admirable_signature has not published standpoints yet. Comments by admirable_signature Comment Post Date Comment: My letter to the NHS would be: Dear staff of the NHS, ... Post: #24 - Notes to the NHS Date: 28/2/20 Comment: Justice;It makes sure that laws are both rational and proportional. It provides some... Post: #19 - Concept Comments Date: 24/1/20 Comment: My question is: Would YOU like to be a politican-Do you believe you would be a good... Post: #18 - Question the Questioner - Winners Announced! Date: 17/1/20 Comment: Something that is Guarenteed to happen is Sending more people/animals to space,this is... Post: #15 - Will, Might, Won't! Date: 20/12/19 Comment: I would be the person would investigates items like meteroids etc,as for this Job is very... Post: #14 - Space Job Skills - Winners Announced! Date: 09/12/19 Comment: My message in a bottle would be : Your Universe isn't the only one,there are only many to be... Post: #12 - Message in a Rocket - Winners Announced! Date: 28/11/19 Comment: My Motto for NASA is : ''The space age starts now''.I have chosen this because from my... Post: #11 - Make a Motto for NASA Date: 22/11/19 Comment: ''Only in the darkness you can see the stars''I have chosen this because it reminds me if you... Post: #9 - Time-Travel Challenge - Winners Announced! Date: 08/11/19 Comment: Bedazzle,pulchritudinous and supernatural.I have pick Bedazzle because when you look up at the... Post: #8 - Three Words And Why Date: 31/10/19 Comment: I believe it can because depending on what country your talking about,what is Hong Kong and... Post: #6 Poll - Winners Announced! Date: 18/10/19 Comment: Thank you Plucky_yuzu for informing me about whether wikipedia is a reliable source,this... Post: #6 Poll - Winners Announced! Date: 16/10/19 Comment: I Personally believe it as for when an error is recognized it is usually fixed. Post: #6 Poll - Winners Announced! Date: 14/10/19 Comment: In a way i agree with you as for the protests that are being held in Hong Kong are Dangerous and... Post: #6 Poll - Winners Announced! Date: 14/10/19 Comment: I Disagree with A as for Children are still People and in a way We all have the same... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 07/10/19 Comment: Following speculation that a law may be forced through the House of Commons to extend the... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 07/10/19 Comment: I am highly sceptical with C since the Handover in 1997 was very Promising and They Fairly... Post: #5 Questionable Quotes - Winners Announced! Date: 07/10/19