What do you know about Syria?

A new topic means a new quiz! This one tests your knowledge about what's happening in Syria.

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  • I learned about the Syrian crisis via newspapers and news channels.

    Although the decade long civil wars seems to have subsided on the surface,but still this issue is far from being resolved.
    The Assad regime has inflicted such cruelities upon the poor natives which are literally like a slap on face of humanity.

    But all of it seems to have been brushed under the carpet due to the political propogandas.

    As per reports around 5.5 -6 million syrians have fled their country due to the inhumane conditions caused by the regime and internal chaos.

    The Syrian natives are forced to live a life which deprived of basic necessities like proper food,health and sanitation and even education and emoloyment.

    On humanitarian grounds,we should all support the UN programmes to help the Syrian people to resolve and relocate to their country.

    Because eventually one may find peaceful life else where on the globe,but one's own country is his own afterall.

    1. That is very true, even if they recover in other nations the loss of your own country would never leave your heart not to talk about those whose families have been displaced, it brings tears to my eyes when I think about how many mothers have been separated from their children. I can only hope for a better future for their country.

    2. "It’s heartbreaking to see how the people of Syria have endured such unimaginable pain and loss. No one should have to flee their home just to survive, yet millions have been forced to do so. The resilience of those who remain and those trying to rebuild their lives elsewhere is nothing short of inspiring, but it’s also a painful reminder of how unjust the world can be.

      I completely agree that, beyond political narratives, we need to look at this crisis through the lens of humanity. No one chooses to be born into war, and no one should have to fight just to have food, safety, and dignity. Supporting humanitarian efforts isn’t just an act of charity—it’s a moral duty.

      I truly hope that one day, Syrians can return to a home that offers them peace, not suffering. Because, as you said, no matter where life takes you, there’s no place like one’s own

    3. I totally agree with you because as I have read in newspapers and news channels the condition of Syria is actually really concerning and bad,it is getting worse. There is a lot of chaos in Syria with the new government, refugees and the people currently living in Syria. Syria is literally at a turning point. I also agree that we all should support the UN programmes to help the Syrian people to rebuild there country and make it stable once again.
      I am with you Syrians!
      I support you!
      I hope Syria becomes a stable country once again soon enough.

    4. I also learned about this topic. I agree that they should have some peace and be free. For 50+ years they were being told what to do and would be killed if they ignored the rules of the family. From what I heard they should be able to vote who they want to be their new leader president.

      1. I agree. The Syrian citizens have fought for 12 years not to then have another person in power that could just be the same as Asaad. It also would not be fair for the citizens because they were fighting along side Mohammed al-Bashir so why would he just become the leader of Syria. So I think that they should have an election to make it fair for people who want to be leader to.

  • From what I have gotten from the Syrian problem, most of the society members would not know what to do in a case like this one, usually, they would be happy that the Assad family rule is over but they would not know how to feel with the new rulers of the country. For one, the people got into governmental control by the means of violence, so they would not be a good fit because every nation should be led and leading in peace. This is a problem that both the Assad family and the new group have.
    In conclusion, I say that the people should have gotten rid of both the Assad family and the new control group because they both resort to violence and lack peace and unity.

    1. A peaceful resolution in most situations is the best choice. However, looking at human history many conflicts are resolved through war and fighting. Is there a situation where a physical conflict is deemed necessary? Is it possible to solve all conflicts through peace?

      1. I think that all conflicts can be resolved by peace, I say this because with how the situation is on Earth most people have resorted to violence in order to stop things but even though they think they are moving forward, they are actually still moving backwards because violence is still violence depending on the way you think of it. So I say that if we can understand the sources of conflict and develop skills to deal with conflict constructively and nonviolently, we may be able to resolve the underlying causes of conflicts rather than escalating them whether the disputants are siblings, neighbors or nations. We can also help keep people safe by preventing violence, help strengthen personal relationships, encourage greater understanding between individuals and groups. When we learn how to resolve conflicts, difficult situations are much less likely to result in crises.
        This is why I say that all conflicts can be resolved through peace and unity.

      2. I believe that peace is the better choice, because of the horrific events that can and have happened obviously in Syria and other countries when they keep fighting . Peace is always possible but each country has to do an effort to cooperate and avoid violence and most importantly ,TALK, having a DIALOGUE. If everybody could do that, it would be a better world for all. However, it’s a bit an idyllic idea considering what’s going on with many countries nowadays.Peace is always the right choice, and it’s indeed possible though but it’s hard when some governments only want to control and invade others for their own goal, ignoring the citizens, destroying without any empathy or showing no concern for those , who aren’t responsible for anything in these conflicts.

    2. i agree with the fact that the Syrians would most likely be happy that the Assad regime is no longer under control over the Syrian government. but when it comes to the people who got into the government via rebelion and violence, i feel that the rebels fought for the freedom of the citizens of Syria. so i do not agree with that it was just plain violence as it was to allow the Syrians to have freedom. i also do not agree with you that the new control group should be exterminated as again, they fought for the freedom of the Syrians.

    3. I agree with your comment because people should not be resorting in violence.Both the Assad family and new control group should have chosen peace instead of violence.

    4. I am in the middle with your statement. I agreed with "every nation should be lead with peace", but you said that the new control group came in with violence, they had to. I'm sure the Assad family did not want to free the country from their rule. Aside from that, Syria should wait on how the new government does, as the new leader promised peace and freedom. We should leave up to the Syrian people to choose which if they want come back to or wont.

  • I think this is a time where syria can progress much as the country can grow as one during the time of difficulties all people of all religions join as one and forget their differences but only remember their country's pride so in that context syrian people can come together and make huge differences in their country's economy

    1. 12 million Syrain refugees have fled the country because of the conflict so the economy would struggle to grow with out assistance of other country's. they also have many things happening like they have a poverty crisis a food crisis in some areas and many important building for the basic necessity eg. hospitals and the basic education

      1. I agree because lots of people had to flee their country because of the Assad family.The might be a war between Russia and America because Russia think Assad should still be ruling but America don't think he should be ruling.They really need food and water because they might become to dehydrated or starve to death and people might also die if they need help fast or need to go to the hospital.

    2. I agree with you because Syria has many difficulties and they also need peace.

      1. i agree with you on everypoint but maybe you could think about if Syria is at fault. if they went to war will you support them.

    3. As much as I agree, I must say that for a country being regime for over 50 it will be hard for the economy to grow after the loss of millions of lives and many citizens fleeing the country. also accepting each others difference especially religious will take a while, since the regime was mostly Muslim and so is most of Syria's population. However we shouldn't let our hopes down as this is the dawn of a new era in Syrian history.

    4. I agree with you because this is a perfect time for Syria to come together as one! When countries face hard times, it's a chance for everyone, no matter what religion or background they have, to work together. In the past, people may have had differences, but now, they can all remember how important their country is and how proud they are to be Syrian. If everyone puts aside their disagreements and focuses on what’s best for the country, they can make Syria better.

      If all the people in Syria unite, they can achieve amazing things! They could rebuild the country, help each other, and improve the economy. With everyone working together, they could create jobs, fix the cities, and make life better for everyone. Just like when people in a family all help out, the country can grow stronger.

      I think the most important thing now is for everyone to come together and trust each other. When people work together as one team, they can make big changes. It will take time, but with hard work and unity, Syria can definitely shine again! So, I believe the people of Syria have the power to make a big difference, and I hope they remember that working together is the key to success!

  • Today, we talked about the conflict in Syria in class. It was a difficult topic. We discussed what should happen next in Syria—whether to help the people who need aid or to build a new government. I think building a new government is important because only a government that is accepted by the people and is stable can help and rebuild the country. But I don’t mean helping the people isn’t important. You can only really help them if there is a fair and stable government in charge. What you think on this topic, let me know

    1. How would you propose the Syrian people establish a government? Do you think a democracy is possible considering the recent events?

      1. Hi, I think, that a democracy would be possible considering the recent events. I think it would be hard to change the people's minds, because most or all of them have never lived in a democracy. But I think a big part of the syirians want to change something and live in a democracy. So it would be possible. A government could be established either by letting the citizens vote, or by letting an other country establish a government. I would personally prefer to let the people vote, because if an other country tries to establish a government, the Syrians probably won't be fine with that. So organising votes for the Syrians would be the best opportunity. But you should also consider, that a lot of Syrians live in other countries. For those it should also be possible to vote. This would be pretty hard to organise. So maybe some other countries could help by making it possible for Syrian refugees to vote in the country in which they flet.

        1. I like your idea about letting Syrians outside the country vote. Would it be possible for the Syrian government to organise this, rather than "some other countries"?

        2. I strongly agree with you because a democracy is the fairest way to choose the government. Many people have said that -as many Syrian people have fled to other countries so it would not be fair to vote with such limited people. But, honestly I think that most probably Syrian refugees are not returning from there new stable countries back to a country which is not stable like Syria and by leaving their livelihoods in their new countries so,as in conclusion refugees are probably not planning to return,the government has to be only for the people currently living there and they would have choose the government. Democracy would probably be the best way to choose the government of Syria. And I think a democracy can only make the country stable again.

        3. I agree because freedom and feeling safe in the land that they belong to is one of the most important priority in any person's life. Since the people live in countries and communities they fond of being free and being safe at their homes. And what happened in Syria was against human rights. And it's hard for any person to see someone in his land suffering as they are Refugees all over the world.

          Thank You
          Sincerely affable_truth

      2. I would propose people establish a government so the country Syria, would be more controlled if the had a government ..

    2. I agree because if the government is fair and stable, he/she can help rebuild important structure, such as hospitals, schools, and homes. This can also benefit the people who need aid for poverty because there are hospitals that can heal the sick and hurt people. And there are also schools that can give the kids the education and food they need when the government is a fair and stable one.

    3. I agree with you because they really should build a new government and that it is important.I feel this way because just like anywhere else a government is really important, Also the country may fall apart without a government.

    4. I disagree with the government being the next thing to happen with Syria for I believe aid is best if they want the Syrians to stay.Plus if the Syrians don't know how there next government is going to act when it comes to helping there people and self.The Syrians should feel save with their self before they just go with some new government they just got.

      1. Versatile_eagle - you raise an interesting alternative about aid. Can you say more about what type of aid and where it might come from?

      2. I don't agree with you because I think it is pretty hard to give aid to the Syrian population. And that's why a government would be most important step. Or give us a solution how you would give aid the the people without a government. Who should organise the help or give it out to the citizens?
        Let me know

  • Hello! As long as I know Syria wasn't in the best conditions in the past due to political instability and conflicts however it wasn't the worst. During Al-Assad regime, everything changed and they made things even worse by ruling with strict rules, failing to improve the country as their main goal was to inheritance of rule so they used violence in various ways and prevented freedom of opinion and anyone who violated them was arrested. And more.

    In 2000, Bashar Al-Assad became the president after his father Hafez Al-Assad. Bashar Al-Assad wanted to take control over the whole country so he used violence and strict rules. Moreover, in 2011, Syrian people asked for freedom he used violence which led to a devastating civil war. One of the violent ways that he used was known as " Sadnaya prison" which was then revealed after he fell and the methods of brutality that he used with the prisoner.

    Even though the terrible conditions that happened there, the royal family covered the reality and showed false news. In my humble opinion, I firmly believe that in order to control the government, I shouldn't prevent the freedom of the citizen.

    1. What system do you believe protects the freedom of the citizens the most? Is there a system that promotes freedom in every situation?

  • I think it is clear that new challenges lie ahead. The expectation was that moderate pro democracy groups would take control and form a government in Syria but it is clear that has not happened as HTS has taken control instead. HTS does have good records whilst governing Idlib so we can only hope they are better. Even if they are better, nothing changes immediately. It is clear new challenges are ahead for Syria with division and disagreements between the rebel groups.

    If they stick to their promises of governing fairly and forming a fair democracy I can see the situation in Syria vastly improving. But, for now, we just do not know.

  • All I know about Syria is it is in the southen equator. Can anyone tell me some interesting facts?

    1. Have a go at the quiz, unique_meerkat. This will give you some new facts that you can use to support your points in other discussions.

    2. You have said everything you know and I agree with you. I can give you what I know about Syria. It is a country that its geographical location is at Southern equator as you said. It is a country that has been ruled by a family (Assad) for over fifty years. In 2011 rival groups came and fought against the family for 12 years and conquered them. But during this period of the civil war, a lot of things were damaged such as hopitals, schools, and many business centres letting people to go without jobs and some became totally poor. I think this will serve as a better view to you.

  • I learned about Syria crisis through news.

    I learned that Syria is facing a a lot of tough challenges right now. Most of the population is struggling with poverty, and the country needs a lot of money to rebuild after the long war. I got to know that there are issues like power shortages, and many people still don’t have enough food or water. On top of that I also got to know that international sanctions are making it hard for Syria to get the support it needs.

    1. Me too I learnt about how all the bad things that are happening right now in Syria, I hope they get the money and materials they need, Also I hope the new leader will give Syria the leadership it needs.

    2. I agree with you. Syria is definitely going through a lot of tough challenges. It is really sad that they don't have enough food or water. I really hope Syria can get the support it needs.

  • As a Syrian myself the civil war has affected me. After the fall of the Assad regime in Syria (a war criminal). Syria is slowly rising up to success. The war has killed a million people , including people tortured in prisons for being against the regime, bombings on houses. Mass hyper inflation has took place and affected the populations wages and employment rates. After the rebel leader freed Syria off the brutal dictatorship things are getting better but it will take time.

    1. I agree with you and as a non- Syrian, I understand and support you. Civil war has been damaged. I’m sure you are happy with the departure of Ahmed- Al Sharaa because the country is rebuilding itself. I studied in class the civil war and the extensive damages And I know how big your nation need some held. I support you and your country.

      1. Well done for showing empathy to another Topical Talker!

  • I know about the Syrian Civil War by various sources like newspapers and channels.
    I found out that -The Syrian population is being being brutalized, nearly a half a million have been killed, 12 million are fleeing their homes to find safety elsewhere, and there is widespread poverty and hunger.
    Since the start of the Syrian Civil War in 2011 , the Syrian Civil War has created the largest refugee population in the world. In 2018, the United Nations recorded 6.7 million Syrian refugees.
    I found that the situation of Syria is really concerning. Because of the continuous attacks, Syria is suffering a lot.

    1. I agree with good_meaning because since the population has dropped from the Syrian Civil War the country was slaughtered and it’s pretty sad. The refugees that traveled somewhere else probably had family there and are traumatized to go back to see them. Even if they did go back to see their family they would probably be sitting on the streets living in poverty. I hope the people that survived will be okay.

  • I got 8 out of 8. I learnt about the strict ways the president of syria treated his people.I also learnt that president of syria fled on asylum in Russia. After the civil war some syrians went to check different prisons to find their loved ones who were imprisoned but unfortunately some of them died.

    1. Building on your point, Syria has had many downsides since the civil war has been going on since 2011 which is now over 14 years. Many are facing homelessness and poverty due to bombs destroying their homes and farms causing many be forced to migrate around the world to seek safety. There are also millions of families seperated due to family members getting removed to prisons. Many have died and the economy and it has hit rock bottom. One way the world can support is by sending the resourses needed to rebuild in order to create saftey once more as many need homes and food supplies more often. By doing this Syria can work on rebuilding its economy over the next few years and help us never forget the affects of civil war on millions and the dangers of politics.

  • I scored a 7 out of an 8. I learnt a lot about Syria which taught me about their formal government which ruled for 50 years. Syria had a rich history and cultural diversity despite her many challenges until the outbreak of the war which has reduced the towns and cities to rubbles and has severely damaged their cultural heritage. Another thing I learnt which is painful is how people went into to the prison looking for their loved ones, just maybe they might see them, this goes to show the trauma most families must have experienced in the regime. Though Ahmed Al Sharaa claims that he will help the people which might be true but I know we cannot judge a person wrongly when we don't even know his true intention.
    Thank you!!!

  • I learned about Syria's current situation on Al Jazeera News and BBC, and then I was surprised to see it was a topic we were going to discuss about in class. We had the class Syria: a turning point, it was interesting to learn more about the country.
    Syria is located in western Asia, it has a population of around 22.1 million. which has been dented by the 6.49 million refuges that have fled to neighboring countries such as Iraq Jordan and Egypt but about 195,000 have returned to Syria ,with 948 individuals returned permanently through official processes , 105 of them now registered in the UNHCR and 7.2 million IDP's still within Syria (Al Jazeera J
    The ongoing conflict and humanitarian crises continue to impact millions, making this situation one of the largest displacement crises in the world.
    The authorities in Syria are implementing Islamic teaching to train their fledging police force with power being in the hand of Hayat Tahir al-Sham.
    The next few months will be crucial for Syria's future.

  • I got 5 out of 8 in the quiz. For me I did poorly, and I am not happy with my score, and I hope to do better in the next quiz. I also learnt that the current leader left Syria to Russia and also Syria is located in the middle east, the capital is Damascus. I felt sad and concerned for people that have died, and pity for their grieving family members. I wonder how full the hospitals will be in Syria with all the people that are victims of the gun fires, I also wonder how they live or how they breathe with all of the smokes and the destructions. I think about the good citizens that are imprison and I pray that Mohammed al Bashir will take over the lead in Syria and be a good leader. THANK YOU

  • I learned things about Syria from school and online through news articles.
    I know that Syria is a country in the Middle East that was controlled by an unfair and strict leader. Their leader treated his people poorly and was discriminatory. I know that as of December 2024, a rebel group took over the Syrian government and the people of Syria are hoping for a fresh start and a strong Syrian government. However, there are some people that are hesitant and have some apprehension about the new government that they will enforce strict religious rules and laws. And as a result of the overthrow of the prior Syrian government, the Assad leader, Bashar al-Assad, fled to Russia. To which he was granted asylum. I also know that the capital of Syria is Damascus and Syria is the 87th largest country and the 57th most populace. Also, I am informed that the Syrian war was on Tuesday, March 15, 2011. The war killed thousands and caused a lot of destruction. Overall, Syria is a complex country and can make improvements in their government.

    1. I agree with you, playful_cello. Syria is a pretty complex country that has had many problems on its land. One war happened there too which led to many people losing their lives. It's government has had corruption and a horrible leader too.

      1. You forgot to add that the civil war in syria has been made worse due to the Iraq war led by united States illegitimately. This war promote the importance of terrorist groups like Daesh and has put syria in a pitiful state.

        1. Is your comment here fact or opinion? If it's fact, can you support it with evidence?

  • I got 8 over 8
    I learnt a lot like Syria is a country in the Middle East.
    The country is currently unsafe with countries and organizations thinking about what to do next. Thousands of people died, 5.5 million people fled the country to Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, Jordan, Iraq and Millions of people were imprisoned some can not even be found.
    The Assad family rule was an example of bad governance. The family ruled for over 50 years with an iron fist which is a shocking news to me. Syria has also suffered a lot from Its independence to civil war to hunger crisis.
    Syria also should be rebuilt because Russia and Assad soldiers used artillery to destroy hospitals, schools, restaurants etc.
    Let us hope that the president of Syria (rebel leader) Mohammed al -Bashir would be good and help as he has said he would do.
    Thank you!!!

  • I really hate what the last president did to the people in Sryia, leaving them alone and not caring about the country that you are supposed to take care of is brutal and should not have happened.
    Being responsible for a country's damage is the worst thing that any other person would have done, making other families be apart and some even not bieng able to support their children or family is unfamiliar to me or anyone to be honest.
    All the wars that happened in Sryia is making me slightly tear up.
    could you imagine tring to eat or make any activity with your family and then suddenly a bomb or any other harmful object coming directly at your home is crazy to me, how could you not care about that?
    I really hope that Sryia has a better president at the end of this year at most.

    1. I agree with you, the reason I agree is because I even hate what the president did where he took family apart which is trauma to them and, I would not have been happy about that.


  • In Syria there has been war that has been happening for a long time and over 350,000(three hundred and fifty thousand) people has been killed since in the reign of the Assad family they haven't been taking care or conducting what is happening there in Syria , all they have been doing is just securing themselves instead of them securing everyone and now that the Assad family are not in control Syria has been suffering worse pain .

  • I learnt about Syria from various newspapers and television channels.

    I came to known that - The syrias population is being violent,nearly a half are killed ,11 million escaped their homes in search of safety another elsewhere, a extensive poverty and excessive desire to eat .

    The start of the war was in 2011 which made many people die forcefully. Popular discontent with Ba'adhist regime ruled by Assad triggered a large scale protest ,democracy rallies across Syria.
    In 2018 around 7.5 million Syrians were refugees.

    I belive that the scenario of Syria is not good at all because of the constant attacks in the country.

  • I scored 7/8
    The fact I found most shocking was that 5.5 million Syrian citizens fled the country seeking asylum. This means that the rule if the Assad family ( 1971-2024 ) made many people want to leave Syria because they felt like their President was like a Dictator.

    It was also astonishing that Bashar-al-Assad fled Syria and went to Russia ( which is also at war ). He was like the asylum seekers but instead wanted to flee away and hide from the rebellions.

    Damascus - Syria's capital- was rated the worst country to live in for the past 11 years! It was a war torn capital and many people found that it didn't provide the citizens needs.

    The old President of Syria made sure that anyone who rebelled against him would go to prison and now that he has left, the prisons are open for people to walk in and find their loved ones! People were locked away in prison for the silliest of reasons.

    Overall, I think Syria is war torn country and lets hope that their new President ( Mohammed al-Bashir )will fix this country and make it a hospitable place. But he could just turn the country upside with combat, no one knows what the future will bring.
    Thank You

  • I got 8/8 on the Quiz which is a improvement because last week I got 6 or 7 or 5 out of ten so yeah the Quiz was quite good because it tested what I know from my lesson today so it was really nice and a brain tester to test what I know so I hope you all did well in the brain tester aka the Quiz😄😄

  • I got 7/8 on the quiz sad I didn’t get the last one right but I learnt a lot from this . The Assed family was so mean to everyone. My teacher taught us a lot today.

    1. I got 6/8 on my quiz(sad i didn't get the 2 right) but i agree with humorous swan that the Assad family were not very nice people in Syria. I think that the people that live in Syria should be able to vote for who they think there new president should be, because they have had civil war going on for a whole decade. If they got a chance to speak out loud they might end up getting a good president who will make peace in Syria and rebuild all new homes,hospitals and schools.

  • In my class I talked about the wars and abandoned prison cells in Syria. I think the Assad family was cruel and strict about the rules in Syria. It was quite difficult to decide one the turning point but for my opinion I think there all accurate and good. The Syrians deserved a better prime minister and they should get the chance to vote who they want prime minister instead of the Assad family which are very strict about the rules of there country.

  • I know that Syria is in a conflict because some aren’t sure about there new leader(Ahered al-Sharaa. Some Syrians think that Ahered al-Sharaa is going to be good for there country and help improve and build Syria back to its form ,but some think that he wont help them and actually make promises that he wont keep .

  • I didn't know much about Syria until recently and all i can say is that i'm shocked how long there has been conflict and how many Syrians have been affected and i wonder what will happen to Syria now that the conflict has ended.

    In my opinion they should focus on rebuilding Syria and getting the people who are missing/still in jail home to their families.

    After they have done all of this, I think they should focus on democracy and the government.

  • I know that Syria were been in war for 12 years and it is located in Middle East. 16 million people are currently in poverty. Ahmed al-sharaa, a rebel leader, became Syria’s new leader. Some people think he will be a fresh start for the country but others are worried he will introduce strict rules. In December 2024, Syrian rebel groups gained control and Bashar al-Assad was granted asylum in Russia.

  • i noticed this on google but didn't look into it in great detail. i later learnt more in school about Syria and i was surprised it has been going on for this long.
    Many syrian's fled their home country because of the war and now that the war is partly resolved we debated what should happen next.
    i suggest they get a good government and then build back buildings so they can grow there economy. before building the buildings back they should focus on inviting the people back to the country as a higher population can increase the economy and they can help in other ways.

  • That they are going to war .

    1. Can you tell me why?

  • What I know about Syria is that it is a country in the Middle East. Right now Syria is quite poor due to the civil war that lasted for 12 years so Syria doesn’t have a government to keep the country safe . As Syria has no homes due to the bombing they have nowhere to live which can cause to death. And because there are less food supplies that can also lead to death. And as the previous leader of Syria was kicked out because he was a strict leader and put people in prison for not severely bad stuff. So then the rebel leaders rebelled against Ahmed Al-Sharaa and then eventually didn’t want him as leader so he went to live in Russia.

  • I know that Syria 🇸🇾 (a country in the middle-east) has been in a civil war 12 years and president Assad (and his family) have finally stepped down and fled the country. They have a new president named, Ahmed al-sharaa who some believe will be a good, fresh start. Others are concerned that he could become strict and end up the same as Assad. Now all they have to do is decide what to do with all of the refugees and if they keep the government the same or change again.

  • I know that Syria is a country that was taken over by the Assad family for a long time. Then a group of rebels took over and the leader of Syria fled to Russia.Then the rebel leader became Syria's leader. In my opinion what will stop them from having an election and picking a real gangster leader who may actually have bad intentions for the country? This is why I think Syria needs help from a more stable country. Plus the building and structures are now in ashes. So how will they help the people in poverty, the country, and save the ACTUAL buildings in the country. This whole crisis leaves Syria helpless and weak (no offense to Syria). This means what is stopping another rebel/gang from taking over. And also over 3.5 million people left because of this Assad family. If more family's take over at this rate there will be no more Syria to help. So in conclusion I think Syria needs a whole lot of help from a more stable country. And that will be the turning point in my opinion.

  • I learned about Syria through classes in school. I learned that many people in Syria were in danger because of their strict leader. I learned that many people were hurt and killed because of this. The Assad family started a war that destroyed buildings like hospitals, schools, and prisons.

    I feel that it would be best that other countries should send supplies and resources to Syria. The amount of destruction caused could be impossible to reverse without proper resources. If the new leader isn't able to get resources, then this would be the only way to fix Syria.

    If this isn't able to be done, then I believe Syrians should be rescued from their country and brought to a safer one if they must. The residents should have a shelter to protect them, and if none can be made, then they should be able to stay somewhere else safe.

  • I learned that in Syria millions of families are struggling because of Al-Assad's regime. Hospitals, schools, Towns were all destroyed in the civil war because of this lots of families don't have access to basic necessities. This is the first thing they should worry about. The next thing they should worry about is the government. I believe they should hold an election to determine the leader of Syria. I also think that Ahmed al- Sharaa should not be the president of Syria. In my opinion if people have beliefs I feel he shouldn't change religious rules. I think people with different religions should come together in peace. It is my belief that after he changes the religious rules he will probably change different laws in Syria. The last thing they should worry about is Syria refugees. I feel they should be able to come back to Syria after settling in a different country.

  • I have scored a 6/8 on the quiz provided and have learned that the Assad family has killed a lot of people, and imprisoned others. 5.5 million people had to escape to neighboring countries because it was too dangerous to stay. I know that after the Assad family had to asylum most people went to the prisons that the Assad family had locked people up in to find their loved one. Lots of hospitals and schools got destroyed by the Assad family. There was a civil war against the Assad family that lasted 13 years.

  • I got 8/8 on the quiz.
    I learned that the Assad family ruled for 50 years. Also, I think that Ahmed al-Sharaa will be a good leader for Syria. I think Ahmed al-Sharaa would be a good leader because he says he would bring peace to the people of Syria, and Ahmed seems like a reliable leader. The people who went for asylum in different countries should stay there, for it is safer for them to stay. In addition, they should have a force ready if the Assad comes back, or even another country attacks.

  • I think that syria is a country with a huge crisis because :

    Syria is still going through a huge crisis, and the people there need urgent support. So many are unable to access things like basic healthcare, food, and education , and safe living conditions . From my perspective,
    What we need is a global support on supporting the people syria , providing humanitarian aid but these things are can be done by global cooperation of organizations and governments.

  • I truly have to accept that I wasn't really completely conscious about this situation. I indeed knew about this conflict happening and the complicated situation that was going on but I think that my view was far enough from the reality for us to worry and show people the cruel situation that can be a reality in other part of the world.
    As I stated, I didn't know as many facts from this catastrophe as this quiz just showed me and we should completely reveal this injustice for people to know and be conscious that although it isn't your reality it doesn't mean it is not someone else's.
    Because of this, in my opinion, we should also be conscious about the fact that people who have gone through a situation like this are marked for life and we should find a way to facilitate them some type of help so that they don't have to worry more than they need to as they have surely a lot on their mind to process and sadly accept. Either way accepting that this has happened doesn't mean we should look to injustices, stay quiet and don't do anything, we should learn to observe this situations and discover how to act so that if it happens again the people who unfortunately have to go through it have a hand to hold.

    To sum it up, I would like to say that no one should have to leave their country in order to be able to live a good life, and the least we can do is to help them in any way possible.

  • I learned about Syria's calamity via the news. I found out this calamity could have been avoided if the Assad family looked on how it would affect the country in the long run ,in a sense that they wanted to become powerful dictators which will stabilise the country for a period, but as history shows dictators try to become more formidable which can lead to unfair decisions which can divide the country in opinions and then a war will become more likely. The Assad may have left but the problem hasn't, as there are many more obstacles such as

    1:rebuilding the country back from the lengthy conflict
    2: Deciding the leader
    3: establishing the country's growth and and economic maturity

    The Assad regime has imposed inhumanity to Syria and has left the bruises- physiologically on the natives but all of this has been overshadowed by who is going to be the new leader, which has left the people experiencing unacceptable hardships forgotten .Unicef and U.N should step in because we created it for situations like this ,they should support the victims and this scheme might implement and solve the problems which can revolutionise this country's future.

  • Syria is an Asian country. Syria is a country in west Asia. Syria surrounded by Iraq to the east, Turkey to the north and Jordan to the south. Syria have 5.5people in 5 countries.

    Bashar al Assad he is the president of Syria about 25 years. In 2011 the rebels make a revolution but they failed. Al Assad collect thousands of people and put them in prisons and a lot of people left their country and became refugees.

    In 2024 the rebels made another revolution and they get back their country and they won it. Al Assad ran away to Russia. Now they started to rebuild their country.

  • Syria,once a country known for its rich history and beautiful landscapes, has been torn apart by the Syrian Civil War since 2011. What started as peaceful protests for change turned into a violent conflict,with multiple groups, both local and international, fighting for control.
    This war has caused immense suffering,
    especially for civilians who have lost their homes,loved ones,and access to basic needs. One of the most heartbreaking aspects is the impact on children, who have lost their right to an education and live in constant fear.

    Despite the chaos, Syrians continue to show remarkable resilience. Communities are coming together, trying to rebuild what was lost,whether through small acts of kindness or large-scale efforts to restore infrastructure.
    What the world should focus on is helping the next generation-offering children education, healthcare, and a sense of safety,so they can have the future they deserve.

    Syria is also a symbol of diversity, with many religions and cultures coexisting.
    The country's beauty lies in its mix of traditions, but the war has made it harder for people to live in peace.
    Real, lasting peace is needed-not just an end to the violence, but a rebuilding of trust and unity among all groups.
    It's a long road ahead, but Syria's people deserve a chance to rebuild and thrive again.

  • i learned about people in Syria in a news article i found. It talked about how the Assad have been unfair and evil. I feel really bad about this as the Syrians have done nothing wrong. The Syrians are forced to live without basic necessities we just take for granted. But all of this seems to have been pushed aside and discarded because of all the political troubles. The article also talked about how over 6 Million Syrians have fled there country due to the inhumane decisions. To conclude. I feel that we should all support everyone going through these difficult times. so all we can do is hope that Syria can bring back peace to there country.

  • I scored 8 points.
    Syria is a country situated in middle East region. A lot of disturbance is being experienced in the country due to socio-political reasons.
    The Assad family ruled for about 50 years but it's regime was full of misgovernance and malpractice of power by some persons having power.
    The people were arrested for speaking against the government, this right to freedom of speech like import rights were unavailable to common people.
    Alongwith misgovernance, there exists another serious problem in Syria - sectarian conflicts due to presence of people of different ethnicity. This has led to a number of violences in last few years.
    After the rebellion, the President Bashar Al Assad fled to Russia.Present President of Syria is Ahmed Al Sharaa ( the rebel leader).
    At present the people of Syria are hoping for a better and secured future by the change in regime.

  • I scored a great 7/8 which is great I learn that the Assad family are a cruel family that are in charge of Syria,I also learnt that lots of refuges come to different country's because they can't stand the Assad family being in charge.

  • Syria were very intimidated by the regimen of the assad family they never helped poor people they werent the type of kind president i feel the rebels will possible be a better president [no offense]and the refuges shouldnt attack them

  • Today i learnt about the Syrians.I feel its really sad having to leave your home country just because of one person who was leading the country.What the Assad family did was wrong and i respect that people stood up for the country after 12 YEARS OF WAR!! Which i find crazy how they put up with Assad for 12 years.Its amazing how they finished war then stuck up for them and also make him leave the country.It is really sad that people who disagreed with him got sent to prison and died then he fled all those people who died could of been happy if the new president is kind and feels what people are like.If i was him i would go spend a day with every one to see what i can change about Syria and what people want for the country.I would also do an election for what people want and who they want for their wold leader. I personally i wouldn't be sad just dissapointed.

  • I loved the quiz because I learnt something new about the Syrian's
    1: they had a civil war
    2: they killed people in prison if they disagree
    3: the war they had bombed a hospital
    4: they don't vote for the next prime minister

  • Syria has been over going war for the past 8 years and as you could imagine it has a excruciating time people suffering mentally and physically. Many losing there homes and family's. Over 5.6 million people have fled the country to safer grounds to have access to daily needs, as people in Syria are deprived of there needs to live .

  • Even though I knew little about Syria. I got most of them right! This shows that even though you can know little about something you really know quite a bit!

  • I don't know much about Syria but I do know this.
    The people from Syria have suffered from a one year war from 2011 to 2012. They had to run from there country to others which caused people to lose their home. It has finally became an official civil war. As I said I don't know much.

    1. Hi hilarious_lobster -- thanks for the comment! The civil war lasted far more than just a year; talk to your teacher to learn more...

  • I scored 6 out of 8
    During the course of the quiz, I learnt that Syria was a was a country in Middle East, which was lead by the Assad family for over 50 years as at December 2024 Syria rebel groups began to gain control of the country while all this was happening President Assad fled to Russia to seek asylum.
    During the war up to 5.5million people fled as refugees to other countries 2.5 million people lost their lives, most hospitals were destroyed, most prisoners fled after the war, I learnt that a lot of people who went to look for their young ones who was in prison due to unlawful arrest.
    Ahmed al-Saara one of the rebel leaders became Syria's new president

    1. That is indeed true!, for 50 years the Assad family has been ruling Syria I got a 7 out of 8 on the quiz, and here's what I know, Just like what you said Syria was a country in the Middle East, and There was A LOT of Unalives, there were 2.5 million people who unalived probably because that some were taken to war prisons and the people who was managing the prison unalived the people who was in the prison, they just killed innocent Syrian people, I hope the new leader of Syria will actually be a good leader.

    2. I'm not sure about this because... what if the rebel group leader start to over use his power.

  • I scored 6 out of 8 and I learned that approximately 5.5 million people fled Syria. They fled Syria because they did not feel safe from any war coming. I also learned that the Assad family controlled Syria from 1764 - 2024. That means they controlled Syria for about 260 years . I would have fled with the 5.5 million people because the war could harm me and my family. The war killed up to 500,000 people. That's a lot so I would not feel safe in that environment. The hospitals and homes were destroyed and criminals fled from jail cells. So Syria is not a safe place to live and it could cause another war and more destroyed property.

  • I learned about how things are in Syria during a Topical Talk lesson- thanks for having such great lessons! I learned that Syria is Muslim dominated country and the religion’s proper name is Sunni Muslim. After a civil war due to the family of presidents’ decisions, a rebel group leader became president, insisting he would let the country have more freedom and happiness. However, some think he could be a strict dictator enforcing unfair religious rules and they don’t want that to happen. Some think they should hold a general election with people who would like to be in charge but there are approximately 6.3 million citizens who are not in the country.p and they are worn out from ending the civil war.I don’t think they should let Ahmed-al Sharaa continue as ruler because we hardly know anything about him or his new government. A good choice may be to leave the decision up to Syrian people and they decide in private meetings or even just between each other what to do. If they can’t decide, maybe a more stable country should choose who should be president. The thing is, Syrians could gl against their decision and start another war, we really don’t want that to happen. It’s a really tough choice, but the Syrians in the country (and outside as well) should choose what to do.

  • What I learned was about how President Bashar al-Assad fled to Russia and the rebel leader Ahmed-al Sharaa is now the president. My opinion is Ahmed-al Sharaa was a good president.
    I think this is because he said he wouldn't judge people based on religion, color, or even gender.
    Another thing I learned was how 16 million people had poverty and hunger.
    They had a good reason to leave Syria. The Syrian people went through their loved ones executed in prison, having to go to war in 1971 through 2011 and more horrible things. Syrian people deserved a better life.

  • I learned about Syria . I learned that they celebrated in the streets and they were holding their flags in the air . They had to go to war. The prisoners had escaped the prison cells and the prison was destroyed after they had escaped.

    When they saw that they were going to have a new president some people thought that he would give them strict rules and they would have to go to war again . Bashar al-Assad had taken over Syria for 30 years .There were 5.5-6 million people that had left Syria. Bashar al-Assad 's regime started a 12 year civil war. Over half a million people were killed . Important places were destroyed by the civil war. So I feel like the people need to be safe trusting people that are taking over control.

  • Today we learned about Syria, the war, the new leader, and the Syrian people, and from what I have heard, over 6.5million refugees have fled the country because of the war that has finally come to an end. The Syrians that stayed in Syria are either suffering in poverty or in physical and maybe mental pain, some Syrians say that the new leader will build new hospitals and treat injured Syrians, and others say that the new leader of syria will do nothing. I've also heard that the Assad family fled Syria to asylum in Russia, because of the war there are hundreds of thousands of destroyed buildings including hospitals, schools and other buildings. I think an election should be held immediately and see and find out who is responsible enough to be the newest leader.

  • In my opinion , Syria needs a new government. First, the old government they had since 1971 ( Bashar al-Assad ) started a 12 year civil war that killed half of a million people and destroyed buildings that are needed. Such as schools and hospitals . He also left and went to Russia. I think these types of people don't need to be government leaders because of him now Syrian people don't have a government. I think Syria needs a government that will keep the country safe , keep their promises, and that will help make the country a better place. This is why I think Syria needs a new government.

  • What have you learned about Syria. I learned about the cruel wars that were happening. I also learned about the 5.5 million people that fled the country because of the cruelty. People also started searching in prisons for their loved ones. I now wonder what was wrong with Syria and their security because plenty of their prisoners went missing and still have not been found. When the Assad family began their rule over Syria in 1971. In 2011, President Bashar al-Assad's regime started a 12 year civil war, which killed over half a million people. I feel that Syria should be combined with another country that is in a better condition but not crossing the border. I also feel that they need an actual president and government I think this will help in their country.

  • After 50 years of war the rebels won. Most people left the country. I think the leader is responsible and owes people money. The people of Syria should be careful of who they let be leader. They should let citizens vote for laws and how much power the leader gets. There should be a government and a voting system, and the people that left can choose if they want to go back to the country.

  • What I know about Syria.
    Syria was being ruled or lead by Bashar Al Assad. Bashar Al Assad's Regime put people who didn't follow the Assad family's rule would be in a prison and sooner or later would be killed.

    Syria's people heard about this and thought that it was so cruel that about 6 million people fled the country because of the prison punishment.

    In the end, the leader of Syria in the Assad family had fled Syria into Russia as an Asylum Seeker and got put into a asylum.

    People that are still in Syria should be extra careful when it comes to picking their leader
    But the new leader named Ahmed Al Sharaa, I think he will do a better job as leader but Syria's people are worried that Ahmed will be harsh because of religious purposes.

    They can also rebuild the hospitals and more of the destroyed buildings that got destroyed during the war,

    So If I was a citizen in Syria I would have fled along side the 6 Million people that lived in Syria.

  • Today we learned about Syria. It was very tragic, people starving, having no school or home to go to. I think this is a time for Syria to get better by providing people the help they need,fixing schools, homes, hospitals ,and more.The Assad family began there rule over Syria in 1971.2011 , President Barshar al-Assad's regime started a 12 year civil war,witch killed over half a million people.Rebels tried to stop the Government .Ahmed is now the leader .They think he will be harsh about religious beliefs.I think he will be good for rebuilding and take care of those in need.

  • I think it's not safe for people to be in Syria
    Syria is in trouble because if they don't have enough money to pay for damages and if other countries are not willing to help them then nobody will have homes or apartments.
    Also some people who left because of the war don't have anywhere to live, and
    in some places it is not safe for people because dangerous criminals are not in prisons because of the war.
    This is why I think it's not safe for people to be in Syria.

  • I feel that the leader sending people out of their homes is not good.

    Something that I learned is that the rebel leader fled to Russia and started his rule in 1971.
    One more thing that I have learned is that the hospitals were not functional and people needed healthcare and they need the help. The thing that surprised me the most is that in 2024 Syrian rebel groups gained control.
    I think that Syria should be separated from other countries because of the war between Ukraine and Palestine when other countries tried to step in and that did not work out for the country. Syria is not a good place to live.

  • I learned that Syrian people need to be careful when they go on to civil war.

    The Syrian people were trying to fight for a new leader and once they fought, lots of schools, prisons, hospitals, and buildings were destroyed. They found a leader, his name was Ahmed al-Sharaa. He fought in Russia for Syria. People were scared and thought he would make strict religious rules but others think he was going to make a change to the people.

    So, i hope the Syrian people find a peaceful life on a different place or in Syria.

  • I am really surprised on what's happening in sryia as I didn't actually know that their war went on for 12 YEARS!!!
    I also know that they're fighting against them self's and the government has not done anything to stop this neither has the regime (or was there one at the time )
    In My opinion I would say that Syria would have a turn point probably if they get the right Prime Minister/government and I also got 8 out of 8 which was really surprising as I was not sure if I would get it alright

  • I have learned interesting things about Syria. Some of those things are that they've been in a civil war for twelve years. Another thing that I know about Syria is that their leaders have been from the Assad family for 50 years. I don't think that it's fair for anyone to just become a leader and that the citizens should have a chance to pick their leader. I also think that instead of Assad putting people in jail for going against him he should change the way he leads. I say this because everyone has their own opinion. And that he should have given them a chance to express themselves. I hope Ahmed al-Sharaa is a better leader for Syria. The people of Syria deserve that.

  • hey ! let me tell you what I learned about Syria .for over 50 years the Assad family took over the country . it went generation to generation , they had civil war that lasted about 12 years. towns,building,prisons, and more were damaged. but in December 2024 recently it all came to a end no more danger for now. the rebel groups took over the country. people from Syria were thrilled ! and I know how the new leader [ Ahmed al-sharaa] hopes to bring a new beginning. also how some people escaped from not trusting him ,some people think who escaped they should come back and give him a try which I agree with because they don't know him and they might be afraid of the rules he will make but never gave him a chance , but others think they should stay if they want. today's lesson was the best my favorite part were the pictures I learned a lot thanks for reading my response.

  • Today, I got information about Syria, and I'll tell you some of the things I learnt about Syria. The first thing I will be talking about is their old president that got replaced, their president was President Assad . Syrians had a rule put over them for 50 years. People disliked the rule, and whoever spoke out against the president was thrown into a prison cell, or killed. Because of this, a civil war in Syria had begun. The rebels won the civil war, so the president fled to Russia and got an asylum. Now one of the rebels became the new president, his name was Ahmed al- Sharaa. President al-Sharaa freed the Syrians who were imprisoned. The second thing I wanna talk about is the war, their war had lasted for 12 years. In the war, hospitals, schools, and other buildings were destroyed. 5,000 people were killed in the war, and over 16 million were left in property and hungry. Some Syrian refugees had fled the country to look for safety/help, those who couldn't walk had forced themselves to go on a journey to escape from Syria. The last thing I'll tell you about is after the war. After war Syrians had celebrated for a new president, they believed that their life was going in a different direction, and possibly will be.That is all the information I got today, I hope they get their good ending.

  • I know that the hospitals in Syria are being destroyed by the war and walls are being ripped off the buildings and the blocks are being knocked down also , people need to rebuild them

  • From the begging I never knew what happened to Syria but not until today. Now that i understand more about Syria I have a few questions. First of all since the Assad had left to Russia would Syria choose a new president. If they do how would they elect one. Secondly how would Syria be able to recover when almost everything is destroyed also now they don't have a president i wonder if it would be harder for the community to recover. Finally what if a new president gets elected and he/she is worse how would the Syrian deal with this but and how would they get resource would other countries help Syria?

    1. You raise some good questions understanding_cello. Do you think Syria could look to other countries which have had similar experiences to answer some of these questions? How else might they begin the process of rebuilding?

      1. Thank you Amanda and also yes, I think that Syria could look to other countries since they have the same experiences and have rebuild their country they should know how to help Syria and also, Syria can begin the process of rebuilding by first giving the needs to the people of Syria then, they can get perspective from the people on how to rebuild Syria into a better and stronger country. They should work together in order to make this come true.

  • Honestly, Assad fleeing as soon as the Syrians took vengeance. He killed millions of Syrians because they were fighting for the right of their country, furthermore he fled to Russia, leaving his country broken and unsafe. He didn't care for the Syrians well being, we was obsessed with the power he was given. The syrians fought hard for the rights of their home country, but in response he kills them all, regardless of if they were right.

  • I learned that in Syria there were a lot of bombs and that a lot of hospitals, school, and buildings got destroyed because of that. I also know that Assad left for Russia because the Syrian rebels could have killed him. The Assad also didn't care for the Syrians leaving theme broke, unsafe, and hungry.

  • I have leant that when the Syria war some people there had a choice to stay in a safer country or go back to their own country. Secondly I have leant that all the schools, hospitals and homes. Thirdly I have leant that some people like the army had to stay in there own country

  • The war in Syria may seem to be over, but a lot needs to be done by the government in rebuilding the infrastructures that were destroyed during the war, and the people displaced must be resettled. By doing that, the peace they are enjoying will be sustained.

  • Before today, I knew little to nothing about Syria besides the fact that they've been struggling with devastating conflict for various years. However, today, thanks to the lesson provided by Topical Talk, I learned a lot more about Syria. I learned that the Assad family had been in control of Syria for 50 years and that for the past 12 years there was a regime led by President Bashar al-Assad. This regime caused half a million people to die and buildings like schools and hospitals to be destroyed. This unjust president also imprisoned many people who disagreed with his views. This whole unfair leadership caused a group to rise up and fight for their needs, thus, the rebel group was created. This rebel group was led by Ahmed al-Sharaa and they managed to overthrow Bashar al-Assad's regime and even forced him to flee off to Russia. Despite now being free from the Assad family, Syria was left in a turmoil: buildings were destroyed, many Syrians were far from their country taking refugee elsewhere, and they were left without a president, a leader to govern the Syrian people. What I hope for the Syrian people is that they fix their land and buildings and then allow the refugees to come back if they wish it. I hope they aren't forced back into the devastating conditions their country was left in because of the Assad family. Furthermore, once they can (if they want to) return to Syrian land, they should come together to choose their next leader, only the victims, only those affected, can choose what's best for their people and their country.

  • I scored 7/ 8 . I already know that Syria has been under oppression since the restricting rule of Bashar al Assad , since Syria is our neighboring country ; We share the same language and religion. This quiz has added on to my information about what Syria has been suffering from since 1971. The piece of information that didn't surprise me that much was that 5.5 million syrians have seeked asylum to other near countries,
    Since there are a lot of syrians here in Egypt. Syrians are welcomed here, so we as Egyptians, are always happy to see them living in peace and stability in Egypt.
    What I have also learned from stories told about the Syrian Civil war , explains that in 2011 , syrians were asking to start a revolution, as they wanted a new president, which is totally their right to change their leader if they aren't comfortable with them. But Bashar al Assad refused to make a revolution ( as he wanted to continue ruling Syria) and killed lots of innocent syrians that were only asking for their rights, and others were strictly sent to prison.

    In December 2024, Bashar al Assad's regime has finally ended. Some syrians were most delighted as they were finally free, but some are not . They believe that the war has not ended yet, with no president , and currently an unstable life. What do you think? Do you think that the end of the Assad regime is a new happy start for the Syrian people? Or do you think that there are still some consequences that await?

  • I am not very well aware about the country Syria but according to the news I heard and read I came to know about the Syrian crisis or the civil war taking place in Syria.
    The civil war had been taking place since a considerably long time for about 12 years. Although the issue has been subsided but still it's not resolved. The people over there are still facing problems in living . The civil war stopped when the president of Syria left the country and country was not under dictatorship.
    I believe that soon the country would a democracy but still the common people specifically the poor ones will face difficulties and challenges in their daily lives. Many people over there died due to these wars and are many are also injured.
    I feel that it should be solved completely so that people can live with peace and harmony. Also there should be no war because of the religious customs of the common people. People over there should respect the diversity.

  • During this war In Syria the family that was ruling the country of Syria, some of them flew to a neighborhood country and many questions were asked about the country Syria, which one of them is should the government focus on providing aid to the poor people. Yes with the following points of my, firstly those who are seeking the help of the government because they can't feed on their own was caused by many damage of market place and people not coming out for 12 years. My opinion is that there should be more focused on the poor one, because when almost 6 million people are dying of hunger, why will government will leave them after they have join in the war to eliminate the family of Assad and then, they will go and rebuilding school and other building that was destroyed by war.

  • Syria has gone through a lot of changes over the past years , and while many Syrians are hopeful, their future remains unclear. After the decades of the rule by the Assad family , the country saw a brutal civil war , due to which many left their country and over half a million were dead . There were protests and in the reply the Assad government responded harshly making the conditions even more worse.

    Now that the rebel groups have taken control over some parts of Syria , many people see this as a sign of hope , but the reality is more complex than it seems to be. The country needs a lot of rebuilding and there are big challenges , like forming a stable government , making sure that the people are safe , and helping the refugees to come back home.

    Even though changes are good , but there are worries that Syria could still face problems if the new leaders are not strong and fair. It is very important for the new government to bring the country back together , fix the economy and make sure that the Syrians live peacefully without any fear.

  • I recently got to know more about the history of the Syrian civil war through a National Geographic Documentary. The harsh regime of the Assad family had been slowly denting the interests of the people. When the people made their struggles popular to the world and were gaining funds from individuals of the Gulf region, the Syrian government asserted its military power, mainly consisting of Russian helicopters, fighter jets, and tanks. Within a year, the Syrian Defence Forces attacked rebels groups right and left. They used to drop missiles on random villages assuming that they were 'rebel residences'. The regime was so oppressive that firstly they arrested children for writing 'anti-government' slogans. Secondly, the natives of the country serving in the military could not bear the fact that they had to destroy their own motherland with their own hands. The hatred embedded in the hearts of the people can be estimated with the formation of Free Syria Force. These were rebel forces who had previous military services. These people brought experience as well as advanced equipments to fight the government's ballistic warfare systems. Such terrorising conditions led to people fleeing the country with their children, eventually adding to the tally of 6.3M refugees. The Turkish and Americans gave the rebel groups funds. The adrenaline in the rebel forces was enough to defeat advanced tanks with beat-up pick up trucks. Now I think, the rebel leader would be the best choice to move forward as he was went through a lot for his independent state of Syria.

  • The Assad family began their rule in Syria in 1971 and his regime killed over half a million people. The war destroyed a lot of buildings including schools and hospitals that are in need of citizens. People in Syria are celebrating after the Assad family left to go to asylum in Russia because of rebel troops in December 2024.During his rule president Assad put people who spoke out against him in prison.More than ten thousand people sent to prison were killed.After they left many syrians went to prisons to find loved ones.Ahmed al Sharaa a ex rebel leader became Syria new leader. some people in Syria think he will make the country great others think he is very religous

  • Syria is a country with a very old history. It's in the Middle East, next to countries like Lebanon and Turkey. A long time ago, Syria was home to the Romans, Greeks, and Babylonians. Some of its cities, like Damascus and Aleppo, are really old-over 4,000 years! Syria used to have beautiful buildings and amazing places, like the ancient city of Palmyra with its big stone columns.

    But recently, Syria has been in a very bad war. It started in 2011 when people wanted more rights and freedom.
    Instead of listening, the government used violence, and soon, different groups started fighting each other . The war caused alot of damage, and many people got hurt, lost their homes, or had to leave the country. Some people become refugees, which means they had to go to other countries to stay safe.

    Before the war, Syria had a strong economy. They sold oil, grew crops, and made things in factories. But because of the fighting, a lot of buildings, like schools and hospitals, were destroyed. People had a hard time finding food and water, and many lost their jobs.

    Even though Syria has been through
    a lot, the people are strong. Some parts of syria are starting to be peaceful again,
    and they are slowly rebuilding their homes and schools. There's still hope for Syria's future.

    Syria's story shows us how important peace is, and how people can stay strong, even in tough times. We can help by caring for those who need it , and by hoping for a better tomorrow.

    Free Syria 🇸🇾✨️

  • In 2024 Syria became better after Bashar al Assad left Syria and go to Russia.

    And now Syria is starting to build a new houses, companies and a whole country. Who is Bashar al Assad ?
    Bashar al Assad was the president for Syria about 25 years. At 2011 the rebels make a revolution to say whether Bashar al Assad will complete to be the president for Syria or someone else. They made this revolution, but Bashar al Assad made a big problem, and he made a war with the rebels. Bashar al Assad killed about 260000 people in Syria and a lot of Syrian people left their own country. At 2024 the rebels made another revolution and finally Bashar al Assad left Syria and go to Russia and the Syrian people started to go back their country.

  • today i have been learning about life in syria. i have had to make decisions on what i believe will be best in the future for Syria. So far the government has been my main subject, to help the people we must resolve the problems with the political leaders and make sure that the leader is honest and not go against their word like previous ones.

    1. Thanks for your comment, outgoing_ant. You mention that it's important for politicians to be honest. Do you think honesty can help rebuild trust in Syria?

      1. yes i definitely believe that trust could re build Syria's political community. Lately leaders have been making promises that they cannot keep. They need a sturdy reliable leader that can make relationships to other countries and maybe create a business of which all profit go to the government. Syria has been let down so now is the best time to change.

  • Through this quiz, that tests our presence of mind in class, asking questions regarding what's happening in Syria, I learnt many things.

    I learnt, after scoring 7 points out of 8, where the country of Syria is situated, what difficulties it has gone through, how civilians have fought against the Assad regime and what the lives of refugee's are, and how many, estimating of about 5.5 million people have been homing themselves in other countries, settling there with their families, hoping the betterment of their country. Attending this quiz made me realize that being under dictatorship is not that easy as it seems. I truly felt a deep sense of sorrow regarding the ones who have lost their lives, in the Assad's rule.

    So at last what I would like to conclude with is that this quiz took my heart regarding the situation of Syria and so I hope the country does manage to get back on its feet after facing such a setback.

  • I learnt about Syrian's state via news which through i learnt that the country was going through dictatorship for over fifty years by a man called Assad. During his regime he arrested every one who went against his will and put them in prison cells. Then rebell groups began to form and a particular rebel group went into war with Assad for 12 years which during the war over 5.5 million people fled the country and on 2024 the rebel group won over the government. People went into prisons searching for their loved ones who where put into prison .President Assad went into asylum in Russia due to he knew die to his horrible governance the people hated and wanted to kill him. As of now the country should actually regroup due to that alot of people fled the country ,seco dly elections should be held and new rules should be set down guiding the country and new well armed and well trained civil soldiers should be set and ready in case of if any other person might have the idea of redoing or continuing what Assad did. And in other cases there is a high probability that the rebel group leader who defeated Assad could decide to repeat the same on the country due to that he may fell like he's in charge and would have full control over the country. It is best that the rebel group leader let's the citizens to decide on who they want to rule through an election if he actually means well for the country. In the test I scored 6 out of 8 which does mean to me that I atleast know the basic things that I need to know to help the country. Thanks.

    1. How can Syria ensure a stable and fair government after years of dictatorship and conflict?

      1. At this point they are already aware of the suffering and agony their country has gone through and now the country is now in the hands the hands of the citizens so to their very best interest they should decide the proper thing to do to raise a better nation

  • I agree with opinion B because Syrian's should be allowed to stay in their new countries if they are happy and settled but if they are not happy then they can return back to Syria if that is there wish

  • Although Ahmed al-Sharaa, the rebel leader, is the new leader, he would still have to gain the citizen’s trust because the people have already been traumatized by how they were treated by Bashar al-Assad, the recent leader. Some residents already think that having Ahmed al-Sharaa is going to be a bad choice of president. Some have speculated that he is trying to sneak Islamist policy Into law, which is already a bad choice because most of the citizens are religious.

  • From what I learned the rebel leader Ahmed al’Sharra became the leader of Syria, also because the former leader of Syria fled because of some conflicts during the war. The Syrian citizens should be able to choose their leader as Ahmed al’Sharra has not yet gained their trust yet. Syria’s former leader Bashar al-Assad has made them suffer in many different ways and they probably might not want that for a second time, as an example the people are worried Ahmed al’Sharra may introduce stricter religious rules. The people of Syria should have a say in what they believe and think.

  • The war in Syria started in 2011 , and it all began because people wanted things to better. Imagine some kids at school who want to chang the rules because they don't think they're fair. So, they start talking about it and asking for help.
    But instead of listening to them, the teacher gets mad and punishes the kids .
    This is kind of what happened in Syria.
    Some teenagers wrote on a wall about how unhappy they were with the government, and when the government found out, they arrested the kids and treated them very badly.

    The families of those kids got really angry and started to protest, asking for the kids to be freed and for things to improve . At first, the protests were peaceful, like when you raise your hand in class to ask for a change. But instead of talking and trying to fix things , the government sent soldiers to stop the protests. They used force, and that made more people upset.

    The people wanted more freedom , better jobs , and a farier government. But instead of listening and solving the problem, the government kept using violence. Soon, more and more people started to pick sides. Some wanted the government to stay in control, and others wanted change . This caused even more fighting and confusion. The war spread across the whole country.

    In the end, the war in Syria started because the government didn't listen to the people's peaceful protests and instead used force.
    Then we learned how important it is for leaders to listen to their people and try to solve problems peacefully.

  • The fact that surprised me the most was that, when rebel groups took over the capital, President Assad fled Syria. this surprised me as when I think of a true leader I think of someone who will stand up for what's right, fight for their country no matter what and will voice the opinions of the people rather than doing nothing and just fleeing.
    When I think of a true leader of their country, I think of the president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy. during his presidential campaign, he promised to end Ukraine's protracted conflict with Russia. the tension between Russia and Ukraine grew until Russia made a full scale invasion into Ukraine. Zelenskyy remained in Kyiv, declining international offers to evacuate him from the capital under attack and frequently visited the frontline and newly liberated areas.

  • I know that Syria has sadly been at war for over 12 years. Also their Presidents had chosen to set a civil war between their own country. The people who have been in hospitals have been bombed by the president as he wants to win the war and only let solders into his country.

  • I learned that Syria was in a civil war and that war lasted for twelve years, during the war over six million people fled the country to escape all the conflict. The ex Syrian leader ( Ahem al-Sharaa ) had kept people from different religions in prison for their beliefs, in the war lots of different buildings such as hospitals, schools, houses and work offices.

    Although the twelve year civil war has ended, and Syrian people are celebrating the end of the horrific of it, there is still a long way to go before anything is back on track like it use to be. At the moment Syria have gotten a new leader to make lots of new decisions and to try and change the way all the Syrians live,for a better life style and so they can all live in peace.

  • I know that Syria was in a civil war for around 12 years. A civil war is when people from the same country go to war with each other. I also know that if they were to vote for a prime minister that 6.3 million of the Syrians were not in the country at the time. So the new prime minister was Amed al-Sharaa an old leader of the rebels. We also learnt that after the old prime minister had left lots of people visited the prisons to get their loved ones out and help them if they were hurt. Another thing we learnt about was all the different turning points and we voted which one we thought was the most important out of: the government, the Syrian people and the refugees. I voted for the people because if the people came back to Syria there would be no schools, supermarkets, hospitals or any homes so they would have no where to live or get food. This would mean that they would have nothing and would suffer quite alot.

  • I know that Syria, was in a civil war for 12 years starting from 2011, and it ended December 2024. Syria has had three turning points such as the government, the people who live in Syria and the Syrian refugees. Over 6.3 million people left Syria due to the war. Many were traumatized for life including children as well. In school we were saying that 12 years is our lifetime add a few years. Which is such a long time!!!

    Thank you for reading my comment.

  • I think I learned a lot of things about the civil war in Syria with the help of today's network and Wikipedia.
    The fall of the Assad regime would undoubtedly be a momentous event with both potential benefits and significant challenges.
    The war has been raging for over a decade, causing immense suffering. The fall of the Assad regime could create an opportunity for peace and a relief for all the Syrians.Lot of people that had to look for refuge in nearby countries can move back in with no problem.
    But despite the benefits, The fall of Assad brings a few challenges.
    For example,It could lead to a power vacuum and further fighting between different rebel groups .
    The war has created deep divisions within Syrian society. Healing these wounds and fostering reconciliation will be a long and difficult process.
    Overall, the fall of the Assad regime would be a major turning point for Syria. It could bring about positive changes, but it is also important to be realistic about the challenges that lie ahead.Now all that is left ahead is the decisions they make that will build up their future environment.

  • I believe that Syria´s situation is horrendous because many families have lost their beloved ones plus others hav missing familiars. Appart from that, the people that has survived are now in extremly harsh situations, for instance same of the are exceptionaly poor or have terminal illnesses or they have been thought that have traumatized them.
    I hope the new rebels fix everything up a bit so everyone in Syria can live the live they deserve

  • I scored 100% on the quiz but it goes to show how bad it would have been to live in Syria.

  • I learned about what happened to Syria and what we can do to help like doing a vote or choose who the president should be elected and due to this I scored and brilliant 7 out of 8 from my knowledge I know that Syria have taken a turning point

  • Syria is a country near Lebanon and Israel and there religion is Muslim. Over the past 50 years Syrians have been in a civil war formed by rebel groups that decided to start war which was very brutal for the country as its disappointing that people who were communities and were friends that didn’t feel the need to fight had to risk there life because of the violence some died but luckily some survived. Sadly many building like hospitals and homes were destroyed so that meant not much service of first aid and no normal living. During the war around 5 million people became refugees and fled to different countries. Syria now has a new president that lots of Syrians now trust as they think he will keep the people away from harm. But on the other hand others don’t trust him because they have a thought of him making more strict rules.

  • I don´t think that Ahmed al-sharaa should be in charge of Syria since he hasn´t been voted by the people and there could be someone with a really strong mindset and dedication for Syria to improove. I belive that in this election also people who went away from Syria should also be able to parcitate as long as they return to Syria

  • From my perspective, all forms of warfare are truly a pity and convey a deep sadness, as they not only destroy lives but also cause unnecessary suffering, especially when innocent citizens lose their lives without being responsible for the conflicts that affect them.

  • I´m not really into this topic, but what I know is that they have been at war since 2010. It is a very big pitty because a war does not bring nothing positive, only deaths, buildings, prison and schools destruction. In addition, lots of people have exiled due to the conditions at the country. Furthermore, there have been a change of presindent and we all hope that it will end quickly.

  • Something I learnt about Syria is they have been fighting for 12years .What I liked about Syria is they have horrible president left and a new president is keeping a eye on the bad people so the good people is not killed. I decided that I think Syria should stop the war so people can be safe. Thank you

  • Something I learnt about Syria is that a civil war(which is when people in the same country fight)was in Syria and loads of people has died and it was caused by a rebel group (which is a group that starts civil war)

  • I know that Syria had a civil war. Just like America had, also just how the president family was evil just like the slave masters. In Syria the president had no care about the prison. People in Syria also left because of the treatment the president had for his people. They also had no care for their people's health.

  • After reading and having this session about Syrian problems, i can say that it is one of the most difficult and sad situations that can happen to a nation. To beggin with the Assad family regime was disastrous, since they ruled with an iron fist, destroying thousands of families, thousand of children and thousand of lives.

    Although I am happy to hear the news of the new presiden, i think that the most sensible thing would beto hold presidetials elections, since if he just comes to power as if nothing happened, the same thing could happen as happened with the previous government. Firs the Syrian population has to be sure that it is the best for them, they should have the opportunity to vote for their leader or president after so many years.

  • I scored 8/8 in the test

    I came to know about the serious conditions from online researches and from reading the ppt and different comments of topical talk .I believe no body would willingly flee from their countries but unfortunately the people of Syria are forced to move to another country and seek asylum due to worse condition .

    The assad regime had played a negative role in Syria and it's people.
    The prisoners were killed brutally and the right to speech was destroyed as whoever spoke against the the regime was imprisoned and tortured.

    The assad family was ruling the country from around 50 years .in 2011 Bashar al assad's regime started a 12 year long civil war which cruelty killed several civilians .and this dictatorship forced people to flee to different countries like turkey etc.
    According to researches around 5.5 million people have to seek asylum.
    Due to strong rebels the country has now finally found some peace , but the situation are still not under control .

    This long war against the dictatorship has led to good outcomes but also to huge financial , economical and infrastructural losses .the ex President Bashar al assad fled to Russia for safety .

    The new president and the council will have to do work whole heartedly and without wasting a second to bring back the country to stable condition.

    And I believe with the support of the natives of the country, Syria will soon overcome its problem

  • I gained a lot of knowledge about Syria through group discussions, class lessons, news reports, newspaper, news channels and a lot more. Knowledge is an ocean which never ends. There is still a lot of things happening in Syria which we do not know about. I thought about some things, that many parents are separated from their children, many families are separated this just fills my heart with so much concern and hope for the well being of the people.

  • Currently the situation around the world shows us that there are many places at war or at least in crisis, one of them is Syria, millions of people have fled his houses because of the war. The people who are still there, have had to fight day by day against the Assad family, who have provoked this civil war.
    Fortunately, the war is over, this family look for asylum in Russia. Nowadays, Syria is in a critical point to achieve peace and happiness in its streets again.
    This rebuilding won’t be easy, thousands of infrastructures have been destroyed, the country has lost its entire economy and is going to need a lot of help.
    I’m sure that won’t be a problem, all the people there are united to fight for their rights, their people and their country.
    Justice always breaks through and these innocent people deserve a peaceful life once and for all

  • I learnt that the people in Syria are not safe. Children are being forced to be in the army. There is a new prime minister and he says he wants peace but some people think it is a lie. If someone stood up against the prime minister they would go to prison.

  • I think that Syria do not deserve all of these wars because people deserve a safe place to live in and not to be afraid of living in their own country that they were born in. I think that they will have a fresh start as they will maybe have a new leader (Bashar AI Assad). They do not have many places to visit or even live in and as people we need food and water to even survive. Syria have had a hard time and I think that they deserve some respect and not to get hurt or even die and different countries need to be kind and allow them to at least have some shelter and food. When I mean shelter I also mean let them have a home to share and not some cardboard that some people get.

  • Hello, If I was a journalist, the headlines that I would create they would be called: All hope, that PEACE is ahead, Will Ahmed al-sharaa make the right choices, A extensive turning point for Syria. Imagine you are a journalist chatting about Syria and you had to use a headline, would you use the one's that I have design
    Thank you


  • When for the first time I had see about the Assad family and people of Syria, I felt heart broken for a minute.Then, I just admired and brainstormed for the solution. I felt heart broken because, more people in Syria are in the trap of trouble because of the violence created by Assad family. This Assads are past ruling leaders,and as per my thought of view, they are some what bad because, they created a lots and lots violence in nature. So, the people of Syria are suffering for their basic needs like water to survive. I can't imagine me, in the troubling place of syrians. Every syrians are protesting against the family of Assads. By seeing the picture of the protesting of syrians, my heart and mind completely felt pity and against the family of Assads. But..one news, completely caught my eyes and it was mind blowing. That news is, because of the syrians are protesting, and the rule of Assads is at the border, by hearing this, my heart and mind was jumping in happiness. But, still now, there are several violences like civil wars between the people due to election. I'm extremely exited to see the next turning point...

  • When for the first time I had see about the Assad family and people of Syria, I felt heart broken for a minute.Then, I just admired and brainstormed for the solution. I felt heart broken because, more people in Syria are in the trap of trouble because of the violence created by Assad family. This Assads are past ruling leaders,and as per my thought of view, they are some what bad because, they created a lots and lots violence in nature. So, the people of Syria are suffering for their basic needs like water to survive. I can't imagine me, in the troubling place of syrians. Every syrians are protesting against the family of Assads. By seeing the picture of the protesting of syrians, my heart and mind completely felt pity and against the family of Assads. But..one news, completely caught my eyes and it was mind blowing. That news is, because of the syrians are protesting, and the rule of Assads is at the border, by hearing this, my heart and mind was jumping in happiness. But, still now, there are several violences like civil wars between the people due to election. I'm extremely exited to see the next turning point...

  • Syria has suffered a lot due to the brutal regimen of the assads. I didnt know a lot about the Syria conflict at first but through this topic, i found myself curious and searched up about it. I think i'm officially an anti-assad now, i feel a deep hatred towards them. syrians deserve someone who'll recuperate their loss, provide them with financial support, help them find their lost loved ones and reconstruct all the buildings that have been broken by the civil war.

  • From what I learnt in the lesson I think aid and helping people is important so there can be more citizens to help rebuild all the homes, schools and buildings that where destroyed as well as the citizens cab help find the wrongly prisoned people and set them free. The buildings are important as the schools help with children's education. Education is important as most jobs need education and with help from the kids education they can help rebuild the building or become a teacher.

    The Assad reign has caused a lot of damage and death which is why I think he was never a good leader, all country's need a good leader to make the right decisions and help it's town and community.

    I think it is concerning that 5.5 - 6 million people fled the country due to the civil war, if I was leader I wouldn't want my citizens to leave and I would take care of them. I think the Assad reign was the worst thing that ever happened to Syria.

  • I scored 7 from 8 but from this I learned that even when there was a emergency situation in the country then to the President was in his house and was chilling and many rebellions captured Syria also due to this war people have to leave there country and shift to other country as refugees and some like the President are seeking asylum.

  • As I scored 8 out of eight, I realized a lot of information about Syria like for example that when some people felt unsafe from Al-Asaad they fled their country but the thing that made me shocked that 5.5 million fled, this made me really shocked because how could this number go outside of a country just because of President, I actually I understand why did they do did this, because their president was too harsh on them. Also I thought that there was no president and Syria and I thought it should have been their decision (Syria) to have a president because they suffered a lot in the last few years and they finally should have their very own opinion about anything but they already have a president now and I hope they are happy, safe, lucky and fair with him and I hope this President finally take care of syria and make it a fine country again also syria needs to gain money to be able to afford anything to rebuild their beloved country (Syria) again.

    Thank you for reading my comment Topical talk!🎉 And hopefully I get stars on this comment ⭐!

    1. That's an impressive score. You’re clearly well-informed about the situation in Syria.

  • Syria is the home to one of the oldest civilizations in the world. It is located in the Middle East on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea. There are also a lot of civilized and famous places in Syria like Aleppo, Damascus, Palmyra and Homs. It was ruled by the Canaanites, Amorites, Phoenicians and Babylonians.

    The Syrian economy faced a great growth throughout the 1990s and 2000s furthermore the Syrians lived safely but without freedom until 2011. Syrians started to make demonstrations on Bashar al-Assad to provide them with freedom and asked him to release the political prisoners out of the prison. These people have experienced violence and repression by Al-Assad's regime furthermore these people were hurt a lot. What he had done caused civil wars moreover terrorists an armed gang were spread in Syria. Schools, hospitals and even houses were devasted, destroyed and damaged. A lot of innocents were killed for nothing. Because of Al-Assad's regime, five and half million Syrians immigrated to the neighboring countries like Jordan, Turkey and Lebanon. They did this since there was no justice in Syria. Finally, Al-Assad went to Russia for asylum because the rebel forces entered Aleppo city and Hama city and controlled it consequently Al-Assad escaped from the country to Russia.

    I hope that this will be the end of the injustice and terrorism so this will be a new beginning of democrats and freedom for Syrians.

  • I got a 8 out of 8 on the quiz and I learned that many people illegally fled Syria as refugees to different countries such as Türkiye, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq, or Egypt. After 2016, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, allowed any Syrian refugees to enter the States without any restrictions.

  • I learnt that due to the Assad regime there was a civil war in Syria. I also learnt that over 5.5 million people have fled the country. There is another man who is going to take over the government and some think this will be a good turning point whereas others think he will force strict religious rules. Many people were put in prison for harsh reasons until they got a death sentence. When the president Assad went to seek asylum in Russia, lots of their loved ones went to search for them. There is still a huge number of people missing though. Around 90% of the country is still living in poverty and buildings like schools, hospitals, offices and houses have been destroyed! Over 3.5 million people who have been forced to leave the country are living in Turkey and others all over the world.

  • What I learned about Syria is that it was a peaceful country. Surprisingly, Syria is not only a stable country, but has now become a symbol of mass awakening through a revolution. After independence in 1961, the Assad family began its rule in 1969, which lasted for 50 years. Their family rule was very heinous, which took on a severe form in the 21st century. The anger of the people against them continued to grow. They would abduct, kill, and suppress those who spoke against them. Various political organizations, including Hayat Tahrir-al-Sham, were formed as a resistance against them. They overthrew the last ruler of the Assad family, Bashar al-Assad, on December 8, 2024, through revolutionary attacks. The people of that country are very happy and excited about this. In addition, I read in some newspapers that their interim government had been formed. I think this was a pleasure for them.

  • I know that many people had to flee the country because of the Assad family and a civil war in Syria.Russia think that Assad should still be ruling but America don't think Assad should be ruling because he was being very mean to his people.Therefore there might be a war between Russia and America.If anyone said anything bad about Assad they would be be sent to prison for a year or two and would die.Hopefully their new ruler will be kinder than Assad and will not be mean.Assad is now in Russia because he got kicked out from Syria because Russia lost interest in him due to the war in Ukraine.

  • What I learned in the quiz was that firstly, Syria was ran by The Assad Family for lots if years. But, after Syrian groups came into the country and started to gain control of the country, President Assad fled the country and fled to Russia and hid out there because he felt unsafe in Syria. Then, everyone who was put in prison unfairly was then released and then looked for their guardians and their loved ones. So, now the president of Syria is one of the rebels named Ahmed al-Sharaa, and some citizens are happy about this because they think that this will be a new beginning for Syria, while other citizens are worried about this because they think he will introduce strict religious rules. Now, that there is a new Syrian government, the bordering countries that all have a total of 5.5 million refugees that fled due to the earlier harsh government are trying to find out if they should still help the refugees or not. So in closing, I learned a lot from the quiz and the history of the Syrian government and how they run things over there in the middle of the Middle East.

  • Hello 👋,in this quiz I learn a lot of information about Syria .
    Example: from 1971 to 2024 Syria,led by people from one family called: the Assad family.like they led Syria for over 50 years ago. In 2011 president Bashar al_Assad's started at 12 year civil war, which killed over half a million people. A regime is strict , usually unelected government. in December 2024 Syrian rebel groups control of the capital of the country stuck over the capital president Assad fled Syria . For me it's like a very good news and important the information because that's made me a new a lot of things and like really I like a little bit I don't know anything from Syria except the name only.

  • I know that Syria s in a civil war (meaning a war between the same country) and that it has been going on for 12 years! It is estimated that there have been at least 200000 civilian casualties since the beginning of this war in 2011, as a result over 2 million people have been made to leave their OWN homes!

  • What I found out about Syria is that it has been in the news in recent years due to the ongoing civil war that has devastated the country and led to a refugee crisis. Many people have differing opinions on the conflict, with some calling for peace and humanitarian aid for those affected, while others believe in military intervention to end the violence.

  • Syria is a middle eastern country that was led by the Assad family in 2011 Bashar El Assad Purplished a regime. This regime Was so unfair so much people was prisoned due to a trivial reasons this regime ended at 2024 and Bashar left his country and fled to Russia. A lot of people who had loved ones prisoned went searching for them in prisons

  • I scored 7 out of 8 because I got the last question wrong. I didn't know that 5.5 million Syrians have fled the country during al-Assad regime. That is like 25% of Syria's population. To think that a quarter of the country left is unimaginable. Imagine how bad it must have been if 1 in 4 Syrians fled the country, I don't even want to think how bad it was there during the strict al-Assad regime. I also learned how complicated was the civil war. I knew what was going on in Syria but I found out more in my classroom. In my classroom, we watched a video about Syria and they explained to us how there are 3 factions. One of them is Syria, Iran, Russia, the other one is : U.S., Israel and the Kurds and the last one : Turkey and the Syrian rebels. The video also said to us how in Syria was a proxy war.
    I know a lot more things about Syria now and I think more people should found out because the people in Syria lived in constant war for 13 years and the country is destroyed. There should be given more aid to Syria by the UN because Syrians suffered a lot.

  • I Have investigated a bit about this fascinating country, in web sites, to know a little bit more about it. Syria is a country rich in history and culture, located in the heart of the Middle East. A breathtaking country, of incredible monuments, landscapes, wonderful traditions, and delicious cuisine.
    Containing beautiful places like, the ruins in Palmyra with ancient treasures, the busy streets in Damascus (it’s capital) with vibrant markets and cultural heritage, the Azem palace that) is a stunning example of 18th-century Ottoman architecture and much more.
    But, unfortunately not everything is that nice, for example, the Assad family has been a dominant political force in Syria for decades, starting with Hafez al-Assad, who became President in 1971. The Assad family’s rule has been known by tight control over the state, extensive patronage networks (that refers to a system where those in power (like politicians or leaders) give out jobs, favors, and resources to their friends, family, and supporters in exchange for loyalty and support.) and significant influence over the economy and military. Their regime has faced a lot of criticism for human rights abuses and they handle the civil war.
    It’s just so sad to see how Syrians have experienced pain, and wars, and having a lack of freedom most of the time, having often no other option that try to endure with perseverance. They had to rebuild their lives sometimes without people they loved next to them. I honestly hope that from now on the world will improve and have more compassion and so maybe things can get better.

  • It is sad to hear that Syria was colonized by the family of Assad, they fought so many wars for many years , anyone who says anything about the family was sent to prison, many people fled from the country , until the family of Assad had no power of Syria anymore. They celebrated their victory and now they are deciding if the person who saved them should be the president.

  • In this lesson, our main topic has been Syria. We have talked about its situation such us the civil war, its president, the millions of refugees,etc.

    Before discussing and learning about it in my class, I knew very little things in relation to this city in the Middle East, I only knew that it had been at war for many years.
    I was really impressed by the conditions and way of "life" in that country. Interminable years of war, a regime led by the Assad family for over 50 years or 5,5 million of Syrian refugees. These are some of the many situations that millions of people have had to suffer.

    Now that I know more about Syria, it is difficult for me to understand how we all live on the same planet and at the same time we have different way of thinking and different living conditions.

  • The war in Syria had started at ( March 15, 2011.) Bashar al Assad made this war because of the rebels who made an elections to make Bashar al Assad not the president for Syria.

    At this time Bashar al Assad killed alot of Syrian people and also he put a lot of Syrian people in the prison for a years.
    At 2024 the rebels made another election but this time the rebels won this election and the Syrian people who are in a lot of countries go back to their own country, and all of the world said that it is a turning point for the Syrian people.

  • I scored an 5 out of 8 on the quiz, it's not that great and I hope I'll do better on the next one. However, this score has encouraged me to read many comments under this quiz and I've learned a lot about Syria and I also understand the things i got wrong on the quiz. Even though I feel kind of sad since almost everyone got a better score than me. Overall, this topic is really intruiging and I honestly didn't know a lot about Syria beforehand.

  • A few days back I got to know in the news that Ahmed al-sharaa has began serving as the President of Syria since 29th of January,2025.Ahmed al-Sharaa was the leader of the Syrian rebel group that overthrew Bashar al-Assad's government, was named head of a new interim government since four days .As president, Ahmed al-sharaa said that he would form an interim legislative council to help govern until a new constitution was approved and all rebel groups which opposed Assad in the 13 -year civil war would be dissolved and integrated into state institutions. Till now, things are going well. I hope the best for Syria and that it recovers from the war and becomes a stable country again.

  • Well, I thought Syria would recover from the war really soon but as I saw in news today, unfortunately I was wrong.Syria has made very little recovery from the Civil War, with its economy severely damaged, infrastructure largely destroyed, and a large portion of the population still displaced, meaning the country remains far from fully recovered despite some areas experiencing relative stability; the majority of Syrians still live in poverty and rely heavily on humanitarian aid. Well,Ahmed al-sharaa,the new president of Syria since 29th January,2025 has promised to unite the people of Syria in his first speech for the nation. Let's hope for the best for Syria and the people of Syria.

  • The new Syrian leaders should be more favour to the public and their rules should make the people feel safe in Syria.

    1. I agree because it should be there choice for who rules them and there country

  • From my search about Syria, I knew that the family of Bashar al Assad was the president for Syria about (50 years). From 2011 to 2024, Bashar al Assad killed a lot of Syrian people.

    Who is Bashar al Assad?
    Bashar al Assad was the president of Syria for about 50 years. Bashar al Assad has 1 daughter and 2 sons. Not only Bashar al Assad was the president for Syria, His mother and father also was the president for Syria and his whole family.

  • Assad family took over Syria for over 50 years which makes the people of Syria suffer. the Assad family took over Syria from 1971-2011. the Assad regime fought a 12 years war. the Assad family finds out he flee to Russia.

  • Syria country in the middle east has had a civil war for over 12 years and has killed half a million people. The Assad family killed and inprisoned many men and fled after the civil war started then they settled in Russia. An incredible 5.5million people, fled mostly woman and children to different Middles eastern counry's like Turkiye has and overcrowded 3,112,683 million people registered as refugees from Syria and in Lebonan 774,679.The Civil -War started at 2011 because of pro -democracy and the thing the is odd is that he wasn't elected and was just chosen by richness.

  • Syria country in the middle east has had a civil war for over 12 years and has killed half a million people. The Assad family killed and inprisoned many men and fled after the civil war started then they settled in Russia. An incredible 5.5million people, fled mostly woman and children to different Middles eastern counry's like Turkiye has and overcrowded 3,112,683 million people registered as refugees from Syria and in Lebonan 774,679.The Civil -War started at 2011 because of pro -democracy and the thing the is odd is that he wasn't elected and was just chosen by richness.

  • What I learnt is that the Assad family had ruled for over 50 years.
    Rebel groups began, during this period President Assad fled to Russia for asylum.
    When President Assad fled a lot of people unfairly put in prison were set free that means to me that president Assad was a bad president.
    When he fled one of the rebel group leaders became president
    After the war a lot of people went back to meet their loved ones in the prison but they were not there.

  • From what i know about Syria is that the people should have got rid of the Assad family and the new control group because they both resort to violence and lack , peace and unity also all of the conflicts can be resorted by peace and Syria is literally at a turning point and people allowing to vote and leaders.

  • From the information I have discovered I think that Syria should get the choice who to pick for their leader not necessarily the rebel leader who over through the Assad family. It is their country and have had a war going on for a decade and have the right to vote who should rule their country, they need their country to be their safe space again instead of everything being bombed up and them having to leave. I also think that if people would not like to go back to Syria they don't have to, they might have felt comforted at the country they have now travelled to. It is their choice on what to do.

    1. Who do you think might disagree with your opinion? What would they say and why?

  • This country has had the Assad family rule for 50+ years and now there is a un-elected president ruling their country . I think that Syria should hold an election to give the people of Syria a chose of who to rule. I don't think that the rebel leader should rule because even though he has helped win the civil war not all people think that he should rule.
    I also think that the people of Syria should focus on building homes , schools and hospitals to help rebuild this country.
    On the flip side, who could be put beside the rebel leader in the election.

  • Hello!
    I did this test and got 8/8 again! This lessons in the class was super fun and i really enjoyed it! I feel sorry for the people who had to leave the country as refugees because of the Assad family! I opinion on the rebles being in charge of Syria is a terrible idea because i think they should give it a little while until they have rebuilt Syria and that they should also wait for the refugees to come back and then do a more fair election for being the president. If that doesn't work then maybe they could do an election but make sure the people who are entering have been living in Syria their whole life, committed no more than 8 crimes in there life time and they have to be 19 or over!
    That's my opinion!
    Thank You!

    1. Well done for sharing criteria on who can vote - why do you think they have to live in Syria their whole life, commit no more than 8 crimes and be 19 or over? Can you explain why this is important?

  • I think that we need to help Syrian because they dont have protection and they need the military to help them and they need more health care for all the people who need help.They need more house because they all got destroyed in the war. I think that the new rebel leader to spend there money on health care or rebuilding homes and shops

  • That is true,even if they recover the country will never be the same because people will be frighted by the prisons,hospitals and schools all being wrecked.The 12 year WAR that happen.This is when I think the military should come help if any country tries destroying Syria.I think people should speak up to the rebels and the amid family so the war will not happen again.The new rebel leader should get aid instead of home building because aid is more important than home building even though you need a shelter. Aid would be the only chance of surviving if they get bombed again in the Syria.

  • I think that other countries should donate money and vital supplies to Syria and when they become a stronger and more economical country then, they can give back all the money that they received from the other countries.After that, Syria will be less vulnerable to another war.I also think, that the Assad family should be arrested.

    1. Can you say why?

  • I think that other countries need to help with aid to recover from everything that has been destroyed and all the people that has got hurt. It would be hard to survive but we will see how that goes with their new leader.

  • I am happy that the family that were in control got ruled over by the rebels but we don"t know if the rebels leader is going to be bad or good. So i think they should have a election on who the people of Syrian can dis-side who they want to be in charged of the country.

  • When we did our lesson, many people believed that no refugee should be forced into returning back to their home nation because they have the right to decide whether they should be able to stay in a comfortable place or not.

    I also believe that, because the old leader went to Russia, they would be pleased because they would have another powerful leader on their side that could cause a powerful future for their country.

  • We learnt that Syria where being destroyed by there own government . The rebels have been shooting down hospitals,schools and there peoples homes and buildings. It has been said that 5.5 million people have fled the country because of the rebels destroying there own country! Our class had said that we they should have an election for who they want to have in charge. We also said that we should re build houses,hospitals,and schools.Our class also said that they should have the choose to comeback after fled or stay where they are.

  • In class I decided that Syria should have a general election because they didn't choose the Assad family and they ended up killing half the country. The countries which can choose their leaders can choose how they want to live which is a choice I think every one deserves. When you don't have this choice , you wont live how you want to live and you can't do anything about it because they're in charge.
    This is why they should choose who is in charge with an election.

    1. Are you sure that the Assad family ended up killing half of the Syrian people? Do you have any evidence for that?

      1. yes because when they sent bomes over the country they killed over 1.5 million people who did nothing wrong and if you google or search it on the internet it says that.there are 23.23 million people living in Syria, they did not kill half but they killed lots.

  • When we did our lesson, we were asked what we thought should happen to the refugees that fled to other countries. I believed that they should have a choice whether they wanted to stay or go back to their home country. I think this as everyone should have a right to choose what they want.

  • I learned about Syrian and how the Assad family[the old government]
    fled the country and fled to Russia.The new government is now being led by the rebel
    leader who took over the Assad family.Over 5.5 million people have fled to different countries because people were getting killed and did not want to take the risk of dying.

  • i learned that the Assad family was the old government and then flew to Russia so . i think that they should not be able to be the government any more. the new government is bashear and is the rebel leader. everyone flew away because everyone was dying.

  • One of the turning points that Syrian government should not think much about rebuilding the city they should think about the health of their people because many Syrian citizens have been injured some have died during the civil war because of hunger and some because of bomb blasts or gunshots so they should consider saving the lives of their people before rebuilding the cities

  • Syria has been deliberated from the Assad tyrannical family that ruled the country for decades and led to death or imprisonment. Democracy is not easy to come so quickly as the transition progress will have difficulties.

    Initially, there will be political instability as there are various politicians who support the opposite sides. This will obviously cause division and insecurity. Another issue is that there will be many social conflicts for example between people of different religions. Finally, there will be a bad effect on economy as new buildings will have to be built.

    In conclusion, we should all have hope for the new leaders hoping they might give more attention to the human rights and participatory democracy. In that way they can make changes that will improve the lives of the Syrian citizens.

    I’m wishing the best for Syria hoping for their freedom. ❤️

  • We know Syria is at war with Israel and I hate to see the people of Syria losing lives and losing their homes. We know that Syria is one of the oldest civilisations on Earth, Syria is on the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea in southwetern Asia.

  • Hello topical talk
    What I know about Syria is that Syria is a country in the Middle East and there is a family that ruled from 1971 to 2024, and they ruled for over 50 (fifty) years they had a regime for 12 years and millions of people lost their life, so in December 2024 the citizen had a rebel group, and they had control of the country then the president fled from the country and went to Russian and now they don't know if they should have a president and they said if they are having a president it is Ahmad al-sharaa
    Thank You!!! 💕

  • I scored 8/8. I learned about the Syrian case and The Assad-family and how they damaged Syria. It makes me upset since Syria was once a beautiful nation, but then the Assad regime came to power, and everything turned horrible. They did not provide individuals with freedom, and when individuals demanded it, they responded with violence rather than listening. This led to a huge war, and many individuals were forced to flee their homes or be injured. Cities were demolished, and so many families lost everything they had. It's just not fair because all people wanted was a better life, yet their country was devastated

  • Syria is a Western Asian country which has been envolved in war since 2011. This war started because of the fight between the rebels and the troops sent by the Al Assad's regime. The war damaged all around Syria forcing millions of people to leave the country and been exilled.
    Two months ago, Al Assad left the country resulting in a very positive news for the country. Once, the dictator left the country, the rebels took the control of the state, meaning that they were the "heros" of the story. However, I think that both sides are not so different between each other.
    People are in doubt of what is going to happen in the country and if the syrians that left the country some years ago, are forced to come back or they can stay in the country where they got exilled. In my opinion, I think that the country shouldn't be in control by anyone, and they have to focus in then rebuilding of the destroyed infraestructures and helping the people affected by the war giving them the basic reosurces they need.

  • Since I was a child I have been hearing lots of news about Syria as the war last many years. I learned a lot of things about there by watching the news and also my family explained to me the horrible situation of Syria. With the news I learned how terrible that situation was and actually, when I heard any kind of information about Syria, it still makes me very sad as hundreds of people including children died at there. Besides, although the war have finished, there is still people that are living in horrible conditions and there is a lot of poverty there.
    These days our teacher has been explaining to us more details about Syrian situation and I learned a lot of interesting things.
    Personally, I believe that all people must know the crisis in Syria as it is a very important topic.

  • Syria is a country in the middle east which ruled by the Assad family from the year 1971-2011. Syria suffers a lot which make people spoke against the Assad family and also those that spoke against the Assad family were taken to Prison. the Assad regime fought 12 years war and after the war the Assad family flee to Russia. this war killed half Millions people. I learnt about what is happening in Syria was Unfair and painful to me, because I knew one day Syria will live in peace and also life will take you wherever it want. According to me the civil war affected million of people like people in the prison, bomb blast and Suffering such as lack of food and water. After the war, Syrian people Celebrated for having peace in their country. the Syrian people elected one of the rebel groups to rule their country so that they can make things good and better.

  • People were ruled by Assad family over 50 years and current leader who left the Syrian country was bashar al Assad due to an Rebel by Damascus so he went on plane and reached Russia and Ahmed al sharaa is expected to be the leader , recently more than 1 million people have left the country so the election is impossible to occur and they don't have money also if they want to borrow money no other country is coming front to give money and help Syria so first we need to convince other country to give money to Syria then we should repair or recover Syria and the Syria is facing a lot of problems civil war and Syriais not fully recovered also. That's what I know about Syria

  • I got 7 out of 8. The question I got wrong was how many refugees were there that fled. I did not think that 5.5 million people were evacuated. That goes to show how dangerous and terrible the civil war was

  • I learned about the war that has been going in syria for around 12 years with its own president. Apparantly the president of syria was a man that could not bare people going against him. He put them to prison for just trying to say what they think about their country.

    Then the people of syria could not just look any more so they started attacking their own leader. For many years, both of the sides fought endlessly. This made nearly 6 million people to flee and find a safe place to live in.

    After a long time, Assad, the cruel leader left the country and got premission to stay in Russia. Then, the person who made Assad's reign, Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham is being planned to be the leader of syria.But, nearly the whole of the people are harmed so there will be a problem getting back to normal. I think thats all i have learned so far in school.

  • What I have learnt from the classroom lesson is that Syria has been going through a really hard time for years due to the civil war and government's actions. Millions of families are struggling every day because their homes, schools and hospitals have been destroyed. Many Syrians don't even have access to basic necessities such as food, clean water or medical care. It's heartbreaking to think about how difficult this situation must be for them.
    One of the biggest reasons for this problem is the Syrian government led by Ahmed al-Sharaa. His regime has been in power for a long time and many people believe he has caused a lot of suffering. The war has forced thousands to leave their homes and become refugees, trying to find safety in other countries.
    I think the first priority should be helping the people who are struggling: Making sure they have food, security and healthcare. But after that, the government is also a huge issue. I believe that making an election would be the best way for people to choose their own leader. Nevertheless, with so much conflict, having a fair election would be very difficult.

  • We have learned about Syria and sadly it has gone to war for many years.
    The war was caused by the leader of Syria who was willing to let his hole country go to war just to get more land and money. I am glad the president is gone but I am also sad of how him and wanting more money has caused so much damage. Him fleeing to Russia will stop him from ding more damage but it will not fix the damage he has done.
    I think we have to try help Syria as best we can.

  • This was so helpful for me and l understand so much what is Syria and how it also destroyed

  • Syria is a very old country with history. It’s in the Middle East.Syria used to have very beautiful buildings and big houses and it’s amazing places .

    But Recently Syria has been in a horrible war . It started in 2011 where people wanted more freedom and rights. Instead of listening to citizens of the country the Syrian government used violence and people fought among themselves ( civil fight) .The war caused a lot of damage and many people got hurt and had to leave the country because it was not safe for them ( They became refugees with no home).

    Before the war Syria had a very strong economy. Because of the war many people lost their jobs and many got hurt and so many hospitals and schools were destroyed. And it was a very hard time for the people to find food and water as they didn’t even had a shelter to stay under .

    Syria was a country ruled by a family named as Assad’s family .Whenever any of the people talked against Assad they were taken to the prison and even they were not getting proper meals too. The current leader Bashar al Assad went to a another country because the people hated him for bringing war to them. Almost 1 million people left their country Syria to ensure the safety of them and their families .

    Syria is a country which shows us how to be strong and have patience and a positive hope that one day they will get free and can live their life according to them .
    By showing empathy towards Syrians l am feeling very sad about how much pain they have gone through .

    I am sure that one day Syria will get free .
    Thank you !

  • On the quiz I scored a 5 out of 8. I learned that Syria was not a safe place. The leader of Syria, when someone of the country wouldn't listen, he would punish them and they would go to a prison. The rebel groups were not bad people. It was that the other people that started the war, so that is why they fought. In the future, I want to see Syria getting better. Also, I want to see that the schools and hospitals and other buildings get better. Another thing is that the people that started the war in Syria, I hope they get along.

    1. I agree with you, however I think that the rebels also can put a regime that is unsafe for Syrians. The war is not over yet and they still have to fight for their rights to prevent the leader of Syria from taking liberties from them ( especially religiously speaking!)

  • Hi Topical Talkers
    Syria is one of the oldest and largest countries in the Arab region, and when we talk about Syria, as we studied in the social studies subject, it is a country with an ancient civilization, but it is also sad that among our information about Syria are the difficult circumstances that it is going through and its good people are also going through.
    Millions of Syrians have had to leave their homes because of the war. They're living in other countries as refugees, and life is really tough for them. Lots of people inside Syria need help with basic things like food and shelter, This in itself is very painful for every Arab to hear about the Syrian people. Recently, after Bashar al- Assad abdicated from power, some solutions and viewpoints appeared to return Syria to the state it was.
    Basically, fixing Syria is a huge task, and it's going to take a long time. But these ideas are a good starting point for getting things back on track and help achieve peace and stability in Syria.

  • I first knew about Syria's crisis from news channels. It is a miracle that decades of war have subsided and that the rebel groups have taken control instead. Unfortunately, Syria still has a long journey in rebuilding their country and I'm sure the new beginning wouldn't be easy either knowing that many Syrian's lives have been scarred for life because of the cruelties the Assad regime has inflicted upon them.

    Due to the many inhuman practics and war crimes that the Assad family have done towards the population, millions of Syrians fled from their homeland in hopes to be able to adapt and live a better life in another country. Meanwhile, those who weren't able to flee had to endure the continuous atrocities brought upon them under the Assad regime's control.

    Even after the rebel groups have taken control, the Assad family's past actions have affected the country's economy horribly to the point of making Syrians live deprived of the most basic needs such as shelter, food and more. Knowing this, UN has launched many programmes to help resolve Syria's current crisis. We can help by joining those programmes, sending donations or even share about it to others to help support UN's mission in Syria.

  • Syria is a country in the Middle East . in 1971 to 2024 Syria was led from one family called Bashar al -Assad over 50 years . A regime is a strict by a government . Oldies information I don’t know but when I made the test I know this all information actually I don’t have any information about Syria except its name . Thank you for reading .

  • I came to know about the Syria chaos via news handles.
    Syria’s president Bashar al-Assad flee to Russia because of the protector of Assad ‘Russia’ has lost interest in Syria.
    The Baath party has been dissolved and Ahmed al-Sharaa has been given the position of president of Syria.
    Syrian president office denounces a ‘terrorist’ attack as a car bombing kills 20 in North Syria.
    Syria’s president meets Saudi Arabia’s MBS to garner some support.
    People are raising questions on Ahmed al-Sharaa that will he be able to shape Syria’s future and get in good books of Syria’s people.

  • Personnally, I think that is the skill to gather people witch allow to installer a real peace. And that in this situation, it is the best solution for this country even if it is hard to go to.

  • We learned about Syria during our geopolitics classes.

    Syria has been theater of a civil war since 2011, under Bachar Al Assad government. In 2024, the regime of Bachar Al Assad has been overthrown. Today Syria is trying to reconstruct itself, despite the traumatise and the damages.

    In my opinion, this conflict should be resolved by a stable government IN Syria. Other counties, especially by occidental countries should not have the right to decide about the future of this country. The priority is to help people in urgent need, because building again the buildings and infrastructures makes no sense without people to live in them. Then, after helping those people, maybe with occidental help (ONU,...), they should rebuild infrastructures, and secure prisons. The government must be voted and elected by the citizens of Syria.

  • We talked about Syria in my politic class and I also followed the news. Even though the civil war has come to its end, the Assad regime keeps damaging the country and its people. Indeed, more than 5 million people have fled the country, most infrastructures are destroyed, and the new government hasn’t been set which participate in this unstable situation occurring in Syria.
    Moreover, many people are still traumatised by the war and will never live the same way ever again.
    In my opinion, Syria needs humanitarian help and support from other countries to allow them to rebuilt an unify and peaceful place that will make people feel safe and return to their home.

  • I scored 7/8 in this quizz. I learned that approximately 5.5 million Syrian refugees lived outside of syria due to the ancient regime of the Assad family. I think that the question of helping refugees still is valid at this point in our lives. People lost their homes, families, they have nothing left in Syria (or other countries that are dealing with war. As human beings we should still try to feel compassion for them since they lost pretty much everything and helping them is the least we can from one human being to another.

  • I have to admit I didn't know a lot about the situation in Syria before this class. I did hear some information while listening to the radio but it was all very far too me.
    So thanks to the quiz and the lesson, I was able to learn more. I didn't know the regime of the Assad family has started that long ago.
    I think it is a good thing that it ended though the new person leading the country may not be the best option. Holding new elections could be a good way to have a new start but in the actual situation is seems complicated. For example, with all the refugees that fled Syria, it won't be democratic as not all Syrians could vote.

  • During this lesson, i’ve learned about the syria’s political background. I have understand that the political Life there is really difficult according to the fact that the country has been led by the same family during many year.

  • I learned about syria , the manifestations , the new rebel leader and he is also the HTC leader.

  • I have learned the number of refugees under the Assad’s regime and how big it is. The number of refugees is scary and sad for the families touched by the autoritharian regime. Let’s see how the new government will impact the population, the policy and if the number of refugees will be as high.

  • I learned a lot about Syria with this activity. For instance, I learned during how many time the Assad family was at the head of Syria and I learned how many Syrian refugees lives in others countries around Syria because they feel unsafe in this country.
    I think Syria is a very complicated subject. Indeed we don’t know what is going to happen with a new government.
    For the moment, I think we should help people in poverty in syria. Moreover, I think Syria also needs to rebuild all the infrastructures like hospitals and schools because is very important for the population.

  • I think it’s important that a democracy should be implemented. Because although the new government has replaced the old regime, the conflicts keep going. And honestly I think that giving the right to decide to the citizens could resolves most of the tensions. And democracy is a way to resolve problems through peace and discussions.

  • Personaly, I learnt about Syria with the newspapers but also in class. I am in geopolitics class so we often talk about what is happening in the world. Exept some precise infos like the number of refugiees, I already kwew what Syria was going through (and still is). But even if I knew a lot of infos and even if I knew a lot of people had to run away from Syria the number of refugiees was a big shock for me. I didn’t figure out how much people were effected badly by this government and I wish them a government giving them the chance to return their homes and families. Even if the Assad family is gone (for now), the population is not done yet with their fight against strict governments but the next few month will be signifiant.

  • I learned it's complicated to know whether the new laws are good for the population, but, they seem a bit better. We also don't know if the new government is better than the old one. Will it be less strict, especially on the question of religion?

  • This quiz is really good to learn more about the war in Syria and its government and the consequences of this dramatic episode. In this quiz I learned a lot about Syria and was particularly shocked by the number of people who died during the civil war started by the regime of President Bashar al-Assad in 2011.

  • I don’t know a lot about the country of Syria, yet I scored 8/8. I know that it is a country within the Middle East and is in extremely poor condition and how the president (Bashar al-Assad) fled from the country which left the position of presidency vulnerable. This lead to Rebel groups taking over the capital. Many citizens are scared and fearful yet some feel hopeful that the laws will make a change for the better. I think that no matter what happens, the people of Syria, the innocent children, should all stay together during this awful time and shouldn’t lose hope.

    Many people have fled the country in search for safety and refuge due to the horrific conditions they were living in. It must be really terrifying for them so to help I believe we should spread awareness and do our best to donate to those in need. Whether that spreading awareness is within our homes or online for everyone to see, we should do it.

    We should support the Syrian people and help as much as we can.

  • In my opinion, peace is always the right choice and it’s possible but it’s hard when some governments only want to control and invade others citizens , destroying them and their belongings without any empathy or showing no concern for those , who aren’t responsible for anything in these conflicts. Having said all that, I firmly believe that politicians should settle their issues combining dialogue and peace, finding the perfect balance so as citizens, especially young kids could live peacefully!

  • I learned about Syria in times of India that it is a country in Middle East . Form 1971 to 2024 Syria was led by Assad family for over 50 years .In 2024 many Syrian rebels took control over the country so president Assad flew from Syria.the president and his family took asylum in Russia as the were criticised by people to put him on trial. After this many people who were put into jails unfairly came out then Ahmed al-sharaa who was a rebel leader become the leader of Syria. During Assad rule many people were unsafe so they went to different countries as refugees to Turkey ,Iraq and Egypt . About 5.5 million people live as refugees in 5 different country .So now the new Syria government must decide how to keep their people safe .So I hope Syrians will found peace in this new government and they will stay safe

  • Syria is a very old country with a lot of history, but right now, it’s going through a really tough time. In 2011, people started protesting because they wanted more freedom, but instead of talking, the government started using force. This made everything worse, and soon there was a big war.

    The war made many cities very dangerous, and lots of families had to leave their homes to stay safe. Millions of people became refugees, which means they had to move to other countries to find shelter. Some are still stuck in camps, waiting for a better life.

    There are many different groups fighting in the war, and other countries from all over the world have gotten involved. The fighting has made it hard to know who’s right or wrong, and it’s been very confusing for everyone.

    Even though there’s been so much sadness, people still hope that Syria will one day be peaceful again. Many are working hard to rebuild the country and dream of a time when kids can play outside without worrying about bombs. Do you think Syria will ever be peaceful again?

  • I scored a 6 out of 8 on the quiz about Syria! I was pretty happy with my score because I didn’t know much about Syria before, but now I feel like I’ve learned a lot. In fact, I feel like a mini-expert on Syria now! Here’s what I learned, and why I think Syria is such an interesting, yet really sad place.

    So, Syria is a country in the Middle East, and it’s been through some crazy stuff. I mean, like really bad stuff that sounds like a story from a movie, but it’s actually real life. Syria has been in a terrible civil war for a long time, which started in 2011. Imagine if there was a huge fight in your country, and no one could stop it. That’s what happened in Syria! People are fighting over who should lead the country, and it's made life super hard for the people there.

    The quiz also helped me understand how Syria has a rich history and amazing ancient sites, like Palmyra, which have sadly been destroyed by the war. Many people have suffered, with millions forced to leave their homes, becoming refugees in other countries like Lebanon, Turkey, and Europe. It's heartbreaking to think about all those people who can't live peacefully in their own country.

    Despite all the pain and destruction, there's still hope. People inside and outside Syria are working hard to rebuild the country, and some refugees are even returning to help. The situation is sad, but I believe that one day, Syria can heal and become peaceful again. Learning about Syria makes me appreciate the peace we have and reminds me how important it is to protect it.

  • It is important to have peace in our country
    Democracy is important
    Rebels are not needed in the country

  • I agree, but it must be recognized that, after more than 50 years under a regime, it will be regime, it will be difficult for the economy to grow, especially after the loss of millions of lives and the flight of many citizens.
    Also, accepting differences, especially religiously, will take time, since the regime and the majority of the Syrian population are Muslims. However, we must not lose hope, as this is the begginig of a new era in Syrian history.

  • The conflict in Syria, which started in 2011, is one of the most devastating humanitarian crises of the 21st century. It began with protests against the regime of Bashar al-Assad and quickly escalated into a civil war. The civilian population has been the main victim, with more tha 500,000 deaths and 13 million displaced, both inside and outside the country, according to UN data. Despite the devastation, Syria has a rich history, being home to some of the world's oldest civilizations, with cities like Aleppo continuously inhabited for millennia. Before the conflict, Syria was known for its religious and cultural diversity, with Christian, Muslim, and other communities living together peacefully. The conflict has been complicated by the intervention of international actors. Russia has supported Assad's government, while the United States and several European countries have backed the rebels. This confrontation has turned Syrian into a battlefield of geopolitical and military interests. Additionally, the rise of extremist groups, such as ISIS, has increased the violence, affecting both combatants and civilians.
    In my opinion, the Syrian conflict highlights the need for a more effective diplomatic solution and a more collaborative international approach, one that prioritizes peace and human rights over geopolitical interests. Without a serious commitment to addressing the roots of the conflict and ensuring security and justice for those affected, Syrian will remain a fractured nation, unable to move toward reconciliation and stability.

  • I know that Syria is a country of fertile plain, high mountains and deserts. Syria is a country located in the Middle East, bordered by Turkey to the north, Iraq to the east, Jordan to the south, Israel to the southwest, Lebanon to the west, and the Mediterranean Sea to the west. It is rich and has been home to the several ancient civilizations, including the Phoenicians, Arameans, and Romans.

  • Talking about Syria´s situation, i have learnt everything that I know in the last few weeks through television news, newspapers and social media. What i know basically is that the Assad regime, a government of the country that was provoquing many problems, wars and injustices in the country has come to an end. Syrians din´t have a proper life conditions like food, economic situations and health problems. This has led to millions of Syrians fliying out of their country to escape this infernal lifes that they were living. If im not wrong, this conditions have come to an end due to a group of rebels that have comfronted Assads and now the streets of Syria are full of people happy because of this showing that all the country was unhappy with their latest situation. i have seen an image of people in the streets in wich I could appreciate their face expressions of hope and happiness after stopping their bad lifes once at all. Still im not very informed in this situation and I dont know if i am right at all.