Comments by centered_radio

Comment Post Date
I scored 8 points in the test, and I learned that not all workers have the right to strike there... Test your knowledge 18/4/23
As the strike positively affects workers, it will negatively affect other groups of society the... Can everyone strike? 17/4/23
The unfair thing in my country is that although workers and employees do not receive their due... Working conditions 17/4/23
I agree because The virtual world and VR glasses are sure to bring fun and entertainment but we... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23
As we know that many people around the world have become fond of the virtual world but during... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23
I liked your comment because indeed, when we stand at the concept of a good world, there must be... A new realm to rule? 14/4/23
As we know that everything in excess affects negatively, metavrese has made it easier for people... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 14/4/23
Yes, I would like to rule the metaverse world by making people in it abide by just laws and to... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23
I think metaverse are a double-edged sword as it affects positively on the one hand in terms of... Report back 14/4/23
The news story affecting my school is: Classroom Overflow and it's important to me because the... Competition #1 News near you 13/4/23
I think the third and fourth laws cannot be easily achieved . It will not be easy to follow and... The law in your hands? 12/4/23
For me the worst is that there are not enough climate laws because people with so many laws will... Earth Day poll results! 10/4/23
What people in my country can do to slow climate change is stop burning waste As this problem is... Climate change in your country 10/4/23
Climate change is negatively affecting my town especially in recent times where there are a lot... Climate change in your country 10/4/23