incomparable_juniper has not published standpoints yet. Comments by incomparable_juniper Comment Post Date Comment: Dear trusting_fish, the points you are making, are very thoroughly reflected, if I may say so.... Post: Measurements of "Fair" Date: 25/3/24 Comment: Dear fantastic_song, I must agree with your statement, that action taking immediately is more... Post: My standpoint for Eco-Anxiety. Date: 25/3/24 Comment: Dear fantastic_morning, education is the solution to almost everything. Where people are... Post: How can prisons make prisoners better citizens? Date: 24/3/24 Comment: Dear jolly_gazelle, first of all I want to say, that I appreciate your standpoint, as it seems... Post: UK's Immigration Conundrum Date: 24/3/24 Comment: Dear involved_wolverine, in what context do you believe that AI is harmful to students, more... Post: AI can not outdo the human teacher Date: 24/3/24 Comment: Dear awesome_speech, Concerning drug use in sports and especially the Olympics, I agree with ... Post: The Enhanced Games:is doping fair? My opinion. Date: 24/3/24 Comment: Dear knowledgeable_message, It is frightening how women are so often discerned, right? When... Post: The Media and its Fairness to Women Date: 22/3/24 Comment: Dear selfreliant_duck, Having read your standpoint a few questions came to my mind. In what... Post: AI standpoint Date: 22/3/24 Comment: I think one of the major reasons why people are not properly adapting their behavior is because... Post: Why don’t people change? Date: 06/2/24 Comment: I believe that teachers should be educated on how to use AI and how to differentiate between... Post: AI and the future of education Date: 05/2/24