Comments by amazing_horse Comment Post Date After the discussion we had in class. We all understand why strikes are happening and most of... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23 In my my own opinion the national electric power authority ( NEPA ) will have the biggest impact... Strikes poll results! 17/4/23 Law 3 in my own opinion shouldn't be passed because if people have 5 hours of electricity they... The law in your hands? 17/4/23 I disagree because books only restrict you to read what the author/authors write and it maybe... Join a discussion! 17/4/23 We had another intresting discussion In class about metaverse and we all look forward to having... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23 Yes, People in the metaverse should be held to the same standards as in the real world. Since... A new realm to rule? 14/4/23 I will like to create an avatar who forms an eco club. Eco club is a club created for the... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23 I got a score of 9. I learnt that experts predict that by the year 2050 a large number of... Test your knowledge! 13/4/23 I scored 8 in the quiz. I learnt that the metaverse is like a twin sister to the earth. I’ve... Test your knowledge 13/4/23 Yes, i would like to be a police avatar in the metaverse. Since metaverse will be a twin sister... Metaverse poll results! 12/4/23 The metaverse is a marvelous technology advancement but my concern is what will happen if... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 12/4/23 Metaverse was really an interesting topic discussed by our teacher in class. After looking at... Suggest a discussion! 12/4/23 Mr. Ben, Being an XR what is the biggest problem you have ever faced in the climate crisis and... ...Ben Mango! 12/4/23 It is said that one can go to school in the Metaverse what if I decide to join the Metaverse... ...Matthew Ball! 11/4/23 Mr Matthew, after making my research on the topic the Metaverse It is said that the end point... ...Matthew Ball! 11/4/23 The reason why I chose that there are not enough climate laws is because there aren’t enough... Earth Day poll results! 10/4/23 Not enough climate laws in my country will lead people to cut down and Burn trees... Earth Day poll results! 10/4/23 1, My country is affected by climate change through indiscriminate cutting and burning of trees,... Climate change in your country 10/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 5