Comments by frank_blueberry

Comment Post Date
I think AI harms the world because it leads to addiction, restricting the humans to access their... Does AI cause more harm or good in the world? 21/2/25
Hi all! Imagine you and your family members are peacefully sleeping, that night one heart... What do you know about the Russia-Ukraine war? 20/2/25
Hi all! Women is the gender ,mostly occupied in the field of education, teachers. Most women... What should be done about education? 20/2/25
Yeah! I mean a physical jacket to safeguard journalists from attacks. As you said, some... What should be done to protect journalists? 19/2/25
Can you imagine a world, where you are in the country, where severe wars happen, hearing the... What should be done to protect journalists? 19/2/25
I completely agree with you. For the great issue, gender stereotypes and inequality, people... Gender inequality: everyone’s responsibility? 18/2/25
Hi all, Elon Musk is the richest person in the world and a person with more followers in X... Suggest a discussion 17/2/25
Hi all! I feel comfortable with the option 1 as AI drains up lots of electricity like a super... What might make AI more sustainable? 16/2/25
I feel comfortable with, option 3 , because in india, 90% of men is working in the field of... Most similar, most different 16/2/25
According to my point of view, I think creating role models and inspirations will really succeed... Creative ideas for a “JEDI” space 16/2/25
I think there should be a hub and on the topic," discrimination in based upon biological traits,... Suggest a discussion 13/2/25
I just brain stormed about this topic topic and asked my neighbours, what they think, most of... Which is the most difficult problem to fix? 12/2/25
Thank you for the question! We can demonstrate the great, "women empowerment" by certifying and... Gender inequality: everyone’s responsibility? 12/2/25
Hi ! Gender inequality is a great issue which is giving us severe impacts, day by day. The one... Gender inequality: everyone’s responsibility? 11/2/25
Thank you for the question! According to my perspective, I think political people can bring a... Which is the most difficult problem to fix? 11/2/25
Now, I feel more comfortable with the option A because, how does an personality or a profession... What’s the solution? 11/2/25
According to my point of view, I support both because, Elon Musk, some what gained political... The ingredients for power 09/2/25
I feel so comfortable with the first option, I had taken more time, brain storming in this great... What might make AI more sustainable? 09/2/25
I am interested to post a comment again, in this topic. As I already posted a comment in this... The ingredients for power 08/2/25
According to my point of view, I think the political power plays a significant role in the... The ingredients for power 08/2/25