methodical_tiger has not published standpoints yet. Comments by methodical_tiger Comment Post Date Comment: Expert Mamta: "I believe that women are suitable for working in space." I think that women's... Post: Competition #7 Expert learning Date: 15/12/22 Comment: I have a question that raises my curiosity: 1- Did I have the scientific experience while... Post: ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: I have a question that raises my curiosity: 1- Did you have the scientific experience while... Post: ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! Date: 05/12/22 Comment: In the test, I got the result of a brilliant journalist / screenwriter. I agree with my result... Post: Competition #5 Journalism jobs Date: 29/11/22 Comment: My question to Kenneth Harris: How can you install the satellite in its orbit without it... Post: ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! Date: 28/11/22 Comment: Among the problems caused by fast fashion: 1/ Pollution: The clothing industry relies on cotton... Post: Who is responsible? Date: 27/11/22 Comment: 1- The Internet is a double-edged sword. It has positives and negatives. Some of its positives... Post: Should the internet be a human right? Date: 24/11/22 Comment: The country that hosts the World Cup, so I think that this thing will benefit the host country.... Post: World Cup: what’s the legacy of big events? Date: 22/11/22 Comment: Beginnings are strict and difficult, and they set difficult laws for societies because it is the... Post: Controversy in Qatar! Date: 22/11/22 Comment: The reason for the shortage of doctors is due to the rich countries importing competencies, as... Post: What causes doctor shortages? Date: 22/11/22 Comment: My questions for the new leader would be: 1 / What will you change in the country when it... Post: Competition #2 Questions for leaders Date: 09/11/22 Comment: I am going to ask you a question, Dr. Kenneth Harris, which is how you will influence young... Post: ...Dr Kenneth Harris, our STEM expert from NASA! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: We cannot do that, but we can reduce it. For example, the gas emitted from cars and factories,... Post: How sustainable is YOUR community? Date: 04/11/22 Comment: I think that yes, because in the future it can help us in many things. When we go deeper and... Post: Space innovations: what do you think? Date: 04/11/22 Comment: In my opinion, we should put two presidents for the people, including the elderly. If a... Post: Older or younger lawmakers? Date: 04/11/22 Comment: I think that the government can help in this matter by setting laws, for example, it can put a... Post: Climate reporters! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: We all know that celebrities make a huge impact on their followers, their followers imitate them... Post: Reduce, reuse, recycle! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: I agree with you on some of the things which are the positives of the seed drone. But I do not... Post: Get creative, save the planet! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: The three innovations are very important in saving the world. Each innovation has a special... Post: Get creative, save the planet! Date: 04/11/22 Comment: The three innovations are very important in saving the world. Each innovation has a special... Post: Get creative, save the planet! Date: 04/11/22 View more >