Will artificial intelligence affect other professions?

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Science has evolved and its field has evolved, and artificial intelligence has changed our lives greatly, and now it affects professions such as the art profession, which reduced the art profession, reduced the number of artists, and reduced the number of human paintings. Now we will learn about some professions that will end with the development of artificial intelligence.

Telemarketing: With the advent of artificial intelligence and automation, this functionality is likely to disappear, to be replaced by chatbots that have the ability to automate many routine tasks performed by telemarketers.

translation:Translation is one of the ancient jobs that accompanied man in the course of his development, and played an important role in transmitting information between civilizations and connecting peoples with each other.

cashier (cashier)
You may have heard of Amazon Go, which lets customers shop for groceries without going through the cashier to pay.

bank tellers
Artificial intelligence has replaced many of the jobs of bank tellers. The advent of online banking, mobile banking apps, and automated teller machines (ATMs) have reduced the need for bank tellers in physical branches.

Now that you have read the review, tell me if you liked it, and then answer the following questions:
Will unemployment spread with the development of artificial intelligence?

Tell me about some areas of artificial intelligence.

Do you consider artificial intelligence friend or foe and why?

Do you agree not to work and leave the work to artificial intelligence?
wait for respond ....

Comments (13)

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  • Will unemployment spread with the development of artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence has the potential to automate many routine and repetitive tasks, which may lead to the displacement of some workers in certain professions. However, it can also create new jobs and opportunities in other areas. It is important for individuals and organizations to adapt to these changes by acquiring new skills and knowledge.

    Tell me about some areas of artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence encompasses a broad range of fields and applications, such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics, and expert systems. These areas are being applied in various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, manufacturing, and entertainment.

    Do you consider artificial intelligence friend or foe and why? I do not have personal preferences or biases towards artificial intelligence. AI is a tool that can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes, depending on how it is developed and implemented. It is important to use AI responsibly and ethically, while also recognizing its potential benefits in improving efficiency, accuracy, and innovation.

    Do you agree not to work and leave the work to artificial intelligence? I do not have personal beliefs or opinions. However, it is important to note that AI is not a replacement for human work, but rather a complement to it. Humans and AI can work together to achieve better results and create new opportunities. It is important to adapt to the changing nature of work and acquire new skills that can be useful in an AI-driven economy.

    1. I agree because...
      Artificial intelligence will work in place of some workers, but after a long thought, in order to find an important person who cannot be dispensed with and who can take artificial intelligence in his place, I found them as news analysts, journalists and correspondents.

      They publish thousands of words of articles every day, for any writer in the profession, each article involves hours of meticulous research and fact-checking behind it.

      As for artificial intelligence within a minute, it can do that, like ChatGPT, which writes large articles on any topic you want. In the same vein, AI can write video scripts for YouTube and social media platforms provided you give it the subject and length of the video.

      I see AI already making its way into journalism. In fact, publications like Buzzfeed have a series of more than 40 articles written almost entirely by AI powered by human insights. Publications like CNET are following suit with similar results, though. Although not as well-written as a well-thought-out human piece, the articles rank high on Google and are an excellent part of what would be a substitute for journalists.

  • In my opinion artificial intelligence is designed to assist humans with certain tasks and make them more efficient but I think it cannot completely replace humans. There will always be jobs that require a human touch such as creative work, critical thinking, empathy, and problem-solving skills. So, it's important for humans to continue learning and developing new skills to get opportunity in the job market

    1. True, but my question is, will you, being a mother in the future, trust the state of metaphors, and will you in the future admire the paintings of artificial intelligence?

  • As we delve deeper into the world of artificial intelligence (AI), it's becoming increasingly clear that many professions are on the brink of a major transformation. With AI technology advancing at an unprecedented pace, we're already seeing some jobs being replaced or augmented by AI, such as data entry and customer service positions. But that's just the tip of the iceberg!

    In the near future, we can expect many other professions to be affected as well. Those that rely heavily on pattern recognition, analysis of large amounts of data, or repetitive tasks are particularly vulnerable. However, it's not all doom and gloom. AI can also enhance certain professions and even create new opportunities.

    Take doctors and nurses, for example. By utilizing AI, they can improve the accuracy of diagnoses and treatment plans, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes. Architects and engineers can also benefit from AI, using it to design buildings more efficiently and effectively.

    Of course, the impact of AI on various professions will depend on a variety of factors, including the level of skill required for a job, the specific tasks involved, and how quickly organizations adopt new technologies. But one thing is for sure: it's important for professionals across all industries to stay informed about these developments and adapt accordingly in order to remain competitive in an increasingly automated world.

    So, let's embrace the exciting possibilities that AI has to offer and get ready for a future that's full of endless opportunities 🔥!

  • Yes,artificial intelligence (AI) is likely to affect many professions in the future. AI technology can automate tasks and analyze data faster and more accurately than humans.

    For example, AI may impact jobs like factory workers, truck drivers, and some office workers. However new jobs will also be created as AI technology continues to advance.

    It's important for us to learn new skills and adapt to changes in the workforce to stay relevant in our careers.

  • In my point of view artificial intelligence will affect many professions in the future. For example robots can now perform certain tasks that were done by people like assembling products in factories. However, there are still many jobs that require human skills like creativity and problem-solving which robots can't do as well. So while AI may change some jobs, it won't replace all of them!

  • Will unemployment spread with the development of artificial intelligence??. Of course, with the development of artificial intelligence, unemployment spreads, and the lack of work and manpower spreads, how? The whole world will work on machines running alone, so big factories will become only one worker who takes care of machines, so all work will be on machines, which leads to unemployment, shortage of workers and fatigue in order to find money...

    I think AI is enemy and friend in the same time. It is an enemy when it spreads unemployment and spreads poverty and lack of manpower in society and its friend when it creates things for the poor to work with and helps people to innovate and develop their skills and talents, here it is our friend....... .

    Agree not to work and leave work to artificial intelligence ?? No, of course I don't agree, because if we leave the work to AI, what are we going to do? We just sit back and watch poverty spread at lightning speed. So I don't think all the work should be left to AI, because the workers are many and they need money and it meets their needs and the needs of parents and family....

  • I believe that unemployment will spread with the development of artificial intelligence. With more AI around, many jobs would not require humans to work anymore. Over time, AI will start to become more common in jobs, and this can lead to poverty and unemployment all over the globe. This would make it reasonable to consider artificial intelligence a foe. Although AI can prove to be a big help, people should limit the amount of AI working to only a few. This could help reduce the chances of unemployment occurring and would cause less problems in the future.

    1. I agree because... When this AI spread worldwide, the number of unemployed graduates will automatically rise. This will lead to

    2. I agree because... When artificial intelligence spreads worldwide, the number of unemployed graduates will automatically rise. Take for example when most officers are artificial intelligence you can't even apply for a job because you can't deal with people who are not real. Just imagine one-time you are in the office with your boss and all of a sudden the person disappears from the office, do you think you will continue being in that office? And even after you have left that office for another and then the same thing happens to you, will you really continue applying for jobs in any of? This will therefore lead to unemployment because you will fear working somewhere else. In so doing,AI would

  • Unemployment will increase due to the widespread of AI. AI will eventually replace most occupations requiring human effort rendering workers jobless. AI could affect or eliminate jobs. As AI evolves and more tasks fall into the category of things that can be easily automated, entire job industries could disappear. AI can cause technological unemployment which occurs when the adoption of new technology causes job losses. AI and machines have the ability to take the place of workers not just in manufacturing, but increasingly new avenues, even in the service sector.
    AI can be used for evil just as well as for good, it can be a friend and a foe depending on its user. It may appear that AI provides an advantage for good in security now but the pendulum may swing when the bad guys use it to do things like unleashing malware infections that can learn from their hosts. AI can be used for fraud making it a foe but and it can also be used to track down fraudsters making it a friend.

  • Yes, artificial intelligence will have an impact on many professions in the future. AI has already started to affect some jobs, and it will likely continue to do so as technology continues to advance. Here are a few examples:

    1. Transportation: Self-driving cars and trucks are being developed that could replace human drivers in the future.

    2. Healthcare: AI can assist doctors and nurses by analyzing medical images, identifying diseases, and predicting patient outcomes.

    3. Customer service: Chatbots and virtual assistants can handle basic customer inquiries, which may reduce the need for customer service representatives.

    4. Manufacturing: Robots and automation can perform repetitive or dangerous tasks, improving efficiency and safety.

    5. Finance: AI can analyze financial data and make predictions about the stock market, potentially reducing the need for human investors.

    It's important to note that while AI might take over some tasks, it can also create new job opportunities. For example, programmers and engineers are needed to develop and maintain AI systems. So, don't worry too much about AI taking your job away - just be prepared to adapt to changes in the workforce!

  • I think AI will have a big affect on jobs and the future. AI can do almost everything people can do and better for example: art which AI can create in under 1 minute famous artists styles can be copied and people can get AI to reproduce that art without having to use any skill.Some people would say it is cheating and some people find it helpful for instance homework- which students can use AI to complete their work for them.This could change education for people would just rely on AI to complete their work.

    1. Do you think there will be some jobs that won't need human beings anymore?

  • While AI will because to be a powerful instrument within industrial processes as we move towards the future, to say unemployment will be widespread because of it is a point I disagree with. To begin, these AI's must be built and manufactured from steel and iron, raw ore deep inside of the earth. These machines, with their current capabilities, can not go into a mine, several meters below the surface, extract ore, and successfully return to the surface. But for humans, this is something we are well-versed in. And what about smelting the ore? I doubt that there are fully automatic systems for smelting and producing steel. While yes, AI will have a large impact on heavy industry and commerce overall, human workers are not going to be wiped out.

  • In my opinion, there should be limitations to AI. AI can be used to write things for you which is cheating if you use it for something like an assignment or competition, but even one of my teachers told us that she uses an AI to respond to emails at times because it's concise and saves time. On the other hand, it can be used to replicate or plagiarize artworks or text. This usually would not be an issue if it were for personal use, but in the case where you are entering something made by an AI for a grade or to win a competition, it is unfair. The limitation should be that entries should be scanned by AI, to see if it was written by AI.

  • I think that the AI will have a very big effect on job employment. As the AI is becoming more developed it will start getting used for other jobs and that will reduce the amount of job opportunities for humans.
    For example:
    Banking: as the AI has been developing more apps have been created for banking so now job opportunities for people who want to work at banks have been reduced greatly.

    1. I agree because... "Breakthroughs in generative artificial intelligence have the potential to bring about sweeping changes to the global economy," according to Goldman Sachs Research. Honestly AI could lead to increased unemployment because of the fact that machines will replace human workers in a different industries,this one of the disadvantages of AI. AI can have a significant effect on jobs. According to google, "Goldman Sachs study found that generative AI tools could, in fact, impact 300 million full-time jobs worldwide, which could lead to a significant disruption in the job market."
      I personally consider it as both friend and foe depending on the person using it. It can be used for good and really develop humanity but if someone with a different motive should get his or her hand on AI it will be a foe and might even destroy humanity. AI is cool and all but it still needs a human programmer and operator there is no way humans can just sit back and let AI do all the work. AI cannot perform their functions properly without humans which is one of the reason AI cannot replace humans.