Comments by decisive_bell Comment Post Date I completely agree with you that strikes, despite their positive effects in extracting rights,... Can everyone strike? 21/4/23 All of you my dear friends talked about workers, such as doctors and teachers, and forgot about... Suggest a discussion! 20/4/23 You are right..and confirmation of what you said. In my country, the government institutions... Can everyone strike? 19/4/23 I think the opponents of a ban may violates students' and teachers' rights to freedom of speech,... Suggest a discussion! 18/4/23 The existence of COVID-19 did not directly lead to climate change, as climate change is a... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 It is generally not advisable to force people to do everything because it can lead to... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 I absolutely agree . Yes, climate change can affect our mental health in various ways. The... Suggest a discussion 17/4/23 Law (3) : Such a law could have both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, it... The law in your hands? 14/4/23 In my country, there are no strict laws that force people to stop increasing air pollution and... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23 From the perspective of addressing the urgent and potentially catastrophic issue of climate... Earth Day poll results! 14/4/23 My country is facing significant impacts from climate change, including water scarcity,... Climate change in your country 14/4/23 Hi,Mr Ben How can we balance economic development with the need to address climate... ...Ben Mango! 14/4/23 The news story that affecting me and alot of people in my area is that our region suffers from... Competition #1 News near you 13/4/23 I think that law (3) is unfair and not practical.Many people use electricity all the time... The law in your hands? 13/4/23 < 1 2