Gender Inequality

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Gender inequality is a social phenomenon in which people aren’t treated equally on the basis of gender. It’s important because all of us should be the same in law, work and social interactions, but that doesn’t happen in the world nowadays. From my point of view, gender inequality needs to be stopped because all of us should feel safe and considered just for being who we are. I believe and hope that my essay will make people think about gender inequality from a different point of view. I expect it changes the way of thinking of the readers into a critical thinking.
Firstly, we should think about the basis of the problem, why does it occur and what causes it to be part of society. Gender inequality occurs because of the wrong idea that women are less than men in a physical and psychological way due to stereotypes present in society. An easy example is religion; in some cults there’s the belief that women (or any other powerless community) should be hated and diminish just for being themselves. As I have said so far, gender inequality is caused by stereotypes, which are created by biological or phycological differences – such as women being weaker than men - between men and women.
As gender discrimination is a social phenomenon, it has to be influenced by someone but, who? We could think that famous and important people are biggest influences in our lives but we are quite wrong. We could look at our side and find the greater influences we have; parents, friends, people surrounding us… they all have the unsaid job of helping and influencing us in our decisions and beliefs; such us religion, faith, ideas and knowledge.
But the most important issue is: how can we solve a problem that has been rooted in our society and culture for all humanity? In first, we should think about equality and what does this concept means for ourselves, there is not only inequality and discrimination for women, but also other ethnics and beliefs which are nor the “usual”. Another way to stop it could be by educating people from a young age about these issues, and to allow them to communicate with different people from all countries and ethnics.
In short, I think everyone has the power to stop gender discrimination and should try to do whatever they can to help.

Comments (13)

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  • Hey everyone.
    The role of women society in building a developed and progressive nation based on modern knowledge is undeniable. In the distant past , women played a leading role in family formation and the beginning of agricultural civilization. Although women have been marginalized since the beginning of patriarchal society, their constructive and welfare role has not been limited much. Rather, alongside men they have been a source of support and inspiration for the advancement of civilized. Today women are not only wives, daughters, mother, but individual beings who are awakened to the sense of individuality. Therefore, it is the strong demand of the time to create an opportunity to play a proper role in nation building through their massive participation in the stream of social development.

    1. I agree with your opinion because women in the society have helped progressively in the aspect of developing and building services. They have a impacted in imbibing good morals in the society.
      Furthermore, your comment gave me a deep thought and I really see that women are true leaders starting from the family because they care and protect their family no matter what, and even to the nation at large.

      1. I agree with sincere poem, I say this because a lot of women care about a lot of people they help ease stress from people around them , either emotionally , mentally or physically . women have the huge responsibility when it comes to taking care of the house domestically or baby sitting children , women are literally the strength of the world , I think that without women in the world it would be incomplete and empty , there would be no women any more who would be enslave by men , there would also be no children because women reproduce our children of tomorrow , I am not saying that men are completely useless but they also play a vital part also all over the world working to earn money for the their families.
        THANK YOU!!!

  • I think gender inequality is an ongoing challenge that we need to address. In most contruries man have more rights than womean, especially in Asia. We should raise awareness, support each other, and vote for change, we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable society.

    1. I agree with you because so many countries are facing challenges which is gender inequality , this happens mostly to women or girl child, in so many places women are not allowed to engage in some specific job, these include , diving a bike , being a mechanical engineer, or a carpentry . for example : if i see a lady in a mechanic work shop working on engines i would be shocked that she got a job easily working , because if a lady goes to look for a job in a mechanic workshop they would say that she doesn't have the capabilities of being a mechanic. Because of the high rate of gender inequality people are addressing it and encouraging gender equality especially when it comes to women .

  • Gender inequality is based on stereotypes and social biases throughout history.
    Fortunately women always had the power to change this so many years ago.
    They are by nature powerful creatures and have been standing for their rights.
    They are voting, they are in the workplace and they feel free to express their views.
    However it is not the same still in all the countries. Religion, geographical location and cultures norms influence how powerful women's voices are.
    It is promising that media always stood by them and let them be heard.

  • I think that it is unfair that women get paid less than men because they are equal and they have the same job and put the same effort .

    1. Hello knowledgeable_goji,
      I think that you could've been more brief on what you were trying to say. Yes, of course it is unfair that women get paid less when they do the same work with the same effort (possibly more). I think you could've focused on more facts regarding the topic. Such as - women's work in household is not considered an actual "work" because women don't get paid; they do it for "free". Well it's not "free" because she gets paid differently than most paying jobs, like -
      1. Her family getting a good meal.
      2. Her family being to able to stay in a clean environment and safe from threatening diseases.
      3. Her children's happiness and her husband's/parent's satisfaction and proud.
      Women are not paid with money. Love, care, affection, happiness and health are somethings that no wealth can buy, and it is an honor that women receive these treasuries after working and not "getting paid."
      Thank You!

  • Women should not be neglected or considered "small" or useless!
    Let me remind you that she is the one who brings honor to her family, she is the one who makes a house a home, she is the one who makes sure that your family is extended and carried on, she would be the one to marry your son and she would be supporting the house like on of it's pillars. In ancient India, people used to kill girls when they were in the wombs of their mothers - if you kill her before she is even born, how do you expect her to be a bride to your son? How can you think that she would bring honor to your family? And how can you possibly think that she will bear the child of your future?
    One day, without all the women in your home - mom, grandmother, aunt, one day without them offers difficulty to survive, no one can survive one day without them! The bricks and cements are not only the "pillars" of your home - they are the pillars of the house. The pillars of a real home are no one, but the women, who give their best in everything and work hard for their husband's, children's bright future.
    They say, "Behind every successful man, is the hand of a woman."
    Thank You!

    1. Yes, I definitely agree with you. Women should never be neglected because they are the pillars that hold a home and country together. If women are being seen as useless and small, I do not think countries would move on or increase in population because if they are no women or if we think they small we would not give them chances to prove themselves and that will decrease the population in developing countries. In conclusion, women are very useful in societies and to everyone and should never be seen small because they have lots of meaning in them.

  • When women and men are not provided with equal access to resources or opportunities to participate in decision-making, it leads to significant economic and social repercussions. While women bear the brunt of these consequences, they also impact their children, communities, and countries at large.

  • 𝙂𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙮
    In this modern society women are not respected as men which is not good. There is a stereotypical statement that says 'women should only look after her family and household' this particular statement is against Article 14 of our Indian Constitution which states every person should be equal. I personally think that every person has their own talent if you are not respecting the dream of women to work you are wasting a talent. That particular woman would have become a successful singer, dancer etc in the future. If you think that women can't do a particular task as a man can you are wrong because both of them have the same physical feature. You can't judge a person according to their gender .

  • We need to be better because we are all humans and we all need to be equal to one another so have gender equality.

  • Hello everybody!
    I'm sympathetic _ clarinet.
    Some societies believe that women have no place, but this is not true because without women there would be no life, or more accurately, no human being would be born in the world if women did not exist. For this reason, women must have a high position in society, and there are many reasons and some people They say that a woman's place is in the kitchen, but this is not true. Because women are capable of everything. In my opinion, there should be justice between women and men in this society. Women have a great place because they raise their children and they also raise civilized people.
    Thank you for reading

    1. I agree that men and women should be treated equally. How could you promote this within society to bring about change?

      1. There are many ways to create gender equality. Here are some ideas that can be implemented:
        Support gender equality policies: Educate yourself about policies that impact gender equality. Express your support for policies that create a more level playing field.
        Amplifying diverse sounds:
        Look for media that features strong and influential female characters. Support a company that is committed to gender equality.
        Advocate for girls' education:
        Education is one of the biggest drivers of gender equality. And support organizations that work to help girls enter schools.

      2. I disagree because... As sympathetic_clarinet said No life and no human being without women and I'm not agree with you that women and men should be treated equally because they are totally different.
        We should be balanced, They have totally different needs.
        And any society can be easily influenced by the media as what happened in 7th of october 2023.
        And that is very easy in our time, If you have mobile phone you can use media easily and be known.

  • Hey everyone!
    Gender equality means fairness of treatment between men and women. It signifies a condition in which both men and women are treated equally in all circumstances without showing any unfair dealing towards women. Gender equality is of prime important. Our prophet maintained the concept of gender equality and set examples in every sphere of his life as a lesson for us . So , we ought to be conscious about the equal rights of males and females.

  • Hello everybody,
    Women and men should have equal rights since both need each other and men aren't more superior than women or the opposite but gender inequality is something we need to get rid off.
    Women are great and have a great role in society but that doesn't mean men are useless or not needed thats why gender EQUALTY is needed in todays world.
    I hope you guys agree with me, Bye ! 👋

  • Hi every one
    I totally believe that a man needs doesn't like a woman needs, because men are practical organisms, but women are emotional organisms, so we should treat them different,
    and equality will be harmful for both sides, and all that is mine opinion.

    1. You made an interesting point about both men and women being different, can you elaborate more on why you don't think they should be treated equally and therefore could be harmful if so?

      1. Well, I think in my opinion that they should not be treated equally, since their needs, opinions and minds are different.
        They are completely different, and here I do not mean independent women at all.
        I mean that women are soft organisms needs to be weak because that is feminine power.
        feminine power lies in weakness.
        but on the other side Masculine power lies in strength to protect women.
        that is our nature
        , and thus in most of times harmful word or way can hurt women but men on the other side love agressive in some times. Also in most of times women can treat living organisms much better than men, and also men can treat machines better than women in some times, You can deny or even don't agree with me but in some times that is the truth and that doesn't mean that women are bad or men are bad but simply we are different.

  • Hi there! In my point of view, Women can do many things to their families, they are excellent leaders in everything you can imagine, it can play lots of sports. BUT this doesn't mean that men are useless, so we should raise awareness on Gender Inequality.
    Thank you and bye-bye!