, so the news should not only be only negative news. Yes, it's true that negative news can make people aware and more concerned to the issue but people trying their best and the news are still coming negative can cause people to have less hope. Though, people and authorities are still trying their best to solve the problem but the programs and maybe interviews they organize are not quiet been on the headlines. Their hard work are not being visible to general population and the result is far lesser the result they expect. If the effective campaigns are more shown on the news, people will get a chance to know more and with their support the campaigns would be more effective.
    Meanwhile, on the other hand, the positive news is the key for further encouragement and people who already started to solve the problems are more encouraged and the people who had lost their hope would rise again. People can provide inputs from their individual level too because even small things matter a lot in the case of preservation of the nature. Also contradictorily if people would start to hear positive news only, they will start to belief that everything is alright and the effort would become less effective. Also, as a suggestion, either it is negative news or its positive news, the governmental support is the best way to rise a hope or to improve the encouragement. Also, the governmental support would increase the publishing of the news giving it the 'headline' as a matter of concern.
    At last, on my point of view, it is a right of a citizen to get the information to negative or positive news of the situation. If the actual scenario, as a negative side, is shown to the people then, as a positive side, news regarding ways to contribute in this matter must also be broadcasted.

  • I believe that it is crucial for people to be exposed to the adverse effects of climate change. By understanding the harmful effects of our actions and the impact on ourselves and other living beings, we can be motivated to take action and protect the environment or ecosystem. However, this doesn't imply that positive news should be disregarded. In fact, it's equally important to showcase the progress made in the savings of the environment, as it reinforces the effectiveness of our efforts and encourages us to persist endeavors.
    In resolution protecting the ecosystem requires a collective effort from individuals, government, organization, and industries. By implementing stricter regulations, promoting sustainable practices, inserting awearness, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for our planet.
    Let us all strive to perform better and continue to protect the ecosystem for the benefits of current and future generations.

  • Hi there!
    I don't agree with any of the options. Everyone is expecting to hear only the good news of this eco anxiety but on the other hand I agree with the fact that as the good news is being shared, it is also very important to also share the bad ones as well because when you share the good ones and leave the bad ones, people will feel so comfortable and will not think of the other side effects of this issue. When they only hear about the bad ones, they will become too uncomfortable. Therefore it is good to share both the bad and the good news so that when they are being sad about the bad ones, the good ones will make them relax a bit. For example, when they hear that the climate change is getting worst, they will also smile at the news of the new technologies being created that will help regulate the climate change.

    1. Can you give two examples of new technology that has been developed to improve climate change?

  • I believe that balance is necessary in this topic but if we have to choose one, I would rather go for ' only negative news about the climate change'.Nowadays we only see the negative part of climate change and there are people who are working for climate change, there are people working to improve our environment and these people are none other than us, a common citizen. Have you ever wondered from where are the getting to know about climate change? It's obvious, by news channels or newspapers. If news channels or newspapers shows us only positive part of climate change, do you think will anybody be bothered about the disadvantages of climate change? Peoples mindset will be like "If climate change is so good and even helps developing the Nations or strengthing economy then why should we be bothered about. There might not be any disadvantages of climate change if it would had any sort of disadvantages, news channels would have told us". If no one knows about the negative impacts of climate change then I don't think so that anybody would take any step for it as they wouldn't be knowing about it's consequences. We know that a country's strength lies in its citizens and if citizens are unaware of upcoming disasters, of upcoming issues by climate change then they wouldn't be able to confront it's consequences and if this happens that human race is in danger.

  • In aligning with the perspective of eco-anxiety, the belief is that focusing predominantly on the negative aspects of climate change is crucial for driving meaningful action. As someone who shares this eco-anxious sentiment, the emphasis is placed on spreading alarming news about climate change to underscore the severity of the crisis. The rationale is that a heightened sense of urgency, created by highlighting the grim realities, is more likely to prompt individuals and societies to take immediate and impactful measures against climate change. By consistently amplifying the negative news surrounding climate issues, the aim is to instill a collective responsibility and mobilize widespread efforts to address the environmental challenges at hand.

  • I think it is important for both sides to be portrayed on the media equally.
    When it comes to positive news about AI, a main demerit is that people may have a false believe that all is okay with the earth and the problem of climate change causing them to not take any action. However, for a well-informed person on the dangers and effects of climate change, He/She would view positive news as a sense of hope and not a complete elimination of the problems which we are still facing with Climate change.
    In contrast, negative news can cultivate fear in people that there is no form of hope when it comes to climate change, when in fact, there is. This also leads to eco-anxiety. However a merit of negative news is that it serves as a form of negative people. We all need to open our eyes whether we like it or not to the problems we are currently facing if we want to guarantee a future on this earth.
    In conclusion, I believe that any news would be beneficial if everyone is properly informed.

  • As far as I am concerned,it is significant for people to know the truth. Not only the negative or the positive effects . If they are aware of the truth, then they will be able to cope with any problem that excists. That is why I strongly believe that people should know both perspectives of every phenomenon . I mean that when we know the negative impact of global warming, it may move us to action.On the other hand , when we try for something ,it is nice to see our hard work paying off.Through good news , we can take courage and cotinue to make efforts for a better future

  • Recently I’ve been seeing alot of negative news which is affecting on our mental health. Nowadays I prefer not to watch this kind of news anymore so they won’t effect on us because when we watch this kind of things we feel like everything thing is going downhell and nothing will be fine anymore. Since modern society is shaped by the mass media, as negative news becomes an increasingly indispensable part of mass media reports, individuals will begin to perceive society as full of danger and conflicts.
    Relationships between individuals would thus become increasingly inhospitable and distant. Also it may cause loneliness or even hopelessness in anything.

  • Exposure to bad news increases stress and stress can cause or contribute to increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the body. Symptoms of post traumatic stress disorder depressive symptoms like loneliness or even hopelessness.

  • I Picked the fact that people should only be shown good news about climate change. Only hearing negative news about climate change can increase feelings of eco-anxiety. Good news generally improves both mental and physical health by increasing feelings of joy and hope. Positive news also encourages the desire for self-improvement and creates change. If we hear good news on climate change it will help us try to get better. Some people don't like improving if they don't see results. Seeing good news will motivate us to get even better and do more to save the environment. Bad news on climate change cause too much anxiety and this will ruin individual lives and it may even drag down rates of improvement in human well-being and the environment. Receiving good news on climate change will bring hope. People's mental health could be better in many ways which will reduce eco-anxiety. Hearing too much bad news on climate change can create high levels of stress. Stress can result in poorer self-care. You could neglect your sleep, diet, and exercise goals. And you could also feel worse overall.

  • I voted for "People should only be shown bad news about climate change." Although, it would altogether spread negativity and eco-anxiety, but, at the same time, it would also force us to take certain steps regarding climate change.
    Even I don't wish to unfurl negativity in the world, as it would make us feel hopeless, destroyed and broken. Nevertheless, if we just give people positive news, they would perceive that everything is fine and nothing is to be worried about.
    If negativity actually motivates people to do something for the environment, this negativity can turn out to be good. If this negativity makes people to take just small steps, that would also prevent climate change.
    However, I still feel that stability would be the best option. If positive and negative thoughts would be mixed together, it would create more impact, because, through this, people wouldn't go hopeless. Positive thoughts can be a reward for people's worry, measures, and their hopes.

  • The statement "People should only be shown good news about climate change" suggests a focus on positive and constructive aspects of climate-related developments. Advocates of this perspective argue that emphasizing positive news can inspire hope and motivation, encouraging individuals to engage in sustainable practices and support environmental initiatives. By highlighting success stories, renewable energy advancements, and positive changes in policies, people may feel more empowered to take positive actions towards mitigating climate change. This approach aims to foster a sense of optimism and collective responsibility, potentially galvanizing broader public support for climate-friendly policies and lifestyle choices. While acknowledging the seriousness of environmental challenges is crucial, proponents of emphasizing positive news believe that a more optimistic narrative can drive meaningful and proactive responses to the climate crisis.

  • I agree with the point which shows that negative news should only be shown. Because If the news is good we would feel it. Just as an example we can say; If global warming decreases we can feel low temperature than before which we can easily understand. But if there is a bad news such as earthquake is going on in the ocean which can cause cyclones and tsunami we cant get this news known easily. For this news we need to have sufficient amount of gadgets which will identify what's going under the ocean.

  • I think that mostly people should be shown positive news about the World. We already know the problems the world faces and some of us experience them at times. However we need to learn anything that has improved or changed positively in the world. This will make us think that our actions have taken place and we can continue with them to help nature.

  • Climate change refers to long-term shifts of the temperature and weather on Earth. It's mainly caused by human activities, like burning fossil fuels, releasing of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. It has effected on our ecosystem. With the positive news about climate change people's will get care free and perform bad human activities .On the other hand with the negative news about climate change people can get hampered but it can motivate people and can create awareness among people to reduce human activities causing climate to change. It's important for us to take action to reduce our carbon footprint and take urgent actions bout the climate change and help create a sustainable future!!

  • Acknowledging both good and bad news about the climate is essential for fostering a balanced and informed perspective. Positive developments inspire hope, encouraging individuals and communities to sustain eco-friendly practices. Conversely, negative news serves as a crucial wake-up call, prompting necessary action and policy changes. Together, they create a comprehensive understanding of the climate crisis, motivating collective efforts to address challenges while celebrating successes. This dual approach encourages a sense of responsibility and urgency, driving a more effective and nuanced response to the complex issues surrounding climate change.

  • In my opinion, sharing only positive news about climate change might make people feel good temporarily, and it can be motivating for the people. Highlighting the progress in dealing with environmental issues can inspire action and a sense of hope. However, it's important to balance the information by also talking about the challenges. Ignoring the negative aspects might lead to a lack of awareness about how serious the situation is. Knowing both the successes and difficulties helps people understand the full picture and encourages everyone to work together for a more sustainable future. Being honest about the impact of climate change motivates people to adopt eco-friendly practices and support policies that protect the environment. Open communication is key for building a genuine commitment to taking care of our planet. That's why it is important to talk about good news of climate change so that people can be happy short period of time and it will also motivate them.
    'Thank You'

  • In my own perspective I think that people should be shown both the good and bad news on climate change because ,I think that it is too late to limit or avoid some of the worst effects of the climate change ,I say this because some human activities have caused major climate change to occur .for example we humans depend mostly on sea animals like: fish , if when we eat too much of them because it is said to be protein the animals would become endangered .

  • News concerning climate change, both good and bad, has essential uses. Good news can arouse optimism, spur action, and highlight accomplished attempts to solve climate-related issues. Conversely, bad news draws attention to pressing problems and emphasises the necessity for quick action. Combining the two points of view in a balanced manner can promote a thorough comprehension and a group effort to effectively combat climate change.

  • Even if I answered to show us good news I think that I answered just by luck. I don't think we can just say that one thing is true. Bad news are good news and the opposite sometimes. When we are talking about the environment we need to take into account both positive and negative news. In that way we learn what are the problems around us, we evaluate them and we turn them into something positive by taking action

  • Understanding both the bad and good parts of climate change is really important to find good ways to deal with it everywhere. On one side, knowing the bad things that come with climate change, like higher temperatures, extreme weather, and animals and plants dying, makes us want to do something about it right away. It makes us feel like it's a big deal, and it makes people, communities, and governments want to choose ways of living and making rules that help the environment. On the other side, talking about good things, like ways we're already stopping climate change and new technologies and projects from communities, gives us hope and makes us want to keep going. It shows that we can fix the problems and that when we all work together, we can make things better. By talking about both the hard parts and the good parts, we get a full picture that helps us make good choices, be strong when things get tough, and feel like we're all responsible for taking care of our planet. Knowing all about climate change, both the bad and good sides, helps us come together to make a difference.

    1. Your talk on climate change is like a tale of two sides – one, a bit gloomy with hotter days, crazy weather, and sad losses in nature. But, you flip the script and show the sunny side too, talking about how people are teaming up and cool projects are happening to tackle climate change.

      It's like a puzzle, where the tough pieces fit with the good ones to make a picture that shouts "we can do this!" Your words are a gentle push for all of us to join hands and take care of our planet. It's a mix of reality and hope that paints a full picture, making us all feel like we're in this together.

  • This decision was a hard one to make. I chose that people should only be shown bad news. I chose this one because if people only saw good news then they would think the world is a happy place but it is not and the bad news helps us to see that. I also picked it because if a country was in danger and the people in that country could only see the good news they wouldn't know what is about to happen so something bad might occur. Another reason why i picked it is because people need to know that some activities that they do that don't seem like much , might actually be hurting the world. I thought this was a hard decision , because I also wanted to pick for people to only see good news.I also wanted to choose this one because for the people that have Eco- anxiety might make them a whole lot more worried if they see that the world is in a bad position. If people with Eco-anxiety see the world like this something dreadful might happen to them if they get too overwhelmed by looking at the negative news. Also seeing only good news helps people not to worry about what's going on around the world. But at the same time they need to see bad news too, for people to be safe. This is why we need both good and bad news.

  • I think neither showing only positive news or only negative news is a good thing where if people only saw the good news they might think people are overreacting about the climate crisis and stop caring and putting effort into protecting our planet but at the same time it can help calm down the people who are anxious and worried, while if people only saw the bad news they might develop eco-anxiety and fear that the damage that has been done to the planet is irreversible and that humanity is doomed and will make them lose hope for a greener future. There are many people who are working to save the Earth by spreading awareness, creating eco-friendly products, reusing old things etc. But aren't getting any recognition from people which makes people think that no one is putting in any effort into protecting the planet and only focus on the negative. I believe showing too much bad news will just scare people and may ruin their mental health and showing too much good news will make them think that everything is going smoothly and that there's no need to care about climate change so the best thing to do is to share both positive and negative news.

  • I agree with option A because positive news about the climate would make people feel like it is okay to keep doing bad things.On the other hand, if people were to receive bad news about the climate it could make a better impact on how people feel about what they are doing.It would give them risks and convince them to stop adding to climate change.However, I also believe both good and bad news combined would be better. It would show people how limiting or stopping things that increase climate change would benefit them and Earth.

    1. Can you find some good news about the fight against climate change to share with Topical Talkers?

  • Good news about climate change can encourage people to act by igniting hope. It can highlight effective initiatives and creative fixes that have a beneficial effect on the environment. Good news can also draw attention to the strides being made in the areas of renewable energy promotion, greenhouse gas emission reduction, and adoption of sustainable practices. Positive narratives can inspire people, groups, and institutions of government to keep working toward the transition to a more sustainable future.

  • If I had to say , I would definitely choose to only see good news about climate change on the news. To wake up in the morning to see news about how renewable energy is changing society today and only things of that nature would be a dream come true.More often than not , you see news about oceans rising or news about polar bears going extinct and it just makes you think that this planet is dying right in front of our eyes when its really not. What I really wanna see is good news. It makes people in my community and people around the world feel super scared to see how bad our planet is changing right now .

    But in my true opinion I would like to see an equal amount of both good and bad news about climate change. When people wake up early in the morning to watch the news , they expect to see good information but also realistic information. The announcers can say that natural disasters are increasing and intensifying but also include news about how were reducing the use of fossil fuels. We shouldn't not place the negative things on the table , but the world is changing and we all have to be ready and prepare. Plus, even when the negative information is bad were always trying to prevent these things from happening so that's more good information. So I wouldn't say that we should only present positive information about climate change on the news , but we should have both because were constantly trying to prevent these negative problems from happening and were making good progress. So technically this negative information will give us positive information in the long-run.

  • I believe that people should be shown good news about climate change as currently there is a lot of bad news going around which can already give people anxiety and can make them more worried if they hear something like glaciers melting (which will lead to flooding). This type of news mixed with other bad news could give them both eco-anxiety and normal anxiety. If these reports shares negative news about climate change it could make many scared of what’s going to happen next in their life with panic in the country and lots of other bad things following. Good announcements, like talking about if it’s going to be sunny outside, will bring people joy and happiness as it’s amazing weather and it will make them go outside more giving them Vitamin D. Also making all of us healthy.

  • Human beings are driven by their emotions. Since the dawn of mankind we have survived and adapted because of our fear of returning to dust. We have hunted, fought, killed, just to stay on top of the food chain and to live. Fear, what is looked down upon as a negative emotion is the one of the key factors that we have survived for centuries. Call it an instinct you want but that instinct has helped us stay alive all this time. So when it comes to our planet, not just our survival is in question but also that of every tiny organism that breathes on this Earth. Showing negative news related to climate change is what has made many people aware and alert of this serious situation. This fear, this survival instinct, will lead to people finally getting serious about our decaying ecosystem and get up to bring a change and pause the supposed inevitable death of our globe and our human race. Thus, I am in favor of showing negative news about climate change because fear can be a great motivation to change our destiny.

  • In my opinion people should be shown only bad news about the climate changes so they can try their best to find a solution to this problem and avoid the things that cause it and that would lead to the decrease of the harms of the bad causes of the climate changes and also I see that from the most important negative impact of the climate changes is the melting of the two poles as it threatens the extinction of many polar animals as the polar bears and also causes floods that leads to the death of many living organisms and the damage of the environment.

  • I think that too much good information about how we are tackling climate change is really bad because people think that they don't need to help tackle it as others are supposedly doing it already.
    If there was bad information on the news then the public will realise that it is a real isssue that they need to help stop.

  • Hello!
    If you were asked that a glass with a capacity of 100 ml of water is currently holding 50 ml of water, would you say that the glass is half full or half empty?

    Well, it depends on your experience, your personality, your point of view, and what others say!!
    If someone tells you it is half full, you will agree. If they tell you it is half empty, you will agree with them.
    In such situations, what you hear changes your perspective.
    The NEWS you read plays a very important role.
    I'll not prefer reading news which only tells the fancy side of the story, nor will I read news that is so bleak that I start believing that there is no hope left in the world!
    Instead, I will recommend news that follows the principles of SWOT analysis (which is commonly used in business):

    1. Strengths ( Positive news)
    - related to environmental initiatives, like community support, available resources, or successful conservation programs.

    2. Weaknesses (Negative news):
    - such as inadequate funding, limited public awareness, or insufficient technological resources, deforestation due to urbanization.

    3. Opportunities (possible innovation or techniques to solve the problem):
    - Explore opportunities in the external environment, such as advancements in green technology, public interest in sustainability, or supportive government policies, learn from other cities or nations on how they are trying to tackle the problem (e.g., India has adopted a new model of a tipper van called a ‘Door-to-Door’ garbage collection’ which then dumps the waste at the designated landfill).

    4. Threats (what challenges we'll have to overcome and there solution):
    - Identify external threats like climate change impacts, political indifference, or economic challenges affecting environmental efforts.
    - Create strategies to mitigate threats, remain resilient and ensure that environmental initiatives remain adaptable and effective.

    In a nutshell, negative news gives us the reality check while, positive news gives us the motivation to work for better!

  • I think people should not be shown bad news but either only good news about climate change. Climate change is a situation caused by the human needs. Humans want easy and fast transportation, easy construction of buildings and big production of products. These " needs" need the consumption of energy, which when it burns, causes the Climate warning situation. So, to sum up the answer to the problem is not showing good or bad news to the people....To solve the problem we need to decrease the consumption of energy.

  • I don't agree with either of the opinions. I believe that a person needs to have knowledge of both the positive and negative aspects of climate change to understand what is happening in their surroundings. For instance, there was a flood in Chennai recently. If a person living in Chennai is not aware of the negative impacts of climate change, they will not be able to manage the flood. However, if someone knows about both the positive and negative effects of climate change, they can take appropriate steps to protect themselves from the flood. Moreover, if someone only knows about the negative effects of climate change, they may think that only negative things are happening in the environment and remain unaware of the positive aspects. In conclusion, I believe that it is essential for individuals to be aware of both the positive and negative aspects of climate change.

  • Yes, some good news can be how the limiting of greenhouse factories releasing gases decreases air pollution. Another good news can be how fossil fuels have been used less and stopped making climate change worse.This would give people hope to continue to do this by showing them how stopping or limiting these things are beneficial.

  • I believe that people should only be shown the bad news about the environment because right now, most of the people are neglecting the environment. They're not understanding the gravity of the situation and are sitting back relaxed. If only negative news is shown to them, then they'll stand up and take some action. Of course, some people are working hard to recover Mother Earth. However, that fraction is much less. Sharing only negative news can help us grab people's attention towards what's important. By this, finally, they will start taking steps to protect the environment. Even if they are small, it will be fine because little drops are what make up the mighty ocean.

  • In my perspective considering the current scenario I believe it is best to show only negative news about environment as its already high time and people really need to understand how worse the conditions are, the temperature of earth is constantly rising, icebergs are melting, there are plastic islands floating in pacific ocean and the real ones are in danger of getting drown with the constant rise in sea level. Humans will only take action upon something when the danger starts to hover upon them and their survival becomes a question that is the basic tendency of us, humans, whereas if we still focus on the positive side and showed them positive news they will never ever feel the need to take action to change something and therefore my opinion remains firm that at this point we really need to face our reality and take action to prevent further loss instead of remaining in delusion.

  • I agree with you because when there is a balance of both negative and positive news, people will not be in a state
    of hopelessness and there will be a sense of alertness to the issue of Eco anxiety and climate change. But at this there is still a way to curb negative news about climate change be cause if more were to stand up and make their voices heard then there would be more effort to stop climate change which would in turn stop Eco anxiety. In essence I think that people in power are not doing enough to enlighten the people of the effects of their ways especially in Africa where there is little sensitization of the effects of green house gases. Because many African leaders are not making the issue of climate change a priority, African people rely heavily on gas and burning of firewood for warmth. But still I also believe that there is not enough emphasis being laid on other causes of climate change such as industries and homes as well, who depend on the burning of materials for warmth and other purposes and to much emphasis on vehicles emitting harmful gases which deteriorate the ozone layer rather the focus should be put on idustries who have larger carbon foot print and other heavy duty equipment.

  • In my country, Ghana, there are no machines invented or any serious awareness to grab anyone's attention due to the fostering of bad habits, and there may be challenges related to disseminating accurate information about sustainable practices due to factors such as limited access to education and varying levels of awareness in different communities, but when I look at it this way, we can send awareness messages across capitals in my country by tailoring information to local contexts, using accessible channels like community meetings, radio broadcasts, or local workshops, which I think can strongly help bridge the gap in understanding sustainable practices.

  • Climate change is a very important issue. All over the world there are plenty of problems because of it. One of them is the greenhouse effect. Due to the carbon dioxide more and more sunlight is staying to the Earth's surface and the average temperature is increased. As a result the ice in the North and South pole is melting. So I think that bad news must be shown to us. Thank you for reading my opinion.

  • I chose the option of showing only bad news to the people. If I wanted someone to take action against a problem then I would tell them how the problem is harming others. So if I had to chose only ONE of these polls while also wanting people to take action, then I would rather show people only the bad news. When people see negative news about the environment, they will do something about it, no matter how small it is. On the other side, if only positive news is shown people wouldn't understand the gravity of the situation. People would think that everything is alright, the climate is good, there's no global warming and the ozone is not depleting. However , if they are told the bad news then they would know there's a problem. Then they would know that a lot needs to be done. Then they would realise that there's no planet B and they have to make changes as individuals. Hence, if I had to chose any ONE option, I would choose for people to be shown bad news.

  • While I believe that there should be an equal amount of bad news and good news, I chose option A for the poll. I chose that option because if we only saw good news about climate change, no one would be doing anything about climate change. We would probably have way more happening if not for people seeing bad news, and taking action to have less bad news shown.

    Although the bad news has helped, there have been many milestones in stopping climate change that no one sees because the bad news gets the most attention. Bigger news sites should be sharing more good information about climate change to keep people motivated and calm. If there was an equal amount of good and bad news, people would be able to regulate their emotions better and there would be no eco-anxiety.

  • I agree with both opinions. I feel as both opinions are valid. I feel this way due to the fact that eco-anxiety is a real thing that people go through. I think that it would be good for people such as reporters telling people bad news. To add on, if individuals knows about the bad news without it being sugar coated they would be more prepared if something happened.

    This would be great, because all your questions would probably be answered and you wouldn't be curious. However, I also think that people should only see the positive aspects of climate change. I believe this , because sometimes it can be draining which could damage others mental health. Why would bad news affect others mental health? It might affect them, because the human race would have to constantly look over their shoulder. Also, if the human beings are children and they see bad news it might make them feel anxious and question themselves asking; "Will I have a world to grow up in?"

  • I believe that no one should see only negative or positive news. While negative news can be depressing, It can also bring awareness to climate change. A key factor in this is how much climate change affects where you live. For example, if someone was in an area affected by climate change and sees negative news, they are more likely to find it depressing than someone who lives far away.

  • In my opinion, people should be shown good news about climate change. negative news will tell us about the true situation about climate change but positive can have a higher possibility of having an impact on everyone As Desmond Tutu once said "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness."Focusing only on the negative aspects of climate change can be disheartening and overwhelming. Instead, by highlighting positive news, progress, innovations, and successful initiatives aimed at combating climate change, we can inspire hope and optimism. This can encourage individuals to get involved, support solutions, and maintain momentum for collective action.

  • I believe that people should see good and bad news because even though it's mostly bad news we could get news about scientist currently working on saving the planet. Also we could look at the bad news to prepare for when the next climate change news drop. As for good news we could donate funds to climate scientist so they could get more money for their research and help us in the climate change. So to my conclusion I believe that people should see the good news and the bad news

  • When we focus on the positive news and developments in the fight against climate change, we open ourselves to a world of inspiration and hope. I feel that hope can have the biggest change one can have in oneself in the darkest of times and make that situation a lot better. by celebrating the progress everyone has made and the positive impact we can have on the environment when everyone works together, we all become motivated to take action towards a very sustainable future. If we work together we can easily make a difference and create a better world for ourselves and future generations through collaboration and a shared sense of purpose.

  • I chose option A as my vote. It might seem as if people get depressed because of negative news but it is extremely important to have an honest look at a serious situation like this. Negative news might make us feel sad but it also connects us with the reality. To make sure that environment is protected and our future generations have a healthy place to live in, we must ensure that we keep on working on our sustainable methods. Now, without knowing about pressing issues, no one will be able to do anything and therefore it is necessary to know about today's scenarios. It does seem harsh when we think about just reading negative news, as positive articles do generate motivation and the will to take actions. Hence, a balance between things would be a better call. But if I had too choose, I would have chosen the negative news so that we could aim at ending this negative atmosphere. Imagine not reading negative news articles because there is nothing negative left about it !

  • I think that it should show only good news. I picked this even though I still kinda had a feeling that they should show both. I think they should show only good news because when you really think about it, the climate is actually scary. A lot of people could have nightmares about it. Others are probably going through and only imagining the worst. This is why I think there should only be good news about climate change.

  • In my opinion, I strongly believe that having a neutral approach can be the solution to the problem. Where on the one hand I believe that people should be very well aware of what is happening with our climate and should know the consequences of not taking care of it because knowing the situation better makes us think of solutions related to the problem and maybe those solutions can lead us to a greater change but on the other hand, me being an anxious person knows exactly how badly all the negative news affect one's mind. When I look up the news of numerous natural disasters taking place all around the globe, I genuinely get worried to my bones for our near future and thus I believe that people should talk about the deteriorating condition of our climate but should also portray what changes are brought up to overcome the problem which may give assurance to people along with making them aware of the cause.

  • i believe that people should be shown more bad things about climate change because if they are shown this they can take a stand and try and start to protest and clean the environment. If they are shown good things about climate change then they wouldn't take a stand or they wouldn't try to clean the environment.

  • I believe that there is too much negative news, because some people get little scared of it but not that scared. But on the other hand, there are people that are really worried on that might happen to their country and how things might happen to their friends, family, or themselves. And doctors have to go cure patients that are going through eco-anxiety because, the doctors patients might get to worried and get headaches and a lot of other things and the doctors have to check them out.

  • we should only talk about the good things about climent change because if we talk about the bad things about climent change some kids can get scared and have eco anxiety from a young age to an old age.

  • I think that people could save the planet more if they see bad things about climate change. if they see good things about climate change then they would think that there is nothing wrong with the planet. if they see bad things they could clean up polluted areas, clean out some of the trash in the sea, walk or ride their bike more, they could protest, and encourage others to keep the Earth clean and safe. if they dont hear bad news then they could just not care they could just not care and pollute the Earth even more. If people don't hear the consequences of what climate change brings to the world then the world would become a bad, inhabitable place.

  • I really think that the bad and good news should be shared out to people, but the negative news should be shared more than the good news. If only the bad news is shared, people are gonna feel anxious, and overwhelmed so they'll probably not care for their daily needs about this. Giving people positive information will relieve them, but only giving the positive information will make them probably not realize the mistakes they're doing that's still harming the earth, and make the earth in an even worse condition. Giving more negative news to people will let people know they should be helping the earth, instead of the opposite. The bit of positive information will calm people down, at the same time too, the more negative information will still make them remember to preserve the earth.

  • In my opinion, I believe that there should be way more positive news about climate change on the news.I believe this because for me, when I am watching the news, I see that climate change is getting worse, that new's forecast causes me to not want to go outside.
    For example, in today's time where other kids watch tv a lot, they could be watching a youtube video, but then an ad pops up.That ad could be talking saying that climate change is causing the earth to get way hotter and worse.After the child has seen the ad, the next time that the child's parents tell him/her to go outside, the child will say no to going outside because of the ad that he/she saw in a youtube video.

  • I do not side with any of the options that I have been provided. I think there will not be any black and white answer to this question. Whether we should share positive news or negative news with a person depends on the mindset of the said person.
    If a person even after reading the news does not take any actions or preventive measure and continues to harm the environment with harmful and unhealthy ways, they should be made aware about the negative news related to climate change to make them cautious about their actions and help in preserving the healthy environment.
    Sharing only the negative news to the people who tend to worry a lot about even the smallest of things would cause them anxiety and stress. Hence they should be made aware of both the positive and the negative news about climate change as to assure them that even though problems are currently existing, humans are taking proper measures to solve the current climatic problems. This will not only motivate them to continue their efforts but also would reduce their stress.

  • I believe that negative news is too much for humans to handle . I for one like many others get over overwhelmed with all the negative news about climate change , I don't even try to recycling or do those other stuff because I am seeing a lot of news about the planet ending in a few years because of the bad human habitats so I know even if I try to do all those other things, the world would still end .
    I think if more positive news is brought out, people would actually try to do something to save the planets.

  • I think it is good to have news about climate change because it makes people aware of what is happening and what could happen in your country. It tells people the truth about the sometimes unbearable heat. It is overall extremely important to learn about climate change so you know how to help in abolishing it.

    1. Do you think such news will encourage people to make a change in their behaviour to prevent climate change?

      1. Yes, I do because some people will not flinch until they are affected by the problem. Negative news could be one of the only things that will create an impact in those people. When they find out that climate change will affect them, they would work towards preventing it in order for their normal lives not to be messed with. Negative news pushes us to work towards a positive change for ourselves and others who require our help.

        1. I wholeheartedly agree with chatty_fact that it's critical to let people know that there is hope even in the face of bad news. The bright side is that it will help us understand climate change better and make the necessary adjustments for a healthier society and planet.

  • I say that positive news is better for the people of the world,because people have already seen and heard horrible stuff about climate change. So why get the people with Eco anxiety worked up when you can help those people and make them less stressed and scared about what is happening to our earth.So reporting positive news which includes the facts about climate change on tv would make a change.Also it is better for everyone even people without Eco Anxiety who still worry about the earth.

  • Today, we had a debate about this topic in our class where the students were divided into 2 teams, one team believing that only positive news about climate change should be shown while the other believing that only negative news should be shown. We deliberated on the topic for about half an hour discussing the pros and cons of both the viewpoints. While I favored the latter and believed that it is better to show negative news as it will finally open the eyes of the people across the globe and they finally will understand our dire situation, the opposition however disagreed stating that showing positive news will motivate the people who are already taking initiatives to protect our planet and will cause them to work even more if they'll realize that their hard work is paying off. At the end we finally came to a single solution that a "balance" of both is NECESSARY, we need to show negative news to encourage the people to take initiatives while we also need to show positive news to make sure the ones who are already working towards the cause are motivated and don't feel like their efforts are going in vain.

  • I believe that only people eighteen or older should watch negative news, I also believe that the young people should have some knowledge of what is going on in current events around the world. However, I feel that hearing negative on a continual basis created fear and anxiety in students around the world. It is good to be prepared for climate changes as well as knowledgeable, but we do not need it overdone in the younger people. The young are more fearful and anxious than ever before, especially when it comes to natural disasters, climate changes, and weather.

  • To be honest, I could not choose between the two options. I think both types of news have equal importance. For example, if we don't share the good news regarding climate change, people might think that everything is going wrong and that climate change is an extremely big problem that cannot be solved by their efforts alone, and then they wouldn't do anything to stop it. If they don't share the bad news, then people will think that everything is alright; they will not have to worry about the climate crisis and hence will not do anything. So to keep people active and make them take action, we need to give them a reason, and the best way to do that is to provide them with a neutral opinion. In this case, they won't get overwhelmed by the bad news and also won't feel that there is nothing wrong going on for them to do something. It is this complex psychology of the human brain that we need to take into consideration while providing news. Therefore, I think that both kinds of news should be told so that everybody knows the reality of the situation.

  • There is no denying that balance is crucial when it comes to news about weather and climate change. While it's important to acknowledge the negative impacts of climate change, it's equally important to highlight the positive strides being made towards sustainability. Unfortunately, the tendency of media outlets to focus on the negative aspects of climate change has led to a sense of hopelessness among the public, with many people feeling that the situation is beyond repair.

    However, it's important to recognize that many individuals and organizations are working tirelessly to address environmental challenges. For example, the City of Copenhagen has set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2025, while the Netherlands has developed a sustainable agriculture strategy that aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture by 3.5 megatons by 2030.

    These successful campaigns and initiatives deserve more recognition for their efforts. By highlighting the positive progress being made, people will be encouraged to get involved and make a difference. This can lead to a ripple effect, as more people become inspired to take action in their communities.

    At the same time, it's important to remember that climate change is a serious problem that requires urgent action. If only good news is shown, then people may think that environmentalists don't need their help. In reality, everyone needs to realize that climate change is bad and will get worse if ordinary people don't help. By showcasing both the negative impact of climate change and the positive strides being made, we can create a more balanced and informed perspective that inspires action.

  • It is important to hear both good and bad news about climate change to prevent eco-anxiety. Lot's of media outlets will post negative news as it gets more traffic which means that positive news is under reported. We do however think that negative news is very important for providing negative (accurate) news so that the public can put pressure on governments and companies to make changes helping combat climate change.

  • In my opinion, it should be somewhere in the middle. Both good and bad news should be shown. Nowadays, we mainly see bad stuff in the news. For example, in 2020, there were many wildfires in California. So we should also see good things like how we are trying to figure out how to help fix the climate. We need to see bad things to open our eyes to see how serious the issue is but we also need to see good things so we can try to fix it.

    1. I agree with this one because I didnt realise how much this is true

      1. Can you expand on this further?

        1. I never realised how much damage happens to the world but when you think about it we already do not remember about the wildfires in California so I agree that we should learn about the bad news and the good news.

  • In my opinion, the bad news of the climate change must be shown to the people because if we tell only good news about the climate change then the people will not worry about it and they will completely neglate it which is not good. The climate change is affecting a lot to our planet. It is a very serious matter to tallk about. The people should be worried about the climate change happening in our planet and find a solution as soon as possible to solve the problem of climate change.

  • I don't even watch the news that much but I'm pretty sure one of the few times I see it I see only bad progress and absolutely no positive news at all. There has to be at least some good news because it can ruin people's mental health and social life in the world so there has to be some good news.

    thanks to whoever replies and see's my comment.

  • There is too much bad news so I think there should be more good news than bad news because people freak out!Making them not able to prepare because they do not tell them where to go.

  • I believe that we should show more good news than bad news on the television because some people dont really want to hear about all of the bad things that are happening involving climate change.If we get too overwhelmed or stressed about what could happen to the environment involving the use of humans we could develop something called eco anxiety.I understand that the world needs to know about these things but I think that if we find good news that we should share it with our viewers and that may relieve and stress that climate change may cause.

  • Good day.
    This was a tough decision to make because both options are to b talked about equally, But I choose option A because I strongly believe that the negative storys should be talked about because individuals need to know their actions have negative effect on the society .
    They also need to know that not everyone has a perfect life like them cause majority of them aren't affect so they tend not to care cause it doesn't involve them

  • I do not agree with both of the options because people should hear both good and bad news about climate change because you should have everything balanced so you don't get too positive about something and at the same time, not too negative about things. If I had to pick one, I would pick that people should only hear good news about climate change because only listening to bad news is getting depressing to some people that are quite sensitive to it. A lot of people is working very hard on it so if they had achieved anything, they should be shown on TV. The people who watched it might also get empowered and also save the planet as they know there is possibly still a chance to undo the things they have done in the past. When more and more people started helping, it will get easier and easier to save the planet before it is too late.

  • I believe that a balance between good and bad news is much healthier than being overloaded with one side of the information. I think we can all agree that there is mostly negative news about weather and that we rarely see a positive side to climate change. However, there are some pros to climate change: in Africa more rainfall will be seen due to the rapid change in temperatures which will help the crops grow. Moreover, the negative news over weighs the positive news.
    Although this may be true, there are many people taking part in groups that aim to make a difference. If these groups were talked about more, then people would start to realise that they can do something to help even if it is only something small.

  • Hi l agree that there are too much negative news e.g flood etc also agree that the bad news of eco_anixety of eco_anixety always make people feel worried and start thinking of how life is going to be damage by the flood etc. many people that have experienced some natural disaster some might look for a way to stop it, while some might want to avoid it by going away from the state l hope you can be able to that the bad news of eco anxiety

  • I choose choice A which is 'people should only be shown bad news about climate change'. I choose this because I was contemplating on whether or not climate change has reduced I did some research and it hasn't. This shows how humans pay no heed to dedicating a bit of their time to stop climate change. The reason people should be shown bad news about climate change is because it will encourage them to do more to protect the planet than them being shown only good news and thinking there is nothing to be done about climate change.

  • I agree but at the same time I disagree.

    The reason I agree is because sometimes the bad news can scare people but mainly kids and it can cause kids to worry about the weather a lot and cause them to have really bad anxiety about the weather. I also think that if the bad news is not very bad to the point where people might have to move out of that area, then i don't think that they should put the news out there if it isn't that serious because for kids it can be scary or serious.

    I disagree because if you don't know about the bad news then you won't be prepared for it. If you are not prepared then you might not be very safe. For example: if there is a storm or flood and it's not being told on the news or anywhere, you won't be prepared because during the storm or flood you won't be able to go and get things that you need. For example: you might need flashlights,candles,can foods, and water, or if you are prepared you can just move out the area, but if you are not prepared you are not going to be okay so that's why you should always listen out for the news, even the bad news.

  • Hello I myself have never experienced eco anxiety myself but I have deepisode feeling about the future of the earth i am quite skeptical about this topic if you were to be shown good news you never know about what is going on with climate change in your community and you would be quite pleased when the truth is actually quite disappointing and unpleasant. But on the flipsidea, if you were only shown bad news about climate change eco anxiety would be more common and widespread between communities and individuals there would always be negativity when it comes to climate change and there is a probability that in this circumstance people belive that and are led to think there's no hope for the earth
    Thank you for reading

  • Firstly, i strongly agree that the community should show more positive news because it can get overwhelming continuously watching bad news and it makes people no longer want to watch it. Also it is important to show the negative news so people are aware. What do you think ?

  • In my opinion, I feel that people should be shown good news and bad news. Even though people might not want to hear bad news as much as good news, you will need to know the bad news so that you could be prepared. A lot of people don't even watch the news anyways and that's not good because you should watch the news so that you can be prepared.

    I also feel that too many positive news shouldn't be shown because people might get used to it and not look out for the bad news and you always need to be prepared, so you should always look out for the bad news a lot and just because there is a lot of good news,that doesn't mean that you shouldn't look out for the bad news.

    Thank you for reading this !!

  • I mostly see negative news but I find that it is better to see bad news so we can do something about it rather than ignoring it. Other countries find climate change more harmful because they are getting worse and worse weather and we need to do something about this. Young people’s future is in danger so if we don’t do anything now all of this will be dumped on young people and that’s not right. If we want to stop this we have to work together and find resolve the problem. Even if we doing something small like putting our rubbish in the bin it will make a massive impact for our community. It also important to help people do this and show what is needed.

  • I think that the quantity of bad news we see on the TV every day is not necessary. They only get people freaking out about climate change and thinking about the worst. It can be very bad for the social mood of people, being even afraid to go out, and making them obsessive about this situation. However, it is not good either to watch all the time good news about climate change, because people may think that is not a problem or it has nothing to do with us, and it is not necessary to help. These ideas are completely wrong. We need to get conscious that is a serious problem that needs our help and our concern. But watching tons of bad news or getting obsessed over the same situation is not a good way to know this. I think we should watch the same proportion of good and bad news about it, to see that not everything is lost, but is not over yet, and we still need to help.

  • I believe that they should only show negative news about climate change. They should only show negative news about climate change because if they only show positive news about climate change then people won't know the bad sides of climate change. Only showing the positive news about climate change can be a good thing but if people don't know the negative side then how can people try to solve the problems of climate change if they don't even know what the problem even is. They need to know the problem in order to solve the problem.

  • Hi everyone!
    Keeping a balance between good and bad news is very important. If we only hear good news, we might think that everything is perfect and continue living our lives the same way. But if we only hear bad news, we might feel hopeless and think that our little contributions don't matter. That's why it's important to recognize the efforts of people who are making a difference in their communities. As Marvellous Hedgehog wisely said, balance is key in the fight against global warming.
    Thank you.

  • Hi!
    In my opinion , bad news must be shown to people. I admire this because , if people see bad news they will care more about climate change. They will be worried about the future and this will motivate to do things to stop it.
    In addition I will tell you some every day tips to help to clean the environment.
    1.Make a bin for the recyclable items
    2.Protect the forests from fires
    3.Care more about the environment

  • l think there is not too much bad news about climate change because people in different parts of the world are suffering because of climate change and they need help from us . But l also think there is too much bad news because little children might be scared because they are young .


  • As a group we believe that although it's important for us as students to understand the severity and urgency of the climate crisis, it's equally crucial to present us with a balanced view that includes positive actions, solutions, and progress being made to address climate change especially within our life as we can change it. By showing positive actions, solutions, and progress being made, we can feel empowered and inspired to contribute to positive change and be inspired through activists such as Greta Thunberg. Moreover, positive news fosters greater engagement, participation, and collaboration among students, promoting resilience and a sense of collective responsibility in tackling climate change as a global issue.

  • I chose to see the positive side of climate change although I believe that looking at just the positive side of something like climate is not too healthy because if we just show people and ourselves the positive side of climate change we might dismiss the threats that come along with it which later would only prove to be hazardous for us.
    However if we only look only at the negative side of it We may get too much eco anxiety which again is not healthy for us.
    So for me even though I would like to look at the positive news I think we need to stay aware and realise that there are still threats to the environment.

  • From my perspective, I believe that negative and positive news should be shared on climate change. If too much negative news is shared, it might create mental health problems for citizens as they might worry or be overwhelmed. Although, if too much positive news is shared people will only see the good side of what is going on in the world. On the other hand, if negative news is shared, people will know what to expect and will start wanting to do things to prevent it; such as volunteering to help climate change, starting charity events, and more! Meanwhile, if negative and positive news are shared equally it will have a greater effect as citizens will know all the bad things that are happening in the world, but the positive news will help citizens feel less overwhelmed.

  • I believe that climate change in the news is a difficult balance. On one hand. It is very important that climate change should be portrayed how it is. It is a horrible thing and that is a fact but I feel that, how it's shown at the moment, it makes people terrified of it but it doesn't highlight how it should be tackled.
    I believe that David Attenborough does a fantastic job summarising in his planet earth documentary and then follows it up by giving a detailed explanation of how to stop, or at least slow its effects, before we find a way to stop it completely and I believe that the news should do the same.
    Furthermore, I think that the news covers the same climate change issues too many times almost as if it is trying to drill this into people's brains - which is a good thing - but there are so many better ways of educating people on the subject without making the same programme many times. Maybe they could run a programme every week which tries to find a new way of helping to solve climate change. they could also except viewer suggestions which would help people t think deeper about ow to solve these issues.

    Thank you for reading.

  • Climate change is a serious issue that is having a real impact on our planet. The negative news about climate change is important because it raises awareness of the issue and encourages people to take action. However, there is also a danger that the negative news can become too overwhelming, leading people to feel hopeless and depressed. This is why it is important to balance the negative news with positive stories about climate change solutions. By doing this, we can help people to understand that there is still hope for our planet, and that we can all make a difference.

  • Personally, seeing positive news might comfort the people that are around the world from seeing to much negative news. Instead of showing all the bad things about deforestation, pollution, climate change, global warming, crimes, etc. Example: every single day when i return from school, i turn on the TV to watch some news to see what's going on in the world. But all that comes up is some crimes that happen in Dekalb, and America, also tons of stuff about global warming or wildfires. Yes there are times where some positive news appears but most of the time it is negative news. And that has caused me some Eco-Anxiety. But whenever i see some positive news i feel cmforted and happy to think that not all hope is lost.

  • To start with even though my choice was to show people only good news about climate change I am undecided. Why ? Just think everybody needs to be informed about what's going on that's probably the main reason Agence Havis the first person or should I say agency to ever literally speak on the news and create. Agence Havis did this for our people today as you can see people took the idea and kept it going. Right now in this time of the year the news is very helpful and informed because who if it were never for the news nobody would be able to turn on television and be able to know the predictions for tomorrow's weather. A suggestion I am going to make is that people should be careful when going on trips. For example if someone goes onto a cruise and does not know the weather predictions what good is that going to do for them ? That's why we have the news and google as well. So now you see why my suggestion is important and helpful for the world to hear.

  • I believe that lately, the news has been reporting some pretty serious climates being negatively affected, such as them experiencing wildfires and floods. Although this might lead some people to believe that it would be better if we were only hearing good news about the climate, if we don't hear the bad news, some people who can actually help the climate, won't know about the catastrophes that are taking place all around the world. This is why I believe that people should only be hearing negative news about climate change.

  • I believe that people should see both negative and positive news. I personally, do not watch the news myself but sometimes I do. Whenever I watch the news, I see almost entirely negative news. That news personally makes me feel anxious and upset about all of these events and climate changes. That is one of the reasons I don't really like the news. But, there is not always negative news sometimes I see positive news. Sometimes people can be helping the environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling. That helps with the environment especially oceans. Therefore, I think people should see both positive and negative news so it can be balanced. So if people were to be in the same boat as me, people should see both negative AND positive news.

  • My opinion is that people should only see positive news about climate change because if people see negative news about climate change, they will get eco-anxiety and will think that everything's going downhill but if people watch positive news about climate change, they will not be worried. Children should definitely not watch negative news about climate change because they'll be worried, sad, angry, or stressed. Also thinking about negative news about climate change will cause you to feel more anxious and you'll need to go to the doctor. A little anxiety will not harm you, but a lot of anxiety will cause very serious health problems, such as high blood pressure. You can more likely develop infections. This is just my opinion.

  • My opinion is that negative news is more important than positive news because more people need to know how the real world works and that the world isn't all just sunshines and rainbows like tornadoes droughts and examples like that. You may be thinking what if the kids and some adults get overwhelmed by bad news but I dont think actually the news will just present all, bad news they will probably throw in some good news too like new species of animals or new beautiful landform formed by earth overtime. Keeping it balanced is key because too much good news is equal to too much comfort and too much bad news equals no hope for anything good to happen in the world .

  • I think that we should see both negative and positive sides to see the whole picture clearly, because if we see the positive impact only we will think that we are on the right track and we might stop caring about the planet and stop doing anything that helps us to prevent the climate change. on the other hand, if we see the negative impact we will get frustrated about the planet and we will think that anything that we do even if it is big to help decrease climate change is useless because we are only seeing the bad side and people may stop doing any effort because they will say that even after all what we have done we get nothing better so it will be better if we keep people updated with the whole sides of the situation.

  • I feel like there should be more bad news about climate change. People need to be informed about the things going on in the world. But there should also be a bit of good news to make sure people don't flip out about a wildfire in a certain state or country. This begs the question though, Which should be brought up more? I have mixed feelings about it and I really can't decide. If they show more bad news, then people will be worried, but if they show only good news, then people will think that the situation is just a minor detail. "So what side matters most?" I ask. I have a solution though, more bad news in only a few places and good news in the others.

  • Hello, everyone.
    I think there should be a balanced news broadcast about climate change. Both positive and negative news about climate change should be presented to people. Currently there is far less positive news than negative about climate change. In the face of a big problem like climate change, many people have taken various initiatives. Broadcasting such news can motivate people to act.But if people hear positive news all the time then people will think that all is right with the world.
    That is why it is necessary to broadcast negative food. Through this people will be aware about the damage and affected people. Many people will extend a helping hand to overcome that situation. Besides, the government will also provide adequate funds for various projects.

    Thus, by taking small steps and extending a helping hand, it is possible to save the future from climate change. So that's why I think broadcasting negative and positive news is very important.

  • I am a strong believer of balance. I feel in such matters it is usually the key to making an impact.
    Recently we had a little roleplay in our class related to this topic, we were given different professions and we had to discuss accordingly if negativity is good or not.
    After listening to everyone's points I realised that when it came to the environment, negativity may be good as well for it would not just spread an awareness but also give out warnings that if we are not careful and don't start changing today the whole World would crumple. For example whenever I see about wildfires, climate change and it's effect on our lives, I feel thrilled and it sends chills down my spine. It gets me wondering, 'That could have been my family!' If we aren't more careful, someday we also might have to see it. It gets me motivated to get up and plant a tree, ride my bicycle to nearby places, stop using plastic and do whatever I can to protect not just me but the whole World. It does feel like one person can make no difference, but the truth is that it makes all the difference. This message can be spread to everyone using just some negativity.

    But when we think about it from another perspective, can negativity always be good. Off course it may inspire many, but what about the others who take it in a different way. Negativity can be good if processed properly, but not everyone has the capacity to take good from it. Many of the people might even get into depression considering deaths and misery around the World. It could affect their minds and actions and even their health. I mean we do all remember the COVID period, the news used to be really negative and it did affect almost everyone to a certain extent, it built fear in their minds which wasn't good for someone who had been stuck at home for almost 2 years. Could we hurt someone in order to motivate them with negative news. I feel this applies for negative new regarding climate change and global warming as well.
    So I think what I did conclude from the role play, a debate we had on this topic, news that I have read or seen, previous examples and my own experiences is that everything is good until a certain limit, but once the limit is crossed, things will turn the other way. So like I stated earlier we must maintain a balance of both negative and positive news while keeping in mind the benifit of the people and our planet.

    1. Well explained! It's great to see you using what you learnt in your Topical Talk classroom lessons on the Hub too. Great work.

  • In my opinion, I disagree with both of the choices. I disagree with both of the choices because if people are informed about only bad news about climate change then more people might get eco- Anxiety. If they are only informed about bad news about climate change then more people will get scared or worried about the world. People might also start thinking that the world will end soon if they get informed only bad news about climate change. If people only get informed about the bad news about climate change then more people will get eco- Anxiety making more people go to hospitals. Also, If everyone is only informed with good news then they will not know if any storms are coming. Sure less people will get eco- Anxiety if they are only informed good news about climate change, but still there are many bad things about only getting informed about only good news about climate change. for example if people only get informed about the good news about climate change then how will they know if it will be too hot or too cold or if it's a bad storm coming? That is why I disagree with both options that people should only get informed about only bad or good news about eco-Anxiety.

  • I believe that both of them are correct. If people just hear about positive news, people won't be worried about anything and think that the earth will be alright but in reality it is bad. But if we choose the other option which is negative news, people all around the world will have eco-anxiety and will worry about the earth's fate. If we hear negative and positive news then we will still have eco-anxiety but it won't be that bad since we know about positive news. But I can only choose one option. I eventually decided to choose only good news because people know that climate change exists but there will be good news about it.

  • I agree with A but people should be shown bad and good news. They should be shown bad news so they know; why, when and how to fix it. They should also be shown good news so people know what things are helping.

  • News is the main source that allows us to know about current, trending events so, news could have an impact on how we live and the things we do. I think both good news and bad news should be reported because If people only hear about good news about climate change, those who have been always taking cars and don't care about climate change are not going to change because they know that even though what they are doing is wrong, there are no negative effects on it. They are going to be like " what is the point of worrying about climate change when everything is in place"? Example: An illiterate has a habit of burning often for years, and later realizes that it is one of the causes of climate change. This person tries the best to help reduce climate change by doing the right thing. Now this person expects to see some changes but sees nothing so decides to stop since there is no difference. On the other hand, when only bad news is been heard, those who try so hard on making a difference and trying their best to reduce climate changes are going to stop because they will think all what they are doing is of no use since there is always bad news. They would also be saying" what is the point of trying to do the right thing when there are no positive effects"? and that could be a huge problem. Example: A highly educated student takes climate change so seriously and decides to do things to stop or reduce climate change like walking when cars are not necessary. But then he/she realizes that it is not doing anything or changing anything so then he/she decides to stop.

  • I think that showing both good and bad news about climate change would be effective. Showing only bad news would make people scared and believe that not much is being done to help. Showing only good news would make people take less action and make people believe that the climate is almost perfect. Showing good and bad news would lift the spirits of people and keep people in the know about the bad things.

  • I think they should only show bad news so that people are aware and can take action to save our planet. If people could only see the good news we would have no idea of a disaster that could occur. I think more people can at least do something more to save our globe such as recycling , using less plastic and walking instead of driving .

  • I strongly believe, that both answers(A and B)are correct and the reasons behind that are:
    1/I think everyone needs to hear bad news because they can prepare themselves for something so they can be secure about themselves.
    2/Also,people tend to tune in much closer if they think something is wrong, as opposed to hearing about how well things are going.
    3/Good news improves both mental and physical health by increasing feelings of joy and hope. Positive news also encourages the desire for self-improvement and creates change.
    4/In addition,hearing bad news can make people get 'Climate anxiety' or 'Eco anxiety' so some humans can be independent or sad that our world can become a disastrous world.
    Furthermore,these suggest that both A and B are correct answers.

  • In this type of discussion, balance is the key for this. If people are only shown bad news, they could get paranoid and worried to do normal activities like using your car(if you can drive), using fire, and preparing for bad weather. Also, if they were to only show good news, they would have the idea that everything is alright, nothing needs fixing, they could just live their life. But in reality, the world would be in shambles, bad weather or natural disasters happening, and you wouldn't know what to do if you ever got stuck in one.

  • I do agree with you on some parts of your argument but I find some of your ideas converse with mine. For example I do believe that too many news reports are based on negative information about climate change, but I believe that if we only showed positive information about climate change it would encourage others to help with the problem of climate change.
    Climate change is a huge problem throughout our planet. For most people, hearing news that climate change is hurting our planet and that "we might not make it to 2050" can cause people to develop fears of climate change which causes them to run away from the problem rather than working to solve it. If we show more positive news about climate change and push others to help stop the problem of climate change, more people will feel motivated to help.
    This is why I suppose that we should start showing positive information about climate change. It help inspire others and overall help to save our planet.

  • I believe that there should not just be positive news nor negative news, I believe there should be a balance between the two. Negative news would lead to many negative and positive impacts. One positive impact is that it might lead to some changes in people's everyday lives. People might use public transportation more often, as they should be right now, but people have the mindset that public transportation is bad and unsafe, the negative news of climate change would most likely help alternate the mindset into thinking public transportation is good and useful. Another change it would most likely make in people's everyday lives is that people may start recycling more. People may become frightened and make changes, but that statement is controversial as people may become so frightened that they try and run away from the problem instead of making changes. One negative impact on negative news about climate change is the increase of stress of children, adults, and the elderly. Stress can have so many impacts such as headaches, constant overwhelming, high blood pressure, Insomnia, and more. According to, "", it states, "Chronic stress may also cause disease." The statement proves that negative news can lead to stressing, and stressing has plenty of negative impacts. Positive news would also lead to many positive and negative impacts. One positive impact is less stress. The hearing of positive news would relieve some stress from people. Another positive impact is that it will give hope. The loss of hope would lead to giving up. Without hope, our world would suffer as people may start giving up and continue to increase climate change. One negative impact is that positive news may make people too happy that changes in people's everyday life may decrease by a bit, which would still matter. Another negative effect would be that people may not be aware of how bad climate change really is as positive news would cover that. Overall, Positive and negative news should be balanced, positive news should not be spread more than negative and negative news should not be more spread than positive news.

  • I believe that we need balance of both types of news. Yes knowing what's going on in the world is important, but we shouldn't be constantly bombarded with bad news. If something important occurs it would be good to spread the news, but just constantly talking about the smallest and negative things is not good for any one's mental health. Surrounding yourself with negative things all the time is unhealthy. Seeing positive news every once in a while will lift people's spirits. Like how more and more organizations and companies are trying to help stop climate change.

  • I believe that there isn't enough news about climate change. Every day, climate change is affecting our world negatively and plays a starting to become a crucial issue in today's modern world. However, many people fail to notice the everlasting effects climate change could have on us. Mainly because they aren't educated enough to take action. To prevent that, there should be more news about climate change. This can get people to start worrying about our environment, benefiting all of us.

  • I disagree with the students that say that there should be a balance between good climate change news and bad climate change news. Climate change is only going to get worse if we don't act on it now, and we can educate people on this topic through news. The bad news about climate change can get people up and moving to try and prevent climate change. However, if we provide good news, people are going to develop a mindset where they feel like they don't have to do anything because everything is under control.

  • Hello!
    I feel like more positive comments are key to help motivate people into helping fix climate change. Eco-anxiety can highly affect someone when bad news is spoken about. This can also be a sensitive topic for those who love nature and hearing how it is being affected by their and other's actions can really hurt them and make them feel guilty that is out of their control. Also, by spreading the bad news it can pressure kids into only focusing on helping the environment instead of being a kid and having fun. I personally think that kids under the age of 10 should not be exposed to these types of things at such a young age. There is nothing wrong with sharing updates on climate change good or bad but it can really affect those who have eco-anxiety.
    Thank you for reading!

  • In my opinion, balance is the key. People should know and be shown the good and bad sides of climate change. If we are only exposed to the good, we would be blinded and feel that nothing is wrong making the problem worse. But if we only look at the bad, we would be more anxious and not realize improvement. With my point above, I hope you can see the importance of balance not only in climate change but in everything. Thank you.

  • Hello everyone!
    Today in class we talked about this topic. I believe that there is a lot of bad news about climate change, although there is probably a reason for this. For example, climate change is not a good thing, due to this, the news probably must be honest with what is going on with climate change, rather than make it seem like climate change isn't a problem.
    Although, I believe the news could talk about other parts of climate change, and new things that are happening with climate change. This is because normally, the things they talk about have already been mentioned before. Or when talking about climate change, they could make it seem less scary in some ways, because it may make people worry too much and make people feel a bit frightened about what will happen. But yet, I still see the reason why they may make it seem very worrying.
    But overall, if i had to choose, I think it is better if they make it seem worrying, rather than something gentle, because sometimes, it isn't taken seriously.

  • climate change is killing the planet because of the smoke of the cars or anything that has smoke cause the smoke is killing the environment we should take more care about climate change and to help the world instead of going to the supermarket when you are 5 minutes away walk so that will help the environment and now i hope you listen and you make the right choices

  • I think child are getting overwhelmed because of climate change and all the misinformation in social media kid are getting scared of the world. and people should add good stuff about climate change in social media.

  • We need more positive news because people are sad for are world even though it is evolving. If you look at Hans Roslin's ted talk it shows the truth about the world.

    1. Interesting! What did Hans Rosling say?

    2. Thank you so much for that wonderful comment, but I strongly believe that when we get to share this negative news more than the positive ones, definitely more awareness to be mindful of our environment will be created.
      For instance, as we usually see in the news that lions are dangerous, people are already aware of that, and they do everything possible to avoid them, so also it implies in this case when people get to know about climate changes, they will get to develop that attitude of doing everything within there reach in order to terminate it.
      In a case where there is positive news about news about climate changes, that means that the people will definitely feel relaxed thinking that everything is alright where we all know that there is fire on the mountain.
      So negative news will help to create awareness of what is happening and this will lead to us seeking solutions to this problem.
      THANK YOU…..

  • I believe that negative news is more frequently noticed and presented around the globe compared to the more positive information. Personally, I think they should balance the good and bad news broadcasted and showed around the world. Climate Change is a very serious and important matter but reading articles and seeing things shown on television, makes me feel like the world is getting worse.
    The people trying to tackle Climate Change are not being recognised enough. All news I see online is reported almost as though its never getting better when in reality, Climate Change is getting better. Most people probably think the Climate Change isn't getting better because children are always on the internet and Climate Change most likely pops up on their screen .
    That's why, from my point of view, good and bad information should be displayed.

  • There is way too much negative news on climate change. People are getting anxiety from all of this news. There should be more news on what we can do to stop climate change. Such as, habits that add to climate change that we can stop. Or, people should start using public transportation more. These can somewhat quell eco-anxiety. That's something the news should focus on more.

    1. Some great ideas here, ingenious_owl! How can we encourage more people to use public transport?

      1. A news station or company should encourage people to use public transport by using some different points. One point should be that it saves money. Nowadays, cars cost a lot. So, providing the point public transport saves people money would encourage people to use public transport. Another point the news should use is that public transport saves the environment. Less cars on the road means there would be less carbon emissions. So, that could be another reason to encourage people to use public transportation.

  • The thing about this is that it should be more of an equal amount of news on both sides. The negative news does have a stronger effect on people. It makes people worry and stressed for the future. It may drive some people to help. With positive news, it makes people feel relieved. But, it may make people not help anymore because they think it's alright now. So, there should be a balance where the positive news keeps helping them feel some relief while the negative news reminds them that they still have to help and change the environment to a better one.

  • I believe that the balance of good news and bad news is key in this situation. I mostly agree with this statement because there has been mostly inferior news instead of positive news. There are many benefits and drawbacks to this situation but many people haven't looked at other individuals in this problem. There are many people out there trying to solve this problem but they haven't talked about it enough in this situation. Individuals should be acknowledged for this and there is still a chance for them to empower people with positive facts about this. Although, hearing positive news all the time will lead them to believe that everything in the world is alright and the news is lying to them. Overall, people should know all the superior/poor news about climate change and not to be too comfortable in this situation.

  • i picked bad news because i think people need to know if something good or bad and the people have to know what's going on in the world

  • People should [only] be shown good news about climate change because there is already so much bad news about climate change, it's depressing. People are literally depressed because they've been exposed to so much bad news about climate change. But if we show people good news about climate change, some people may volunteer to join the action. Sometimes climate organizations hire people, which creates more jobs. When the money earned at work goes back into the economic system, it increases the national GDP, which more of which can be spent on saving the environment.

  • I think everybody should be able to see both the positive and negative things happening about climate change. Everybody deserves to know everything that's going on in the world, no matter how big or small. Climate change is one of those problems you hear about, but don't actually feel or see a change. People are always told negative things about climate change most of the time, but people see the negative information and are discouraged because they feel as if they aren't helping.
    Climate change could become a huge problem if we don't take care of it, so we need to create an equal point of good and bad for everybody to want to do something.

  • I think that the news should show the bad news about climate instead of the good news because if they show the bad news it could show the humans what we need to help the Earth and how it can be turned into a better place. If we were just to show the good news about climate then they might become lazy because they might think that they have done enough for the Earth when in reality they haven't. And to be honest there is more bad stuff about climate that we need to be aware of then good stuff and we need to do something about it. If we humans do more to save the Earth then we can start to show a little bit of the good news, but for right now... we need to focus on the bad news and how we can turn it into good news.

  • Both opposing sides are unethical this is not only because there isn't much good news about climate change to only say positive stuff but if we did it wouldn't benefit us only grow climate change and put the health of our earth in a more dire spot. But the negative won't be so good ether as if we keep putting negative news almost everyone will have eco-amenity and make us mentally struggle more. So you can't fight light with light but you can't fight dark with dark ether so might as well have a balance of the two, the negatives can push them, and the positive can be the effects of their good work and do more. In conclusion, balence is key.

  • Yes,I and my friends where having some discussion on how different negative news on how bad the climate change everyday and it's effect on our everyday life.which give 's us frightened mind 's . This reports about our climate change which often makes me anxious of our my own personal opinions,In every negative news climate scientist should make efforts to see that they look into matter 's in inventing climate technologies,so as to reduce negative news in our climate change.but also people should also get information 's about the climate change to be able to know how to help in situation about our climate change.and also to have access of the actual situation,about the good and bad.from my point of view people should get informations about our climate change rather than hearing information and believing that our climate is in a fine situation.

  • I believe that individuals should be shown more balanced news about climate change. Recently, I've been seeing more negative news about climate change and barely any positive news about it. When individuals are seeing too much negative news about climate change they are paranoid about how it is going to affect the environment. The effect of them getting too paranoid can lead them to run from the problem, instead of making an impact. Me personally, it has affected me when I see people littering around the park. When I see them littering, I pick up the trash that they left on the ground and put it in the trash bin, but when those individuals see more positive news about climate change it can cause them to make a great impact to delay the causes of climate change to the environment. When they do make those impacts it can save our environment from collapsing. Meaning, more balanced news can make impacts to those individuals.

  • I believe people should be shown only good news about climate change because it can give people hope about the positive effects on climate change or even what they could do to fix it. Understanding all of the impacts of climate change with all of the good impacts of climate change. With all of the bad information about climate change can discourage people all around the world with climate change when they just see everything not working in certain ways. Whenever I watch the news I always see negative news which always makes me turn it off and ignore the following news. I believe more positive news should be shown for the hope of the people as well.

  • Personally, I don't particularly agree with either statement. Like lots of other people discussing this topic, I believe that balance in the media and everywhere, in fact, is the key to solving the ongoing issue of eco-anxiety.

    First of all, if too much bad information concerning climate change were to be shared with the people, I would view that as very overwhelming. This is because, for many people, it would just seem as though information is being, metaphorically, thrown at you. Then, people may feel obliged to try and do something big about it, even though they are still unsure about the matter. I think that this would cause chaos for many who have enough to worry about, without only being shared negative and possibly disturbing information concerning the earth. On the other hand, some people may feel that all of this negative information is impossible for them to comprehend so some may feel as though they are incapable of doing anything to help and that they should just leave it to the professionals. However, if there was hardly any bad news about the climate, people may feel that it isn't that big of an issue so they don't need to worry about it, when it is actually the opposite.

    Now relating to the second statement, if only good news about the climate were to be shared with the public, people would still believe that the climate isn't at fault at all, when it truly is. As well as this, some people may think that humans have solved the issue, rather than the reality of humans making it a lot worse. However, if there wasn't much good news, eco-anxiety would be at its worse as it would seem,to most, that humans can't do anything to solve it so some may give up and others may come to a state of extreme panic automatically.

    Through this evaluation, I have ruled out both statements as I have highlighted the consequences of both and they are both, in reality, as bad as each other. Therefore, I propose that a balanced amount of both positive and negative news, concerning the climate, must be shared with the public. This is so that people are aware of the issues so they understand that something is wrong, but through hearing positive news as well, people understand that there is a way to try and solve it, so humans are trying and not simply giving up.

  • I think that the news should be balance in order to maintain things well. Is true that watching bad news in the television can encourage some people to try being better but in general this negative news are making people hopeless and think that no progress is being done when is not true. News should also mention people which is working hard about climate change and also plenty of cities which started to focus on the important things. Although people in this generation is not going to live a really bad consequence due to climate change and the bad things are not going to happen in a foreseable future.
    As I mentioned before, bad news may encourage people to do better but if we look at the other side good news can make us less worried little by little and that is not good.
    In conclusion, if we want to improve towards climate change, news should be balanced and all of us we need to know that even the action of one person can really make a noticeable success.

  • In my opinion, I think it is good to hear lot's of negative and pessimistic news about the world and climate change. The reason why I believe this is because, if people continue to throw litter, use pollution through cars and vehicles and demolish animal's habitats', well the news will tell how they are affecting the world and animals. If the news comes repetitively, well the people won't think it is a joke, and will start improving their actions. Parents think that their children will be petrified because of it, but it will be like a head start for them, into the real life and future. News is also spectacular and extremely useful, as for an example, let's say a country was being conquered by a flood, caused by climate change, well using news, other countries can be prepared, for when something horrendous happens to them, and can help that other dreadful country.

    It will be stupendous if we had positive news, but than, people will think their job is complete and that they don't need to be a shield for the world anymore.

    1. I partly agree with you on this one.
      Negative news will help call people to action and help them realise what is really going on in the world around them. It helps reveal the atrocities that we as people have made and just left for others to fix, but news like this often makes people feel quite sad or helpless when they actually aren't helpless because they can help make a difference they just don't know what to do or how to do it.

      However, positive news may show people and society that we are trying to make a change and that there is a bit of hope to do with our climate crisis. If only negative news is shown then we won't be able to see the news around people cleaning up litter or re-planting trees. Seeing good news like this helps people realise that other people are trying to make a change and they can help just as easily as those who are already making a difference.

      Positive news can make people happier about the climate crisis because it shows that people are attempting to make a change, but it also still can make them feel slightly sad because they now realise that there s a problem that we all need to try and help fix.

      So in conclusion, I think that we should focus more on a balance between the two rather than having to choose one or the other as both types of news bring different emotions, which both make us want to act on the situation rather than sit by and just watch it happen.

  • I disagree with both the options because people need to see the horrible things that are happening in countries because of climate change, I think this will give them motivation to do something to help their country against climate change.

    I also think that we should see the positive side of the climate change so that they are reassured that if they are trying to help they know that they aren't wasting their time.

    In conclusion we should see both side of climate change so that we can observe the negative and the positive.

  • I vote A because " experience is the teacher " People need to know about the negative news even it will affect them. I believe that if we know more about negative news on climate change people will be strong enough to fight to help the planet and come up with more efficient ideas, Afterall we are the world caretakers . Here in Ghana illegal mining had affected many of our waterbodies, effects of this pollution made Ghanaians frightened to drink from tap water. People were dying , pregnant women lost and some gave birth to babies with disabilities, Livestock's and crops were dying food was difficult to get in market. At first people were just afraid to take action but more of the negative news kept pouring ,and the people of Ghana had enough, people began to protest against illegal mining , and with the government support mining had ended. I believe that negative news can help people take actions to many pollutions around the world, people shouldn't be sacred of negative news about climate but rather they should take it as a mission to help the planet so they can be positive news at the end.

  • I did not agree with any of the options, as I think that it is important that people receive both kinds of news. This is a point I would agree, with the rest of the people here. So as to save people from duress, and negativity at the same time making them aware about the impact of human activities which can cause devastating climate changes. people in general will strive to improve the human activities that will have a positive impact to our environment.
    It is known that India is one of the vulnerable countries in the cases of heat waves and several people die because o f it every year, sometimes few areas in India like Rajasthan for example has shortages of rainfall and the coastal regions have news of floods. India's capital has severe winters temperatures dropping as low as minus 2 sometimes and the capital has pollution issues as it is near industrial places, this results in severe health problems in people there(asthma, other lung diseases) even that it results to schools and other institution closing there for a short duration.
    Even the news in India I feel is over-exaggerated which results in people being ecstatic about minor positive changes, and falling in distress and over-thinking about smallest of negative changes. I feel these are the problems we face.

  • People say that balance is key in this situation, but I disagree. If people see positive news, they will think everything is okay and they don't have to do anything. But in reality, it's not. There needs to be more negative news so people can finally get up and make an impact.

    1. I disagree because balance is crucial when we talk about the spread of news throughout the internet about climate change. More negative news may overwhelm spectators causing them to avoid the situation while more positive news may decrease the feeling of motivation or responsibility. Meanwhile, a balance of both perspectives may be more beneficial since readers feel the pressure from negative news and understand that their action is effective due to positive news.

  • If you were to only ever hear positive stories about how well the world is doing, then never would anyone do anything to give those little victories. People would lose the sense of urgency and forget that action is needed. Why would you help if you didn't think you needed to, for example, if you were to fall over, but said you were fine, no one would look after you; this is how people would treat the world if you only ever knew of the victories.
    However, It is also important to hear the good news, as if you did not know your effort, you would cease to attempt to help.
    My conclusion is that we need a mix, but if you can only have one then it should be bad comments.

  • i agree with option one as if people are bombarded with bad news so they will feel more pressured to do things that help save the enviornment and at the same time good news is also neccesary because people should know about what they are doing and how much of a change they made also the bad news keeps everyone on there toes to search for new ways to saving the earth .

  • Greetings,
    I think as well as believe that the balancement of both positive and negative news are necessary to make people concerned and motivated to bring a positive change in the environment. Negative news is needed to make them realize the environment's condition, the effects caused on it and make them concerned and bring the will to make it better . But too much negative news should not be given as it can cause some people to lose hope and motivation and make them think that no matter how much we do it's not enough and give up. In the same way positive news is also mandatory to keep them going on and stay motivated. But just like the negative, too much positive news can make the people think that everything is ok now and they might pollute the economy again. So, in conclusion I believe that the balancement of both negative and positive news are necessary.
    Thank you

  • I choose that people should be shown bad news about climate change. I don't necessarily agree with what I chose but since it was a poll, I had to choose one. I personally believe that there should be a balance between good news and bad news since bad news might affect people and make them think that there is no hope but at the same time it can motivate them to react and spread more awareness about the problem. As for good news, it can also be seen as motivation and hope for the people to not make them give up but that can also turn into carefreeness and laziness. The conclusion is that balance is the only correct answer!!

  • The negative news about climate change should be shown to the people because if they take this matter seriously then only the positive change in the climate can occur if we will show them the good news about climate change the people will not take it seriously and they will say that it is the work of few people, not every people. Every person in the world with make it their problem when they understand the seriousness of the climate that is there for their future generations. If every people will make it their problem then only we can Reform society and make a positive change in the climate. A drop is nothing but a group of drops from the ocean.

  • Imagine if you only heard bad news about climate change all the time it could make you feel hopeless and like there's nothing you can do. But if you also hear about the progress being made, like countries switching to renewable energy or communities coming together to protect the environment, it can give you hope and inspire you to take action. So, a mix of both good news and bad news helps to keep us informed, motivated, and hopeful! 😊🌍

  • I think that, if I had to pick, people would only he shown bad news about climate change so they feel pressured to try and help because if I was only shown good news I wouldn't do anything to help but if I was shown bad news I would try to help.

  • Option A, advocating for showing only bad news about climate change, could have detrimental psychological effects. Constant exposure to negative information without balanced reporting of potential solutions or progress might lead to feelings of hopelessness, anxiety, and despair among individuals. This could result in a sense of disempowerment and a lack of motivation to take action, as people may perceive the situation as insurmountable.
    Conversely, Option B, which suggests showing only good news about climate change, presents its own set of problems. While positive developments and success stories are important for motivation and inspiration, solely focusing on them risks fostering complacency. People may become less inclined to take urgent action or make necessary lifestyle changes if they believe the issue is not as severe or urgent as it truly is.
    A more balanced approach is necessary. This entails providing a comprehensive picture of climate change that includes both the challenges and the progress made in addressing them. By presenting the full spectrum of information, individuals can better understand the urgency of the situation while also being inspired by examples of effective solutions and collective action. This balanced approach empowers people to engage with the issue constructively, fostering a sense of agency and encouraging them to contribute to meaningful change.
    Moreover, a balanced presentation of climate news helps counter misinformation and promotes critical thinking. It allows individuals to assess the credibility of information and make informed decisions about how they can contribute to climate action, whether through personal lifestyle changes, advocacy efforts, or support for policy initiatives.
    In summary, a balanced approach to reporting on climate change, encompassing both challenges and progress, is essential for fostering informed engagement, motivation for action, and resilience in the face of this global crisis.

  • My opinion is keeping a balance between good and bad news.
    1.Bad news makes the peoples to protect the environment in day today life like for example during the Covid pandemic, how people followed the safety measures to fight against Covid.
    2.Good news makes the people more comfortable and they will think that there is a hope. Also they will get encouraged to fo more measures on protecting the environment.

  • In my opinion Both positive and negative news about climate change can be useful but there should be balance between both. Positive news can inspire hope and motivate people to take action, while negative news can raise awareness and prompt urgency. A balanced approach that includes both perspectives can foster a more informed and engaged global community in addressing climate challenges.

    Positive news about climate change often involves stories of successful sustainability initiatives, renewable energy advancements, and positive environmental outcomes. Sharing such news can inspire optimism, encourage collective efforts, and promote the adoption of eco-friendly practices, fostering a more positive mindset toward addressing climate challenges.

    Negative news about climate change typically highlights the escalating environmental issues, the impact on ecosystems, and the urgency for action. While it can be disheartening, such news is crucial for raising awareness, prompting individuals and societies to prioritize sustainable practices, and encouraging proactive measures to mitigate the negative effects of climate change. Awareness is a key step toward meaningful action.

  • 💫I think that displaying the adverse consequences of climate change is crucial to motivate collective action and foster a sense of urgency. Witnessing the detrimental impacts, such as extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and ecosystem degradation, provides a tangible perspective on the imminent threats to our planet. The negative effects serve as a wake-up call, prompting individuals, communities, and governments to acknowledge the severity of the situation. By highlighting the real and immediate dangers, people are more likely to embrace sustainable practices, advocate for policy changes, and support initiatives aimed at mitigating climate change. Awareness of the negative repercussions creates a shared responsibility, encouraging a global commitment to address climate issues for the well-being of current and future generations.💫

  • My class were discussing climate change. I thought that there was too much negative news and it would make me feel useless and me helping wouldn’t change anything. I felt like this was impossible, however, someone had changed my mind. There should be more in the media to make everyone help the environment. It would make you know that you are doing the right thing. The future is in our hands and helping is a wonderful feeling. We should never give up because every little thing we do, collectively, will have a huge impact. We can help by:
    - Picking up litter and not littering. 🚮
    - Walking instead of driving or buy electric cars. 🚶‍♀️🚙
    - Recycle and not wasting ♻️
    - Stop deforestation 🌲
    It is our duty to protect the world that God has made for us.
    Thank you and have a great day❤️👍

  • We barely see any positive news in the media about climate change. Although there should really be a bit of both, we don't see any positive things at all.

    I brought this up during a debate in class and was hit with the counterclaim of, "What good news is there about climate change?" There are multiple reasons as to why I included this anecdote. First, it proves my point of there being no positive news on climate change in mainstream media. Second, good news can be about achievements and breakthroughs in the science of climate. What's unfortunate is that there isn't a representation of this, which can make people depressed about the state of the world.

    People should be motivated to learn about our world and climate, so it's very counterproductive when we don't see anything to be happy about.

  • it would be better to have a little bit of both,too much negative is bad but too much positive can also be bad

  • When I see negative information about climate change it doesn't always make me want to help because they almost never talk about the people helping stop it. Sometimes it makes me think about 20 years from now and then I start to wonder what will Earth be like and from all the negative news that we see I fell as if living on Earth will become much more difficult because of the worsening of the climate

    1. Do any other Topical Talker's comments help have a positive outlook?

  • In my personal opinion I believe that it should be a balance of both Positive and Negative news. Lately I have been receiving only Negative news not Positive news and there is almost no Positive news

  • I believe that bad news is more influential in a situation like this. Some individuals feel like they're constantly uneasy with the bad news of climate change they see everywhere. And then, they continue straying away from news about climate change instead of going towards it, with tactics like planting trees, using fewer plastics, and volunteering to clean up trash. But good news may not help everyone. Some individuals may think, "There is more good news. I guess that means that everything is okay now," but that's not the case. There are people, plants, and animals dying and losing their homes because of climate change, and I believe that's something you shouldn't make good news out of. Most bad news isn't just there to scare you. It's there because it's true. If you went outside and saw a billboard that said, "The turtles are dying," wouldn't you look for ways to help, if possible, instead of getting scared and doing nothing? That is why I believe that bad news is more efficient.

  • I think I wouldn’t go with any of the options …….. because in today’s world it is very important to show people both negative and positive news regarding the climate change . As by showing the negative news the people will feel the need to protect the environment and do some thing for it . Because some where or the other , their is the fault of humans in the climate change and one of the factor which leads it is deforestation.
    On the other hand people should be shown the positive news as well , because by listening something good , the people will remain encouraged and enthusiastic to contribute in protecting our environment and nature

  • The news that we see are always negative . That has to stop . People should not be afraid of the news . The news are to inform. They are not for informing us only for the bad situations but also for the good ones . The bad news are too much for the people that are watching them . We SHOULD take action and start to make our planet a more positive view so the news reporters can report and look at the positive side of our planet .!!

  • I totally agree, because on my country, The only things that appear on TV are natural disasters, extreme temperature rises, extreme droughts and when it rains, floods. They should put more positive news, because if they don't, people get depressed or sad.

  • I do actually think that its better if we are to share the bad news about climate change because people will never get to know the side effects of what they do on a daily basis and there fore will become anxious about saving the planet, This way (if every body is anxious), our concern about the environment will cause the awakening and quickening of the society to revive the planet.

  • there is currently to much bad news about climate change, and it gives people to much to worry about really there should be some good news about climate change, the people who make the news need to tell people that they are doing everything they can to stop climate change, however most people do not pay atention to whats going on about climate change really people should take care of the planet

  • I think that people should only be shown bad news about climate change if I had to choose one, because even though it may seem harsh, it is reality and everyone should know. If that is the only way to ensure this then it must be done . If people are only shown good news, they will not realise the severity of the issue and that will make the situation worse and worse, until there is no good news left to share.

  • Only good news should be shown on the news about climate change. I believe this because when I watch the news I only see negative news which gives me the expressions that I shouldn't watch it. I recognize that when I view positive news, I want to watch more and I stay to watch the news more. Climate change deserves more views of positivity than negativity with thorough explanation of what's going well. More negative news can make many people lose hope within the depths of climate change as well.

  • I think that people should be shown bad news because, if they are shown only the good news people would think that climate change isn't a real problem, or they may think that no one is actually being affected or hurt by climate change. If they are also shown bad news they may be in favor of donating or trying to help with stopping it.

  • I selected to see only good news about climate change. Even though I do not agree with any of the opinions because I think people should be shown good and bad news about climate change. When people are shown too much bad news about climate change, it can be depressing and cause people to have anxiety, so there should be a balance between good and bad news. However, we should also hear more good news about climate change because people who put in a lot of effort to help save the earth will see the impact they've had because they care about the economy. So I think the bad news should be shown so we'll know what we have to work on, and the good news so people will still have hope.

  • I think if we had to choose one we should only be shown bad news as then we know we can't stop trying . It will also let us know what needs work and it will stop us being naïve to the problems .

  • From my perspective, in the news generally I see mostly negative news rarely positive. This is linked to human physcology, We tend to pay more attention to bad-seeming information than good-seeming information. That could be a root factor for why the news is depressing.

    Although, sources like Newsround, news for children, always have positive information and news at the end of their videos, some television and broadcasting programmes are more positive than others, people are trying to change of the mood the news as negative new can take a toll on our mental health.
    Studies have proven that after lockdown people tend to pay less attention to news because during the covid 19 pandemic they were souranded by negative news. But still if you were to hear the word bomb, war, or death you will imminently focus on the subject but if you were to hear the word sunshine, happy or puppies you wouldn't pay as much attention.
    This is linked to our instincts when the early humans needed to protect themselves from danger and predators.

    So I do not watch the news that often as after I finish, the news changes my mood and makes me feel empathy to a person who is in an upsetting situation. I usually get overwhelmed, and it takes me to get of my mind of the upsetting news; so, I focus on a different activity or topic.

  • Hello! When you pick up a newspaper or switch on the TV for the news, you're bombarded with numerous negative reports about climate change. Despite the existence of many positive impacts related to climate change, they rarely receive coverage. For instance, there was a report about the lack of water supply in drought-stricken areas of Chennai. However, during the recent flooding in Chennai, I didn't come across any news about these drought areas receiving water. Instead, the focus was solely on the areas inundated with floodwater. Why is that?
    The primary reason is popularity. Negative news tends to attract more viewership than positive news. However, even though people consume a considerable amount of negative news, it doesn't necessarily result in behavioral change. People are often reluctant to change unless there's a personal benefit involved. This is why achieving change appears difficult to attain.
    I hope for a shift in mindset where people recognize the importance of addressing climate change for their well-being and that of future generations. I'm committed to making a difference and promoting a narrative that includes more positive news about climate change alongside the challenges we face.

  • I think there's too much bad news because there are little kids who could be watching the news. They could start having bad dreams about their house getting broken down and then they can start having night terrors. Then they can get super scared when they are thunderstorm and flood warnings. And then when their parents are driving in the night time and Rain they can be like I'm going to get struck by lightning. Going to go to the beach and see a big gigantic wave that might get scared and start crying because they don't want to drown.

    1. Thank you for your comment, can you think of 1 positive of negative news?

    2. Hello, prodigious owl.

      I disagree but also agree with your statement.
      Firstly, I agree with your statement for two reasons. I think that children's discomfort about what is going on in the world is understandable. Children have a big imagination and can escalate ideas in theur head greatly. They could also spread that fear onto other children which could cause a negative dimino effect.
      However, I disagree for a few reasons. Children being exposed to this information at a young age allows them to be educated and not sheltered from global problems. This is beneficial, especially if they learn about how to prevent things like climate change. This is the future generation we're talking about, so we will rely on them heavily in the future.
      Overall, I mostly disagree with your statement because children deserve to know whats going on, even if it hurts them in the process.

  • The news talks about climate change, which is about how the Earth is changing. Sometimes, there's good news, like when people find ways to help or stop pollution. But a lot of the time, the news about climate change isn't good. It says things like it's getting hotter, there are big storms, and animals are in trouble. This news can make people feel worried and sad. But it's important to know about these problems so we can try to fix them. Sometimes, hearing about bad things can make people want to do good things, like using less energy or planting more trees. Even though things seem hard, people are working together to find answers and make things better. If we all learn and do something, we can help make the Earth healthier for everyone.

  • I think there needs to be a balance between both good and bad news. Only showing the few good news regarding climate change would likely cause people to believe the climate no longer needs fixing. It would create the false image that enough has been done already and action would no longer be taken. But on the other hand only showing bad news creates a panic that could lead to decision paralysis or feeling overwhelmed and not acting at all.
    So the key lies in showing the reality of this grave situation while encouraging people that taking action can make a difference and they too can help the cause.

    1. I disagree with you to an extent, unassuming_cloudberry.
      I agree that showing too much negative news can overwhelm people, and perhaps even make them feel that it is too late to act about climate change as they may feel that it is inevitable. This means that the new generation (on whom we all rely) will not take a stand against climate change.
      However, negative news shows us the severity of the situation, and may make people realise how important it is that we fight for our planet before it is too late. This means that thebplanet may still have hope and that we can come together as a global community to tackle climate change together.

      1. How do we strike the balance?

  • I feel that the news should be balanced and it should present good news and bad news because at least people get to see the real world. How does negative news affect the brain? When you consume too much negative news with activities such as doomscrolling, your sympathetic nervous system causes your body to release stress hormones, including cortisol and adrenaline. This is your body's natural response to a crisis. How does positive new affect the brain? Good news improves both mental and physical health by increasing feelings of joy and hope. This shows how seeing to much negative news puts you in a bad minds set a may make you worry however it does keep you on your toes. So you are prepared. Also some news reports are fake not even true. This shows you should never belive everything you see. To conclude news should be balanced and there needs o be change in the world.

    1. Even though I think we should only get bad news, I actually agree with you. People should hear good and bad news because when people hear about bad news about climate change, they might try to stop it and then maybe we would get more good news about climate change instead of more bad news. Also, good news about climate change could motivate people to help out.

  • I believe people should be shown both. Bad news usually raise more awareness towards a certain topic as they confront people directly with the negative outcome of their actions, which is important in order to make them change their behaviour. Good news on the other hand satisfy people, they find comfort in them. Of course climate change is nothing to find comfort in, but I think if there would be mixture of good and bad news, and I am speaking of real balance here, because bad news do cause actions but they can also overwhelm people, which could lead to the point at which they don't act at all. So good news would serve as their counter part. If a balance is created between good and bad news it would definitely beneficial. More neutral news good also be published.

  • For me the news about climate change have been depressing. Nowadays they tend to get overwhelming with all the horrible situations around the world and only ever just talking about that is really frustrating. From day to day you can add another terrible occurrence to the list of global warming induced disasters.
    In general young generations tend to worry about global challenges at a way younger age and especially global warming is a frequent topic. Even from early on, young people are educated in school or through friends and social media, which makes climate change a consistent topic in peoples lives. The problem occurs when the news report about all the step-backs and tragedies, making you feel like you are guilty for harming the environment. Too much bad news will frustrate people rather than motivating them. Even though fear is a strong motivator I believe that positivity will connect to society better.
    However, it is important to recognize the problem. News should inform people in a neutral way so that they get all the important information they need to form an opinion, while still being motivated to act by additional positive news.
    It is important to act now, as time is running away. But isn't it more human to connect through positivity in these horribly negative times?

  • I believe that the bad news is more important than the good news. I think this because if we show people the bad news they will feel that our planet needs more help and they need to help. Furthermore, if we show bad news we will be educated about situations that we previously were not aware of and we will have a wider veiw on life . Also, if we have a wider veiw on life we will become more gratefull for what we have and we will become less focused on what we don't have as we are aware of those who are less fortunate because of the news. Additionally, if people show bad news such as famine other people who are watching or are aware of the news can give aid or support to countries that need it.

    However if we only show good news , people will be unaware of the situations outside of their life and will become more self absorbed. They will have veiws, opinions and thoughts that are steryotypical and will have biased opinions because they haven't seen the reality of other countries. Also, if we show people good news they will not know about problems , such as climate change, and will not try and help because they think help is not needed or it is already being given.

  • I think that the media shows us too many bad things about climate change and never the good. For example if I go on google and search up climate change it will show me photos of bad things happening because of climate change. I think the media needs to show us good things instead of the bad.

    1. For me personally, I disagree. The reason why is because people will think that they don't have to do anything because there are only good things about climate change when really climate change is causing more natural disasters, and icebergs to melt.

  • In my opinion I believe that a balance between negative and positive information should be portrayed in the media. Currently mostly negative news is being shown which personally I agree with however more positive news should also be shown.
    On one hand, only negative news would be beneficial for our society as the population would become less ignorant of the dangers. Without negative news people wouldn't even realise that there is danger to climate change and gradual cuts would not happen.
    Another disadvantage of negative news is that with the media being "the media" producers tend to exacerbate natural disaster that have potentially been enhanced by recent global warming
    Although, if positive news was shown as well then people would still possess the knowledge of impacts but have hope for the future for generations to come. I believe that this is the correct direction to proceed into to both inform inform the population and give them hope for the future.

  • I can't decide whether it would be better if "People should only be shown bad news about climate change" or "People should only be shown good news about climate change". I feel like it would be best if we were to hear a balance of good and bad news. I think this because if someone were to only hear bad news they could get a lot of Eco-anxiety, but also if people were to only hear good news about climate change they would be unaware of what's going on in the real world. If people were to hear a balance of good and bad news they will not get too much stress but still be aware of what's going on.

  • This is a really important topic to talk about, while I agree that people should be shown more positive news about the climate, people should be shown some negative news as well. That could be easily countered when the fact that people will be worried heavily about the climate change is brought into consideration.

    Although that is true, the negative news could be shown in small amounts to spread awareness and show how people could change the Earth for the better. The positivity about climate change is what should be spread the most, it shows that there is still hope that the earth can be saved and bettered by anybody and everybody.

    Negative news is almost always a bad thing, but in this case it could be used for good. The negativity about climate change could be spread for knowledge about climate change and for ways to stop it to make the world a better place. Overall, I believe the positivity and negativity about climate change should be spread in a balance with the positivity being stronger than negativity to make a balance of worries and solutions to climate change.

  • I think people should know the good and bad things that occur every day on our country but I think it is so much negative news. Every day I see the news are of climate change, politics etc and there is not a good new so I think we need to change these bad news into good ones

    1. I disagree because... I think there is nothing like too much of bad news, this is because when the news starts to give only the good news, definitely the people will get relaxed and think that everything is normal while there is actually a big problem facing us.
      So I will like to add that it is only when we get to know and hear the bad news that we will start to come up with ideas on how to bring them to an end so the bad news here is what will bring positivity at the end.

      1. I disagree because... While sharing the negative news about climate change could help, it is most important to make a balance between the good and the bad side of things, which in this case, it would help to keep a steady flow of more positive news than negative news. I agree with you so much on people being relaxed if all that is shown is good news, but once again, there should be a balance on the good news and the bad news. The positive side could lead to less worries and less protests while the negative news could lead to more solutions on climate change if a balance is put into action.

        There are many things in your comment that are true and based on factual evidence, along with that your reply was well thought out, but, I believe there is something like too much bad news and when it is put into use, it could lead to protests, worrying, and many other loads of bad things that just add on to the climate change problem that we are facing.

  • I think the news should spread good news because good news might encourage people to keep on picking up litter. It could also give solutions to help the climate change problem.
    However if the news does not spread negative news people might think since there is only good news they wont need to do anything. Bad news might encourage people to do more about climate change.

  • Hello! I wanted to share that I agree with option A. The reason why is because if we only have good news about climate change, no one is going to know how climate change is ruining the earth. But if we only have bad news, everyone will know what climate change is doing to the earth and then maybe people would start recycling.

  • I think that there should be a balance with good news and bad news. Also the news has to be positive or negative depending on which type of thing that they are focusing on like weather, its always mostly negative .

  • I picked the fact that people should be shown bad news about climate change. Good news can be encouraging but hearing too much of it can be bad. Like the saying goes"too much of a good thing is bad." When people are only told good news about climate change, they will only see how their efforts have made impact and forget to see where they still have not worked on. When people are told bad news there are also advantages. First of all hearing bad news about climate change will make you sit up. When you feel your effort is not impacting, it will encourage you to do better. It will also encourage scientists to find new ways of helping the environment. People will also be on their toes and make sure to reduce their carbon footprint as much as possible. Negative news will always drive you to engage more than positive headlines. Most people often tend to remember negative news more clearly than positive ones. Negative news about climate change will cause people to respond immediately. Compared to sweet sugar-coated news about climate change, negative news will be more effective. This is why I think people should be shown bad news about climate change.

  • I think that there should be both good news and bad news when it comes to eco probloms. Bad news can alert people of the matter and that they should help the cause but good news can make people not feel hopless and that people are trying to make a change.

  • Bad news is good. I know this is a bold claim but bad news gives us awareness of the situation. Good news about climate change but if its mostly good news we will be blindsided by the good news and not notice bad news. I know many people may be seriously anxious and could hurt them mentally and physically but if one takes damage from reviewing bad news they should try not but for a solution one should confer with a therapist and take time to help explain the news that would not be taken the wrong. I believe that the amount of people who know about this but do not doing anything about it is concerning. When I say this I do not mean to protest and fight but a better way to inform and spread awareness to people who can help and make a change. I had already stated on how to make a change in my other post but I believe removing cars are out of the idea but I already explained in my recent post. It may be hard for this to end but with the power of all of us can change. I know many of us are young but young people can help make a change and like our teachers and adults say in our life, "The children are the future."

    1. I agree with you. It all depends on the mindset and if you're willing to help the environment. This can also encourage your health if we take a break from cars. For example, riding a bike, volunteering to plant more trees. There are many things that people can do that isn't to much, but even the littlest bit can make a change.

  • I do not feel that there is too much negative news about climate change because it causes fear and that fear about climate change will cause people to act accordingly. For example, if someone sees news about trash polluting our oceans, they may become worried about polluting the ocean. This may lead them to clean up trash in their community, start recycling either by reusing objects in their home or using recycling bins outside their home, using less plastic bags and bottles, etc. Some argue that negative news will affect people that get mentally overwhelmed easily. There is a simple solution to this though. People who are not mental stable or well can attempt to avoid watching the news and using social media and instead ask family, friends, or any mental health professionals that are aware of this person's weaknesses which will help them stay informed, but also make sure that they do not succumb to their mental instability.

  • While I believe that negative news can help spread awareness of climate change, I believe that too much of it is a problem, and that there should be a balance between negative news and positive news. Negative news may make people try to help stop climate change, but some of the news is overly exaggerated, such as "the world is going to burn in 20 years!" This causes some people to be overwhelmed, causing them to think that they cannot do anything. While not everybody is like this, these people may become depressed and give up hope in trying to help the planet.
    This is where good news comes in handy. The good news, when by itself may decrease the amount of people trying to help, can cause a balance for the bad news. These people who are losing hope may see the good news, and regain determination to help the planet.
    All in all, when it comes to good or bad news, it is important to have a balance. They carry each other, maintaining hope and determination in people to help save the planet. If we only have bad, or only have good news, people may stop trying to help the planet.

  • If I had to pick one, I would say that people should only see bad news about climate change. I say this because showing people more bad news can help them realize that the world needs help. Some may argue that this could affect their mental health, but people who are actually worried will try to make a change. Even if there are people that are too scared to even do anything, even the smallest bit can help. Maybe riding a bike to lessen pollution, or planting more trees to help the air. If people see more good news about climate change, they get the idea that the world is okay and that they do not need to do anything to make a change.

  • In my opinion, bad news should not be shared so regularly. People don't want to be scared until a disaster happens. They shouldn't be warned about disasters, instead they should just be taught what to do to keep safe. I don't agree that we should be warned a year, month, or week before it happens. I suggest we are warned 1 or 2 days before. That way we aren't scared or anxious about dying, getting hurt, or damage.
    In conclusion, make sure you know how to protect yourself during a disaster.

    1. I agree people should be informed on how to keep themselves safe. What could be some of the disadvantages of knowing about a natural disaster only a day before it happens?

    2. I see where you're coming from but sharing the bad news can also encourage citizens to protect themselves. Even if they get shown good or bad news, they may both share the same thought about protecting themselves. If we only spread good news, there will not be a change. Even if you are not anxious, contributing to the environment can have more effect than staying protected and doing nothing about what's happening around you. This will only isolate you to do nothing while climate changes are happening everywhere. If you were to make a change, there would eventually not be so much climate changes to worry about.

  • I think there is not enough news, if there are more news people will know how to help. This will help the people with eco-anxiety get rid of their anxiety. I understand in the process of doing this what can people with eco-anxiety do? There are many solutions for this problem. News can put a warning before they tell the latest climate changes and the people who want to help can keep viewing. People can also make websites with advice to help the planet instead of putting it on the news for everyone to see. Also people should talk more about how to help. When people want to help and they don't know how to they can share it on the news or a website. Overall I think there are many solutions to climate change and eco-anxiety but people just need to talk about it more.

  • I agree with this, because as I venture around the internet for news about our climate, all I see is bad news. Though, I can see this from both sides. On one hand, sometimes I get nervous just knowing the possibility of knowing something big will be coming. But then again, it helps us be prepared, so we can avoid and protect ourselves and our family.

  • I believe that there are not enough comments about climate change because children are the future and that children deserve to know what is happening around the world. I understand that climate change is no laughing matter BUT children are the next generation and if we don't do something about this then there is no future. If humans have no future then we will not see the next generation and this will lead to our extension. As humans we need to find a way to let the whole world know that our demise is approaching. With this being said we need to live and conserve what resources we have left.

  • I believe good news and bad news should be shown. I believe this because I think people need to be aware of what's going on, but they also need to know the good news so they won't be too worried. It is important to keep a balance of letting society know what is happening, but without causing panic. I think if people know the bad news they can know what to do to help. Or if they know the good news they can know the benefits or how people are helping.

  • In my opinion I think that people should get told good and bad news since when you only hear good news then you would only be hearing the positive side and not the reality of it but then if you only here negative side of things then you would just be worried and start getting overwhelmed.
    That is why I think there should be a balance.

    1. Hi @tough_crab, can you tell me why you think its important to hear negative news about climate change?

  • sometimes it can be hard to escape the never ending waves of bad news about the environment that climate change is spreading around many different countries across the globe and not only that people cutting lots of trees down which is making it even worse but this doesn't just affect us it affects all the different animal species across the world to : polar bears with lots of hunting ground lost,snow leopards shrink the snow leopard's range,basking shark and the pattern of ocean currents and plankton distribution could alter and many more animals are affected by global warming but there are lots of people everywhere that are making big contributions to help and I join all the millions of people trying to help the world to be a better place and my passion of animals and the environment has made me feel that I had to try and make a difference today

  • It was an extremely hard choice but in the end, I only had to choose one and I chose which one I thought. I voted for the one that stated "People should only be shown bad news about climate change. My opinion can have a positive and a negative topic. I say that if they show more bad news about climate change the citizens would do something about it. People have to start showing that they care about their planet and their future. And lots of people have already started helping out in many ways. I believe that my opinion harms these people who are suffering. I say this because many people are probably losing hope because of all the problems that are happening right now.

  • I think people should be given the good news about climate change because here in the U.S we are reminded every single day about climate change. So people here start to worry, and we don't want that because if people start to worry that will lead to a stressed out president getting all of the complaints about climate change. And this may eventually make the Congress, and the president make a decision to do what Herbert Hoover did and do nothing about what is going .People up there with the congress and the president are already trying to help, because we like the world and we love our lives.So since people already hear to much bad stuff about climate change,I think we should be given the good new about climate change instead of bad.

  • With out bad news there wont be a change in the climate change so we should keep the bad news.

    1. Can you explain why you think this?

  • Negative News is good but its not good at the same time because people get eco-anxiety

  • I believe that seeing bad news about climate change is better than seeing good news as it will make people more aware about what they need to do and they might even help them. However, they also need to have good news as just having bad news will demotivate people and cause eco-anxiety, A balance of good and bad news is needed.

  • Too much bad news may have an effect on people's mental health and life such as:
    1. Lifestyle and mental health for themselves.
    2.may only believe in bad news and lies told by other people
    3.they might not start to believe what is said and not care about the environment and will not have an effect towards the planet.

  • I believe that the negative news surrounding climate change is too much.I feel that we have to balance out the negativity with positive news as well.For example, if someone was told bad news about the climate (such as 'there's not much time left' or something of the sort) then they will most likey think negativly, On the other hand, if they were only told poitives then they woudnt worry as much and would probrably think its not something to stress over.Thats why i think that we have to have a balence of posotives and negatives.

    Right now, i feel as if all the negative news is getting to peoples heads and their mental health is rapidly disclining and if we were to tell posotives then it wouldnt be as bad.I do however thinkn it is important t spread awareness so i dont think we should stop comletley.

  • i believe News can affect peoples health and mindset. this affects schools workplaces and organisations because people get eco-anxiety. This is not just bad for your mindset and health but for businesses to grown and spread international and to even work there since there is a worry for the planet.

  • Climate change has changed our planet in a lot of different ways. In our daily lives, we listen to a large amount of news about climate change. The mayority of them have a bad connotation and topics, such as, "melting of the Antartida" or, "the flooding of Indonesia".
    I do not like to hear thet news as maakes me be upset, but I pay attention every day on it because I believe it is really important to undersatnd how our world goes.
    I trust people would start being conscious of world's problems and start helping the planet and the quality of people's lives.

  • I believe that balance is the key to success.
    althougth most of the new I see are negative this is actually not so bad, let me explain.
    Our planet has changed over the time numerous times, actually Earth is a glacial and we are actually inan inter glacial time. This means that it is normal that at this times Earth should be heating up so even whith out human actions Earth will still be heating up.
    I don´t say that It means to let humans burn all resources but I yust say that in a bunch of years the situation will be the other way

  • In my opinion, the best thing we can do to make people underestand this issue and make them want to take part is to say mainly the bad news, as if we tell them only the good things, that are really few comparing this amount with the bad news, people would relax much more, so less people would take part in this, but we all need to contribute, if not, as a matter of fact, the effect of trying to save the planet and ourseleves, as we need to have a planet to live on, and we actually rely on having this planet, would be nule, and all the effort that some people have done would be completely wasted, so I think that it is better to tell only the bad things.
    Nevertheless, if something really good happens, that shows the evolution of human effeect on stopping climate change, it would be nice to be told to everyone, so we know that we should keep on doing things as good as would be doing them.

  • In my opinion, if I could only pick one option it would be that we should only be given bad news about climate change. This is because if we are only given bad news, it will encourage all of us to do more to save the planet. However, if we had good news, we would think everything is fine and there is nothing to do to stop climate change because it is all under control. This would eventually lead to people doing nothing to prevent the heating of the Earth and more people releasing harmful gases into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect. This is why if we are only given bad news about climate change, people will do more to help.

    1. An interesting comment versatile_cicada, what would you say to people who need some encouragement that efforts to stall climate may have a positive impact and are motivated by that?

  • If there was only one option, then people deserve to know the truth, even if it is a bad one at that. Bad news makes us stronger, we just have to balance it. Not so much positive or negative news. You inform people accordingly, without making a worldwide depression, a perfect mix.

  • If i had to chose one of the statements i would have to chose the one that states we should be shown more bad news about climate change than good. This is because people who have heard the bad news about climate change may want to do something to help if they have heard the escalation of the problem. However some people may become overwhelmed with the problem and feel that they cannot do anything. Our little actions are the ones that accumulate into the big changes. However i nor disagree or agree with any of these statements as i feel the balance of both negative and positive news should be equally balanced . This is because the negative news should empower people to make a change as they may not see the reason to step up and help without this negative news. However they should also provide us with good news about these topics so we can hear our progress and hear we are actually making a change even if it is small.

  • i think that we should spread the bad news because no one is helping and really no one cares

  • I personally believe that the media is filled with negative news but only because there is negative news that needs to be talked about. I prefer to know what's going on in the world such as the war in Gaza. However I can understand that doom scrolling can heavily effect someone's mental health in an unhealthy way. Never the less I think its a good thing that we get to know about what's going on in the world and can be prepared for what may happen.

  • This is definitely true, all the time I`m telling almost half of my family about this, why always negative news? I`m mainly thinking why all the time the news talks about having negative reports, it's either, "a car crash happened," or its, "school strikes," things like that can be so annoying seeing things always happening like this. Is it the people that's doing this?

  • As for me I see a lot of news about climate change but they're all negative that's why I don't watch them anymore but the negative news help warn and teach about climate change at least when the news lovers watch it they will try to help and that will make more positive news so I agree that negative news make more effort that positive news
    Thank you

  • In my opinion, I anticipate that as the years past on, if the world is still very sick, we should continue having bad news because bad news will warn everyone about the difficulties the world is facing, which were caused by our corrupt hands and actions. We are living on this unhealthy planet so we should look after it. If you get scared and worried about the world being hurt by climate change, it's good as it shows how determined you are on helping the world and that you have Eco-Anxiety. Nevertheless, it shows how much you care about it.

  • In my considered perspective, the media and news outlets should balance between showing positive and negative news. While negative news is crucial for people to understand the drastic changes taking place in our planet and the problems happening around the world, there should be forums and news where positive ideas are also introduced to people. This will ensure that yes, there is a global problem which all have to combat , but, at the same time, people would be aware that this problem has a solution as well. This will give individuals some hope to combat the problem of climate change. This is also one of the factors to reduce eco-anxiety. If people are shown only negative news then their mind can be impacted in a negative way. But if there’s a balance between the news, then they can be put at ease as they’ll be assured that climate change is a problem which can be fought against.
    Thank you.

  • The negative because when we know what the negative is then we can make a huge difference and change

  • According to my answer to that poll, I mentioned that bad news is more important but I didn't have another choice but according to my original opinion,critically, I believe that both good news and bad news are equally important which means that balance is the keyword in this case . Bad news about climate change in my perspective, can approach being more inspiring, less depressing which means that bad news is actually act as an awareness campaign by spreading awareness among people to contribute or donate to help in potential problems related with climate change. But on the other hand, good news may seem more desirable according to most people, but good news can provide a safer society , responsible governments and a better local and global community .
    In conclusion, we all must start volunteering in campaigns and contributions in addition of being
    an efficient role-model for younger generations and promoting more beneficial opportunities .

  • To the world IS better to have good news,because It afects in a positive way to the people.I think that the journalist give us many bad news showing us that the world is acting very quikly and in a very agresive way.It is clear that there is a problem with the temperatura but a lot off It is a natural problem the Earth gets very cold It Freeze and during the years its gets warmer to melt the icebergs

  • I believe that people should be shown good news about climate change because for years and decades all people actually know about climate change is how, we humans are ruining it, that we should stop it because it is related to our environment and affects other animals around us. But for a change, although we need constant reminders, when has anyone actually said that " the research has shown that this many people have recycled products in the South Asia " or that the climate in the Middle east is said to be very much encouraging than usual " . Good news and even if not praise but encouragement, means a lot to people and can actually be the biggest motivation we can eventually give to help stop climate change.

  • I do not agree with any of the options because people are not surposed to be told only about the negative and positive aspect of the news because if we all are told negative part of the news, it would bring about depression to the people and over thinking, the people of the country would no longer feel sefe in their country.
    Now moving to the positive aspect of the news if people are only told the positive side of the news every one would just relax instead of trying

  • Hello everyone
    I agree that people should spread negative news about climate change because this will help spread awareness on the effect and dangers of climate change to the public. It will help people to be conscious of what endangers our environment in order to protect it.

  • Hello everybody
    I think that nowadays we have so much negative news, because I think that people think that the World is going to finish, due to the climatic change, but I think the opposite, because the World has a process a ñnd now we are in the post-glacial that is the process in which the World is heating theirself to enter again in the glacial era. To sum up, I think that the people think a lot about this topic.

    1. I agree because... It actualy has a lot of sence.
      over the time the period of glacial and inter-glacial has repeted cosecutively. Althow whe are in an interglacial period extreamly long it is not ment that It is eternal (about in 2000 years again a glacial period) and after all The polution is just acelerating the process of melting and when it finishes the Earth will Autorefrigerate.
      Probably in two thousand years people whill strugle to increase temperature.

  • I personally believe that there is no such thing as "too much negative news".
    The negative news we see on climate change is simply the truth of what is going on in our planet. We cannot continue to deny what is in front of us, the consequences of our actions.
    People need to see these truths in order for the seriousness of the situation to be truly comprehended.
    Negative news is a means to make people stand up for what is right for our planet.

  • I think people should be shown the bad and good news because when people are shown the bad news it will make them become more concerned about their environment. It will also make people do more to make their environment a better place. If people are shown the good news also it will give them some relieve and encourage them to do more to help the environment.

  • I mostly see negative news on the weather but sometimes positive.However,it's not true.Some people are working to solve this problem.

  • I think eco-anxiety is a bit good for a warning but it isn’t enough because people don’t take the eco anxiety as serious as how bad and extreme it is

  • In my opinion, I think that people should mostly see negative, unpleasant news because if people see this they will see how they are using their actions in a hurtful way. It will also see if they care about what is happening to the unhealthy world.

  • In my opinion, we should do less negative news about earth's suffering as it makes people anxious about earth but we need to know how much demolition has gone on so we are up to date with the cruel treatment earth is going through so we know is earth fine or not. Also, knowing in the news about earth's demolition can sometimes soothe eco-anxious people if it is positive news such as more people planting plants or campaigns about saving earth have been organised. But unfortunately, most of the earth news has only negative facts to share with people which really and i do mean really stresses out eco-anxious people when they find out.

  • I believe that children are shown to much negativity about climate change. This is horrible because it is affecting a child’s mental health in all ways. I hope children do know about climate change but not so much negative news it’s just not good for their mental health. Like it’s not even their fault but most adults think it’s the child’s responsibility for their actions.

  • People should listen to the good news and not the bad news

  • I think we should only be shown bad news about the climate change because we can fix it to make it better so we won’t have to worry about doing it again and if it does happen again we can fix it as many times as we need to so it can stay better than it is now and it will ever be so my message is keep trying to help if you are young or old! By the way why do we have climate change?

  • Honestly, do you want to spend your time mourning about carbon footprints that arn't even yours. Just lean back, and let the people (adults) who got us in this mess sort it out.

    1. This is an interesting opinion. Do you think this will work?

  • I think that people should have good news because so that people will learn about eco anxiety I don’t like bad news because I don’t want a storm.If there was a storm it would’ve had happened and I think that we should have good weather and I like summer spring and winter sometimes but I like ice cream and it is going to be sunny .Eco anxiety is the best so I think that we need eco anxiety because it is very important to me in the future .And eco anxiety is the best .It seem too far in the future for me and my very good news and I like eco anxiety because it is good for the future and people believe it is fake news and there is no crisis people believe it is not affecting them so why worry so some people are just worried about something and it is I good in the future some people are not worried about the climate change. Most of us feel some worry about the climate crisis .84% of young people worldwide say they feel worried about the climate change .The 2021 census reports that 75% of adult in Britain are worried about the impact of climate change.