modest_gooseberry has not published standpoints yet. Comments by modest_gooseberry Comment Post Date Comment: My dream job is make up artist . This job would be good for the environment because I help... Post: #6 Dream jobs Date: 11/10/21 Comment: The most common problem in my community in Gaza is the lack of potable water, as the... Post: #5 Innovation for your nation! Date: 11/10/21 Comment: “Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.” This motto is what should be headed... Post: #2 Children's news channel Date: 13/9/21 Comment: Updating is very useful ,There are a lot of people who support kids channels. Post: #2 Children's news channel Date: 13/9/21 Comment: Optimistic, because the news some times be very croudy with dangerous events, we feel Optimistic... Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 10/9/21 Comment: Very excellent news 👏 👍 Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 10/9/21 Comment: Helping, because breaking news tell you that something is wrong is happening in the world so... Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 10/9/21 Comment: I a gree with you that clarity is very important for news. Post: #1 Topical Talk triangle Date: 10/9/21 Comment: Art is important because it is: The mysterious thing is the inner feeling of a person who cannot... Post: #38 - Hundred Word Challenge Date: 05/6/20 Comment: The family rapprochement has become more secure and the family's relationship with each other... Post: #37 - One change to keep Date: 29/5/20 Comment: Corona virus caused many changes, including negative and positive, of positive changes: 1.... Post: #37 - One change to keep Date: 27/5/20 Comment: Oh really!Ciimatic conditions greatly affect the life of living organisms(human. animal... Post: #33 - Ask the author! Date: 30/4/20