ethical_cliff has not published standpoints yet. Comments by ethical_cliff Comment Post Date In my opinion I think that to you should stand up for the environment more than anything else... #20 Ranking reasons 01/2/21 The book I read was world of norm must be recycled. It shows democracy because they go on and... #19 Burnet Book Club! 25/1/21 I would like to ask people what top tips do you have for people like me who wants to make a... #18 Don't miss out! 20/1/21 How hard is it to campain when people tell you to leave things alone and not protest for what... #18 Don't miss out! 18/1/21 hi ethical cliff here , my festive job is santa Your job is to be very good so i can... #16 - Festive job vacancy! 04/1/21 Willem Van Maaren was the person that snitched on the franks when they were in hiding #15 - Spread the news! 14/12/20 I think that creativity is the most important skill because creativity can help you in lots of... #14 - Star skill! 10/12/20 I think that problem solving Is the most important burnet news club skill because you can use it... #14 - Star skill! 07/12/20 An extint job is servents , I think that servents deserved to go extinct because everyone... #13 - Extinct jobs 30/11/20 I think anyway #13 - Extinct jobs 30/11/20 Dale street Is a road near me and has a mass and a school. One thing they have in common is... #12 - A street near you! 23/11/20 My dream is to be a P.E teacher because I could teach students everything I know and all of the... #11 - You're hired! 16/11/20 Thanks for reading #11 - You're hired! 16/11/20 Nice #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20 Cant robots mess up? #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20 My robot would be called jeff and he is a protester to make everything equal and to help climate change #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20 Also Jeff is a personal assistent to autistic kinds and deaf kids #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20 Jeff teaches sing language #10 - Design a robot! 10/11/20