daring_passionfruit has not published standpoints yet. Comments by daring_passionfruit Comment Post Date Comment: Yes, but I also think women can do much more than just working with their husbands and cleaning... Post: WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD Date: 18/3/24 Comment: I personally think AI should never have the opportunity to fight in a war. Yes, it can be hard... Post: AI: and the future of war Date: 14/3/24 Comment: I 100% agree with this. Throughout the years, women have always been perceived as lower than men... Post: Stereotypes Date: 13/3/24 Comment: Most definitely. For the people boycotting, it can be positive because the business is finally... Post: Are boycotts helpful? Date: 13/3/24 Comment: I personally think neither gender would be able to survive without the other due to each of them... Post: WOMEN: THE FOUNDATION OF OUR WORLD Date: 06/3/24 Comment: I think that in this situation, Joe Biden is being fair. Overpopulation may become a problem as... Post: Fair or unfair? Date: 27/2/24 Comment: Yes. I think that everyone deserves their basic human right to voice their opinion, don't you... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I personally think that students have all the rights as well as freedom to speak up/protest... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 22/2/24 Comment: I think that a hub discussion such as "Should students be able to interfere and speak up about... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 20/2/24 Comment: I think not. There are countless and numerous reasons why children shouldn't get the opportunity... Post: Suggest a discussion Date: 20/2/24 Comment: In most cases scenarios, boycotts are extremely helpful. For example, many big brands and... Post: Are boycotts helpful? Date: 16/2/24 Comment: I think it depends on if boycotts are helpful or not. For example, pretend a huge company that... Post: Are boycotts helpful? Date: 16/2/24 Comment: Everyone has the right to voice their opinion on elections, so shouldn't companies be able to do... Post: Businesses and elections Date: 14/2/24 Comment: I personally wouldn't withdraw my company. Although many people disagree and argue that they... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 13/2/24 Comment: I think that prison was invented for only one reason: to teach criminals a lesson. However, if... Post: What’s the purpose of prisons? Date: 08/2/24 Comment: I think that maybe schools could start including more of politics in their standards. Maybe not... Post: Are young people politically engaged? Date: 08/2/24 Comment: I believe that when celebrities endorse a product or even be the face of a brand, the company is... Post: The “face” of a business Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I believe that it's never too early to get into politics. Politics are something that is going... Post: Are young people politically engaged? Date: 07/2/24 Comment: I would say that prisons should run in order and the correct way. Prison is a place where... Post: How should prisons be run? Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I believe that there should be a balance. Prisons shouldn't be too comfortable, like how Fito... Post: How should prisons be run? Date: 06/2/24 View more >