Comments by content_lemon Comment Post Date Comment: "Frozen Cat That Was Found Unresponsive, Buried in Snow Makes Miraculous Recovery" Although we... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: "Art Teacher Cheers Up Stressed-Out Students By Hosting ‘Bob Ross Flash Mob’ With Wigs and... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: "He Built His Own Prosthetic Out of LEGOS and Hopes to Provide Cheap Solutions for Others Who... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: "Diabetes Patients May Soon Be Able to Say Goodbye to Needles, Thanks to These Capsules From... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: "Ex-Convict Created an ‘Instagram for Prison’ App So Inmates Can Easily Stay in Contact With... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 15/2/19 Comment: Very sorry, healthy_cotote, but I've already said this article! Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 13/2/19 Comment: "She travels to tell stories, hear the homeless, and feed them" Annalisa Parent travels around... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 11/2/19 Comment: Might I just say, I have been scanning through these comments are they are all really happy and... Post: Weekly Competition #21 Date: 11/2/19 Comment: People feel the need to protect themselves because of violent crime. Every day (nearly) we hear... Post: Weekly Competition #20 Date: 04/2/19 Comment: I chose D (protection) as I think of criminals as people harming the society, and I think it is... Post: Weekly competition #19 Date: 28/1/19 Comment: Should crimminals have the right of privacy, away from the cameras? Post: Weekly Competition #16 Date: 06/1/19 Comment: I think that in 2019 there will be more pollution - especially in the seas - and sea mammals and... Post: Christmas Holiday Competition! Date: 29/12/18 Comment: I love how you put it into a story, with a moral, instead of direct advice, generous_recipe! Post: Weekly Competition #15 Date: 20/12/18 Comment: Hey @cheerful_leaves, I really loved this! I liked how you explained (sort of..) how you will do... Post: Weekly Competition #15 Date: 17/12/18 Comment: Thank you for your kind words!! Post: Weekly Competition #15 Date: 16/12/18 Comment: This is my advice to children (I'm addressing it to them): - When you write your wish-list,... Post: Weekly Competition #15 Date: 14/12/18 Comment: Are banks a good cause? Is what they're doing right or wrong? They keep money safe Along with... Post: Weekly Competition #14 Date: 10/12/18 Comment: Money matters however, if some people have too much of it, they'll (I don't know for sure, but I... Post: Weekly Competition #13 Date: 30/11/18 Comment: I am sceptical about both A and D, my reasons being: ~ A ~ Where would you get all this money... Post: Weekly Competition #12 Date: 29/11/18 Comment: So. I'm stuck on a desert island, and I'm thinking about what I should be hoping to wash up on... Post: Weekly Competition #11 Date: 19/11/18 < 1 2 3 >