Does responsibility deprive others of their rights?

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The phenomenon of nepotism and nepotism reflects a painful reality, and it is the most common corruption in the administrative milieu. It is a crime punishable by law because it involves an assault on the rights of others and an assault on the foundations of justice, equality, and equal opportunities. It can nullify a right or achieve nullity. Wasta is known as a form of administrative corruption that results It has negative results, including (negligence at work, repeated mistakes, and poor production): because it includes inequality for people and not giving them the rights due to them, and there is great injustice in it

The thing I am most shocked by is nepotism, because this is forbidden for human rights, and what he does transgresses the rights of others, and this is not in our origin, for example, that a person is brave in studying and is one of the first, and they could not hire him, and another person is unable to study, and he is their relative or friend and employs him This is not fair because it leads to the corruption of society and the sabotage of relations. Favoritism is also the exchange of goods in exchange for political support. This is why nepotism is a great injustice to the weak. We discussed in today’s chapter that nepotism is forbidden because it is not permissible for the rights of society, and this is an injustice to them. In order to achieve what is in mind for relatives

For example . A man was arrested by the police, so he pays a sum of money and takes it out

Over the years, there is great corruption in society, and this corruption is considered a form of nepotism or nepotism, for example, which leads to killing a person in order to achieve what he wishes for another person, or causes many disturbing morals.

Comments (9)

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  • Responsibility does not deprive others of their rights. In fact, being responsible means that you are making sure that everyone's rights are respected and protected.

    For example, if you are responsible for a task or job, it means that you are taking care of it and making sure that it gets done properly. This helps to ensure that everyone who is involved in the task or job has their rights respected and fulfilled.

    Similarly, being responsible in your interactions with others means that you treat them with respect and kindness, which helps to protect their rights as well.

    So, responsibility actually helps to promote and protect the rights of others, rather than depriving them of their rights.

    1. Well said, my friend! Responsibility is not just about taking care of your own duties, but also ensuring that everyone else's rights are protected in the process. It's like being the captain of a ship - you're responsible for making sure everyone on board is safe and accounted for.

      In today's world, where individualism often takes center stage, it's important to remember that responsibility isn't just about "me," but rather about "we." When we take responsibility for our actions and decisions, we create a safer and more equitable society for all.

      So let's embrace our responsibilities with open hearts and minds, knowing that we are not only fulfilling our duties but also helping to build a better world for ourselves and future generations. After all, as the saying goes, "with great power comes great responsibility."

  • I have fully explained nepotism and its harms, and I have given many proverbs, and there is no addition from me to that, so I agree with you.
    I will ask you some questions and I hope you will answer it
    1- If you were subjected to injustice and nepotism, and a person less qualified than you was preferred and accepted for a job, what would you do?
    2- If you were the person who was unfairly preferred, would you accept that job or not?

  • Yes, your opinion is correct, and I agree with you, because nepotism causes great dangers and harm in society, and it is one of the most widespread types of corruption. Do this corruption again
    Therefore, every person in society, whether he is a great leader or an ordinary person, must be fair in everything
    And if I were a great and important leader in the future, I would rule with justice and equality between people, whether they were my relatives or strangers whom I do not know, and I would stay away from all kinds of discrimination and corruption, whether it was nepotism, nepotism, or other such ugly things.
    And now I will ask you a question: If you were a great leader in society, would you rule with justice for all people, or would your relatives have special treatment for them?

  • Nepotism and favoritism are indeed serious issues that can lead to corruption and injustice in society. It is important to have a fair and just system that rewards individuals based on their merit and qualifications, rather than their connections or relationships. Such a system can promote equality, fairness, and equal opportunities for all, which are fundamental human rights. It is also important to have laws and regulations in place to prevent and punish such corrupt practices, as they can have a negative impact on society and can lead to a breakdown of trust in the institutions and systems that govern us. As a society, we must work together to combat nepotism and favoritism, and promote transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior in all aspects of our lives.

  • Nepotism is considered a crime because it goes against the principles of justice, equality, and fair opportunities. When someone uses their power to give a job or promotion to a family member or friend, they are hurting other people who might be more qualified for the same position.

    Nepotism can also nullify a right or achieve nullity, which means that it can cancel out something that was supposed to happen or make it meaningless. This is not good for anyone involved, as it can lead to resentment, anger, and a lack of trust .
    It can also reduce morale and commitment on the part of employees who are not related to the person who gave a position to someone who is not deserving and religiously prohibits these actions because this leads to the loss of people’s rights or deprivation of their livelihood.

  • A right is a choice to make your own opinion and entitlement to things such as education, religion and freedom of speech. Responsibilities are duties or something an individual should do such as following the law and rules. In this sense, classroom roles and responsibilities go hand in hand with each other.
    Rights and duties are inextricably linked and cannot be separated. Both go hand in hand. These are the polar opposites of one coin. If the state grants a citizen the right to life, it also imposes an obligation on him to avoid dangers to his life and to respect the lives of others.
    What are responsibilities? RESPONSIBILITES are the things which others expect us to do. Responsible people know what their rights are and respect the rights of others. Being responsible means you care about other people's rights.
    In some cases, an imperfect right is sufficient for equality. Therefore, in summary, every right implies duty against somebody. There can be no right without a corresponding duty and similarly, there can be no duty without a corresponding right.
    For example, Each State of a country has a prime responsibility and duty to protect, promote and implement all human rights and fundamental freedoms, inter alia , by adopting such steps as may be necessary to create all conditions necessary in the social, economic, political and other fields.

  • But on the other hand, favoritism is required at times, but due to its frequent use and resorting to it, and its excessive use earned it a bad reputation, and even made people rely on it in every matter without regard to the regulations, instructions, and requirements through which they can accomplish what they desire. In his accomplishment of transactions and interests, but rather he exceeded that in obtaining the things of others who are more entitled to them, which made nepotism a frightening phenomenon in many cases, and from this point of view, the honorable people and the conscious society seek to fight this phenomenon and stop it in its cradle with all its might. At the same time, he seeks to revive the mediation that contributes to the needy reaching his legitimate goal that he does not have the means to reach it. Here, nepotism becomes an obligation and a virtuous deed.

  • No, the opposite is true. Responsibility requires a person to abide by his duties and responsibilities, but it does not prevent him from enjoying his rights. There must be a balance between responsibilities and rights, and a person must be able to enjoy his rights without harming others, and a balance can be achieved between responsibilities and rights through adherence to laws and regulations that guarantee the protection of individual rights and at the same time limit harmful practices that could harm society . A person must be responsible towards himself and towards society, and he must be able to enjoy his rights without conflicting with the rights of others. As a responsible person, a person must abide by the laws and regulations in force, and he cannot enjoy rights that conflict with these laws and regulations. For example, the official cannot obtain special benefits or gains at the expense of the society or the company in which he works, and he cannot use the resources of the company or institution illegally. However, special benefits are not rights that accrue to the official automatically, but rather a reward for his efforts and hard work. These benefits must be accrued and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and the administrator cannot obtain them in an illegal or improper manner.

  • The prevalence of nepotism and favoritism in our administrative systems is indeed a distressing reality that cannot be overlooked. It represents a deep-seated form of corruption that undermines the principles of justice, equality, and equal opportunities. This corrupt practice not only violates the rights of others but also hampers the progress of a fair and just society.
    It is disheartening to witness individuals being denied their rightful opportunities and positions, while those with connections or personal affiliations secure undeserved advantages. This blatant disregard for meritocracy and the suppression of talent is a grave injustice that tarnishes the very fabric of our society.
    Nepotism breeds a culture of negligence, repeated mistakes, and low productivity, as individuals are appointed based on personal relationships rather than their competence and abilities. This results in a weakened workforce and a compromised environment that hinders progress and growth.
    We must firmly acknowledge that nepotism not only perpetuates inequality but also corrodes the foundations of our moral values. It is in direct conflict with the principles of human rights, as it tramples upon the rights of deserving individuals and elevates those who do not possess the necessary qualifications or skills.

    The impact of nepotism extends far beyond individual cases. It fosters an atmosphere of corruption and erodes the trust and integrity within our communities. It undermines the belief in a fair and just society, and it sows the seeds of discord and resentment among the disadvantaged and marginalized.
    To combat this injustice, we must strive for a system that upholds transparency, accountability, and equal opportunities for all. It is crucial that we establish stringent measures and enforce the rule of law to eradicate the corrosive effects of nepotism from our administrative milieu.
    It is only through collective effort and unwavering determination that we can overcome the scourge of nepotism and forge a path toward a more just and equitable society for ourselves and future generations.
    As we confront the disheartening reality of nepotism and favoritism, let us consider a thought-provoking question that lingers in our minds: What kind of society do we aspire to be?
    Do we envision a society where privilege and personal connections dictate opportunities, stifling the potential of countless individuals? Or do we strive for a society that upholds the principles of justice, equality, and equal opportunities, empowering every person to thrive based on their merits?
    So, as we reflect on the impact of nepotism and its consequences, let us not lose sight of the transformative power of change. Each step we take towards fairness and equal opportunities brings us closer to a future where justice prevails, where talents are recognized, and where the potential of every individual can truly shine.
    The question before us is not merely an intellectual exercise, but a call to action. Will we settle for the status quo, or will we rise above the constraints of nepotism and forge a path toward a society that embraces true equality?
    The choice is ours to make, and the future awaits our decision.