Space: a positive human future?

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No one knows exactly how big space is because the universe keeps on expanding which means that space could be a whole lot bigger than we even think. In terms of human future it is the time after the past and present. Looking at the present situation we humans are suffering from a lot of pollution and effect of global warming and if not dealt with appropriately we may not even have a future.

Many space travelers have returned with a more positive view of themselves and their place on the planet. Being in space is a powerful experience that can have a long lasting, positive impact on the psychological well-being of individuals who are opportuned to go there. Also it fuels our curiosity and imagination among we the younger generation and makes us curious to learn and explore.

In space, astronauts are exposed to various and increased levels of radiation that are different from those on Earth. From research increased risk of cancer and degenerative diseases, such as heart disease have been observed among humans exposed to radiation on Earth. Health risks for astronauts from radiation exposure in space are mainly driven by long-term impacts. Even though astronauts are made to take various test especially the one partaining immunity, more research is needed into whether spaceflight alters immunity and can cause the immune system to attack the healthy cells, organs, and tissues present in the body.

The question is;

The health impact of the environment seems to take a toll on the astronauts and not immediatly but it takes time to manifest, so is space really a habitable for we humans or best for exploration?

Comments (21)

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  • Well... I've thought about it. You said it's better to explore space because we can't live in it. It does not contain the essential ingredients to live and adapt to. / There is nothing better than planet Earth, which contains all the elements we need. As for space, we are so used to our planet, and if we go live in outer space, I feel like I will suffocate. / There are pros and cons. The negatives are that there is no oxygen to breathe and no ingredients to live on. As for the positives, first the space and the stunning view.. I can benefit from it in science, investment and technological development. .................................. And the last sentence I will say is that not all people can explore space

  • I think space exploration will lead to humans to find habitat as if there is no control on global warming nd food crises . But it would b very much difficult for humanity to go to space as population is too much to settle over there so exploration is a struggle and hope for us nd brings knowledge of what Allah almihht has made for us . ASTROUNAUTS can better guide ppl how they can change their life style to avoid global warming .the planet earth was made unfit to live by human beings so they r now responsible to make it pure nd clean by changing their mind set

  • I totally agree. We should focus on fixing earth before we go anywhere else. This show the egocentric nature of humanity. We think that just because we see it, it's close by, nobody else has claimed it, that it's hours. The universe belongs to no one anywhere on earth.

    1. I agree because... we need to and have to know everything about space before we go the only way we can is by exploring earth

  • There really are a few fundamental technologies we need to develop before thinking about traveling further into our solar system. Battery technology and the ability to store large amounts of energy cheaply, cleanly and using lightweight materials is still in its infancy. We can't even supply our own civilization with energy without polluting the air, water and ground soil or causing a nuclear explosion. Also, the re-usability of our spacecraft still has a long way to go and I must thank Space X for doing a great job in trying to achieve better re-usability. Ion drives hold great promise for propelling us farther and faster than we have ever been able to achieve before but we must make a few more fundamental achievements before we see manned flights into deeper parts of our solar system and back.

    1. You make some good points here. Do you mean that people should fix some of the issues on Earth before exploring space? If yes, why? If no, why not? I'd love to hear more, so please reply.

      1. Thank you for your kind reply ♥️
        Yes, I meant that some problems must be solved, investigated and rid of this suffering that many peoples live through; Because when solving problems, nations and peoples advance, so the thinking and effort exerted in discovering the world of space is complete.

        1. I agree because I also think that living in uncertainty of space exploration while forgetting our home problems of how earth is being degraded cannot be called finding an alternative but rather killing ourselves because we always say that we believe in space as the future of humanity but on the other hand,we should also keep in mind that is not certain so I think we should care more of saving our planet as we explore but keeping our activities of saving planet as priority because home is always home,even if you anywhere,home is always preferable."East or West,Home is the Best!" I really agree with this sentence because personally I believe we should love our home before finding a way out of it. Stop the pollution,plant more trees,use alternative sources of energy and preserve wildlife too.
          Let's save our earth first,it's our home, nothing will ever replace that.
          #home is home#

          1. Yes, I strongly agree with you, and I thank you at the same time for your kind words.
            I believe that everything in the world has positive effects and negative effects.
            In the end, each of us has his own point of view, and I hope that my point of view has benefited you and provided you with information.

  • One of the most interesting theories I've heard is that since on the universal scale time has just barely begun to tick, it is very possible that the Earth was formed during the early stages of the universe (according to some rough estimates the last star within the observable universe will go out in about 120-130 trillion years from now. Plenty of time for life to form and evolve on other

    planets). Which means that the Earth might be (for now) the only planet with complex and intelligent life form on it. And that's why, according to some, we haven't been able to contact any other intelligent life forms out there. Because there aren't any.

    Making us kind of the elders of the universe.

  • At its simplest level, the push for exploring space has been a big plus for Humanity. All kinds of computing, electronics, textiles, materials and medicines owe their existence to space-related research and development, while Knowledge is also vital to know - even things like the threat of solar flares cooking all electronics on earth is directly tied to Space, and space research.

  • Scientists have to try and make a telescope that can zoom in on a planet's surface. This way we can see what those planets' landscape looks like and maybe even see alien life.

  • Space exploration represents two of the most
    important human traits - curiosity and motivation
    to learn about unknown. These two traits have
    led to countless inventions. People who do not
    see the relevance of space exploration, often are
    the people who couldn't understand science.

    1. Just because people do not see the relevance of space exploration does not mean they do not understand science rather they choose to deal with the issues they can see and be practical. Earth is not fully explored and there are still a lot of hidden mysteries like the 7 wonders of the world, so why not invest the money spent in space travel to other expeditions and who knows maybe we can find a solution to the issue of global warming.

  • The conditions that allow life on Earth are more than just being in the right area. Our Moon keeps the planet from oscillating, to help maintain a stable climate, we have gas giant planets to catch incoming asteroids and comets, we have a molten core that helps maintain a magnetic field to prevent radiation, and many other parameters that make our species

    life is private...

  • Have you ever thought that when we say "habitable" it only means that it is habitable on Earth. There could be alien species living on planets like Venus, where we're going to die, but they won't. If that life goes to Earth they will die spontaneously. It's just the idea that life adapts to different climates and meaning

    "habitable" is very vague

    1. What an enlightening thought!

  • l'm sure the planet may need to be the same mass or smaller. If it's too big then gravity may be a bit too much.
    I'm sure l'd adapt pretty good if ldon't have a heart attack or stroke.

    l heard somewhere on the internet that living on Mars for a certain amount of time you may have issues health wise when returning to earth because adapting to Mars less gravity will make the body weaker.

    1. There are other factors too! Such as air, pressure, and climate for life. What technology would need to be developed to help people like us live on planets like Mars?

      1. I think for people like us to be able to live on planets such as Mars,we would need to first develop technology such as;
        Technology that regenerates the ecosystem on Mars in this I mean the seas,trees, vegetation,oceans,animals and all those natural things that make earth so inhabitable because in the ecosystem everything depends on one another forexample the animals depend on the plants for food,plants depend on carbon dioxide from animals and energy from the sun,So everything is basically connected to each other, technology for manufacturering many space ships to be transport means to Mars, technology to move many people to Mars in shorter time than it takes currently, technology to multiply oxygen on Mars very fast such that it's sufficient for breathing even if we're many, technology to overcome the gravity effects on Mars and technology to do the simple everyday things such as wahs clothes and dry them,use a match stick to make fire,cook food etc.Basically the technology that we use in our daily lives on Earth is the technology that we need to develop to make it work on those planets like Mars starting with the basic needs like breath/health,food,water and shelter. Such essential technologies need to be made possible and applicable on planets like Mars if people like us are to start lives there.

      2. I think that we must develop the oxygen device that is available in hospitals, for example, so that it becomes something that can be eaten (such as a pill that is taken every once in a while) and that its effect is strong and helps breathing for a long time. I think this is a solution and that it should be taken in quantity A large piece that supports him until the time of his return to the earth. This is something that can be invented to breathe, for example with regard to the climate. He can take clothes that he can warm up greatly from, I mean heavy clothes, or he can take light clothes according to the weather and also the climate for him.A role with crops and others. Plants can work in agricultural greenhouses and so on so that he can eat, and of course get enough food for him other than that.

  • Space exploration has probably saved more lives
    than we could know with one of my favorites, the
    creation of HACCP during the early space
    program of the 1960's with NASA, Pillsbury and
    the US Army. This is a food safety system still in
    use today in the food industry. Space exploration
    has benefited our species in many other ways in
    addition to technology.

  • I think explorations help us to develop new soucres and technology to make outer world safer and habitat.
    The curious nature of humans always lead to explore the unknown more and more and it will continue in the future. Scientists from the history always had take brave steps in order to discover and make the nature more habitat and familiar to the human beings. Greatness is the result to prefer humanity over personaly needs. I found the scientists earning more respect in this regard.
    But in addition to that there is a need to take steps to make the space journey more prosperous and safe for the space explorers.
    There are additional questions come to my mind that are; what is sustainable exploration and what is need led to be done to involve the scientists from the countires who couldn't efford the exploration? how the people are getting benefits from this exploration?

  • I think that life on another planet would be similar to our life. We are a result of the universe because of our perfect positioning in the universe, so a similar planet to earth in a parent position would create the life that is just like us. I agree that the distant planet could be millions of years behind and not even developed humans yet, maybe just animals.

  • I think the possibility for other life is extremely high as to the fact that we exist along side other life. The question I think of is whose to say that other life has higher technology. It could also be very well behind us. We simply cannot be the only life to exist on one single planet out of billions.

  • For me I would think that space could be a safe place if we make it safe ,and i'm trying to say that anything could be a safe place because you could make a machine or a thing that makes you able to breathe in space.Having a opportunity to live in space with all the stuff you would need is a pretty great deal because its space,there might not be much to do but watching the sky all day/night, it would be good and fun if you're an artist because you'll have a thing to draw and paint with a always lasting example and there might be a other life source that is fun,with friends,and with things to do,and plus there could be other galaxies and that could take trillions of years but we never know.

  • I agree because... I agree because Researchers are using what they learn to design procedures, devices, and strategies to keep astronauts safe and healthy throughout their missions and us we can use that to we can make some strategies to keep us safe just like we do on earth.The way our body reacts to long-duration spaceflight it does that just like agency plans if we go to space we can extended missions on the Moon and Mars just like astronauts so I agree.

  • As daring_donkey said I have thought long and hard about it.I believe that you can explore space however you like,from you're home using a telescope,or travelling into the universe by a rocket! I think this because with a telescope you can look at the stars and even see different planets, dwarf planets and gas planets! When travelling to space you can see all of the same things you can see with a telescope but closer up an you can also step foot on the moon,you can also get moon rock!

  • Okay… I see where u are coming from, however you said something like it’s better to explore space because we can’t live in it. True but also false. There are many many different reasons why we can’t live in space and the key one is because there is no oxygen so we can’t live or adapt very well in space. As you probably already know space is a planet but come on you should agree here there is nothing better than living on earth am I right? Same as daring_donkey said like it has all the essentials and elements we need to survive! Exploring space definitely has cons but how about pros? Well.. there ARNT as many pros as there are cons for instance a con. well when you are sent out to space there is a slight chance to die. 70% actually. Shocking right? Although there are deaths caused by this circumstance there is a pro. Remarkably the view is a moment in life that you probably will never experience again but all I can say is not everyone is allowed to explore space. :)

    1. Hi careful_badger, can you give some evidence or examples to support your statement about a 70% chance to die in space? I would be interested to know more about this.

  • According to the text it states that "As for space, we are so used to our planet, and if we go live in outer space, I feel like I will suffocate." we need to explore space because base on my results if we don't we can't learn about the thing thare in space and the type. so wee need to adapt the space and were we live.

  • Nov 25, 2020 — Space exploration isn't simply a sign of humanity's hubris or a brazen desire to find new places to live and new sources of wealth.
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