Comments by triumphant_beaver

Comment Post Date
I feel the right option for India would be B, as the picture depicts rising sea levels and... Climate change in your country 03/2/24
In this era, where people are using technology most of the time, are aware of almost everything!... Why don’t people change? 30/1/24
In India, there have been many environmentalists who have helped mother nature that we cannot... How to make a change 30/1/24
I scored 9/10, and learned that people are getting very much aware regarding eco-anxiety. There... Show what you know 30/1/24
It is truly said that, "people experience eco-anxiety differently", because some have actually... Joycelyn Longdon on different experiences 28/1/24
I voted for "People should only be shown bad news about climate change." Although, it would... Too much negative news? 28/1/24
Reminders about climate change give me balance of emotions. Many times, when there is an... Climate change: regular reminders 27/1/24
I feel, today we are somewhere afraid regarding our future jobs. But, there are some jobs which... Jobs of the future 26/1/24
I completely disagree with opinion A, as machine's or AI's work is to make our lives efficient,... Will schools exist in future? 25/1/24
I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Is AI unbiased?", because I have learnt in... Suggest a discussion 25/1/24