powerful_peach has not published standpoints yet. Comments by powerful_peach Comment Post Date Comment: I think that Dean the chef is the odd one out. I think this because he has done something 25... Post: #43 Odd one out Date: 15/7/21 Comment: One piece of advice that I would give to someone who has been cancelled is persevere and don't... Post: #42 Good advice Date: 09/7/21 Comment: I think picture A shows cancel culture better. I think this because there is a lady standing... Post: #41 Picture this! Date: 01/7/21 Comment: A challenge Barrel of teamwork A spoonful of fairness 5 handfuls of understanding 3... Post: #40 Recipe for justice Date: 22/6/21 Comment: I agree with Opinion C because everyone should speak out and say what they believe. I think it... Post: #39 Pick one! Date: 17/6/21 Comment: I nominate loyal_insect for creativity. loyal_insect has shown great creativity in his/her 'Is... Post: #38 The BNC Awards! Date: 10/6/21 Comment: I would make solar panels cheaper and fossil fuels and other energies that are bad more... Post: #35 Make a rule! Date: 20/5/21 Comment: I would make picking litter part of the curriculum for schools. This will result to less litter... Post: #35 Make a rule! Date: 20/5/21 Comment: A robot leader could lead all humans to doom and make robots take over. Sci-fi anyway Post: #10 - Design a robot! Date: 13/11/20 Comment: After watching Angie Drobnic Holan, I now realise how jobs that aren't reconised as much as... Post: #7 - Listen to learn! Date: 23/10/20