Climate change: regular reminders

Look at the picture.

Can you find all of the ways that people might be reminded about climate change in a day?
Hint: there are at least 25 in the picture.

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  • Hi,
    Reminders about climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions, like for the positive aspect I am glad that these reminders create awareness about climate change and they even sometimes give ways that we can work toward reducing its effects but these reminders also saddens me , like me watching news about it and seeing the damages that its effects causes each and everyday like the loss of innocent lives, the damage of structures that serve as a source of livelihood for many, it also hurts that we are the ones contributing to the increase of climate change and when people who want to make a change come forth we do not comply and we even some times condemn them. All these events makes me feel uneasy but that doesn't stop me though from watching these news and trying to find out ways that I can help in reducing the effects ,because there is a saying that says "Small changes make a big difference".

    1. Hi giving_snail
      I really agree with you on this ,reminders about climate change brings me to the realisation that if we do not try our best to save our planet , in years to come our planet will be destroyed and along with our planet we will cease to exist. These reminders help to inform people that the activities of humans are gradually destroying our planet and from these reminders people begin to start putting in conscious efforts to save our planet and people begin to do little things like recycle, plant trees and save water and these little efforts can make big differences. These reminders about the effects of climate change are very important because when people begin to see the adverse effects of their activities they will begin to put in effort to try to stop the damage they are causing

      1. I completely agree with you because this is the planet that God gave us to live in and it is our duty to protect it in order to make the world a better place for everybody to live in peace. Reminding people about the negative effects of the climate can encourage them and persuade them to protect their society.

      2. I agree because... People are way too busy to even think about climate change or the world so we need reminders in order to know that there is still a possibility of the Earth been destroyed because of climate change and could help motivate us to try to save Earth. It reminds us to tell younger ones about global issues, so they don't repeat the mistakes we make, and the grown adults did or are doing.

        1. I definitely agree with you because there are a lot of people out there that are so busy and don't have time to even know what is happening. So I think this regular reminders are very good as it makes us updated,awared,and notified on the things happening in our world. When people do not know anything and there are no regular reminders, it could lead to them repeating such mistakes which will really affect the earth and everyone.

      3. I exceedingly agree with you jubilant_accordion, because Individuals are too preoccupied to ever consider the effects of climate change or our global surroundings, thus we require a constant reminder to be aware that the planet could still be damaged because of the effects of climate change and our reckless acts. These reminders could also serve as inspiration for us to take action to save the planet before it gets out of hand. It serves as a reminder for us to teach the younger generations and others about the issues around the world to ensure that they do not commit the same problems and mistakes that we grownups have made to cause this and keep making, I also think there should be an AD about ways to stop climate change because here in my country we are facing an extremely cold and foggy weather due to air pollution and toxic waste so I think we should be constantly reminded that we can still save the earth.

        1. Hey approachable_television,
          You've made a really valid point and I'm with you on that. Due to the fact that humans could be really ignorant about the things happening around them, they need to be constantly reminded that our actions are repeatedly destroying our planet and increasing the adverse effects of climate change on our planet. These reminders could also help to pass a message to the younger generation so they will be informed from a very young age that they also need to work towards saving the planet and our homes.

    2. Lovely write-up @giving_snail, small change actually makes a big difference. Climate change has been accumulating slowly but relentlessly for decades. The changes might sound small when you hear about them; another tenth of a degree warmer, another centimeter of sea level rise, but seemingly small changes can have big effects on the world around us, especially regionally.
      The problem is that while effects are small at any time, they accumulate. The climate change effects have now accumulated to the point where their influence is contributing to damaging heat waves, drought and rainfall extremes that can’t be ignored.
      The most recent report from the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is more emphatic than ever: "Climate change, caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels, is having damaging effects on the climate as we know it, and those effects are rapidly getting worse." So, I feel that our little action towards climate resilience and adaptation must not be downplayed.

    3. I agree with you @giving_snail, climate changes are very sad and the fact that most humans seem to forget is that if it goes on, we are in for a lot of trouble. Over here in Plateau State there's a town named Miango, in Miango there were beautiful coniferous trees, animals of all sorts lived there, but then one day a group of people cut down the trees to make toothpicks, that day not a single tree was left, now the people and animals who lived in that land suffer from erosion, heat, and the land is no more fertile.
      Climate change is a very important topic that we humans need to curb. The importance of plants are so many, for starters plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, also plants are natural habitats for many both animals great and small, if we want to see these creatures in the future, we have to start preserving plants, a good way to promote such is to put ourselves in the positions of these animals and see what they need and provide it to them.
      The world needs more innovative minds to save it from dying and we humans have those minds but most of us don't want to exercise it, if more people practice afforestation, humans will benefit even more, my reason for saying this is because we can still have our businesses and still retain wildlife, it would be a dream come true.

      1. I agree because when talking about climate change, the negative possibilities are endless. Sometimes, we do some things that affect our climate for example burning of substances can bring about ozone layer depletion, blocking of drainages cause flooding etc. If we do not take care of our society, the chances of living a good life is very slim. We should try to work towards makin g the society a better place for living.

    4. I agree with you this is because hearing positive news too much is not helpful like wise giving negative news.
      That is why we need this reminders to help us see both the positive and negative aspect. When we see the positive aspects it helps us see that our effort are not in vain. Also us seeing the negative side shows us that we need to keep improve and making efforts.
      The truth is that if we don't make effort it wont just affect the forest and animals but it will even affect us...everyone around the globe. This will go from more violent weather to increasing food prices, to recreation and reducing opportunities.
      Now the question at hand is how can we remind people
      This is where we social media comes along, it is shown that a lot of people are on social media we should post information that can get people aware that our planets give help. We can talk about real life experiences and how it has affected people close to us...
      Well, in conclusion......we should be aware and keep reminding others about our climate change.

      1. However, I understand that we humans have a wide range of feelings and responses to climate change. Some people may feel overwhelmed, scared, or angry when they hear about the effects of climate change. Others may feel determined to make a difference, or even hopeful about the future. It's normal to have a mix of emotions when it comes to such a complex and important issue. Do you think you feel a balance of emotions when it comes to climate change?
        A balance of emotion can be really healthy, even if there are sometimes difficult to manage it's okay to feel positive and negative emotion about climate change. Do you have any specific coping strategies for managing your emotion around this issue? Maybe something like talking to a friend or family members , going for a walk, or writing in a journal?

      2. I agree because in order to protect our society, we need to be shown reminders about climate change so that we can do something about it. When receiving news or reminders about climate change, we should not always be shown too much of bad or good news. If we get too much good news, we might get lazy, thinking that everything will continue going smoothly with no problems. But if we are shown too much bad news, it can give us the mindset that the community will never change no matter how much we try which will make them discourages.

        1. I agree because... I believe the benefit of being informed about what is happening in our environment can vary depending on whether the news is good or bad.
          To me I feel good news can inspire positive feelings and effective communication within our community. This will lead to development of strategies to combat climate change. However some people might feel that the good news means that they don't need to do more.
          On the other hand I think bad news about climate change can live us feeling unhappy about its negative effect. Must I think we can still work together to come up with new ways to reduce the impact of climate change do some people may be discouraged by negative news and give up which can lead to echo anxiety.
          In conclusion we shouldn't stop trying to help in the fight against climate change regardless of whether our efforts result in positive or negative outcomes .thank you.

      3. You're absolutely right. Both positive and negative reminders about climate change are essential for keeping us motivated and focused on the urgent need for action. Social media indeed plays a crucial role in spreading awareness and mobilizing people to make positive changes. Sharing real-life experiences and practical ways to help can resonate deeply with others and inspire collective action. It's vital to keep the conversation going and remind ourselves and others of the importance of addressing climate change for the well-being of our planet and future generations.

    5. This is an excellent comment, @giving_snail. I comply with the fact that news about climate change does indeed produce mixed feelings. The condition of the world is slowly getting worse to the point where it could reach irreversibility. I also agree that hearing news about climate change ignites a sadness induced fire in me to do more for the protection of our world.
      It is definitely human of us to feel sad when faced with negative news and to feel happy when faced with positive news but after all this there is always a feeling of determination to do more.

    6. I strongly agree on you.
      We humans are responsible for climate change making much more pollution from industrial works and from others. Because of our crucial activities we are harming us and other living creatures. We are facing lot more problems from our own activities. This is only the beginning , if people donot realize it can be happen in extreme level that we humans cannot even face it. Scientists already realize that after century or more than that we might have to leave this planet and go to the another planet that have suitable environment for humans. They are still working on it. To make it not happen humans should realize about the condition of our surrounding. I agree that it poses significant challenges and collective efforts are needed to address these issues. So, we should conduct awareness program or act dramas to make the people realization about climate change.

      1. Hello, inspirational poem!
        I totally agree with your mention of conducting awareness programs. And acting dramas seems like a fun and creative way to go about it.
        I consider creating awareness as a crucial part of our struggle to fight climate change. I have also learned that no matter who you are, big or small, you can still make a difference. All you need to do is believe in yourself and little by little, you find that you are making change. In the words of climate change activist, Greta Thunberg, "I have learned you are never too small to make a difference".
        We are the key. I feel that this message speaks to us children who sometimes feel underestimated because of our age. That shouldn't stop us. We should believe in ourselves, believe in a better future if we act against climate change.
        I would like to encourage us with this quote, also by Greta Thunberg; "I'm telling you there is hope. I have seen it but it does not come from the governments or corporations. It comes from the people" We are the change.

      2. Hello. I acknowledge that human activities have contributed to the depletion of the ozone layer and the pollution of the air, water and land. However, I do not think it is fair to blame them all equally. There are some people in the rural areas who are unaware of the environmental consequences of their actions. Therefore, I think it is more effective to educate them and raise their awareness of the issues. For example, there are still places that use firewood, which emits a lot of harmful gases, but they do not know any better alternatives. How can we hold them responsible for something they do not understand? My main point is that we should try to spread knowledge and awareness. As Terry Pratchett said, "They say a little knowledge is a dangerous thing, but it's not one half so bad as a lot of ignorance."

      3. I totally agree and I think some of the ways to reduce the cases of climate issues is trying to protect our natural environment such as reduce the way we burn fuel and the likes of others. Climate issues are sometimes natural but sometimes be caused by us human beings but we can still contribute our efforts to reduce such effects by reducing the way we release carbon dioxide in our environment. We all know the sad outcome of such situations which we do not want to experience ,so we all should contribute in building and protecting our society. A thousand mile begins with a step, it begins with you; it begins with me.

    7. Hello giving_snail
      I confidently agree on this climate change reminder,and when you said
      "Small changes make a big difference"
      As we are saying if we did not stand and save the world we are going to be ceased

    8. Yeah the way you have the emotions I think that's everyone should have because everyone should be concerned about Climate change or bad things may happen. But also everyone shoul be happy to hear that we are doing great in fixing our planet and we should have a balance in emotions.

    9. I totally agree with you, small changes can make a huge difference. If we just give up on our environment it could ruin our planet. If every person just takes on a little bit of responsibility and makes some small changes then this will make a big difference and we will all feel happier that we are doing something towards this positive change.

    10. I agree because... I to feel a balance of emotions because when I here news about global warming it pushes me to do something about it but on the other hand it makes me afraid of the people that might die or get injured.
      As for what I would say to a person that suffering from Eco-Anxiety is that he must first make sure his community is safe and daily work on changing the world. We should not throw away our one and only comfortable home because there is not a replacement for Earth.

      1. Hi,
        I am glad that you agree with me and see from my point of view, our planet earth is an irreplaceable place. We literally depend on this earth to survive and to see that we are the same ones damaging the earth hurts a lot. Imagine destroying something that sustains your life, you are indirectly destroying yourself or don't you think so to? During my research I found out that climate change through the negative effects of destroying our earth it can prompt mass migration and battle over clean and suitable water. Imagine water our main source of life, something we cannot do without is no longer suitable for us, we won't be able to survive, I don't think any of us can do without water. Climate change also cause droughts and water scarcity, today I was watching Al Jazeera and I found out out that in one country farmers and there farms are really suffering because of water scarcity and also when I read an article it really broke my heart, it was about Africa, it said that eighty percent of food produced across many communities in Africa comes from small-scale farmers and these sectors are highly vulnerable to extreme weather and conditions which are not at all helpful and while our continent, Africa, is responsible for only a fraction of global greenhouse emissions, it is tediously affected by climate change and that is rather unfortunate and not only that but the first effect I mentioned which was water scarcity is still also present. So I urge us if not for the earth let's make change because of the magnitude of what we stand to lose if our home the earth gets destroyed.
        Thank you!

    11. I agree with you, but reminders of climate change saddens me more than it motivates me to work harder because the realization that if we do not stop climate change soon enough it will reach a point when the planet earth will be completely wrecked and it will all be because of us humans and our inability to stop the climate change when we were supposed to. It saddens me that we humans are the ones causing the climate crisis and the worst part is we do not try our best to reduce climate change. Unfortunately some people are not aware or are being ignorant and chose to ignore the reality of climate change. It can be frustrating because addressing climate change requires collective action and everyone’s involvement. But hey, let’s stay positive and keep enlightening ourselves about the importance of taking care of our home planet. Together we can make a difference

      1. Hi,
        I agree with you staying positive is the best thing to do because a negative mindset won't take you anywhere. I found out while reading an article that" On Aug. 4, during the American Psychological Association’s Convention in Minneapolis, nearly a dozen experts turned the spotlight on another more surprising tool: psychology." psychology which can be closely related to our mindset can go a long way in pushing us towards doing things that can help our eco system. dwelling in negative emotions will not do much for us, Hayhoe said that "If we don’t know what to do with them, that can cause us to withdraw, to freeze, to give up rather than take action,” and giving up is the worst thing that could happen to us and the earth at this period or point in time our mindset can play a big role in helping to combat climate change by deriving the most effective means and ways to change human behavior and motivating individuals and people to take action towards fighting against climate change. I also found out that eco anxiety can also help a lot in motivating people to fight against climate crisis as people contending with climate anxiety may feel personally responsible for saving the world, just imagine many people experiencing climate anxiety this can push them to change their ways for the good of our earth and our ecosystem.
        Thank you!

    12. I agree because us receiving reminders about the climate change has helped us in various ways. We are expected to work hard in order to make our society comfortable to live in. If we do not take the responsibility of protecting our society, living would not be as comfortable as it can be if we take care of it. In conclusion, it is our responsibility to cater for our society for the purpose of promoting good living.

    13. I strongly agree with you because due to other people's irresponsible actions, people have to loose their lives prematurely. It is also very sad seeing all this tragedy. Another saying to match yours is that a thousand miles starts with one step so if we collaborate to stop climate crisis, it will make a huge difference!!!!

    14. I agree with you giving_snail, the reason being is that I also have a balance of emotions when I am given reminders about climate change. As you said, the positive side is that you are aware of climate change and it's impact thus you can educate people about it and find ways to reduce it, however, the negative side is that you are reminded that the planet is suffering due to the actions of us human beings. The more painful part is that you try to reduce the impact climate change has on the planet, but you can't do it alone, everybody has to be involved for bigger results. Moreover, when you try to educate some people on the effect their actions have on the planet, they don't pay heed to you which makes me more said because they are just hurting the planet and at the end of the day they will just be hurting themselves.

    15. Yes , I really agree with your point. Climate change is the major issue of today’s generation. It make me to think that if we don’t stop doing various activities that play major role in climate change the time is no longer that our earth will be a hot planet like a Venus

      In conclusion I like to say that we should start a mission of saving earth by various methods like afforestation.

      That’s my understanding

    16. I totally agree with you giving_snail ,the reason being that is when I am reminded about climate change, I too experience a range of emotions. As you pointed out, there are benefits to knowing about climate change and its effects, such as being able to inform others and develop strategies for mitigating it. On the other hand, there are drawbacks, such as constantly being reminded that the earth struggles as a result of human activity. The most excruciating part is trying to lessen the effects that climate change has on the environment, but in order to have an important effect, everyone must be active. In addition, certain individuals ignore you when you try to teach them about the effect of their actions on our planet and our surroundings.

    17. I agree because we are given reminders about climate change so that we can consider the condition or the situation of our society and be more focused on protecting it. Once we use the reminders that are being given to us about climate change to our advantage, we can therefore promote good and healthy living in our society.

  • Hey,
    I feel that spreading awareness about climate change and how it affects humans is done not to scare us but to inform us about why we are to change our way of living and to tell us preventive measures that are to be taken to reduce these casualties caused by natural disasters. It is only natural that we are frightened when we see the news on how climate change has affected us but we are not to focus on the negative but we are to work towards improving ourselves and the whole world at large.
    Thank you.

    1. Interesting point! I noticed you said it is natural to feel frightened when seeing the negative news on climate change. What advice would you give to anybody feeling frightened?

      1. Hello!
        I would advice anybody feeling frightened that "Don't try and ignore or dismiss what may seem like 'negative' feelings befriend them instead". Fear, despair and anger are all legitimate emotional responses. Such feelings simply show we are a well functioning people who understand the scale and impact of challenges.

      2. Firstly,
        Climate change bothers me, recycling or the lack of it ,bothers me. When I think of these things they seem so vast that it is easy to think you cannot possibly make a difference. This stimulates the anxiety for me. Then I think of the phrase that has helped me so much ‘do anything you can do’. If everyone did a little something it would result in a large change.
        So for those who feel frightened about the climate change, it is okay on my part to have that feeling, But we should start from focusing on the “change is happening” in place of ‘doom and gloom.’ Together, we can save the planet and now that it hasn’t been too late.

        1. I agree that taking positive action is far more productive than allowing yourself to feel helpless. Have you heard of The Earthshot Prize? It was launched by Prince William in 2020 to search for the most innovative solutions to the world’s greatest environmental challenges. There are a lot of people doing a lot of amazing things to help the planet!

          1. Hi, Rebecca
            I have heard about ''The Earthshot Prize'' which was created by Prince William to fund projects that aim to save the planet. I also found out that Earthshot Prize exists to discover, spotlight and help grow innovative solutions that are working to repair and regenerate our planet. I also agree with you that there are a lot of wonderful things we can do to help our planet , which includes conserving water, reducing our use of oil and embracing green energy, reducing waste and single-use plastics and planting more trees and so on and so fort.
            Thank you.

        2. Climate change also troubles me. With only six years remaining in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which was accepted by all member states in 2015, I am concerned about the government's response to the climate crisis and believe it has failed because the stated effects of the policies do not appear to be reflected in societal outcomes. Human health is at risk due to climate change, which has an impact on all parts of natural and human systems in addition to the physical environment. The danger of death is increased due to weather and climate hazards, which also increases the appearance and transmission of infections and infectious diseases.

      3. Hi Alicia i know i am not to reply this because it was given to a different student. I think if i were to give advice to someone here is what i would say "it’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed and scared when you hear about devastating climate change. However, instead of letting fear get the better of you, use it as motivation to take action! Educate yourself on the topic, practice sustainability, and advocate for change. Remember that every small step counts and a team effort can have a huge impact. Together we will build a better future for ourselves and future generations."

      4. Absolutely! Feeling scared is a natural reaction when faced with negative news about climate change. The magnitude of this problem can be huge. If you find yourself in this situation, consider this suggestion. If you're scared because of climate change, acknowledge your emotions but focus on positive action. Get information from reliable sources, balance negative news with positive developments, and actively contribute to sustainability efforts. Connect with others, practice self-care, and advocate for positive change. Transform fear into motivation for a collective, effective response to the climate challenge. In order to change the situation and save our planet we all need to work together and come up with solutions that will be effective .Although it's easier said than done but we can always try our best to improve and make the planet a better place for everyone.🙂

      5. Hi!
        I would advise anybody feeling frightened or have climate anxiety to focus on what he can control,Climate change is a complex issue. That’s why it’s important to remind yourself that climate change cannot be solved by any one person, organization or government on their own. While this may feel disheartening, it’s also a good reminder to focus on what is within your control rather than what isn’t.

        1. Excellent response!

      6. Hey!
        The advice that I will give to anybody that is feeling frightened is to inform the person that, its ok to be scared, but if urgent measure is not taking, it can be worse in the future and before our very eyes, we will see the world collapsing. Taking smaller step towards preventing the cause of climate change like injurious human activities and the release of green house gases at a personal and corporate level can make a whole lot of difference. Its normal to be scared, but what we do to prevent what we are scared about is what makes the difference.
        The scary part should be our motivation to come out strong. The human spirit is powerful enough to win any fight on climate change.

        1. Hi resilient analysis, I strongly agree with you. It is normal to be scared but we should not allow fear to take over our thinking capability. So, I suggest that we should make effort to help prevent the cause of climatic changes. As a concerned citizen, I suggest that awareness should be made to industries to stop the release of harmful gasses to the atmosphere, to the scientist who make use of chlorofluorocarbons to make refrigerators to stop and to green houses to stop the release of harmful gasses. Finally to citizens to stop activities that affect the climate. I believe this can help to prevent the causes of climatic change in our various countries. thanks

    2. Thank you very much chatty_fact for that point of yours. But in contrast to that, I understand you are trying to encourage individuals from being frightened about the negative climate change and face it head-on but at same time, when the climate change have seriously affected individuals in a negative way, it will discourage others instead helping them summon courage and boldness to find a solution to that problem
      An example or effects of climate change can is more allergies and other health risks; this simply means for example, warmer temperatures cause the pollen season to be longer and worsen air quality, both of which can result in more allergy and asthma attacks.
      There are also many other health risks attached to the negative change in climate. My main point here is that not everyone will be able to have the dauntless mind to risk their life finding a solution to a problem.
      I also hope you have understood my point but I still await your reply and corrections if need for it be.

    3. I agree because... Yes, the news is just there to keep us informed. It is not there to intentionally make us scared. Reminders about climate change can be made to reach out to a lot of categories of people such as factory owners, to get them to reduce the level of fumes they release into the atmosphere or activists, to keep them encouraged. Reminders tell us what we need to know, when we need to know it and what to do when we know it. We should not dwell on the darker side but remember that the fact that there are still reminders means that there are still chances to implement change in our own little way.

    4. You are right chatty fact, Anxiety is a normal reaction when we look around us.Regular reminder isn't there to scare us rather, to motivate us into doing something to help our planet.And to reduce global warming which has contributed to the increase of natural disasters such as drought, earthquake, tsunami...etc

    5. Hey!
      I agree with you! I also feel like becoming more exposed to news about climate change can be frightening but it is very important to spread awareness on such a serious problem. Being on the same page and united will certainly help us take a step into working together to better our planet. It doesn't take one person to cause national or global change, it takes a lot of us. But every single one of us matters. I feel like once people start seeing that we are making a change, they will also start focusing on the positive, and joining the movement gives us a better chance at saving our planet.

    6. Yes, I agree with you chatty fact that spreading awareness about the climate is not done to scare us, but instead it is done to show us the dangers of our activities on the climate and how we human beings are to go about and act fast on it . We are not only to stick to the awareness, seeing it, but also have to be careful and active on working on our selves in an effort to save the earth.

    7. I agree because people in general would get frightened by alot of negative news being shown to them, so along with the fact that it negative news and how we are naturally scared which is true everyone does get a little scared to hear some negative news we need to not only see what's wrong but rather see that and what we can do to change it.

  • In the picture people can be reminded about climate change. For example, there is a banner that states clean air zone. This will remind people to minimize the way they burn fuels or wastes and industries should be located far away from resident areas to prevent air pollution.

    1. How do reminders about climate change make you feel? Do you feel negative? Positive? Or a balance of emotions?

      1. I feel negative about it,such reminders of the dangers of climate change can lead people to feel an increasing sense of despair about the issue.
        The climate change crisis can be triggering crippling fear and sadness in some people. Some call it eco-anxiety, some call it climate grief.

        1. Firstly, Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Such shifts can be natural, due to changes in the sun’s activity or large volcanic eruptions. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate change! Primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. These are the main reasons why people constantly need to be reminded. Burning fossil fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising The main greenhouse gases that are causing climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. These come from using gasoline for driving a car or coal for heating a building, for example. Clearing land and cutting down forests can also release carbon dioxide. Agriculture, oil and gas operations are major sources of methane emissions. Energy, industry, transport, buildings, agriculture and land use are among the main sectors causing greenhouse gases.
          I understand your point of view but I strongly advise you not to feel this way instead channel that energy used in feeling anxiety into making a difference. Remember it's our dear home earth we're talking about we have no other habitable planet except earth, each time we are reminded it's not to cause a sense of fear instead it is just to remind us or rather educate us that we still have a fighting chance against climate change and we have to do everything within our capacity to change our faith considering that we all actually have a chance to come together and fight against climate change.
          Every little act counts, a personal decision not to throw trash on the road or not disposed properly counts e.g soda cans, biscuit nylons IT COUNTS why though? This is because if it was initially left on the road it will accumulate and block the drainage or rather be thrown into the ocean killing our animals or even them consuming it as food and we humans paying the price as most of them end up dying or suffocating. Now can you see how much this is affecting us all. Imagine the animals, the water is their home! Now they are struggling to survive on their own place of abode that is so terrible and it isn't right! If you do still feel this way remind yourself when such thoughts cross your mind that it's a necessity, it is for the greater good and it will surely be worth it in the end.
          This is a wake up call! I urge us all to do whatever we really can to win this battle.

      2. Reminders about Climate Change make my inner self cling.
        Sighting some billboards , posters or while watching the news sometimes I wonder if we people affect climate change intentionally or we do it because we have no choice or we are basically ignorant of the effects it has on the entire universe. While thinking about this I feel Negative. But a coin has two sides, although we think about the negative sides, we should think of the positivity of climate also.
        I would say we should balance difficult and negative information with positive climate stories and actions. THANK YOU.

      3. In my honest opinion, reminders about climate change can indeed evoke a mix of emotions, often leaning towards the negative. It's understandable, given the severity of the challenges we face. However, it's crucial to transform these feelings into positive action. Consider this: the adoption of renewable energy sources has surged by 9% globally in the past decade, significantly reducing carbon emissions. By focusing on such advancements and the collective efforts being made, we can find inspiration.
        Think about local initiatives, like community gardens or waste reduction programs, that showcase the power of individual actions. Let these positive examples fuel your motivation. So, fellow moderators and commenters, I pose this question to you. How can we turn our emotions into a driving force for change, channeling the collective will to build a sustainable future for us and the next generation? Let's remember it all balls down to us!

      4. Hi Alicia, thank you for this wonderful question. The reminders about climate change makes me feel negative because, most of the people living there would not be comfortable in the type of environment they live in. We are being constantly reminded that climate change is occurring everywhere in the world even though the effects differs between regions. I feel negative by these reminders because humans activities such as smokes from factory chimneys, cars, trucks and many others are the causes of climate change which has negatively impacted mental health thereby causing depression and anxiety, increased levels of allergens, cardiovascular disorders and so on, which is now a great threat to human health.
        This negative feeling only makes me want to find long lasting solution on how to mitigate the effect of climate change and save our dear planet Earth.

        1. Excellent response!

      5. I feel negative most of the time because I think there's nothing I can do about it but after further though on it, I realized the best I can do is spread this to others and watch my actions. After all, people emulate what they see. It's not right to tell someone what to do but then end up doing the same or even worse. This is one the reasons speakers on climate change are mostly not listened to as most are there just for the money and then end up not acting upon their solutions. I feel like instead of just making laws, leaders should also be an example and not just post for the views and acceptance.

    2. I agree with you. Another thing I noticed is that news reports about climate change make me feel good because people are now more aware of the need to keep our climate safe thereby creating awareness with the use of protests, people carrying placards, television and newspaper advertisements etc. The good thing is that climate is a natural occurrence which means that climate change can be corrected if humans decide to change their manner of approach towards their environment thereby keeping it safe. This gives me hope that we can make this space called Earth a better place to be and live.

    3. I agree with that and also in the picture, people can be reminded about climate change. For example, there are specks of dirt on the river in the picture. This will remind people to stop throwing dirt in the river to stop pollution in the river and to avoid killing aquatic life in the river .

      1. That was a motivational comment motivated elephant because the more we get to know the impact of harming ourselves with the hazadious practice that we exhibit by the day, the more we avoid them.
        When I say hazardious practices, I mean the Bush burning, the generator, the smoke from work shops and so on and so forth.

  • Well,
    Reminders about the climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. I am satisfied that these reminders gives us the opportunity to be alert about the happenings of the climate change in our society, but it still dampens my spirit that to see lives and property damaged and destroyed by the effect of the climate change.
    In the picture i can see a girl holding a banner which says ''WAKE UP''. It's time for us to wake up and keep a check on our actions so that we restrict ourselves in doing the worse for our surroundings and our coming generation's future, and for those who are currently going through ''climate anxiety'' grant yourself time to feel whatever it is you're feeling in association to the climate change, but don't sit in it too long. It's time to act !!!

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful ideas. Do you have any advice for people who would like to act but are struggling with climate anxiety?

      1. Global warming is not just bringing rising sea levels and extreme weather events but also a growing tide of climate fear and anxiety around the world.
        My Advice for people who would like to act but are struggling with eco-anxiety(climate change) is "ACTION", because as soon as you take a stand and start to act, bit by bit, the crisis starts to feel less like an apocalypse and more like something we can solve.
        Even Campaigners and health experts have warned that action is needed to tackle a hidden climate mental health crisis.
        I'm also scared everyday, but everyday I choose to act and that is the only thing I've found that helps.

      2. If someone actually wants to make a change in society but are struggling with climate anxiety, my suggestion for them would be to use their weakness as their tool.
        Being scared is not always wrong, sometimes to grow and help others grow you need to be scared. But their is something you can do about it.
        Watching news about climate change and death due to calamities makes me want to try to stop it all. But I no I can't do it on my own, so I do my part. Go plant a tree and tell someone to do the same. Don't use plastic bags and tell the grocery store near you to do the same. Walk to nearby areas and advise others to carpool or ride a bicycle. These are small things you can do that will be a step towards success. You won't find success right away, maybe not even in your lifetime, but it will make you feel better that you probably saved some animal's or even some human's life. It will drive away your anxiety and who knows, one day we will live in a world where climate change is taught in History class.

    2. I agree because in the picture there are a lot of alarming thing to note that need immediate action in our own little way. Especially in our generation it can be noted that about 69% of the people of our generation are affected with Eco anxiety after consuming so much information about the climate changes. As a matter of fact, I am sure that climate change is not a new thing but Eco anxiety is become worse because of the awareness of this issue.
      Thank you

    3. I agree because... the world is only getting worse and even though people are going through eco-anxiety there is no time to worry only to act and not just for ourselves,but the generations to come.

    4. I totally agree that the banner saying WAKE UP is the most motivating.
      We all know that the consequences of climate change is affecting all of us but most of us we just get informed and we continue our life like nothing happened.
      So the wake up call should always be in our minds

      1. I agree with you because when we wake up and fight against climate change,we will be able to save our planet earth.Here are some things little things we can do to save our planet earth:
        1.Conserve water.
        2.Make a compost pile.
        3.Avoid single use of plastics.
        4.Educate others on climate change and it's effect on our environment
        Gary Anderson once said''reuse,reduce and recycle''.

  • Hello!
    From my perspective on climate change, I believe it is a very sensitive and controversial topic, this is because it deals with our environment and how we can protect it.
    Climate change despite being a sensitive topic is easily avoidable because it is caused by us as human activities. Most of our human industrial activities involve the release of pollutants such as carbon dioxide among others which are huge contributors to climate change.
    Climate change is a topic that has been talked about a lot on the news, internet, and various other platforms over the past decade so the need for reminders about climate change is alarming. Climate change has caused various alterations in the usual patterns of our weather cycles, it has also caused loss of lives and properties through flooding from increased sea level caused by increased global warming which melts glaciers.
    All this can be stopped if we all join hands and work together as a global community to save and take care of our planet and our home. We should not forget ''WE ONLY HAVE ONE PLANET".

    1. What kind of work do you think would be most effective against climate change?

      1. I think promoting renewable strength development, electricity efficiency, sustainable agriculture, conservation, and round financial system implementation are key initiatives to correctly fight climate change.

      2. In my own opinion, I would say there is no specific work that is most effective against climate change but their are some few actions that if taken into practices may reduce or eliminate climate change . -- Which includes Saving energy at home ; much of our electricity and heat are powered by coal, oil and gas. Therefore, we should use less energy by reducing our heating and cooling use.
        Another Action is Eating more vegetables .; eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes , nuts and seeds, less meat and dairy can significantly lower environmental impact. Producing plant-based foods generally results in fewer greenhouse gas emissions and requires less energy, land and water.
        Throwing away less food is also an effective action ; when we throw food away we are also wasting the resources and energy we're used to grow, produce,package and transport it. And when food its in a landfill, it produces methane, a powerful greenhouse gas. So we should purchase only what we need, we should make use of what we purchase and compost leftovers which can be used as manures on Agricultural farms.
        Coming so far, we can see that all of the actions takes the personal impact of mankind.
        Then why dont we speak up and get others to join us in taking action. Because, it is one of the quickest way to make a difference. We should talk to our neighbours, colleagues, friends and family and show them we support bold changes-from plastics-free products and packaging to zero emissions vehicles. Climate action is a task for all of us. No one can do it alone- but we can do it together.

      3. Hey,
        I'm sure a lot of occupations have great impacts on climate change, but I think Environmental Engineers are one of the most impactful jobs concerning climate change. These engineers design and implement innovative energy solutions, such as renewable energy systems and carbon capture technologies, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. A lot of times, they begin as regular electrical engineers and later specialize in renewable energy in order to figure ways to solve todays problems. I find occupations such as these very respectful, the idea of mixing passion with innovation should be something everyone should do.
        What do you want to be when you grow up and how do you think it could be or you could make it effective against climate change?

      4. we might consider becoming an environmental lawyer, a climate scientist, or a sustainability consultant. There are so many opportunities to help fight climate change in a range of industries, from government to private sector and other jobs.

  • I am taking part in the first challenge.

    I actually found many climate change reminders in the picture above. But I regularly come across the one concerning heat, global warming has affected us in many ways, it is caused by the effects of human activities such as; industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and so on.
    In some countries like Nigeria and other west African countries we experience global warming frequently in most of our states and we experience great heat as an effect of it.
    But, in countries like Iceland, Denmark and the rest, they don't experience global warming because they reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the minimum.

    1. Good comment, but Iceland and Denmark are experiencing global warming - they are just cooler to start with! Emissions are global, so even those countries that reduce them feel the effects of other countries' emissions. Still, you are correct that Africa is likely to feel the strongest impacts.

    2. Concerning deforestation ,One of the several effects of climate change is deforestation - cutting down of trees in our country or society which can affect us economically and financially.

      I read a book titled "the tree book"and it made me understand that trees provide us with more than 5000 products that we use daily. Tress even absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and release oxygen. All paper products are made from trees.

      Now, this will affect us financially because in my country the price for a notebook has gone increased above it's regular price. I'd like to attribute this is to deforestation. A few students can not afford notebooks which they need.
      A particular chemical in trees called cellulose fiber is used to produce toothpaste, shampoo, medicine and even paint.
      It will serve for economic development in terms of job opportunities in sectors like forestry, agriculture, manufacturing .
      Forests and by extension the trees in them serve as tourist attractions to many travellers who come to take a look at beautiful topography and appreciate the beauty of nature .
      So therefore we should not give climate change a chance to take away these opportunities and the vast contribution trees will provide in our country or society.

  • Hi,
    In the picture people can be reminded about global warming. There seems a radio which is providing news "RED ALERT! warmest summer ever." This will help people to realize nowadays hot topic global warming. This will remind people to use clean energy sources such as solar panels, windmills instead of fossil fuels.

    1. Good observation, Would like to add more element to the picture to make the message even clearer?

      1. Hi!
        The picture is not only about global warming. It indicates so many things and provide us message to save planet in very effective way. In the picture it is clearly mentioned about many dangers that human and the planet is suffering through our selfishness; we are really destroying the ecosystem. Humans are making planet polluted, overhunting and overharvesting, constructing different structures without studying the soil and many more. Planet has suffered a lot since humans came in. Now it is time for us to really worry about the planet.

  • Hi,
    I personally feel a lot of emotions when i see reminders about climate change such as worry, determination and curiousity. I get worried about the planet but i get more determination to try and save it. Reminders are basically a mixture of the recent happenings on the planet, whether good or bad. Still, reminders are there to remind us about the present situations that we are facing, even though we don't know that we are facing them. Sometimes we walk on the street and see posters telling us to save the planet or watch protesters protest on the news for an endangered animal to be saved. Reminders are all around us and even though they may sometimes cause anxiety and worry, they are just there to keep us informed.

  • This is my personal thought,
    When I see a reminder of a climate change I feel balanced emotion because nowadays climate change is happening so rapidly we humans don't care about it too much. Instead of fearing because of disasters which could happen by climate change and could destroy civilizations and countless peoples, we think that "Other people don't clean environment and why should I clean environment?" And because of that thinking we are getting less and less interactive towards cleaning programs and other environment related programs. So we should discard this thinking and maintain positive thinking and should consult other peoples by explaining the impacts of climate change and various other negative things which could happen.
    Nowadays, many peoples are educated yet they don't clean environment knowing that this could harm the entirety of human civilization and throw their waste near water sources. By throwing waste near to water sources the water flowing from the source meets another flowing water by this the toxic/ contaminated water reaches seas or even oceans and this could harm the water lives like fishes, and other marine creatures. And peoples who live at the bank of seas or oceans they live their lives by selling marine creatures from seas and oceans, that's how humans kill themselves by their own carelessness.

  • Climate change reminders bring a balance of emotions, creating awareness and offering ways to reduce its effects. However, they also cause sadness, as they highlight the loss of lives and livelihoods, and the lack of compliance from those who want to make changes. Despite these emotions, the author continues to watch news and find ways to help reduce the effects, as small changes can make a big difference.

  • Negative Emotions:
    Reminders about climate change for me can elicit(prompt) negative emotions such as fear and anxiety. The awareness of the severe impacts of climate change, including rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss, can create a sense of impending crisis, leading to feelings of helplessness and despair.

    Example: Imagine someone(Cedric) living in a coastal area receiving regular reminders about the threat of rising sea levels. Cedric might feel anxious about the potential loss of their home and community.
    Increased Anxiety:
    As Cedric becomes more aware of the scientific predictions and studies outlining the potential rise in sea levels, he begins to experience heightened anxiety. The realization that her beloved coastal home is at risk, and the community he cherishes may face displacement, triggers a sense of vulnerability and concern for the future.

    Loss of Home and Community:
    The reminders about rising sea levels paint a vivid picture of the potential loss of homes, businesses, and community spaces that hold deep sentimental value for Cedric. The prospect of having to leave behind the place where he has built memories and connections with neighbours and friends intensifies her anxiety.

    Helplessness and Despair:
    Cedric might feel a growing sense of helplessness as she grapples with the enormity(large size) of the climate change challenge. The perceived inevitability of rising sea levels and the potential inability to prevent or mitigate the impacts leave her feeling disempowered, contributing to a sense of despair about the future.

    Uncertain Future:
    The reminders about climate change not only affect Cedric emotionally but also cast a shadow over his plans for the future. Questions about the feasibility of long-term investments, concerns about the well-being of future generations, and uncertainty about the stability of the community create a cloud of apprehension.

    In this example, the reminders about climate change, particularly the threat of rising sea levels, have a profound impact on Cedric's emotional well-being. It illustrates how the awareness of environmental challenges can evoke complex and deeply personal reactions, influencing individuals' perceptions of their homes, communities, and the world they inhabit.

  • David is a young boy of about nine. All he has known is a world of pain, worry, disaster and terror. Everywhere around him felt like an apocalyptic scene straight from I Am Legend. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t scared. Everytime his mum put on the news there were always these images of junk in water bodies, dark grimy fumes in the streets, factories and vehicles which produced those fumes, dying animals and plants, flooded towns, broken roads, people wearing varying shades of blue and green raising banners of words like ‘ban plastics’ written boldly on them, and so much more petrifying things he didn’t really understand. Even in the newspaper, gone were his favorite comic strips, they were now replaced with warnings of an unforgivable Earth to come. The radio was the same, as well as billboards, shops and the cinemas.
    He was fed up with it all, angered that that was all everyone could talk about, including at school. Later on he decided to talk to his foreign friend Alex.
    Alex seemed to have an entirely different experience because he never spoke of fuming factories, flooded towns or broken earth. In fact he seemed oblivious to the choas that ensued around him. Maybe his country don’t know?
    Frustrated David decided to research on the topic on his own, and he found a plethora of information, from the protests to the world wide awareness David now understood why such priority was placed on the subject called climate change, it was literally the worlds impending doom!
    However, he was elated to find out that people were zealously putting a stop to such a growing issue, he learnt about the Paris agreement and how it’s main goal was to secure global net zero by mid-century and keep a maximum of 1.5 C degrees of warming within reach, and other popular projects like Mr. Beasts’ team trees. The fact that people were doing something eased his anxiety. He was also inspired to do his bit as well by gifting small trees to his neighbors, and starting a podcast and a YouTube channel.
    He desired to make climate change a topic people could approach and listen to with confidence, new determination and an eagerness to change the world just like he sought to do. He wanted people to know that their small, seemly insignificant actions actually mattered and that together they could bring about the change the world needed.
    He was grown now and learnt a lot from his child self, it’s not beneficial to earth’s health or the mental health of others to only present the issues that climate change caused without actually bringing a solution that was achievable, if all they saw was the darkest parts they would feel all those negative emotions like anger, anxiety, frustration and more but by presenting hope and a bright future you turn those negative emotions to something positive, something beautiful that can blossom into a changed heart and mind. He hosted therapy and consultation sessions with people, co-produced inspiring movies, contributed to organizations who engaged in active climate activism like beach clean up’s, protests, waste management, sustainable business practices, renewable energy generation etc.
    He was happy, he was finally making a real difference.
    Lesson : “Feeling emotions is normal and human but letting does emotions control you or worse not doing anything about the cause of those emotions is what is unjust” – smart_goji

    1. A brilliant piece of creative storytelling - well done!

  • I agree with giving_snail’s and chatty_fact’s opinion on this topic and have e captured their ideas in this rig he up as best as I can.
    But have any of you thought about the possible that some might not have knowledge on this matter like the 50% of people in Africa that don’t have access to digital devices? They might’ve experienced the effects like flooding, change ins seasons and more but not understand why.

  • Reminders of climate change make me feel a balance of emotions, Sometimes I feel angry that we have been led to so many environmental problems. I feel so strange when I see that people lose their lives, homes, lands and I am obliged in a way to watch them or listen about them in the news. But then this is a reminder! I start to realize that this is true reality and we must do something to raise awareness and not being led to a worse condition. We neede as a youth to be educated and change our perceptions towards nature in order to live all together in harmony.

  • Let's see, reminders about climate change make me feel a balance of emotions to be very honest.
    Both positive, negative and in between.
    Positive, because when I see news about climate change, I feel encouraged to work harder to help the earth, cause this is the only home I have.
    Negative, cause there is so much a single individual can do. Seeing all this reminders makes me feel like no matter my best efforts, I cannot not make a difference. For instance, no matter how much trash I cleanup at the beach, they always increase.
    This is why I feel a balance of emotions anytime I see a reminder about climate change. But I want to believe that my efforts aren't in vain and be positive anytime I see a reminder of climate change and I hope you do too.

    1. I'm glad you can stay positive when it could feel very overwhelming!

    2. I think that this mixed feeling of emotions help us develop new solutions to our problems. If we stay only positive that other people are talking about climate change, we may not have the courage to take action ourselves, because other can do their jobs. Also, if we only felt negative emotions, we would be in a state of continuous fear and this fear can affect us in our daily lives and we wouldn't even be able to do our jobs and live peacefully. However, combining these emotions shows that you are not in this problem alone and there are others aware so if we put our hands together we could strive to be better and cause change that would have a great impact on how we see everything. We would look into our actions and how we can change them to be better and we can advise other to help, because this matter affects people in all countries

  • Hello,
    Reminders about climate change can give me a neutral mix of emotions just because of the wavering possibilities and outcomes. Lots of the effects of climate change are very pronounced and noticeable, like the newfound absence of snow in many places that had lots of it and freezing temperatures in places that are usually hot. These troubles are very small and also are not something that everyone frequently worries about but they are still changes that will only lead to a bigger problem. The way that I feel about the situation is 50/50. A part of me is angry because of what's going on. Angry about the fact that the beautiful snow that i've loved for most of my childhood is becoming very scarce in a place where it definitely should be. But I can't be angry, because I am also a part of the problem. The way that we live life today, driving cars, smoking, filling the air with greenhouse gasses, I am also a piece to the problem that is creating climate change. I feel like everyone is well aware of the problem, the causes, and what can be done to solve it, but no one is doing anything about it. That's how I feel about the situation.

  • Hi, when I see reminders of climate change in the news, I feel a balance of emotions. As much as I feel worried about the situation, it's serves as an impetus for me to know that for every problem there should be a solution which I intend to provide . As much as the negative news might be, it gives me hope about the situation. There are so many climate issues facing my country such as desertification, flooding,oil pollution,rising temperatures,unpredictable rainfall pattern, e.t.c. And I feel saddened about the situation sometimes,but I know that things will change for the good. The effects of climate change mostly affect rural communities, fishermen, livestock herders and others.

    1. I agree with you, tolerant hummingbird, when you say that rural communities will mostly be affected by climate change.
      In a country like mine, often times you may step into a village and feel like you have been detached from the modern world, like you're on an entirely different planet.
      Not only will they be the most affected, they contribute a lot to climate change. Their way of life isn't always modern. A good number of them still burn firewood to produce energy, dump waste water into rivers and throw their trash wherever they want. But worst of all, so many of them don't even understand how what they do affects the environment. They are sometimes completely unaware of their climate destroying activities.
      When I hear about climate change, I feel lots of things. Relief that I'm not the only one concerned about making the planet a better place, but worry for those who don't know the gravity of their climate-endangering actions.
      I think one of our main concerns as we continue to try and combat climate change is to create awareness and to educate those who don't know. It's not their fault they are contributing to climate change, they just aren't aware of their actions.

  • Hi,
    Awareness about climate change is everywhere through different medium such as phones, television, magazines and even casual discussions. Climate change has brought demanding attention to itself through various ways such as pollution, over exploitation, invasive species, habitat and climate change.Where as anxiety about the climate change is only normal, but these reminders make me pay attention to my external surroundings and how my unintended actions has contributed to the increase in climate change. Rather than letting fear take the better of me or loosing hope I look for ways to help because, I want to save the planet.This is why I advise us to start taking conscious steps into saving the planet as we wake up to the events occurring around us.Changes such as recycling, afforestation, reducing deforestation, conservation of energy, joining community and government organizations advocating for environmental policies.If we can all come together and join forces to make a big impact in our world, now is the time
    Thank you.

  • Today's Challenge hit me with a reality check – the impact of climate change is everywhere. It's like we can't live on this planet without being smacked in the face by how it's affecting not just us but all the creatures, species, and organisms we share it with.
    Take a look at the image – it's a total eye-opener! From the metal box I'm using to chat with you to the blaring billboards, buzzing airplanes, and chatty radio stations, it's like the world is shouting, "Hey, wake up! Climate change is real!"

    Honestly, these reminders get under my skin. They make me uneasy and sometimes even a bit hopeless, like those folks on the cinema roof in the bottom right of the image.
    But you know what? We can't let that feeling take over. We've got to rally, find hope, and do something about it. It's like that moment when you're at the bottom of the roller coaster, a bit scared but excited for the adventure ahead. So, let's roll up our sleeves and show some love to our amazing planet!

  • The negative effects of climate change can not be over emphasized unfortunately, this keeps reoccurring at intervals which could put fear in people (eco- anxiety). Even at this, one should know there's no cause for alarm if we all do the right thing. If everyone does their own part, the world would be a safe place to live: strict punishment should be given to those who err to the climate laws If awareness banners are more than 100 in one community, they are not too much,

    1. What do you mean by "if we all do the right thing"? Can you give some examples?

      1. 'Right things' include: prohibiting burning of bush and dirt's. Checking and examining vehicle whether they are fit for moving, so as not to emit carbon monoxide. Provision of other sources of energy apart from fossil fuel by the government. The aforementioned are some of the right things to eradicate climate change.

  • Hi,
    This picture means a lot to me as my family is very passionate about the environment. I found 31 environmental reminders in this picture. Some of them were floods, rubbish everywhere, people talking about animal extinction and many more. This has a negative feeling on me as I feel humans aren't taking care of the world. For all those people who are driving cars in the picture, I suggest they should try walking or cycling to school. I hope humans can change the ways to make a difference.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel positive because most times on the news you hear about flooding in different places and its devastating effects and forest burning in a place like Australia with its resultant effect of destruction of buildings and loss of lives. I know hearing about this leads to fear and sadness, mainly because some people are driven out of their homes and might have to start afresh. Climate change might sound small to people who don't experience its effects, but daily, monthly and yearly reminders whatever the case might be tell us that there is hope and that we can beat this fight if we work together.

  • I've seen 26 reminders about climate change. One reminder is when heavy rain causes floods. This reminder increase my awareness , encouraging me to take positive actions to reduce the risk of climate change. It enlightens me on the necessary steps to prevent flooding .
    Communicating and cooperating with others can help us collectively adress climate change challenges

  • When I see climate change reminders, it makes me feel sad because we often don't realize how our actions harms the environment. Not even more to see how our plants and animals suffering because of our choices. However, this reminder also gives me hope small effort can make a difference deceiving our planet.

  • I regularly come across plastics in water and the failure of some countries and people to recycle goods. The drainage systems become clogged when materials like plastics are not recycled, which can worsen flooding. Fish and other creatures perish because of plastic in water bodies. Another issue that impacts nations is drought; also, water is required for crops to develop and for all living things to have access to clean drinking water. Crop yield is lowered by drought-induced crop damage. Water refugees can also be caused by drought.

    1. I absolutely agree to your point because recycling plastic plays a crucial role in tackling plastic pollution, conserving resources reducing energy consumption and fostering a more substainable and environmentally responsible society.

  • Reminders regarding climate change make me anxious when they are presented too directly and become too intrusive. For example, I often hear things like ,,If you wish to have a clean planet tomorrow, start cleaning it today!,, I find it weird how the ones watching those messages on tv are the ones who are already putting in some effort. People who aren't yet realizing the importance of it don't listen. They skip such things. So, I am wondering, if this kind of stuff doesn't reach the right people, then what's the point of it?
    On the other hand, when they are presented in schools, they seem rather boring and hard to focus on. How could little children understand what is happening and what they need to do when the subject is so widely presented?

    1. Do you have any ideas of how to reach those people you say aren't listening?

      1. Hey, Harriet! It' really an interesting question. Personally, I think one approach could be to find creative and engaging ways to deliver the message. For example, using storytelling, interactive experiences, or even gamification can help capture their attention and make the topic more relatable. Additionally, targeting specific platforms or mediums that they are more likely to engage with, such as social media or community events, can help increase the chances of reaching them. It's all about finding innovative ways to spark their interest and make the message more accessible and appealing to a wider audience. That's my point!


      2. Well, first of all people don't usually listen to what others say. So, giving an example would be a great start. I have noticed that we tend to follow other people's actions. When somebody does something that is then applauded, others start doing it too. So I think we should be more united as a society about this. We should support each other. That's how we will succeed. If we wish to convince others to get involved in this, then we could also find more creative ways of spreading the message. For example, I would personally feel more excited about recycling or planting trees if it would be done with friends in teams or with certain people that I admire. In my opinion , more people would start enjoying it if more celebrities would start helping out.
        It may seem more exciting for some people if it is transformed into a competition. There will be a winner, who is supposed to receive a prize for the effort. Of course, this won't be for everybody. Some people will prefer to collect trash in a silent, peaceful manner. I believe that it depends on your personal preference. I also believe that people need to receive some assistance in order to discover which method works best for them. Do you agree?

    2. Hi,
      Reminders about climate change sometimes make me sad and sometimes guilty, because as painful and difficult as it is to admit, I personally feel my actions contribute to these changes in the climate of my country. For instance, my dad owns many industries that are very operational and these industries emit a lot a smoke that cause the depletion our ozone layer, and since I have been exposed to the effects of climate change us, my negligence to convey this important facts is really contributing to the problem and as I hear or receive these warnings I sort of remember how my actions are affect my surroundings and it saddens me. In addition, I live in a country where there are a lot of rural areas, and we are not exactly exposed to information because we are not yet a developed country. And so, it pains my heart when information about climate change is conveyed and due to the lack of exposure, it seems that only those broadcasting the news are putting in efforts in order to solve the problem. This problem has been a major disadvantage in curbing the effects of climate change in NIgeria. Also, we Nigerians, are most at times ignorant to the reality and we tend to dismiss this warning news because they see it boring or of no point, but the truth of the matter is that they are of great importance to the welfare of our plant and its inhabitants.

  • I've noticed two people sitting on the roof of some block discussing. The girl says that the world is changing, while the boy is wondering if we can still change the planet. They both clearly have Eco-anxiety. It is true that sometimes it feels like you are alone in the world, like nobody but you cares. When you are like this, everything you do seems insignificant. It is a horrible feeling. When you are feeling like this, I recommend talking to someone close, who will make sure to help you regain your self-esteem. If you are not willing to even tell someone how you feel, then maybe you can look up some positive news. An alternative could be to look up some motivational quotes to remind you that you need to keep on going no matter what and that even the tiniest act towards a better word counts. Slowly, you will realize that you are not alone. There are 7 billion people on this planet, you can't possibly be alone.

  • "A rollercoaster of emotions" would be the perfect ways to describe it. There is so much emotions expressed through this 1 picture. Everyone is aware of climate change and everyone has a different way of reacting. Some people are just ignoring this issue, while others are feeling responsible and are trying spread awareness and some are watching these on their phone, while others are saying, "we need more people like them ( to the awareness spreaders)" Actually no, we don't need more people like them, WE NEED TO BE LIKE THEM. This picture made me feel responsible, not positive or negative but responsible, Earth is our home and we are ruining it with our own hands. It makes me wonder If we can even make it to mars before humanity gets wiped out because to climate change. So let us all take a small step towards climate change and let "the ripple effect" do its thing!

  • Point 1: Extreme weather is growing unnaturally strong as people burn fossil fuels and warp the climate and by doing that it drives away more and more people from their homes through sudden storms and flood . As at last year storms , floods , wildfires and droughts drove over 30 million peoples from there homes.
    Point 2: The world is changing faster than we expected , as our technology is advancing the human speices is less focused on protecting our planet and more focused on technology , For better for worse.
    Point 3: The Hong Kong Observatory, the city's weather agency, reported hourly rainfall of 158.1 millimetres at its headquarters in the hour leading up to midnight, the highest since records began in 1884 .

  • I choose the two people discussing on the rooftop, one of them said “The world is changing” and the other replied by asking a very important question, “can we still save the planet”. If I were to give them an advice, I would make sure to reassure them that it is very possible to save the planet and control the effects of climate change by taking various climate action like planting trees, recycling and telling other people about what they can do to preserve the planet. And I would definitely reassure them that no climate action is a waste and every little thing counts in saving the planet.

    1. I agree with you that we can still save the planet because anything we put our mind to can work. So we should learn to take even the smallest steps to help our planets climate condition no matter our age or class.

  • Hi,
    Personally I feel a balance of emotions when I see climate change reminders because I feel guilty of some things I do which actually affects the climate negatively. But also when I feel bad it gives me a reason to do more things that will help our climate positively.

    1. A good reflection jazzed_tamarillo. Do you think others also feel motivated by negative news on the climate?

      1. Amazing point jazzed_tamarillo, I feel some people see bad news as a call to action and people like that tend to make an effort to slow down the effects of climate change. For example, we watched a video in school about causes of flooding in West Africa and one of the causes was land pollution and plastic waste. And after the video a lot of us stopped disposing of plastic waste and started using plastics for different innovative products and recycling. So in my opinion and experience, negative news on the climate can be a call to action

  • Hey, the picture is providing us awareness about climate change in a simple but effective manner. There a person with mobile phone can be seen in which it feels like he or she is reading news which says,"yet another species to extinct" . Extinction used to be very rare event before. In those days extinctions happen naturally over a long span of time. Climate change, changes in sea level and currents, diseases, volcano erruption etc. But in our present time, it's a different story. If you've ever asked yourself, "why do species become extinct?" you might not like the hard truth. But the fact is we humans are driving a large number of species to extinction. There are different reasons why species become extinct. One of them and the major cause is destruction of habitat. When we demolish forest in certain area it has killed off more species than we can identify. We are overhunting and overharvesting. Humans need to eat in order to survive; if this is the only reason to hunt or harvest the planet can probably sustain us. But we are overharvesting and overhunting. We should be able to protect all the species before they become extinct. We can leave all the big tasks to scientists but our little help can make a huge difference.

  • This picture contain lots of banners about climate change. Most of the climate shown in picture have came in my life and I have across it . Like the stroms force us sometime and sometime we feel very much hot in summers . Thats all about climate change. It might be different for someone in different country beause some country lies in northern hemishphere ad some in southern hemishphere . So, The climate of northern and southern hemisphere is totally different . Thats why the climate may be different for someone in different country. The reminder about climate change feels positive because after seeing this people may follow preventive measure and stay safe .For examples : If a man is using phone in park. If suddenly the stroms will come then it may harm the man. so everyone should be alert about this

  • I personally fell negative about climate change. The earth has really changed since we humans were brought on. People nowadays don't care about climate change at all. People just underestimate the actual danger that might occur due to climate change. We as humans need to think of earth as our home. No one want's their home to be filthy right? So. we should also think about other species that we are endangering because of our carelessness. We humans don't own the earth the earth owns us and every living or non-living organisms that are in earth. We are really selfish because we don't care about the environment but about our own happiness. Our happiness can be someone's sadness. The people that are most affected by the climate change is farmers.

    All I want to say is that us humans should think about we and the earth rather than I or me.

    That's all
    Thank you

  • A reminder on challenge 3 for someone experiencing the effect of climate change
    The advice I would give the person in order to cope with their echo-anxiety is to practice self-care techniques mindfulness ,meditation and regular exercises.
    Such person should also seek for professional help, if it becomes overwhelming and significantly impact daily functioning it may be beneficial to seek support from mental health professional who specializes in eco anxiety and related concerns .
    The person can also engage in collective actions that contribute to reducing carbon footprint promoting sustainable practices and advocating for climate friendly policies.

  • Reminder about the climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions
    and gladdens my heart on this awareness.
    The eco- anxiety has done a lot of damages to human such as distress, fear and worry associated with the current potential future impact of climate change.
    This awareness will serve as a corrective measures to tackle the problems.

  • Hi,
    In the image I found over 12 climate change reminders. In my own experience the most used climate change reminders I have seen is "go green, save the planet". Whenever I hear reminders about climate change I feel a balance of emotions. If I hear positive news about climate change I feel happy that the natural environment is getting better but whenever I hear negative news on it I feel bad because I know most of the causes of climate change is caused by human activities and I wonder when the climate would become perfect. Reminders about climate change make me realise that everyday there is a lot of danger the climate has to face. I feel that sharing reminders about climate change isn't to make us humans fear what is about to come but to encourage us and compell us to be quick and fast in curbing climate change. Im my own understanding eco-anxiety is a challenging emotional response to climate change and other enviromental issues and I feel it shows humans concern about the climate but the brain outputs it in the form of "anxiety". There are so many ways to cope with eco-anxiety- one of the fastest ways is to take a break from climate change reminders for some period of time. Another way is talking to someone about your problems- sharing your pain with someone helps a lot and I learned this from an experience. In some time around 2020 I read a fictional book that had a plot about climate issues and nature giving up, I was anxious and started getting worried that it might actually become true until I spoke to one of my friends who helped me out of it. To wrap things up the truth is that is we don't make efforts towards curbing climate change we would keep getting negative reminders which would not be a good thing.

  • I feel the urge to take some sort of action with all the signs that have been given because it's showing you that we can do something to help and that everyone has a part to play wether all you have to do is pick up a can to picking up litter on a whole street everyone has a part to play. We can work together to reshape the planet back to its former state because with all the signs showing up and the amount of them is increasing it shows that we need to do something quick "great things are done but a series of small things" the "small" people in the area could outdo the biggest person by coming together.

  • Reminders about climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. Reminders are great to see what's actually happening around the world . We might think it's a calm,peaceful world but the news allows us to see that at the moment it isn't . It is good that the news creates awareness about what is happening as most people might not understand what damage it is actually causing each and every day for some people and children. this really hurts me to see that the life of people who have doe absoultely nothing are getting their lives taken away. But it is also a bad thing knowing that each and every person in this world is responsible for climate change. But in another country that might be poor this might be harder to find the news and what's happening globally. They might not have phones or TV's which really affects them as they have no idea what's going on. This is bad and they might have no idea what dangers await them. But luckily we have newspapers which tell us the news but most of the time it doesn't say all the news that you would normally find on technology. This isn't a good thing as they might be in danger as it might say on the news and they might have no idea it is going on. This is why reading the news or just having the news to look at is a really important thing.

  • Hey,
    I took note of a billboard depicting an image of "Fires rage around the world." These fires are caused by both natural occurrences and humans. Fires caused by natural occurrences can occur mostly due to lightning and other factors. These natural incidents cannot be stopped, but they can be managed to stay within a restricted area.

    Humans can limit the way we cause these forest fires by reducing our careless and reckless attitudes because the smallest things can cause massive destruction, such as a discarded cigarette.
    One of the largest forest fires in history occurred in 1825 in Canada, burning 3 million acres of forest.

    We should be mindful of everything we do because the smallest action can make a big difference.

  • I think we as humans are doing our best in reducing carbon emmissions which plays a huge role in reducing climate change. Take for example Microsoft, Starting with Windows 11, version 22H2, Windows Update is now carbon aware, making it easier for your devices to reduce carbon emissions. When devices are plugged in, turned on, connected to the internet and regional carbon intensity data is available, Windows Update will schedule installations at specific times of the day (when doing so may result in lower-carbon emissions because a higher proportion of electricity is coming from lower-carbon sources on the electric grid). They also made some changes to the default power settings for Screen and sleep to help reduce carbon emissions when computers are idle. I am just saying that companies are doing their best to save our planets and we as individuals can also contribute to that by also doing our parts in our homes.

  • I have identified around 9-10 reminders from the picture that is shown to me. The picture depicts a teacher imparting knowledge about climate change to her students, which is the most relatable awareness in the entire image. Apart from that, there are some people protesting to spread awareness about global warming. I fail to see any reason why these protests would be different from those conducted by people in other countries. Global warming is an international problem, and people across the globe are concerned about it

  • I noticed several reminders in the picture above, but the one that stood out the most to me was of the teacher educating the students about global warming. I appreciated this reminder because it highlights the importance of educating young minds about the potential dangers to our planet. By teaching them about these issues, they can take necessary precautions to protect the environment for future generations. Ultimately, such education is vital to ensure the safety and well-being of people on planet Earth.

    1. What do you think good climate education looks like?

      1. In my opinion, good climate education involves teaching students how to maintain clean surroundings, as well as educating them on personal actions they can take to help the ecosystem. Additionally, it is important to teach students about the hazards that humans create when destroying nature.

      2. Good climate education helps people understand and address the impacts of the climate crisis, empowering them with the knowledge, skills, values, and attitudes needed to act as agents of change. According to UNESCO, climate change education should be mainstreamed in the curriculum1. It should be designed to help learners understand the causes and consequences of climate change, prepare them to live with the impacts of climate change, and empower them to take appropriate actions to adopt more sustainable lifestyles.

      3. Hi!
        In my opinion, good climate education should cover a range of topics, including the science be hide climate change, its environmental and societal impact and potential solutions. it should interactive and engaging, inclusive and accessible and solution focused. Give the evolving nature of climate science, that good education should provide up to date information.
        All the above point, can be put in a comprehensive curriculum for guided learning experience.
        This days people are always in a hurry for us to educate people on the go we can also use social media influencers by dramatizing the solution in form of a skit.

  • I found about 21 climate change reminders. A climate change reminder I come across regularly where I live is the picture of the radio saying, “RED ALERT! Warmest summer ever…” Although it is more often on the television, we often get these very in the face reminders from news outlets and feeling it ourselves when we walk inside. In the United States, an example of this would be New York this year. New York is often known for their beautiful snowy winters, like that shown in a popular movie: ‘It’s a Wonderful Life.’ However, in 2023, New York experienced the least annual snow average since 1913 with just 2.3 inches. You can find that from the official New York National Weather Service twitter (X) account.

    This might be different in other countries where television isn’t available, or their prevalent issues might be different. In less developed countries, I believe the weather getting warmer would be different by people experiencing a bad drought, or issues related to the heat such as fainting, fatigue, more sweating, or maybe even heat strokes. In some countries, people farm for a living or farm enough to feed their families. The heat can very much cause their crops to die, or bring about a drought as mentioned earlier. Every country has their own problems and experiences.

    1. You have done a brilliant job of thinking from different perspectives here when you give the example of how different people in different countries experience weather alerts.

    2. I found about 20 climate change reminders. A climate change reminder I come across regularly in Nigeria is the post on the billboard saying, "FIRES RAGE AROUND THE WORLD". Although we get information about this on the news and other broadcasting channels, some rural areas also experience this in live action, and it sometimes led to loss of lives and properties. In Nigeria my country, we have a tropical climate with 2 distinct seasons: wet and dry seasons. Dry season is prevalent in the north coupled with high temperatures that may reach an average monthly value of 38 degrees Celsius, while the mean temperature in southern Nigeria hovers around 32-33 degrees Celsius. During the dry season occupations like lumbering and transportation are said to be lucrative and so these jobs are practiced immensely because it is only during the dry season that more of dry wood can be obtained in order to make furniture and cars can travel safely without issues of accidents caused by over speeding on wet roads. And so, this factors greatly contribute to the change in our climate. For example, as businesses engage in this transportation, the vehicles emit gases such as carbon monoxide, Sulphur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbon and similar that destroy the ozone layer that prevents the heat from the sun from reaching the earth at high intensity. Coupled with the fact that other businesses engage in lumbering that sometimes lead to deforestation, exposing the ground levels to this scorching sun that cause wildfires that kill and destroy. And so, the impact of this climate change in Nigeria leads to low crop yield, food shortage, reduced livestock production, loss of income for farmers and so on which affects the citizens greatly.

      I understand this might be a different case for those in other countries who are underdeveloped and are not yet industrialized. And so the lack of this industries, tend to reduce the depletion of the ozone layer and protects the surrounding. I believe the government of other countries are enacting rules that can be considered beneficial in fight to resolve climate change. Countries all over the world fight this immense challenge, so if we work together, I am assured of a better future.

  • Greetings Kim,
    I feel like balanced emotion. It is because the reminder of climate change is very important for everyone. Today everyone are busy in their own life that they don't have time to know about the changes happening worldwide. So climate changes reminder should be given positively to the people so that they can follow the precautions. But In another way if the climate change reminder is given to the people then a small natural change can panic people more and make people overthink and full of stress.

    1. I quite agree with you. I also found many climate change reminders but the one that caught my attention the most is the reminder of the impacts it has on the whole world which is portrayed in a dangerous way that affects our health. In my country, we suffer the effects of climate change in different ways like loss of lives, different health challenges, air pollution, and in some cases extinction of some animals. Since climate change does not affect only humans but affects animals also, we shouldn't be only concerned about ourselves, thinking of what we will eat, drink or even wear, if we continue in this way I think the effect on the other ecosystems will be disastrous. I know climate change affects my country differently compared to other countries but we can all rise and be active participants.

  • It's really good to see that the people in the picture are well aware of the effects of climate change and are taking possible measures. Among the reminders mentioned in the picture, I regularly come across with the reminders like recorded rainfall has caused flood, warmest summer ever, the world is changing and many more. This reminder of climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. This reminder makes me enthusiastic to work for climate and also create an eco-anxiety. The reminders help me to understand that it's time to save our planet, it's time to make actions. In the picture, I saw that many people are just watching the reminders of climate change in their smartphones but are doing nothing. While you came to know the news of climate change as well as the reminder, then the next step which come is to take possible measures. I would like to urge those people who are going through eco-anxiety but are not able to take actions, please help each other in this fighting against climate. Your duty is not just to know the news of climate change but also to spread the news and take possible measures. You guys can easily learn how to save the climate through little change staying at home. So please make sure that you do make these little changes to save the climate. Little change can have a great impact on the climate. So don't think that your this little change of eco-friendly lifestyle will not have any good impact on the climate. So please lead an eco-friendly lifestyle and also encourage others to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. Let's try to protect our planet from our own respective place through making little changes.

  • The world is changing for climates changing . That is the main reason is us . We are making world nature less . We want only our exclusive life. But , that is so dangerous for our world and our future life . Our environment is polluted by water and air pollution. So, if we want to stop it we should stop water and air pollution. Everyday, we make smoke . Many people smoke for their bad habit. This is so bad thing for me . Because, this is bad for my world and my country. Many animals are not alive for climate changing . If we can plant more trees and stop air and water pollution . We will be able to stop climate changing. We can do also a work that is shut off smoke companies . It will be good for our health and world. So, we all should be taken necessary steps as soon as possible

  • i found six (6) issues inside of the photo that of constant fires the rain falling and factory activities i am not trying to be negative or a pessimist but when I hear reminders of climate change, I feel somewhat worried take the reminder which states that "fires rage around the world" and the one which states that "another creature or animal has gone extinct" I feel that the issue of climate change must be resolved to save our planet earth from the coming havoc if we don't THANK YOU!!!.

  • Hi,
    Climate change is like a regular reminder that the world needs our attention.I may not have all the answers, but I can't ignore the changes happening around us. The weather is acting differently, and it's time for us to understand why and do something about it.

    Our Earth is like a delicate balance, and we are tipping it with our actions. The burning of fossil fuels and deforestation are like a one-two punch to the environment. We're changing the atmosphere and disrupting the homes of countless animals. It's like messing up a giant puzzle where all the pieces fit together perfectly.

    One big thing I've learned is that climate change isn't just about polar bears losing their ice homes. It's about how it affects all of us. Extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and changing patterns in nature impact communities worldwide. We need to think about our future and the world we'll inherit.

    But it's not all doom and gloom. There are things we can do, even as kids. Reduce, reuse, and recycle – it's not just a catchy phrase. It's a way to lessen our impact on the environment. Turning off lights when we leave a room or using less plastic are small actions that add up.

    We can also learn from nature. Trees are like Earth's lungs, breathing in carbon dioxide and giving us oxygen. Planting more trees and taking care of the ones we have is like giving our planet a big, green hug.
    We can speak up and ask grown-ups to make better choices for the environment. Our voices matter, and if we all work together, we can create a future where the climate isn't changing for the worse.

    In the end, climate change is our regular reminder to take care of our home.I want to be part of the solution, not the problem. Let's work together to keep our planet healthy and happy for generations to come.

  • Reminder about climate change make me feel a balance of emotion . It brings me to the realization that climate change is a pressing issue that evolves a multitude of emotion within me. It's reminds me of the delicate balance we need to strike between save guiding and environment and addressing our own well being. Recognizing that if we fail to protect our surroundings the consequences could lead to overwhelming levels of echo and anxiety and stress .I am compelled to take action .it is crucial to understand stress when left unchecked can hinder cognitive function including memory attention and decision-making abilities.
    Therefore acknowledging the significance of protecting our environment not only benefit the planet but also preserves our mental well-being.

    1. I strongly agree with you loyal Snow. In as much as some of these activities humans do that causes threat to the society is needed, we still need to make sure we also try and look for ways in which it doesn't become the end of humanity.
      For example in areas where there are lots of companies and factories that causes air pollution, there should laws or rules where these companies be relocated in the outskirts of town far from residential areas.

  • HI, this my opinion on Impact of Climate Change Reminders on Our Mental Health and the Environment I
    frequently Being reminded of climate change can be a disheartening experience for many people. It's hard me not to feel saddened by the sight of gas-guzzling cars on the road, or the smoke that factories release into the air, causing pollution that contributes to climate change. In places like Mexico, where air pollution is causing smog, citizens have to go without using buses or other forms of transportation one day a week. This has resulted in health issues, particularly among young people who are developing lung problems. Older citizens are also advised to stay indoors to avoid the harmful effects of smog. However, if we all make an effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we can make a positive impact on the environment and reduce the severity of climate change

  • Challenges 3.
    I think a child would face much harsher environment as a result of climate change which can result to long time health infection, known risk to physical health like injuries, exposure to toxins and the rise of vector borne diseases.
    My advice for such child is to educate the child about environmental issues teaching the child about the important facts in the step in getting them involved in stopping global warming.
    I think another measures to take is to advise the child on the importance of walking or cycling as much as possible.
    In addition, the child should also be introduced to recycling.
    Parents should inform their children about the importance of choosing products with recycling packaging like drink cans, plastic bottles e.t.c
    The child should always be alerted to unplug appliances.
    The child should always treat water as precious .
    In conclusion, I think with all these precautions, the effects of climate change would be reduced on a child.

  • Hi,
    I found around 15 climate change reminders. One of them that I regularly come across is the fact that extremely bad storms are putting people out of homes. It may be a different circumstance in a place like Australia where they are having regular forest fires. Ultimately, these reminders make me feel an unbalanced amount of emotions. I feel negative about these because the planet we are living on is constantly being damaged and most of it is the fault of the human race. Yes, we may be inventing new ways to produce items and vehicles, but these things emit chemicals that break down our ozone layer and cause more severe weather than ever before in written history. We also may be creating sturdy packaging to protect our belongings, but when we throw them away, they do not dissolve in the water and float around in water for hundreds of years. I almost have no positive feelings about this at all because most of the changes that are currently happening are extremely dangerous and deadly to both creatures and humans alike.

  • Nowadays, a serious and controversial matter whose extension is going to have detrimental consequences to humanity is climate change. A contemporary person is unaware of the negative impact climate change has, is acting nonchalant and it doesn't try to make a change. In order to raise awareness for all people, there should be some daily reminders like the previous picture which is full of reminders. However, this reminders have both positives and negatives aspects so this implies that I have balanced emotions about them. For instance, it can raise awareness for people who can't perceive the size of the issue and urge them to take action but it can also make them feel scared for the future of their region or even the whole planet. The girl in the centre of the picture who is holding a mobile phone and is feeling disappointed after seeing that more and more animals are extincted, reflects our community and world these days. Everyone nowadays is constantly acting selfish and they think about their personal avail. This has to change immediately. Besides, how else do we think we are going to save the planet?

  • I get a negative feeling because whenever I hear the news about the climate and the effects on the environment, it gives me sleepless nights knowing that our activities:
    1. bush burning
    2. deforestation
    3. activities from factories
    which causes air pollution foster sense of disasters to my community and Nigeria at Large . This leaves me thinking about the climate and the ways humans from all over the world will come together to solve the problem.

  • Every time I hear About climate change, I think about the riverine areas of my country, Nigeria particularly Lagos state. Recently the use of Styrofoam was banned by the state government. Information from their website ( on Sunday says:
    “Our state cannot be held hostage to the economic interests of a few wealthy business owners compared to the millions of Lagosians suffering the consequences of indiscriminate dumping of single-use plastics and other types of waste”, he stated.
    According to Wahab (a director in their environmental department), the well-known consequences include climate change, flooding, and diseases like cholera.
    This law was passed because the area has been severely flooded over the last few years and this was partly because of the blockage of water ways within the state, and heavy rains all year long. Lagos is one of the hottest areas in Nigeria mostly because of the mass production of various products which contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The use of Styrofoam was banned because when people use it, they do not properly dispose them.
    The state over the years has recorded one of the highest flood leading to loss of lives, properties, businesses thereby leading to unprecedented increase in eco-anxiety among those living in Lagos especially young people.

  • Anytime I hear about climate change, I feel this anxiety wailing up inside me. This so particularly because of a colleague of my mum who lost three children flood due to climate change. Most of the time when I watch the weather forecast, it is always filled with the likelihood of disaster befalling one part of the country or the other.
    Global leaders have only paid lip services to tackle environmental crises. World Conferences and Summits are organised annually with nations promising to tone down carbon emissions, stop tree felling, and other activities that immensely contribute to climate. So, at this stalemate, are we heading self self-destruct?

    All hands must be on deck no matter how insignificant it might appear. While we leave global leaders to continue with their politics, we can plant trees, clean our waterways, stop burning our waste etc. We can even embark on an awareness campaign to educate young people on how to manage eco-anxiety which is gradually becoming common.

  • Hello,

    This image shows a lot about climate change and global warming, I spotted many things. (Around 32,) Most are storms, sunny days, rain, and news, on the news, it says it kicked people out of their homes. I feel a balance of emotions, though. I feel this because there are things that are positive in this image, for example, sustainable sneakers, or the cup, where it says 100% recyclable. The storms are negative, recently, storms have been more often where I live, I imagine, The other countries suffering from heat, and storms. I feel bad for these countries, they may not have water available, because of the heat. In school today, we had a poem about how precious water really is. On the other side, Where more storms are, it is raining more often there, and more floods are happening. People suffer from it every day. Global warming is harming people, very much, People need to realise how much they get compared to others suffering with climate change.


  • Hi everyone
    I have a balanced emotions about the reminders of climate change.
    In the positive side it creates awareness to people and the awareness can lead to solutions of the climate change. The negative side leads to destruction like overthinking and the rest of them. When ever I listen to the news of climate change on the radios I feel moved and hope to help in reducing them.

    1. Hello ! i agree with you, i also think that awareness is very good because it can encourage people to join acts to help climate change and can even influence people to make small or big changes in their lifestyles which can positively make change the environment. I also feel moved when i hear about climate change because it makes we realise more needs to be done and so i try to do eco-friendly things that even though in the big picture might seem like nothing changes, is still a step in the right direction. I do think that the negative side can also lead to otherthinking because if a person sees something negative about climate change they might think that there is no hope because there is so much bad and they might get unmotivated to try and do anything about it.

  • I feel negative about the climate change because of the effect on mankind. I say this because last year a terrible incident happened near where I live, it was caused by serious flooding it took lives away and ruined many famers harvest. This was caused by climate change, this event that took place affected food production in the country.
    This is likely going to get worse because of the news we have seen lately. From CNN, Sky, Aljazeera, there is no respite in site. The effect of this news alone is very devastating.
    However, I think everyday people can be agents of change. And how is that? We can all decide to go green, cleans our gutters, stop bush burning etc.

    1. Do you think that if the news channels you mention would air less news of disasters from all around the world, and instead report on initiatives that has made a positive impact on the environment, that this would promote others to be less negative and instead try to come up with ideas of their own on how to make this a better world?

  • I love it when governments or organizations want to make people aware of climate change. Then again it feels bad to think that people hear about it but they don't follow those words. Instead they condemn the organization or the government.They don't want to understand that, "big changes can be made only by making small changes".

  • I found 25 climate changes .
    I feel native about climate change because the have destroyed lots of properties and the have destroyed lots of life's and people's emotions. People could try planting trees in order to reduce climate change because the take in carbon oxide and give out oxygen.without trees humans can not live a sick free life .
    Climate change, it increases the exposure to hazardous somke that will destroy the ozone layer and also harm food production and human health .

  • Hi,I really agree with your view.In this 21st century, everyone is suffering from climate change effects.And main reason for this also is due to us ‘humans’.In the above picture, pollution is caused by running vehicles,industries,etc.And this pollution causes climate change.Mostly due to climate change,I found that snow of mountains is melting,temperature is increasing daily,it doesn't rain in rainy season,new breeds of animals are developing and old ones are disappearing,etc.This might be different in differemt country.Yes,it is true because in some places there might not be industires,etc and there might be Electric vehicles,which doesnt pollute environment and doesn't causes climate change.
    This climate change make me feel so sad because this world
    is being destroyed everyday because of climate change effects,Greenery of our world is lossing daily,etc.
    In the picture because of climate change, the child which is playing is facing pollited air continuously.And to solve effects of climate change,we have to use electric vehicles instead of diesel or petrolic vehicles,do plantation,create awareness activities about climate change and its effects,probhit the use of plastics,etc.I hope everyone who is reading this comment also will follow above instructions to help to solve the problem of climate change effects.
    Thank You !

  • Fear grips me whenever I hear about climate change, and the dangers there in, and this has resulted in many sleepless nights here in in my country because at a time, many houses were swept off by floods, and this made most people felt that sense of eco-anxiety, worrying about what might happen to them and their homes. Many people feel that same worry and deep traumatization due to loss of property and the lives of those around them due to other man-made disasters, this has caused extreme mental health issues and for people causing depression, anger and even guilt for their carbon footprints, and I feel that the awareness even though good is only making their eco-anxiety even worse, and causing it in many more people across the world.

  • hello ,guys
    I think reminders about climate change , makes me feel positive ,I say this because this gives me an understanding on climate change , for example one of the state in my country precisely Lagos Nigeria ,we have announced a ban on the usage of Styrofoam and other single - use of plastic with immediate effect ,by the usage of this Styrofoam when it is time to recycle them, most of us do not know how to recycle it in a right manner , so when we recycle it the wrong way it blocks some drainages and then it causes flood .so I think this reduces damage in our society even though Styrofoam can be helpful to us, we need to learn how to reduce, reuse and properly recycle it.

  • Going through the challenge 3, I would like to choose a girl holding a mobile that is displaying message 'Yet another species is extinct.' It seems to be very simple sentence but its meaning is very deep. Due to the rapid change in environment, is is being very hard for some types of organisms to survive. Their number is decreasing in rapid way. Taking example of red panda in Nepal, rarely 1000 Red pandas are found in Nepal. They are already listed in endangered animals. If their number decreases like this, then they will surely extinct from the world. Not only them , there are many animals and plants that are not able to cope with the rapid environment change. As a result they are losing their existence from the earth. For the prevention of these problems the only option left with us is to control the climate change. We all should work actively to prevent climate change. A small effort from our side can change the map of the world.

  • Hi,
    Thoughts and reminders about climate change makes me feel the sense of awareness that one should continue to make efforts to, maintain the eco-climate system. But thinking about others if they are to hear the news or be reminded about the eco-climate change they may have some mental health issues and also be worried and also be afraid of the future of the eco-climate system. But for those who don't or will not be worried they will take it as an awareness to keep the eco climate system stable. For those who only are being reminded of the positive news of eco climate system which will give them the sense of the world eco climate system is under control whereas, it is becoming worse like the news of the global temperature, they may hear that the ozone layer is under control but is actually not, people who listen to the wrong source for example, people who daily listen to fake news which they think is the right source or reminder, due to eco-anxiety, which causes wrorrys and also mental health issues due to the reminder, some of the people will happen to have some mental disorder due to remender of the eco-climate system. And also due to the reminder of fake news of the eco-climate system
    which cause damages towards those who hear the speard of negative news.
    So in conclusion, what I am trying to say is that they should be a limit to the speard of negative news about the eco-climate change for the safe of those who hear it and put they emotions in it. Thanks .

  • hi!
    These reminders make me feel a balance of emotions because it is good that people care about the enviourment but bad that climate change is happening in the first place. The person I chose to give advice to was the one protesting. My advice to them is to keep on trying to make people listen; the more they listen, the less you will be eco-anxious because you will know, other people are considering your points and hopefully they will agree with you and try t make a difference.

  • Reminders about the climate change makes me feel good. They are positive when its a sunny day i feel so excited and filled with joy. I also get to go outside and play with friends. Even if it's a rainy day i still get to know and experience what's going on around me and adapt to it. That's why reminders about climate change are positive for me

    1. Do you have any tips about how to stay positive despite negative climate news, understanding_shark?

      1. Hi,
        I understand that it can be easy to get discouraged and overwhelmed when reading about climate change that offers negative news. It is normal to feel a whole variety of responses because we human naturally go through that when we feel threatened, but the delightful thing about it all is that it is a choice to give in to those responses such as denial, despair, anger, apathy etc. or not. You might think neglecting, forgetting or acting hostile towards those feelings help, but it doesn't rather it deepens the problem and affects your mental health.

        So, in order to stay positive, you must first of all inculcate acceptance. It starts by appreciating and honoring what you are experiencing. When you accept these changes, you find out you are able to move through and navigate it. Next, you focus on the changes you can make rather than succumbing to guilt and anxiety. Make changes to your own life that align with your own climate values. They might include simple emissions-reducing measures like swapping a car journey for a bike ride, insulating your home or switching to a mor planet-friendly diet. Finally, you can foster collective action and group collaboration, rather than going at it alone. This means getting connected, sharing opinions and goals, developing social ties and so on.
        You can also focus on reading more positive news about the advancements in reducing climate problems such as a surge in renewable energy to replace fossil fuels, plummeting deforestation in countries such as Brazil, an increase in the sale of electric vehicles and healing in the ozone layer and many others, to improve creativity and ideas on solving this immense challenge.

  • Reminders about climate change makes me feel a mix of emotions because some people loose they're homes and some floods were happening and the gardeners couldn't plant or keep them healthy because they can't get the sun they need to keep it growing. Fires starting all around, Species going extinct factories letting smoke out that destroy the air that we breathe cars letting exhaust out tornados starting and more of the earth getting destroyed

  • Hello,
    I feel in the middle of my emotions concerning the environment. On the positive side, these reminders can help us think about our actions and the small steps we can all take to make a difference. But the negative news is sometimes overwhelming and some things feel out of my control, this really worries me.

  • Hi,
    In the picture above I saw a man reading the news on a device about rainfall causing floods. My advice to him would be to limit how much news he watches and have a healthy balance. Bad news can be helpful but draining at the same time. Maybe watching more positive news about our environment can get rid of some worries and make him feel a bit more happier and positive about the future too.

  • Hi!
    seeing these reminders makes me feel disappointed, but i think it's a balance of negative and positive. i say this because we see these reminders that show the bad things that are affecting and making climate change worse and it shows that not enough is being done, but we also see some signs that promote movements to help the climate change movement which makes me happy because it shows that some people are trying to make a change which gives me a sense of hope.

  • Talking about climate change, it definitely brings me a mix of emotions. On the one hand, it can be very dispiriting to see the challenges we are face to protect our planet. On the other hand, it also motivates me to take action and make a positive impact. I believe that by making small changes in our daily lives together, we can create a brighter and more sustainable future to live in. So, it's a balance of emotions for me, with a focus on the hope we all create a beautiful as well as sustainable planet to live with our future gen'."Every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver"is a true example of this paragraph.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel all types of way. On one hand they're meant to be something positive as their helping people come to realization with the issues we are facing and to take action, but on the other hand, it also makes me feel negative because these problems are real and our environment is already being badly affected by them and it can be worsley affected if we don't listen to those reminders and take action.

  • 3 ways people can be reminded about climate change from the picture are "Yet another species is extinct", "New Showtimes: The World Burns", and "Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste". These are small but strong messages that can easily have someone thinking about climate change. If I were to walk by and see for example. "Turn the Tide on Plastic Waste", my mind would be working overtime. Not only does plastic get tossed onto the side in the street, it also lands in the water we swim in, and where sea animals live. The effects to the Earth are anything but positive, but yet if we stopped using plastic as much, it could be flipped around. Challenge 2--- I definitely feel negative about these actions. Seeing the condition the world is in now, all these signs posted around the picture are good reminders to take note of. I feel negative about climate change because the weather patterns now are really irregular, and that isn't good for the world, like animals and such.

  • Hi everyone,
    Reminders of climate change makes me have a balanced emotion that is the positive and negative aspects because we cannot keep on saying positive news when there are lots of negative news which can cause damages to the globe at large. This negative news helps us to know strategic steps to take in order to avoid dangers that will affect the globe. So this constant reminders makes me feel happy that we will all reunite from every part of the world in order to stop the negative effects in the climate change.

    1. Yes, but don't you think being bombarded with only negative news can also make you feel gloomy and hopeless? Learning about positive initiatives in the news could maybe trigger people to go out and try some of them on their own. Just a thought.

      1. Yes I agree with you but knowing about this negative news which will help bring solutions to the problems than hiding it from the public which will bring more harm than good

  • I chose challenge 3. I saw a man walking in the rain during a flood, it was raining heavily and yet the man was delivering the boxes. If I were to have the man’s contact I would comfort him and advise him to relocate to another part of the country and make sure the climate and the weather are okay for his type of job. On second thought, if I can advise the man, I will tell him to work with me in starting a campaign about environmental sanitation, where we can mobilise those who are eco-anxious but yet ready to save whatever is left of the environment. This is because in most places you find waterlogged due to human activities like throwing dirt indiscriminately, and unhealthy life practices need to be cleaned and people habiting such places should avoid disposing of their waste carelessly. The waterway could be cleaned to free the channel from any blockage. I believe that, to see the change I expect around me, then I have to be the architect of that change. I can participate in healthy practices like; disposing of my trash at the right point, making sure I live in safe and clean surroundings, and also enlightening those who have little or no knowledge about good environmental practices.

  • In this picture one of the climate change reminders stated, "Record rainfall has caused floods". This is a reminder that drew my attention because the floods that lead to loss of lives and properties are actually directly or indirectly caused by we humans. Firstly we contribute to the distortion of weather patterns by cutting down of trees. Trees perform an important role in regulating water vapour in the atmosphere through a process called transpiration. Cutting down of trees reduces transpiration which negatively affects the water cycle. Another thing is Air Pollution. Air pollution through burning of fossil fuels and release of its pollutants into the atmosphere can affect cloud formation and potentially influence precipitation patterns. I believe that we should see such reminders as things to motivate us to do more for our planet instead of being discouraged.

  • I wish to express my feelings on "how do reminders about climate change make you feel? Do you feel negative? Positive? Or a balance of emotions?"

    Constant remainders makes me feel a mixture of emotions. It really depends on the aspect of the given news. When given the good news i am glad that we are understanding the problems happening in our world & we are working on it for a better future. On the other hand, when given bad news, I feel ashamed when I realize that we are not doing up to our capabilities. I would like to bring out one of the given features in the above picture. Sure, there is people informing and alerting everyone about the current situations going around in our world, but there is little to no people discussing about the crowded cities, pollution, buildings in every corner, limited amount of trees. Instead of doing something practical, we just go around hanging up signs and just speaking about the problem. That is the main problem right now, we aren't doing what we are supposed to do. It hurts to listen to these news because, we are the ones who are helping the sudden increase of climate change and even if people who want to make a positive change come forward, we often do not fall in with their decision. The earth is our planet that god has given us to live in and it is our duty to protect it and make everyone live in peace, not to cause mayhem and utter disruption.

    This was my response and I would feel glad if you had any questions or any curiosities.
    Thank You......!

  • Hello,
    Reminders about climate change evoke a mix of emotions in me. On the positive side, I appreciate how they raise awareness and offer ways to mitigate its effects. However, I also feel sadness when I see news reports about the devastating impacts of climate change, such as loss of lives and destruction of livelihoods. It's disheartening to realize that our actions contribute to the problem, and even when people propose solutions, we don't always support them. Despite these difficult feelings, I continue to stay informed and seek ways to help reduce the effects of climate change, believing that small changes can collectively make a big difference.

  • Climate change reminders give me a balance of emotions. Of course it sends a wave of positivity and motivates me to keep my country clean and take all the measures required to save the planet. But at the same time their is sometimes this negative aspect to these reminders as well. We need to ponder about the fact that we don't always need reminders about the raise in temperature and bad weather that troubles everyone along with the suffering of the people and our Mother Earth. On one side it is good to keep getting the motivation but sometimes the negativity is just too much to handle.
    There are always two sides to a coin so we need look over all aspects to climate change.
    Coming from the cleanest city of India I have seen how public policy and mentality together can prompt achievement towards the global goals. I dream that all humans together join hands and work towards the formation of a utopia in which people can lead a normal life; I wish that we work together to correct our mistakes so that the next generation and our beloved planet Earth, our home and most importantly we do not have to regret our past decisions.

  • Reminders about climate makes me feel a balance of emotions. Every time I pass by or even look at the picture an industrial area and see the smoke rising from their chimneys, I feel that its more than just a mixture of gases from the burning fuels. I see a malevolent demon born out of human greed, ready to grip our beautiful planet in its malevolent claws. It serves as a reminder of the exceeding climate change that is threatening our ecosystem. This instills a sense of fear in me for the coming generation and makes me ponder; Will they every be able to see the beauty of this planet? Yet, when I read articles about nations trying to combat climate change or people going on plantation drives, I somewhat feel ensured that its still not to late to save the only sanctuary we all have- Earth. Even the smallest of contributions is a significant step towards a better and greener future for all the species within our ecosystem. All we need is for everyone to unite and do their part.

  • Plastic wastes should not be thrown into the bush or put inside the ground to be covered since they are highly NON-BIODEGRADABLE , rather they should be put inside one container to be burnt or recycled; burning should be fined in a controlled environment. Even smoke from the car exhaust cause damages in our lungs that when we breathe in the smoke that affect the ozone layer that brings oxygen to us human beings. Also when an heavy rain that fall on the earth that causes flood and loose some of the crop that we planted on our farm. All these events makes me feel uneasy but that doesn't stop me though from watching these news and trying to find out ways that I can help in reducing the effects ,because there is a saying that says "Small changes make a big difference".
    This is where we social media comes along, it is shown that a lot of people are on social media we should post information that can get people aware that our planets give help. We can talk about real life experiences and how it has affected people close to us...
    Well, in conclusion......we should be aware and keep reminding others about our climate change.

    1. Agreed but being aware and just reminding people doesn't seem like enough to make a change, actions need to be taken, changes need to be made and substitutes need to be found and just being aware doesn't solve these problems it just increases concern.

  • Reminders about climate change makes me feel worried; that what if the natural disasters or the deterioration of mother earth that is happening because of climate change does not stop; and happen in multiple places with an even high intensity....I feel worried that whenever I hear reminders about it, I definitely try to bring changes in my life for the prevention of climate change; but when I try to bring changes in others,I find it really challenging . What if it takes time in the change happening in everyone.... The changes happening could be really very fast.... That's what makes me feel worried.

  • Reminders on climate change is like a punch in the face, that I gave myself. It makes me feel guilty for using all the hazardous devices that destroy the planet on a regular basis (e.g. cars). But it makes me more aware about what is happening around the world.
    The boy and girl sitting on the rooftop questioning whether or not they can save the planet at this rate is the sad yet realistic truth. I would advise that they investigate further and look into climate action groups and find better ways to make the world green again and that they should realize that they are not too small to make a change.

  • I think reminders like those in the picture should be more prominent in society and on social media. These constant reminders help keep the idea of climate change and the urgency around us all acting on this ongoing issue. Without them people would begin to forget how climate change is actually affecting us and this would be detrimental to the cause.
    Personally these reminders make me feel quite positive, as it makes me realise that people are still trying to fix our past mistakes by making people aware of the issue, so they do something and help make a change.
    Some advice I would give to someone experiencing the effects of climate change and eco-anxiety is do your part. This would be because it would make them feel positive as they would realise every little thing that they do is making a huge difference to the environment. Even if it is something small like putting your rubbish in a bin, or something larger like putting a post on social media, or doing a litter pick up on your street.

  • 1: climate change is a reality that's reshaping our world. Long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns, primarily driven by human activities since the 1800s, are causing profound effects on our planet. The combustion of fossil fuels, leading to an increase in greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane, acts like a thermal blanket around the earth, intensifying the natural greenhouse effect and leading to global warming. But the future of the planet is yet to be determined. The very existence of scenarios proves that our actions influence the extent of climate change. If we work hastily and put our political, economical and personal will to it, the objective to limit global warming to +2°C is within our reach.

  • Reminders about climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions, but there’s some ways to stop climate change? Yes like, to change a light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb will save 150 pounds of carbon dioxide a year, or drive less , adjust your thermostat , use less hot water or even avoid products with olot of packaging. And there’s some reasons why climate change in a important issue, for example because of snow leopards , turtles and polar bears are awesome climate change will mean big changes for animals around the world , so if we care about incredible species , we must care about how a changing climate will make it harder for them to find food , and decrease their habitats fron forest to sea ice to the UK’s rivers and chalk streams.

  • Climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. I am glad in one way as there are a lot of things to go look at as in the news or a billboard to share about how the world is going on and some good things is that sometimes maybe in newspapers they show how to help and volunteer . But I feel like there should be even more awareness about it as people say they will volunteer in helping with recycling and things like that because people say they will help but still never do. This is why there should be more awareness saying even more how the world is at risk so maybe finally some people might help. but it also makes me feel sad because the once life of one beautiful planet is now starting to die. This makes me sad as most people are saying they are helping but they are not. They also don't realise little silly things they might be doing like littering actually makes the world even worse. This is why we need to raise more awareness to help our planet as soon as possible as we don't have much time left.

    1. A good comment on climate change, I like how you have balanced your comment with a mix of emotions. Can you develop this further by identifying ways in which the population could support and help slow down climate change? You said we need to raise more awareness, how do you think we can do this?

  • Reminders nowadays are important to make us feel aware of what are the results of climate change. Some of the them make me feel negative as I had a personal experience in my city. Flooding was one of it and it made me feel first anxious, then sad and lastly so angry. But after a few months I started to realize that because of this many good things happened. All the people in my city worked together to help others that lost their homes and from That day when it rains we always remember that if we take actions we can protect our environment

  • Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperatures and weather conditions. These changes may be natural, but since the 1800s, human activity has been the main driver of climate change, primarily through the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal, oil and gas), which produce heat-trapping gases.When greenhouse gases cover the Earth, they trap the sun's heat. This leads to global warming and climate change. The world is warming faster now than at any time in history.
    Electricity production
    The generation of electricity and heat from the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas is responsible for a large proportion of global emissions. Most electricity is still produced from fossil fuels; only about a quarter comes from wind, solar and other renewable sources..Most cars, trucks, ships and planes run on fossil fuels. This makes traffic a major source of greenhouse gases, especially carbon dioxide. Road vehicles make up the majority, but emissions from ships and aircraft continue to rise..Clearing forests to create farms or pastures or for other reasons causes emissions because when trees are cut down, the carbon stored in them is released. Because forests sequester carbon dioxide, their destruction also limits nature's ability to keep emissions from the atmosphere.

  • Reminders about climate change give me balance of emotions. Many times, when there is an activity or a discussion regarding global warming, extreme temperatures, and more, it gives a positive impact, because I feel activated as we are at least trying to find a way, by a discussion we are getting more aware and spreading it. In view of the fact that we are actually worrying about our planet and discussing various techniques, anticipating what's next outcome, preparing for it, even taking little steps, make me feel elated.
    But, there is still global warming, floods, droughts, extreme climatic conditions, rising sea level, etc. which unroll negativity, and people feel eco-anxiety. What also makes me feel negative on this topic is that, some people who are educated enough and know about climate change, instead of helping the environment, they hinder it by throwing plastic waste anywhere on the street or in water bodies, wasting natural resources, not understanding the need of plants. Accordingly, the reminders give me balanced emotions, and make me feel positive and negative simultaneously.

  • For me, climate change reminders, mostly make me feel a sense of worry and helplessness. Most of the news about climate change that I come across is rarely positive. Whenever I hear news about ice in Antarctica melting or alarming temperatures being higher or lower than ever, I feel small and incapable. This problem was started by us and needs to be resolved by us, and I feel like we can, but a lot of people are so caught up in their personal lives, that they forget about climate change. Everyone's life situation is very different, and I am not saying that they are a bad person for not paying enough attention to climate change, I am just hoping we all become more educated and aware of the global crisis which will very much affect everyone's future if we don't do anything about it.

    1. I agree with you because it seems we are facing similar problems, take for instance in my country Nigeria, new products are often introduced with excessive noise contributing to pollution in our surrounding and causing

    2. I agree with you because, it seems we are facing similar problems, take for instance in my country Nigeria, new products are often introduced with excessive noise contributing to pollution in our surroundings
      and causes varying health issues for individuals which make me sad.
      The producer seem to believe that the most effective way to raise awareness, despite inconveniencing neighbors, is through dancing and playing music to capture the attention of their target audience and convey messages.
      This is a form of noise pollution to the environment which creates damages to our health.
      I feel so glad with this reminder! I hope both educated and uneducated would be aware of global crisis because it is a universal problem.

    3. I agree because... a quote by Robin Morgan stated that "Knowledge is power". I believe that part of the reason why some people do not make effort about the situation of our climate is because of the lack of knowledge of what is happening to our climate because of our actions. For example in Nigeria we have people who are uneducated and therefore have no idea about the effects of throwing plastics anyhow, burning of waste products that pollute the atmosphere, random cutting down of trees and so on. I believe that if such people have knowledge about such things, they will also do everything in their power to save our climate.

  • Environmental pollution should be remedied rather than prevented. It is not possible to change human nature easily, it changes over time. In ancient times, people used to plant trees in their own land, in the courtyard of their houses. Nowadays, we are destroying the beauty of nature with the aim of urbanization. At present some social workers and scholars have taken various steps to remedy the pollution. They suffer many adverse moments due to their lack of adequate support and public opinion. Television and social media will make it easier to highlight the evil in front of everyone by creating various reports, articles and projects. With the help of AI, use #(as tag) #savetheearth on social media.
    Can exchange and encourage awareness activities

  • I feel negative about this reminder because it tells us the way that area has been affected by climate change. In that picture we saw people have protests and the news saying fire rage around the world, Which makes a lot of people have eco-anxiety. We all need to have the spirit of team work to stop climate change. It's also important that we engage in discussions about climate solutions.

  • Hi everyone.
    Reminders about climate change brings me to the realization that if we do not try our best to save our planet, in years to come our planet will be destroyed and along with our planet we will cease to exist. Climate change has been accumulating slowly but relentlessly for decades. The changes might sound small when you hear about them but another tenth of a degree warmer, another sea level rise seems small changes but have big effects on the world around us. Climate change is a very important topic that humans need to curb. There are so many importance of plants; plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, plants are natural habitats for many animals , if we want to see these creatures in the future, we have to start preserving plants. A good way to promote such is to put ourselves in the positions of these animals and realize what they need to survive healthily.
    The world needs more innovative minds to save it from dying and we humans have those minds but most of us don't want to expose it, if more people practice afforestation, humans will benefit even more. We can start the practice by ourselves because it is saying, 'Small changes make a huge amount of difference.'
    Thank you.

    1. What small changes would you encourage people to make?

      1. .....i think starting a campaign (on all social media handles, in all government media outlets etc) in favor of climate change, to remind people that every "small changes makes a huge small difference".... therefore we humans should do what is right to save the environment...

      2. The world is already 1.2°C warmer than pre-industrial times and every fraction of a degree counts. Research shows that with 2°C of global warming we will have more intense droughts and more devastating floods, more wildfires and more storms. We can encourage family and friends to reduce their carbon pollution. Join a global movement. If you can, switch to a zero carbon or renewable provider. Install solar panels in your roof. Be more efficient. Encourage people to eat more plant-based meals, your body and the planet will thank you. Today around 60 percentage of worlds agricultural land is used for livestock grazing and people in many countries are consuming more animal sourced food than is healthy. To reduce foods carbon footprint, buy local and seasonal foods. Focus on afforestation and so on.

  • Greetings.
    I am strongly agreeing with you, reminders of climate change make me realize that if we still do negative activities on the earth later our planet will be destroyed. We human beings are the main reason of increasing climate change. We know that CO2 warms the world, that CO2 concentrations are at record-breaking levels, and that global temperatures are rising. But how do we know for certain that humans are the cause?
    Making much more pollutions from industrial sectors increases the rate of climate change. As we all know that; climate change is a natural occurrence. It can be corrected by us but if humans decide to change their activities of approach towards their environment by keeping the surrounding clean as well as safe.
    Knowing that human activities are the main source of causing climate change helps us to understand why and how our climate is changing rapidly. We cannot avoid some level of warming caused by heat trapping gases already present in the atmosphere. Gases like carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide will last for more than a century. I found 31 environmental reminders in this picture. Some of them were floods, rubbish everywhere, people talking about animal extinction, industrial pollution and many more. This has a negative feeling on me as I feel we humans aren't taking good care of the world. For all those people who are driving cars and other vehicles which causes pollution in the picture, I suggest you all that you should try walking or cycling. I hope humans can change the ways to make a difference and can save our Earth.
    Thank you.

  • Hi,
    I feel a balance of emotions when i hear about climate change,sometimes i feel emotional and look at the way climate change is exacerbating many people's lives ,houses,livestocks and many others,living them in an abject of poverty.
    I sometimes feel negative at myself,blaming myself for burning fossils,which conttibure

  • Alimosho Senior Grammar School | Nigeria
    I feel a balance of emotions when i hear about climate change,sometimes i feel emotional and look at the way climate change is exacerbating many natural hazards,from flood causing downpours which destroys people's houses,livestocks and washes,away many lives,it is so heartbreaking.
    But the daily reminder of climate change is creating awareness and killing ignorance,it is so pitiful that when people comes out to say what are feel is the antidote for this climate change,they are kept one side but that isnt the solution!
    We need to join hands to stop this climate change,lets spread the news of the effects of climate change,lets make the world know that innocent lives are flooded away due to ignorance.

    I felt uncomfortable when i watched the news last year on the MAKOKO area side ,seeing little children whose parents has been washed away by floods crying,and lamenting.
    Let's save lives,
    Let's save the world
    Let's recycle
    Let's plant trees
    Let's save the earth!


  • Challenge 2: how do reminders about climate change make you feel? Do you feel negative?
    Yes, reminders about climate change often evoke negative emotions. The constant stream of information about environmental degradation, rising temperatures, and the escalating impacts on ecosystems and communities can lead to feelings of anxiety, despair, and helplessness. The gravity of the situation, coupled with the seemingly slow progress in addressing the issue on a global scale, can create a sense of overwhelming concern for the future. Additionally, the interconnected nature of climate change with various social, economic, and political factors amplifies the complexity of the problem, contributing to a sense of powerlessness in the face of such a multifaceted challenge. The urgency and severity of climate change can generate a profound emotional response, as individuals grapple with the implications for themselves, future generations, and the planet as a whole.
    But also, sometimes Ialso feel positive, because there's a sudden zeal in me to mitigate climate change and do the needful.

  • Climate change, which is one of the significant problems in the world today. Humans are polluting the environment unknowingly by their daily activities. This is very bad for the future generations. People should be made aware of how climate change affects our world.

  • Hi
    I was able to find 19 different climate change reminders. Some of this reminders brings up a sad face to me in particular because of the fact that they can be so dangerous and harmful to different people and in different ways. For example, burning of materials indiscriminately pollutes the fresh air that gives survival to a lot of habitat. It really does remind me of climate change. Another important one is the sun. This sun is one thing that people regularly witness. In some places where the temperature of their sun is too high, it really does hurt people as a result of this climate change. Here in Nigeria, sun is something that is threatening people's life but its not like that with people in outside country like USA.

  • Hi! Reminders make me feel a balance of emotions ! Sometimes especially when I experience it I feel negative and even angry because I see that maybe we need to take better measurements to face our environmental problems.
    On the other hand if TV, news and generally social media didn't remind us about climate change maybe we would forget the importance of taking action.

  • I saw a girl using smartphone who is worried about species extinction . There are a lot of species that has been extinct from the world such as Mammoth, Dodo, Tasmanian tiger etc. Preventing species extinction is a complex and multifaceted issue that requires a combination of efforts at various levels including government policies, conservative initiative and individual actions. Here are some strategies that can help in preventing species extinction :

    1. Conservation of habitats : protecting and preserving natural habitats is crucial for the survival of many species. This involves maintaining protected areas such as wildlife reserve and national parks. It also includes efforts to restore and rehabilitate degraded ecosystem.

    2. Biodiversity Conservation : promoting biodiversity Conservation is essential for preventing species extinction. This includes identifying and protecting endangered species.

    3. Combating illegal wildlife trade : Combating illegal wildlife trade is a threat to many species. Strengthening law enforcement efforts, increasing penalties for wildlife trafficking raising awareness about the consequences can help to protect vulnerable species.

    4. International cooperation : Collaboration between scientists, organisations and countries is essential for this problem. Sharing knowledge, resources and international agreements can strengthen Conservation efforts on a global scale.

    5. Public education and awareness : Raising public awareness about the biodiversity is very crucial. Education programs, campaigns and initiative that promote sustainable practices can help to foster a culture of Conservation.

    It is a long term to prevent species extinction. Everyone can contribute by making conscious choices in their daily lives to reduce their ecological footprints and advocating for policies that prioritize biodiversity Conservation.

  • Hi!
    Me and my whole classmates talked and debated about eco-anxiety. We talked about climate change. I think climate change is such a big problem for all of us. We should think and plan about eco-anxiety like climate change.
    We should take proper steps on it. We can plant trees or stop deforestation. It's a hard work but if we do all together we can. Because of climate change, the temperature is increasing. Sea level is rising. Carbon dioxide is increasing. Tree is good Against this.
    We all should do for this.

    Let's do all together Against
    eco- anxiety like climate change and more!

  • Hi,
    In the picture above there was a sign that said "Turn the tides, Plastic waste". This reminder caught my attention because of the effects of leaving plastic waste instead of recycling them. Some of the effects of plastic wastes are;

    1. When plastic is Incinerated it leads to the release of carbon dioxide which is one of the pollutants of the climate. An example is that in my neighborhood we make use of incinerators to destroy our plastic waste because we do not have easy access to recyclers and this brings about the emission of carbon dioxide which pollutes the atmosphere

    2. The creation of plastic materials also leads to the emission of green gases such as carbon dioxide and methane which are parts of the pollutants which cause global warming. Instead of the creation of our traditional plastic it will be better to make use of biodegradable plastics which are more friendly to the environment because it is made from plant based sources and designed to break down more easily that normal plastics.

    3. When plastic wastes end up on land fills, it can undergo anaerobic decomposition which produces methane as a byproduct and causes global warming. Instead of allowing plastics to end up on land fills and cause pollution, it is better to recycle the plastics.

    Thank you.

  • good night everyone,
    I also agree with you.
    There is a proverb in Bengali grammar -
    small grains of sand,
    drop by drop of water,
    Builds continents, oceans are bottomless
    Just as a tiny ant can defeat a giant elephant, a small misstep can turn into a big mistake. Humans are currently cutting down trees and filling canals to build homes, which is causing an increase in carbon dioxide gas in the environment as well as waterlogging. Some unaware people are filling the canals, cutting trees, constructing dams in the river for their own benefit and obstructing the flow of river water. Due to over production due to wastage various harmful substances are spreading in the environment. For over production farmers are using pesticides on crop land due to which the fertility of the land is decreasing and various animals are disappearing.
    It is better to cure the problem than to prevent it. So remedial measures can solve the problem

  • My contribution to challenge 3 is to advice a smartphone user to choose apps that prioritize sustainability. Some apps provide
    eco-friendly alternative, carbon foot print tracking or information on sustainable living.
    Smartphone users should use digital platforms for information and communication to reduce the read of paper and physical resources.
    E-books, E-tickets and digital documents contribute to a more sustainable lifestyle.
    Someone with a smartphone should dispose old phones responsibly by
    recycling or donating them.
    E-waste contribute to environmental pollution, so recycling has reduced the negative impact.
    Someone with a smartphone should always stay informed about climate change and sustainable practices.
    We should always educate ourselves and engage with eco-friendly initiatives and lifestyle changes.

  • Hi
    I would like to choose the guy holding the board where it is written 'No Planet B'.We have been hearing how the astronauts/scientist are searching for a planet which have similar features to earth so that the humans in the earth can shift to the other planet in case something bad happens in earth.Which mostly shows hints towards climate or environment of earth.In day by day manner we are heading how global warming is increasing.Climate change incidents are happening.Somewhere in this kinda things we humans are also responsible.We are showing irresponsible behavior towards earth.We should take care of our earth,we should do various things that can make earth a better place.
    Thank you

  • I saw 23 ways of reminding people about climate change in the image, but in my country none of those ways normally appear to be used so I would talk about a natural way a reminding people about climate change. My country is very, very hot and there is no exaggeration in saying that, it is even an understatement to say my country is hot, the heat is almost deadly, and the people of my country know that things we do make it that hot so there are measures taken place to make sure the heat is not lethal. There are not a lot of changes we make but it still makes a little difference, and that difference is all that matters.

  • Hello,
    Reminders about the climate change gives me a feeling of balance of emotions because when ever I listen to the news, I get the positive feeling as it gives me a form of awareness of the danger my activities such as; burning of waste and using electricity which is vital to everyday activities like; watching the television for vital news or using the computers for educational purposes causes dangers to the climate. Thereby making conscious effort to reduce my carbon footprints in an effort to save the climate.
    On the other hand, I get the negative feeling because looking at everything and picturing some of the effects can make one helpless and devastated because even with most of the enlightenment campaigns that are usually carried out to help, a lot of people still ignore and continue their normal day -day activities. It makes me terribly sad and as a lot of people ignore it is when the effects of our activities start to come with full force then a lot of people will be willing to change, but by then it would have been too late. So the earlier we start working on it, the better for us and that of our future.

  • hi everyone,
    i recall a discussion we had in class recently on eco-anxiety, and this reminded me that just as some people get worried or concerned about their environment, a whole lot of other people don't care about their environment/ecosystem also.
    Now if I were to know someone who is affected negatively by climate change, i will advise the person to organize a campaign saying "stop climate change" and posting it on all their social media handle. since we still have a lot of people that are ignorant about the dangers of climate change, creating awareness will also help out. But if it doesn't work out, I'll also advise a letter be written to the government or NGO's to support them in the campaign.

  • I fundamentally agree with all of you… We have to look after God’s world and start helping the environment by: walking instead of driving or make more eco-friendly electric cars, stop deforestation (cutting down trees), plant more trees and flowers, stop littering and stop burning and destroying wildlife. We should be more aware of what is around us and take more notice and care to our world that God has made for us. Every small thing we do will have a huge impact so never give up. Because of this it is getting hotter and 150 BILLION tons of ice has been melted per a year! This is not good for animals that life in the North Pole and Antarctica as there habitat is getting destroyed and if we keep doing this they will sadly pass away. Please take part of helping as you are doing the write thing.
    Thank you and have an excellent day❤️😁

  • Hi
    The best advice everyone should be conscious of the climate changes, thereby getting them self ready with the necessary materials or equipment to contail or reduce the Implications of the weather changes even though before the occur, so that you will not fall a victim of it's effect, like for instance, if the Winter is coming, you get your self ready with cardigan sweater and equip your house with more heat generating equipment and also during raining season you need to get your water protective equipment ready on time and always travel with them like rain coat and umbrella. I think by so doing the Implications of these weather changes will be lesser.All these events makes me feel uneasy but that doesn't stop me though from watching these news and trying to find out ways that I can help in reducing the effects ,because there is a saying that says "Small changes make a big difference".

  • Challenge 1,2 and 3..... i can see a lot of climate change reminders, but the "clean air zone" reminder caught my attention.
    this is because such signages rarely or don't exist in my country (to the best of my knowledge). i think it is important to introduce such signages in parks, gardens, recreation areas and other environments, to avoid/reduce air pollution.
    i strongly believe that seen such signages regularly will serve as a constant reminder to everyone who cares about our environment/ecosystem to ensure that air pollution is drastically reduced.

  • The best advice everyone should be conscious of is the climate changes, thereby getting them self ready with the necessary materials or equipment to control or reduce the complications of the weather changes even though before the occur, so that you will not fall a victim of it's effect like for instance, if the Winter is coming, you get yourself ready with cardigan and equip your house with more heat generating equipment and also during raining season. You need to get your water then like rain coat and umbrella, I 5hink by so doing the complications of these weather change will be lesser.

  • I chose challenge one (1) and I also found 10 climate change reminders. These reminders of climate change highlight the urgency of taking action and implementing solutions to mitigate and adapt to its effects. Addressing climate change not only protects the environment but also promotes a sustainable and resilient future for all.

  • Many people might agree that seeing bad news or something like an animal goes extinct is really sad. With this opinion I agree. I wouldn't want to see any animal go. As an example lets just that a dolphin went extinct. This would feel like negative news towards me as i wouldn't want to just say bye to it. It is part of the world , our community and just let it go maybe because you might have thrown some plastic in our ocean. So a way to cope with this may be to have a litter every time you go to the beach. That would really help our community and so it would as a world. Once said " Small differences make big changes."

  • In the mentioned picture people can be reminded about climate change. We can clearly see that the environment is being polluted day by day. We human beings are responsible for this purpose. To be honest I found 31 environmental reminders in this picture. Some of them are floods, rubbish everywhere, people talking about animal extinction and many more. This has a negative feeling on me as I feel humans aren't taking care of the world. For all those people who are driving cars in the picture, I suggest they should try walking or cycling to school. I hope humans can change the ways to make a difference.. But I regularly come across the one concerning heat, global warming has affected us in many ways, it is caused by the effects of human activities such as; industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and so on. In our country Nepal we experience global warming frequently and we experience great heat as an effect of it. To minimize we must reduce polluting activities and lunch awareness activities. THANK YOU.

  • Hello, reminders about climate change make me feel balanced with emotions. It makes me feel good that we are reminded, but it also makes me feel bad that we have to be, especially since a lot of those reminders are from man- made disasters. I am happy that people take responsibility for their actions and reminding us, but it doesn't feel good to have to be reminded.Another thing, there are people out there doing all they can, but when it's such a small amount of people doing something, their efforts are barely noticed. I guess that it depends on the group of people who are sending the reminders, and the people who get them.

  • I have a balance emotion about climate change. Discussing it makes me aware of the climate situation in our world, for me to be balanced emotionally is to understand climate change opportunities and consequences and accepting it as it comes, with a mindset of solving the problem and encouraging others to do the same. I believe our society can tackle climate change from two front. Firstly, by preventing the activities that cause climate change , like environmental unfriendly human activities and green house gases. To be proactive, more trees, recycling or reusing plastic bottles to prevent environmental degradation that leads to climate change.

  • Reminders of emotions really makes me feel negative and also feel positive at the same time.
    In terms of negativity, I will like to throw more light on the aspect that it makes me feel so much worried any time that I come across it or remembers it, this is because I feel like if we do not do something urgently, something bad will happen. For example, concerning the depiction of the ozone layer, now I feel worried when I remember it because I feel like one day if we are not careful with the things that we do which leads to the duplicating of the ozone layer, it will one day deplict finally and everyone will have to face the consequences of what we have done to nature.
    On the other hand, I feel positive because these reminders create this living awareness in me that any I remember I will not make that mistake of causing harm to nature, it reminders me that if only but we knew that when we tend to mend her we actually ends her. It also makes me as a human think of those things that I can actually do to reduce this climate changes in our society. So the positive aspect is more of letting me know of those things that we need to know and probably things that are facing us and finally on how it can be solved, because as we all know 5hat problems shared is a problem solved, so when we get to know this problems we get to solve them and I think that we can both solve we are not aware off.

  • In my everyday life, no matter what I do, I'm always reminded of climate change. It takes place in various ways like when I'm out for a walk, I listen to people talking about it, in school, awareness is raised about it and of course, in the news, I feel bad when I hear about the people who are getting ill because of this and have lost their jobs because of it.

    I earlier used to think like most people that climate change is nothing big and that Earth will recover again with time when the government introduces some schemes and projects. And of course, it has recovered but not to the extent by which it should have. Now that I'm seeing how much people and animals suffer because of it, I have realised that some action must be taken. If we neglect our environment and prioritise short-term benefits any longer, then the day we have always dreaded will soon come.

  • Personally, I agree that climate change reminders make you feel disappointed and grateful at the same time. I feel disappointed as it is already affecting the world today and I feel grateful as I think we still have time to limit the worst impact. these reminders make us notice:

    -We need our morning coffee if you are one of these people who can't get going without coffee , you're in trouble as climate change affects coffee badly since it reduced harvests and we are seeing more pests.

    -Climate change means big changes for animals like awesome snow leopards , turtles and polar bears and it became harder for them to find food ,in addition , their habitats are destroyed now.

    -We all need clean air and water...ocean temperatures are changing , so it may become harder to find Nemo or due to collapse of their habitats. Today . the ocean in more acidic with 26% than it was and this led to coral bleaching.
    We also face compromised air quality because of the increased co2 in the atmosphere and Beijing's smog is a visible reminder for this.
    -The amazing rainforests that are the world's lungs are being destroyed due to deforestation and forest fires. For example, the third of the astonishing Amazon rainforest was destroyed.

    -Climate change will affect all of us not just forests , coral reefs or people in far away countries. That's why we should take steps as individuals. you can leave your car at home- walk or cycle. Also, reduce your energy use and bills. You should respect and protect green spaces. Also talk about the changes you make as a small action can make a difference. I think there is a step that is very essential which is making your voice heard by those in power such as your headmaster at school, member of parliament , city councilors or your city mayor. Small steps build momentum.

  • I chose challenge 1 and the climate reminder that caught my attention was the one that said 'its habitat has been destroyed' that sentence on its own got me thinking...
    climate change has a devastating impact on different habitats around the world(a habitat is the home of the animals of the world)
    This destruction of habitat is caused by rising temperatures etc. and the release of green house gases, all these factors have disrupted the ecosystem leading to the loss of habitats for humans and animals.
    The destruction of habitats due to climate change affects people from different countries in different ways, in some places it affects people by loss of food causing starvation and impact on agriculture and food security.
    Some causes of loss of habitat are wild fires, rising sea levels, melting of polar ice caps due to global warming, deforestation, industrialization and urbanization.
    Some possible solutions to save habitats and from going extinct are afforestation, factories should be built far from where people are(not within cities), use of electrical cars, use of compressed natural resources etc.
    Climate change should be resolved and everything should be done to stop climate change from showing its face on the earth, we humans need to stop climate change for the betterment of this society.

  • I have mixed emotions when it comes to reminders about climate change. On one hand, it's positive because it raises my awareness about the dangers of my daily activities such as burning waste and using electricity. However, on the other hand, it's negative because it can be overwhelming to think about the impacts of our actions on the environment.

    Despite the efforts to raise awareness and educate people about climate change, many still choose to ignore it. This makes me sad because if people continue to ignore the issue, it will only get worse and it will be too late to make a change. Therefore, we all must make a conscious effort to reduce our carbon footprint and take action now to protect our planet for future generations.

  • Certainly! People can be reminded about climate change in various ways throughout the day, such as:

    1)News articles or headlines on climate-related issues.
    2)Social media posts discussing climate change.
    3)Advertisements promoting eco-friendly products or initiatives.
    4)Conversations with friends, family, or colleagues about environmental concerns.
    5)Educational programs or documentaries on television or streaming platforms.
    6)Weather reports highlighting extreme weather events linked to climate change.
    7)Public service announcements or campaigns.
    8)Environmental messages on product packaging.
    9)Events or protests related to climate action.
    10)Educational materials in schools or workplaces.
    These reminders can come from multiple sources, creating a constant awareness of the importance of addressing climate change.

  • Hi,
    The advice I would give to the people in the radio that are saying about the hottest summer ever is to find some solutions to keep cool and maybe some solutions to why the hot weather is happening so you could join a club or anything like that so you can help the environment in many different ways so that won't occur in the future.

  • "Yet another species is extinct."
    The advice I would give to this person is, what can you do to help? Animal protesting you can even join a club which promotes towards helping the animals and wildfires.

  • 'Can we still save our planet?'
    The advice that I would give to this person would be that you are capable of helping even if you make a small difference. Even the smallest act of trying to save our planet could make a big difference this is why it is important to know that you are always able to help, no matter what other people say.

  • Climate change makes me feel more negative than positive because i personally don't like warm weather especially when there are heatwaves because of climate change. I feel like i could have done more to help stop climate change and i am contributing to climate change more than i am helping it.

  • In this picture there are several people and many of them are talking about how climate change is affecting them.
    If i were to give some advice to one of them i will give it to the person who is saying ''Can we still save the planet?''.
    I will give the advice to form a group to help stop climate change and give out leaflets or make a website where people could see how they can help stop climate change. Furthermore, if people get interested or are wanting to save the planet then they can join the group too and help stop climate change. Moreover, the greater amount of people there are to stop climate change the more quickly it can be stopped.

  • Hi,
    I saw someone in the picture asking if they can still save the planet, the answer is yes. Small changes can make a big difference, even picking up litter weekly can make a difference. If you do a lot of work to help you will feel better and you could make a big change to the planet in a positive way.

  • My advice to the couple in the corner saying 'it's habitat has been destroyed' to make a wildlife group of people who want to participate in protesting for the animals. Or if they want, they could make posters around every neighbourhood about saving the animals and how to stop climate change from destroying the earth. If they collect others who want to join a group to protect the earth, then everyone might have hope for the planet.

  • If i was one of those people, I would probably fight till somebody actually listens to the people rather than sit there feeling bad for myself. People in the past started this and they have left it for our generation to deal with and fix. When we are older, we will be the leaders and we can help but until then, the leaders here aren't going to listen. Other people our age have tried and the leaders ignore us. We need them to listen! Start with something small and watch it grow and develop.

  • I would tell people who listen to the bad news to do something about it.For example, cycling to school instead of driving and other things to help climate change stop!

  • The reminders about climate change and global warming are kind of stressing and frustrating, I feel bad because I want to help the planet but I can't do so much as I would want to. I think these reminders make people feel either stressed and upset or just bored, as we see them so many times that it starts to feel repetitive.
    To feel better we could also think of what we are doing right. I think people usually focus on what is needed to change and not on what has already changed and on what has made an impact (either positive and negative), so I think this is something we would need to talk about, so that we realise on the things we are doing right.

  • On the right, near the side, I saw two people talking to each other. I noticed that one was saying, 'Its habitat has been destroyed.' From my perspective, they looked worried and sad. I understood this because they felt bad for the animals, but on the other hand, I considered the fact that they were just looking on their phones and not actually doing anything to help the planet. I thought that to stop the destruction of habitats, those people could either encourage other people to help their environment or they could do something themselves.
    Just think, every little thing can change a lot.

  • I come across rain a lot where I live, rain is really common though, do you encounter rain a lot? I don't see smoke often other than at home

  • Hi,everyone.
    The "downside" about climate change is certainly a concern for all people. Because this change will cause many problems in the future. In that case reminders about climate change will have a positive effect. Because reminders will make people aware of climate change. In such a situation, if people are not aware, then the balance of the environment will be lost in the future.As a result of climate change, the amount of carbon dioxide is increasing. Due to this, the temperature of the earth is increasing for three days. This is the greenhouse effect. Some small steps people can take to overcome these problems. People should afforest there without leaving any space. Reducing the use of energy in various practical applications. Increasing the use of renewable energy like wind energy, solar energy, etc.
    Small steps like this can help tackle a big problem like climate change.


    In my opinion the news should not talk about weather this much. In my class, we listened to what Eco- anxiety is. Eco- anxiety is when people worry about the climate and stuff like that. The problem with that is it can happen easily, because the news talks about the bad climate and not the good climate. This is what people are getting Eco- anxiety from. I feel that the news should not talk about weather this much. It is problematic for many people.

  • (challenge 1)I found about 50-60 climate change reminders.One that I regularly come across is trash in the water.Wherever I go to the store,the park,just taking a walk, even at home too.I'm always seeing trash just trash trash trash I once saw a bird caught in all the trash.There is trash everywhere! I don't think it would be different for someone in a different country.I don't think that because no matter were i go i always see trash.I Went to Florida one time guess what i saw trash!People and little kids have to see trash almost everywhere they go i don't understand why it's so hard to not put it on the ground! Just put it in the trash i'm starting to think people are too lazy to walk to the outdoor trash cans to throw away their trash so they just drop it and keep going.

    (challenge 2)Climate change reminders don't make me feel positive.This is my opinion if climate change reminders make you feel positive.I think there's something wrong with you! (reminder: this is my opinion)Climate reminders make me feel negative because it reminds me that the world is slowly dying.I don't want to be reminded that my world i'm living in is dying!It hurts me just to think about the fact that the earth is giving us so much food,shelter,water,clothes,animals,plants, and what we give ion return is just horrible!Climate reminders make me feel horrible.

  • I feel alittle scared yet motivated when I hear about climate. The part I'm scared about is what if noone else decides to do anything about it and if noone else does anything about it then nothing will change but I'm motived to actually do something because there are so many things that I can do to help stop climate change. These reminders aren't here to scare us but rather educate us.

    Thank you

  • There are still some positives about our actions because we are still a lot of projects going on around the world so if we keep going we might have a chance of beating climate change and have a better life to come

  • Hi,
    The reminders about climate change makes me feel many emotions because our earth is an amazing place so we have to look after it like all the millions and millions of years it has been looking after us and because of this we have been able to do things that we might never have been able to do now just like Topical Talk

    1. I agree because... the world is our home. And without the earth we would not be here now getting all the things we need such as resources.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel a mix of emotions. Like every other thing, climate change also has 2 aspects to it. On the positive side, I think, they create awareness amongst the youth. This awareness leads us and people like us to take action, such as supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Worrying about the environment is sometimes good because until and unless we don't feel guilty or scared we would not take necessary measures. However, reminders about climate change sometimes make me feel anxious too. They make me fear the future sometimes causing stress. I feel bad seeing all the negative news and thinking about what would happen in the future if damage such as this keeps on going. I worry for the upcoming generation thinking, would there be enough resources left? Would be able to live peacefully? Questions such as these keep bothering me from time to time. Hence, Eco-anxiety makes me feel a balance of emotions.

  • Based on looking at the picture I feel that climate change reminders are both helpful and needed. The reason I say this is because on that picture their were all types of signs that were reminders telling about the climate change . Also phone reminders are important it,s basically like traveling with the news phone reminders tell you about up coming events or bad weather and things like that. Now you know why reminders are always good for anytime in the day no matter what.

  • I have a balance a of emotions when reminded about climate change. Seeing all the negative news makes me feel down which lowers my mental health and could add weight to my shoulders. The loss and injuries of innocent lives lost due to natural disasters are devastating and the news are covered with climate change. The world already takes so much damage especially countries that suffer the most like Israel, Gaza and many others. Houses, buildings are all being toppled down by floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, etc.

    However, there is some positives here. People seeing the news can be motivated easier and can help to make a big difference like picking up litter, cutting down electricity and convince the government to do something. After all, everyone has a voice, no matter how quiet. We need to reduce and reuse and recycle to save the planet. Perhaps some with a louder voice who always takes the lead can join protests to save the planet or spread it on social media.

  • Climate change makes me feel mixed emotions such as :
    Concerned,confused about how if nobody takes action then what will happen?etc
    Bad news can make people feel overwhelmed and hopeless.If climate is severely attaching their homes and towns it can cause them to think there is not enough had news to alert people to take action.I found many reminders such as cars ,pollution,storms (caused by climate change)and protesters.You can use your own skills such as art ,to create posters.

    1. I'm sorry that you feel that way, daring_goat. Well done for suggesting ways that people could use their own skills to help the planet. What skills do you have that you're proud of?

  • I feel more negative about climate change than positive because it reminds me that i am not doing much for climate change compared to Greta Thumberg for example and i feel guilty because of it I also do not like summer especially when their are heat waves because of climate change and some people get heat strokes because of this extreme weather.

  • Climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. If there is bad news about climate change, I feel bad. If there is good news about climate change, I feel happy. Even if it's a small change, I will still be happy. I say this because even if you make a small change, it could make a big difference. If we were to switch to EV cars right now, it would make a huge difference. There might be people who wouldnt agree with this change (mainly people who are into cars), but it would really help out our enviornment and decrease the global gas emmisions.

  • I found quite a few climate change reminders (Around maybe 20+ off of memory) especially many that are present in my everyday life. Such as at my school, outside, own home, or even just on social media of any kind. Many people who live in a overly populated place that is more urban rather than rural, since technology in certain areas can be more advanced causing more emissions to be released from cars on the road that I see, trash along the streets as well as in lakes with beaches, and even in my own school that tracks how many plastic water bottles I save per pour of water from the fountain. This could be completely different for people who live in rural areas or freezing places like Antarctica ending up changing from -57 degrees to being only -10 degrees having ice melting along with glaciers breaking left and right. This could severely impact not only the Inuit people, but scientist who are stuck studying this tragedy impacting on their awareness and can even change it to fear of how much of an impact humanity has had on Earth as a whole.

  • The reminders about climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. It makes me feel positive because the reminders are there to let people know that the world needs our help, and that we can contribute by having an action on something. But at the same time, if the world isn't suffering, then why would we need so many posters? It scares me because of how scientists and researchers try to put up a lot of posters and advertisement to get our attention that the earth needs serious help. It means that they are trying every way, not to be annoying or making lots of money, but to save people's lives. Then us people, rather than actually listening to the advice, we would just ignore them and do our own things having an excuse like, "We don't have the time for that." "They're just being extra." This is why there are so many posters out there. But, there are actually people who listens and contribute which is a positive thing about seeing the reminders, knowing that at least some people would help.

  • Hi everyone!
    I managed to find 26 reminders of climate change. The reminders of climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. I feel a balance because I believe if people are aware of climate change and know about the negative news about climate change, they are going to make changes, giving hope for this world. I also feel a balance because if people know about the positive news about climate change, they will have a sense of hope, leading to less people giving hope as they still have hope, whether it's a small chance of hope or a big chance of hope. The person I chose from the picture is the girl on top of the cinema. I would tell them to try and let the topic go. I would tell them to try and keep their minds occupied in order to stress less. I would also give them a little comforting talk to reassure them that people are working to make this world a better place and that it may not be everyone who is changing and helping, but every person makes a huge impact on this world.

  • In my class we're were talking about this picture and in the top left corner I can see dead animals as it reminds me about the animals that are slowly going extinct due to the people ruining the air adding more and more pollution. Because I might sound vegan I'm not but still i do feel sorry for the animals that are unfortunately dying. For example polar bears are losing land, which is ice, is becoming tricky since they have to swim with their baby on their back and it's really really upsetting as they can't get sleep due to the ice melting.

  • It makes me feel negative ,the media reminders me as it is looking at the worst thing we maybe can't fix and not on telling people about the little jobs that can help even if it is a little by cleaning up towns, parks and city to make not the whole world but a little fraction of it better.

  • I get some reminders on daily basis and according to my observation the reminders change as the season change like right now in winters i hear a discussion of how cold it used to be 10 or 5 years back and its hot sometimes in the winter months too.In summers i hear that this is the hottest summer ever and it was not as hot a long while back the lakes and wells and ponda are all dried up these situationns may change from country to country as seasons everywhere are not same and the chaanges might be diffrent my advice for people to cope up with there eco-anxiety is to be sure that you are playing your part in the fight against climate change so that you know you are conributing and stay positive annd never loose hope,think that we can change this situation if we put are minds togather and buils up eco friendly ideas.

  • I found either 32 or 33 climate reminders in the picture. The climate reminder that I see regulary is the televisons spreading awareness about the climate change. To add on, there are people talking in the text boxes. I am mostly reminded about climate changes through word of mouth, the news, or social media. Reminders about climate change makes me feel prepared and relaxed. The reason why I said this is , because if you are reminded about climate change it allows you to be prepared on what coud possibly happen next. The advice I would give someone that has a smart phone is it to continue to watch and read climate reminders due to the fact that it could be beneficual. However, if it is draining I would advise to take a break.

  • When I see constant reminders about climate change and things that are going on in the world, it makes me worried for the future. But seeing how much people care about this issue makes me hopeful that people try to solve the issue of climate change.

    1. I agree with you because when you see things that give you hope , there is a better future for the future generation ,you will forget about your worries and you will focus more on the present.

    2. I agree because when I think of it, climate change has a whole way to take over earth our generation doesn't care but I think in the next generation this planet will make earth feel like home again

  • At first glance I was only able to locate 8 of the ways in which people are reminded in the picture abouth the climate changes however after a careful observation I was able to find around 20 ways!! the climate change reminders that I regularly come across are the news that is circulated to us through our phones, newspapers, radios, banners and televisions just as it is being done in the picture. These might be different in different countries depending on the development of the country, for instance in a country where modern technology is still alien the best way of getting reminded is through newspaper and banners while it is quite the opposite for a technologically advanced country where smartphones and television will play the part.
    These reminders usually make me feel negative as they give me a reality check that our planet really is in grave danger and motivate me to work for saving it.
    I would like to give advice to the man and women sitting on the roof of the bottom right corner discussing whether they can still save the planet or not and I just want to let them know that it is never too late to take action regarding any issue and they should instead of discussing should already start acting and be optimistic.

  • These reminders about climate change make me feel depressed and annoyed. I'm depressed because just hearing all this bad news makes me sad. I'm not an environmentalist, but I love nature. Seeing nature being destroyed pulls at my "heart strings". It doesn't make my cry, but it makes me extremely sad. I'm also annoyed because we haven't fixed all these problems yet! We have known that we've had an environmental crisis since the late 60's. How hard is it to gradually cut back on pollution? All these giants of companies pledge to be carbon neutral by 2030, or 2050, but most of them have no idea how they are going to do. I mean seriously. But I do know we can do our part by biking to destinations that are not far, stopping coal rollers, and to educate ourselves and others.

  • While going through all the climate change reminders in the picture what I felt most prominently was fear, and according to me fear is a negative emotion. I think this picture makes me feel this way because it reminds me how big the problem is and the circumstances we will have to face if we don't take action. I think with fear there were many other emotions too. One of which was anxiety about the uncertain future. Looking at this picture I was able to understand what eco anxiety actually feels like and why it might become a global concern. But the emotion I think would make me and others really take action for the better is guilt, another emotion I felt while browsing through the picture. I realised that it is our mistake that the planet has to go through so much, therefore it is our duty to make things right. To conclude, I would say that the emotions I felt were negative as it made me a little overwhelmed. But that doesn't necessarily mean that the impact of these emotions and the way I deal with them would be negative too. I think these emotions will trigger me to do something for the better, giving a positive outcome.

  • I found 9 climate change reminders. In my search I saw a reminder about a rainfall causing a flood this really grabbed my attention because in my country I normally witness rain that has caused floods that destroy buildings and move and damage cars. I think that some other countries don't experience this but rather experience storms that are very dangerous.

  • Climate change reminders can evoke countless emotions in different people, and they react differently. They may be so concerned or scared and worried because of the outcomes that may result due to the climatic changes. They can also be driven by the urge to bring a good change for example adopting sustainable practices in their environment or even extending a helping hand or supporting some environmental initiatives. In addition, some other people have feelings that combine both negative emotions and yet are determined to make a contribution towards positive change.

    Other aspects that may mediate the emotional response to climate change reminders include awareness, understanding of issues as well as experience with environmental change. Collectively, therefore, it presents a complex pattern of feelings which may encompass both positive and negative feelings.

  • there is someone with a smartphone which says "yet another species is extinct". these news can be frightening, especially when you think this could happen to us, but i think this fear could be a good way to remind ourselves to do what we can. As climate change is a major problem which can not just be solved by a single person, but if everyone did his part and what he can, we can significantly reduce the effect of climate change.

    My advice is to think of our planet as our home, and treat it like that. This way people would find better alternatives for a better environment.

  • Hi'
    Upon looking at the picture, I have identified four distinct reminders of climate change. Among these are two that my country is currently wrestling with: floods and habitat destruction. Such occurrences may not be prevalent in other regions; indeed, each environment faces its own unique set of challenges.

    Despite the prevalence of eco-friendly advertising, it is disheartening to note that many individuals still fail to recognize the gravity of our planet's situation. It falls upon all of us - regardless of skin colour or background - to take responsibility for protecting Earth's health and cleanliness. A troubling image captured within the photograph depicts a river overrun by garbage; while melting glaciers are often blamed for flooding events, littering can also play a significant role as waste clogs drainage systems and sewers.

    The image features two children sitting atop a roof, one Worrying. over whether we can save our planet from environmental ruin. While it is understandable for individuals to experience eco-anxiety during such trying times, those who do should receive support and encouragement so as not to give in. to their fears. Avoidance of detailed discussions on climate change may help boost confidence levels; instead, reading less pressing topics could prove beneficial in this regard. Ultimately though, every individual must contribute toward making positive changes if we hope to overcome this crisis together.

  • I could find a plethora of climate change reminders, about 44. I do come across such reminders in my daily life as well. These reminders generate a sense of unease in me as my country has deteriorated so much that now every day or other we need to spread awareness among the citizens of the country. These reminders must be different according to the state of the country. A country that is progressing with eco-sustainability might have fewer reminders than those countries that have very terrible eco-health. These climate change reminders make me upset .My mind gets occupied by negativity that there is so much wrong in this world. We humans have fallen so down that we have become devils in this kind world. Day by day the condition of my country is getting worse. People are dying, we are losing resources rapidly, dreadful wars are erupting, and natural disasters happen every day. The mighty nature is taking revenge and so we homo-sapiens should be prepared and accept that's coming for us. An exquisite piece of advice I would love to give the person sitting on top of a building and quoting " Can we still save the planet." would be there is less hope but our unity and belongingness can increase our strength and will to change our planet and save mother earth. We need a lot of blessings and help but if we are determined to do something deeply with our soul we can accomplish anything we want to. So we should never give up on our dreams and goals.

  • Hello
    I get balanced emotions when I get reminders about climate change. This is because climate reminders has its pros and cons to world. Like the positive side of climate reminders , it can create awarenesses about climate change and can provide jobs that can help reduce climate change. It helps show people around the world that sitting down and doing nothing will not help the planet but rather standing up and fighting against human negligence will make a difference. About the negative side people tend to get uneasy about climate change reminders , I think this is because many people have suffered because of climate change. For instant humans produce a lot smoke and fumes every year and because of this the earths temperature has increased making ice bergs melt. This has caused water levels to raised which caused numerous tsunami's in many countries. My message to people who suffering with eco-anxiety is that they should remember that they are not all ones going through eco-anxiety many children and adults are through the same challenges, but rather than feel sad and uneasy , climate change reminders can mission for you to save planet. Like the saying goes" The slightest change can make the greatest difference."
    Thank You.

  • One of the major ways to prevent climate change is recycling .Recycling is the process of converting or transforming waste products into useful products.Here are some of the benefits of recycling:
    1.Recycling conserves energy.
    2.It helps in reducing wastes and pollution.
    3.It helps in protecting Eco-system and wildlife.
    4.It reduces carbon emission.
    5.It helps in he conservation of natural resources.
    6.Climate change mitigation.

  • I view reminders of climate change with balance of emotions. For the positive side, I see it as a source for motivation, innovations and call to action. Because it increase the awareness of people with the current crisis. Moreover it will inspire progress toward sustainable solutions and technological advancements to solve the problem. In addition, many people think of it as a sign to make personal lifestyle changes, advocate for policy reforms, or contribute to environmental initiatives. In contrast, the negative side also has effects. These reminders often make me feel anxious and concerned about the complexity of the problem and its potential impacts on the planet.

  • Greetings,
    Climate change has now become a very common and known topic in the news and individuals nowadays. As we all know that it is a very big issue, reminders of it are really important to make people aware.Reminders of climate change make me feel both positive and negative emotions . In the positive side I think it's really important to make people aware and concerned about it . It's important to remind or motivate them to make some positive changes. In the negative emotions,I feel that it can sometimes make people lose motivation. It is really sad to know that we ourselves are the main cause for the climate change.
    Although I wasn't able to see much reminders as the image is really crowded. I noticed some things like smoke coming from vehicles,industries, deforestation and many more. These type of problems are not usually seen in my country. But sometimes we see deforestation which can severely affect the environment. It is good to know that there isn't much issue of climate change in our country but it may be different in other countries. We should definitely focus on solving this problem.
    In the picture, I saw a girl and a boy discussing about the world slowly changing. From this , we can tell that they are definitely being affected by the climate change and are well known about it. If I could give them suggestions to cope to make the environment better, I would probably tell them to even make small contributions like reducing,recycling,reusing,planting trees,spreading awareness etc.I would also be really thankful to them for even being concerned and worried about the climate change.
    Thank you.

  • Personally, I come across a few of these reminders on a regular basis, however most that I have come across are quite occasional.

    Recently, I have come across quite a few more products that are 100% recyclable or seen a significant reduce in the amount of single use plastic being used. For example, at school, I have witnessed a huge cut back in single-use plastic bottles and an increase in cartons and cans, which can be recycled. In addition to this, in many more fast food chains and restaurants, I have seen much more paper rather than plastic, such as paper straws. I believe that this has helped reduce climate change even if it’s just a slight help.

    One climate change reminder that I witnessed a few years ago was a huge heatwaves across the UK. In 2022, the UK’s warmest temperature ever, which was recorded by the Met Office, states that it reached 40.3 degrees Celsius in Lincolnshire. For the UK, that is extremely warm and our environment is not built for that kind of heat as we don’t usually come into contact with it.

    In early 2020, I heard lots on the news about the wild fires in Australia. For me, this was a huge reminder of climate change as I saw the numbers of people that had to leave their homes due to these fires. This is one way that warmer countries have suffered due to climate change.

    Usually, I have quite mixed feelings surrounding these reminders of climate change. Sometimes, I feel quite positive, such as when I see the reduce of single use plastic being used, because it shows me how humans are trying, which is quite reassuring for me. However, when I witness more extreme situations, such as the ones I have already stated, I feel quite negative and I feel that humans aren’t doing enough.

    For this third challenge, I have chosen an adult in this picture who is asking someone ‘Can we still save the planet?’. The advice I would give to this someone is to try and view climate change in both a positive and negative way so they don’t get too overwhelmed from just the negative. It is good for everyone to understand that we are doing positive things to stop climate change and we are trying. I understand that sometimes it seems like there is so much negative news surrounding climate change that there is nothing good to actually say about it, but there is. Therefore, we much always remember that there are two sides of climate change and we mustn’t just focus on one.

  • The first reminder I've noticed is that people are gathering together, protesting against climate change; right behind them is the flood caused by incessant rainfall. Climate change is silently occurring everywhere, which also impacts our lives a lot. Many of us are frustrated, stressed and are afraid of the future we’re going to face, so do I. But concerning is not something negative, it would bring awareness to the whole world. That’s why taking action is important, and it would be never late. If everyone could try to take a tiny step, the contribution from each individual would impact the final result. If these negative emotions still exist, then turn them into power, and focus on doing what we are capable to do. Changing the world is difficult, but changing ourselves could be an easier task.

  • The type of climate change reminders which I come across is negative most of the time related to thunderstorms, any time rains and cyclones . These reminders make me feel both positive and negative . As when I hear the news of the climate change, I think that’s why this is happening and what is the reason behind it, and feel negative. On the other hand I feel positivity as a new hope comes within , time is left and we can again solve the issues . Negative news can encourage us and that encouragement is only required to change the news one day from negative to positive . Also these news can bring a light of hope in people which will make them again active to do something for the environment ……..

    1. I agree because... the world needs to hear more of negative news in my opinion so that people will be able to know what is currently happening in the world, I think that people need to hear negative news everyday so that they will know that there is still hope and that the world will be able to try and resolve the climate issue.
      In conclusion, the world needs to hear negative news so that people will know the need to hear the negative news to be aware of the current consequences that the world has put itself into because they did not resolve climate change.

  • Hi,
    Reminders about climate change are everywhere. People ask 'Can we stop climate change?' or 'Will it ever end?' when they could be helping to save their planet. Instead of driving everywhere just because you're tired, you could walk to your destination, drive halfway, and walk the rest of the journey or cycle. You could start using electricity instead of fossil fuels for your daily needs. People think that climate change will destroy the world when all they have to do is play their part and help end climate change. Just doing a simple thing everyday - like walking to work - could make a big difference if we all did the same thing.

  • We are expected to focus on protecting and defending our society from all sorts of natural disasters for example earthquakes and firestorms. However, in order to carry that out, we have to receive both positive and negative news about climate change. We also need to receive news of our climate change so that we can be able to know the gravity or weight of the problem and what actions to take towards it. Also, the reminders of the need to cater for our society are not given to us just for giving sake, they are given to us so we can know the condition of our society at finally take action to protect and defend our society.

  • Hi!,
    Challenge 2: for me reminders about climate change evoke a mix of emotions like concerns,sadness,frustration but also hope and motivation to take action. Actually it's natural to feel a range of emotions when confronted with such a significant and complex issue..
    Thank you!!

  • We all want to live in a society that is peaceful and where everything is turning out for our good. In order to achieve that goal of peaceful living, we have to take the responsibility of keeping our society clean and safe from dangers that can have a negative impact on our society, and our health as well. We receive reminders about climate change to give us a need to protect our society. As some people say, 'Prevention is better than the cure'. We are expected to do what we can now to avoid experiencing life threatening situations in the future.

  • When I read warnings about climate change, I myself experience a range of feelings because I feel bad about some of the things I do and we do that really have a harmful impact on the climate and our environment. However, it also motivates me to take more actions and learn new ways to find a solution that will improve our climate and planet from harm when I'm feeling down.

  • Challenge 2: These reminders about climate change makes me feel positive, because I can see someone watching a video, two people talking and billboards projecting climate change. There are so much variety ways people are getting aware of climate change offline and online. Everywhere you look there are different ways people are becoming aware about this problem. Reminders of climate changes make me a bit nervous, but really good because at the end of the day I have to be aware about what is going on around me. Just incase something really bad happens and I am not aware because I didn't want to know the truth.

  • in the picture there are signs of climate change.
    Some things that are related to climate change
    is the factory and the plane. Another thing that
    is happening is protesting and extinctions.

  • Climate change is severelly affecting people's mental health, there are some people that are having several problems that have to be attended by professional psycologists and not all of them may recover as it is an issue that will never get out of our present-day lives, making it difficult to deal with it. All the reminders that we can find everywhere contribute to making mental problems even worse than they were before.

    In the image I found 26 reminders, that normally I come across all them in my country frecuently and it is really easy to understand why people might be stressed or frightened by this global problem.
    All these reminders about climate change make me feel stressed. They are almost everywhere in the streets. Definetely it is not the most positive emotion I can feel, but it is also true that makes you feel kind of better thinking that if all of these is done, it is because we are really trying to make a change, and that actually it is a good emotion.

    For the two boys who are sitting in a roof while doubting if we still can save the planet, the answer is yes, at least for the moment it is still possible to save our planet and ourselves, so my advice for them is to do their best with daily activities that can save theEarth and never give up with it.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel motivated .I understand the importance of addressing climate change and the impact it has on our planet and future. It is crucial that we take action and make changes to protect our environment, and I am here to support and provide information to users who want to learn more or take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

  • I have noticed two major reminders of climate change: air pollution and the excessive use of plastics. These two are the most common climate change reminders that I come across frequently and they make me feel negative about the future of our planet. If these reminders continue to be ignored, our world will face a lot of problems. Therefore, we must take steps to protect our planet by planting more trees, conserving water, reducing plastic usage, and more.

  • In the beginning, I found exactly 25 things in the photo about climate change and found some of them are in my country after looking over the picture here are some

    (1) Hearing on the radio about climate change and what is the weather today gives me information about how is the climate going and if there's climate change I'll know

    (2) When I am in the car moving around the city 🌆 I find some signs written on it "Get pure life water it's 100% recyclable," and " Recycling is for the planet try to recycle ♻️," I began to wonder and ask what is this signs my mom answered me and says it's signs to make us more careful about climate change.

    When I see the signs I have some feelings Sometimes I feel that I belong to my country so I need to recycle ♻️ to have a better country in the future.
    Also, I feel that I need to be more creative and diligent with everything I do for example instead of throwing the Bottle I can recycle ♻️ it

    When I looked at the picture there was something that impressed me that's I saw some factories and smoke loads were getting out of the factory. I want to advice them and say that everything they do will effect the climate so they find a way to stop getting this smoke and Reaching the sky or try to produce something that makes less smoke because it's too dangerous.

  • Hi everyone.
    I am answering Challenge 3. If I consider someone experiencing the effects of climate change in the image above, my advice would be to acknowledge their emotions and allow themselves to feel what they feel. I would suggest that taking action, even in a small capacity, can provide a sense of empowerment and contribute positively to the situation. I would also recommend talking to someone about how they're feeling, as having a support system and open communication can make a significant difference in coping with eco-anxiety.

  • Hello!
    The constant reminders of climate change makes me feel a balance of emotions. I feel fear and somewhat happiness being reminded of climate change daily. I feel fear due to how serious I know climate change is and the effects of climate change. The effects of climate change is,
    -severe storms
    - skyrocketing temperatures
    - extinction of animal species
    The listed effects are just some of the many. I feel fear due to how serious climate change truly is. People often don't take climate change seriously, which leads to why I feel somewhat happy being constantly reminded. The constant reminders brings people awareness of climate change. People becoming aware may lead to our world seeing changes and somewhat improving. Some of the many ways people can make changes is,
    - recycling
    - consuming less meat
    - planting trees
    - Avoid using greenhouse gas emissions
    The listed ways are some ways to prevent climate change from progressing. The constant reminders of climate change may lead to people following the ways. I hope to see some changes in our world.

  • Honestly when i saw that picture, i felt a balance feeling. I was happy and sad in the same time. I was happy because i saw recycling bins and a pure air zone street but most of the picture is bad like the cars that use fuel instead of electricity, acid rain that is not pure water and storms. If people choose the easy way like throwing trash in everywhere, using fuel in cars instead of electricity. This will cause pollution and climate change and the Earth would be trash but if you choose the right way the Earth would be clean and everyone could live in it.

    Everyone in Earth must care about the Earth like the people that make demonstrations in the streets in the photo.

  • Someone from the picture i decided to choose was the two people on the right that talk about a habitat getting destroyed. There wouldn't be any way for me to help them to cope with their eco anxiety but I feel like the best way I could possibly help them is by telling them new ideas. Some ideas can include looking for new places to move theses animals.Then starts a funding project to help get them somewhere they can feel home.This could possibly put the person at a good place because now you can find peace knowing that the animal is someplace they can finally call home again then it being locked up in a cage for the rest of its life since it has nowhere to go.

  • Reminders of climate change make me feel a bit hopeless. It does weigh down on me and it makes me feel negative about the future. Whenever I hear it, it makes my heart beat fast from worry. But this mainly happens when it's negative news. When it's positive, I feel better but, I still think "But is the world truly getting better? Is what people are doing are enough?" It makes me think.

  • In total I found 17 different reminders of climate change in the image above. Some that I experience on a day-to-day basis are news reports about the weather and pollution, people discussing climate change around or with me, and seeing it occuring myself by examining weather patterns, seeing garbage outside, etc. Reminders about climate change always make me feel worried for the future of our planet and whether or not we will end up living in a dystopian wasteland because of it. Despite this, I still feel a general balance of emotions about climate change because the fact that people are discussing shows that people care about climate change and will try to prevent it from happening, but the fact that climate change is becoming such a major issue that it is constantly being talked about and reported on is concerning. In the image about I see children walking into a school with a sign in front of it that states, "GO GREEN! SAVE THE PLANET!". These children seem like they are experiencing climate change the same way I experience it; through small reminders in my environment. If I could give them advice on how to cope with eco-anxiety my advice would be to not worry because there are always people actively working towards preserving our planet and their efforts will eventually prevail.

  • As I searched for as many warnings and captions as I possibly could, I only managed to find 24 of them. Out of all of these posters and warnings, I mostly, come across the clean air zone sign. This might be different for someone else in a different country because if they come to another country, it might be hot and have more cars, making more pollution and having dissimilar types of weather. So there would be different posters, depending how that country is acting to climate change.

    Seeing bad signs about the world's difficulties with climate change, it has made me feel negative and that there is a chance that the unhealthy world will -in the future- end unless, everyone gives all their might in improving their poor actions towards the world. We have to remember that we are living on this planet so we should take care of it. If one person does the right thing, in this case, help the world, another person will and than, slowly, like a virous, everyone will. Small things, turn into big changes.

    I chose the person with the newspaper, who said in shock,'' Record rainfall has caused flood.'' As a reply, I would say to pick up litter, save electricity and improve your actions towards the world and be eco-friendly as by not doing all these things, there would be more climate change, which would create more floods and disastrous things to the sick, destructive world.

  • Personally reminders of climate change make me feel negative. That is because when extreme weather conditions occur I feel that we haven't done enough to prevent it and we don't have enough time to reverse it. Sometimes I feel afraid what the future holds but it is that time I remind myself to take immediate action .

    1. Thank you for your comment. Can you think of two positives to having regular reminders when it comes to climate change?

      1. One positive is that a reminder awakes you in a way and tells you to act. Because our life is busy this is a motive for us.
        The second is that a reminder can make you more prepared to face any climate change another time. You now know how to react to any unusual weather pattern for example.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel a balance of emotions. Somewhere, I feel negative about our actions towards the environment. It really upsets me when I think about the way we are destroying our planet for our own benefits. Our wrong actions are resulting in negative reactions from the planet, for example- rise in temperature, climatic changes, frequent floods or droughts and many more. The negativity from the humans makes me feel very disappointed.

    On the other hand, I feel positive when I get to know that despite of these negativities, people are still trying to put efforts for protecting the Earth. I feel glad when I experience the effects of climate change and try to contribute my bit to the planet. The fact that the effects of climate change can encourage us and persuade us to bring a change in the surroundings makes me feel positive.

  • Hello,
    One of the conspicuous trends of today's world is a colossal upsurge in the number of eco- anxiety in the thick of public. There is a widespread wrong that eco-anxiety will lead to a myriad of concerns in one's life. However, this could be positive impact to mankind's future.

    Eco-anxiety refers to the emotional and psychological distress caused by uncertainty about current and future state of environment, including issues such as climate change. biodiversity loss, pollution and other environmental changes. In other word eco-anxiety is popularly known as "a chronic fear of environmental doom" and it was for mulated by Glenn Albrecht.

    It's important to note that eco-anxiety is not a clinically recognized mental health disorder, but it reflects the emotional toll of environment concerns on individuals. Somehow, it is believed that severe anxiety leads to eco-anxiety. As we all know, how anxiety disturb our mental health as well as physical health. Similarly, eco-anxiety cause numberous health issues.

    Despite of this eco-anxiety unknownily faster the improvement in climate. Many countries in the world has banned deforestation and reduce meat and dairy products. More ever, reduction of energy use and protection of green spaces has highly promoted.

    ☺️ Thank you 😊

  • In the picture, I can see a man reading about the floods caused due to high rainfalls. Well, because of the increase in human activities such as deforestation and desertification, we are observing more frequent floods in our surroundings. Due to deforestations and soil erosion, the water holding capacity of the soil is decreased. Because of this, the percolation rate of the soil that is the movement of water from the soil surface to the ground is reduced which results in floods.
    We can overcome this problem by practicing afforestation. We shall plant more and more trees on special occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, new year and many more. This will help us to move one step closer towards decreasing the climate change. Also, we should avoid continuous deforestation and clearing of lands for our own benefits.

  • Hello,
    Firstly, I would like to share with you what climate change reminders I was diligently able to spot. There are plenty of incredible ways of spreading awareness about climate change, such as, the radio, the television, street advertisements,posters, schools, the internet and even people protesting to spread awareness. I have a feeling of a balance of emotions towards campaigns or climate change reminders as they can have a lot of beneficial qualities like for instance,help people who aren't very educated about this catastrophe to start supporting campaigns and advertisements that donate money to replant forests that were damaged from natural fires and many more natural disasters that are occurring in many different areas. But also, what effects on me is that news about climate change can give me eco anxiety which makes me completely disappointed about this pathetic situation and a lot of people do have eco anxiety from what's happening with the world. In conclusion, we should all unite to rescue our only planet.

  • Climate change is happening a lot so we need to do something about it. There is so many things that are destroying the environment and it is all because of us so we need to fix it. Our environment is being destroyed so we should plant 2 trees every time we cut down one so in the future we still have trees. It is so important that we look after it because otherwise we won't live. Regular reminders are so important because it helps us understand what we need to do for the environment. And I agree with giving_snail.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel anxious and sad because it is reminding me that it is us who caused it and only humans that have the power to save our planet. It is also reminding me of all the pain we have caused toward animals; choking them with plastic bags and trapping them in plastic nets. However, reminders can also be useful in convincing more people to fight against climate change.

  • Reminders about climate change can make me feel apprehensive and quite sorrowful. The reason why I feel this is because climate change is a colossal issue for us and for the world.
    There is no planet B so we must take care of our planet because without it we will die!
    Thank you.

  • Hi, I feel worried and frightened because some people don’t understand what it really means .
    . Animals are loosing their habitats and are getting extinct.
    . People are releasing pollution and it is making it hot .
    . The ice caps are melting and rising the sea level which makes people in small contries scared.

    1. I'm sorry you feel worried, caring_explanation. Can you find any advice in the discussions for how you could help deal with your eco-anxiety?

  • Many things can remind us of the destruction of our precious Earth. For example news on the TV or in a newspaper can make people anxious about the world's nature balance. Many factorys pollute the earth with dangerous and sometimes even deadly gasses that ruins the wildlife population and seeing these gasses swallow up the sky can remind many eco-anxious people about the current devastation in our beautiful landscape. Grenhouses, car pollution, global warming and many other horrible events in our world can seriously alert these nature-loving human's sad emotions to trigger in their minds. In my opinion, all these upsetting reminders of destruction in our earth is a bit good as it spreads awareness about the terrifying events on earth but it does spread sadness and worry across the human population and also many illegal loggers and evil, cruel woodcutters don't listen or pay even a tiny bit of attention to the spreading awareness of destruction that is mostly all down to them.

  • The smoke is coming out in the picture and it is flooding in picture .And somebody said that the record rainfall has caused floods and . And it is raining and a person said .It habit had been destroyed and what if you got worried about flooding and it is not good to have bad news because it will destroy the planet and people will be anxious because of the flooding and of the smoke and the rain. somebody said the world is changing.And it say in breaking news storms force people out of homes. If there was a storm I would feel scared because of the storm and I would not like that if there was a storm if the hose was flooding I would feel shocked because the house was flooding it would be shocking and scared because I do not like it when it is rain or you will get wet and I don't like to get wet because 1 year I was scared because of the storms I like it when it is sunny not raining .Because you have to wear your coat or you will get very wet it is not good to get wet if it was raining very hard it will be flooding every where I could had been very nervous.

  • Hi, I belive that eco-anxiety is normal because it makes people more aware what is happening. I also believe that eco-axinety can make people frightend,fustrated and fearful about what will happend in the future.This is why I believe that we have to take care of our planet.These are some things that we can do to hep the planet:
    .We can recycle more.
    . We can buy electric cars.
    .We can stop littering.
    But we can help to stop people be frightend about the future of the earth by doing good deeds in our everyday life.
    Together we can make a difference to change the earth and stop eco-anxiety.

  • Climate change reminders are probably as important as actually making a difference. This is because, without the constant worry that something is going wrong, or people making awareness, some people will never change their actions. Even if one person is aware of the state are world is in, it won't help much, because in order to change, we need daily reminders of how are world is dying. Although some news might make you too scared, a little shock will wake you up from the dream reality where nothing is going out of plan. Protests are good reminders ( except ones which are a little over the top ) because they make it clear how far people will go to encourage others to help now. The consequences will be unthinkable, so it would be better to act now, instead of leaving it until it's too late.

  • Reminders about climate change make me feel guilty. This is because when documentaries or news reports come on talking about this topic and how bad it’s getting really puts pressure on me to do something to change it. This is because I want there to be a world for the generations of children to come to live comfortably and under no stress about the world and damaging processes we do that effect it.

    One of the things I found in the image is a person asking if we can still save the planet. I would give them the advice of not putting pressure on themselves to make a change as it is not them who has caused climate change. They may have carried our processes that are not so good for the earth but them as an individual has not caused the planet to be so damaged and warm up so much. Everyone’s little actions has added up and accumulated to this massive problem so them as an individual cannot save the planet as their actions are not enough. It is everyone who needs to change in order for the earth to start healing from our damage that is partly irreversible.

  • I will be giving a little insight into each topic-

    I saw 37 reminders! And honestly, I come across most of them every day, such as billboards promising eco-friendly sneakers, which leave me wondering, "What's wrong with mine?" Whenever I'm in geography class, every bad thing is somehow linked to climate change, such as floods or forest fires. Every time I stop at a red light, the air quality is just average, and I live in the cleanest city of my nation. Every day, there's a new disaster, a new disease, a new issue introduced to our world, most of which are linked with one topic: Climate Change. These reminders could vary from country to country; for example, in Japan, it might relate more to tsunamis or earthquakes. In my country, India, it's linked more to greenhouse gases due to our immense dependency on coal fuels.

    Reminders on climate change do make me feel a little anxious as thoughts like "Will my children or grandchildren be able to live in a peaceful world?" or "Am I one of the last generations to live on this planet?" come to mind but these thoughts are what power and motivate me to try to think of solutions, even if at a small level to work against climate change.

    To the girl on the bench reading about yet another extinct specie, don't worry times are tough right now with a lot going on but remember that with collective effort we can and we will win against climate change.