Are COP events sustainable?

If you did this lesson in class, you would have discussed the BIG QUESTION for ‘COP27: is it sustainable?’

This topic’s BIG QUESTION is:

What should event organisers do to make future COP events more sustainable?

Comments (118)

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  • Cop can be sustainable by allowing the largest number of change makers to participate from different countries to confirm their voices, opinions and visions in the negotiations that take place in the conference

    1. What do you think the benefits of meeting face to face rather than having virtual meetings is calm_deer?

    2. I agree because... Cop can be sensible by allowing largest number of world leaders to meet.

    3. Can you think of an example of how they could decide how many people need to go to the event to reduce the amount of travel?

    4. i think cop 27 events are not sustainable because it costs loads of money to run and most of these ideas dont get used! If we change this we could live in a way better world

  • The COP events do cost a lot, but it solves one of the greatest problems. It brings out unity in diversity through the participation of different countries in the event. It improves international relationships. It can become more sustainable by fixing a planned budget. The cost can be reduced by keeping such events online, through video conferences. This will reduce the transportation cost and the CO2 released during travelling. I think it is important to solve problems that COP aims for like tackling the climate emergency. Therefore, They are sustainable but can be improved by doing the measures mentioned above!

    1. Do you think that the promises made at COP are being kept?

      1. no because one contry said they wont use coal but their plane was run by coal

        1. Are you sure a plane was run on coal?

    2. How could fixing planned budget be made possible? Instead of wasting resources like this, can't that be used to help a country which is suffering? There are countries which are bearing the brunt of other's mistakes. For instance, the small country Bhutan, are we ready to learn from them. It's a carbon negative country, yet the country is suffering from flash floods why? because of global temperature increasing across the globe. The Bhutanese people are suffering, their livelihoods hit, for no mistakes of theirs. How do we address such issues?

    3. I disagree because... it try’s to solve global warming but they have to fly around the world to get to their host which causes more pollution .And they can travel by train which uses coal while one country said they will stop using coal

        1. Can you say why, inspiring_idea?

  • Being an organizer means you take on the responsibility of making sure the event goes as planned and without any problems. Attaining sustainability is key to success it has to be a continuous process before change can be seen. First of all they should pick a location that is suitable both environmentally and very important eco friendly. Yes, allowing everyone to get an opportunity to host the event is a really cool idea but at the same time indirectly causing harm to the environment because everyone would have to travel and the automobiles they use affect the atmosphere since they release harmful gases in little or small amounts, so why not have an online conference using applications like zoom that way everyone gets to attend without any discomfort or stress.
    The country that is meant to host that year can go on a tour around areas prone to global warming and see how it really affects them and host the meeting there instead of the fancy halls and catering services they should let the people of the community do all that because ones the individuals affected are involved they will be excited because they are been thought of and would want something like that to keep on happening.

    1. I like the idea of hosting in the most affected countries. This year is hosted in Egypt which is a climate-vulnerable country.

  • Ok i want to start with what it really is recently we've been observing that climate is showing us that if we keep messing with our environment it could lead to really serious consequences .
    ## Pakistan suffered from floods and still hasn't recovered from the damage completely (believe me they we catastrophic)
    ## the temperature at the poles has broken all records of increasing at a mind boggling rate .
    ## now floods in Philippines, Thailand.
    ## most importantly the average temperature of europe is increasing far more quickly than other regions .all those fires and extreme heatwaves in Portugal, Italy and Germany etc.

    Now all the leaders are going to get together in Egypt to talk on this matter because now it's getting serious.

    Is it sustainable? Hard to predict as many world leaders are not going to attend it due to war or maybe some of their inter political problems .

    My question is why we humans are successful at building supersonic planes , landing on the moon and build particle accelerators etc but we are failing to save this planet?? This climate has effected my health too i have "chronic sinusitis" and the extreme smog in my area have made it difficult for me to even sleep. This is just me .

    They have done cop26 before in 2022 but they never took it seriously. It's cop27 if all the previous last 26 meeting haven't created a difference this could be a failure too but still i am hoping for the best

    1. Very critical thinking @zestful_deer!... I'll take the optimistic side of the argument and ask: do you think discussion about these impacts is helping spur greater understanding of the problem (by leaders and/or young people)? Will new-found economic opportunity in these areas compel gov/business to pursue solutions more vigorously?

      1. I agree because...
        Definitely a picture always has two sides this meeting is obviously creating awareness in leader and some are even taking actions to make the environment better but the situation is getting worse very fast and the steps taken aren't sufficient but we shouldn't give up hope anyway.

        1. I am in total agreement with you if cop27 isn't bringing a change to my local environment then i think it's not sustainable at least for me and my family.

    2. What a great comment @zestful_deer, you clearly have a very solid understanding of some of the devasting effects of climate change. What action do you think could be taken to ensure COP27 and future COP meetings are addressing the problems and making a real difference?

  • To make COP28 more sustainable, we can have it on zoom so people will not have to travel by plane which is using fuel, only main countries like Russia can be apart of the zoom meeting but other minor countries like Vatican City can still contribute and someone can take a new job to look on social media platforms such as Facebook for normal people to share their ideas or there could be an online survey where the people can vote on specific ideas.
    All of these ideas were shared in class by the way!

    1. Fantastic ideas spirited_thought! Great problem-solving and creativity

    2. If only main countries are a part of the talk while minor countries will have to watch via social media.We would never get a wholistic understanding of issues and problems. All countries will not get equal voice to share and reprecent their idea convincingly enough .Hence i feel that a virtual event can make COP 27 sustainable .Where we have to spend we have to and where we can cut we should .What do you think about this spirited_thought ?

      1. Well done for replying to another student!

      2. Well. The minor countries can still contribute but they do not have to attend the meeting as all of this would cost money. Wouldn't you think all of this money ( instead ) could be used to grow trees or clean the air e.t.c. ?

    3. good idea because then you will use less fuel.

    4. That's a great idea to get the public more involved. Any ideas on how you could reach out to everyday people to invite them to contribute?

    5. I agree because pollution is part of the reasons COP was organized in order to make the world a better place and the use of fuel depletes the ozone layer because it release carbon mono oxide to the ozone layer which can cause harm to us. Carbon monoxide is harmful when breathed because it displaces oxygen in the blood and deprives the heart, brain and other vital organs of oxygen it is formed when we burn fuel from cars , engines, and so on. so we can use social media for the COP meeting the world will be happier and safe place to be in.

  • if event organisers want to make future COP events more sustainable they should do the following;
    Since every year a different country should host the event they should make sure that the host has good environmental surroundings like the country should have a good climate because some representatives have allergies like they can't live under some weather conditions. The host should also put some good entertainment which will kill the boredom and that can encourage more people to attend the events.

    1. Are you sure organisers should put on entertainment to bring more people to these events? Wouldn't attracting them for entertainment distract them from the pressing business of solving climate change?

      1. Actually this would boost there morale because if you go to a meeting that is boring this can make them even sleep during the process where by we need some entertainment during their break to make it lively.

        But then they can also create a chat group where by they can propose the ideas which can help their work easier than travelling to another country to discuss that or they could also have an organized online meeting which can also prevent spending a lot of money

  • The climate conference will be held this year in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. This is a wonderful thing by hosting this event in a brotherly Arab country. I see the solution by everyone's commitment to the outcome of this conference, and I hope that solutions will be sustainable and that we live in a planet free of problems and conflicts and live in peace, security and stability.

    1. Thank you for your comment cooperative_sea. You say that you hope the solutions will be sustainable but I think you've missed the question - what do you think the organisers can do to make future COP events more sustainable?

      1. I believe that the natural human being among us can change and affect the environment by staying away from pollutants as much as possible. If the change does not start from within each of us and understand the magnitude of the danger that we will be faced with, no change will happen! This is on a personal level. As for the conference solutions that make decisions sustainable, I see that Every country begins by itself by applying and shedding light on a broader view of this catastrophe, which I see that most people are ignorant of. The people and people in every country feel the scale of the problem, and they will bring the solution closer to sustainability.

    2. Very good point, however travelling by plan or car, cause more harm than good. Have you thought on how to make the event less polluting overall?

  • The event organizers should create a online meeting instead of traveling to the meeting. This would also prevent more damage to the environment because cars and planes release greenhouse gases. If world leaders are traveling to a meeting, they shouldn’t travel on a private plane so it would release less greenhouse gases.

    1. Great answer shrewd_hyena! Can you think of any other reasons why hosting COP online would make it more sustainable?

    2. Yes you are right but how can we release less green house gases because it is not a Leaders issues it also our issues

    3. I like this idea and it’s preventing climate change

    4. I agree because then we use less fuel to travel places like uk to Egypt for an example

  • In my opinion, One major initiative organisers can to make the COP events more sustainable and environmentally friendly is to implement an internet-based system the hold the COP events. All prominent participants can join the event via digital meetings. Also, people all around the world should be enabled to share their opinions through videos, articles and whatnot, this would allow World Leaders to listen to the suggestions of the people they are representing and a much more interactive discussion to take place.

    1. A good answer positive_glockenspiel, I've noticed you've said people around the world should share their opinions, can you think of any pros and cons of doing this?

      1. Well the only significant consequence i see is maybe lack of effectiveness, you see in such case too many opinions may be shared decreasing the focus on one good sollution.
        For the pros as iv allread mentioned that such a way would be so so much better for the enviornment, with reduced carbon emissions and addition with increased participation the probablilty of getting better and more effective sollutions increases increadibly

    2. This is one view but I believe that that in order to make it more accessible it should be held locally around the world in order to have more people take part and increase the awareness.

      1. I definately think this can be a wonderfull option as locallly held meetings would allow people allready united to focus on a sollution yet we are her to solve a global problem and a way would still be needed to express the ideas on a global level

    3. I agree with you, and I would have suggested the same outcome, however, I also thought about the engagement. When something is online, once the laptop is closed, the problem disappears. Travelling where the problem is, could be more impactful. Do you think that there could be an additional layer to online meetings, to make them more impactful?

      1. I would love to agree with what you said, however better for the enviornment it is online mode will allways lack imoact as compared to a offline meeting. There shoukd be an additional layer like maybe a offline meeting with very less people.
        You opinion is reallly appreciative and i must agree

        1. How can new technology make online meetings feel more like in-person ones.

    4. I agree but we also can make compaing and students group at school level

    5. I agree with you @positive_glockenspiel because this is a very good idea. The meeting should be held virtually. It can be held on an app like Zoom or if Zoom and other similar apps are not preferable, a new internet-based meeting app should be designed specifically for such a big event as Cop28 and for subsequent Cop meetings. It will help to reduce pollution, emission of dangerous gases from planes, cost of traveling other risks associated with traveling.

      On the other hand, face-to-face meetings are also good because the issues being presented at the meeting are important issues so this method of holding meetings will show that the presence of the attendees is appreciated their time and want to connect directly rather than over the phone. They are issues such as climate change that affect the whole world. It also helps to improve relations between different countries but this method has more disadvantages. There will be issues of pollution, emission of dangerous gases from planes, high cost of traveling, and other risks and problems associated with ensuring the safety and comfort of those attending the meeting.

      Weighing the pros and cons of both methods, I think the virtual meeting is better and it is more sustainable which is the major aim.

  • Cop must be sustained and strongly, as for the sake of our planet, it can no longer bear the pressure on it from us, so I suggest
    * ending dealing with non-renewable energy sources as quickly as possible and replacing them with renewable energy such as wind.
    *I propose a solution, for example, North Africa is the largest area on which the sun falls throughout the world and with great intensity. If we fill an area such as the Libyan desert with solar panels, we can supply the entire world with electricity, and this is how we will eliminate the largest cause of the production of Co2 gas

    1. Great ideas @receptive_outcome. Do you think the solar panels solution should be a collaborative projects between the members of the UN, or should it be the responsibility of the country who has the land space to initiate such a project?

      1. I believe that there will be a balance between international and local support, as if the state is able to do so, it will strengthen its economy as it sells energy and electricity to neighboring countries, but if it is unable to secure the price of this project, then the countries in general must participate in the project and Cooperate with each other. Of course, it will be for each country to take a percentage according to the agreement that they will set

  • In my view, COP event organizers should start the use of solar panels on the buildings where the event is to be held to reduce the amount electricity used during the event. They should also buy food from local sources to spend less on food and they should use reusable cups and plates for serving food and drinks. In another way, they should use internet services like zoom, google meet and skype to host the meeting or they can also invite leading countries for the meeting so that there is less travelling to reduce pollution from cars and planes. Alternatively, they can also send discussion topics to the different countries through emails for them to discuss and give feed back on a discussion without travelling. Actually am thinking that they could also start a policy of (TREE WORLD) where every country is required to plant new 5oo,000,000 trees in order to attend the event and failure to comply is punishable.
    I think this way,COP events will be MORE SUSTAINABLE.

    1. daring_cherry that is a well detailed answer, well done. Which of your suggestions do you think will make COP events themselves more sustainable and why?

      1. Among my suggestions I think, ''Use of internet services like zoom, google meet and skype to host the meeting or inviting leading countries for the meeting so that there is less travelling to reduce pollution from cars and planes. Alternatively, sending discussion topics to the different countries through emails for them to discuss and give feed back on a discussion without travelling. '' will make the events themselves more sustainable since alot of money will be saved,less emissions and fast working hence saving time.

    2. Interesting points. How did you decide on 500 million trees? And how should failure to comply be punished?

      1. Well,i actually didn't have any criteria for giving 500,ooo,000 trees but i just felt like it would make a difference in the climate of those countries where they are grown for example they will increase the process of evapotranspiration where water go to the atmosphere through evaporation and transpiration and its responsible for 15% of the atmosphere's water vapour. Without that input of water vapour, clouds couldn't form and precipitation would never fall so more trees more rain ''simple.''

  • Instead of using all that money to fly to different countries they can simply organize online meetings where they can simply share their opinions. They can also create websites where adults can also share their point of views about the climate because not all the geniuses attend the events and this can give them better ideas.
    They can also have a group chat where by they won't need to wait for the meeting and they can simply share their ideas daily so that the work can quickly be done.

  • What came to my mind after reading all points against sustainability of COP was; why can't this meeting be an online meeting??
    All participating countries join the online forum, decide action plan and start it as a campaign in their countries...
    No one need to host such a big event, no one need to pollute environment by arriving at the meeting spot....

    1. Hi @fierce_moose. What, if any, do you think are the some of the positive points of having the event in person?

      1. Yes in person meetings have many travel all the way from your country to the meeting spot reminds you that how important this issue is... You are using your time, money and energy for a great cause... You can't survive if you think you don't care what's going in the world. ...
        You have to keep all personal issues aside and stand with other countries for the sake of survival of this universe...
        Also you can share your ideas and get instant views on a table and your talk can be more meaningful

    2. I agree with you, but could we make the online meeting more impactful. Could we make the problem more real for the people attending the online meeting?

      1. Yes... Only and only if we involve community and educate the people on grass root level that how a small act can cause a big disaster....
        Our representatives can't make these meetings successful unless they teach their people that every act matters...when I cut a tree...or waste a bucket of water,. I m not wasting it from my house...rather I m depleting world,s resources...
        I m destroying the whole environment which I m sharing with many others...
        We are not living in our country..we are sharing the world...
        This sense of responsibility will help our leaders to make these COPs successful

  • I think that to make cop27 more sustainable by changing from planes to zoom as going to Egypt would use a lot of unsustainable fuel, by switching to zoom it would also allow smaller countries that can't afford to participate to share their views on climate change. A problem this would cause is that it would be more complicated to televise but away to overcome this problem would be to record the zoom meeting and put the recording on the news. Another way to overcome this problem would be to use electric planes these have no need for jet fuel but are not fully developed and not many are used.

    1. Great problem solving shy_duck!

  • To make future COP events sustainable the event organizers have to make it
    a) The event as inclusive as possible : It should be made a compulsory event for all countries. The event can be organized in two or more venues to ensure maximum participation and cut down on cost due to travel. Choosing different time for the event to be conducted would help countries to ensure participation in at lest one . Each country can choose the venue that it would attend.
    b) There should be a five point action plan for implementation from each country towards Climate change with details of implementation which is to be approved by a minimum of 5 countries during the event. This will provide a collective responsibility of all these countries towards the cause.
    c) Since there is diversity in problem and approach freedom to be given on choice of implementation pointers of countries. The developed nations must collaborate with under developed countries to work on carbon mitigation , green energy etc. through knowledge sharing and funding projects .
    One important tool is to create global awareness on COP and climate change and the consequence of the same. This alone can bring a collective solution . We should walk the talk

    1. good proposals, @receptive_mandarin -- but do you think there are any disadvantages to having two or more events? Is progress more likely with all the world's leaders under one roof, all having the same discussion?

      1. Everything has advantage and disadvantage for example having multiple events for COP may mount up cost .But a country will hav choise of selecting venue to attend which will cut down on transportation and make it little more flexible for participating countries . A venue in Asian country will help leaders from Asia to attend easily. When all leaders have same agenda we may have solution at one roof but the problems due to climate change have diverse impact based on geographical location for example India has a long costline and large land area has problems due to unpredictable tropical cyclones , tsunami etc while that of a mountaneous country like Tibet may be different . The solutions that each country may feel feasible is also diffent I think .thank you

  • Being a students its great opportunity that i am getting is an eco friendly Festival. Having a great deal of new ideas at the length of a touch, observing many percepectives across the glob without creating a fuss of environmental hazards. Having fun to participate in competitions as well as great deal of learning about the risks at stake towards sustainable life.
    I want to extend Topical Talk idea for the future COP meetings as it should and online forum i.e. e-COP or iCOP.
    In next meeting give the opportunity to all the stakeholders to talk about the sustainable future by such online forum in which they learn from young minds through different talks, debates and suggestions that how the sustainable future look like to them? What they can contribute to develop eco friendly habits? And what the stakeholders at COP end can contribute practically to extend the treaty and involve the other parties as well.

    1. Thank you, a brilliant idea! Keep the open discussion and tracking progresses, exchange expertise and solutions will definitely be beneficial for COP members, at the same time online forum is more sustainable. From the other perspective, can we also think about the pros and cons of hosting it online?

      1. Regards for the application.
        There are many percepectives involving the hosting of online events. There should be an APP should be introduced regarding sustainable life. The students are now a days more interested in sofware and games. This is the need of the hour that forum should introduce online games and Apps to help the students understanding sustainable ways of life.
        TV or cartoon series should be introduce to involve the kids.
        Online forum also have disadvantages that many countries have power connectivity resources and Internet cost issue. They can't take part in the discussion. Communication gaps due to language boundaries also play role in drwabacks of online forum.

  • Future event organizers when creating a meeting should create it online rather than traveling to the meeting, because it is travel by car and plane that causes 90% of the impact of transportation on the climate, and that air travel is the most polluting, and also travel By ships causes pollution of the seas, and travel by planes and cars leads to global warming, and if any world leaders are to attend a meeting, it is not preferable to travel by planes or cars to reduce global warming that leads to a rise in global temperatures. All this was shared in the chapter !.

  • I think they should use different social media apps like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube where they can have there meetings live so that many people from around the world can follow them and for some of the people that don't feel comfortable using the above social media apps, they can also create online meetings on ZOOM which is the best since it also has a chatroom where people can share their ideas. They can also create groups or websites on those social media apps so that people can get a chance to share their opinions and doing this will even help to reduce the expenditure they are supposed to use since they won't have to spend their money to fly to the different countries to attend these events.

    1. idealistic_song this is a unique suggestion, thanks for your contribution! Can you think of any downsides to hosting COP on social media platforms?

      1. The downsides of hosting COP on social media is that bench marking will be very difficult because these COP events are held in different countries and bench marking this is where when you attend the event in a different country you get to adopt many things that you can apply in your country like their administration, the way they manage their stuff like wastes and revenue and this can help in the development of countries so I think putting in money to fly all the way to these events is actually worth it because to leads to the development of different countries.

  • To make COP28 more sustainable, we can have it on zoom so people will not have to travel by plane which is using fuel, only main countries like Russia can be apart of the zoom meeting but other minor countries like Vatican City can still contribute and someone can take a new job to look on social media platforms such as Facebook for normal people to share their ideas or there could be an online survey where the people can vote on specific ideas.
    All of these ideas were shared in class by the way!

    1. @majestic_piccolo what you be your own idea on how to keep the events sustainable?

      1. If only main countries are a part of the talk while minor countries will have to watch via social media.We would never get a wholistic understanding of issues and problems. All countries will not get equal voice to share and reprecent their idea convincingly enough .Hence i feel that a virtual event can make COP 27 sustainable .Where we have to spend we have to and where we can cut we should .What do you think about this spirited_thought ?

  • The COP should be prioritised to be held in countries which are more vulnerable to the climate change effects, like Pakistan. Floods and smog events are seriously affecting our country. Not only countries like ours, will learn from experiences of the other countries - but also general public will focus on the discussions and suggestions - once the COP event is focused in the local media. Thus urge for implementations of the recommendations to contain climate change effects will be seconded by the people, and then by the public representatives in the legislative bodies for corresponding legislation.

  • I think they would make it fairer and also make it And making it more creative by developing it and employing experts in it so that it flourishes more and also to do aid and other things to the people and this makes it more popular and permanent.

  • If COP event is held in the countries which are facing environmental problems and climate change effects more than other global countries, then it will be better because it will boost the cognizance level of the general public there specifically. This is because the event will get prominent coverage from digital media there.
    Moreover, world leaders arriving from other countries will get an opportunity to see and visit the affected sectors individually. In this way the country will get immediate help and measures for the target sectors.

    1. This is a brilliant point @succinct_engine, can you elaborate further on how you think this would make the COP event more sustainable?

  • To make COP28 more sustainable, we can have it on zoom so people will not have to travel by plane which is using fuel, only main countries like Russia can be apart of the zoom meeting but other minor countries like Vatican City can still contribute and someone can take a new job to look on social media platforms such as Facebook for normal people to share their ideas or there could be an online survey where the people can vote on specific ideas.

    1. Can you think of any arguments against making COP virtual?

      1. I think that if there are any arguments against making COP virtual it would be that it could lack personal touch.Physical presence of world leaders is really necessary in places such as this where huge decisions are made.

  • I feel like for future COP events, some world leaders should stay behind and meet online while some other leaders can go. I'd suggest this in order to cut back greenhouse gases that the planes and the cars the leaders would use to go to the COP events.

    1. Hi Idealistic_Song - it could potentially reduce the climate impact of travel to COP events if some people met online. Would it be easy to choose who attended in person and who attended online? Could this have disadvantages?

  • I learned that the climate in clayton county is sustainable and the climates are.
    september 84° / 64°
    october 74° / 52°
    November 64° / 42°
    December 56° / 36°

    1. Can you say what makes Clayton County sustainable?

  • Sustainable aviation fuel can be used
    Once the fuel is sourced from renewable sources, it is mixed halfway with kerosene to produce a blend of sustainable aviation fuels and conventional fuels. This fuel mixture can be used in the same way as regular jet fuel. There is no need for any modifications to the aircraft to use it and thus it can benefit from renewable energy without polluting the environment

    1. Hi Inspirational_Groundhog - the development of sustainable aviation fuel offers real opportunities in the future! What do you think is the main difficulty for the aviation industry in adopting sustainable aviation fuel before COP 28?

  • The COP should endeavor to convince the third world countries- which are unable to to address the climate change effects and pollution problem they face - because they are less capable to carry out tasks for reduction of climate change effects and pollutants because of poor economies. If any poor country want to plant trees or need technologies to tackle pollution problem then COP can suggest or extend co-operation to this connection to them. Moreover, the COP can present their problems - both financial and pragmatic - in front of the world for necessary attention. Once the fruits of such efforts in collaboration with COP are achieved , then COP will of course get the credit along with voices for collaboration from other problem facing countries.

  • Developing countries have faced serious effects of climate change. According to World bank Pakistan needs $348 billion for development challenges between 2023 and 2030,which is equal to 10.7percent of cumulative GDP for the same period.

    1. Hi Believable_Engineer - thanks for your comment. Can you give an example of a serious effect of climate change?

  • Go on Google and see some pictures spotting some glaciers saying, ''30 years ago - and present''. It means you will find many place where there was snow 30 years ago but today it is just bare mountain peak. Ata Abad lake in Chitral area of Pakistan was made spontaneously because glacier melted there. Why a glacier melt? Of course because of warm atmosphere. Global warming is going on rapid pace and 0.6 centigrade rise has been noticed in the last two decades of the ongoing century . 0.6 centigrade rise was for the last whole century. Is it not alarming?
    The COP27 is hearing the alarm and is to sustain for being active to the alarm.

    1. Hi Quickwitted_Persimmon - thanks for telling us about the formation of the Ata Abad lake. Do you think COP27 will benefit Pakistan?

  • I think that cop 27 is not as sustainable as we think because they are taking money from a company that is polluting the environment, spending billions of pounds to get them there also to ge there they are using planes which by the way is really bad for the environment.

  • I think cop27 is good because people around the whole world [not all countries] can meet up and make a desieon.But it is also bad because it costs so much to plan, and they can sometimes make wrong desieon .

    1. What kind of decisions? Can you please explain a bit more? alert_buffalo

  • Yes, it can be sustainable. These events are very important to remind all nations that they have a responsibility towards controlling and minimising climate change by reducing emissions. It will surely bring a little bit of discomfort as we move from fossil fuel based energy to renewable due to the cost but it will pay off in the long term. Costs will go down as we make more investments into renewable energy.

  • The two groups could simply hold online meetings instead of spending all that money traveling to other countries. Adults can also be invited to share their viewpoints on climate change through websites because not every genius attends the events and that will help them develop better ideas. In addition, a group chat can be used, so they won't need to wait for a meeting, but simply share their ideas each day to accomplish the work as quickly as possible.

  • These days, in Cop27, in Egypt they're working on (climate change), I think this gathering ,unfortunately, is not  sustainable, because when the leaders  meet  they come from different 197 countries in private planes, and private cars which burn a lot of fuel, and this contributing  climate change to get worse. Therefore, I think they don't need to travel from one country to another to meet face to face, they can do it via the internet to reduce climate pollution. Besides, I recommend the organizers for COP28 if they saw that the online meetings wouldn't be sufficient enough they can use both ways face to face meetings for the main countries only, but they have to be careful in choosing the sponsores companies which build on green economies. I want to add some ideas about the factors that lead to climate change, including:
    First- Fuel and Gasoline Cars, the Arab world contains approximately “60%” of oil and is spent on cars. We reduce the impact of this problem if we get benefit of the  recent American machine which called the smart scooter . It is avery economical tool for moving from one place to another that helps reduce climate pollution. This machine works on electricity as it is charged and used for transportation. It contains a battery when it is fully charged.  I think that if we could provide it in my country to commute, this will help to reduce climate change. We can post videos advising young people to use them.
    If we worked together in order to find things that could alleviate the climate change even if it is simple, we can make a difference.

    1. Hi Amazing_Parrot - thanks for sharing your ideas for using electric scooters. How would the electricity be generated for powering these scooters? If everyone had a scooter, would there be enough charging points?

  • Some ways COP organisers can make COP28 more sustainable than previous COPs is by having the COP conferences online to save fuel, energy and time. The event organisers had the meeting in Egypt on COP27. Due to the living cost crisis, prices of everyday necessities are skyrocketing. Petrol to fuel the aeroplane to Egypt would have cost a considerable amount of money, and in addition, the money used to fund the conference, would be unimaginable. Instead of wasting the time taken to go to Egypt and back, the event organisers could have used that time to plant trees.

  • To make this COP event more sustainable,we can have meetings via online platforms such as zoom virtually instead of having it In-Person.By this,there is no need for travel by planes and cars and this reduces the release of CO2 and other gases.This also helps to lessen the travel,food and accommodation expenses and this saved budget can be used for another good cause.Also,a forum like this can be created for the people and students to share their opinions and views and the best of ideas can be adopted.

    1. Hi Crafty_Quince - it's interesting to flag the impact of travel to COP events given the focus on climate change! Can you think of any disadvantages of holding the next event virtually?

      1. A virtual event means that we will not have that person touch.We are well advanced in technology.This means that we can have our office meetings or even classes through online.But we don't.We still opt for physical classes and meets.The same goes with such a big world event.Also,people may be in different time zones.When people across the globe wants to participate this could be a big factor.Another disadvantage is connectivity issue.I beleive that these are some of the disadvantages for which we have to find a way through.

  • When Hybrid Mode has become order of the day, why shouldn't COP28 be organized virtually. The UN could bring some best minds from various countries join virtually as well and seek their ideas and support for sustainability. Climate issues hit the common people more. One of the main points of discussion for any COP event is People-Centered Initiatives. Hence, the best way to organize COP 28 is to involve the public opinion before drafting the policy.

    Otherwise, what is the point in the leaders coming together but unable to come to consensus about the climatic changes that is devouring the natural resources, wealth and even people due to its effects.

    Today we youngsters are together in a virtual platform like this airing our views, sharing our ideas for sustainability, solutions for issues taken for discussion, give constructive criticism to the policy makers, moderated by some best minds. Why can't COP28 too be organized similarly?

    For instance, organizing an event of this scale, calls for lot of resources, manpower and ultimately for what? If that it is not going to translate into results.

    Hence, it is important that the common man is also represented in discussions like these and not just the political leaders! The best to make it happen is Hybrid Mode. Both Physical and Virtual.

    For instance, a movement SAVE SOIL was initiated by one of the most revered people from our country India, SADGURU JAGGI VASUDEV. A movement to address the soil crisis, to bring people together across the globe for soil health. to increase the organic content of the soil. He travelled around 30000 KMS from the Caribbean shores and touched 27 countries, meeting the leaders of the countries, influencers celebrities, public figures and large number of public to create awareness on this issue. This was to bring policy related to soil revitalization in place.

    Such grassroot level event will touch millions of people. Tell them the reality. Climate issues cannot be addressed by an individual. Its collective effort. Every person should take responsibility. Only if we bring everyone's opinion to the table something constructive can happen. Hybrid mode is the only solution for that.

  • From my humble point of view, I see the COP climate conference as mere formalities and acquaintances rather than discussing what is happening around us in terms of climate change...especially the absence of some heads of state linked to political agendas. in our atmosphere. I see the absence of an energy-filled youth component to give serious solutions. The COP conference must have captured the category of specialized university scientists..otherwise, it is a failed climate conference.

    1. Why do you think that young people should be at COP?

      1. As stipulated in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, all persons under the age of 18 have the right to participate in decision-making processes that affect them. This includes providing a public platform for them to express their views, and providing support for them to do so. To realize this right, UNICEF has created Voices of Youth, a platform dedicated to young advocates providing inspiring and creative insights on issues that matter to them.

  • The future COP events can only be sustainable if all the presidents of different countries become serious about the climate change across the world because it is a very big problem all over the world. For now, only a few countries are effected by the destructions of climate change very badly. But, it is not very far when the whole world will be effected by the the effects of global warming and climate change.

  • i think instead of traveling around the world why not just make a zoom call

  • I think that COP27 is sustainable if all of the countries work together.

  • In many ways Cop can be sustainable such as they do solve a lot of big problems that effect the planet. But on the other hand Cop events are very expensive and involve a lot travelling.

  • I think flying around the world is not sustainable because we just waist time for one event

    1. How could this be avoided?

  • The COP events are very expensive but it does solve a lot of compilcated problems

    1. Can you explain how?

  • Though the COP is hardly sustainable, it will have a huge effect. The war makes it even harder and wastes time. The power used to fly over is increasing because fuel is needed in cases like that. It will be better if we could communicate online by using ; zoom, Microsoft teams etc. We could also do something simpler like planting trees and helping countries that are suffering climate changes. I have concluded by saying I don't think COP27 is sustainable but can be made better.

  • Cop can be sustainable by allowing the largest number of change makers to participate from different countries

    1. Can you explain how this would make it sustainable?

  • COP event cost a lot. It is not one country which can make a COP event, All countries participate in it to share their thoughts. The financial budget is high for COP event. One country can't afford to it. To make COP sustainable, it can be conducted in online. So that,there is no need of usage of planes which causes pollution. Since, the time differs for each country they can have a chat group so that they can share their ideas. By this way, they can share their ideas at any time and others can view it.

  • We can make COP 27 more sustainable by making the developed countries or countries who have promised in COP 26 to donate bound to donate because they are major contributers for the climate change like America, France,China what's the fault of my country, why is my country facing the conciquences ,why my country, I belong to Pakistan and we are not even 1 percent contributers in the world climate change but are the top 3 countries who are facing problems because of climate change this year the flood has destroyed everything,our people are dying but no one is paying attention on it our country need 40billion$ for rehabilitation but we are given only 5billion now I demand where are the meetings of COP 26, where are the countries who are responsible for this,where are the Meetings of UNO,where are countries who promised about donating
    There must be strict rules for countries so that they help to rehabilitate the loses caused because of them.

    1. You make a strong argument that it's up to the countries who contribute the most to climate change to support those most affected. This is a central theme to this year's COP.

  • Cop 27 would be more sustainable when the countries like America France China Italy and other developed countries whose activities are destroying the world would help those countries who are facing their activities results like Pakistan Philippines actually I belong from Pakistan and the flood has destroyed everything this year even the houses and foods crops like cotton rice are destroyed a government as that we need 40 billion dollars to rehabilitate and we are only given five billion dollars in this cop 27 they should make sure that they would help Pakistan and make it rehabilitation proper
    Very painful to see the people whose home and houses a destroyed whose children are died lost all of the wealth and their even not responsible of this and the one who are responsible for this are enjoying luxurious life they are not even paying attention on it why my country, country is facing all these problems even are not a part of it
    We trust On UNO that they would help Pakistan in this condition they would help Pakistan to rehabilitate
    There also should be strict rules for the countries to donate money for rehabilitation of countries like Pakistan

  • This is a very great platform where everyone can express his thoughts but one thing i will ask that we are not able to type such thinkings which are massive . If a online video or voice system should be develop for us to express our thoughts . It would be very great.

    1. Thanks for your feedback!

  • In COP 26 190 countries promised to give 100 billion US $ for rehabilitation of countries effected by climate changes. 130 countries promised that they will not cut more trees. But 5 billion US $ are collected still now. I belong to Pakistan.In recent flood, Pakistan needs 40 billion US $ for rehabilitation. But total 5 billion US $ are collected still now. Many African countries are in famine. Pakistan is also in bad situation. In this situation world should implement the decisions taken in COP 26 to make COP 26 sustainable.

  • In my opinion, COP is sustainable when we take these actions like:
    Event organizers should create an online meeting instead of traveling to the meeting. This would also prevent further damage to the environment as cars and planes emit greenhouse gases. If world leaders travel to attend the meeting, in my opinion instead of investing money to create an enterprise that harms the environment “tobacco producing factories”, we can invest money to create an organization that supports the environment and green trees, and create organizations and groups that care about the environment and the preservation of the atmosphere.

  • I thinkCOP27 , UN climate change conference, is one of the most important signs that we as humans still a living nation. Although of the unsustainable things that are related to holding it, its role still indispensable. As Simon Still, Executive Secretary of ( UNFCCC), says," The cost of inaction is far greater than the cost of action". Therefore, it is the time to make a difference in order to save our planet, ourselves and humanity's future . According to statistics, " Floods increased by 134 per cent since 2000" and other natural disasters are doubled " from 2000 to 2019, nearly 6,700 disasters claimed 1 million lives, affected 4,2 million people, and caused nearly US 3 trillion dollar in global economic losses". All of the previous numbers ring the danger bell ,so we have to look for alternatives of fossil fuels which cause the emissions rise, temperatures rise and natural disasters which has been increasing in" frequency and severity due to climate change".
    Governments ,all over the world, should change the patterns of production and consumption to be sustainable, by depending on " the solar superpowers, wind worriors and hydroherors". If we embrace the renewable energy, we will have the carbon emissions, then we will get rid of the devastating impacts of climate change.

  • Ithink a lot of money was spent on a conference that could have been implemented through modren means of communication without the need to travel and transport . The United Nations must pay attention to solve more serious and influential problems in the world like the problem of the wars.That needs to radical solutions that leadto peace . I think wars lead to some effect in climate changes as excessive use of weapons of all kinds, which consume fuel, money , equipment, human souls and vegetation cover .I think if the problem of wars will be solved, part of the climate changes will be solved also.

  • Alternatively, give students time to write individually before opening up a discussion; they are much more likely to speak up if they have some notes to speak from. Further, by allowing for this kind of pre-discussion activity, you will be able to ask more complex and interesting questions.

    1. This is great advice for Topical Talk!

  • Students who read independently have greater reading comprehension, verbal fluency and general knowledge than those who do not. They become better readers, score higher on achievement tests in all subject areas, and have greater content knowledge than their non-reading peers.

  • COP events are organized to articulate action plans to combat climate crisis and global warming on a united forum. To certain extent, these meetings themselves are not sustainable. To observe sustainability, these events can be held on virtual platforms. This not only makes it environment friendly but also more number of executives will be able to participate and put forth their views and suggestions. These events do need to be held physically also as it brings more compassion and understanding of facts and data. For such events, battery operated vehicles wherever and whenever possible, reusable crockery, natural cooling and ventilation system, etc., should be adopted to observe sustainability. These forums work in multilateral ways on pacts and plans to scale up action on climate crisis. It is the need of the hour to go hand in hand to save our planet Earth.

  • It's difficult to unite all people around the world in particular place. But through Online I don't think it would create an powerful impact. But to unite, the rich can fly one continent to other or country to country but, what about the poor? The obstacle for them is money. So through Virtual we can unite moreover people around the world.

  • I think cop27 is bad because in cop27 it says that trees are getting cut down and flooding is happening and the worst of all is the wildfires getting lit on fire.

    1. COP27 is the event where world leaders are making agreements about how to solve problems like these. Does this make you think differently?

  • We are in a digital world now.To make the Future COP more sustainable video conferences and online meetings can be conducted.This reduces the gas emitted from vehicles and prevents pollution caused by it. We all know about the ozone depletion and sudden climatic changes. These are due to the pollutions that we cause to this environment. By controlling this we can increase the lifespan of Earth.It is every individuals responsibility to restore our Earth.

  • Almost "30"years ago, a meeting was held by the United Nations with most countries on the face of the earth called "Cop27" to discuss an important topic, which is about climate change and plan to address and slow climate change Well that's good but I think that Cop events are not sustainable for several reasons including : The cost of this is very high, and they spend hundreds of millions on it, but it does not change anything. This money should be spent directly on things that are a solution to the problem of climate change, such as "renewable energy, planting trees or helping people who suffer because of climate change" and also world leaders do not commit With their promises like, "They set goals about how to reduce carbon in their countries, but they don't". So I hope that Cop28 organisers make decisions that support the environment and a solution to climate change.

  • COP organizers should implement the policies decided in COP26 to make future COP events sustainable.It was decided that 190 countries will collect 100 billion US $ for countries suffering effects of climate change. Not all countries even contributer countries like China ,India, America, Russia, Germany, Japan and Iran should give large amount to tackle with effects of climate change.

  • In my point of view,
    I am PAKISTANI 🇵🇰........
    You ask the question" Are COP events are sustainable?" My answer is:
    =)Cop (conference of parties)events are sustainable because they helps alot in solving the problem of food crisis,alot of food is waste due tobad climate condition , like heavy rain strom or ne rain for a long time it can cause the shortage of food , Cop is helping to reduce the climate effects on the crops and it will help to reduce the danger of crops faliure due to bad climate and it will ultimately reduce the food shortage or crisis

  • When you think of something to do and BELIEVE in yourself then there is nothing impossible to do and this is the thing that society is lacking today. If every countries unite together for the mission to make future COP events more sustainable then they will surely find a way.
    Beside that I also have some ideas learnt in school which can help this mission be successful:

    People must open an online group where they can share their ideas and point of views daily as well as they can have online meeting when needed. This saves time and fuel and is easier and effective way to communicate in short time. In this way people all over the world can know what is going around us and they can surely think of a way to make future COP events more sustainable such as:
    ~ They can start a new law for every country to plant a new plant in every alternative days.
    ~ They can alert people and make them use public transportation because 100 private vehicles equals 1 public bus.
    ~ They can host more program in those countries where global warming and other climate challenges is affecting the most.(Just like in Egypt this time)

    If one can utilize the time to do something for the world then why not online grouping?

    This problem is rising way too much these days that people are suffering through many diseases and can't even breathe properly in their surrounding. Using too much fuel has increased the presence of carbon dioxide (CO 2) in the atmosphere which is leading to many serious problems.
    And my saying is that these are not only about what they CAN but they MUST because this problem is being more serious and if we do not stop it now then this problem will stop mankind and it's survival. If we humans are the one creating this problem then it is us who will have to end it as well.
    If we need something then we must work and now there is no time to wait until others will do because it is a very serious topic and time does not wait for us.
    And I hope that I will get a chance to see a better and sustainable future!

  • COP 27 requires huge amount and also there are several other problems like regional disparities, language barriers etc. We can make cop 27 sustainable by virtual meet with the apps like zoom, gmeet it reduces the problem of travelling from one country to other. And less expenses are made as it's a virtual meet. This can help and reach many people without a huge investment.

  • Yes, COP events are sustainable and they should be held regularly. The current issues with these meetings are time wasted in travelling, carbon emissions, money wastage etc. All of this can be avoided, if the meetings are done online. These meetings are really important as they set new targets for every country that help towards sustainable development of the world. According to the reports, COP26 has achieved independent international recognition for its approach to delivering a sustainable event, attaining the ISO20121 certificate. If these meetings are done online, we can save a lot of money which can be invested in development.

  • Cop events are sustainable and good for the environment because they are using the tax money for a good cost and nations are coming together to try to fix environmental problems.

    1. Can you research to find out if they work at achieving their aims?

  • COP events can be made sustainable by proper planning and well execution.First of all the world have to gather at a common place to discuss about the conduction of COP.Then the capable and bold persons who can convey the major problem faced by the people with perfect explanation have to be sent by each country to attend the conference.The cost of implementing the conference has to be shared by the participant nations equally.Then they should take worthy decision which will resolve the problem completely.

  • I think the internet is supposed to be there so people have to pay a lot of money to travel. For example, some of them also travel for education, and some travel to make deals. Instead of traveling to these topics, they can communicate with each other through social networking sites such as Facebook, Messenger, and others. And because traveling by plane and then to the car consumes a lot of fuel. Thus, the smoke that comes out of it pollutes the environment. As for the students, they must be given enough time to be able to participate in opinions and vote for those who respond to them

  • I think COP events are not sustainable because the governments who go there are are polluting as well when they travel

  • It is not sustainable because people have to pay hundreds of millions of pound to attend a COP event and because people are using to much gas and its bad for the enviroment.

  • The most thing i would recommend them to do is to host the events online because it would help to reduce on the use of motor vehicles and the rubbish that is collected in one country because of the event. to make this more climate suitable or saving you could put an amount of trees that a country has to plant to be part of this event and every country must plant atleast 100 trees in every district of the country on its independence day this will make the event to reduce on the emission of carbon and other gases into the atmosphere so doin this makes the event sustainable and useful in advance.

  • Cop 27 can be made more sustainable by hosting it online,on Zoom or Google Meet as lots of gases are released by going to the country-which hosts the conference-from across the world.Most world leaders travel on planes and planes release about 9okg per passenger per hour.In addition,we should also use Zoom or Google Meet because going on planes to different countries costs a lot,sometimes thousands of pounds.This waste of money could be spent on other solutions to environmental problems,such as being used to plant trees or used to reduce carbon emissions.

  • the cop 27 should be really good this year beacuse ive told my friends to plant trees in their back garden and i have alot of plants in my back yard so it will still be helpful.

  • Cop is the best thing I could ever imagine.It solves one of the biggest issues in the world.but always remember with good things comes bad things.Cop is good but the events are to expensive to hold so I think they should invite less countries to the confrence beacause less countries equals less money .And sometimes the events are to far from people.This year Cop27 was hosted in Egypt,it would be pretty hard for people to come there from all across the globe.And always remember that airplane feul is mostly made by nonrenewable resources.So I think Cop should invite less countries to the confrence and they should make Cop mostly online.

  • The COP events do cost a lot, but it solves one of the greatest problems. It brings out unity in diversity through the participation of different countries in the event. It improves international relationships. It can become more sustainable by fixing a planned budget. The cost can be reduced by keeping such events online, through video conferences. This will reduce the transportation cost and the CO2 released during travelling. I think it is important to solve problems that COP aims for like tackling the climate emergency. Therefore, They are sustainable but can be improved by doing the measures mentioned above!

    1. How do you think events like this improve relationships between countries?

  • Being an organizer means you take on the responsibility of making sure the event goes as planned and without any problems. Attaining sustainability is key to success it has to be a continuous process before change can be seen. First of all they should pick a location that is suitable both environmentally and very important eco friendly. Yes, allowing everyone to get an opportunity to host the event is a really cool idea but at the same time indirectly causing harm to the environment because everyone would have to travel and the automobiles they use affect the atmosphere since they release harmful gases in little or small amounts, so why not have an online conference using applications like zoom that way everyone gets to attend without any discomfort or stress.
    The country that is meant to host that year can go on a tour around areas prone to global warming and see how it really affects them and host the meeting there instead of the fancy halls and catering services they should let the people of the community do all that because ones the individuals affected are involved they will be excited because they are been thought of and would want something like that to keep on happenin

  • I strongly agree with the statement 'COP events are not sustainable'.

    I agree with this due to the fact all the world leaders use: gas-, petrol- and diesel-powered vehicles which are one of the highest ways humans emit carbon into the atmosphere. The world leaders to attend the COP event first drive from their residence in an armored motorcade all the way to the airport or the event, from the airport they take their 747's, 737's, 777's and their fancy private jets all while those planes are being escorted by fighter jets. When they arrive in the hosting country for the event they then get back into an armored motorcade and are transported all the way to the event.

    World leaders are always on about fixing the environment when they barely try themselves, they should have to give up their fancy cars and motorcades and planes like most people have done to be more sustainable, is it fair the world leaders can get away with being a hypocrite?

    The COP events should be hosted via online platforms to ensure the world that they are trying.

    I hope to see them hosting the events in a more sustainable way in the future.

  • Cop is beneficial in the aspect of important people gathering and discussing important matters. However, a decent quantity of the American economy and S&P 500 is based off of crude oil and is built vastly off of this. Oil and fossil fuels are devastating the global atmosphere and causing about 80 percent of man-made C02. America isn't the only one at fault for this as many developing and fully developed countries use fossil fuels to build their economy. They need to be discussing a way to substitute oil and other non-renewable fuels for an alternative and quickly at that. Among other things I believe that this is one of the biggest problems stopped by people wanting more money from easy sources. Also, in the previous Cop there were issues with travel and getting to the event. I was in Glasgow at the time and all main roads were increasingly busy and there was a sea of vehicles spanning great lengths. This will cause many leaders and important people to be delayed because of traffic and not to mention this abundance of cars will generate C02 and travel from planes will generate more. So that again begs the question of is going to Cop in person actually worth it when we live in an age with brilliant technology?

  • Cop27 isn’t sustainable because of the gas they use to travel to the event and they are trying to save the environment.

  • I believe that if they call each other on zoom or they can find a more sustainable way to get to the meeting

  • I think holding such conference is vital and important,but somepeople says that it costs lots of money for leaders to travel and more money preparing to run this event.
    Others say travelling to the conference using different vehicles will pollute the air I think there is one way to keep the conference sustainable without wasting time or polluting the air which is using video conference .this will solve all the problems and the conference will keep going sustainably.

  • I don't think Cop can be sustainable because they use thousands of pounds towards this event every year, when that money could go to the environment. Although people say it can help world leaders talk about how to solve big environmental problems, many of the leaders don't do what they say what they are going to do. Should we trust world leaders? Also, they have also employed a company that is one of the biggest polluting companies in the world. Why have they done this? This shouldn't be aloud!

    1. That is a very good point, flowing_information. Why would they employ a high polluting company to sponsor them when the world leaders are supposed to be trying to stop Climate Change. I do have a solution though (and in my opinion it is pretty obvious), the organisers of the COP events should employ a lot of little companies who do not pollute as much as big companies. This would be better for the environment. What are your thoughts on this idea?

  • I think in COP28 should be on a international internet line because the world leaders would not have to travel This would not cause any fossil fuels to ruin our eco-system . COP should let other people share their ideas in the meetings if they don't this can be classed as unfair .One of COP27 main sponsors is a sponsor that pollute our planet . This is bad because it can make a bad impression on peoples minds . Although it is using electricity it is not dropping fossil fuels all over the planet .

  • To make COP events more sustainable, the world leaders could use zoom, Microsoft teams and other communicating platforms to discuss ideas as world leaders usually use private vehicles to get to the event. If they use technology, it will save a lot of fuel, money and would help the environment. The extra money could be spent on more environmentally friendly projects and to make green energy more available. But the poorer countries may not have laptops or anything of that sort, so the richer countries should put aside some money to buy laptops for them. After all, it is a team effort to stop climate change; the whole world has to be involved and if a few countries are not aware of the decisions made at the COP events, then they cannot possibly change the way they work for the good of the climate, can they? To make sure that every voice is heard, the world leaders could set up a website so that everyone who is of age can vote for what they would like to be discussed in the COP events. These votes would then be collected, and the top three ideas would be mentioned in the meeting. This is a much better way of doing it as at the COP events now, only the world leader's ideas are shared. I believe that if they want to make the people in their country accept the decisions put in place, they need to have a say in it.
    These were all ideas shared in class.

  • I think that the event organisers for COP28 next year should make the world leaders travel on public transport like aeroplanes . Either this, or COP28 should be online, like a zoom call.

    1. Thanks for joining the discussion, eloquent_wolf! Can you think of a more environmentally friendly form of public transport than aeroplanes?

      1. Possibly electric trains or, in the future, electric aeroplanes. If world leaders travel through cities that have it, they could use the tube.

        1. I like your idea about electric aeroplanes!

  • As we all know 'every plan shall be backed by action' but on the contrary, awareness is as equally important to the action we are emphasising. Nonetheless, last year during the time of COP26 my mind was unravelling why we actually need to have a formal conference when 'A Single Change' can commence by changing our mindset and by taking actions from small places such as our homes/schools/community. We need to inculcate the habit of raising our voices and laying a foundation for our thoughts. Presently, for COP27 I personally want the UN to collect stats of different youths like Topical Talkers and have an agenda that can be incorporated into the daily lives of youths and a single change can begin from ourselves.

  • I think cop27 isn't reliable because how do we know if the pm are going to keep their word by doing these things they say. I think they should sign an agreement to stick by the things they said and if they don't well they get a punishment or sacked from their job

  • Since there is a big problem which is spending a lot of money on the event , maybe instead they should spend more money on providing eco-friendly planes ,cars ,ships ,e.t.c ….

    Also the cop will never be as perfect as we can imagine, but instead we should help growing the event better and better . Furthermore in the future why not hold the event online his will reduce the exhaust fumes and carbon dioxide emissions . That will make it more sustainable.

    Till now , in my point of view I think that the event is not sustainable enough and should be provided with more budget for using more eco-friendly devices and transports .

  • As an Egyptian I am very proud that the Cop 27 was held at my country this year , but to be a fair judge I think that the event wasn’t as sustainable as I personally expected.

    First of all , the event wasn’t useful since it didn’t reduce the emissions as all the attendees who attended the cop must’ve came to Egypt by a plane , a car , a ship which is predicted to not be an eco-friendly transport.

    Secondly, I think that the money which was spent at the event may could’ve helped the people who lost their houses , their families in the floods and the hurricanes which were caused by the global warming. Also I believe that the event should be held in a country in which it has many natural areas so that people can visit these places . Another idea is that instead of using cars for transportation, the country that holds the event should provide bikes for all of the attendees so they don’t use cars .

    Last and not least , I think one of the best solutions for the cop 28 is that it should be held online to prevent the emissions which cause trouble for the environment, and they should use their budget in more useful ways

  • COP events are not sustainable because they cause so much pollution by travelling by cars and private jets. They waste billions of money just to rent out a place for like an hur or two and then they don't even come to an agreement and all that money they spend on renting that place they could use it to plant trees or on something else to help our planet.
    Then even when they plan this big event not everybodies views are heard and that's not what COP is supposed to be about instead it's supposed to be about everyone's views being heard and them helping the planet.
    Even when the rent this place and travel really far they could just do it online to help the planet by not causig any pollution and when they make a promise they should stick with it. Then if they do break their promises they should face a consequence.

    1. I agree because some of this money can go to charity or people in need.

  • COP events aren't sustainable be©ause some world leaders have to use cars or a plane.
    Cars can pollute the air and is bad for the environment.
    And with planes you could do an online meeting on ZOOM

  • In COP events they don't include everyone to share thier ideas or views which is just unfair for other people and I think they should be a part of them too

  • In my opinion, world leaders are not really doing anything and they take cars, private jets and a lot of transportation and when they meet, all they do is chat and breaking their promises that they made! They spend hundreds of pounds but not actually using it for good, and one of the biggest poluters are being sponsered. We can use that money to plant trees and help others. Governments aren't letting others say their view and perspective, and it's not just them, it may also be us.

    1. What would you suggest would help world leaders to become more environmentally motivated?

  • In my opinion ,we should be planting more trees,plants,flowers and lots more green spaces.
    The world leaders should lower the price because the price is to high.
    Also the world leaders should keep more promises.
    COP 28 would be more sustainable if we invited more people from different countries to confirm there voices,
    opinions and visions .World leaders should also travel with less pollution by using electric cars ,trains and boats.
    In my opinion COP 28 would be more sustainable if it was like this

    1. Do you have an example of a promise by a world leader than you feel has been broken?

  • In my opinion, Governments are not doing ANYTHING at all. Here are things they can do to help (and us) -use money for good -try let others say their view and perspective AND try not use transport!

    1. Can you give some examples of the things leaders could spend money on that you think would be good?

  • Cop events can be sustainable by inviting less people or by talking on zoom or other online websites . To travel to the events we could use boats , electric cars and electric trains . The world leaders should lower the prices for the events because they are to high they can use it on more useful items such as giving money to charity or buying seeds for planting trees and more fresh fruits and veggies. We could even help by using less pollution and taking electric cars , walking and riding scooters or bikes.We should also let people have their say and more people that we don't know talk about solutions . World leaders need to keep their promises and face consequences.

    1. What promises do you feel have been broken by world leaders? And what consequences do you think they should face for not keeping their promises?

  • COP events are not sustainable because veicles and planes are really bad for the enviroment because they contain a lot of bad gas and pollution so if we can use electric cars,boats,bikes or walking so if we don't take normal cars all the time then the world wouldnt be as bad as it is now so i think we should stop traverling with a normal car.

  • I think COP organisers should invite more people around the world and actually do something because they are just flying all around the globe to the meetings but they never do anything . Also I think they should include more people to say their perspectives because I believe they are just letting the same people speak.

    1. What evidence do you have to justify your statement that the COP events do not do anything?

  • No because they are taking sponsers from one of the world's biggest polluters so they should check next time. Also, they drive cars and ride planes which produse petrol fumes. World leaders are also breaking their promises and not keeping them. It also costs to much to host it so they should use it to plant trees or give the poorer people it.People are also not listening to people who are most impacted by it.

    1. Your point about sponsorship is very interesting lovely_nation. What promises do you think have been broken by world leaders?

  • i think it can be more sustainable by doing it on zoom and not travel

  • I think that cop 27 are not doing enough. For a start they gather all around the world to have a talk,every time in a diffrent place this means plane travel witch lets out gas.

  • COP organisers are not sustainable because they use planes and cars which gives pollution a bigger chance to spread around the world faster. A solution for this serious problem is to try and have online talks and/or they could use electric cars ,boats and water vehicles. In my opinion I think COP can be more more sustainable by plant instead of pollute the planet and spend less money on their gigantic meeting and spend more money on helping people in wars. But sometimes the COP meetings don't let anyone share their ideas and aren't being inclusive enough so the organisers can use technology / record themselves,advertise for more attention and/or start a march if the world leaders aren't listening.

    1. I like your idea to start a march. Can you think of anyone who has done this recently? Do you think it is effective?

  • I think that some ideas to help stop climate change would be to try and use more sustainable ways of travel like electric cars or boats, another way we could make COP events more sustainable is to use less money on COP events and to use that money for better things. In addition, we could make sure that world leaders keep their promises and if they don't, they could be fined or sentenced to prison. Finally, we need to find another company to sponsor COP as the current sponsor is a big polluter and contributes to climate change.

  • They are not doing everything in their power to solve world problems. They have 1 talk about it each year and half of the time they do not do what has been promised and things do not change. Also the world problem talkers are supporting a company that is bad for the enviorment this is not what I think what they should be doing. And the fact there almost wasting money that could go to charity.

  • As we know that climate change is a very big problem nowadays. Human are responsible for the loss of a very good environment from the earth. Due to the increases in industry, using plastics products, deforestation etc the climate and earth temperature is increasing day by day. The COP was established to work towards ' stabilization of green house in the atmosphere .The COP will be the good point for us to control these types of activities as, many countries are participating there all the countries have their own views and thoughts to save our earth. COP will be discussing on urgently reducing green house gas emissions, adapting to the inevitable impacts of climate change. We are generating waste day by day in a large amount and the waste is increasing landfill, destroying aquatic lives and increasing global warming . The COP will help us by managing waste, controlling climate change, reducing deforestation etc. We should also be responsible to save our planet.

  • The choice of opinions and theories in class is natural , because everyone has their own personality and theory, but it's a good think to respect those opinions and take them with great affection

  • They hold sessions to mitigate environmental problems such as climate change, so they have to show that to us through

    1. Actively manage potential impacts on the environment and local community and identify opportunities to deliver environmental and social value Provide an accessible and inclusive setting for all  .

    2. Encourage healthy living  
    Ensure a safe and secure atmosphere  .

    3. Encourage more sustainable behaviour  .

    4. Promote the use of responsible sources and responsible use of resources throughout the supply chain  .

    5. Leave a positive legacy.

    6. Encouraging delegates to use active travel such as walking and cycling or public transport where possible.

    7. Prioritising low carbon alternative energy sources such as electric and low emission vehicles, solar energy for temporary traffic lights and Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO) in generators instead of diesel.

    8. Catering that prioritises locally sourced and in season food items to minimise mileage for transportation and supporting local business.

    9. Employing local people for specific event roles.
    Prioritised sustainability by including explicit requirements in our supplier procurements and with partners.

    10. Avoidance of waste to landfill by reusing and recycling material and building these considerations into design and material choices.

  • Cop events can be more sustainable by doing the events online instead off flying to another country just to talk about climate change. When world leaders say they are gonna do something, they don’t really do it, but they just leave them behind. The events do cost a lot of money and those money was spent on cop events can be be spent on solar panels, windmills, etc.

  • To make COP28 more sustainable we can have it on zoom so people don't have to travel by plane that fuel only the major countries like russia can be away from the zoom meeting but other small countries like Vatican City can still contribute and somebody can It takes a new job to search on social media platforms like Facebook for everyday people to share their thoughts or there can be an online poll where people can vote on specific ideas. By the way, all these ideas were shared in class!

  • In my opinion I think that world leaders could try to use less money whenever they are travelling to COP events. But it really depends on the decisions that they agree on, because if they come up with a good plan to save money to use on saving the trees, seas and the environment that is completely fine. But if they don’t come up with something to save money...they will (in my opinion) have to start using commercial airplanes or normal cars and maybe donate money to charities that help save th environment

  • The cop events do cost a lot to travel to get to the host of the cop 27. Many people say that we can make different transport without using gas ,petrol and money. Lots of presidents fly in with a jet, plane or car which is fine but it needs to be sustainable!
    Country’s are making decisions on this source and deciding if cop 28 can be sustainable.
    They are bringing every country together to discuss and make a final decision to save the world and make climate change much better and more safer!

  • I think Greta thumburg or David atenbrogh should talk with the world leaders because they know about the climate change

  • COP events are sustainable if they are made to be more digital based. Transportation has a way of polluting the environment. So I feel the events could be done on chatting websites or done by means of video confress. This would really sustain COP events.

  • I don’t I think they are sustainable and they can make is sustainable by not making them travel and maybe be do it on zoom or something like that and they should invite people who know more then them about the world

    1. Who would you invite to attend COP event?

  • I think they can do it on a call instead of travelling so it won’t cost money.

  • When Hybrid Mode has become order of the day, why shouldn't COP28 be organized virtually. The UN could bring some best minds from various countries join virtually as well and seek their ideas and support for sustainability. Climate issues hit the common people more. One of the main points of discussion for any COP event is People-Centered Initiatives. Hence, the best way to organize COP 28 is to involve the public opinion before drafting the policy.

    Otherwise, what is the point in the leaders coming together but unable to come to consensus about the climatic changes that is devouring the natural resources, wealth and even people due to its effects.

    Today we youngsters are together in a virtual platform like this airing our views, sharing our ideas for sustainability, solutions for issues taken for discussion, give constructive criticism to the policy makers, moderated by some best minds. Why can't COP28 too be organized similarly?

    For instance, organizing an event of this scale, calls for lot of resources,

  • As we all know “every plan must be backed up by action” but on the contrary awareness is just as important as the action we stress on. However, last year during COP26, I was reflecting on why we actually need a formal conference when 'one change' can start by shifting the way we think and take action from small places like our homes/schools/community. We need to inculcate the habit of raising our voices and laying the foundations for our thoughts. Right now, for COP27, I personally want Palestine to collect statistics on different youth as Topical Talkers and have an agenda that can be integrated into the daily lives of youth and one change can start from ourselves