peaceful_cliff has not published standpoints yet. Comments by peaceful_cliff Comment Post Date Yes it very serious to whole world Is the food crisis a big problem or not? 12/12/22 I think that iron man can change the world Who could change the world? 21/11/22 No we should make ourselves to make us able to follow. Do you have to see it, to be it? 21/11/22 I think that climate change is the biggest reason. The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 21/11/22 The three of the inventions are great.somg tower is best invention for areas like Lahore a city... Get creative, save the planet! 11/11/22 The three of the ideas are great .Our country's city Lahore is very polluted the smog tower is... Get creative, save the planet! 11/11/22 We can make COP 27 more sustainable by making the developed countries or countries who have... Are COP events sustainable? 11/11/22 How to stop global warming? Global warming is a main cause that effect our climate.6 simple... Climate reporters! 11/11/22 I live in Pakistan.Our 70% population directly or indirectly relates with agriculture.Human... Climate reporters! 10/11/22 Being a human everyone has right to go to space it doesn't matters they have money or not they... Money, money, money! 07/11/22 There are certain reasons why can't some countries share food among other countries there is a... The food crisis: why can’t we just share? 07/11/22 As people working in the fight against hunger, here are a few of the challenges we see in... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 04/11/22 The question arises why havent we solved the hunger problem yet !! in this there major issues... Why haven't we solved the problem of world hunger yet? 03/11/22