Comments by smart_keyboard Comment Post Date Yes, artists, music producers, and other creatives could certainly work alongside AI in the... Thinking questions 05/5/23 I used to think that strikes were just a form of protest to benefit workers but after... Competition #4 Then and now 05/5/23 By extending Earth Day to a whole week, individuals worldwide have more opportunity to become... Is one day enough? 05/5/23 The debate over whether AI could be considered artists has arguments on both sides. Those who... AI poll results! 03/5/23 Feelings are important in an artist's painting because they give the viewer a higher level of... AI poll results! 03/5/23 I would be visibly annoyed and angry if any individual copied my artwork without prior consent.... Inspiration... or stealing? 03/5/23 I agree with the 57% statistic. Social media can be a major distraction for teenagers when... Teenagers and social media 02/5/23 Yes, even if I have my phone on silent, it is difficult to resist the urge to just pick it up... Teenagers and social media 02/5/23 I want to use the metaverse to design visually appealing landscapes and locations for users to... Expert challenge: The metaverse 02/5/23 The most reasonable option would be option B. Even if the royals are extremely well-known the to... Royal responses 29/4/23 People who strike, in my opinion, don't necessarily want to strike. Poor working conditions and... Pick ONE person 29/4/23 Do you think that a possible solution would be better communication? Having an open line of... Pick ONE person 29/4/23 Every phrase, in some way, depicts the royals. When there is a public discussion on the royals,... Royalty poll results! 28/4/23 I agree, all of these words are important when it comes to mentioning the royals. Royals are... Royalty poll results! 28/4/23 The royals can use their power and wealth to bring recognition to major topics or to promote... Royalty poll results! 28/4/23 The topic of climate change is related to the topic of the metaverse. When we utilize technology... Competition #3 Making connections 28/4/23 In my perspective, opinions about royals vary depending on the individual. Some believe that... Suggest a discussion! 27/4/23 In my opinion, it is mainly dependent on the ruler. Some may truly mean it when they perform... The role of royals 27/4/23 Many believe that having a president is more preferable because it is based on elections rather... Are royals relevant? 27/4/23 The roles of monarchy are not particularly relevant in the real world. Some may argue that the... Are royals relevant? 26/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 >