Comments by focused_clam Comment Post Date The metaverse is my ambition .. I am overwhelmed by its possibilities. If I go to the metaverse,... Metaverse poll results! 13/4/23 It struck me that the metaverse is a double-edged sword, positive and negative. Positive that... Suggest a discussion! 13/4/23 In my opinio metaverse is a good thing, and I feel that I want to try it. There are many people... Report back 13/4/23 We have learned many things in the Zoom program about International Earth Day 22nd April, But... Classroom spy... 13/4/23 In my country there are laws, but they are not many, but people violate these laws, which has... Earth Day poll results! 12/4/23 I think there should be a central discussion about the production of carbon dioxide that affects... Suggest a discussion 12/4/23 The second law is very strict for us because we see that most people get an amoeba when they... The law in your hands? 12/4/23 Climate changes may be natural, such as high air temperature and rain, such as earthquakes, as... Climate change in your country 11/4/23 A chemical compound that results from the interaction of oxygen with carbon and has the symbol... Classroom spy... 10/4/23 < 1 2