Comments by fiery_goat

Comment Post Date
I feel that news reports can have a significant impact of about a solid 9.I feel this because... Can news reports make a difference? 07/3/25
I feel that in my opinion journalists should be protected at all costs as firstly their serving... What should be done to protect journalists? 07/3/25
I feel that in my opinion Doctors are the most important people during the times of conflict as... Doctors and responsibility 06/3/25
I feel that in my opinion "CONSCRIPTION" is not valid under ANY circumstances as it it against... The choice to fight? 06/3/25
On a scale of 1-10 i feel that news reports have a 8.5-9 impact on the readers and viewers.This... Can news reports make a difference? 05/3/25
I feel that in my opinion there can be a lot worse effects of no education is provided to the... What should be done about education? 05/3/25
I feel that in my opinion option A and C wouldn't have that great of an impact because role... What’s the solution? 04/3/25
I strongly agree and feel the same.I would like to continue this thinking and would like to... Suggest a discussion 04/3/25
I feel that there should be a hub discussion post about how to make A.I more sustainable and eco... Suggest a discussion 03/3/25
I completely and strongly agree with option B that doctors are the most important people during... Doctors and responsibility 03/3/25
I feel that journalists play a significant role in reporting the truth in times of conflict... What should be done to protect Journalists who are at risk reporting the truth? 02/3/25
I feel that there should be a hub discussion post about should a single person be morally given... Suggest a discussion 02/3/25
I feel that,in my opinion sharing personal stories is the best way to report about an ongoing... What's the best way to report about the Russia-Ukraine war: by sharing personal experiences or... 01/3/25
It is important for me to learn about the news because I feel that the news is not just a piece... Competition #7 winners! 01/3/25
I support option B and feel that the syrian refugees should not be forced to leave their new... What should happen to Syrian refugees? 28/2/25
I feel that there should be a hub discussion post about how to make A.I sustainable eco friendly... Suggest a discussion 28/2/25
I strongly agree on this fact and feel the same that more encouraging space missions for women... Suggest a discussion 27/2/25
I feel that there should be a hub discussion post about how A.I should be made eco-friendly and effective Suggest a discussion 27/2/25
I feel that in my opinion the best way to report about the russia Ukraine war is by combining... What's the best way to report about the Russia-Ukraine war: by sharing personal experiences or... 26/2/25
I too agree and feel the same and agree on this topic that Elon Musk might just be like a wizard... Is Elon Musk's power a problem? 26/2/25