Comments by enigmatic_duck Comment Post Date I believe that the king should not be any king, but rather be able to assume the responsibility... Royalty poll results! 25/4/23 I think that sometimes the presence of a king in the country is a positive thing when he cares... Royalty poll results! 25/4/23 "I think that there is a link between Charles III and the strikes because this helps me get a... Competition #3 Making connections 24/4/23 I liked that Charles III was the King of Britain because he said in his first speech to the... Royalty poll results! 24/4/23 I got 10, but I got a treasure trove of amazing information that I loved, such as that not all... Test your knowledge 24/4/23 I believe that other activities other than the strike should be tried. If the rights are... Strikes poll results! 20/4/23 I got 8, but I got a lot of information, and from this information I discovered something that... Test your knowledge 19/4/23 I support that people because they have personal demands and rights. For example, in Gaza,... Working conditions 19/4/23 I learned a lot of information about the strike and I tried to share it with you. I learned that... Lessons learned! 19/4/23 I got a good mark, but I got a lot of information that surprised me, and one of this information... Test your knowledge 18/4/23 Is it if the students control the study subjects, will many succeed or not? Therefore, I want to... Suggest a discussion! 17/4/23 I got 8, but I got a lot of information about technology and the life of technology, and I want... Test your knowledge 17/4/23 We must frequently deal with it like normal life because it is the future and rules the world... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23 We must frequently deal with it like normal life because it is the future and it governs the... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23 Why, when people invent something, they don't care about the negative angles of something that... Metaverse poll results! 14/4/23 The Metaverse has its negatives and positives, as it helps in dialogue with friends and family,... The metaverse: marvellous or madness? 13/4/23 I got 8 but I actually got a lot of information but it wasn't just information it was a great... Test your knowledge! 13/4/23 Such as spreading environmental issues in the community, planting trees, suggesting the idea of... Earth Day poll results! 13/4/23 I believe that the climate laws should not be severe, because some times we need necessary uses... Suggest a discussion 12/4/23 Nature has needs that we must provide, as it provides us with our many needs, so we must provide... Earth Day poll results! 12/4/23 < 1 2 3 4 >