free_acorn has not published standpoints yet. Comments by free_acorn Comment Post Date one invention that can help lower the plastic products is an edible packaging for water another... Weekly Competition #38 24/6/19 i change not climate change. Weekly Competition #35 07/6/19 In our school there is group called the JLT (the Junior Leadership Team) they have currently put... Weekly Competition #27 28/3/19 Will There Ever Be A Brexit? Its supposed to be real because Theresa May wanted to delay Brexit... Weekly Competition #26 19/3/19 I used to eat a lot of pizza, after learning about nutrition and healthy eating at school, I... Weekly Competition #24 04/3/19 I think that each child should get 7 presents each so your parents don't have to pay too much so... Weekly Competition #15 17/12/18 Bank are as strong as tanks, Vaults are as thick as bolts, And you have to steal to get a... Weekly Competition #14 10/12/18 Money matters because if you did not have money you would not be able to buy any food to feed... Weekly Competition #13 03/12/18 The most valuable thing that can wash up to shore is a dead Megalodon to sell it. Weekly Competition #11 19/11/18 i would give the chocolate business 50,000 and 50,000 to the tea business because if we didn't... Weekly Competition #10 12/11/18 Now since money has ran out all over the planet we could use paper with a picture of Donald... Weekly Competition #9 05/11/18 i feel bad because the people in Myanmar have suffered enough by having the military burn there... Weekly Competition #3 27/9/18 i feel bad because the people in Myanmar have suffered enough by having the military burn there... Weekly Competition #3 27/9/18