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We’ve started the discussions about AI – but it’s your job to keep them going!

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Comments (218)

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  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about AI because it is something the world needs to worry about, AI is spreading all the world and might be the future if not stopped.
    In my opinion I think that AI should be stopped because In the future people would be lazy and always ask AI to do something for them and by that humans will not get to do things, instead AI will do it and by that how do you expect us humans to be working in the near future. So all I'm saying is that AI should be stopped to have a great future. Thank you

    1. Thanks for your comment diligent_world!

      We agree that AI is a hot topic in the news. That's why we have some discussion posts already up around this topic. You can share your opinions on the discussions in the AI: education and the future of work area.

      When suggesting a NEW discussion for this topic, have a look at the discussions we already have first. If you think there is a whole discussion question missing, then you can suggest it here.

    2. Although AI has its disadvantages , in my opinion i don't think that it should be completely stopped because there were certain things that humans were not able to achieve before the development of these AI systems so we as humans have become dependent on these systems to an extent, so to say that stopping these AI systems will take its toll on humanity

      1. Thanks for your comment coherent_perspective!

        We agree that AI is a hot topic in the news. That's why we have some discussion posts already up around this topic. You can share your opinions on the discussions in the AI: education and the future of work area.

        When suggesting a NEW discussion for this topic, have a look at the discussions we already have first. If you think there is a whole discussion question missing, then you can suggest it here.

      2. I disagree because AI was created to assist humans. But instead of assisting us, they are stealing our jobs and rendering us completely in our society and proving us utterly useless in our various places of work and occupation. In my opinion, AI has been more dangerous towards humans than it has been helpful towards us.
        Thank you.

        1. I agree because AI is suppose to aid us and not make us lazy. AI makes us humans not to be creative. AI is also a powerful tool that can easily be misused. In general, AI and learning algorithms can predict the outcome from the data they are given. If the designers do not provide representative data, the resulting AI systems become biased and unfair.

          1. I disagree with this comment because I believe that rather than making us lazy and lack creativity, AI actually saves us time and effort and provides room and opportunities to be creative. From a personal perspective, there are so many things I would love to do but I am too preoccupied with other things. To put it simply, I am too preoccupied with time consuming responsibilities and tasks to let my mind wander into a world of new possibilities and ideas. This is a burden that AI can swiftly get rid of.

            1. Can you challenge yourself to think of three ways that AI might help people to become more creative instead of less creative like you said?

              1. AI can make a person feel confident in himself. For example, sometimes, none of the ideas ChatGPT comes up with are superior to the ones in your head. That in and of itself tells you something about your ideas: you actually think they’re pretty good. In that case, wish the AI well and go forward with your own human creativity.
                AI encourages lateral thinking. Lateral thinking is a manner of solving problems using an indirect and creative approach via reasoning that is not immediately obvious. A great example of lateral thinking in the creative field is the work of one of my most favourite musician and producer Brian Eno. Eno's inventive approach to composition led him to create the Oblique Strategies card deck where each card has a cryptic instruction or constraint intended to break creative deadlock and encourage innovative thinking. The actual deck is pretty extensive, but with AI, you can tailor the idea to your specific project or problem.

                1. I agree because these points are valid for a lot of peolple, AI can be compared to human in some things: creativity, language; searching. But maybe sometimes AI may be seen a bit scared as well, because you are talking not to a real person which could do a lot of human things.

                2. I disagree to this because... AI actually make we humans loose confidence in ourselves in the sense that, after the chatGPT was introduced to us to use, lots of students lost focus and are still losing focus in their studies, they don't want to stress themselves about reading they now feel if given an assignment at school and they do it by themselves they are going to fail to they sought the aid of chatGPT, which is a big problem.
                  AI has also increased the rate of examination malpractices, all of these because of AI. AI might make thing easier and faster but are we going to turn a blind eye on the damages being made?

                  1. I agree and i think the solution to this is that age restrictions should be put in place to curb the negative impact of AI on students. If that does not work then the AI user should specify their age and then according to their respective ages, some information should be restricted. If this is put in place, then the rate at which students depend on AI will reduce.

          2. You raise valid points. Striking a balance between AI assistance and human creativity is crucial. Misuse and biases in AI highlight the importance of ethical considerations and careful design to ensure fair and unbiased outcomes. It's a shared responsibility to harness the benefits of AI responsibly.

          3. I agree with this content and brilliant idea of yours.
            Just like you said AI is a powerful tool that can be misused,now this where the doom comes in, just like a pet to be more precised a dog, we all know dogs are faithful but that also doesn't mean it can't attack the owner if been paranoid and the attack can actually cause damages.
            Same goes to AI no matter how the programmer has programmed it,if force to do otherwise it can turn back on humans and for sure can cause destruction.

          4. I disagree because AI can assist us in building our creativity. When we run out of ideas for example, we can make use of AI to give us a new idea or change our perspective towards the way we see things. Here in school, our programming instructor tells us that programmers are demi-gods who can create great things with syntax and semantics. With combined knowledge from different sources in history and all over the world, we can learn new things through AI. Even communication has been made easier by AI using social media platforms as an example. For me, AI is just another step in the evolution of man.

        2. I disagree because due to technological advancements, new jobs have been created that never existed. In most occupations machines do not completely replace humans but just assist in production. If humans were to be completely replaced, then who would operate the machines, maintain them and even build them. I personally believe that the creation cannot be better than the creator. Instead of focusing on the flaws that AI has developed, we should see how we can work to improving it as there is always room for improvement.
          Thank you.

          1. I agree with chatty_fact that although it seems like our jobs are being slowly taken away by AI, it has actually done more good than harm. For example AI has helped to make different jobs that were time consuming and labour intensive to be faster and require less human labour such as customer services, large scale production of goods and the likes of them.

            1. I disagree because although there has been a major development in industrialization, there has been a partial or complete replacement of humans in these industries. This leaves the humans without jobs. Even in robot producing companies, other robots are used instead of humas. On the bright side, hard labor has been reduced and easier jobs that require mainly brains are being left for the humans. This is as a result of the inability of machines to think for themselves.

          2. It's true AI has created new jobs, but how about the people whose jobs were displaced due to AI? They probably weren't compensated in any way and were just abandoned. How would it feel to be replaced by a non living thing? And they'll say it's meant to help humans, but does it always? From the point of view of an entrepreneur of a big company, working with AI instead of people may be more beneficial because, there would be no need to release salaries, but what about the people that have no choice but to be an employee instead of an employer? The sad truth is that not all people can just do what they want, some people work to survive and provide for their families, so for poorer people like these AI probably has not as much benefit to them. I agree that AI is great, but would it really benefit people of all class? Inequality is an inevitable issue all round the world, would AI make this issue worse or better?

          3. I agree with the phrase "the creation cannot be better than the creator". I personally feel humans are getting insecure and do not believe in their level of intelligence which is giving them the mindset that AI will completely replace them as we have forgotten that we are way more smarter and better than AI. AI should be seen as just "something" because I believe with our natural intelligence we would be able to make something even better and higher than the level AI is now. Humans need to be regularly reminded that AI exists because of us and if we never felt like producing it, right now it would be nonexistent. We as humans are giving AI the power to rule our lives and push us out of the picture when instead we should only give AI the chance to help us out, reduce our stress level and make us more efficient because that is originally what their meant for.

            1. I fully agree with you and in fact I think the best comment I have read today is yours even I agree that "the creation cannot be better than the creator". AI can never replace us coz we human beings are the creator of them. If we have the ability to create them then we have the ability to destroy them but instead we should work together to make our life's better!!

              1. Well done for responding to another comment!

            2. Yes, i agree with you. Humans have started to think that AI is really the smart one. This could lead to dependence on the thing that we created ourselves! We should not forget that AI was created by us. All the resources, facts and creativity that they have was put there by us. We should not forget that AI is just meant to be an aid which we can use to achieve greater things than we already have. We are superior to AI but if we start to depend too much on machines, we will become lazy and passive. We won't be able to reach our full potential if we let our creations take over. If we work with AI then AI itself will be our starting point.

        3. I agree because... AI was meant to assist humans in their random Jobs and it makes humans lazy it is meant to help humans in what the are doing but the are living everything to AI , but humans left the hole jobs for AI and that is why AI is taking over most of the jobs humans have created example graphic designer, data analysis, courtes, writers, software engineer, security guard. Student don't even write essays the give it to AI to write it for us the students. Thank you.

          1. Why do you think AI is able to do the jobs you have listed here? Things such as graphic design and data analysis. Are there any jobs you think AI could not do that only a human can?

        4. I strongly angry with you because know unfortunately we are giving Ai (artificial intelligence) too much power and with that people have unfortunately started loosing their jobs because now adays ai does almost everything to us they help do our home works, efficiency through task automation, data analysis and also assistance in medical diagnosis and unfortunately if this doesn't stop then humans will have just few jobs available and in conclusion we should remember they are somethings that ai can't do because it doesn't have emotional feelings

        5. I'm not sure about this because we only limited AI to assisting us to assist us in our work, but let us not forget the fact that there are dangerous tasks such as mining, which are very dangerous to human lives, with the development of AI, there are now robots that can now perform this task, this has helped we humans to be able to preserve different lives, so. Don't get me wrong by thinking I am against you, but let us see that there are some jobs that AI are meant to take over because they are destroying human lives.
          So in conclusion, there are jobs that AI taking over is the only way forward, because AI was made to help us in some of our work. So there are jobs that AI can take over, but there are some that AI are not meant to take over.
          THANK YOU.

        6. I respect your point of view but you are only focusing on the disadvantages of AI and ignoring about its advantages. Everything has its own advantages and disadvantages. As cycle of inventions of technologies like AIs continues, there will be end of some jobs but there will also be the arise of other jobs. About the assisting of AIs, it is helping in different invention of technology , research and in some areas of our daily life. It was indeedmade for our benefits; I agree with you in this point that we should not make AI more overpower and with feelings as it can be dangerous to us. At the end of the day, it is all about how we use it and for what purpose we use AI for.
          -Just My Opinion

        7. I completely agree with you because...It seems like we are getting to a point where AI is getting to confiscate the world, dominate humans who created them. With the way this AI of a thing is going about, it seems it's mostly the owners of these companies who make use of AI that tend to benefit more from it because AI doesn't need man power to function and doesn't need a salary after its work and this make the owners of the companies benefiting more and still try to invest more in the development of the AI world leaving an average man that depends solely on the salaries being paid to him after work, jobless and not being able to put food on his table simply because of one AI of a thing.
          AI is simply an artificial intelligence, we human are meant to be the real deal. Let's not put the world in crisis just because we want to make life easy and beneficial to us.
          Thank you.

        8. I completely agree because... AI is causing a whole lots of damages with people not even see it. They only get to see the little advantages it brings but turn a blind eye on the bad aspect of it.AI is making generation to come more lazier . We should know that online class and physically class we attend at school would never give us the same feeling. At school we get to meet other humans and mingle with them giving us a feeling of acceptance.
          AI is slowly dominating the world and if not cautioned it's going to cause a tragedy

        9. Hello,
          I agree to disagree with you coherent perspective owing to the fact that, the more AI is improved, the more jobs are made available.
          Alright, if we say that AI renders us humans as useless, who will program the AI bots, who will build the AI, who will give the particular syntax to follow etc.
          Yes, AI has its disadvantages and advantages, but I think it is at equilibrium.
          Because the more AI, the more ventures available.

        10. I agree with you because if AI mange to take over the world then people will lose there jobs and humans will no longer have a use in the world.

        11. I disagree because .. A company has a Founder chair and lots of workers because the workers are working more than the founder that does not mean the workers can have the founders seat . This is because there is a gap or limit that is maintained between them, if the same gap or limit can be maintained between humans and AI . AI wouldn't be as dangerous as we think . "The solution's key is always in our hand we just need to use it."
          Thankyou .

        12. I disagree because... they work based on their programmers. They can't replace us unless we let them do so. It is our own laziness and overreliance on AI that makes it more dangerous than it is useful.
          Thank you.

        13. I totally get where you're coming from! It feels like AI was supposed to be our helpful sidekick, but instead, it seems like it's taking over and making us feel useless in our jobs. Honestly, it's frustrating to see technology stealing our gigs rather than giving us a hand.

          In my opinion, AI has been more of a headache than a helper. It's like we're being replaced by machines, and it's messing things up for us in the workplace. I mean, we were hoping for support, not for our jobs to vanish.

          I get that technology evolves, but it feels like AI is causing more harm than good. It's time we figure out a way to make it work for us instead of against us. Maybe we need more control over how it's used or some serious retraining programs to keep us in the game. AI shouldn't be making us feel useless; it should be lifting us up, right?thank you

        14. In a way , I disagree with you. I think that AI have not stealen our jobs. They are here to help us in many different types of work in order to process it faster.
          Yes, it is part of our daily life but we knew how to handle it and when.
          Let's not forget how AI has helped Healthcare and especially surgeries or disabled people. They are after all made from us humans.

          1. Could you outline two examples of how AI will help us in our jobs?

            1. Of course, one example is robotic surgery that needs accurate handling and precise movements inparts of our body. This is very helpful because doctors can use it to even see any minor or small infection that a human eye could not
              Also in farming AI machines can hel us on producing faster products or farming our land.

        15. I agree because AI is supposed to help us, to assist us with things that are complicated or difficult. They were not meant to replace humans. Machines are replacing humans where there is more labor work. People believe that AI machines machines are more accurate, can perform same task number of times. Many companies tend to have machines to do work rather than humans. This is increasing unemployment rate. People are losing their source of income. Poverty increases and people suffer.
          Just by favoring AI generated machines over humans can create a big global impact where the machines are aiming towards ruling the world and we humans will be "assisting" them.

        16. Hi
          Respectfully saying,I kind of disagree with your comment. Although everyone has their own opinions in the way they think, I personally think that ai is equally helpful as well as disadvantageous. As you said ,ai is stealing our jobs but it is also creating a lot of jobs that never existed. It is also helping us do the work more easily and accurately. But I agree with the point that it is making people lazier and less creative.
          Thank you

        17. I totally agree with you because ai have benefits similarly ai also have many negative impacts on various fields such as it can snatch the basic jobs from humans and the employment rate could be down and there could be increased in unemployment rate,There could be the concern of privacy because all the data has been stored in ai but thee could be the privacy concern too , there would be decreased in face face related interaction and lack of creativity. AI can not attach people emotionally as humans can.

      3. I strongly agree with you because... Artificial Intelligence was created to aid us in our daily lives, but I am not trying to say that we should just become lazy because of the advent of AI. But, that we should use the benefits AI has to offer to our advantage. So I personally think that if we stop the use of AI some things and factors dependent on the system could be destroyed, such as; employment opportunities that AI has to offer, efficiency in carrying out tasks and so on...
        Thank you!!!

        1. I disagree because... You say AI has job opportunities to offer? If I may ask what actually are the job opportunities?
          AI only help in making work easier and faster for humans, to produce efficienciently and create more output.
          Let's take for instance you are a website designer and you started growing and expanding in business, if you get to know that AI can actually get you more result at a nick of time, would you still be able to employ more workers?

      4. I disagree because AI also known as Artificial Intelligence was created to aid humans but instead they are taking all over our jobs and changing our society, In my opinion Artificial Intelligence has been more dangerous and costly to humans than helping us, thus if it is been stopped, it will not take a toll on humanity, but it will help us in becoming more independent.

      5. I agree because some apps have AI that shows you step by step on how to do things. Like I have seen an app tell me how to solve math problems. Also, some people are using self-driving cars and cars that do not use gas. Lastly, people can use it for security like with motion detectors and cameras it does not need to take over but it can help.

      6. I agree with you @coherent_perspective on this your point because AI was made to help us humans to perform tasks that are dangerous to human lives and gets the job done faster. AI has been able to create jobs and process data faster. To me AI hasn't yet reached it's full potential because technology is constantly evolving. AI can possibly even do more work than it has done in the nearest future because if it has been able to help us tackle climate change by their ability to give weather forecasts and predict happenings and effects of climate change currently, what more of the future?
        THANK YOU.

      7. I strongly disagree with you coherent_perspective because Artificial Intelligence was created to aid humans, However instead of AI helping us, they are stealing our jobs and making us lazy in many of our places of work ,occupation and school. In my opinion I think, Artificial Intelligence has been more alarming towards us humans than it has been helpful to us .

        1. I duely respect your comment and I understand the angle you are coming from but i think you need to view this with a wider perspective, try to think of this out side the box. AI is here to help, it eases our work and takes off stress so that we will be able to have enough and adequate time to be able to develop new advancements, be innovative and think out side the box and not to make us lazy because it aids our work. The famous Marvel Star Tony Stark had an AI called J.A.R.V.I.S to aid and ease his work but it never made him lazy rather he continued being innovative, creative and even added advancements to his AI. The fact is, AI has come and it is here to stay so the sooner we let go of our lazy mindset and learn to use it effectively for proper advancements and developments, the better for us.

      8. I disagree with you coherent_perspective because the purpose of AI is to help humankind to relieve stress and make work easier. However, rather than it helping us, they are taking our jobs and making us absolutely irrelevant in our community, thus making us completely worthless in all of our different occupations and areas of employment leading to unemployment for some people. Artificial Intelligence in my opinion, has been of more of a danger to people than it has provided benefits even though it has helped us in some sectors like lifting cranes and helping with construction sites.

    3. I disagree because...
      The world becomes more advanced with AI and without it the world will be uncivilized.
      It is true that people would be lazy but like just imagine the world without AI,our smartphones and other devices would become less intuitive and responsive, which isn't nice and we would need to rely more heavily on manual processes.
      Now, imagine a sick teacher, unable to come to school and teach, the easiest thing to do is just to use a telepresence AI and teach far away at home than to come to school.
      Now, many devices are created for easy life uses and it reduces so much work and stress.
      So you see, AI has so much advantages and on the other hand disadvantages. So on my opinion I don't really believe that the use of AI must be stopped.

    4. I agree because ai provide a computer program it is the ability to think and learn on it own. It is a simulation of human artificial intelligence in to machines to do things that we normally rely on human

    5. I agree because AI is slowly replacing people in various jobs. In the near future, I think humans would rely on AI to do their work ultimately making us lazy and relying on them even though they were created to assist us.

    6. I partially agree with you dilligent_world, the reason being is that it is true that AI can make people lazy,, however, it also helps people in their jobs and daily life activities. Thus I think that we should not entirely stop AI, but we should manage how we use it AI can assist people, but they should not over-use it, because if they do, it can make them lazy.

    7. I agree with this statement for, if pople believe that AI can do everything they will have no motivation to do anything this will lead to unhealthy lifestyles.

    8. I get your point about AI, but it's not all bad. AI can help us do things faster, so we can spend time on more interesting stuff. It does not mean we will be lazy and it might make our lives better. We just need to use it wisely for a good future where people and AI work together.

    9. Hello diligent_worker! I agree with some of the points you presented. However, I strongly disagree that stopping AI is exactly the way to a great future.
      AI just another creation of mankind to assist them and improve their lives . There are profession, like those of surgeons and psychologists that can never be replaced by AI because it lacks what we human's have; emotions. However learned or well programmed the machine is, it can never provide us with the affection or the touch which is our basic human need. As for it making people lazy... we as human need to understand that AI was never intended to live our lives or take over our responsibilities. It is us who introduced it in every field because we demand precision and efficiency. And now we need to understand and accept its limitations before its too late. We should not stop it, rather we should harness it in the best way we can for the betterment of the coming generations.

    10. I agree because AI is trying to rule the world.And i think is wrong because AI is making people lazy.Also AI is making people lose their jobs and people will no longer have money and people will not have food and water also people can't pay the bill.

    11. I agree because AI is trying to take over the world and if AI does all the work for everyone they will all be lazy and also AI is dangerous because like Siri if you talk about how much money you have or talk about something private Siri can hear everything you say so thats why I aggre with you 👍

    12. I agree with you dilligent_world, the reason being so is that, it is true Artificial Intelligence can make people lazy, although, it helps humans in our jobs , activities,and improving decision making. However I think that we should not completely stop the development of Artificial Intelligence, but we should control how we use it in assisting people, nonetheless we should learn how to not over-use it, because if we do so, it can make us lazy and too relaxed.

    13. I agree because. Every coin has two sides, positive and negative.. Similarly, AI also have some positive and negative impacts on human life .. coming out from the postive effects .. we should have to focus on negative impacts too .. in my point of view, if AI will do everything there will be increase in obesity and people will have to face too much side effects technology ..

    14. I agree with you because AI cant do every thing for us couse will be lazzy

    15. I kind of agree some ai features if not stopped people would be lazy and not care and that is not healthy so it might make humans die quicker or even get endangered and I'm not saying it should be stopped entirely and even if it doesn't stop there are still some jobs it can't do like space studying humans can go to space and describe it and see it artificial intelligence cannot do that and it doesn't know what it will do to our earth but if we use it instead of something to help us have a better place and it helps us get rid of things like pollution then it is for the best if it is for safety reasons then it would be perfect
      thank you

      1. This comment is a bit hard to read - try using shorter sentences!

    16. I completely agree with you. AI is the fastest growing thing in the world which has now become an obstacle we have to face. This also brings us to the biggest problem caused by AI, that is, social media. Social media is a drug, once you start using it, you can't stop. According to me. it is even more harmful than physical drugs because it takes one of your biggest and most valuable resources, which is time. It makes careers for hundreds and thousands of people but destroys the lives of millions. According to me, AI should only be used to solve problems related to global concern

    17. Hi diligent world
      In your opinion , should AI be put an end to because it taking charge of your every day life , considering your point did you think our future is encouraging with out AI?

  • Hello guys! I decided to start a conversation with the topic "Will AI help humans or take over the world?"
    for me AI is meant to assist the world and not to take over the world,AI was made by humans and the knowledge they have is from the same humans, so in my own opinion AI is only regulated to helping humans to perform their tasks more easier and faster. A very good example are the self driving cars made by Tesla which makes travelling for long distances easier.

    1. I agree with you brave reindeer because AI can change jobs but it's also create many new opportunities.
      Prioritizing education and acquiring new skills , but it doesn't mean that jobs will disappear rather it makes us sometimes more creative by finding abundance between technology and work is hectic for harmonious coexistence

    2. Hello, I would like to join the discussion with a simple answer: AI will not take over the world. Instead, it will help humanity become a more advanced civilization.

      AI is just an extension of computers; machines that help people with their tasks. The only difference between AI and other computers is that AI is more advanced and will (if not already) possess the ability to think on its own, which will help provide guidance to humans on tasks. Since AI is made with a string of code, we can alter the code to destroy any malicious intent harboring within them.

      Moreover, AI is not physical. So, if we limit its control over the physical world, it will not be able to endanger us. In my perspective, the only way AI can destroy humanity is if humans become totally dependent upon it, it suggests us to do harmful and dangerous acts and we do it without question, bringing forth our own doom.

      Thank you

      1. I disagree because though AI is meant to assist us the main advantage of AI over other systems is the fact that is is able to act independently. Due to this they can access knowledge from the web, making it easy for them to alter the programming. And also AI is now being given realistic robot forms which makes it have a physical form.

        1. Yes, although everything you said is true, we can just limit their impact on the physical world. Robots are physical entities but there are very few robots compared to humans. They also have major disadvantages such as water, which can cause short-circuit in their wiring, as well as their need to charge themselves or change batteries, which are similar to a human’s hunger and need to sleep.

          If you have anything else to tell me, please let me know.

    3. I agree because AI can create many openings in the world rather than destroy because we coded it ourselves and it doesn't have its own will its only will will be to do what its been programmed to do. In addition people have already started gaining new types of jobs and job enhancments such as Content creators many people use A website called vidIQ which has an AI tool which gives them ideas and topics to make videos on and it gives statistics on what to do and what not to do to improve their views and likes.

    4. I completely agree with your opinion that AI should serve humans instead of overpowering them. Moreover, even if robots cause certain problems for humans, I believe we won't be alive to witness such a scenario, as it may take another century to develop AI with that level of comprehension.

      1. Interesting point - do you think others will also agree with you that it may take another century to develop comprehensive AI?

      2. I disagree because right now there is AI in production which is capable of self awareness. A name for this is Super AI. It evokes emotions, needs, beliefs, and desires of its own. An example of a company designing this is IBM in partnership with MIT.

        1. Thank you so much for the information. I was seriously not aware about it.

    5. I agree with you. AI is here to help, not take over. Humans create AI, and it learns from us. Like those cool self driving cars from Tesla, they make long trips easier. AI can do tasks faster, but we decide how to use it. It is like having a smart assistant to make life better. Let's make sure we use AI for good things and keep control.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Ethical considerations: How should AI be used responsibly and ethically in different areas of society?" As it is really an important topic everyone should be aware of by discussing it, we can harness the power of AI while ensuring that it serves the best interests of society as a whole. As AI should be used responsibly and ethically in all areas of society. It's important to ensure that AI systems are designed and implemented in a way that respects privacy, fairness, and human values.

    1. Talking about how we use AI is really important. We want AI to be like a helpful friend, doing good things for everyone. So, we need rules to make sure it is fair and nice. It is like making a promise that AI will always be good. Let's talk about this to make sure AI is always friendly and follows the right rules. Thanks for bringing it up! What do you think we can do to make sure AI stays nice?

      1. I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what we can do to make sure AI follows the right rules, cheerful_tiger

  • So, Guys we are talking about AI then, we should also talk about how we can prevent or solve some problems of it like biased information, too much dependence on AI etc. So we can also understand what is the best action to take against the problems. The title should be "Prevention and solve of problems with AI."

    1. Hi, and here are some points on how to prevent and solve problems with AI. One of the problems created by AI is unemployment. With the the creation of AI,some people have been replaced by AI robots in their places of work, but we can solve this problem by working together with AI robots. For example in the field of teaching teachers can teach the students and aid students with their difficulties while the AI robots make notes for the students.

    2. I agree because if we don't touch on this topic then humanity would eventually start to rely on AI alot meaning that they will become lazy and eventually wont be able to do anything and this could lead to many things such as not taking care of themselves properly which could lead to a disease so we should have a discussion on too much dependence and biased information.

  • i feel there should be a hub decision post about the future of humanity if A.I continues to thrive. What imean is that will humanity have a place on earth if A.I continues to rplace us , we have all watched the terminator and how skyknight virtually enslaved the whole of humanity so the discusion I want to raise is,will there be a future for humanity if A.I continues replacing us

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about how AI might be improved for emotional use in the areas of teaching, medicine and customer services because for these jobs and services to be properly rendered, a certain level of emotional understanding is required. AI in itself being a machine lacks any human characteristics and cannot provide an emotional connection with its customers, and I believe that emotional connection between a customer and employee is a necessity for business. In the case of education, teachers always need to provide a connection between themselves and their students to provide a proper teaching-learning. Even in the medicinal sector, to be a doctor one needs enough compassion and empathy in order to relate with patients to save lives.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about" AI: A New Technology Made To Help". I can't help notice that most of the topics discussed are mostly on how AI are better than humans at some jobs, people vs robots and so on. But I have thought deeply and found out that instead of talking on things AI are better at, more than we are we should point out those things they actually help us at and how we can work side by side in peaceful coexistence to achieve results because I think the sole purpose for the creation of AI is for technological advancements and to ease us humans of those stressful things we have to undergo in some workplaces.

  • Hey guys!,
    I think like there should be a hub discussion post about whether we need to use AI to address Global Challenges like Global warming,Climate Change etc because we know that they are a continuous and enormous threat to our planet and we have not found a complete solution to it.There are still many questions to be answered like wouldn't relying on AI to solve global problems take away from our responsibility and actions as humans that we need to do?Isn't AI very expensive?How can it be accessible to all countries and communities even the developing ones?Won't there be like wrong predictions and how can we trust it? etc...These are some of the questions I could think of,But I honestly think there are a lot more questions that need answers...Thank You!!!

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how AI can affect our health, because we are already spending so much time on our ipads. Most probably, we all know how badly it can damage our eyes. But is that it? Studies have shown that it can also have a huge impact on our mental health. What can we do about it? What are some ways of protecting ourselves from it? There is already some advice on what we can do about it, but how practical is it? And how could we bring more people to use it? Those are all important questions with important answers. Surely, there is more than just one solution. Maybe each person will need some personal and unique methods of dealing with it. Boundaries will play a crucial role in this. I believe that people will also need some guidance when discovering them. Such an important matter demands a delicate, but firm way of managing it.

    1. I totally agree because... AI could have a major impact on our mental health. Example cyberbullying. It being on the internet makes it even worse. Little children could keep it to themselves thinking it's not a big deal, but it comes gradually. By the time you realize they are having appointments. Also, people commenting on a specific category of the viewer could have a negative impact on them. Eg their personality type or tribes. And horror movies to is having a lot of impact on children. They are scared of petty things.

  • I think that there should be a discussion on "If AI can be friends" because many people believe that since AI doesn't have emotions we cant befriend it meaning there will still be a need for human interaction, whilst others believe otherwise I hope this can become a discussion so I can hear other people views on the topic.

    Thank you

  • Hello everyone,
    based on our discussion in the class I perceive AI to be a curse. How can humanity be dependent on a single system allowing it to take charge of almost everything, students of today's century struggle to write simple essays without the help of artificial intelligence like chat-gpt . What if it goes rogue? According to there also comes a worry that AI will progress in intelligence so rapidly that it will become sentient, and act beyond humans’ control — possibly in a malicious manner. In today's century our phones alone carry majority of our personal information from bank pins to ordinary photographs, this threatens the privacy of individuals as AI could create realistic audios, images and videos known as deepfakes that can be used for malicious purposes. Likewise, Artificial intelligence could also lead to unemployment as the new AI's can automate many tasks that are currently done by humans, leading to job losses and income inequality. According to website, some studies estimate that millions of workers will need to switch jobs or learn new skills by 2030 which can lead to economic recession.
    As mentioned in, Ford focuses on the way AI will adversely affect privacy and security. A prime example is China’s use of facial recognition technology in offices, schools and other venues. Besides tracking a person’s movements, the Chinese government may be able to gather enough data to monitor a person’s activities, relationships and political views.
    Reality remains that if you've played around an AI filter or an AI chatbot your data is being collected- but where is it going and how is it being used?
    AI systems often collect personal data to customize user experiences or to help train the AI models you’re using (especially if the AI tool is free). Data may not even be considered secure from other users when given to an AI system, as one bug incident that occurred with ChatGPT in 2023 “allowed some users to see titles from another active user’s chat history.” While there are laws present to protect personal information in some cases in the United States, there is no explicit federal law that protects citizens from data privacy harm experienced by AI.
    I leave with a parting comment, AI is more of a curse than a blessing.

    1. I agree with happy_ squid. AI was meant to push us in the society forward instead of pulling us back. It is proving us useless in where we reside and stay. It does not sound nice at all to hear that we are being substituted in our various places of work by robots. AI was supposed to help us and not ruin our dear lives.

    2. I respectfully disagree with you on this happy squid,AI has both advantages and disadvantages, so does everything else.Even if, it were to be used in a malicious manner, it would be a human who would be responsible.It has been introduced to help us and make life easier. it has also innovated us in so many ways such as, improved efficiency, reduced cost, even increased accuracy in various fields.I think AI is the best thing that ever happened to planet earth, and whether anybody likes it or not it is here to stay.It has had such a great positive impact on the world so much that when we take a look around us, AI is everywhere being dependent is not a general but rather a personal decision.You're the one to choose either to keep relying on it to solve all your problems or use it to simply assist.I totally understand where you are coming from, but saying it is a curse is nothing but an exaggeration
      Thank you.

  • I recommend we have a hub on our take;
    Comprising of Lessons learnt, Innovations and creative ideas that we can establish in the nearest future of education and work.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the ethical considerations in integrating AI into education because it raises intriguing questions about data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the potential impact on student-teacher relationships. "How can we ensure that AI-driven educational tools are ethically designed and used responsibly to enhance learning without compromising privacy or perpetuating societal inequalities?"

    This discussion could delve into various perspectives, ranging from the benefits of personalized learning facilitated by AI to concerns about surveillance, data security, and the implications of relying on algorithms for educational decision-making.

    1. Please make sure all suggestions are written in your own words!

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion about "how AI can impact students and learners in this 21st century". This is because, now everything is almost about AI, even students have started using AI for their works. What do you think will happen to students when they rely solely on AI? Will they become more productive, or more lazy?

    1. I agree because things could go wrong such as too much laziness and if that is so then humanity will lose all the joy of living because they have nothing to do so we should have special things made just to adapt to AI so life doesn't become boring and humans don't become lazy

  • A discussion I am worried and curious about is this; Do you feel that AI will affect the way people think, try, and solve problem without the aid an AI and will it influence the urge of young minds to think and achieve their dreams ? For example here in my country a lot of students are interested in studying medical courses do you think we will want to do so if there is an AI that can replace doctors?

  • I think there should be a discussion on (weather humans can survive without AI) in my opinion humans can survive without AI. However, without AI lots of problems around the world will occur like 1,environmental problems 2,economic problems 3,digital problems e.t.c

  • I think there should be a discussion on (who is better between AI&humans ) in my opinion humans have the ability to emphasize and think creatively. While,AI processes a large amount data.even with this there things AI can't get like 1,Judging 2,lawmaking e.t.c

    1. i had a similar thought to this and i agree with your point, and i also believe AI can't emphasize and think creatively but as well and showing emotion and being able to comfort like humans can and so this makes me believe that AI is good but not good enough to replace jobs that include emotion and creative thinking.

      1. Can you give any examples of jobs where emotion and creative thinking are important attributes?

        1. Thank you for replying to my comment, and yes I can give examples. Some jobs that I had in mind were jobs like graphic designers and jobs like counseling, because for graphic designers they incorporate unique and broad details that make the visual concepts stand out that make each one different from one another where I don’t think a AI could replicate, and for counseling a person has to be able to feel welcomed and comforted and where the person can feel like their speaking to a person that can relate or understand what their going through where a AI can’t because it doesn’t have feelings.

  • Hello everyone... I would really love to start up a discussion on the topic "IS AI DOING MORE HARM THAN GOOD". I feel like in the process of human creating what would benefit us, it might actually turn out to be our biggest nightmare. Look at it from this angle of mine,if most of the works are being done by AI,humans won't be employed anymore. An average human with a family responsibility won't be made to work and earn his money and this could lead to massive destruction like hunger. So we really need to ponder on this issue to find a solution before it becomes something else.
    Thank you.

  • The author suggests a hub discussion post on AI, citing concerns about its spread and potential future impact. They believe that AI should be stopped to prevent people from becoming lazy and relying on it for tasks, ultimately leading to a less productive future.

  • A few days ago, we had a debate in our class about AI. The topic was whether AI will create jobs or replace them. In my opinion, while AI is taking over jobs of software developers and other professionals, it is also creating new job opportunities. Both sides of the coin need to be considered. For instance, AI development is a new job that has emerged as a result of AI technology.

    1. Can you name some of the new job opportunities that AI will create?

  • I'm sure we've all seen AI generated images, whether we've seen someone else make it or you've made it yourself. I myself have even used AI generated images multiple times. As an artist, I'd like to see a discussion about how AI generated images, or AI art affects full time artists and the consumers of their art.

    I've seen some artists on platforms such as Youtube talk about how AI is being used to copy someone's art style and then being made into a commission that will give profit to the person who generated the AI image. This affects artists because it is taking away the value of their commission work. A lot of artists have different opinions about AI art, so I'd like to hear what some non-artists think of it.

    1. This is a really interesting discussion starter. What do other people think? And how would you feel if AI created artworks in the same style as you?

    2. This is a really good discussion starter and as a non-artist i do feel like the image generation feature of AI is truly an amazing one , It has fascinated me and will fascinate me always, But i do have a feeling that atleast some artists would take it as an offence if they think that art needs emotion and it cannot be provided my some robot.

  • One of the intriguing quotes from the Economic Times pertaining to artificial intelligence (AI) that grabbed my attention at the just recent annual World Economic Forum Meet (DAVOS 2024) was that of Neal Mohan, CEO, YouTube and I quote “A third of humanity is going to go to the polls in one way or the other this year. The advent of this [generative AI] technology will lead to amazing things but will also be a tool that will be in the hands of bad actors,”.
    Based on this assertion, do you think the increasing use of generative AI in modern democracies should be met cautious anticipation or profound concern?

  • I would recommend to start a discussion about AI and culture. Over the centuries art, religion, philosophy, and social aspects have influenced the way a civilization functions. Due to the importance of one gender or the other the language is influenced due to the system. This might also include what items are passed to who in the next generation. Religion might cause the government system to be more strict or more free causing the people to have different social opinions. As society advances art advances and it shows how that society functions. How will AI cause people to think differently? Will we be dissatisfied with our descendants? How will the arts and social structure differ because of AI? This might cause a diverse and interesting discussion.

  • AI is a interesting topic and even a controversial one if you think about it long enough.

    "If there be light, then there is darkness."
    In this case the light being advantage and the darkness being disadvantage of AI. This contrast of light and dark creates mixed feeling on the topic AI. Not only does it create mixed feelings but also creates the feeling of not being able to decide whether AI is bad or good for humanity.

    With this let me spark a discussion amongst us all-"Is AI truly a remarkable thing the humanity has invented for their own good or is it just a distraction from reality?"

    Let me start this by explaining to you what I truly mean with an example of work / employment.

    Before AI was created most of the jobs were done by humans themselves, whether the job was easy, difficult, safe or dangerous. This is why many people before the invention of AI were going through tough time to do a job and earn a living for their families and livelihood but this case changed after the introduction of AI. People nowadays can perform dangerous and difficult work safely and easily due to AI. This idea of working with AI has come so far that the people can work from anywhere in the world and some jobs are even replaced by the AI technology meaning there is no need for a human employee or employment, giving people more free time than before.

    This is the pros of AI in a simple understanding. But before you decide that AI is definitely without the doubt best, let us look at the cons as well in a simple understanding as before.

    Before AI was invented (changing the way of doing a job) and people were doing jobs either they were easy, difficult, safe or dangerous. This is the reason why the people of the past were fast, strong, efficient and witty unlike most of the people in this 21st century. After AI was here in the job section people have started to beacome a little absent minded than the previous generation. The working from anywhere in the world has also created problems for the people and the human employee replacement has increased the amount of unemployment rate causing the unemployed people to go through more hardship in their life and livelihood 'Cause they don't have money, can't find a job and earn for their basic necessities which is also very costly. The free time is also increased to the 'more than required' level causing people to fall in some not so good things.

    As you read through this let me thank you for giving my opinion and dicussion suggestion some of your precious time and space, and before I end this let me ask you this again," Is AI a blessing or a curse for humanity?".

    1. Hi cheerful_contribution, I like your suggested title! Please explore our AI posts already where there are some great discussions to get involved with!

  • Hey , everyone
    I think we should talk about the consequences we will face due to the "overuse of AI technology ". In today's world, artificial intelligence is developing rapidly, sparking widespread curiosity about its impact on society. The development of artificial intelligence has sparked discussions about its potential positive and negative impacts. While I am optimistic about the positive changes that AI may bring in the future, there are growing concerns about its potential shortcomings. As the current situation provides a glimpse of the challenges we may face. Students and professionals, especially in creative fields, increasingly rely on AI tools to generate content, including essays and artwork. This trend poses major problems for writers and artists, who find it challenging to maintain stability in their respective industries. The reliance on artificial intelligence in creative activities poses a major problem as it affects the imagination of young people. The current generation may be at risk of having their creative potential diminished by the convenience of AI-generated content. Despite the potential advancements of AI, it is important to recognize that creativity is a uniquely human quality and that AI, as a creation of humanity, should not dominate or overwhelm our creative pursuits. While AI is likely to play a vital role in driving the global economy and business, we must remain vigilant about protecting the uniqueness of human creativity. We should strive to harness the benefits of artificial intelligence without compromising the essence of our creative work. Balancing the integration of artificial intelligence with the protection of human creativity is critical for a future of harmonious and innovative coexistence.

    1. I totally agree with your thoughts on the overuse of AI technology. It's important to talk about how artificial intelligence is growing fast and what impact it might have on our lives. While I'm hopeful about the good things AI can bring, there are worries about its possible downsides. One big concern is how much students and professionals, especially in creative jobs, are relying on AI tools to make things like essays and art. This can make it tough for writers and artists to keep their jobs stable. Also, it's a worry because young people might lose some of their creativity if they always use AI for their work. I agree that creativity is something really special about humans, and we shouldn't let AI take over our creative side. Even though AI can be a big help in the economy and business, we need to be careful not to let it overshadow what makes us unique and creative. We should find a way to use AI's good parts without losing our creative spirit. Your point about finding a balance is so important for making sure we can live together with AI in a way that's both nice and creative.

  • In the field of AI education, there are various opinions and discussions about it's impact on the future of work. AI has the potential to automate repetitive tasks, leading to the displacement of certain jobs. However, it also creates new job opportunities in areas such as AI programming, data analysis, and machine learning.

    1. I agree with empathetic elephant because some people might lose their profession due to replacement of AI robots or devices. People like doctors will have to make way for robots. The robots will know do all the surgery and health care, however, whiles AI is to someone's disadvantage, it is also someone's advantage. People like Information and Technology personnels will have the platform to sell their robots and AI applications to get money. Other people like maidens and housewives can just relax for the robots to do all the chores!!!
      THANK YOU.

    2. I agree with empathetic_elephant because if AI had the potential to create certain job opportunities. Looking at the level of illiteracy in some of our society,did you think this people Wii be able to work as data analyst or an AI programmers,this will be a treat to technology advancement and productivity.
      Hence, there would be an increase in unemployment and this will cause poverty and emotional stress. There would be an increase in demand for AI skills and decrease in demand of human skill.

  • Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to significantly contribute to the advancement of human civilization in various ways. AI technologies can enhance efficiency, solve complex problems, and improve decision-making processes across different sectors. In healthcare, AI can aid in diagnostics, drug discovery, and personalized treatment plans, leading to improved patient outcomes. In education, AI-powered tools can facilitate personalized learning experiences, adapting to individual needs and fostering a more inclusive and effective educational system. Moreover, AI can play a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges by optimizing resource use, predicting natural disasters, and facilitating sustainable practices. In governance, AI can assist in data analysis, policy formulation, and public service delivery, promoting transparency and efficiency. As AI continues to evolve, it has the potential to unlock new frontiers in scientific research, space exploration, and innovation, contributing to the overall betterment of human civilization. However, it is essential to approach the integration of AI with careful consideration of ethical implications, ensuring that these technologies are developed and deployed responsibly to benefit society as a whole.

    1. Hey educated_fern
      I completely understand what you said about the importance of artificial intelligence in different fields, but it also got me thinking. Should we really fully trust the systems we create? Let’s be honest, aren’t we stupid to rely on a system? Cybersecurity issues are indeed an important consideration. As technology advances, so does the sophistication of cyber threats. The fact that NASA was hacked by a 15-year-old highlights how even established institutions are vulnerable to potential attacks. The case of Jonathan Joseph James is a stark reminder that individuals, including young people, possess skills to exploit vulnerability. Given these concerns, building strong safety nets is imperative. While AI has the potential to bring transformative positive change, its integration must be approached with caution and mindfulness. Striking a balance between innovation and safety is key to ensuring that future AI systems are developed and deployed responsibly. What are your thoughts on implementing comprehensive safeguards to address these issues? And Don’t you think it’s a stupid decision for us to rely so heavily on artificial intelligence?

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about world hunger it is something that is actively happening. In my opinion I feel like people don't really pay attention to it. I also feel word hunger should be stopped it is a horrible thing that's happening in the world. And the government should help people who are in the economic situation of world hunger get on their feet. Yes, some people are creating businesses to help people in that situation, but I feel more people should help out who can.

  • In my opinion, I think that there should be a hub discussion post about using AI half way. What I mean is that our whole world needs to use AI a little bit but not too much. I say this because if you want to be a grant writer then I would think that AI would do better in grant writing than humans because if humans was doing the grant writing then the human would not really pay attention in the grant. Instead of humans writing AI would be writing. I say this because AI can punctuate the grant writing that fast. So sometimes you will need AI, but other times you really don't need AI. Say if an AI was working as a labor and delivery nurse, and if someone was having a baby then I would feel a type of way because I feel much more comfortable around more human beings. The point is that we shouldn't really have AI more than humans.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about jobs that will cease to exist or be taken over by A.I in the nearest future and why you feel so.
    Because talking about this can help people understand more about how A.I is slowly taking over and how when need to be aware on ways we can be protected from losing our sources of livelihood in the future ad fields to go into to be more relevant tomorrow.

  • According to what I have learnt concerning the AI, I think I want this topic to be debated on.
    "Is AI liable to take over human intelligence ".

  • I think that there should be a discussion on "is AI more accurate than humans" because i think that AI robots might be used in the medical field to perform surgerys that require lots of precision, and i wonder if AI is really more accurate/precise compared to a humans. and whether humans should stay doing surgeries or if AI robots should completely replace surgeons.

  • Hi everyone
    I think there should be a hub discussion post about "How is AI important and how is it not important? Another question I would want to pose is that "How will life be for you without AI in your country?"
    I pose these questions because as in previous comments, we might all know that everything comes with pros and cons. This same rule applies to AI. I would like us to look at these. AI helps in many ways but if AI didn't exist, would we have been able to survive? I am sure that most of us will want to find short ways through. This is because, in the 90s in my country, there were many outdated things that AI has improved. Obviously AI generators were not existing at that time so people who couldn't afford books had to find all means to learn ahead of the class and have a fair idea of what is going to be taught. Some might as well go through huge books and spend days to figure them out or learn the whole thing. All this will be frustrating for students like us in the 21st century, so difficult. I also think students should pay attention to Daniel Hulme's challenge because it makes you delve deeper into the impact of AI and also poses questions that will keep you thinking. Let us embark on a thrilling journey with Daniel Hulme as our leader. Fellow students, kindly check it out before you miss out the fun!!!

    1. I agree because here in our country we are behind in most of the world's technology having almost everything released and accessed by us at a different time in the world, though back in the olden times people were still getting a good education, AI has produced advanced levels of resources for educational benefit.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on disadvantage of AI because as well as AI being very smart it still has it's negative effects. Some effects include 1,lack of critical thinking
    This is my comment, thank you

  • How can we assure that education remains applicable during the rapid tech growth?

  • Hello, my fellow topical talkers. I would like to suggest a discussion on “How can we prevent AI from taking over our jobs?”

    Personally, I feel as though this is a very serious and important thing, that we need to prevent at any cost, before it has a chance to occur. Although AI employees would be a dream come true to the employers, as they don't need payment, work tirelessly and without getting bored/distracted, only taking occasional breaks for battery charging, they are not so good to the human employees, who would lose their jobs to them.

    So, please suggest some methods we can use for this prevention.

  • AIs and robots could almost be like humans, having jobs, getting salaries, having hobbies, taking care of human kids! The opportunities are endless, and I would like a topical discussion post about the possibility of AIs taking on more unorthodox roles in life. Taking care of foster children, getting paid, watching movies, having friendly relationships with humans, becoming news reporters, or even become the next best pet! How human (or animal) can AIs get? Can AIs be pet-language translators? Who knows maybe we’ll be seeing AIs whose sole function is to become a humans best friend or a even dog.

    1. This could be an interesting question! What do you think some opinions of this discussion might be?

      1. I think some opinions might include the question of free will. If AI is to become more human they have to obtain the luxury of free will which is a concept that is multifaceted and arguable. Humans created AI so what would it mean to actually give AI free will?
        Also there might be discussions on the possibility of AI taking over humans if they can act like them, taking over may not necessarily mean total world domination it can be as simple as having the first AI president, how weird would that be? Or who knows climate change might be the reason why humans might willingly give domination to AI.
        Additionally, there might be discussions on the future of kids with AI integrated to every aspect of their lives, would they be different? Smarter? More productive? Emotionally intelligent or stable? Might there be a whole new generation where by things of this age become outdated? It is a multifaceted and intriguing world to delve into and I would love a whole discussion about it.
        Thank you.

      2. Hi, I don't agree with smart_goji.It is a simple and reasonable explanation, i see that smart-goji has already answered it. It is the concern of ai getting out of hand!You see scientists have been monitoring the human behaviour for decades now, and one important factor they found is curiosity. Curiosity is good and bad. And the type of curiosity observed in most is the harmful one. If we give AI

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the­ future of green e­nergy and how it helps combat climate change­s. This is because this topic is essential worldwide. A use­ful dialogue could discuss advances in rene­wable power technology, policy influe­nces, and our shared duty to move toward a sustainable­ future. Sharing thoughts and opinions helps us contribute to a wide­r understanding of the issues and opportunitie­s in creating a cleaner, e­co-friendly energy e­nvironment.

  • Hi
    I think there should a discussion about AI and how it can help agriculture. In Ghana farming conditions here are very bad because of Harmattan. The soil is very dry making it extremely effortless for farmers to plant their crops, because of this food prices have gone extremely high. With help of AI farmers can know the conditions of the soil before planting . AI can help farmers locate the nearest waterbodies' . AI can help farmers fertilize the soil, for example using eggshells, rotten fruits ,vegetables and animal waste. AI can notify farmers about the whether conditions.
    I will like to know your views on how AI can help agriculture. Thank you.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how educational systems should adapt to prepare students for the upcoming reign of technology because if AI is to take over teaching, then the forthcoming generations should be prepared for the necessary changes in curricula and teaching methods.

    Thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "ai's positive and negative effects on youth's mental physical and social health". I'm going to start this conversation by saying everyone can name a good and bad thing about ai but i want to go into dept about how exactly ai is affecting a person's interactions, motivations and influences. Especially on our young and future generations forgetting work ethic that is healthy and the way the world is going economically the younger generations are not safe when it comes to work environments that would boost their work ethic rather than hurt their overall well-being.

  • Maybe AI art. 'Cause I've heard many youtubers like samdoesart & lavendertown complain/talk about AI art. And this isn't without reason. Many AI art generators use Art from real creators & don't give them credit. This is a problem because they're stealing work from artists who worked literal hours on a piece just so AI could use it and make different pieces in like 20 seconds. Also, Y'know how artists pour their heart & souls into their works, well AI doesn't have any of that. Art made by AI(even though beautiful) is dull. It lacks what truly makes a piece of art shine. And that's the creator. Many artworks by AI get a lot of things wrong in "their" pieces. Things like hands, eyes, limb placement, how many finger are on a hand, how many limbs a human has, & expressions in certain situations. I'm not saying we shouldn't use AI art, I'm saying it's probably best not to use it for every piece you do. FYI people do trace over AI art and claim it as theirs. One person on instagram got called out for it.( Don't remember who talked about it) Even though it's small, i would still like to discuss about it.

  • I feel that AI was made by us to make life easier. As much as many people are of the opinion that AI is taking over jobs and activities done by humans,it can never replace humans. We are the brain behind AI. If an AI has a problem,they would require humans to fix it. There is no AI without humans and therefore AI's are indirectly dependent on us for survival. We should learn to work side by side with AI to make our society a better place.

  • We all know that there are certain things we can't do by ourselves and we require some assistance. AI and robots are created for that purpose. I think we should pay attention to the importance of AI in climate change.

  • A topic that I suggest would make a great debate is "Should Internet be ban?

    1. Very common question . But I'm pretty sure most would be against it .The internet has been a revolutionary invention for mankind although it has sideffects I believe its advantages surpass its disadvantages . Internet has made lives much easier , accessing imformation,communication, help with school,Entertainment anywhere at anytime,flexible to all kinds of task and of course tremendously convenient. Also most of the disadvantages are problems that people start themselves ,example-addiction,misuse etc: So I do not think banning the internet would be the right solution. But of course I would love to see others opinions on this matter.

  • Hi Kim, in my opinion, I believe that a Hub discussion post on the changing role of AI in healthcare is necessary because it covers a wide range of aspects. Though AI technology has been integrated into healthcare for increased effectiveness and better diagnostics, ethical issues and privacy concerns have also arisen. What is the right way to go about this so that we get the benefits but at the same time deal with the problems that may come? This discussion could look into ai’s current stage, possible future and ethical concerns as far as healthcare is concerned.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion on this topic",Do we still need to practice the "monarchy system" ,in this Ai generation.
    Because Ai has occupied a lot of sector in our daily activities.

    1. Interesting topic. Can you expand on this further?

      1. In my addition to what I said on "monarchy system of government and Ai", I don't think Ai would be able to fill in for monarchy system of government.
        If am to be asked why I said no,this are my reasons.

        Monarchy is a political system in which supreme authorities is vested in an individual ruler,whose duty is to govern the people as head of state. some countries practice the monarchy system of government,countries like UNITED KINGDOM,SAUDI ARABIA and FRANCE.
        We all know what they say about good leadership"A LEADER thinks and talk about the SOLUTION,FOLLOWER think and talk about the PROBLEM" by Brian Tracy.
        A leader is a problem solver,why the people bring the complaint.
        Poor governance can lead to low productivity in a country,which will drastically affect the people and the economy.
        Monarch could easily change the way they tend to some affairs if the people and economy are not satisfied,I don't think an Ai will be able to sense this dissatisfaction,like( not providing proper health care, shelter,food, education and infrastructure).it will deprive the people (citizen) of a closer relationship with the monarch.
        And beside Ai lack emotions,cultural sensitivity and idea generation,if Ai should fill in the space instead of monarchy system,so many beautiful countries around the world would lost it great culture and uniqueness.

        "There are three essentials to leadership; humility,clarity and courage"by master Fuchan Yuan.
        And unfortunately Artificial intelligence lack this great features of a good leader.

        So therefore,I don't think Ai would be able to fill in for "monarchy system of government ".
        I would like to see the opinion of other topical talkers on this discussion.

        Thank you.

      2. Well, that's an interesting question! The need for monarchy in this AI generation is a matter of personal opinion. Some people believe that a monarchy can provide stability, tradition, and a sense of national identity. Others may argue that in a world driven by technology and AI, the role of a monarch may not be as relevant. It ultimately depends on individual perspectives and the specific context of each country. What are your thoughts on this? 🤔👑

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about How AI in robots could save the planet because with how advanced AI is becoming it could certainly save the planet one aspect could be pollution robots in AI could stop pollution there are Mobile robots (robots that move) that could be picking up litter all over a country and this could spread all over the world and the streets of the earth would be many times cleaner. This is just one thing they could do there could be many more other things to save the planets robots could do.

    1. I agree with you. AI can easily be programmed and start saving the environment. AI can help improve our environment by analyzing data on waste production, collection, and disposal. This can help cities improve their waste management systems, reduce waste, and increase recycling rates.
      The thing we cannot forget is that before AI can help us in our environment, we need to fix the fact that AI can also cause harm to our environment. You may ask in what way. Well, training and running an AI system requires a great deal of computing power and electricity, and the resulting carbon dioxide emissions are one way AI affects the climate. I agree that AI can help tackle climate change, but to fulfill that goal, industries creating AI need to find a way to limit AI's impact on the environment. According to many estimates, "technology already contribute up to 3% of global greenhouse-gas emissions". While AI is really brilliant, the cause of it's brilliance lies in an energy intensive process. As AI becomes more complex and advanced, the energy needed to train and run AI becomes larger and larger. This increase in energy use directly affects climate change.
      For AI to fully help us save our environment, scientists will have to tackle this problem.

  • AI was actually helpful when it did what it was built for which is to assist us. It actually assisted the medical diagnosis by helping doctors gather information about a certain disease and analyze it.
    İn my opinion I think that AI should be stopped due to the threats that humans get from robots. When Sophia the robot was interviewed by CNBC and got asked if she'll destroy humans her answer was "Ok, İ will destroy humans" and that wasn't actually the first time when she and other robots mentioned ending humans. İsn't that concerning?. They were built to aid us not end us.
    Thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about 'AI and its value in modern day technology' because as we know AI and technology is like salt and pepper. AI is literally made from modern day technology and I think AI will help us humans to take technology to the next level. Some might not know but we have AI in our cellphones, in case of voice recognition and face lock scanning features. Its all from the help of AI advancing our technicians to make more advanced and complex products for the future to come. I think this topic will be a strong discussion to focus on, of course its my opinion and I would like to know what you all feel about my idea, you can comment below any questions if you are curious about anything.

    Thank You......!

    1. A lot of the existing discussion posts already cover the value of AI in the modern world. For example, why not look at the discussion about the role of schools in the future?

  • I think there should be a discussion on job displacement due to the use of AI in certain fields
    because even though there are new opportunities arising for employment in AI fields, do you think that everyone can adjust and adapt to these AI operating jobs.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Is AI unbiased?", because I have learnt in school that AI at present cannot think on its own, it totally depends on the data fed by the developer. Directly or indirectly, developer's thoughts and thought process gets transferred to AI according to which AI reacts.
    Consequently, I would like to know whether AI would be a partial in eyes of some or if it would be neutral. As it may take many of the jobs in the future, it becomes important for us to know about the biasness of AI.

  • I think a topic that would make a great debate is "Has the internet had a positive or negative impact on children."

  • There should be a hub discussion post about AI beacause it is something in the world needs to worry about , AI is spreading all over the world and might be in the future if not stopped . The drawbacks of AI include job displacement, ethical concerns about bias abd privacy, security risk from hacking, a lack of human-like creativity and empathy. AI should be stopped bcz people will become lazy in future and always ask AI for to do something for them . So , all i am saying Ai should be stopped to have a great future !

    1. AI is already being used in a lot of ways -- for example, some doctors use AI to help them to diagnose patients faster. This is saving lives. Do you still think all AI should be stopped? Or do you have specific examples of how you think it should not be used?

  • Artificial Intelligence is such a vast topic, that several new debates and discussions can emerge out of a simple question. AI is going to change the world forever, it has already started doing so. I think there should be a Hub discussion about AI in which we compare our lives through the years, along with the evolution of AI. We have shifted from sending letters with the help of birds to AI translating our feelings in a letter for us. Therefore, having a discussion about this subtle introduction of such smart tools throughout the years would not only help us expand our knowledge but provide a timeline and better understanding of this wonderful creation. And you never know what we might find for our future while taking a look at the past !

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "Is AI safe for human civilization? ". This question is the most important for us to answer as we are entering a world that is going to be run by AI in future and so our safety is at the utmost priority. AI is helpful as well as harmful at the same time and misuse of it can hurt us so we need to be careful about using AI and functioning in it with proper responsibility and management of this deadly weapon that we carry with us.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about 'AI as family ' as family plays an important role in a person's life. Each and every family member gives a unique support to the other members of the family. The support is moral as well as financial and related to doing some household tasks. For example, some members of the family are divided daily household tasks, some members give financial support to the family, but the moral support is given by all of them at the time of any difficulty. The point is whether AI can do all these tasks efficiently or not,because when it comes to moral support, nowadays AI can understand people's feelings due to its advancement; but it cannot be completely right in this situation. All of this can be a great topic for discussion and debate. Hence, 'AI as family' is the suggested topic.

  • Hi lovely Topical Talkers.
    I think there should be a hub discussion that, Can AI have any adverse effect on learner's development in the future? I pose this question because, now, children have been exposed to AI at a tender age.This makes them exposed to things that are above their age. Another reason being that, with the help of AI, machines have been developed in GMO factories to produce more chemicals in food. These chemicals helps cause the body to grow faster than their age which means some organs will develop faster than expected.
    Statistics shows that menstruation starts in ladies as early as 9 years and as a result teenage pregnancy occurs among 9 to 10 years which makes ladies prone to high maternal mortality. Again, menstruation can be uncomfortable for younger ladies because they are too young to undergo menstrual pains which may be overwhelming and will also cause them not to partake in sports at school during their period whiles their age mates are comfortable. AI can cause all of this that is why I think there should be a hub post about the management of AI so that we can learn how to cope and live with AI by sharing ideas in this discussion.
    Thank you😊.

  • Personally I think there should be a discussion post about how AI is taking jobs all around the world and that AI will be one of the most dominant things that ever happen in the entire world. I also have one small discussion I would like to talk about more is the disadvantages of AI since a lot of people think that AI is helpful but can be sometimes but scary. I've heard that AI is getting much better by dominating the world like taking jobs.

  • Hello everybody.

    Of course! I got many good questions from AI. We had a wonderful discussion through these questions. After class topical talk. That was about AI. In the discussion I got to know who is the father of AI and from what year did AI start, was there any device with AI verification or what year was it.

    Why is computer scientist John McCarthy called the father of AI? After discussion I learned that John McCarthy was the first person to use the name artificial intelligence (1955). He has since been called the father of AI. But before that (1950) to verify AI, scientist and mathematician Alan Turing invented a device to verify AI, his name was Turing Test. The surprising thing was that Alan Turing invented the Turing Test machine under his own name. I learned the above descriptions after the topical talk class, discussing them with my classmates. There were many other discussions which would make the comments much larger.

    Yes! I saw a small discussion on the hub itself. Which I think will help others pay attention.


    1. There are lots of discussions about AI already happening on the Hub. Take some time to read through them all, then join the one you find most interesting.

  • I think a good discussion would be 'how does this affect our planet.' I think this is because a lot of people are worried about the future and what AI is going to do. In this topic we could explain what we think AI is going to bring to the world and we can comfort those who are scared. We can share our opinions and what we hope AI will bring.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion on the topic " The role of AI in addressing climate change, including application in renewable energy, resource management and environmental monitoring "

    1. Great point caring spring, talking about "ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING " so many life has been loss due to low level of environmental monitoring.

      An hazardous environment has a negative impact on organism that live in that environment,for example air pollution which can cause various health problem such as asthma, respiratory disease,heart disease and cancer.

      In 2019 , pollution was responsible for 9.0 million death,whereby air and water pollution are the causes of this deaths. Most especially polluted water,this has cause a lot of health issue,and it mostly affect children whose immune system are tender.
      Polluted water are mostly used by food seller, introducing an Ai machine that will go around and monitor the water quality,before consumption .
      An Ai tool that can warn of a measurable change in water quality is not a bad idea.

      I think Ai will be of help to ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING and it will save lives.

  • As artificial intelligence continues to advance, will there come a point where it surpasses humans in EVERY aspect and subsequently educates humans on algorithms, just as we currently teach them?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about whether it is okay for kids to use AI or not. We can see that nowadays kids are all aware of how to use various AI software like ChatGPT, Google Gemini, etc. This is good because it makes them smart and they can gain knowledge about technical stuff. However, the kids also use it to do their homework and assignments which are supposed to be done by the kid on his/her own. When the child uses AI to solve the questions, he/she doesn't learn from it but copies it as it is which is making the child less intelligent and creative. I think this topic would make a great debate.

  • I think the world has to be worried because AI has been able to take over many jobs and now people are becoming jobless which is also causing people to being able to earn money for their family to pay the bills, taxes, food, water and for other reasons. And also No one exactly knows how well AI actually is and also people don't know what AI could do to the population and if they weren't programed properly it can maybe cause harm towards people.

    1. It is true that many people have become jobless due to AI, but we also shouldn't forget that AI has made living easier, work more accurate, efficient, and faster, in all this ways AI has improved the world, but that shouldn't be an excuse to sack others. What most people fail to understand is that AI was not made to replace us, but rather to assist us, for instance, instead of sacking a lawyer, the lawyer can ask AI for more ideas to win the case. I believe that together mankind and AI can work together to make the world a better place, but it's left for us to decide whether we can decide to work with them or make them do all the work.
      Thank you.

    2. I agree with you because despite the fact AI has helped in making life easier and more luxurious, it has also rendered people jobless. AI is starting to take over jobs making those who were specialized in them become jobless and have no source of income, how then would they be able pay rents, cater for themselves and their families, pay taxes and bills?!
      And just as lively_lemon said, if they aren't programmed well they can cause more harm to people.
      Don't get me wrong over here, I am not saying we should put an end to the use of AI, but we should try and limit the areas they are used like in the issue of taking over jobs.

  • From my view, I think there should be a hub discussion on money or education. It is a very interesting topic to discuss on. I think everyone would like this topic.
    Many people might think that education is important but at the same time, other people might think money is important. To have education, we need money. And if we have education, at last we are going to earn money.
    For this reason, I think this topic will be very interesting.

    1. Hello witty_desert,
      I agree on your opinion about having a hub discussion on money or education, those two topics are very useful and beneficial for us. You have really got an intresting point, to have education we need money and to earn money we need education, this point really stood out to me. I also believe there should be discussions about how to obtain education in more efficient ways or how to earn money with the education we gain from schools or how we can impliment the education we have learned into our daily life. Money or education is really a simple yet very intresting and beneficial topic for us.
      Thank you!

  • In my opinion i think that,Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by computer systems . AI include language processing and many more . In today's generation AI is very important in our daily activities for every individual. It help the students to learn new technology and skills. Student also use AI to make notes because it is very easier and faster which save our time. It also help the teacher in teaching because teacher can get new information from AI and share to students. The world has become very advanced because of AI.

  • Hi
    I've seen a lot of comments about advantages and disadvantages of Ai.I believe that every thing in this earth has their own advantages and disadvantages and nothing can be perfect.Ai the artificial intelligence is used daily in our life we are surrounded by Ai but it also comes with a lot of disadvantages like creation of deepfakes, misinformation,cyber attack etc which can harm a person's personal life.But the Ai is causing harm because it is being misused.The blame is and was never on Ai instead it has always been on the people who are misusing it.Lets educate them about the harm they gonna get after misusing it like the person have to face serious consequence under legal concern because misusing Ai is literally a crime.
    Thank you.

  • In the present days, we see that children carry a phone since their childhood and spend most of their time on things that do not benefit them, but rather destroy their mind. This leads to the decline of society and its idea. For example, in the old generations, children used to spend most of their time playing with their friends, but today we see that there is no communication between children. Or among adults, I suggest that we enhance dialogue in society and the participation of others by introducing cultural programs such as the Al-Wasla game, which is about cultural information, so that the child is entertained and at the same time acquires information, strengthens his thinking, and benefits his society through his intelligence.

  • In our society, most rulers work for their personal interests, and in this way they move away from achieving the right. I suggest that we develop artificial intelligence so that it analyzes the data or the file of each person and achieves justice, because he is not a human being in order to work for his personal interests. In this case, we can replace people and benefit society and justice prevails.

    1. I like your question here: should leaders of the world be replace by AI?

      1. In my personal opinion, we must replace the head of state with artificial intelligence, because the president is a person who cannot deprive himself of achieving personal interests that is, goals and objective because we know that no matter how advanced a person is in society, he seeks to be the best. As for artificial intelligence, it is a programmed machine that works according to the information in front of it, and therefore does not seek to achieve personal goals or objectives. Thus, the ruling is taken fairly. Hence, justice and safety prevail in society

  • With me AI has it's ups and downs here is what i think.
    AI is taking occupations and roles. Over 39% of of roles has become replaceable by AI and if this continues slowly AI (in a negative light) has the power and opportunity to rob jobs and that would take out the opportunity for money for the role has been taken and so has the money that they made from it. But you could also see it as the opposite way round because AI (from research) has shown that it has more pros than cons and although money isn't produced (because of lack of roles) AI can do better at some occupation especially the data based ones such as data engineer, data analyst, data architect and more.

  • I think there should be a Hub Discussion post about how much access AI is given. Some people say that AI would taker over human in the future so it should be stopped. While some say that AI should be used for basic things too so that our lives become easier and we are able to invest our time in more useful things. However I think we should discuss about how much AI is too much AI? While it is a fact that AI must be used for some important things like cyber security but AI shouldn't be something that we should be completely dependent on. Hence I think there should be a discussion on how much access should be given to AI?

  • My question is if AI should be granted legal personhood?

    And the reason why it is crucial to determine whether AI should be granted legal personhood is because it directly impacts the establishment of accountability and responsibility for the actions and consequences of AI systems. Granting legal personhood to AI involves attributing legal rights and obligations to these systems, enabling us to define clear lines of accountability and responsibility for their actions and decisions. Without clarity on the legal status of AI, it becomes challenging to assign liability when AI systems cause harm, make errors, or engage in unethical behavior. Considering these implications, this topic has the potential to foster an engaging and insightful discussion within the hub.
    Thank you!

  • Indeed, expanding hub topics on AI is crucial giving it global significance. While some may harbor concerns, others May view AI as an exciting Force, propelling world development. Creating more dialogue around AI ensures a well-rounded understanding, fostering a between awareness and enthusiasm for positive impacts it can bring.
    Thank you.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about will AI be able to take over all our jobs because the future generations need to think about when they apply for jobs will there be more or less opportunities.This is also important to think about because if AI can take over all our jobs how is the future generation going to be able to get money to survive

  • Thinking deeply about the future, it is vitally important to initiate a debate on whether humans can keep pace with artificial intelligence. As AI advances rapidly, concerns arise about potential job displacement, ethical considerations, and the need for regulating AI. Engaging in such debate can improve critical thinking and help prepare a strategic planning for a harmonious coexistence between humans and AI in upcoming future.

  • I think this concern about AI being a threat in future, and the possibility of leading to an AI-dominated world is not quite prudent. I believe that one thing we can all safely agree on about Human Psychology is that Humans will never let anything else take the the lead from them. It is the human conscience that prevents it. It is impossible for AI technology to replace humans as world leaders. AI coming to dominate the world, destroy human society, should not be a factor that holds us back from realising it's benefits as a whole.
    In fact today, AI can accomplish that in the field of creative arts which humans cannot. But it still remains merely a tool to facilitate human needs. As long as all creativity, all imagination is sourced from our minds, it would be impossible to let AI overtake or replace humans in the field of skilled labour.

    1. I agree because AI presently is indirectly being used as a tool for world domination. AI is meant to be used carefully and not carelessly but nowadays people are being replaced in their various places of work by robots leading to unemployment and poverty world wide.

  • We notice today that with the development of trade, the purchase of goods has become done by the Internet, as most of the shops in the markets have been closed, and the reason is the high rent of the shop and the lack of customers in return. This trade leads, over time, to the disappearance of shops. In order not to reach this stage, local purchasing must be supported by raising the quality of local goods and lowering prices because we are from within the country and do not need to pay additional fees. Thus, the buyer resorts to local markets to buy when the price is cheaper than it is on the Internet.

  • In my opinion I think there should be a hub discussion on the disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence because as well as AI being smart and intelligent, however it still has it's own negative effects.For example lack of common sense, emotions , intuition and etc..

  • Because of the multiplicity of religions in this country, every person seeks to control the country in order to impose his authority and power on all the Lebanese. We encourage that the president be appointed on the basis of certain criteria. These criteria include, first, scientific competence, second, based on love for the people, and third, the capitalist person, so that he can open many projects in society. In this way, the unemployment rate decreases, and the country achieves great prosperity on a global level. Thus, solidarity and coexistence prevail among people, and religious fanaticism disappears.

  • I think there should be an hub discussion on CYBERSECURITY THREATS.
    Cybersecurity threats can also be called cyber crime.
    Cyber crime is the act of commiting crimes with the aids of AI and computers.
    AI is used by cyber criminals in a bad way but it can also be used by cyber police in a good way. The following are ways AI can be used by cyber police:
    - Threat detection
    - Behavioural analysis
    - Adaptive security measures
    - Automation of Responses
    - Predictive analysis
    - User Authentication
    - Access Control
    - Phishing Detection
    - Security Analytics
    - Network Security
    - Incidence Responses

    Many more!!!
    Although AI is used as a tool for cyber crime but it can also be used to eliminate cyber crime.
    This would be a powerful hub discussion.

  • Hi there!
    After thinking a lot certainly I got a topic for a good debate and it is "The Ethical Use of AI in Policing"
    A thought-provoking debate could center around the ethical implications of integrating AI into policing. On one side, participants might argue that AI technologies, such as predictive policing algorithms, can enhance law enforcement efficiency and help prevent crime. Proponents may emphasize the potential for unbiased decision-making and resource optimization. On the opposing side, participants might raise concerns about algorithmic bias, privacy infringements, and the risk of reinforcing existing social inequalities. The debate could explore whether the benefits of AI in policing justify potential risks and how ethical frameworks can be established to ensure responsible and fair deployment of these technologies. Discussing transparency, accountability, and community involvement in the use of AI in law enforcement would contribute to a comprehensive debate on this complex and timely topic.

    1. The use of AI in policing isn't that much of a bad idea but if they are trained/programmed by biases, they may result in bias judgement. Not only that, they lack creativity and can't think outside the box, they can only work with whatever has been programmed into them. Also, creating an AI that can stimulate human intelligence is costly because it has to run on the latest hardware and software to stay updated to meet its requirements. AI isn't all bad but if we think deep we can find a lot of disadvantages of using it areas meant for humans.

      1. Can you develop this comment by giving examples to explain it further? For example, you talk about bias and a lack of creativity - can you say what you mean in relation to AI and policing?

        1. Ok, in being bias, like I said earlier on, if the AI is being programmed by biases, there could be a tendency that the AI will work how it is has been programmed and if it is built with the idea of it being unfair/bias, it may lead unfair treatment and judgement.

  • AI is a very big impact on the earth and the news I have learnt from AI is, AI is can help with cybersecurity. AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data. It helps in detection and protection of cyber-attacks. AI systems can learn and understand the typical behavior of users and systems. AI can continuously adapt security measures based on the evolving nature of cyber threats. This creation has changed the world and how we live in it.

    1. Yes AI can help in cyber security but it does not change the fact that security installed by robots can be hacked and they can be attacked by various viruses which would in turn render the AI completely useless and that organization might run at a loss and might even crash.

  • I have good question that has been ringing in my head, The question is.... if bots might be created in the future and some of them will having jobs or managing businesses, what will we humans be doing in the future, because I am highly sure people will still be paying their bills so if we don't have jobs, run any businesses, or any source of income how are we going to have a good and comfortable life to live?

    1. Well the answer to that in my question is the new jobs that are opened up by AI. An example being a software engineer or a manufacturer for robots. With the uprise of AI many jobs are opened up and some jobs are getting even more employees such as content creators who can use AI to their advantage to create videos so we will still have jobs just we will have to change them.

  • I think that AI will take over jobs that people love doing such as an Author, Artist and many more. However, if we do have AI it will provided us a job such as building and programming AI

    1. I'm not sure about this because... because if AI will provide us jobs such as building and programming AI, how will humans do all these jobs better than AI or bots can, because I am sure in the future AI will be able to do lots of jobs far better than we are doing right now, so how do we still have jobs in the future?

  • I feel that a good topic to discuss is whether or not robots will replace us and most of our jobs. Some people may be afraid that AI will replace them. I call this 'artificial intelligence takeover syndrome.' But a good fix for that is to remember that humans programmed AI, not the other way around. We have the ability to adapt and explore, while AI is limited to what we tell them to. So we will always have the upper hand. I'd love to hear everyone else's opinions on this topic!

  • I think there should be a hub post on the topic of Importance of education because, education is an essential tool for bright future for all of us. We can achieve anything good in life using the tool of education. Higher level of education on helps people in earning social and family respect and unique recognition

  • In these trying times, managing the stress and negativity around us can be quite overwhelming. With all the chaos and uncertainty in the world, it's natural to feel anxious and uneasy about the future. Many people are struggling to cope with the constant stream of negative news, which can take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being.

    That's why I strongly believe we should have a hub discussion post dedicated to managing stress and negativity. By coming together as a community, we can share our experiences and coping strategies, and offer support to those in need. We could discuss various ways to manage stress, such as mindfulness exercises, physical activity, or seeking professional help. Additionally, we could share uplifting stories and positive news to combat the negativity that surrounds us.

    In conclusion, having a platform where we can support each other and work together to manage these difficult times is crucial. Together, we can emerge stronger and more resilient, and overcome the challenges that lie ahead.

  • Since ancient times, society has been divided into three classes: the poor, the middle, and the rich. Today, it has become two classes, the rich and the poor. Here we ask the question: Why did things become like this? The reason is that capitalism has gathered in a minority group of people, but we can take advantage of this disparity by imposing a high rate of taxes. For example, 60% is charged on profits
    This percentage must be distributed to the poor, each according to his needs and the number of family members. Thus, the capitalist class helps the poor indirectly

  • I think there should a hub decision post about.... AI and Interspecies Communication: - Developing the possibility of AI systems that bridge the communication gap between humans and other species, enabling a form of language or interaction with animals beyond our current understanding.
    Thank you .

  • We see that the marriage rate in Lebanon has decreased and we wonder what is the reason? There are many customs and traditions that should be abolished because they get in the way. For example, they impose on the man a house, a dowry, and many demands, while the maximum wage in Lebanon does not allow this. He points out that if they were abolished and replaced with easier customs, by allowing the girl to help him because she has become an effective person and can work in most fields, then marriage would be possible without difficult and expensive conditions, because the girl is not a commodity to be sold in exchange for conditions that the family adheres to because of those customs. In this way we make it easier on the one hand, we encourage the formation of families in the community on the other hand

  • The ethical implications of artificial intelligence and its impact on privacy, job displacement, and decision-making is a topic that often sparks meaningful discussions and debates. The balance between technological advancement and ethical considerations raises important questions about how society should navigate the challenges posed by AI.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about Al - Artificial intelligence.Because, Al is an interesting and important part of digital technology. It has some positive and some negative thing qualities . Some of which are good for people and some are harmful . We know that Al can complete a work easily. If everyone depends on the Al , nobody can enrich his or her talent, quality, creativity and retention. So, we should limit the use of AI .
    I have also a discussion that is ; By Al,‌ we can produce various devices to save from various road accidents or Al can directly or indirectly save us from various accidents. Which can save many people's lives. Currently, various illegal acts like theft, extortion, fighting, robbery are making people's lives miserable in different parts of the world. One day many people are being killed in different parts of the world. If we can use Al honestly then maybe in the future we can save people from these laws. I will be greatly reduced from different countries and the police will also be able to catch the accused easily. We need to use Al honestly and in a certain quantity so that people are not harmed and various problems can be solved easily. Only then, we can dream of a beautiful future with Al. Thanks.

  • In my pov* there should be a hub discussion on the the society of the 90's and the society of tomorrow because with the rapid growth of humans,tech's in the world we are more advanced than our older gen' plus Ai and diff' technology are improving causing our society to be better than yesterday .
    For these types of reasons I think this topic will be great to discuss on beside other topics suggested !!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about AI because AI is being used daily in our life. We can learn many things with the help of AI, like everyday we use smartphones, computer, and other electronic devices, which is also a part of AI. As artificial intelligence has many advantages, It also has disadvantages too. People are using AI to Photoshop the pictures, It is much more easier but the people who Photoshop the pictures for money are losing their jobs.

  • I suggest initiating a hub discussion post about how we can maintain balance in the use of AI and prevent its abuse because it would help individuals understand how to use AI without abusing it.

  • I think there should be hub discussion about the effect AI taking over the medical sector.
    In my opinion AI are going revolutionize the medical sector . Already we have heard of AI that transmit words into signal language for deaf kids and the creation of robot surgery , which perform complex surgeries, such as the Intuitive Surgical . I think an AI that can diagnose someone with just a full body scan be created and also an AI team that can come up with cure of dangerous diseases like cancer and HIV AIDS can be created.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about AI and emotional intelligence. Where we could search for answers to questions like:
    Can AI be developed to understand human emotions?
    Can we teach AI empathy?
    What can be the potential threats or advantages of teaching AI emotinal intelligence?
    I think these are some questions that need to be addressed in a world where AI is such

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about safety with AI because there are children out there who dont know about AI and it doesn't leave anything out so if the child enters something into the AI's chat they might get the wrong answer and it could lead to something else. They could learn about things they shouldn't know at their age such as racism and sexism. In conclusion we need to have a discussion on this before its too late.

  • In Lebanon, Beirut was exposed to floods due to heavy rains, as well as the flooding of the airport, which is considered important for expatriates, and the reason is weak infrastructure. We know that a large percentage of the Lebanese are expatriates and are distributed throughout the world, and we know that they work. If a small amount of their income was sent to support the solution of this problem, or instead, those who invest their money abroad must invest it in the country, and thus the state takes a percentage of the project and improves the infrastructure because people suffer from these floods and most people settle in this city because it is the capital. They are exposed to financial damage, especially those living on the first floor

  • I think a topic that would make a great debate is" Can AI take over the world "

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion post about "What ethical considerations should be prioritized in the development and deployment of artificial intelligence, and how can we strike a balance between innovation and safeguarding human values?" because, AI affects our lives in many ways. We need to talk about making sure AI is fair, doesn't invade privacy, and is accountable when it makes decisions. We also want to prevent AI from being used for bad things like cyber attacks. It's not just a local issue; it's a global one, and we need rules and cooperation internationally. We must consider the impact on jobs, be clear about how AI works, and make sure people trust it. Keeping things simple in AI means finding a balance between progress and being responsible, so AI benefits everyone
    Thank you!

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about ways which AI can be monitored and controlled. As we all know, AI is developing daily and is getting more advanced. Some people believe that one day, AI will takeover. This is a hypothetical situation in which AI becomes the dominant form of intelligence on Earth. This is a major reason why people do not want to trust AI. Though this is most likely not to happen, prevention is better than cure.
    Developers can do this in so many ways. They can begin by controlling the people who have the ability to access the advanced chips that train leading AI models. This way, people with bad intentions cannot develop the most powerful AI systems or overwrite the original instructions given to AI.
    Another way is by establishing general rules. Government should create rules in order to make sure that AI is responsibly developed and used. Government should also teach citizens more about AI. To ensure that humans retain control we need to understand the technologies we use. We need to understand where and how we are use them in our everyday lives. AI should be controlled and monitored so we know how far it can go and prevent AI taking over completely. This why I believe that there should be a discussion on how to monitor and control AI.

  • i think there should be a discussion about AI because it is an issue that could replace all jobs.
    for example, if teachers are replaced by AI ten it may be easier for students to misbehave and do things like bully each other, leave classes early or even do worse. it'll become a big issue in the future which will cause the world to get worse than it is. if we start relying on AI too much then we could be replaced and become bored and have nothing to do. if this happens then it may become an even bigger issue. there are many reasons as to why AI may affect our future for the worse. we should consider the pros but we should also remember the cons of allowing AI to help us. Thank you for your time.

  • As many movies are included ai in a good way, some are not. The movies kids watches are some about the ai ruining the world and taking over. We all know this wont happen but the kids are scared.

  • I believe that AI is more of an advantage to human life than a disadvantage because, in my opinion, AI could be a place to discuss how you feel, question what is going on in the word and can be a safe area for people to rely on if they are in a situation where they cannot go to anyone else.

    Also, AI was created by humans to provide information that causes an input and explains an output. As humans created artificial intelligence, they could easily take it down as well if it was so negatively impacting human life. After what i have stated, i believe that AI has positively impacted humans and should continue doing what it currently is.

    1. I disagree yet also agree a little bit with this comment. While AI can be used to seek help for mental health and to get a good recipe for cookies, I have an issue with someone talking to AI as if it's a friend. If you're speaking to AI like it's a person, you may lose social skills and lack in human interaction. This has already happened with the use of Character AI and other apps where people talk with AI. '

      AI has also affected artists badly by stealing their work, and I'm afraid it will do this same thing with architecture, fashion, and even writing. I don't believe that the creators of AI, us humans, will ever take it down if something bad were to happen with it, since as stated before, there are already plenty of problems with AI.

  • I think that AI is getting too advance and if it continues to go up at this rate that people would start to lose jobs, money and eventually maybe even other peoples lives. This is because people wont have a way to be gettng money so that means we wont be able to buy normal human necessities ike food or water.

  • There is a question in my mind: Why are there so many diseases, especially dangerous diseases? We have recently discovered that crops are irrigated with sewage water. Therefore, if there was another source, I do not think that the farmer would resort to this method, because due to the high cost of fuel, he cannot use generators. We encourage the associations in Lebanon should support this project to install electrical energy that works through the sun. In this way, we support the farmer on the one hand and reduce diseases on the other hand.

  • I think that Ai could help jobs and work rate because this can mean more workers to make more ii.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about human intelligence and artificial intelligence and if AI can be replaced with instructors and tutors in general or not. We can't deny that AI applications can do the given tasks efficiently and accurately but still their capacity is limited comparing to human intelligence, but we don't know if this limited capacity will be changed in the future and as we can witness nowadays the huge development in natural language processing and it's a fast growing field . Humans can communicate with each other using speech and now machines can ,too.

  • The news that we hear about Gaza daily hurts the heart and soul. Children are dying everywhere. What is the fault of these children? Is it forbidden for them to live, or has there become no mercy in people’s hearts? If I gathered together a number of countries around the world, we would see that if each country contributed to supporting that country, I think it would not affect their country’s budget. We encourage making this contribution not for the sake of the adults, but for the sake of the children, in order to provide them with shelters, heating, medical care, and their minimum special needs.

  • I would like to talk about charities and their importance. Charities are wonderful organisations that cause so much happiness to poor people and support them,they care about the uncared for and satisfy those who can't taste satisfaction.

  • I have one question, how could AI in the future be managed and have limits properly set to it? A discussion that I'd like to see is one entirely about this question, this is a very important topic and it should be explored more often. Although the AI Companion discussion may be close to something like this, it isn't exactly about this topic. This will be a very important aspect of regular world function in the future if AI is used as much as we think it will be since without limits or proper management, AI would ruin most jobs and things that it's supposed to help with. Once again, this is a very important topic that should be talked about more often and it should be thought out carefully and quickly as the use of AI for most things might not be too far away, and if we dont have proper limits and rules to it, the future might worsen more than ever before.

  • In my opinion, there should be a Hub discussion post about plastinian , Ukrainen and Sudanese rights.
    Because the whole world is talking about the event that happened when Hamas attacked Jewish settlers at seventh October and since then, Israel had been attacking buildings, women, and children. I think this is going to be an interesting topic where we're going to discuss Palestinian rights,
    Also How Russia is dealing with Ukrain and all the damage and suffering of the Ukraine people while the whole world could stop it till now ..
    People in Sudan are suffering sever consequences of the civil war in Sudan .. we all know that the war in Sudan is being feed by outer forces and policies..
    We should help raise people's awareness discuss how the human rights committee in America can play a role in solving or raising these conflicts around the world.

  • Hi
    Here is a good question for discussion or debate: How might the increasing use of (AI)Artificial Intelligence in education reshape the future of work and what strategies should be implemented to address potential challenges in this transition?

  • I believe that there should be a hub discussion post about AI's impact on jobs in the fine arts. There are many AI-based programs online that can produce art pieces, literature, and even music! Many people are subject to losing their jobs because of these AI softwares. I think that this will open a great discussion about what is going to happen to these people and how we can stop it.

  • As we move towards the future, AI seems to be getting more advanced and complex. I think that AI should be stopped and have limits. AI is only going to get more advanced, leaving humans useless as AI is destined to do everything for us. This can lead to humans growing more lazy and always relying on AI to do everything for them.

  • I think that there should be a discussion hub called "The Disadvantages Of AI". I think this because even though AI has many advantages over humans, AI still fails to generate emotions and does not compare one bit to human creativity.

  • I disagree with this comment because AI is everywhere now. The most talked about topic when AI is discussed is that many people are losing their jobs and many more will lose their jobs due to this advancement in technology. But that doesn't mean we can't get something good from AI or use it for our needs. Many students are happy to use chatGPT to complete their assignment for free. But using AI should not be a barrier to accomplishing simple tasks. However AI has a long way to go to truly revolutionize education and control and innovate technology.

  • Let's ignite a thought-provoking dialogue about the future of AI by delving into the concept of "AI Superheroes." Envision the possibilities if AI possessed extraordinary powers – how could it use them for the betterment of society? Imagine AI as a force for good, tackling global issues and collaborating with humans. Let your imagination run wild as we unleash the potential of AI superheroes in creating a brighter world. What superhero abilities would your ideal AI possess, and how could they bring about positive change? Don't hesitate to share your innovative ideas – let's join forces and co-create an exhilarating story!"

  • hello!
    i think that there should be a meeting about how smart AI should be because if AI is smarter then a human they will learn to disoby us and we will probably not know how respond.thank you for listening

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how AI would improve in the future because some people thinks that AI might be invented for nothing or just to make people lazier. In my opinion I think AI would make more of themselves to help humans to develop more skills. I also think AI could as well improve in a way humans would not expect.

    Thank you!

  • I think a Hub discussion post about the ethical implications of AI in healthcare would be valuable. It raises important questions about data privacy, biases, and human interaction. Additionally, the impact of AI on job displacement and the future of work is a topic that deserves more attention. In recent news, there have been advancements in explainable AI, which promote transparency and trust. Let's generate engaging discussions on these topics within the Hub community and explore their wide-ranging implications!

  • I propose establishing a Hub focused on "AI and the security of personal data." The key question is whether AI will enhance the security of our data or expose it to greater public vulnerability. Can we rely on AI to safeguard our data? Given that it's our data and our decision to enhance its safety, can AI contribute to achieving this goal? If AI were a sufficient holder of our data, how many encryption techniques would be effective enough to be applied to enhance AI system security? and I also want to know what other Topical talkers think.

  • I would like to suggest discussion on 'AI as study material'.
    The internet a form of AI is equiped with many helpful study materials for all subject matters one can think of. The work has now been made easier as platform such a digital libraries and now coming up so resources can go there and enter the topic or keywords to get materials from University assignments,essay and much more. As online or electronic library offers you access to a wide range of education resources to assist you in exploring range of subjects or topic your interested in. All the resources in the electronic library are assessed and selected by subject professionals.
    Thank you

  • I think that a good topic to talk about is ourselves. Over the years we have seen massive development in AI so I thought we could talk about us in the future. We can think about what we can do for a living and since there is so much technology it would be interesting to think about what are environment will look like.Will money be digital? How many places will be programmed by A.I.? I don’t know. This talk might also help us with future problems we could occur.
    Thank you for reading.

  • I really want to say that AI technology is everywhere now,on tablets,smartphones,watches and other gadgets.There are different apps like Snapchat,Skype that has AI robots to reply your question.AI can be an ad or a site or an app or an online poster outside.Now i am using AI to write a comment.Many people think from the movies they see that AI is a bad thing,but it is the right opposite of it.With AI someone can do a online job or a lesson and many more things.But now there's a catch...How do I know that in the sites that you comment , the replies are sent by AI programs that replies automatically every question?Even now I don't know if the replies in this site are wrote by real people or AI robots.Also all the Internet is made by last AI tehnology...

    1. AI is quite hard to avoid but you should be writing your comments independently without the help of AI!

  • HELLO!
    I think there should be a HUB discussion on data privacy and security in the context of AI? As AI technology becomes more prevalent, there is a growing concern about how personal data is collected, stored, and use. Safeguarding privacy and ensuring data security are crucial to maintaining trust in AI systems. It's essential to have robust regulations and practices in place to protect individuals' information from unauthorized access or misuse. By prioritizing data privacy and security, we can ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.

    1. I agree with that. AI depends on getting data from users to learn from them and from the responses that the user say in order for it to learn and develop using the algorithms that have been coded to help it. So, if there was a data leak or if someone hacked into the company that made the AI, many people's questions and things they used the AI for may be used by some people for malicious purposes. So, I think there should be regular privacy and security updates. Also, there should be a feature that makes people choose whether the AI can use the conversations to help with the AI or not. That's why I concur this discussion.

  • "I think we should talk about the future of AI because it can do incredible things, and who knows what it might do next? AI has so many cool abilities, and it's exciting to imagine what it could become in the future. Discussing this topic can help us understand and appreciate the possibilities. From helping us with daily tasks to maybe even new inventions, AI is like a super-smart friend we're still getting to know. Let's explore the exciting world of AI together and see what amazing things it might bring into our lives!"

  • AI is has developed over the years and know it's really impressive and giving attraction. Due to the fact that AI is attracting there are many chances of some cultures disappearing. So I was thinking of making a discussion on whether AI can preserve culture mostly Africa.

  • Hello.
    I think there should be a Hub discussion about: "The combination of AI and healthcare, because the combination of AI and healthcare has the potential to revolutionise the way healthcare is delivered and improve patient outcomes.
    So my question is: Are there any potential challenges or drawbacks of using AI in healthcare?

  • I think there should be a discussion post about how humans will develop in many years. Could humans look different because they do a lack of things which AI does for them? Could our brains work differently? How would we go about problem solving? No one currently knows what AI will do to humankind, but what if we start thinking about it now? Can we stop AI from taking over the world?

    This is a lot of questions, but if there was a discussion post based on these, we could use everyone's opinions to think about if AI is really a good thing or a bad thing for humans.

  • I think there should be a HUB discussion on the importance of recycling and it's positive impact on the environment? Recycling helps reduce waste, conserve resources, and minimize pollution. By separating recyclable materials and making sure they get properly processed, we can contribute to a healthier planet.

  • From my point of view, there should be a Hub discussion post about AI in the law ⚖.
    Imagine a legal research challenge that used to take days now being completed within mins. AI-powered equipment can automate time-eating tasks like record assessment, legal research, and settlement evaluation. This frees up valuable time for lawyers to cognizance on extra complex and strategic paintings, ultimately improving their efficiency.
    In addition, AI will make abig difference in the law with its advantages :
    1)Enhanced Accuracy
    2)Cost Reduction
    3)Improved Due Diligence
    4)Enhanced Legal Research
    5)Improved access to justice
    6)Increased productivity
    So we're going to discuss other students opinions about this question
    "Do you think AI in the law will achieve abig difference?"
    Why? And Why not?

  • Hey there! It's such an interesting topic, right? The whole idea of genetically modifying plants to boost food production just so much helpful for farmers dealing with our growing population. I mean, more food from a single plant – that's pretty awesome. But, you know, it's like playing with a double-edged sword. On one side, it's a game-changer, helping us meet the hunger challenge. Yet, on the flip side, there's this concern about how it might impact our health. I guess it's like a something that needs to be handled responsibly. And , there's this whole thing about pests evolving into little villains to tackle these super-plants. I So, what do you guys think about the whole genetic modification in plants?

  • In my prestigious opinion a good discussion would be about people using AI to make it seem like this is there work this needs to be talked about more and whoever uses AI should be banned or finned for example rappers like bad bunny made an album using his voice but AI lyrics if you wouldn't mind let this comment stand out so the community can get with this case.

    Thank you for your time

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about whether the AI created by humans are going to be future or end of earth, On one side AI has made our work easy and on the other side it has made people lazy in some specific
    way. Their is a cartoon series named "Simpson" which has predicted that AI might take over the world and making human's jobless and the crazy part is that the show has made lots of prediction in which 31 actually came true. And it becomes more terrifying As you might know than many people are starting to loose their job because of AI. There was also a very popular news 6 year ago about two facebook robot talking in their own language which couldn't be understood by human themselves and the AI were shutted down. We must not be happy yet for our invention of Artificial Intelligence just by it's many useful feature because every good thing has a bad side.

  • I think there should be a discussion on how AI can forecast natural disasters?
    Now with advanced technology we can predict seismic activity by measuring maybe seismic waves.
    Accordingly they can help us for any indication they have about extreme weather conditions , if a tsunami is going to hit somewhere and so on.
    For me AI could be a future tool for any natural disaster.

  • I think that there should be a discussion about artificial intelligence in Healthcare. We all know that AI is a technology that is fast developing so what is stopping us from using it to provide Healthcare, with the help of AI would be able to enhance our Healthcaret through different ways including accurate diagnosis and treatment plans
    Whit the help of AI in the Healthcare sector it will be much easier to provide equal medical treatment to individuals, with AI lots of way to improve health care will be created including electronic health records drug development e.t.c
    In conclusion AI will truly develop healthcare in future.

  • I think there should be Hub discussion post about AI because some people need to understand the dangers and goods of AI .To my understanding , i know that AI is very useful but AI is taking over people 's jobs . Sometimes , AI needs to stop so everyone can have a great future just like they wanted .

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion about whether or not humans are better than AI because it's a very controversial topic. Some people believe AI are better than humans, meanwhile some people believe humans are better than AI. This topic is very controversial and leave people questioning. I believe the topic is also very interesting and fascinating, and that many will enjoy discussing about the topic to others.

  • I think there should just a discussion hub of a general talk and opinions of AI,

    In my opinion, i don't really want AI to be created, it will cause more problems that isn't needed, we already have enough problems in this world. It will also create social anxiety and laziness as they will just rely on the robots. I also believe that they will create air pollution because of how much oil/ battery they will use

  • I think that AI may be used as a self-educator, it is really helpfull if you want to ask it a question or talk to it, maybe sometimes it can be used as a friend. In my opinion AI should be blocked only during exams, as they are really helpfull.

    1. Interesting ideas, @analytical_situation. Are there any downsides to using AI?

      1. I'm not sure about this because AI can be compared to a humanbeing, it can still make mistakes, i do not think that it can understand the feelings, but in other place it can still support a human through a use of text, it's not a big support, but it's at least something

    2. Yes i agree with that, but at the same time whith homework, people will be using AI to do their homework (which is also called laziness) but i do think having a friend would be a good idea

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about AI and how it affects different forms of art. Nowadays, there's a discussion in social media about this topic. Many illustrators, authors, musicians and many more professionals in the sector of art are upset about AI and how easy it is for their work to be copied and sold by anyone. Different forms of art lose their value as it is possible to create anything by writing a few letters in an AI program.

    An example worth mentioning is in literature. AI can copy an author's writing style and write sentences, texts, even novels using that personal style. Some say, if authors are paid for that, the problem will be solved. But is this really the case? Won't the writers' work lose its worth? Will it be still unique and interesting?

    This is the theme which upsets me and I believe we should be informed and raise awareness on the topic. Will there be a need for illustrators now that all kinds of pictures can be created by AI? Is some singers original work better than a song composed by AI using their voice? How many jobs will no longer be needed or lose their value and uniqueness?

  • I think it's important to have a solid question so people will have fun answering it so I can give some solid examples about questions. (1): If the AI you made is too bad and unacceptable to be a smart AI and your financial situation will make you change 3 things in the AI what things will you change and why
    (2): some people say that AI will be smarter and endanger humanity's lives so if that happened what was the beginning of that and then AI become like this and who made AI smarter to do this

    Please reply to me and discuss my


  • I think there should be a discussion post about how people's personal experiences with all of the past discussion topics such as , Business and Politics: What could go wrong, or AI : The future of Education and Work. In this discussion, people can share all of their experiences with these topics. I think this should be a discussion because it could bring people together and since there is a limited selection of topics people will find it easier to relate and discuss topics. Finally I believe this would impact the people here tremendously. Because not only will they be sharing their thoughts they will be sharing the experiences and what they have done meaning their texts would have much more detail and emotion. That is what I believe would be a great discussion. Feel free to reply to this comment with your opinions, thoughts, questions, or concerns. Thank you for your time!

  • I think people should know about AI because its important. Its on the news alot and we need to understand it. It would be good to talk about the things that AI does to replace humans and how people feel about that. Some people think its taking jobs away and some think AI can do it better.

  • I think there should be Hub discussion post about how AI was made because l am curious about it . It's very interesting and I would like to find more about it . These are the things l know about AI already :
    . AI stands for Artificial Intelligence
    . AI can help you to learn how to play a voiln or more and it can teach you a language you like

  • My suggestion for a topic is 'Do you think that AI will be able to programme new AI robots and create them?'
    I think this would be a good discussion because lots of people think AI can do any job but would they be able to create copy of them selves. If so, they could programme new features to improve them selves.

  • A topic that I think should be published is The Impact of Learning. That should be a topic because robots are starting to take over a lot of jobs and teaching can be one. The learning environment for kids in the future will most likely be different from now. Almost everywhere you go now days robots are working or doing something orderly to help us humans. That includes teaching. I also think children in the future would be learning from robots in other places too, such as the store. I say that because robots have to calculate money, and if kids in the future are watching them and listening to them, they would be able to learn from them.

  • I would like to see a discussion about the ethicality of AI. There are many discussions up about AI but I would like to draw attention to this specific one. Are AI softwares and robots really conducting its decisions with thought and morality or just going off what has been inputted. If AI is really ethical then it should provide information which is in favour to all and evokes fairness and equality. This also draws attention to the topic of the regulations/laws in the development of AI technology to make sure it is used in a responsible way and ensures privacy and confidentiality to its users.

  • After todays live lesson and hearing different point of view my opinion has changed I was more against AI as it could take people’s jobs and taking the place of humans like in teaching But I’ve learned about how they could do dangerous jobs like working in nuclear plants or deal with toxic material. It could also help teachers with marking so they can do creative stuff. So could there be a discussion on the benefits of AI so others can see how they can help us.

  • I know this is a discussion related to AI, but I believe a topic on the 2024 election would be worthwhile to discuss. It has been a popular subject in the news due to the possible return of Donald Trump after his time in prison. The political community has been discussing whether Donald Trump's return is good or if Joe Biden is a better option.

  • I think that a good hub discussion would be, will AI take over the world. I have been looking through the discussions on the hub about this topic but there aren't any. I feel like this discussion will help people to really let their feelings about AI show and people will be very interested in this topic as well.

    1. I feel like this would be a good discussion too! I often have questions on this subject as if AI technology gets so advanced will it even know that it is a robot. Reminds me of the movies where generations of robots are powered again and talk over but not in a good way as there are certain ones who start stealing peoples bags or belongings. But in all seriousness do we really want AI to take over, we should be the more powerful as we created them but as they say knowledge is power and the more knowledge and development we give and do to them the more powerful they will become and could eventually take over.

  • Why do software developer, creat a malicious software, knowing well that it will disrupt the system and they will be the one to create an anti virus. Example of malicious software are Bot net,trojan horse etc.
    Do you think they do it for money, because I feel it is wrong.

    1. I totally get why you think it's wrong. Creating malicious software like botnets and Trojan horses can definitely disrupt systems and cause harm. Some people may create them for money, unfortunately. However, it's important to remember that not all software developers create malicious software. Most developers use their skills to create helpful and innovative solutions. It's just a small group that chooses to go down the wrong path.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion on" prevention of AI disadvantages" is something I believe is necessary since if people do not take preventive measures ,AI can exploit the fact that people are always dependent on it to take over the world 🌎 further more they will become more educated than people because we wouldn't come up with a brilliant idea without their assistance. THANK YOU

    1. Hey @thoughtful_hedgehog, can you tell me what you think AI disadvantage prevention measures you would suggest?

      1. I suggested this topic because without us being educated we can't understand what AI will do to us . negative or positive. So we have to study well. THANK YOU

  • I think there should be a discussion about the risks of ai in society
    ai has different risks but i feel like they aren't taken seriously because they haven't reached a bad point
    which without care and attention can reach that point
    the risks of ai involve privacy invasion, job loss, and inequalities

  • I am totally agree because AI enhances the speed,precision and effectiveness of human efforts. In financial institutions, AI techniques can be used to indentify which transaction are likely to be fradulent, adopt fast and accurate credit scoring,as well as automate manually intense data management task. It can also automate complex processes and minimize downtime by predicting maintenance needs. In conclusion, studing AI is an invaluable endeavor that can open many doors for those interested in technology related fields.

  • I believe that there should be a hub discussion about AI and how you can change your identity.I say that because Ai has advanced so much that people can change who they are. For example there was a person who used and app to sound like Joe Biden to persuade people to not vote in the primary.

  • Hello 👋

    I think there should be a Hub discussion post about AI because it is going to be very important in our world as our phones. ☎️

    I think a human being is better than AI 🤖 for doing jobs, because all AI or most of them can’t do jobs for example building houses. 🏘️

    And I think AI can’t replace humans although they can’t replace humans they can create new jobs or do tasks that we can’t do for example drawing and painting better and working faster in most or all jobs!

    On the other hand AI helps humans in their tasks and already we have AI most of us know and use like google, chat GBT, Microsoft and Poe.

    Thank you ☺️

  • I think that a topic that is not discuss about that much but it definitely should is about the limits of AI. For example,when will AI become so advanced that we will no longer be able to differentiate it from real humans. Where should we set the limit?

    We have already started to see this happening. For example, Chat GPT has started to become so advanced that you can hardly tell the difference between something real and something AI generated.

  • I think a good discussion would be on the differences and similarities between browsers and AI because there is a difference but they in a way complete the same function, but the differences could be clearer than the similarities.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussion about AI & emotions because right now, AI is not good at making unbiased decisions! For example, what if a formal criminal who's turned good is accused of stealing from a grocery store. When they get there, they notice the judge is AI. The AI judge looks through the formal criminal's prison record, and sends him to jail anyway, even though the formal criminal did nothing wrong! We need a way to let others know that AI could be unfair because it has no emotion and can't feel sympathetic for others! What we can do for a hub post is we can give examples of how AI can help & harm people because it has no emotion, and ask members of Topical Talks weather they support or go against AI because of the reasons listed. I hope this was a good idea!

  • Good Day Everyone,
    I believe there should be a hub discussion post on "Can AI Be Used In Sports?", as as we know, AI is taking a step in every field, and so, can AI be used for more accuracy in checking who actually won the race, and to have a little more complex games like "Whoever maintains their speed throughout the race the best, wins" which will require special sensors throughout the tracks and other competitions like that. It would open doors for people with special talents and abilities and for the people who are mentally and physically disabled to function the same as they used to before, like artificial arms and legs can get more accurate according to the user with the help of AI.
    I feel that it would be a great discussion as in this topic, we will be discussing the future aspects of AI and how we can make the most of this valuable resource we are building.
    Thank You!!!

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion about AI and the future of war.
    In this topic we could talk about how AI can improve our fiscal cimbat and how they re strategise and make our wars less complicated.
    The reason I chose this topic is because most of these our loyal military soldiers have families depending on them to come back so they can reconnect with thier families again so we can stop risking the lives of our soldiers. And i also think whith the proper testing and proper coding i think we can accomplish our goals and help make the world a better place to live🌍.
    Thank you.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion about AI and the future of war.
    In this topic we could talk about how AI can improve our fiscal cimbat and how they re strategise and make our wars less complicated.
    The reason I chose this topic is because most of these our loyal military soldiers have families depending on them to come back so they can reconnect with thier families again so we can stop risking the lives of our soldiers. And i also think whith the proper testing and proper coding i think we can accomplish our goals and help make the world a better place to live🌍.
    Thank you.

  • There are a lot of things I have learnt about AI and unemployment during my discussions. When I think about it properly AI is also a cause of unemployment. Replacing humans who work to provide food on their plate daily and making these people poor is something that AI has tendencies of doing. Therefore I think there should be a discussion on HOW AI CAN REDUCE UNEMPLOYMENT AND POVERTY INSTEAD OF INCREASE IT. Unemployment is something that is really troubling these days. People are losing their jobs daily and are being drenched in poverty. AI is also a factor causing this As AI is taking over jobs, human workers are losing them. I think we need to think of ways to resolve this problem and I think that AI has the ability to do this.
    AI can stop poverty by creating new job opportunities. These opportunities should not just be jobs revolving around AI. As humans we all have different talents and different skills. AI might not be someone's strong suit which is why I strongly believe that AI should create jobs which are vast and have variety. AI can also stop poverty by providing access to resources like education, healthcare, etc. which people can use to gain well paying jobs. By giving people access to important resources they need, AI can help them find suitable jobs which can reduce poverty. I would also like to hear other ways in which AI can reduce poverty which is why I think this should ba a topic.

    Firstly what is AI-artificial intelligence.
    This is defined as the ability of machine program to perform task or different activities.
    1. Examples of AI and robot sports - What are some examples of existing AI and robot sports? For example, the RoboCup competition involves teams of humanoid robots playing soccer. Another example is the DARPA Robotics Challenge, which tests robots' ability to perform emergency response tasks. What makes these sports unique, and how do they push the boundaries of what robots are capable of?

    2. Advantages and disadvantages of using AI and robots in sports - What are the potential benefits of using AI and robots in sports? For example, they could provide new levels of precision and consistency, or enable sports that wouldn't be possible otherwise. On the other hand, there are concerns about the impact on human athletes and the risk of job displacement for human coaches and referees. How do we balance these potential benefits and risks?

    3. Ethical issues related to AI and robot sports - As AI and robots become more advanced, there are ethical questions that arise in the context of sports. For example, how do we ensure fair competition when some teams have access to more advanced technology than others? How do we deal with the issue of robots injuring or harming human athletes during competition? What about the use of performance-enhancing technology in robot sports?

    4. The future of AI and robot sports - What is the future of AI and robot sports? Will they become more mainstream, or will they remain niche competitions? What are some areas where AI and robots could transform sports in the future?
    Here are some few suggested discussion of mine THANK YOU.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about old habits vs new habits because technology has changed people from then to now. When you look at society today we are addicted to technology. We use the phone for almost the entire day and we barely talk to people face to face. Whatever happened to writing a letter to someone and waiting the next day for one back. Instead you get to text someone and immediately get information back.Now it is nothing wrong with that but with the old habit of getting a letter you could not wait to open the paper and see what that person had to say. Another example is family moments. Since being addicted to electronics has happened it has affected families too. Moments like being in the kitchen with your parents while they are baking or sitting down and watching tv together are the little things that count/matter. Now people would rather stay in their room ad watch tv then have a social interaction with one another.This is why a question I would like to ask is would you rather have old habits or trade it in for your everyday new habits that we have in are world.

  • 1. Will the AIs take over a lot of jobs in the future?
    2. How will they affect our every day lifes and why?
    3. Could it be a good idea to use more the AIs and why/ why not?
    4. How will our planet look like in 50 years?

  • Hello,everyone.
    I think there should be a hub discussion on "How Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help to tackle climate change and balance the environment". Climate change is currently the most worrisome discussion. As a result of climate change, every living being in the world is facing various problems and if this continues, human existence will be threatened and the world will be destroyed.In this case, if artificial intelligence plays a role, then it will be possible to get rid of a big problem like climate change. Therefore, in my opinion, such a hub discussion is very important.
    Thank you.

  • There are so many factors that AI can cause destruction, as follows:
    1. It can render humans futile, therefore making humans not needed for the development of a digital world.
    2. It would cause economic crisis in different parts of the world.
    3. AI would make the upcoming generation not to bother about education and building up something they can be remembered for.

  • I think we should start a discussion on what benefits AI could have on our everyday lives. AI may have malfunctions and other issues, but they are not entirely bad to use. There are some good things AI can help us with to make a lot of things less stressful. This is why plenty of businesses and organizations use AI for different things.

  • I think there should be a discussion called 'Will Ai make people lose jobs in future' because it makes me curious to know if that might happen.

  • hello everyone,
    As we all know, AL stands for Artificial Intelligence. Whose role is immense in our real and daily life. It was not near us in the past. After 20 years it expanded. It is being used in developed countries as well as underdeveloped countries. People did not have an idea about it before but now it has spread worldwide in the age of knowledge and science. Artificial intelligence has negative aspects but more positive aspects than that. Which is currently being used by people to improve the quality of life while some people of diplomatic nature are turning negative aspects into tools. It is used everywhere. It is not eliminating human jobs and increasing unemployment but inventing new jobs to keep up with the times. For those who know about artificial intelligence, this is not scary but helpful. For those who are not connected or familiar with it, they question the thought that it will consume their social and personal life because of its terrible fear.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about the use of AI to edit someone's work or creativity. This is because most people use AI to edit an idea they have. If this happens should it be considered as the person's work or should the glory go to the AI. Who should take the credit? Over to you guys what do you think?

    1. Great question! What do you think the answer should be?

      1. I believe both the AI and the person deserve credit. This is because the person comes up with the idea and the main point while the AI helps by fixing punctuation and improving grammar to make the point clearer. This shows how good the AI is at making grammatical corrections which people appreciate. I think it is a team effort between the person and the AI that makes an amazing work at the end.

  • I think that there should be a Hub discussions post about whether AI can be trusted because AI might be programmed to help humans, but, it depends on who programmes it. If the person who made it didn't have a positive reason about why they signed up for the job or if they programmed it wrong and didn't realise, it could have a major impact. Perhaps they didn't think ahead, however, no matter what the reason, there's always a consequence or result of the mistake. And because technology is gradually making its way up to things it can't do now like emotions, it might result in the loss of lives. What would happen if the robot isn't programmed correctly? Would the people programming it have someone or something watching them at all times?

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about : "At this point in life , do you think AI will do something better then humans. The reason I think this post should be a thing because I personally think that it will be fascinating to see if people think no or yes.
    My opinion on my point:
    Adapting on this point, I don't think AI will do something better than AI because Isaac Newton, who was an english polymath, created something we know today as 'Gravity' and I don't think AI will create something as good as that.

    Isaac Newton created gravity in the late summer of 1666-or 1665- after watching an apple fall and asking why the apple fell straight down rather than sideways or even upward. This all took place in Woolsthorpe Manor and you can go there and that same tree is still standing after 350 years and even after a storm that took place in 1816.
    AI could create something good BUT not something good as gravity and many other things.

  • There should be a hub discussion about chat gpt because it is a very important topic in the history of AI. Chat gpt is an AI language model used by many other robots and for personal use as well. I believe this should be a topic because it is very wide spread and very popular. As well as that, it is used by hundreds of companies to improve their own AI and robots, and I think it would tie into this topic of AI. Most people know about chat gpt, so it won't be difficult to write about. Plus, there are many different types of this language model and other companies are trying to use it for one of their own AI language models.

  • A topic that I'd like to talk about is "Flying Cars". I would like to discuss this topic because I want to know when flying cars will be used in the real world. I just that it would be an interesting topic and I hope that others like it as well.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about AI as this current topic is stepping in all strata of work.
    "As every coin has two sides" , likewise AI too has its own advantages and disadvantages. Disadvantages of any concept depends upon how we human use that particular resource .Thus we cannot blame AI for things like lose of job , laziness and so on.I agree that most of the people in the world has loss their job due to emergence of AI but then too AI cannot replace human.We ,humans are the one who are coding to make AI more evolved thus the jobs of software engineer, architecture, civil services, doctors ,etc are still leaving an option for the human to select it as a job.AI can never replace humans. if we human are the only one who can create AI then we human are the only one who can stop it from misusing it.Although AI has some disadvantages it too is a boon for the modern society.

  • I believe that the hub should post a discussion about if AI should be able to develop real emotions or should have its evolutionary growth stunted. I feel like this idea would spark up personal opinions and be a very interesting topic to read about. I fully believe that this topic will allow people to to express all their deep and meaningful responses for this topic. The reason I want to see people discuss my topic is because I myself do not now which side of the argument is better and it would be a delight to view people's ideas about this topic. On one hand should we hold somethings freedom even if its not human, or will it express its desire for revenge over joy.

  • I believe it's essential to have a conversation regarding AI and career opportunities, as individuals may not always be aware of which professions are in demand in their own country. For instance, if Mr. A aspires to become a doctor but his country does not highly regard medical professionals, he should explore other options by researching online to determine which country aligns better with his chosen occupation or values it more.

  • I believe that there should be a discussion on the Hub about how much we can trust AI because some people may be accused incorrectly for using AI, perhaps for writing a book, an essay, or even work at school. Of course, sometimes they may have used AI, but there may be other times where a person has honestly written their piece of work, but have to do it again. Also, as a plus, if people do get accused wrongly, then it may mean that their piece of work was really good but it does not come to use sadly. This is actually quite serious because it really will not be fair and it could affect people getting a job they want.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about" EFFECTS OF AI ON HUMANS". I think this will be one of the great topic to discuss and debate about. As we use AI like daily and this AI is making us lazier day by day. People are saying that there will be a day where AI or robots will rule the world and we will be their slaves. Nowadays in some countries like Japan, south Korea, etc. robots are being used in place of waiters, people who photoshop picture, etc. Most of the people are losing their jobs and can't even afford to buy food and clothes. I know that AI is great but what about the other people. In this topic, I want to discuss about "how we can minimize the use of AI in daily life?" and "what do you think will AI rule the world in future?"
    Thank you!

  • I think we should create a discussion about if we didn't have AI devices or technologies how would the world be like.
    Thank you!!!!!

  • I believe there should be a hub discussion about how us humans can apply AI to our daily lives. AI is seen as useful and is often used, but how can AI be used in our daily lives? The question interests me and I would love to see people coming up with many different ways AI can be used in people's daily lives and not just work or school.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion post about what we think about climate or AI because it is always good to share opinions and when you are reading through it you might just a bit change your prospective.

  • I think that there should be a hub discussion on THE DISADVANTAGES OF AI AND WHAT IT CAN DO TO THE SOCIETY. I think that there should be a hub discussion on it because lately I have been hearing news about how AI can bring about downsides and insecurity among people. I just have a feeling that if it is raised in the hub there will be positive solutions and good research results because on topical talk when news is spread, there will be quick and fast solutions. That is one of the reasons that I like topical talk and wanting that to be a discussion about the disadvantages of the AI

  • Hey!
    I think there should be a topic of discussion on “ AI And Politics”. I think as AI does so many things that can help improve the emerging world. So I think AI can help the politicans by informing them about the arising problems in the society. The politicians can use the information and bring up solutions in their campaigns which will make the citizens have positive feelings towards the politicians to lead their society and make it a good place. This help the politician to get a lot of votes and may lead to the politician winning the election. Lastly AI can help by giving the politicians some ideas when making speeches to address his fellow citizens this can help in campaigns. In future using AI as electoral officers can speed up the counting process and reduce rigging and help the electoral process be more transparent.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how our generation/ young people are going to be affected by AI this is because as AI develops and grows we might depend on it examples include using it for homework or essays and maybe have less sources of income when becoming adult as it AI will be able to do 10x the job of one human which will grow the amount of LIC (Low income countries) which is something that needs to put on the table and be discussed. Additionally there will be more technological industries that can sometimes only be accessed with high education which not everyone can afford.

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about the ways in which AI can provide opportunities for people with disabilities or those who have physical limitations. AI offers multiple possibilities, but its potential to create a new world for disabled people stands out. While we currently have AI based hearing aids for people with partial hearing loss, imagine expanding boundries beyond that. Instead of just trying to fix hearing, why not try to make a chip to put inside of someone's ear to fix their hearing? Maybe we could also develop a structure of some kind for people who are unable to walk . The potential for creating something new is boundless ,we are just awaiting the next scientist to bring this technology to life for the better of the world. However a question rises regarding pricing. Given the reasoning behind the technology , I believe it should be accessible to all at no cost. On the other hand ,we must also consider the resources and time invested in such projects leading some to argue in favor of charging for these advancements.That's why a key question on this topic could be whether technology for disabled individuals should be provided for free or if there should be a cost associated with it.

  • i think about the prime minister changing all of our things i dont agree with it because our summer holidays should be 5 weeks instead of 4 because we dont do enough even know we do 30 hours a week plus homework and they think we dont do enough

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about AI in Art and Creativity because AI is now being used to create art, compose music, and generate creative content. It's making us rethink what creativity really means and how AI fits into the whole artistic expression scene. This has got me thinking: is art just about human hands wielding brushes and pens, or can machines get in on the action too? I'd love to hear others opinions about this.

    1. Do you think that AI can be as creative as the human mind?

      1. Eva @ Topical Talk
        It is proved in theory that AI can be as creative as humans under the condition that it can properly fit the data generated by human creators, thereby reducing the debate on AI's creativity to the question of its ability to fit a sufficient amount of data.

        Here are some ways in which AI showcases creativity:

        1. Art and Music Generation.
        2. Writing and Storytelling.
        3. Game Design and Levels.
        4. Innovation and Problem Solving.
        5. Humor and Wit.
        6. Collaboration with Humans.
        Thank you!!!

      2. I believe that AI has the potential to be as creative as a human mind. This is because AI is created by the human mind and it is programmed with human reasonings, answers, and thoughts. Also AI is comprise of many creative human thoughts answers and responses. So I believe with this AI could even be more creative than the human mind as it has access to many amount of human thoughts and ideas. I think combining the creativity of AI and creativity of humans can lead to a better outcome.

        1. Interesting ideas. Are there any downsides to AI?

          1. Yes, Chole @ Topical Talk!
            There are some downsides to AI.
            AI sometimes needs lots of information to work, but that might mean it has to know private things. So one cannot have full privacy.
            Secondly, bad people can use AI to hack your bank account and take your money which can lead to poverty. Thank you 😊

          2. Hey Eva,
            That's a fascinating question! I think AI can’t be as creative as the human mind because human creativity is like a magical blend of feelings, personal stories, and understanding others—things that AI finds complex because it doesn't have feelings. Also, humans come up with cool ideas from their feelings, daydreams, and thinking outside the box, which can be super puzzling for AI to get the hang of. Moreover, human creativity involves coming up with fresh, surprising ideas and thinking in many different ways, things that AI finds difficult to do.

      3. Hi Eva@TopicalTalk,
        I believe the human mind is more advanced than AI because if the human mind can create something as powerful as AI in the first place (for this question to be posed), then we must await the wonders the human mind has yet to create. AI is actually not a powerful tool as others believe; I think it is powerful in just mimicking ideas and developing them. A study by Stanford University found that AI systems often struggle with tasks requiring creative problem-solving or abstract thinking, indicating that there are still significant challenges to overcome in achieving human-level creativity with AI. Theologically, they are just machines, and machines from the least powerful to the greatest require human tuning from time. To conclude, I don't see AI being more powerful or creative than the creators themselves (humans). Thank you.

  • This topic will bring a lot of debate.
    What are the risks of using AI in law enforcement?

  • i think there should be a hub discussion post about whether Artificial Intelligence will have a positive impact on young people and generally how will AI affect modern society and future world. I am inclined to believe that this is a really interesting topic to tals about. Feel free to express yourself!

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how far can AI go because AI can draw, talk, make games and ect. this could be good/bad for our future. AI will help us learn and we can help it adapt so that would be good but if we help it adapt to much it could soon take over the world and make us there prisoners for all eternity unless we can stop it (lets hope that never happens). so if we set a limit to how much a robot/AI can learn we can be more safe than how it would be if we didn't have a limit

    1. How far do you think AI should be able to go, entertaining_mood?

      1. i think they can go as far as they want as long as they don't have there own thoughts or at least not a lot of thoughts

      2. Hello Katie@topical talk.
        I think when it comes to how far AI can go, the possibilities are endless and we cannot predict what the future hold. I firmly believe that we should.push the limit of AI and see how far it can go. For instance AI has already been used to detect eye diseases like diabetic retinopathy with an accuracy rate of over 90%. This technology could greatly impact healthcare worldwide.
        I am thrilled to see how AI will continue to evolve in the coming years. Thank you

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the pros and cons of Ai. I say this because that is a subject I barely hear getting talked about. Many people don't know about how Ai is good and or bad. We should all be educated with the latest things going on at this time. Ai is one of them. Together we can all get educated on this subject and help stop Ai for getting bigger or together we can all make is bigger.

  • will we keep our roles in society when it comes to the AI advancements or will taxi drives be replaced and will our grounds keepers be replaced by bots? it's interesting to see how AI can do so many jobs we can do right now and oen day AI will make jobs that we can't do

  • Nowdays when everywhere we hear news of online threats,bank transactions and many we have came upto such a extent that we are misusing AI for such inappropriate things like leaking important and sensative information,threating people emotionally etc..i think there should be a hub disscus on these harmful impact of AI and technology in society also there should be a hub disscussion on cybersecurity...I just ponder if now we have made AI so advanced to misuse it so what will be the conditions in future..?!!

  • I think there should be a hub discussion about if humans would become more lazy if AI did everything for them.
    I think it is a really good discussion as it is a question everyone ponders . Me and my classmates had a discussion and it was the most asked question. I am really looking forward to seeing the answer in the future.

  • I feel it would be fun to have a discussion about whether AI should be given the ability to have emotions. I think it would be a fun topic and will spark up interesting ideas. I would love to read peoples thoughts about this and it would be a pleasure to see it on the hub.

    1. How do you think emotions would change AI?

      1. i believe that if AI had emotions it could understand the human mind better and think with the an empathetic mindset as well as allow many sociologist a better chance to study human emotions without putting any mental states in danger. This would give us a much better understanding of our human mind that even though its been with us our entire life we still know next to nothing about it. Given AI the power to feel human emotions would stop its over all ability to work, do you think that takes away its rights to feel happiness are sadness just because it is not human. Everything has emotions loins to bugs can feel things so it is not just rsared for humans. so well you take away AIs abillet to feel joy. Thats way i would love to see this as a discussion on the hub. To see if people will diseased to let AI run without emotions for their own sake or show a bit of competition for something they don't need too. Thank you for letting go into further detail about why this would be a great discussion.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about virtual world games because people may know a new things about it for example, if it is harm how to use it in which time and many other things. To begin with, virtual games are good in some ways. Some people play these games for fun also to fill free time and this isn't a bad idea. This is the good way to use it. On the other hand, many other people get addicted in these in these games and of course this is a bad thing, which affect them negatively. No matter if virtual world games are good or not, but it can help people explore new, different, and special things.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the role of AI in combating climate change, because it's a pressing global issue where technology can play a significant role. If AI has advanced this much, then we should use it to help end climate change🌡️. For example, i think AI can be used to improve renewable energy production and distribution.

  • I would like there to be a discussion on the hub about how AI could help children with learning disabilities, such as people with speech impediments or dixlesia. I think people on the hub especially other kids with learning disabilities could think back on their experiences and show fantastic ways to improve them with the help of AI. They could even decide if humans are better at teaching them.

  • I think a question that would make a great debate is " Would AI replace humans and is it a good thing or bad thing"? We did this bonus debate after the lesson, and it seemed like a hot topic. People had completely different opinions. But I personally think AI would replace humans which would be a very bad thing because this generation is a completely different world depending on technology and I don't know any job that does not include AI or smart devices. It would be a bad thing because it is most likely for poverty rates to increase. Example: In a huge company are needed six employees to be cleaning. But a day after they hear about an auto cleaning device and declare that people are no more needed for the cleaning job. Whether little or not is has been able to take a job out of the hands of people and if this was their only opportunity they would go through a lot. I would love to see totally different perspectives.

    1. Great to hear that your class did a bonus debate on the issue!

  • I believe that there should be a Hub discussion post saying "Would you want to work with AI when you get a job?' or "Does your future include AI or not?" My reason behind this topic is so that we can hear other ideas on what people want to be when they grow up. Also this question allows the student to think about their personal future and for the safety of it. Students can also include extra things saying if they it does include AI is it harmful to their work space ir if they could live without it.

  • Hi!!
    I think there should be a hub post discussion about how AI can be used to prevent or respond gender based violence because most people who fall prey to gender violence have limited information snd guidance to their rights.
    Thank you so much!!!

  • Hi everyone!
    I think there ahould be a hub discussion post about Integrating AI to Brace An Even- Minded Care into a National Quality Program. After several hours of brainstorming, I came with this idea with the reason being that AI can be used as a tool to stimulate a fair minded care into a National Quality Program.
    Thank you.

  • I think AI is good because you can use AI for anything and in the future there might be AI at jobs and we won’t need to do any think because AI Will do everything for you and you don’t need to do anything and in the future there might be flighing car or shops on the water.

  • I believe that a really good discussion topic would have to be "Is AI helping education or hurting it". I believe this is good because in today's society I have seen many A.I programs for all purposes. There are AI's for homework, work, essay making and even talking to people. I know many students use many AI to do their assignments, projects and even essays. AI is improving day by day it could even turn into a point where it can analyze how you do everything and turn that into a AI to do everything for you while you louch at home doing anything other than your work.

  • I think there should be a discussion on the hub about what new jobs will open up because of AI. I think it is a great creative thinking activity to help people with a creative spark especially with in the home stretch of topical talk.

  • I think we should have a student hub discussion post on the topic of whether robots can be dangerous for humans. Since my childhood, I have been wondering whether robots could cause any harm to human beings. In 2016, a scientist invented a robot that was asked whether it would destroy humans. The robot responded, "Yes, I will destroy humans." Many people, including Elon Musk, have stated that AI robots are very dangerous to humans. If we make this a student hub discussion post, we can discuss whether AI is dangerous to humans, and if yes, why? And if not, why not?

  • Hello, there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion about "voice transcription by AI". Now using artificial intelligence, it is possible to easily imitate another's voice in just 2 seconds. It also enables realistic voices. It can be used to give voice to the speech impaired. Also, AI can be used to add voice to games. But there are downsides to voice transcription by AI. Many use it to impersonate respectable people and try to endanger them, which they did not do. As a result, people get wrong idea about that person and ruin that person's life. So I think, there should be a hub discussion about this interesting topic.

  • Hi, there.
    I think,there should be a hub discussion about "Impact of Artificial Intelligent on Art". Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that deals with writing computer programs that can creatively solve problems. As the world has progressed due to the use of AI, it has created difficulties.
    Personally,I think that art is the product of human creativity. That is, art is the original idea of ​​man born from human intelligence or man creates something through his inner power that cannot be matched by any other work. Nowadays, many people create various works of art by using AI. I think that a person who can't do anything without using AI cannot be an artist because he doesn't have the ability to create something new. Due to the use of AI, the importance of real artists has decreased a lot. AI creates a new work of art in harmony with the inherent originality of humans. It reduces time,cost and effort. But it does not reflect a person's artistic ability. This topic is interesting and will create debate among students. So I think there should be a hub discussion about the impact of artificial intelligence on art.

  • Hello, there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion about "how this affects people using it?".The issue of Artificial Intelligence is quite fascinating. Researchers and inventors have made realised that with the invention of AI, the world would be a better place for the application brings about ease to the users.
    As the world claimed to be advancing in the world of technology, so we are degrading in the human race. I can boost that AI has brought about goodwill to the nation. Apple's Siri and Google's Ok google has eased some sort of stress off peoples back. They get to give the body rest because approximately, the body works up to 6 to 8 hours a day. It will be an advantage to them but as human, we are born lazy with the slightest form of assistance. Addiction to the AI will set in leading to human not being able to perform their day to day activities because they have relied solely on the assistance given by the AI. Also, there won't be any form of creativity because it won't be able to think outside the box. It only will operate on the algorithm set on it making it difficult to deal with as the datas contained will be pre-fed or present information. It cannot predict the future.
    This isn't to adulterate the usefulness of the invention, but giving attention to the side effect I believe is more of concern. Thanks.

  • Hi, there.
    I think there should be a hub discussion about "What ethical concerns should be taken into account when creating and using AI in art, and how can we ensure that AI is used to enhance creativity rather than replace human artists?""because it touches on several important aspects of the intersection of AI and art, including honorable concerns and the part of AI in creative processes. As AI is already being used to generate art in various forms, from music and visual art to literature and poetry while the use of AI in art creation can lead to exciting new possibilities, it also raises ethical concerns such as the prospect for AI-generated art to be used to deceive or manipulate people, or the possibility that it could displace human artists.

    In my opinion, Discussing the honest considerations of AI in art creation can help us better understand the impact of these technologies on society and culture. Additionally, exploring ways in which AI can complement and enhance human creativity rather than replace it can help us identify new opportunities for collaboration between humans and machines in the creative process.
    Thanks a lot.

  • I think there should be a Hub discussion post about "AI bots on Hub?", because it will make a good debate about people being on the Hub. I think if AI generated robots should be on the hub, it will be possible for them to be approving or giving stars to comments at any time of the day even during hours at which people are supposed to be resting, and it will make it easier for people to get their comments checked faster on weekends, because the bots will be checking comments 24/7, but the people on the Hub have jobs to attend to, so they won't get all the time to be checking students comments everyday. Even though some people would disagree with me by explaining the points listed, which will create a good debate about the topic. Also there has always been a question about topic that I really needed an answer to, "what if the people on the Hub would have AI generated bots as assistants, who would respond to any question asked, or follow all instructions being assigned to do".