kind_meteor has not published standpoints yet. Comments by kind_meteor Comment Post Date Comment: i think B is correct because sports is about getting better and working out their body through... Post: What do you think about the Enhanced Games? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: In our lesson i thought that enhanced games were a bad thing because in the future of enhanced... Post: How did the lesson go? Date: 12/3/24 Comment: i think that the enhancement of drugs is not fair to other people who do not take drugs in... Post: What do we know about the future of ability enhancing drugs? Date: 11/3/24 Comment: I think Joe Bidens statement is fair because if too many migrants are trying to enter the US... Post: Fair or unfair? Date: 05/3/24 Comment: When there is lots of old people it can put pressure on the government, the tax system and the... Post: Ageing populations Date: 05/3/24 Comment: well it depends, if the business is making lots if money in the invading country i think they... Post: Countries behaving badly Date: 28/2/24 Comment: The war in Ukriane has put energy prices up. This means the cost of goods and services go up.... Post: How might the news affect businesses? Date: 28/2/24 Comment: in my country i have experienced lots of very windy days i also remember that a long time ago i... Post: Climate change in your country Date: 05/2/24 Comment: envirmental change is affecting our planet the way we colud help is by putting plastic waste in... Post: How to make a change Date: 05/2/24 Comment: there is currently to much bad news about climate change, and it gives people to much to worry... Post: Too much negative news? Date: 05/2/24 Comment: AI can be used for writing because when humans make books it takes quite a long time however... Post: Jobs of the future Date: 30/1/24 Comment: i choose worried because the more robots we created the more power they have over humans it is a... Post: What's your reaction? Date: 30/1/24 Comment: AI will effect the learning of children, and also it will be very boring having a robot teacher... Post: People v robots Date: 30/1/24