Comments by idealistic_song

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If the countries limit access to internet it will be good because people will now have time to... Should the internet be a human right? 06/12/22
But it will be hard to know put an age limit on the internet because some websites have already... Should the internet be a human right? 06/12/22
In Uganda, the prime minister is also just appointed by the president but I don't think it is... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 06/12/22
The best way that UK can do it is by carrying out general elections and takes a long process.... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 06/12/22
I think what "enchanted banana" meant is that. A right is like a basic need and you feel like... Should the internet be a human right? 06/12/22
Experience on news without internet would be difficult because you will need to move around to... Should the internet be a human right? 06/12/22
I would actually prefer making an audio stand point because it is easier to express yourself and... Meet the judges and their tips 06/12/22
Yes, access to social media as part of the internet should be a human right because there are... Should the internet be a human right? 06/12/22
I think they should improve the infrastructure and buildings more. Because after the world cup... The Legacy Of World Cup 2022 In Qatar 06/12/22
It wouldn't be bad because everyone one has their own opinion about something so if other... Iran: Should people speak out? 06/12/22
I would say they should be allowed to risk their lives and protest because they are also... Iran: Should people speak out? 06/12/22
When a government enforced law is not supported by the people the country will face many... Iran: Should people speak out? 06/12/22
The president would sit on that spectrum of older because a country needs a leader with wisdom... Older or younger lawmakers? 06/12/22
1. People should just be paid according to the effort they put in their work and if they are to... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 06/12/22
I think the factors that would be considered when deciding what would be a fair wage for a... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 06/12/22
According to the views I have given which would you prefer or which would you recommend people... Dr.Shortages 06/12/22
The reason why some people might prefer the robot doctors over the human doctors is because when... Dr.Shortages 05/12/22
The reason why other people might not like to be treated by robot doctors is that robot doctors... Dr.Shortages 05/12/22
Am not good when it comes to physics but I would certainly say that space exploration is... Space: a positive human future? 05/12/22
I think the government can create more jobs in the country that favor worker's rights. It can... Working Conditions 05/12/22