Comments by idealistic_song

Comment Post Date
I would really want to be a doctor because of the way my family will always have free medical... Would you…? 21/11/22
I agree with person A because it is really true that doctors do have the most important job in... Pick a side! 21/11/22
Actually some of these food wastes are also feeds to some animals like the pigs and remember... Expert challenge: what could you do? 21/11/22
Rushi should work to see that he tries to win the people over by solving most of the problems... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 21/11/22
It's obvious because the people weren't involved in the decision to make him the prime minister... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 14/11/22
The downsides of hosting COP on social media is that bench marking will be very difficult... Are COP events sustainable? 14/11/22
I don't think it is not democratic at all to just pick a prime minister for the country if the... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 14/11/22
The part where he is like "rejoice hearties there is another new troy prime minister at the... What does the cartoonist think? 11/11/22
I would pick Iron man because if you pay attention to his film, he is a person who will never... Who could change the world? 10/11/22
Being a leader of your country is not bad because it shows patriotism(love for your country).... Would you be a leader? 10/11/22
I'd say the character who could change the world would be Rick Sanchez from the show ( Rick and... Who could change the world? 10/11/22
In my opinion, I know that democracy is the best decision but I think that Rishi Sunak who was... Is it time for a general election in the UK? 10/11/22
The person that inspires me is Bernard Anthony Harris Jr. He inspires me because he was the... Expert challenge: achieving dreams! 10/11/22
Food waste has become a big habit world wide. In my community, I would first want to educate... Expert challenge: what could you do? 09/11/22
I feel like for future COP events, some world leaders should stay behind and meet online while... Are COP events sustainable? 09/11/22
Paying workers fairly means that they should be paid according to the effort they put in the... Working conditions: what’s acceptable? 08/11/22
Young people are not political because they do not know politics as well as the older people do... Are young people political? 08/11/22
I think they should use different social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube where they... Are COP events sustainable? 08/11/22
My questions for a new leader would be; 1. What will you do to stop the violation of children's... Competition #2 Questions for leaders 07/11/22
Celebrities are like an important figure in many places and there are may people that follow and... Reduce, reuse, recycle! 07/11/22