focused_orangutan has not published standpoints yet. Comments by focused_orangutan Comment Post Date Comment: i would like to know if metaverse is the same with AI Post: "AI" is taking over the world. Date: 17/5/23 Comment: I agree with you cause now there will be no hiring of people and people will lose jobs cause... Post: "AI" is taking over the world. Date: 17/5/23 Comment: I agree with you cause that is the same thing in my country. the politicians are corrupt and... Post: What comes to your mind when you hear Nepotism? Date: 15/5/23 Comment: Hi, AI is related to MIT but then AI is about decision system, forecasting system, data... Post: Photos and voices Date: 15/5/23 Comment: I agree with you cause they are CDQ versions and you and you can create your own AI with Kanye ,... Post: Photos and voices Date: 15/5/23 Comment: HI , EVERYONE so this metaverse topic talking about teenagers so to me i think it is good and... Post: Teenagers and social media Date: 30/4/23 Comment: Hi , everyone so to me as a person i think the only striker who impacts us is the health... Post: Pick ONE person Date: 30/4/23 Comment: I think that topic striking is very helpful cause it is now helping those who had no knowlegde... Post: Competition #3 Making connections Date: 26/4/23 Comment: like a riot is when people go directly to the government bot striking and protesting is done in... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 26/4/23 Comment: I agree because...some one may die during the strike of the health workers , and in my thinking... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 26/4/23 Comment: To my thinking a worker and boss can both strike am saying this cause in my country their is a... Post: Can everyone strike? Date: 26/4/23 Comment: i think we should also discuss abut the factors that affect climate change widely Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 26/4/23 Comment: i like your efforts , in future i want to be just like you Post: Ask Tina Brown! Date: 26/4/23 Comment: i suggested so cause i think we should not only no the negative ways we should also know the... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 26/4/23 Comment: I agree because... we need to know this too Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 26/4/23 Comment: i think there should be a Hub discussion on the positive ways the climate is affecting the environment. Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 25/4/23