gregarious_moon has not published standpoints yet. Comments by gregarious_moon Comment Post Date Comment: Faithful fulfilling hearts Risks and rights Eating, not wasting Supporting our community... Post: #32 A fresh start! Date: 28/4/21 Comment: Hello. Gregarious_moon here, A job that no longer exists is a Pinsetter. So for a pinsetter... Post: #13 - Extinct jobs Date: 03/12/20 Comment: I don't think they should the pinsetter job shouldn't come back again because the automatic... Post: #13 - Extinct jobs Date: 03/12/20 Comment: I have 2 Dream Jobs. The first one is one is a teacher because I want to help kids lives better... Post: #11 - You're hired! Date: 17/11/20 Comment: Hello, Gregarious_moon here! Robots name: Eco Composting Robot 2020 Job: The composting... Post: #10 - Design a robot! Date: 09/11/20 Comment: I believe that politicians deserve more because we are counting on them to lead the country in a... Post: #21 - Poll - Do politicians deserve more respect? Date: 07/2/20 Comment: It should be able to work but it isn't for Hong Kong and China!☹ Country's should be able to... Post: #6 Poll - Winners Announced! Date: 17/10/19 Comment: My life is going by like the clouds drift. I feel like passing out, there is just so much going... Post: #4 Diary Entry - Winners Announced! Date: 04/10/19 Comment: I think C is the odd one out because in A and B it tells you that someone has a voice, but in C... Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 27/9/19 Comment: I agree, well done content_lemon that is an amazing way to put it Post: #3: Odd-One-Out - Winners Announced! Date: 22/9/19