Classroom spy
Did you complete the lesson about AI and sustainability at school with your teacher? If so, we’d love to hear about any good discussions you had. You could tell us…
… about any good debates between you and your classmates. For example, about who you think should and should not be allowed to use AI?
…how you changed your mind about something during the lesson. For example, have you changed your mind about how helpful or unhelpful AI is for the planet?
…about how this news story is affecting your country. For example, how is your local area affected by climate change? Or are people in your country using AI responsibly?
If you haven’t done this lesson yet but you’d like to – let your teacher know. They can download the Topical Talk resources.
Give us a sneak peak into your classroom
Tell us what you learned by starting your comment with: "This lesson taught me..."
You could also ask your teacher to send us photos of the lesson in action for a chance to appear on our social media!
Comments (54)
We had lots of discussions about AI and Sustainability which helped me to understand we should not over use AI because it will make us lazy and it will bring more harm to the environment which will cause Climate Change (Tornados, Hurricanes, Floods and Avalanches). Which will reduce trees and cause a lot damage to the environment.
I agree because if we continue to progress with the use of AI in not up to 2032 the place may become hazardous to human lives. But if that time comes we may be able to stop the man-made disaster about to come. And I also agree with suggestion about being "lazy" because last year a lot of people also talked about this same topic. And if we are able to tackle this problem then I can say that we would not have any form of man-made disaster. The ozone has being depleting but scientist say that before 2040 every thing will turn back to normal, but I do not think so because the country here is feeling a lot heat but in London they are feeling up -1 degree so I do not think AI is improving but it still has positive effect
I disagree because if AI was never invented am not sure we humans might be able to predict the future as we do now and if AI was not invented life might not be as simple as it is now. it is due to the help of AI that we are able to make the comments we are making today, if not AI I'm not sure the world will be where it is today and lots of life would have been lost by now due to different problems and causes. so i would say that AI is sustainable for humans.
I think AI can be a useful tool but we need to be careful with it not over use it but be able to still enjoy it. I know some people have very strong opinions about these sort of things but I think AI is good and bad good- it can be a useful tool bad- not good for the environment.
I am in accord of it, as it is a tool which could be as polluting as excess carbon emissions to the globe, and as helpful as a teacher in academics and learning.
In my opinion, I would like to add that, it lies in the hands of the user, to use it wisely and not cause trouble to the environment.
I agree in almost everything you said, but you have said that it is not good for the environment, and i think that the AI can be good for the environment because we can use it to inform ourselves and know more about the environment, and if we know more about the subject, we could make it improve.
Although AI can be useful and efficient, I completely agree with you. You really made me think when saying that "it will make us lazy". It made me realize that we, mainly teens, have become very dependent on AI. Most people have given up on their education and have just relied on AI to help them pass classes. Also, I never realized that AI has such a big carbon foot. You made a good point when you bring up the fact that each search of AI, slowly but surely heat up our planet to its max. In reality, we have failed to realize that all of this negative climate change is slowly, yet surely, affecting our well being as humans as well. AI is useful, but only to a certain degree.
Hi trusting_flute,
You're saying most people have given up on their education - can you tell us where you found your evidence of that?
I would love give a reply to this question. I read somewhere that in an infamous university, students were dependent on Artificial Intelligence to write essays which had a lot of credits. The professors came out with an interesting trap to confront the students cheating their way out of the assignments. They handed out a task of writing a story, but they had something deep inside their sleeves, they had previously analyzed some few hundred stories generated from top AI chatbots and listed out some common characters and storylines. They had also included a small link for the Terms and Conditions revealing their plan, but the modern-day students completely ignored the small link on the assignment page. Nearly 70% of the stories had the same storylines/characters as the chatbot results. These students had their grades terminated. This story is completely real and I hope it supports trusting_flute 's argument.
Yes, of course, I have observed and noticed that many of my peers at school are sadly giving up on their education because of AI. I might have exaggerated just a tad when saying that "most" have stopped caring about their education, but I do see many students constantly getting caught using AI to make an immigration of what would have been their true work. I think this is very devastating because these students are not putting their full effort into something pretty important.
What do you think can be can be done to prevent the use of AI in education?
Hello Eva, my name is Vivacious _Independence.
There are many things that can prevent the use of AI in Education but one of the many ways is extending the number of years that people spend in school by two more years and restricting the age for entrance to a tertiary institution should be 18. I believe if there is more time being given students would become my more clinical in the way they think and reason. Therefore this reduces the chances of using AI.
Reduce the use of AI in the education is a challenge because, now a days, AI is more present in our society. One option could be promote traditional methods like debates or dictations. The most easy way is train teachers to explain their lessons without depending on the technology, specifically AI. Also setting limits on the use of AI would ensure that it is only a tool we can use to help us and not the center of the classes.
To be completely honest, there isn't much we can do to prevent the use of AI in education. Although, I do believe that there should be stricter regulations on who has accessibility to AI. At my high school we have a platform where teachers can monitor students screens, but students have found loopholes to hide applications. AI has become super easy to access through phones and computers. Social media platforms such as Tik Tok, Snapchat, Instagram, and many more, now have AI. This practically places AI in the palms of students hands. Although, I think it's important that students should be taught when and where AI is appropriate to use. This could really change students' views on AI and become less dependent on it. Unfortunately, at the end of the day, preventing students from AI is pretty much inevitable.
I agree because the AI has caused many damages for the planet earth, for example the ozone depletion and climate change causing skin cancer and other damages, and also if we continue using the AI regardless there might be a serious problem in the next coming years and I also disagree with you about you saying that the AI will make us lazy because with the AI been present with us is to help us in what we can not do like for example the scientist they need the AI to help in some heavy duties and you cant tell me that it is making them to be lazy and another example like for the students they also need the AI for Homeworks and assignments they can not do and they will also be told by their teachers to get some help through the internet. So in conclusion you are right in some part and also wrong in some part.
This lesson taught me about the do's and dont's of AI. In the past I didn't like AI and think it is useless, unsustainable, it makes us lazy and it created unemployment but
It is very useful for us as it helps us in many ways like enhance our efficiency,create transparency,fairness etc.
Thank you for sharing your opinion @beloved_statement! What caused you to change your mind and see AI as a useful tool? And can you explain how it can improve fairness?
This lesson taught me about the transformative approach of AI towards people of different professions and fields. This lesson also served as an eyeopener, factful lesson that gave us an insight to the amount of resources wasted and energy consumed just for the sake of our "progress" this spiked a feeling of inquisitiveness and innovation on how we can use technology to counter the problems created by technology.
This lesson taught me about artificial intelligence. It was a very good session in which we understood by playing games and learned through them. I learnt that AI is useful for all the people as it helps doctor in finding the most suitable medicine for patients,for a online shopper as by a single search he gets the most suitable product or a teacher who uses AI to teach the students. It helps in many ways but there are disadvantages too like unemployment,increasing carbon footprint, data dependency and lack of creativity etc.
This lesson thought me about artificial intelligence. It was a very good session in which we understand by playing games and learned through them. I learnt that AI is useful for all the people as it helps doctor in finding the most suitable medicine for patient,for a online shopper as by a single search he gets the most suitable product or a teacher who uses AI to teach the students. It helps in many ways but there are disadvantages too like unemployment,increasing carbon footprint, data dependency and lack of creativity etc.
This lesson taught me about the back side of AI,that AI is consuming that much electricity and hence causing loss to environment. We should reduce dependency on AI and rely on traditional methods.
More important is to protect the planet.
what would be some examples of traditional methods that we can continue to develop?
In agriculture field we can-:
We can harvest and plant the crop manually.
We can prepare the soil with help of animals .
We should study from books and for news we can stick to newspaper. We should start buying things offline and start selling things offline.
If we will stick to offline practices the spread of computer viruses will be less and cyber crime will reduce by a lot of number.
In agriculture field we can-:
We can harvest and plant the crop manually.
We can prepare the soil with help of animals .
We should study from books and for news we can stick to newspaper. We should start buying things offline and start selling things offline.
If we will stick to offline practices the spread of computer viruses will be less and cyber crime will reduce by a lot of number.
I second that, completely relying on AI can cause indolence in beings. Eventually, this would lead to the eradication of our planet. And yes, AI has a lot many cons which makes humans to harness AI all time!
I agree because... AI is one of the things that are harmful to the earth. the fact that AI isn't sustainable, people still use them and they consume a lot of electricity as you said and the power supply won't be strong that will have effects on us to and I say we should protect our planet, cause it seem the world is falling pies by pies from Huracan to oil spillage to wild fires we don't want more distractions we want to build a better world not an AI world. We should us AI well and smartly.
We had tons of discussions, we watched a video about the do's and dont's we also had a debate which made me understand that not all jobs require AI.
This lesson taught me the pros and cons of AI as well as how AI is used in different fields such as doctors use AI for accurate report results as well as for x - rays and many more. I have learnt that there are many people who are not in favour of AI, such as climate activist who are aware of the emissions of carbon dioxide by AI. Also the use of resources by AI.
today at our school we conducted the classroom spy activity. I became a banker and got to know about the pros and cons of AI in a banker's life . We had a wonderful discussion on the use of AI in other professions too. After this great discussion I can conclude that AI is neither bad or good , it depends on us humans how we use it . Of course AI is a important part of our lives but so is sustainability. We will have to find a way to make AI more sustainable , to enjoy it's benefits guilt free.
I agree with you. In my school we also discussed about AI in different profession, I especially like the fact that fashion designer can use AI. AI can help analyze past designs, trends and then help fashioner designers with more unique and innovative design. AI can also help generate pictures of ancient times which will make learning more interesting and fun. Imagine put putting images to stories of old with the data generated by AI. This is really making life easier and less stressful, don't you agree?
I agree with you in my school we discussed on the classroom spy too i was a scientist and i figured out that scientists will need the use of AI to do their jobs like, to find out about an upcoming natural disaster. So they tell journalists to expose it to the world or even post it on the internet.
This lesson taught me how AI has its pros and cons ,like how sometimes AI can be usefull because loads of people use it for work, prodjects and helping people with writing or something there stuck on, but sometimes it can be problematic because it uses a lot of energy and emissions and it has still not been properly developed yet ,which means there are still problems developing. This means, the more we use AI and technology the more problems they will be in the future .
this lesson taught me that though ai is quite beneficial for us helping us rapidly change our lifestyles but not avoiding the fact that it is starting to become a problem for global issues like climate change, global warming and what not so i think its better to start protecting the planet rather than making the situation worsen for our mother earth.So lets start protecting and enough of destroying !
This lesson taught me the pros and cons of Ai. Before I use to think Ai was not that useful and just harms our nature but after the discussion I got that everything is fine and good till we over use it and cross the boundary. Ai is very useful in many professions for example if we say about students it is useful for them to make schedule or project but the over use of ai gradually makes the student dependent on AI and it even destroyes his/her creativity .another example is a doctor ai can check the report and provide medicine according to the report of the patient and so the doctor can move to the next pateint. to conclude with Ai is useful but at a cost. It is just like a double edged sword if we use it nicely it have many advantages but if we don't so it can back harm us.
While talking about AI and sustainability,We all are aware of the benefits we get from it, making our life much more easier and comfortable.It gives us exactly what we need as a part of playing a personal assistant.Over the years,AI has changed into more like our everyday assistance...for example, A student can ask an AI to set her alarm, write a paragraph,or give her some informations.
While this benefits us, it also takes away our freedom of choice and thinking since most of us takes help or assistance from It with almost everything making us unable to make choices alone aka doubting ourselves...
This lesson taught me that how AI can be used by doctors, farmers, shopkeepers and students in many different ways. I learnt that it makes our tasks easier, effective and accurate.
On the other hand it also harms our ENVIRONMENT! Surprisingly, large amount of energy is consumed during the use of AI.
This lesson taught me that some people think that AI can be useful almost everything, from a recipe of making a coffee to understanding any subject in detail.
No doubt, AI is more accurate, effective and efficient but, it makes our capacity of thinking weaker. It makes us lazy. Also it gradually damage our NATURE making it unsustainable and not completely good for use.
The lesson taught me some of the mind blowing facts about usage of AI and its side effects. I believe that everyone should have that sort of knowledge so that one should always think about its adverse and irreversible effects on our environment. Although it should be used, but only by the ones who have the real need for it. We shall be aware of its pros as well as cons, and prevent its over and unnecessary usage.
This lesson taught me and my fellow topical talkers about the true potential of AI. We had some debates regarding some topics of AI and who should use it or not and how it affects our planet and environment. After having the thorough go through of this lesson it kind of truly did change my prospective. I learnt that to an extent , AI is also beneficial and helpful, but due to it's high release of carbon emissions and the danger of misuse of AI, we should use AI cautiously and only when needed. Through this lesson I also learnt that how climate change devastates our earth and the society and such a danger should be avoided at all costs.
This lesson taught me about the ifs and buts of Ai . There are many tasks in our daily life in which we involve ai , which helps us to complete various activities. But, there are some disadvantages of the same , nowadays the lack of emotions is also seen in the youth ,which plays an important role is the above scenario.
Last week we had an educational class with our teacher about AI. Basically, we learned more about artificial intelligence and later discussed it with each other and our teacher. We solved quizzes and tasks in groups, and it opened my eyes to the problems of using AI. I didn't think much about it before, I always thought "Yes, of course it has downsides, but it can't be that bad!", but now I see that those flaws are not minor problem, and the more that we ignore them, the worse it will get. I'm really glad we had that lesson because it helped me understand how much our overuse actually affects the environment and climate change.
My class discussed different catagories which you could use for AI, like : doctors, scientists, owners of a big shopping company, education and farming. In my opinion, the least helpful would be in the area of farming, because most people already use machines in farming. Most importanly, I would like to see doctors use more AI as this will save peoples lives and it will be a quick experience, saving patients from pain and death.
During our classroom discussion about AI sustainability and use
I learned about how this tool can help us in addressing and solving complex problems in a variety of fields like health,education,space tech,housing and even arts to name a few.
But it also brought in my mind that besides its effect on economic and environmental factors,how technology can cause harm on personal level too,it causes us be dependent on itself by limiting our vision and ability to think out of the box.
Its basic human nature to opt for the easiest choice available and with AI around,plaigarism is one of the biggest threat.
This lesson taught me AI needs to be more sustainable because it uses too much energy we need to use it carefully
This lesson taught me about the pros and cons of ai. In our daily life we invovle ai in various tasks which helps us to be organised ,systematic and accomplish many tasks on time.But along with this there are many drawbacks too, for example the ai can enhance the people's qualities as well as can make slothful .
This lesson taught me about the prons and crons of ai.In our daily life we invovle ai in various tasks which helps us to be organised ,systematic and accomplish many tasks on time.But along with this there are many drawbacks too, for example the ai can enhance the people's qualities as well as can make people slothful .
This lesson taught me that like every coin has two sides similarly AI have both pros and cons. AI has helped us develop and reach new heights. Only with the help of AI and technology there are new researches and experiments. We are able to easily connect all over the world. However AI is unsustainable we can find out ways to make it sustainable by minimising it's use if it is unnecessary. Also we had a debate about who should be allowed to use AI. I enjoyed it a lot and came to know about different people perspectives and I respect it. It was a interactive session which helped me to know more about AI.
This lesson taught me that though AI can be a lot helpful in several ways but it also creates a lot of disturbance in our environment contributing to global emmisions. So it is helpful to make AI sustainable
At school this lesson taught me that well i think that doctor or Scientist would be most important because well doctors heals people who have injuries and scientists tell you like if a earthquake might come so AI really helps us in everything
this lesson taught me that AI is getting very advanced which i believe is a positive and a negative due to it saving time and energy and generally helping and making life easier a first hand example is chat gpt being a great source to summarise huge texts
But chat gpt is gradually killing your creativeity,problem solving and other skills.It is also consuming that much electricity.
this lesson taught me several things about AI which benifitted my overall understanding in this topic as it didnt just talk about one side of AI which says it is beneficial but also that AI has given its contribution to global emmisions to i believe that its better to protect our planet till the situation goes out of hand.
In my school we had many discussions about AI and sustainability ,In which I learnt that Ai is a useful tool for us to use ,But we should use it in a limited manner ,We should think for ourselves but not depend upon a robot, And we humans should use AI correctly .We can use AI for some tips if we are lacking in between a topic.
*we can use AI in a creative manner.
*we can get ideas for our presentation.
*to predict climate change.
*for translation.
*for animating ETC...
Having this lesson help me to understand the importance of using AI in a correct way because we can´t depend our lives with this artficial intelligence, because is not going to help us solving problems of our daily life. If I have any health problem I wouldn´t like that my life depends on a machine thats why doctors have studied a degree in medicine for lot of years. Some jobs need to use AI for example people who creates platforms they need to use tecnology to work.
I learned that AI should and should not be sustainable because sometimes can make people lazy but sometimes it can help people who are working from home because the are ill or yea
Can you please explain your idea about AI helping people who are working from home?
This lesson taught me we should always think about advantages and disadvantages about everything. In the beginning of the class I was thinking that AI didn't do any damage to us and our planet. We were discussing about negative consequences of AI, but we were also learning about positive affects of AI. We talked about how AI use a lot of non-biodegradable materials. It negatively impacts our brain because we don't develop creativity and imagination. It can also replace humans in some areas , for example education. We learn about how AI can help us. It can help to predict some natural disasters. It can help doctors, scientists, farmers... to do their job. AI can also be usefull in everyday life. It can make us timetable for our activities and answer the questions we can't find answer for. In concusion, AI has it's bad and good sides. We should use it in moderation. In the end of the class I changed my mind and now I think that AI can be usefull but we shouldn't use it too often because it makes harm to our planet.
I learnt a lot and heard things i haven't heard before my opponent was a scientist she said as a scientist i should be able to warn people about natural disasters to save life's. I am a student, as a student i should be able to use AI cause if i want to understand the topic well i would research on it to understand and get mean keys. although AI is nit sustainable yet but people still use it and it gives them results based on the way you write and explain it
This lesson taught me a lot of things. For example I never thought that AI can pollute so much and it needs so much water to not overheat. I also had some good debates with my classmates. Everyone of us would get a card with on j0b on it and we should argue with another classmate who should be allowed to continue to use AI. I remember I had this good debate of who should be able to continue to use AI, scientist or doctor.
Since I found out about this lesson I changed my mind about AI because of the pollution he might be more bad for the planet. I still think it helps a lot of people, but it pollutes a lot and that is not good for the planet.
I have changed my mind on a lot of things which has given me a new approach and a new view or perspective of how AI has changed our technology related world with new and different innovations that have improved working conditions and at the same time i have seen the dangers and the negative tole of how the AI affects our planet earth it is a big concern because we humans aren't taking into consideration how the progress of the AI does not count if the earth is still being negatively affected just like the saying "Too much of a good thing is Bad"
I learnt that AI is very bad because it could harm some of us who use devices mostly teenagers because they are addicted to their phones but some people might use it in a good way for example they use it for homework or to call their family members . AI could harm the environment that causes climate change , I think important people because we might not know if their will be a hurricane or something bad might happen . AI is useful in some good ways.
We hade lots of discussions with my teacher and my class mates about AI and how robots could take over some peoples jobs such as teaching but the thing with robots teaching they can't tell peoples feelings and people need to let their feelings out. We also played a debate game with each other so our teacher gave some cards to us then we picked one then took ten steps from our seats and after ten steps we looked at the person next to you and then you make the debate on which card you have for example i picked the university student i had to find a person with a different card and have a debate and i really loved it so much.
This lesson taught me about all the damage AI does to the planet. At the beginning of the lesson it was a great surprise to me when I learnt that AI does so much harm to the world, for instance; AI lets out 5 time more carbon dioxide than a car over a whole year.
In class discussed who should get the privilege of using AI and my class agreed it should be doctors. We discussed that doctors look inside the body and AI could help them by using its knowledge to help with diagnosis and more. The newest AI invention for doctors is a micro-sized camera, which goes inside the body and takes pictures for doctors to study and observe.
The world is in a worrying state with all the wild fires, storms/hurricanes and floods and it is very upsetting when we see that AI deeply contributes to climate change.
AI can be helpful by teaching children who are learning and growing every day about school learning, healthcare, and everyday use.AI is in our everyday lives however this can go south I must say.Due to copying and alleged supports of cheating and the overall idea about students being lazy can cause extreme disadvantages.I saw a meme where a doctor use AI or chatgpt throughout his childhood and was the guys doctor.You don't want your doctor to be unprofessional and cheated to work on your brain, skin, and overall insides.I hope we still use AI for good purposes instead of cheating and demoralizing humanity.
This lesson taught me that AI has two faces. It has it's own negative sides and positive side. It taught me that not everyone not has opportunity to benefit from AI, but the people who are using it for evil purposes such as hacking and scamming people have the accessibility to it which is definitely a con of AI. AI can also be beneficial for making lives easier but at the same time it can be the reason for unemployment. AI has the power to connect people together but it is also being used for invading privacy like creating deep fakes of people or leaking their personal information. For now, most people can afford to work with AI but the rest who are not able to do so, are left out. In conclusion, AI can be good or bad, it depends upon the person how they are using it. This lesson sure taught about all the pros and cons of AI.
This lesson taught me how some people use AI for non-beneficial purposes which is not only hurting them but also the environment. In my classroom, we had a whole unit dedicated to AI, how it worked, and the proper ways to use AI so that it has a meaningful impact on the world. Our main topic was Students' dependency on AI and how it affects the environment. Additionaly we learned that every time someone asks a question to an AI engine such as chat GPT, the AI engine uses 0.5 Liters of water for every interaction the system has with someone asking a question. Learning this made me realize that we need to view AI not as a system that can do all our work for us or how Aldo Leopold said " we abuse the land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us " we need to stop viewing and treating Ai as a commodity and instead view it as a resource that is there to help.
Yes we agree - lots of students are just using AI to complete homework and although it can be useful to inform us we agree that it might results in some students becoming lazy. It does scare some of my teachers - will the day come where teachers will rely on AI to plan their lessons?? What would this mean for schools?
The AI lesson taught me about what jobs need AI and what jobs don’t really need AI and what AI’s importance is needed for certain jobs.
Thanks for your comment, forceful_ladder! It would be interesting if you could share some of your findings with us.
In this lesson I leant a lot of things but I also like the way people was having a balance argument but I still think ai is helping us and the way young kids like us can have a better education and since ai has been around i think it has help a lot but my question is what do you think and the world think.
when we discussed Ai, it showed how wasteful AI is and we discussed how on tiktok AI gets used for the most useless stuff and how it gets used to scam people it shows how dangers it is but that it can be used for good as well doctors can use it to spot abnormalities in people and help farmers reduce waste but it still can be so waste full
We discussed the pros and cons of AI. AI may be helpful but extremely wasteful. I personally don't believe that AI is worth the environmental damage caused due to overheating servers.
This lesson taught me that AI and sustainability both are deeply interconnected , and both are equally important for a better future . During our discussion we had a debate about who should be allowed to use AI ,while some people said that only the experts should be allowed to use AI to avoid the misuse of technology, others opposed by saying that everyone should have a access to use AI , as long as it is used responsibly .
One of the most interesting parts of the lesson when I changed my mind about AI's role in harming the planet. At first I thought that AI helps us in many ways like education, health care etc , but during the discussion I came to know about the amount of energy and other resources used by AI , which are harming our planet .
We also had a conversation about how climate change is affecting our country. In some areas , there are extreme temperature , which has made sustainability a serious topic to discuss and think upon. AI can have a big role in solving these problems , but only if it is used carefully and responsibly .
The lesson was very interesting and fun throughout. We all learnt a great deal about AI .
We had discussions about AI and Sustainability, in one of the discussion we had with our teacher we talked about AI using much electricity that can even charge our phones to 50%, it was my first time hearing that, so it got me thinking, how does AI uses much energy that can even power our phone to 50%?, i asked my teacher and he said that AI uses lots of energy because people in the world today are using AI to help them in their work places and students uses it to do their assignment, and the use AI to send emails from one place to another, that is why it uses a lot of energy (2.9 watt) that is nearly ten times to perform those task that it was asked to do.
the reason why AI is not sustainable is because it is not yet suitable for our environment, so we should be able to be thinking of a way to make AI sustainable AI is used . For example reducing the rate at which it is used daily. When the AI is not used daily there will be a reduction in electronical waste, there for creating a sustainable environment for us.
There was a debate in our class where we were studying about functioning of government and an idea clicked to my teachers mind and she randomly divided the class into 2 halves.1 team was supposed to be ruling party presenting their views about making of a law which states that should we use our taxes in student education in rural areas or not where the opposition party opposed many thoughtful oppositions one on which I made the winning move was where opposition party asked why don’t we use the taxes in treatment or other big problems where I answered as it is hard to mould an old dried clay and easier with fresh soft clay similarly it is easier to explain our coming generation about our concerns because they are still to be moulded and education can only make them understand….
We had a lot of discussion's about AI and sustainability which taught me a lot of things. I learnt that we humans, if we overuse AI to the extent that it will make us start becoming very dull and Idle and it will also reduce our thinking skills which is very harmful and bad to us the humans. I say so because as time moves on, we would surely get to use AI more and that is why people become used to it and I say we become very slow and sluggish which could actually stop us from thinking with they gift our God has given to us as a gift.
I think so AI should not be used by students especially teenagers because this age groups has highest intellectual level and AI is killing it ,today's children intellectual (creativity ,problem solving etc.)have been decreased .
So ,teenagers must avoid using it .
In the lesson I learnt the pros and cons of using AI and that gave me an insight on how dangerous and innovative AI is . We also learnt what AI is going to bring to 2025 and I was mind-blowed by the opportunity it could bring and the destruction it could bring by destruction it could make humankind more lazier than ever which will affect man kind's progress and this will actually improve the chances of AI causing destruction because in this lifestyle you will come across technology that is too powerful for are own good and as humans we have got to take actions of are work.