contemplative_signature has not published standpoints yet. Comments by contemplative_signature Comment Post Date Comment: I don't agree with the fact that money brings happiness, because if you are extremely rich, you... Post: Weekly poll #3 results Date: 13/12/22 Comment: I think, that us, the consumers, are respnsible for this. We all go on social media nowadays,... Post: Who is responsible? Date: 12/12/22 Comment: In general, I think that all jobs are extremely important, but I agree with PERSON A. Doctors... Post: Pick a side! Date: 09/12/22 Comment: To me, I am not sure if the internet should be a human right. Yes, after a certain age it is... Post: Should the internet be a human right? Date: 28/11/22 Comment: I think that we only need around 30 pieces of clothing because you could always adjust the size... Post: Sustainable style - be a designer! Date: 28/11/22 Comment: 1. I think that being a leader of a country is a good job because you will be able to represent... Post: Would you be a leader? Date: 10/11/22 Comment: In our school, many people complain that the school food is dry, over spiced or hard. Therefore,... Post: Expert challenge: what could you do? Date: 07/11/22 Comment: I think songs are a good way to share a message because when you make a touching song, it brings... Post: Protest songs: what would you choose? Date: 07/11/22 Comment: I think that to determine the right amount of news for the public to know about is to hold a... Post: Weekly poll #1 results Date: 05/11/22 Comment: Hi Mamta, My question for you is... Do you believe there is life out on space? Thank you Bye Post: ...Dr Mamta Patel Nagaraja from NASA! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: I agree because if you have too much of a negative stress, it can cause some mental problems and... Post: Weekly poll #1 results Date: 03/11/22 Comment: I said that I am in the middle. I think this because if the news stations are giving too much... Post: Weekly poll #1 results Date: 03/11/22 Comment: As soon as space is mentioned, I immediately think about the world outside of Earth. The... Post: What makes space 'out of this world'? Date: 03/11/22 Comment: I chose the Amazon Rain Forest because it is the largest forest in the world. Hence, we would be... Post: Money, money, money! Date: 02/11/22 Comment: 1. I think everybody should have an opportunity to go to space because it will create a new life... Post: Money, money, money! Date: 02/11/22