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Comments by ambitious_owl

Comment Post Date
Forgive, forget and forge a new beginning Reset and focus your mind Endeavour and... #32 A fresh start! 27/4/21
A job that sadly no longer exists is the milkman. Every morning from the 1950's to the 1980's... #13 - Extinct jobs 01/12/20
A street near me is home to many wonderful shops; one of which is called ‘ Hermanz ze German’ .... #12 - A street near you! 24/11/20
My dream job would be a news reporter. It would be an honour to report the news that everyone... #11 - You're hired! 16/11/20
Are you tired of country leaders fighting ? Constantly afraid of war lurking around the corner... #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20
W . O . R . K W . where money is made, bills are paid and famished mouths are saved O .... #9 - Acrostic Poem 03/11/20
It is imperative that everyone votes. Your voice needs to be heard and it could be your vote... #5- Three Sentence Speech 05/10/20