Comments by amazing_horse Comment Post Date I agree that social media distract us when we should be paying attention to the people around... Teenagers and social media 28/4/23 My concern is on Katya. Katya works in a factory that makes tinned food. Tinned food are well... Pick ONE person 28/4/23 Having a country to have a monarch with full and absolute power will have a negative impact to... The role of royals 27/4/23 When it comes to discussing royalties all these word matter because there's no way you'll hear... Royalty poll results! 27/4/23 Recently after the death of Queen Elizabeth II, We watched a video of the Royals, head of states... Are royals relevant? 26/4/23 I agree because most of the royalties we have represent their kingdom. They are known to be fair... The role of royals 26/4/23 I think that climate change ( Earth Day ) and strike link because people absent themselves from... Competition #3 Making connections 26/4/23 I sored a 10 in the quiz. I was surprised to know that King Charles III is now the head of... Test your knowledge 25/4/23 We all know that the metaverse is a place were anyone can be and do whatever he/she wants to be... Suggest a discussion! 25/4/23 NEPA workers should not be allowed to go on strike because if NEPA should go on strike their... Strikes poll results! 22/4/23 There are some major issues in the word that we're still battling with. Having them tested in... A new realm to rule? 22/4/23 Equity here means the quality of being fair and reasonable in a way that gives equal treatment... Working conditions 21/4/23 I agree because... Most strikes are done to attain better working conditions. Organizations... Working conditions 19/4/23 From our previous discussion we know that Metaverse is earths digital twin were people can be... Suggest a discussion! 19/4/23 The management should practice empathy towards their workers which will make the workers feel... Test your knowledge 19/4/23 I joined a discussion on Earth day under" join a discussion" I replied to "agreeable_alligator"... Competition #2 Global discussions 19/4/23 I've learnt that if people go on strike there will be both positive and negative effects. Its... Lessons learned! 18/4/23 I agree because... in the year 2020,the government announced the dissolution of SARS ( special... Lessons learned! 18/4/23 Some of the reasons given for why they should be allowed to strike are a. teachers will get... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 I scored a 9 in the quiz. I've learnt that not everyone that goes on strike gets what he/she... Test your knowledge 17/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 5 >