Comments by beloved_seahorse Comment Post Date I am 12 years old and from Pakistan,I observed my fasts last year and I could feel the... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 11/11/22 Cooked creepy crawlies nd bugs should be packed like lays kurkary noodles nd crunchees Suggest a discussion! 11/11/22 Food wastage means throuing food that was more than our need it means you were blessed enough to... Expert challenge: what could you do? 11/11/22 Nature has bestowed each nd every country with some special nd diverse uniqness .my country is... What's on your plate? And where's it from? 10/11/22 Food is a basic need to evey human being.wemust always keep in mind it . So food wastage is not... Expert challenge: what could you do? 10/11/22 I am in favour of going to space to see what actually is in space with my own eyes . The idea... Money, money, money! 10/11/22 Allah Almighty has blessed humanbeings only with thw qualityof pondering upon reaities of... Space: a positive human future? 10/11/22 What will you do to raise the standards of your country regarding economic status in the world... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 08/11/22 I would buy a number of things for everyone especially which are the needs ,like food and... Money, money, money! 07/11/22 Ceebrities are oftwn the most followed on every social app so they should spread awareness... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 07/11/22 What could big brands do to encourage people to reuse nd recycle clothes ? Bug brands nd ahops... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 07/11/22 < 1 2