Comments by valuable_television

Comment Post Date
Hello Mr. Ben Mango, I learned a lot about the climate crisis in this contest and what are its... ...Ben Mango! 14/4/23
The internet controls every aspect of our lives. It is a double-edged sword that either has... Suggest a discussion! 14/4/23
The metaverse is just a virtual environment ruled by the internet. Either it has benefits such... Report back 13/4/23
I see that the metaverse can be good and it can be bad, for example the benefits of the... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 13/4/23
Hello Mr. Matthew , I really care about TV series and movies, they are really great and I love... ...Matthew Ball! 13/4/23
Can you, Mr. Matthew, tell me about the world of production and film? Because I really care... ...Matthew Ball! 13/4/23
First, I see that there are not enough climate laws, and this is very bad, especially for the... Earth Day poll results! 13/4/23
The news story affecting my area is Early Marriage. This news story is important to me because... Competition #1 News near you 12/4/23
The climate crisis is basically one of the most serious threats facing regions all over the... Climate change in your country 10/4/23