Show what you know

A new topic means a new chance to test your knowledge of the news.

This short quiz is a good chance to see what you know about eco-anxiety and the climate crisis. Good luck!

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  • I think the most important thing for people to understand about eco-anxiety is that what it feels like varies from person to person. The extraordinary circumstances of climate change and pollution affect our mental and physical states in many ways and it is important to know about it.

    1. This is an important point, fantastic_song. Can you elaborate? How do climate change and pollution affect our mental states?

      1. Hi,
        In my opinion climate change and pollution can affect our mental states in many ways, okay like in the aspect of climate change, climate change has caused a lot of problems and obstructions. Imagine losing your properties, your source of livelihood, your loved ones and many other things you hold dear just because of of the natural disasters that climate change contributes greatly to, for example floods, tornadoes, tsunami's and many other things, that could really affect your mental health and state of mind because some people at at that point can suffer from shocks, depression, anxiety and even post-traumatic stress disorder. These kind of events leave very big scars in the hearts and minds of people. I found out that people in the epicenters go through these effects a lot. I can only imagine what people who are affected go through if someone like me who just sits at home and watches news about it feels horrible and emotional. Even eco anxiety can affect someone's mental state because during my research I learnt from the American Psychology Association a definition of eco anxiety that can back up my statement, they described eco anxiety as "the chronic fear of environmental disaster that comes from observing the seemingly irreversible impact of climate change and the associated concern for one's future and that of next generations”. eco anxiety is literally worry and worry can do a lot to the mental state of a person , and the level of worry differs from what aspect the worry is coming from. In my opinion climate change can have very deep effects on our mental health.
        Thank you!

        1. I totally agree because climate change and pollution have really affected our mental statement because as the years are passing more climate crisis occur and totally we humans really need to act on this in my own point of view cause it gas also really affected me I would suggest that we take great actions on climate crisis the following are ways we could stop climate crisis:

          1.learn how to recycle ♻️ properly.

          2.use less renewable energy resources.

          3.keep calm and plant more trees.

          4.use less plastic.

          5.use less hot water.

          6. Changing our main energy source to clean and renewable energy is the best way to stop using fossil fuels. These include technologies like solar, wind, wave, tidal, and geothermal power. Switch to sustainable transport. Petrol and diesel vehicles, planes and ships use fossil fuels. Let's be calm and work seriously because it doesn't affect only one person it affects all. Link to justice. Climate change is not just about science, its slso an issue of justice. And lastly avoid stereotypes.

          1. Your comment about climate change being an issue of justice is interesting. What do you mean by that?

            1. Hi,
              I feel that climate change is an issue of justice because it is a human rights issue, everybody should have the right and opportunity to live life freely and with dignity. Still, the climate crisis is causing loss of lives, livelihoods, dialect, and culture, putting many at risk of food and water sparsity, and triggering disagreement and conflict among people and the various parts of the world which may bring forth injustice. The climate crisis hinders the right of humans to good health. climate crisis or injustice affects the educational system to as during climate caused disasters infrastructures and educational institutions are destroyed, this takes our right to education. Lately, even those that least contribute to the climate crisis are unfortunately suffering the effects more, for example Africa. This is my opinion on climate being a matter or issue of justice.
              Thank you!

              1. Hi, I totally agree with you.Climate change is not only about climate.It's about the eco-system and our surroundings. And issues about climate is going to affect us, one way or another. This has put some limitations on human rights and has affected the society at large.

                1. Good afternoon, I see where you're going with your comment and I totally agree. Eco anxiety can cause a sensation of suffocation or even depression. Climate related fears should be navigated with great care. You can also watch and be mindful of the symptoms such as panic attacks, loss of appetite, irritability, weakness, and sleeplessness. Eco anxiety is nothing new, it's been around since 2007.

                2. I can also agree with this comment.Climate change is also about are ecosystem and our surroundings. Seeing how bad the climate around of us has change can affect us physically and emotionally.Physically you could have have body issues or skin conditions after maybe breathing in or drinking any harmful substances that come from nature. Maybe even seeing dark clouds and grey smoke skies can make you sad and not really feel excited to do things. For example When I wake up in the morning I see the sunrise that affects my mood and makes me happy to see the beautiful sky and hear the birds chirping.

              2. Yes I am totally agree with you. Climate change is a huge issue and humans right issue. Climate change is not only about the climate .It’s about the environment and resources around us.

                I strongly agree your point “ Lately, even those that least contribute to the climate crisis are unfortunately suffering the effects more”. Those countries who have contributed least in climate crisis they are effected more as there is not a boundary in air like as land between countries

                That’s my opinion

              3. I am not sure what to say, is it really a violation of human right if we caused it?
                I really adore your thoughts, but it has left me hanging.
                95-100% of Climate change is caused by humans. So, if we are facing the outcome of our mistakes, it is a violation of human right.
                I agree with you when you said Africa has a minimal contribution to climate change. Africa contributes just 4 percent of climate change despite being the continent to suffer from it the most.
                It is sad that Africa is suffering the most even though they had a minor contribution to it.
                But at the end I think you are mostly right that it is a matter or issue of justice.

                1. Interesting ideas. Can you tell us where you found your evidence?

        2. Wow, I couldn't agree with you more, giving_snail! You've represented a powerful point of view on how climate change can impact our mental health. It's so tough to deal with the loss of loved ones and jobs, as well as the environmental damage we see around us. And on top of that, worrying about the future just adds to the stress. I think it's so important that we recognize these effects and show support for those who are struggling with the psychological challenges of climate change.

      2. Hello Sarah!
        Climate change and increasing temperatures have shown to sky rocket the levels of allergens and poison pollution present in the air leading to worsened air quality. Materialised evidence suggests that poor air quality can critically impact mental health , in particular depression and anxiety

      3. Hello Sarah
        In my opinion ,environmental changes and pollution can really mess with our brains. Like. When faced with these massive storms, not only can they wreak physical havoc, they can also have profound mental health effects. Witnessing familiar landscapes destroyed and communities dismantled can be deeply unsettling for individuals, disrupting their A sense of safety and security.. Take Katrina for example. In 2005, it hit New Orleans and the impact was devastating. People lost their homes, friends and family and all good faith. Again, it's not just quick damage. People may experience a lot of stress and anxiety because they worry that a similar situation might happen again. Additionally, pollution from vehicles and manufacturing plants not only harms the air and water, it also affects our psyche. When you cannot breathe properly due to heavy air pollution, it is not only harmful to your body It can make you feel uncomfortable and frustrated. also, we should not ignore the financial aspect. When environmental change affects output or triggers catastrophic events, it can disrupt entire economies, leaving people unable to work and struggling to survive. This complete vulnerability and instability can really have a negative impact on our mental health and it's something we really should to embrace.

    2. I scored a 10 when I carried out this quiz. In as much as there are stores about climate change everywhere on the news, I still fell scared. How does the reminders about climate change make me feel?
      To me, I would say I have a negative feeling about climate change. This is because I suddenly feel uncomfortable because of the kind of environment I find myself. Due to some careless practices, the environment has witnessed a great deal of climate change like erosion,smokes from factories,quarry, and even vehicles. There are cases of earthquakes and even tornadoes from some other countries. The lives of animals are endangered (both land and sea), it often sends fear in me because I am wondering if this planet can ever get it right and save whatever is left. The big question on my mind most time is; what if the level of enlightenment is low and people don't act fast,then someday the whole earth is wiped out or probably come down with deadly aliment? What if we suddenly become like zombies because of our careless behaviors? The what if's are so many on my mind. I must say I am scared.

  • The most important fact from the quiz that people need to know about is the fact that over 75% of young people said that the future is frightening. It not only lets you know that young people- contrary to popular belief- are very aware of what's going on and even fear it. The situation makes everyone anxious, regardless of age, physically and mentally.

    1. I totally agree with you. I actually thought it would be around 40 % of young people being worried about the future of climate change and I was positively suprised about that large number coming up. We are the generation that will be most likely to be affected by global warming and other factors of climate change- and we already are. Our generation has to be aware of what is happening and what will be happening in the future . There is no planet B and if we want for our children and grandchildren to be able to live on our planet without having to deal with enormous consequences , we have to take matters into our own hands.

      1. HI! I agree with you. I also made a mistake in the percentage of young people worried about the future of the climate change. If the data is correct, that are good news because it would mean that there are more possibilities to change the way we look and care our planet in the future and that we're evolving correctly.
        Young people are the future of our planet. If the children of today's society don't think that there's a problem on the planet, who would care about the planet in some decades? It's important to raise awareness about the critic situation we're living.
        We can't change the past, but we can still change the future.

        1. To be honest, I agree with you concerning the aspect that climate change has a cause for worrying. In my opinion I'll say that climate change isn't just what started yesterday but is as a result of our own actions,for example in the process of producing materials like paper,wood and other products made from trees,there have been an increase in the felling of trees in the wild which has led to a lot of chaos in the economic i.e deforestation and the likes. In essence,I'm trying to say that we can stop climate change by simply conserving/preserving our natural resources alongside reducing the rate of pollution in the society,this way climate change can be stopped/reduced.

      2. I totally agree with you on this. Earth is the only place we can call home and we as humans can survive but climate change is slowly making this home feel hunted and unfriendly. I was shocked that 75% of youths know about the issue of climate change yet it feels like only a few are concerned about it. I have come to understand that the amount of people aware and worried about the climate doesn't mean it is the same amount caring and working towards making the Earth a safe haven for everyone. I personally feel that youths should be enlightened on how working towards reducing climate change would be really effective. Youths are aware of it but the true question is whether or not they feel obliged to curb it. Some youths feel like they are being forced into curbing climate change but we need to enlighten them that it is their duty if they want to continue living safely in their planet and they want to ensure their future generation would be proud of them.

      3. I agree because I was also shocked on the large percentage of youths worried for our climate future that means they care! If only they channeled that energy into actually making a collective difference it would really impact a lot of us ( both humans and animals) either directly or indirectly e.g recycling ♻️ wastes PLASTICS. They are non biodegradable meaning that they cannot be digested or decomposed by any micro-organism. They just pile up and make a mess. Choose to be different✨️, choose to make an impact✨️ Plastics also affects global warming Because single-use plastic is produced from fossil fuels, extracting and creating these plastics emits vast amounts of greenhouse gases. It is estimated that just the extraction of these fossil fuels and their transportation to plastic factories emits 1.5 to 12.5 million metric tons of greenhouse gases.
        All these can be reduced if we collectively work together and fight against this!

    2. I completely agree, as the future generation, it has been left up to us to try and fix or push back the inevitable effects of climate change. The younger generation has begun to realise that we can no longer wait for our children and grandchildren to fix this problem our ancestors have caused. This has left many young people frightened about the effects that it will have on them and their futures. Whereas the older generations have less of this anxiety because they won't necessarily have to deal with all of the consequences that those of younger generations may have to endure some of the worse and more negative consequences. I think that is a good thing that so many young people are anxious about climate change because if they weren't then there would be no one trying to save our environment.

      1. I agree because the future of the earth is now endangered, if nobody cares for the earth, there will be no future for us or the generations to come . This has left many people with eco-anxiety, which is the consistent worry about the earth's climate and all it shelters. The young people must rise to the challenge or nobody will. Our tomorrow is in our hand and it is now or never.
        The truth is about climate change is very glaring and its effects visible so I quite don't get it when some people make it look like a fiction. The responsibility now largely lie on young people to try and save the earth.

    3. I completely agree with you! The fact that 75% of young people are concerned about the future ignites hope for those who live with fear of climate change. This reflects how people's efforts towards combating climate change have not been futile. If we continue to move forward, we may be able to make up for the extensive damage we have caused. As youth equipped with resources, it is our responsibility to work for a better future, not only for ourselves but also for the generations that are to follow. After all, if not us, then who? If not now, then when?

    4. Agreed. The fact that 75% young people are concerned about their future will not just impact their mental health, it is likely impact the society very adversely. The more young people will be fearful about Climate Change, the more they are likely to turn to a radical approach, maybe a adopt a complete "Thanos from Marvel" like ideology.
      The worry about lack of job opportunities due to overpopulation and limited life of the planet is making most of us think "Let's live everyday like our last" on an extreme level, to the point where we get too carefree or irresponsible. There's competition for a simple 9-5 job. Every teen today is looking at most of the fellow teens as competition more than friends or collaborators. The world is turning into a lonely place, and all because we don't feel safe about our future...
      It's concerning.

      1. The insecurity will be there unless we start taking measures to fight off climate change, small positive changes will uplift the people and create a little sense of security, and I do agree that people should remember about the changes but I believe rather than thinking about the climate change its time that we start taking actions for the climate change.
        the ideology "Let's live everyday like our last" is okay but not on an extreme level, but I also agree its making people irresponsible, it will make people think that its unsure what would happen tomorrow so let's be carefree today, and this cycle goes on and people do not work to their full potential. I also think all of the anxiety of people around us about climate change is concerning we'll have to find solutions.

    5. I agree with you. The fact of the quiz is really significant. It is a powerful reminder that young people, contrary to what some might think are actually very aware of the current state of the world and the challenges that we are facing. But here is the thing, it’s not just young people who are feeling this way, the situation affects all of us regardless of our age. It is totally understandable that people are worried about what the future holds. The impact it can have on our planet and our lives is no joke. It is important that we acknowledge these concerns and work together to address them. By taking action like reducing our carbon footprint and supporting renewable energy we can make a positive impact. So let’s support each other and take action to address climate change and make a sustainable more future for ourselves.

      1. Absolutely radical_black bear, lets team up to protect our planet sustainably. We can reduce our carbon footprint by using clean sources and promoting electric cars instead of petrol ones. Say goodbye to generators and embrace solar power. Let's spread awareness by sharing flyers, organizing Small School dramas, and enlightening the young children about the importance of caring for our environment.
        Working together, we can make a positive impact on our world.

    6. I absolutely agree with your point. I guessed that only 40% of youths would think that the future is frightening. It is a little sad too that many youths and people are known about the climate change and it's consequences but only a few of them a worried and are willing to fix it. We the young people will be the generation to face such a big problem like seeing our home being slowly destroyed in front of our eyes if this case isn't taken seriously and fixed.

    7. If the youth knows and fears of the effects of climate change then we should act now. The youth can join the #ActNow campaign for climate action and sustainability. Learn from our peers on the Read Not Preach Platform.
      We can spread awareness about climate change, Recycle more often, plant trees, buy sustainable products, leadership at home is needed to lead too.

  • I had gotten a 9/10 on this quiz, however I learned something new from this that was of interest to me. The quiz shaired a fact on how search results due to climate anxiety has skyrocketed over 4,000%. This statistic was of interest to me because it shows how our modern days form of protesting (like social media), is a good awareness tool for the hazards of our future. However, it also provides to me an insight of how this tool can be used to fear monger and give people this anxiety. This just really stood out to me.

    1. I agree. Before this quiz, I didn't know that many young people felt alarmed by climate change. Its nice to know that you're not alone, and that people all over the world feel the same way as you. It means that the message that climate change activists have been trying to spread is finally going round. This is good.The first step to solving a problem is knowing and understanding it.
      I learnt a lot of new things today and a lot of new facts and figures. I, for one, have been motivated by the new knowledge I gained to do more to help the environment.This quiz was an eye-opener for me

      1. I got 8/10, I agree with invigorated anteater, climate crisis or eco-anxiety should be taught in schools and the government should take it open themselves to enlighten their citizens and the masses.
        It's also very refreshing to find out that there are others out there who care about the climate as much as we do

        1. Hi educated fox. I don't understand what you mean by eco- anxiety should be taught in schools. Eco anxiety is a fear of our eco system been destroyed by pollution, Ozone layer depletion etc.
          They should be taught acts that could have a positive and negative impact so that they know what to do to save Mother Earth not how to fear eco system.

        2. Hi educated fox. I don't understand what you mean by eco anxiety should be taught in schools. Eco-anxiety is the fear of our eco system been destroyed by pollution, Ozone layer depletion etc. Student should be taught the acts that could have a positive and negative impact on the environment instead. But it is nice to hear that other people care about climate change since not a lot of people care about climate change.

      2. I agree because... I previously held them misconception that younger generation disregarded concerns about climate change. However ,this survey revealed that 75% of our youth actively engaged with news, leading to heightened awareness and apprehension about the future. Recognizing this ,it becomes evidence that their collective efforts can bring about positive changes, enabling them to contribute significantly to addressing and mitigating the climate crisis

      3. I concur with you. Very interesting point made here. Due to the fact that each time I receive any news about climate emergency, it mostly is about negative news. This quiz has actually made me look at things on a wider scale to realize that no matter the type of news received, what matters is how we take it and what we are going to do about it. Just like Winston Churchill said, " A positive thinker sees the invincible feels the tangible and achieves the impossible." So, if we learn to look on a brighter side, we can see how we can improve our way of living and our world today.
        Thank you.

      4. Obtained an 8. Like invigorated_anteater, I agree. I was unaware of how many young people are afraid of what lies ahead until I took the quiz. I have to admit that the percentage is high—75%, or three-fourths of those surveyed. Individuals may find it difficult to make plans for the future as a result of their fear, depression, and reluctance to participate in some family-related activities. These individuals may be reluctant to have children or, if they do, may find it challenging to nurture them in a society that does not value the environment. This kind of emotion could agitate them, cause them discomfort, and inevitably have an impact on their kids.

    2. I agree with you, though I scored 8\10, I now understand now that I know that eco anxiety is the feeling of fear, helplessness or stress that an individual experience due to environmental crisis. It stems from the overwhelming concern about the negative impact of climate change and the uncertainty of the future. And so, It makes me feel more at ease to know that more people like me are feeling the same way that I do, because now that I realize that the voices that people raised about climate change where not in vein and that would people all over the world are ready to change for the better of their planet.

      1. I strongly agree with you radical black bear

      2. I strongly agree with you radical black bear. Although I scored a 8/10 at the quiz. Initially, I believed eco- anxiety solely pertained to concerns about climate change, as my mentor explained. However, I now understood that feeling anxious about climate crises is common. It is important to be kind to oneself and seek coping mechanisms for eco- anxiety.

    3. Do you think this use of fear helps engage and help those of younger and older generations to see this issue of climate change? This idea of fear against one common enemy ( climate change ) can help unite us as countries and as a world. Knowing how many young people have eco-anxiety just shows how willing we are as a generation to make a change and take a stance against this ongoing issue. I think that it is quite important to use social media as a form of not necessarily fear but awareness to those of younger generations, as most are on it quite religiously scrolling through posts and articles.

      1. Do we make good decisions when scared? Can you argue for both sides?

        1. I think we don't always make our best decisions when scared, but the fear around the effects of climate change will help us make these urgent decisions faster. There is no bad way of trying to help with climate change so even when scared someone may make an attempt to do something to help and fails it was still an attempt in the end that may or might not have worked out. When communities live in fear of the same thing it can drive them to make a change together.
          However, having to make these rushed decisions may in the end lead to no action at all, due to the fear of making the wrong decision. Ultimately people may just end up trying to co-exist with their eco-anxiety instead of actually taking action and trying to make a difference.

        2. I think when we scared, decision-making can be influenced in various ways. On one hand, fear may enhance decision-making by promoting a quick response to potential threats, prioritizing survival. On the other hand, fear can lead to impulsive decisions, overlooking long-term consequences, and hindering rational thinking. The impact of fear on decision-making often depends on the context and individual responses

        3. I can't say so because this would depend on the situation. For example

      2. I strongly disagree with you because climate change might not really unite countries because every country wants to be the "hero " by bringing up their own solution that they will be recognised for. What might work for a country might not work for the others. Also, I believe that social media posts can never be a way of awareness to younger generations but can even worsen the situation because they might blame leaders for all of these on social media. On top of that, some of the social media influencers have no idea of climate crisis or eco anxiety.

    4. I agree with you because it gave us the information taking our interest. Because it really showed how eco-anxiety activists had aware the world using social media and such festivals. They showed the world one of the most important issue which could affect the world. I was really shocked to hear most of young people like us also fear the future of climate to be frightening. Also, the google 'searches' were increased by 4,590% within the span of 4-5 years.
      It's good that people are starting to really understand the situation and to solve it.
      The quiz helped me a lot with it's amazing and interesting facts. I am really motivated with the fact that we can still reframe the eco-anxiety in a positive way and I am ready to take part in such programs as it now is for the better future of climate.

  • I think the most significant thing is to understand that the meaning of eco anxiety. A feeling of about threats to environment such a pollution and climate change is known as eco anxiety.
    And it causes people are becoming anxious about their future. We know that "the Australian medical association (2019) has declared climate change as real and predicting it to have severe health consequences, especially for vulnerable populations worldwide." climate change may affect in our life. I think climate change should be in our minds but we shouldn't worry about climate change. because it can be affect our mental health. We ahould always be cool and trying to develop ourselves and the whole world.

    1. I got 8 out of ten on my first attempt and I must admit that I learnt a lot.
      Firstly, Who would have actually thought that Google searches increased by a lot.
      According to Google, searches worldwide related to “climate anxiety” or “eco-anxiety” increased by 4,590% from 2018 to 2023, that's wild considering this is my first time of knowing this. This implies that deep down they actually care and want to make a difference but are just scared and worried. This can change by them joining climate change groups or anti-climate anxiety groups thereby they get to meet with people that have the same issue or people who had it in the past but overcame it, share their experiences to each other, especially on how they overcame it. I have a strong feeling that it will work.
      Secondly, a whopping 75% of youths find the future of climate frightening, WOW in my opinion I actually have two views one this.
      1. Due to this, they actually know the effects and damage of their actions which probably caused them to put their character or behaviour towards climate change to check thereby frightening to their ears
      But when we have a rethink THEY'RE SCARED, TERIFFIED. Their sense of reasoning is probably clouded by fear thereby not letting them think properly or better still await their faith instead of doing something to change it e.g eating more plant based food, recycling etc
      I'd like to see more views on this.
      Thank you all.

  • I got 9 out of 10 , I suggest you could make us do the tests at the end of the year to see how we can improve and reflect on what we've learnt.

  • I got a score of 6/10 and have learnt many things, but one news that is making me feel happy and stuck to my mind is the fact that we are gradually being able to protect our environment and our reaction to global change is a positive one. But I still feel that we can even do better with the development of AI. A very good example of such is the The United Nations Environment Program usage of AI to help analyze and predict the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, along with changes in glacier mass and sea level rise.

  • Hi,
    I guess I'm more enlightened about climate crisis and eco-anxiety than I thought because I got 8/10 in the quiz. What I learnt in this quiz was rather frightening to me, but I was still glad there is still a sign of hope. While doing the quiz the point that stood out which was the way people are getting more and more anxious each year. I saw that in the spam of four (5) years alone searches have increased by 4,590% meaning that people are getting enlightened by the day.
    I stated this fact not only because the numbers are flashy but because it could actually pose a good thing to humans with eco-anxiety. I am coming from the point of enlightenment and awareness, which means that the more people who know about climate emergency, the better because... people will rise up and take responsibility and look for more ways to counter climate emergency.


  • After this quiz, I learnt that it is not every news about the eco system that is always negative there are also positive news about the eco system like global warming increases agricultural yields because crops and other plants grow better in the presence of higher carbon dioxide and it also causes lower energy cost. In conclusion there are positive news about climate change, but we should work towards saving our planet because it is our only home.

  • Yeah so I got 7/10 in the
    quiz .Environment/climate isn't a topic I know much about and neither was I interested until I took the test and it obviously made me wanna know more about the climate and environment.With the 75% of youth believing that future related to environment and climate is frightening I am also included but now maybe I have a little bit of hope that it won't be frightening.I just think that even if just 45% of population from all over the world will work together and try to make earth a better planet it can happen.We should be more concerned about environment.We should show some care.Not only by putting our opinion but also working hard and not only hard we should work together for a better and brighter future.
    Thank you

  • So I got 8/10 and I was actually very happy to see that almost 70% of people are worried about the future of climate change....It was really an informative quiz because it is really spreading awareness about eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety is a genuine thing and we really need to start working on it and this must be considered as a world crisis/emergency.I think people who worry about this problem are really wise and many people might think they are overreacting over such a 'small' issue and they are just being selfish of their future,but they are actually seeing the reality and are reacting to it.They are not just reacting because it is their future,they are honestly reacting for the whole world.Global Warming and ozone depletion are real problems and they actually can destroy the future of not only a nation/country but of the whole world...By 2050,almost 200 mil people might have to relocate to their own nation because the changes in weather may worsen water scarcity and reduce crop output which is already a problem in the most food-insecure areas..With water scarcity,food insecurity and an uncontrollable climate it is very hard to see a future for us...So I really hope people open their eyes and start working on 'our' problem..

  • Hi, I scored 8/10 on my first attempt and discovered some shocking facts. The one that stood out the most to me was the baffling amount of youths who claimed the future was frightening 75%!
    Statistics like that make me wonder how much of an impact climate news has on our lives, so I researched and found out that climate anxiety can affect the risk of developing depression, anxiety, substance use disorders and other negative behaviors which is wild!
    I think inspiring people to do good by repeatedly showing the negatives is effective yes, but has a severe downside which is an individual’s mental health.
    We should try to strike a balance here between good and bad news since even the search about topics related to climate anxiety increased by a whopping 4000%!
    Won’t it be depressing to only see the negatives of our climate? Now imagine millions of people having feeling anxious about climate.
    Things like these make we wonder whether there is a correlation between our climate and things like our work effectiveness, crime rate, or even academic performance. Two unrelated topics in theory but very much related on paper.

    1. I am also agree with you. I Think Climate anxiety refers to the emotional distress and concern individuals may experience due to the alarming changes in the Earth's climate. On one side, this anxiety can be seen as a valid and necessary response, driving people to take action to address environmental issues. However, excessive climate anxiety may also lead to feelings of helplessness and despair, potentially impeding effective engagement with climate-related challenges. Striking a balance between awareness and constructive action is essential to manage climate anxiety positively.

  • I scored a 9/10 and learnt many new and interesting things one of them was that there is good news about climate change and that we can all do what we can to stop it from happening I also learnt that every part of the world experiences climate change so we are all affected by it.

  • The thing is people are getting scared about Climate change. What I think that they should be relieved because already we healed a lot. But that dosen't mean we should stop being concerned about climate. We should and always should be concerned.

    1. When you say "healed a lot" do you mean the planet? In what ways have you seen improvements and how do you think we could do better?

      1. By "healed a lot" I mean that as you know many things had happened. Like ozone layer is healing, surge in using renewable energy, people are limiting deforestation etc. These works can lead our planet into a better future and also inspire others to engage in works to heal climate change. Also on the other hand we progressed a lot in making less chlorofluorocarbons. That's all

  • Through this quiz I understand that having eco-anxiety is actually a good thing. It can be a game changer. When you are worried about something, you keep overthinking about it. And who knows in the means of overthinking you may create or discover something which can save the whole world. Eco- anxiety is kind of personal experience. But the whole world is worried about it. Let us convert our worried about climate into actions and hope for a future where climate is favorable. Take possible measure from each of your areas. We together can bring a great change. Let's be cautious about climate and build a safe environment for the future generations.

    1. It's great that the quiz made you feel so inspired, joyous_piano. Do you have ideas for actions that would make a difference, maybe in your community or region?

      1. I thought a lot about it, and I do make a plan to transform eco-anxiety into a positive action to save the planet. I have planned to open a social media page or group where all the people who are suffering from eco-anxiety will be the members of the group. In this group they can share their thoughts about climate and also can communicate with others. They can also come up with new and realistic solutions of the problem. We will arrange campaign on eco-anxiety and also take tangible actions. We can also make a social organization with those enthusiastic people and work for the climate. Through this organization we can create awareness among the general people. In this way, we can change our eco-anxiety into a social work which will help us to protect the climate. When the people will meet someone with same mindset, surely, they will feel a relief and will want to work more with them. Like this way, through small steps we can get rid of eco-anxiety and transform it into actions which will be benefitted for the whole world.

  • After the quiz it encouraged me to do more of researching and to continue watching the news, even if a person gets a low score or even a high score, they should continue to get better and to improve on whatever they got wrong in the quiz. I think people should write these questions down and research and watch videos on the questions they got wrong, or even do further research on the ones they got right.

    1. If a person is doing further research on a news story, how can they know that the information they find through their research is reliable?

      1. I think they should not only visit one site on their research but visit other sites to compare them to see if there is any difference, and if the words sound similar then they should know that it is reliable to learn from. If words don't sound similar then the person can prefer asking their teacher, a parent, sibling or friend.

  • I scored a 9 out of 10.
    I was able to learn a lot from this quiz on climate change and eco anxiety such as:
    1. Climate change is a worldwide problem thereby affecting every single country in the world.
    2. Everyone must make effort to prevent climate change.
    3. Eco anxiety is a personal experience and differs from person to person.
    4. We should stay active and involved in ndws about climate change.
    5. A very large percentage of people find the amount of climate change to be alarming,etc
    We must stay calm and continue to fight against climate change in our environment to ensure good and healthy living.

  • From the quiz I learnt that there is a need to act fast , if climate change is regarded as a crisis to make the public pay more attention and do something about it , and this strategy is actually working to have seen a lot of participation in the survey and searches which shows how concerned people are getting, this is actually a positive sign that indicates people are ready to change for the better of the world.

  • When doing this quiz it made me ponder on something pretty annoying when it comes to Eco-anxiety. This thought came from question 6 where it primarily stated " 10,000 teens/kids were surveyed about Eco-anxiety, and 75% of them stated they were worried for the future". Something that got me boiling is necessarily Teens/kids today. As a Teen myself, it is common to see Teens throwing trash not only on the ground, but on the streets as well. A common question we should ask kids is, if there were trash on the floor by a trash can. Would you pick it up, or leave it down there?". I believe at least 89 out of 100% would say leave it down. I study from (Allegheny Front) Stated " Oftentimes, people litter simply because there isn't a trash can nearby. Rather than uncomfortably carrying trash away with them, people decide it's easier to leave it behind". As @fantastic_Song stated "I think the most important thing for people to understand about eco-anxiety is that what it feels like varies from person to person". This will for sure affect our future.

    1. You use a great example from your own life here and you cite a source to build in the statistic in our quiz.
      Why do you think people's behaviour sometimes contradicts their feelings of anxiety about the climate? For example. I know that having a plant based diet is better for the environment, however, I still sometimes each animal products. Why do you think people sometimes don't "do" what they know they should for the climate?

      1. Thank you for finding my statement intriguing. Now when it comes to your question "Why do you think people sometimes don't "do" what they know they should for the climate?". Now first I would like you to know that a study showed that "Over 80% of the global adolescent population is not sufficiently active. 28% of adults aged 18 and above were reported to be insufficiently active in 2016". Now when it comes to our generation technology is gradually increasing, and AI seems to be in full effect. I feel as when it comes to the kids, from my point of view they show a sense of Minimisation. Minimisation - downplaying the significance of an event or emotion, is a common strategy in dealing with feelings of guilt. As a Teen kids seem to joke about Eco-anxiety, climate change, or littering in general. They'll joke about it being bad, but never take the option to prevent it. When it comes to the parents they feel as if they are too occupied and the matter doesn't include them as much. Although, this is my opinion, and if you like you could expand on how you think parents feel.

        1. Wow! You have taught me something new honorable_journalist! I didn't know about the concept of minimisation when dealing with feelings of guilt. You have done a great job of thinking from different perspectives too to analyse people's behaviour.

  • I got an 8/10 and I'm so glad I took this test. I was shocked to hear that searches on climate change increased by 4900% from 2018 to 2023. This shows the gravity of the situation our planet is in. Although climate change is found unsettling to people, I'm glad that this created an opportunity to enlighten citizens of the world on what we had been doing wrong for so long

  • The most important fact i would want people to know about will be about rising technologies that are been developed to help solve climate change issues. I strongly believe that with time this technology will become more advanced to solve this problem.
    Another fact is eco-anxiety, it is not bad to be anxious about climate change but by taking steps to improving the climate and creating awareness on climate change can make people change their behaviour towards the planet. This can also help reduce one's anxiety over climate change.

    1. I agree that the use of technology to enhance climate conditions can alleviate anxiety about climate change. Additionally, everyone can contribute by reducing CO2 emissions, thereby mitigating the impact of climate change linked to ozone layer depletion.

  • To me the most important thing was that 75% youths said the "future was frightening" which means that youths are aware of the problems affecting the planet contrary to what believes. This really amazed me as I always thought youths were never interested in this issue but I was shocked, 75% is a lot of people. Now I know that I'm not alone on this fight for our planet. This fact is also very important as people who are concerned about the planet will be encouraged to continue working better for the good of the planet because they know there are people out there who are feeling anxious and worried. This fact is also very important as people with eco-anxiety don't feel their situation is critical and understand it is normal for everyone to be worried about the climate.

  • I scored 10 out of 10. I learn a lot things from the quiz. The most surprising was to me that people searched about "eco -anxiety" or "environmental - anxiety " 3950 times more than 2018. It shows that the young generation are concerned about eco - anxiety. They feel to do something better for their planet. In some of countries the young youth are feeling it much. But one thing that we all has to do is not to over think about climate change as it hampers our mental health. Rather, we should think how to prevent it.

  • Hi everyone. I scored eight out of ten.
    According to a quiz fact on eco-anxiety that is essential for people to know, people's fear of climate change shouldn't stop them from studying about climate change. Everyone experiences anxiety differently, based on their individual experiences and coping mechanisms.
    I say this because people may recognise and manage their stress and worry about environmental issues by understanding the emotional toll that the climate crisis takes on people. This is where eco-anxiety comes in. It encourages empathy and support for people who are experiencing climate anxiety or eco-anxiety. We may begin the process of coming up with solutions as a collective and taking action to halt the climatic catastrophe by acknowledging and discussing eco-anxiety. It's a strategy to encourage positive change and a feeling of belonging.

  • I got /10 . From the quiz, I learned that experts have been using words like "crisis" and "emergency" to describe the changes occurring in the climate. Why are they doing so? Because they want people to act quickly to try and slow it down before it causes an irreversible damage. But I also learned that we should find ways to cope with eco-anxiety than to surround ourselves with all the negative stuff even though it overrides the positive.
    10,000 young people were surveyed from 10 countries about eco anxiety (including Nigeria) and its sad to know that 75% of them said that "the future is frightening". Can you blame them though?
    It is also important to surround yourself with positive news and crave to improve the planet. Joycelyn, from the quiz, does not want us to feel too overwhelmed about climate change but to focus on our strengths and skills to make our climate a better place for inhabitants.

  • I agree with you fantastic song,climate crisis is a very important aspect of human lifes, it's life-threatening because our survival depends on the type of environment we find ourselves. For example we all need clean air, water and food to survive as these are the basic needs of both human and a vast varieties of plants and animal species around the globe . One major factor that contributes to climate crisis is DEFORESTATION, this has proven to affect ecological balance in a number of ways, one of which is the aspect of agriculture. Lack of solid trees to hold the soil as a result causes the soil to leach then leads to soil erosion and flooding which eventually ends in the destruction and reduction of agricultural production in that particular region which means the presence of famine and food scarcity and when an organism (plants and animals) can not obtain the need food to survive its dies, leading to the increase in mortality rate . So this can be prevented by public enlightenment through various methods and intensive government implementation on the rules guilding the felling of trees in the forests . I'm sure that these few suggestions would go a long way in conserving our beautiful planet earth 🌍🌞.

  • I got 8/10 in this quiz; Climate change is the average weather pattern of a certain area experienced over a long time. However, I got to learn something special about the topic, I didn't care before. After attending the quiz, I am shocked that 75% of people are anxious about the climate change. But in some aspects its common to be anxious about the environment by seeing the current status of climate as it is our only home. I also feel depressed after knowing that we aren't able to save our environment. Climate is not static due to natural factors. Due to unchecked human activities, the climate of the global is changing much more quickly than it would do naturally. it is one of the greatest challenges the world is facing in our times. Effects of climate change are dire. Global temperatures have risen alarmingly. It is the evident that human activities are most responsible for the climate. Industrialized countries which consume more fossil fuels are more responsible but effects are worldwide. Polluted air travels place to place to cause similar harms. The task of controlling climate change cannot also be left to one or two countries. The world community must be committed to reduce the emission of green house gases. For this alternative energy sources such as hydroelectricity and solar power should be used. Forest areas should be explanded.At the same time, areas at immediate risk also need urgent help of mitigating the effects on them.
    Thank you.

  • Shaka Basnyat
    I think I have got better concept about climate crisis and eco-anxiety than I could really have imagined not just because I got 8/10, but the true fascinating facts I learned from the quiz. A point stood out to me that people are really getting aware about the consequences of the climates change and are getting more anxious every year. I really observed that within the span of about 4-5 years, the Google searches were increased by 4,590%. This shows that people are really concerned about the negative impacts of climate change that might be brought to their own lives and in the future generations. This has led to pessimism and left people more feared about the issue.
    People are coming altogether to minimize the upcoming impacts on the climate. It is surprising to know that the thinking of 75% youths think that because if climate change the future is endangered. In my opinion it's right not just because youths have a far-sighted vision, but it's coming real as we are facing some of the impacts of climate change already. At last, I think the quiz I participated in was really fruitful not just to me but to all others who partook. People are getting concerned about the climate change and are starting to thinking of ways to minimize the possible impact of the climate change as the impacts of climate change has been spreading throughout the world.

  • I got a 6/10, i guessed false and true on questions, but i was incorrect on some..the thing that surprised me was 75% of people said the future was frightening..This may be true, but we hope for the future to be brighter, climate change can scare us, and can make people feel hurt, Eco-anxiety is a VERY big thing in earth nowadays, many children can suffer from this, but, It CAN help change our community, Lots of people feel unsafe with global warming, and people are ma,king it worse, I want people to acknowledge this, and make people feel more safe.

    Thanks everyone! 👍

  • Not only one but the whole part is important to be noted related to eco-anxiety. It is because in our regular bases of life eco system is getting destroyed and hampered. Regularly people are ignoring greenery, afforestation,etc. People are getting injured and being killed by flood, earthquake, landslide, tsunami, soil erosion, etc. It is all our mistakes because we are not following eco-friendly rule which is anxious for we and our eco both.

    So, In my opinion People should get all the knowledge, precautions, advantages about eco system and eco anxiety so that they will never repeat the mistakes again and make us and our world feel free and a better place.

  • I got 10/10
    I was extremely shocked to be notified about 75% of people thinking that "the future is frightening " and I too think it's obvious. Because we know the increasing effects of pollution. Dirt around us has now started to be too common. We can see dust everywhere but almost none of them dare to clean it out. The cause may be due to lack of dustbin around them..but I think it's not such a big deal to throw a piece of dust inside the dustbin that is produced by us. It's no like, We can produce dirt but not clean it! We surely can but we don't dare.
    I want to suggest that we should be the one to start managing the dust then spread awareness about it.
    If a person sees you managing your litter yourself s/he will surely learn something. Either today or the another day.

  • Contrary to mine and a few others beliefs, Teens and other younglings are also terrified of the effects and damage climate change has, as the quiz said around 75% of young people are frightened by climate change but also something that the quiz answers notified us was that all countries face climate change but not in the same manner.
    The whole thing stood out to me, as even though these news are being informed to us we still do not take the actions and precautions we must take to rid those young people of their fears instead we go and participate in protests to stop climate change and only provide bad news to those eco-anxious people.

    Therefore my point here is to notify all to get rid of eco-anxiety we must not be time consuming and instead march together into a better future that provides ease and relief to those in the state of eco-anxiety.

    Thank you

  • I got 8/10 however it taught me some important facts like 75% of young people said the future is frightening and that searches related to eco anxiety have skyrocketed between 2018-2023.
    The fact that 75% of young people said the future is frightening sort of shocked me but it shows us that even the younger generations ar aware of what is going on and even fear it.

  • The question that had the most impact on me was the one concerning the number of countries that are affected. I realised that eco-anxiety is very present in our lives whether it affects us directly or not, whether you can actually perceive it or not. Isn't it frightening that we need to be asked about this rather than knowing it already?

  • Like invigorated Ateater, Decisions like this has always been difficult for people like me.It's quote hard, choosing whether there is good or bad news, but its actually good news, For example, If on the news one sees that there might probably be a flood in his city because of excess rain fall in the past few days, this brings about awareness of emergency, and the people could evacuate the city before anything happens. If there is no climate news or gadgets for climate preview, you can imagine the loss of lives that'll occur on a daily basis due to emergency.
    In conclusion, Eco anxiety is really important because it helps give motivation to take care of our city so as to prevent climate changes.

  • Wow I got 7 out of 10 in my first trial, I must say I really learnt a lot about climate change in the environment. I feel happy because we can actually do things to help reduce the climate change. I learnt that eco_anxiety could actually be good at some time, when you can be able to think and raise solutions.

  • I got 10|10. And now I would want to tell you some of the new things that I learnt. I learnt that firstly that Eco-anxiety is when someone feels worried about climate change. But at the same time I also learnt that we should be kind to ourselves and find a way to cope with the environment.
    Climate anxiety is a personal experience.
    And some of the expert believe that Eco-anxiety can be reframed in a positive way is because it shows you care about your society and because it could motivate you as an individual to help the environment.

  • I got a 10/10 in the quiz. I learnt lots of things I never imagined I will have knowledge of in my life.
    The most important aspect of this quiz is the meaning of eco anxiety because without the knowledge of the eco system there will be nothing to know and have the knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of the eco anxiety which can damage to us.
    Secondly, to my greatest surprise Google searches increased by 4,590% from 2018 to 2023 about eco anxiety which is really good step to curb the problems we might face in the future if adequate care is not taken care of.

  • I had gotten 9 out of 10 and what I learnt is that it's normal to be upset or worried concerning the climate problems, but it's important to be kind to yourself and to find ways to cope with eco- anxiety. The climate change affects the whole planet moreover some people and countries are more affected by climate disasters than others. Another comment which I picked up and shoed interest was that in Google research world wide related to climate anxiety or eco-anxiety increased by 4,590% from 2018 to 2023 and the most important thing I really learnt was that in the year 2021, 10,000 young people from 10 countries were surveyed about eco- anxiety and 75% said the future is frightening. And one of the reasons why I think they said the future was frightening was because they were not enlightened earlier enough so they would understand that they are being told so they would be able to make the world a better place for people to live and avoid those activities that would lead to climate disasters like deforestation, industries and companies.

  • I had gotten 9/10 on this quiz, however I learned something new from this that was interesting. I learned the definition of eco-anxiety, another name for climate anxiety. Eco-anxiety is when someone feels very worried about climate change. Climate anxiety is also called climate emergency. In 2021, 10000 young people from 10 countries were surveyed about eco-anxiety. The percentage is said to the future is frightened in 75%. In some countries, that number was even higher, also in Portugal, it was 81%, and in Philippines it's 92%. And the quiz also taught me that the true statement is that climate anxiety is a personal experience.
    Some expert also believe that eco-anxiety can be reframed in a positive way because it could motivate you to help the environment.It is true that eco-anxiety affect every country in the whole world.
    The advice from joycelyn Longdon, he said that we should use our personal strength and skills to be able to do what you can for the benefits of the planet.

  • The most important thing to know about eco anxiety is the fact that there are lots of good news about climate change as there are other bad ones too. I also noticed in the quiz that a lot of progresses has been made in creating new technologies that can protect the planet but just that bad news are heard more than the good ones. It is also advised that we can also put in our best efforts, strength, knowledge and skills in order to improve our environment.

  • Eco- anxiety has to do with being worried about the eco-system or having especially when it has to do with the effect of climate change or the effect of the green house.

    Yes of course, the eco-anxiety can be useful because it will make you to be mindful of the steps you take to protect the eco-system, such as adopting the three R's of the waste management; that is, reuse, reduce, and recycle.

    When you are worried or when you are thinking about everything, it will lead to depression and other health related issues. For example, blood pressure, hearth failure even kidney and liver could be affected.

    To ensure the proper waste , management encouraging recycling of wastes, planting trees (afforestation) and then adopting the use of electric cars will help to reduce the emission of gas to the air.

  • Hi,
    In the, quiz i got 10 out of 10 from which I learnt a lot of new things about eco-anxiety.
    Let me begin firstly I learnt that another name an expert calls "climate crisis" is climate emergency, I also learnt that in 2021, 10,000 young people from 10 countries were being surveyed about eco-anxiety were about 75% of people said that "the future is frightening" and I also some countries like the UK, The US, Australia, Brazil, Finland, France, India, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Portugal and also i didn't forget that in some countries was even higher like in Portugal it was about 81% and in the Philippines was about 92% and also learnt that eco-anxiety can be reframed in a positive way by the experts why, some people may ask is because it shows you care about the environment and also because it could motivate one to help the environment to become all better and clean. And I also learnt form the quiz that people with eco-anxiety should feel proud that they want to improve the planet, but I have to say that it should not encourage eco-anxiety cause some people may have mental issues because of the information, but doesn't actually mean that people who don't worry, don't care but it depends on the cause of the action. And I also hope that others will learn or more react on my comment.Thanks.

    1. You are making an interesting point about not encouraging eco-anxiety, which could manifest itself differently for different people. How do you think the messaging about climate change should be constructed to prevent eco-anxiety? How can we (i.e. scientists, news reporters, politicians) share information about climate change and explain the urgency of actions without scaring the people? Do you have any examples of information campaigns that successfully achieved this?

  • I scored 8 out of the 10 questions and what I learnt from this test is that eco-anxiety is a global topic that needs everybody's commitment, the world is our home, and we need to protect it from global warming, pollution and other global threats. It's our roles as humans to protect earth from doom, and that is one of the reasons why I am happy to be part of this conversation that allows us to express our concerns and feelings about the events happening around the world.
    Thank you.

    1. I noticed you stated that it is our role as humans to protect the Earth from doom. Can you elaborate a bit more on this? Do you think the doom that you are referring to is of our own making? And therefore it's not about protecting the Earth from doom but rather reducing our negative impact on the planet and rebalancing our relationship with nature?

      1. well, if I were to answer your question, most of us humans are not doing a good job in the protection or purification of planet earth, we just seem to be poisoning it some more making it even more unstable to live in don't get me wrong and misinterpret what I am saying but some of us are actually doing what we can to save it. But as quoted from Doctor Suess, "just because you care about something a whole lot and other people don't does not change a thing." THANK YOU.

  • I got 10/10 and I learnt that Eco-anxiety is a tragic story for everyone to work together to solve but, I also learnt that there are lots of good news about climate change so we should not loose hope.

  • I got 10/12 but I think I don't know as many things as I want. Of course I know that climate change affects us all, people, animals,cities, islands but I would like to be more involved. I will definitely expand my curiosity by searching and learning more.

  • I got 8 out of 10 in this quiz, the most shocking part I learned from the quiz is that the google searches for climate change absoulutly skyrocketed 4590% which is absolutely insane in my opinion. That statistic was very enlightening to me because I thought many people didnt actually care for the climate, now i realise that my thoughts were wrong. Also, climate change isn't always negative it can also be positive like the increasing in the production of crops and plants because they grow better in the presense of more corbon dioxide. And i was really happy to see that 75% of the world was genuinly worried about climate change. If all of those 75% of countries acted to stop climate change it would probably happen.
    In conclusion, this quiz was really informative and this quiz is also spreading awareness about eco-anxiety.

    1. You are making an interesting point about the critical mass of people - and countries - required to start reversing global warming. Do you think you could give an example of other big changes that happened in our society in the past, which were driven by changes in perceptions in a large group of people? Are there any lessons learned that we could transfer to the topic of climate change?

      1. Hello liudmila,
        Greetings! Thank you for giving me this chance to answer your questions. I have the perfect example for the question you asked, In the 1980s the scientists discovered a hole in the ozone layer above antartica. The hole mentioned above was created by a gas called Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). If the use of CFC gases continued, it would have destroyed the entire ozone layer. This news had arlamed the entire world. So, every country of the world came together and agreed to stop making and using this type of gas. And it worked! in just few short years the health of the ozone layer got better by a lot and the hole was no longer there. A problem which could destroy our entire planet was fixed all because every country agreed, and I believe that the same can happen now if we all unite and try to reverse global warming. It is the now as it was then, at that time we exploited the use of CFC gases now we are exploiting green house gases. The best solution to global warming is to come together and unite to stop exploiting the uses of harmful gases on earth.
        Thank you!

  • Many people report fearing for themselves, their children and future generations with deep feelings of loss, hopelessness, and anger as they witness the effects of climate change. It is important to understand the anxiety response evoked by the climate crisis, given its increased global awareness.In the more serious cases, eco-anxiety can cause a sensation of suffocation or even depression. Among the latter group, it is quite common for people to express a strong sense of guilt about the situation of the planet, which can be aggravated, among those who have children, when thinking about their future.

  • Taking this quiz was serious food for thought to me. First, a feeling of anxiety overwhelmed me when I saw the percentage of people who are not optimistic about the future of our planet. It made me realise that not everyone is motivated enough to do something to remedy the situation. Then, I felt somewhat relieved when I discovered that there is also positive news about climate change, news that should be delivered to us daily. It is essential that we do not lose hope and keep trying to ensure a better future for us and our planet.

  • I got an 8 out of 10 on the quiz.The most important thing I learned was that climate anxiety is different for everyone. I think it is valuable to understand that Climate Change affects everyone. But, not always in the same way. It can encourage people to learn about how it is affect others and how we can work together to stop Climate Change.I know where I live it will go from 20 degrees Fahrenheit to 60 or 70 in the same day. Also we may have a flash flood tomorrow. How does Climate Change affect you ?

  • My score was a 8/10. I learned a lot about eco-anxiety. For example, Eco-anxiety is not always bad. I could motivates people to do good for the environment. As, we know that small changes leads to big changes. Therefore we all should do our personal best for the environment. I think that eco-anxiety is not always a bad thing like I said before. People should really take this in account.
    Let's work together and see the great success.
    Thank You!

  • The score i got was a 95 I lerned that eco-anxiety is really serious and very important considering the fact that a lot of people do not take the matter seriously concitering there are 8 billion people in the world a lot of people ju0st don't know the seriousness of the situation or just don't care. we can make the difference and help the world but we need to know what we can do as indivisuals to our resources stay alive.

  • I believe that for the most part 75% of young people say that future is frightening and it is, but from my perspective us being the future we can take action to change that frightening future by addressing the many ways to fight climate change. If theres more discussion on this topic I tend to think that maybe others will be motivated to save the planet.

    1. Can you explain what you mean by "more discussion"?

  • Hi, I scored 9 out of 10. The aspect of the quiz that blew my mind was the excerpts from the eco-expert Jocelyn where she encouraged people to get actively involved in activities that could save the planet. This is because, the whole world can only get better when we collaborate and work hard. If we keep turning a blind eye to the present happenings towards climate change, then we will all get to the point where all our lives will be endangered. We should be active participants because together we can make a huge impact!

  • I think the most important thing of eco-anxiety is to make people be sensitive about this. 40% people be afraid about this. In some times they want to take some positive decision about eco- anxiety. If everyone be come seriously discussion about it openly . We can be save our earth frome many natural problem. So, I think that people's sensitivity from the quiz.

  • I feel like understanding that eco-anxiety varies from person to person is crucial for acknowledging the nuanced and multifaceted nature of individuals' responses to environmental challenges. People's experiences with and perceptions of climate change are shaped by a myriad of factors, including geographic location, socio-economic status, cultural background, and personal experiences with natural disasters. Recognizing this diversity is essential for tailoring support mechanisms and interventions effectively. Some may be directly impacted by climate-induced events, leading to heightened anxiety, while others may grapple with a more abstract concern based on information or empathy. By appreciating these differences, we can foster a more compassionate and inclusive discourse surrounding eco-anxiety, facilitating targeted efforts to address the mental health implications of climate change on an individual level.

  • Actually for the effective share of news about eco anxiety and the urgency of taking action without causing fear for the people but through the help and the share of the news, what the help, through the scientists, news reporters, and politicians they can employ the following strategics, through the share of the news without putting fear in people about Eco-anxiety.

    1. Use clear and accessible language: Avoid using technical jargon that may confuse or intimidate the audience. Communicate in a way that is easy to understand, using plain language to explain complex concepts.

    2. Highlight positive examples and solutions: Alongside discussing the challenges and urgency, emphasize the positive actions being taken to address eco climate changes. Showcase successful initiatives, technologies, and policies that are making a difference.

    3. Inspire hope and empowerment: Frame the discussion around the idea that individuals, communities, and governments can make a positive impact. Emphasize that collective action can lead to meaningful change and a more sustainable future.

    4. Foster open dialogue: Encourage conversations about eco anxiety and climate change, creating spaces for people to express their concerns and ask questions. This allows for a better understanding of the issues and helps alleviate fears through knowledge and discussion.

    By employing these strategies, scientists, news reporters, and politicians can effectively share news about eco anxiety and the urgency of action without unnecessarily scaring people. The goal is to inform and empower individuals to take positive steps towards a more sustainable future for the world. Thanks.

    1. Which platforms and channels do you think would be the most effective for applying these strategies and driving dialogue?

  • I scored 7 out of 10. I think in order to reduce climate change electric cars should be used more often people around the world. Many countries don't use electric cars if many countries use electric cars the world would be safer from climate change. Burning down of bushes is among the causes of climate change. the poachers that enter the forest and kill animals are the one's mostly doing bush burning. Using things that run on fuel are part of the causes of climate change the big factories in the city,cars, and much more are part of the things that run on fuel.

  • I think the most important thing is to understand the meaning of eco anxiety. A feeling of about threats to environment such a pollution and climate change is known as eco anxiety. Which causes for people to become anxious about their future i think we shouldn't worry about climate change. because it can be affect our mental health.

    1. I disagree because... not worrying about the negative impacts of climate change can make us to neglect the negative impact which is slowly destroying our world. I think having we can manage our mental health to save our planet. If there is no earth, that will do more damage not just to our mental health but to our general health.

      1. yes, but we can also help savingbour planet by preventing the negative things to happen.

  • I used to worry about the future because of the climate crisis, but after this test, I've learned that sharing good news can help calm those fears. Knowing that people are doing many things, like creating new technologies( electric cars, solar energy as a source of electricity etc) to protect the environment makes me less scared. This test has really made me see the climate crisis in the new way

  • Artificial intelligence provides a computer programme the ability to think and learn to it’s own. It is a simulation of human intelligence into machines to do things that we would normally rely on humans. AI was born in 1950 by John Mc corthy for the first time. Therefore John Mc corthy is regarded as the father of artificial intelligence. It make the work easier,it may reduce the workloada as well as make the work easier by specifically solving the same.

    1. Can you provide a source for your comment on the origins of AI?

  • Hey there! It's great that you're interested in eco-anxiety and the climate crisis. From the quiz, the most important thing for people to know about eco-anxiety is that it can vary from person to person. Climate change and pollution have unique impacts on our mental and physical well-being, and it's crucial to recognize and understand these effects. By acknowledging the diverse experiences of eco-anxiety, we can provide support and take steps towards addressing this issue. It's important to create awareness and foster empathy for those affected by eco-anxiety. Keep up the curiosity and learning! 😊🌍

  • Hey there! It's great that you're interested in eco-anxiety and the climate crisis. From the quiz, the most important thing for people to know about eco-anxiety is that it can vary from person to person. Climate change and pollution have unique impacts on our mental and physical well-being, and it's crucial to recognize and understand these effects. By acknowledging the diverse experiences of eco-anxiety, we can provide support and take steps towards addressing this issue. It's important to create awareness and foster empathy for those affected by eco-anxiety. Keep up the curiosity and learning! 😊🌍

  • Hello everyone! After watching the video, I strongly believe that it is crucial for everyone to know about eco anxiety. By increasing awearness about this issue, we can significantly improve our chances of preventing it. As the saying goes, "two heads are better than one ",and I finally believe that the more individuals who are knowledgeable about eco anxiety, will mean the more ideas we can generate to combat it .

  • I had gotten a 8/10 on this quiz. I learnt on the quiz that when you develop your skills and strength you can contribute to the planet.
    I agree with this, I can develop my skills and contribute to planetary wellbeing through collaborative projects by initiating local environment group to build flower beds in a park and plant flowers to beautify the surroundings.
    Secondly, raising awareness by sharing information on social media or in a religious gathering and supporting organization to focus on environmental causes.
    Thirdly, this can also be achieved by connecting with like-minded individuals, experts and organizations to exchange ideas and work together on impactful project like rendering support to the less privileges.

  • I received a score of 9 out of 10 and learned that climate anxiety is a personal experience, and no two individuals will feel it at the same time or in the same way. The enormous impact of climate change is enough to affect a person emotionally. It is also essential to understand the effects of climate anxiety on your mental and physical health. I agree with Fantastic Song when he/she said that climate anxiety can affect both your mental and physical state.

  • I scored 9 out of 10.
    Something that stood out for me in the quiz is the fact that eco-anxiety has positive effects. People always see eco-anxiety as a negative feeling but it also has a positive side. Eco-anxiety is basically emotions one has towards the changes in his or her natural environment. It is a deeply valuable emotional response to threats like climate change when experienced at the right time and to the right extent. Eco anxiety is like fear. Though fear keeps us from doing what we love (like the fear of the dark), it also helps us stay away from dangerous situations(like when you see a lion what makes you run to safety is fear). Eco-anxiety is the same. Eco-anxiety makes you feel like you cannot do anything, it makes people feel powerless about climate change. This feeling can either make you stop trying or keep trying to save the environment, it all depends on your perspectives. Just like we all have to face our fears at some point in life, we all have to face climate change whether we like it or not. If our reactions to cases like climate change are on track, then, eco-anxiety will become beneficial. I believe we should have a positive reaction towards eco-anxiety. We should use our fears as a slingshot that will catapult us into a greener and better future, one without climate change.

  • In the previous quiz, i scored 9/10 which implies that I am more than aware of the critical situation of our planet. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean I know everything. Specifically, there were several things in the quiz that I had never thought of. One of the most meaningful and momentous things that I learned from this quiz and I believe that other people should also take this into account is that climate change feels different for every person depending on their personal experiences. Some of them feel it more intensively as they might be more sensitive and conscious about this matter and some others might not be that interested due to the lack of knowledge. However, in my perspective, everyone without a single exception, has to be informed about the evolution of climate crisis in order to urge them to try to prevent the inevitable sequel from spreading all over the world.

  • I think people should know number 7 and 8. Most people that experience Eco-anxiety have it and they don't know they can do to save mother nature so they get to deep into thinking about they can do then next you see them in the hospital.

  • The most important thing which was in the survey was the thing which said to understand about the Eco-anxiety matter which have relations with feelings related to eco anxiety.

  • I agree with fantastic song because it is important that we are concerned about the climate and pollution because it can affect us in many different ways. It can also affect different countries in loads of ways and it is important we know what is happening in the climate around the world. This can affect our mental states with floods and highly strong winds which can be quite powerful and strong.

  • The most important fact about the quiz is that people should work hard to study climate change and contribute to bringing good weather so that if their sure of a weather change like if the next season after raining season will be dry season they will be able to save water.

  • From the quiz that is most important thing for people to know about is eco-anxiety. Eco-anxiety is when someone feels really worried about the environment and how it's changing. To help the climate, we can do small things like using less energy, recycling, and choosing eco-friendly products. Talking to friends and family about these issues is important too. When many people do these small things together, it makes a big difference. We can also support groups that work to protect the environment and ask our leaders to make good decisions for the planet. Every little action counts!

  • The term "environmental anxiety" describes the discomfort and uneasiness people may feel as a result of worries about environmental problems such pollution, deforestation, climate change, and biodiversity loss. The phrase is frequently used in reference to the psychological and emotional effects of realising the grave and possibly disastrous ramifications of these environmental issues.

    The worldwide environmental catastrophe brought on by human activity—namely, the release of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide—is expressly referred to as the "climate crisis." It includes increasing sea levels, harsh weather, and other associated effects in addition to rising global temperatures. The phrase emphasises how urgent it is to solve climate change in order to prevent serious and permanent effects on the earth and its people.

  • In my opinion, the crucial aspect highlighted in the quiz is that everyone undergoes the impacts of climate change. This underscores the severity of the situation, as people worldwide are grappling with its effects. Consequently, it serves as a poignant reminder for individuals to take proactive measures in mitigating climate change.

  • Hey, I scored 9/10
    Experts have started using the words "crisis" and "emergency" to describe climate change. This is because they want people to act quickly to try to slow it before irreversible damage is done to the planet. It is normal to be upset or worried about news about the climate crisis. But it is important to be kind to yourself and to find ways to cope with eco-anxiety.
    Climate anxiety is a personal experience. It feels different for everyone, depending on their experiences and ability to cope with anxiety. Climate anxiety should not stop people from learning about climate change. Eco-anxiety shows that you care about the planet and some people find it helps motivate them to act. The Topical Talk experts for eco-anxiety, Caroline and Joycelyn, said that people with eco-anxiety should feel proud that they want to improve the planet.
    There is lots of good news about the climate. For example lots of progress is being made on new technologies that can protect the planet. However, it is easier to find negative news than positive news. This doesn't mean we should give up, if we stay motivated and work together, I believe we can make planet Earth a happy and friendly society for all to enjoy.

  • I scored 10/10 on this quiz, however while I was completing this quiz I learned something new .The quiz showed a fact, saying that searches worldwide related to “climate anxiety” or “Eco-anxiety” increased by 4,590% from 2018 to 2023. This shocked me. It increased by 4,590%, which is a massive amount to increase. This shows searches about Eco-anxiety, sky rocketed. This means that millions of people eventually started to care about the fact that people have to deal with Eco-anxiety and decided to raise awareness about it. This was the fact that really stood out to me.

  • Hi
    Eco-anxiety is a terrible feeling on what nature is likely is going to bring in humanity in the nearest generation. It could be in form of earthquake, thunderstorm,flood,uncuring diseases and unknown diseases. Moreover, the worst part of the feeling that this natural disaster can occur at any point in time, regardless of your location. Moreover, we can predict exactly what is going to happen in the nearest future, but it is at our own safety to always believe to be on positive mindset, believing that God will protect us at any point whenever any of these natural disasters occur. eco anxiety is literally worry and worry can do a lot to the mental state of a person , and the level of worry differs from what aspect the worry is coming from. In my opinion climate change can have very deep effects on our mental health.
    Thank you!

  • The most important fact is that eco-anxiety can be reformed in a positive way because it could motivate you to help the environment and by doing so to help spread awareness to people about the dangers of climate change

  • I scored 9/10 on this quiz. It was a pleasant surprise to read that so many people are becoming aware about climate changes and with the increasing number of searches on "eco-anxiety", people actually care. But of course our efforts should not stop with just a search or a comment on the internet. Let us do what we can within our reach to make this planet a better place!

  • I scored 9/10 on this quiz. I learnt that around the world there's so much awareness about climate change. This quiz told me an interesting fact that 75% of people thought that the future was frightening. I realized that so many people are aware of climate change and there's still hope left for the future. If so many people are aware of the future then there will be so many people who take action too. I was glad to know that our generation is aware and active in such problems.

  • I managed to score 7/10 and I learnt many new interesting things like there are positive news about climate change,I also learn't climate change is not only about climate,it is also about the ecosystem and their surroundings, nonetheless I also discovered that every part of the world experiences climate change so we are all affected by it.

  • Pollution is part of the causes of climate change which affects humans, animals, and our environment. The type of pollution are water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, and noise pollution.

  • our environment is changing and people are worried about what will happen in the future. That worry when it becomes severe it is called eco anxiety. I think what causes that fear is experiencing extreme weather conditions like floods, forest fires, hurricane and drought or exposing to climate change news through social media or other sources. Eco anxiety results in too many thoughts about climate change and it also causes guilt feeling or anger toward older generations that have not done enough to limit climate change. Also, it causes feelings of depression and anxiety.
    The question hear is, how can we cope?
    First, support yourself but getting the needed facts without saturating yourself with negative news.

    Second, don't deny your emotions as it is normal to feel some worry and stress and use these feelings as a motivation to take actions.

    Third, focus on what you can do. For example, you can reduce your carbon foot print.

    Fourth, take an action plan with friends..You can carpool for example .

    Fifth, when you see or hear an initiative or new idea about reversing the effects of climate change, share it so that it can give a sense of hope.

    Sixth, protect yourself with mental health resources. Also, surround yourself with like-minded people who can help , support and understand.

  • I scored 7 in the quiz, I learnt that eco-anxiety should not stop people from learning about climate change but rather it should intrigue people to research more about the climate and find solution to stop climate change. According to Google climate anxiety has increased by 4590% from 2018 and 2023. I learnt that new technologies are being made or are already made to protect the planet. But I believe humans can protect the planet with or without the help of technologies by diligent in protecting the planet and spreading hopeful news to people around the world.

  • I scored 9/10, and learned that people are getting very much aware regarding eco-anxiety. There have been really a great increment in the percentage of google searches about eco-anxiety, which is a really good thing as it means now people would get motivated, and would help to save the environment.
    And, this was the fact which really amazed me, even I feel, this is the most important thing, because if so many people from all over the world understand the need to prevent climate change and try to spread awareness in their own countries, take small steps and unite, they can change the world, they can stop climate crisis and they can also make world a better place.
    I think the most important thing for people to know about eco-anxiety is that, eco-anxiety is not a bad thing or a problematic situation, it's a positive thing which would motivate human beings to help the biodiversity from getting damaged or coming to an end. So, If everyone, instead of thinking it as adverse condition, looks on the other side of the coin, and sees its positivity, it would help them to activate for saving the environment without getting pessimistic.

  • I feel like eco-anxiety has so many effects on different people. Some people may experience their anxiety physically like they could start getting jittery or like shaky. Other people may experience it mentally, like they start to shut down or go into depression, they could even change their whole personality by itself. I don't think that eco-anxiety is something that you would want to mess with.

  • 75% of the young people also agree that their future is frightening. Although most of them agree with this fact, they still aren't taking steps to do something for the environment. Therefore, the most important thing people should do is to take action rather than be all talk. If not now, then it will be too late.

    1. Do you think young people know how to take action?

      1. Yes, I believe that they are aware of what steps to take but they're neglecting the environment. This is because they aren't connected to the planet emotionally and are prioritising short-term benefits over the long-term consequences.

        1. Can you explain further what you mean by short term benefits and long term consequences?

          1. The short-term benefits can be like earning more profit by destroying the environment. Many factories use cost-cutting methods and harmful practices to earn more and more profit because of which they pollute the environment.

            The following are some examples-
            1) Many chemical companies don't use proper waste disposal methods and end up damaging the environment.
            2) The Deepwater Horizon oil spill by BP in 2010 had severe ecological consequences in the Gulf of Mexico.
            3) People engaged in agricultural activities use a lot of chemical fertilizers and pesticides for their crops. This ends up ruining their soil causing land as well as water pollution.
            4) Mining companies also release many greenhouse gases from machinery, ore processing, and energy consumption. This is one of the main causes of global warming.

            These kinds of short-term benefits are the main cause of pollution nowadays. When people don't dispose of chemical waste properly and end up just pouring it into water bodies, it causes water pollution. This ends up killing millions of aquatic organisms. We've also observed a temperature rise nowadays. This is because of global warming which is slowly deteriorating the health of humans as well as animals. Many glaciers have also started to melt because of the same cause.

            There is no one answer as to how to stop all of this at once. But we all must start taking steps even if they're small now only or else it will be too late.

  • Hello Topical Talkers!
    I scored an 8/10 on the quiz. I think the most important thing people should know about eco-anxiety, is what it is because eco-anxiety is a reasoned response to the current state of our world, but it is vital that, like with anxieties and emotions, climate-related fear should be directed with great care.

  • I got 9/10 in the quiz. I was pleasantly surprised by the immense increase in people's awareness and interest to protecting the environment from 2018 to 2023. This information had put my mind on easy but another fact, quite the contrary, had me disheartened. The effect of climatic changes on the young people is so vast that they are frightened of the situation in future.

  • I think eco-anxiety is a state of social and emotional consciousness about the environment, which can generate panic and emotional damage to environmental problems. The main reason for this situation is that the people involved are feeling frustrated or afraid to adapt to the future state of the world. Issues such as climate change, deforestation by textile production and the spread of pollution are the main sources of this enzyte. It may also be a new and growing mental health phenomenon, based specifically on the environment.Eco-Environment or Environment-Enhancement seeks an entity that specifically deals with issues related to environmental degradation, climate change, biodiversity and flooding. It is generated in individuals when they are interested in saving the environment and through them understand that their future can be affected by the inflammation of the earth. It is linked to mental health issues, such as depression, apathy, and situational anxiety. This entity can have personal, social, and cultural implications.Eco-anxiety, or environmental anxiety, is an understudied mental health problem, which can affect anyone who experiences unpleasant changes in the environment. It can be generated by natural problems, biodiversity loss, climate change, and preparedness. Adding to this state of panic, fear and insecurity for environmental conservation can increase among human communities. This mental illness can destroy human relationships, stress on the environment, and trust in nature.Eco-anxiety is a researched aspect of mental health, which refers to and hosts a person's thinking about environmental degradation and distress. This can lead to concerns about climate change, flooding, weight gain, and nature conservation in general. For this condition a person or community may feel the power to emphasize themselves and their belongings, think for their future, and show interest in the destruction of nature. It is important to come together with social families and communities to grow eco-enterprises.

  • Some people who haven't experienced climate change or a problem happening in an area might not really care since it's not happening to them but I think that people should care no matter where it's happening. This Topical Ralk discussion makes people aware and care about other people that have something bad happen to them. But is it really good to be anxious and scared and worry about those people sooo much? I don't think so because although it's not happening to you, you might feel scared that it's even happening and that it might happen to you. Some parents don't allow their children to hear comments about things happening in the world but i think in the same way that it's good to know the things that are happening in your surroundings. They also might disagree on talking about it in school which means you're learning about it in school as a subject, not just because the child wants to do it [although they also might want to do it at the same time].

  • My thought is that people who have eco-anxiety feel different about climate change because they care about the planet, which makes them worried because of what destruction we are causing to our planet. Also, people need to make a change to this otherwise climate change can become more effective and can cause more damage than ever before. Furthermore, if the planet starts to cause more damage then that will mean that climate change will get worse and we will not be able to stop it. However, soon enough several people will be aware of climate change and will be doing their best to stop it. If everyone can work together to stop climate change people with eco-anxiety might start feeling better because everyone will be making a difference to stop climate change.

  • I learned from the quiz that Google searches related to climate change increased by 4590%, which I find astonishing. This statistic enlightened me because I had previously thought that many people did not care about the climate, but now I realize that my assumptions were incorrect. Additionally, climate change can have both negative and positive effects, such as increased crop and plant production due to more carbon dioxide. It was uplifting to see that 75% of the world is genuinely concerned about climate change. If all of these countries made efforts to combat climate change, it could potentially be prevented.

  • A fact from the quiz that is the most important thing for people to know about eco-anxiety is everybody should put their skills and specialties to save the Earth from climate change. It is the most important thing from the quiz because we need more people to care and worry more about what is going to our planet if people don't help. Animals in Antarctica are dying because of the Willow Project. We are going to lose everything because we don't have enough people. That was the most important fact from the quiz.

  • I scored 12/15 and I am glad I took this quiz. Until now I had never thought of negativity or anxiety as a good think. For me negativity used to be an evil demon that would make us hollow from inside and lead us into depression, something that must be avoided and those who spread negativity are a part of this evil. But the quiz and the discussions have opened my eyes and brain to a new path of thinking. Now I do believe

  • I scored 12/15 and I am glad I took this quiz. Until now I had never thought of negativity or anxiety as a good think. For me negativity used to be an evil demon that would make us hollow from inside and lead us into depression, something that must be avoided and those who spread negativity are a part of this evil. But the quiz and the discussions have opened my eyes and brain to a new path of thinking. Now, I do believe that negativity may actually lead to positivity in some ways. It could motivate you and open your eyes to the true unfolding darknesses of climate change and global warming. Now off course both my points counter each other, this is because I don't think that one way is hundred percent correct. What I feel is that balance is the key that will help us protect not just the human race but also the biodiversity and our Mother Earth.

  • I got 8/8. This quiz helped me realize that climate change is very important to the world and it will be a troubling thing for most people growing up in 2024 2025.

  • I scored 9 out of 10. I learned that 75% of people from the listed countries in the quiz are frightened about the future. I believe that the most important fact from the quiz is that climate change affects the whole world. The statement would serve as a way to persuade people to make changes in their everyday lives such as,
    - Recycling more
    - Planting more trees
    - Burn less coal
    - Stopping the cutting down of trees
    - Change their everyday energy source (If the source is harming, if not, keep.)
    - Stopping the use of plastic as much
    - Using public transportation more often
    The statement would also bring more attention and people would be more frightened. The more frightened people are, the more they realize that they are making more things fiddly by not making any changes, motivating them to take action. The doomsday clock is used to make people aware of the problems in the world, which climate change is bought aware of, frightening more people and motivating them to take action in order to solve at least one problem in this world.

  • I scored a 9/10 on this quiz. I learned that the searches about eco-anxiety barely increased in the span of 5 years from 2018-2023. It is very important for people to know about how climate change can affect the environment around us. If people don't ever know about climate change, people will never know how to protect the environment and stop it from destroying habitats. This will lead to many problems that the world will never know how to remove those problems.
    Steps to protect the environment
    -Limit on burning coal
    -Limit factory smoke
    -Limit the use of diesel powered vehicles
    -Prevent the destruction of habitats
    These are some ideas that can probably help protect the environment.

  • I think there are different points of views when it comes to Eco-anxiety because it varies but it does ruin our mental and physical state

    Here is how to feel stay positive and help our environment

    1: Reduce, reuse and learn how to recycle properly ♻
    2: Volunteer for cleanups around your local community
    3: Plant trees
    4: Reduce your carbon footprint
    5: Shop locally and organically
    6: Do not buy single use plastics

  • I got 9/10; I learnt that the other name for climate change is climate emergency; "Eco-anxiety" is simply defined as when an individual is worried about the climate. Research about climate change has doubled and we know that climate change affects all of us people think that the future of the world is frightening. Eco-anxiety is a personal experience. Climate change affects the whole world we have to do what we can to stop climate change.

  • Climate change and pollution have profound effects on our mental states, causing loss of property, livelihood, and loved ones due to natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, and tsunamis. These events can lead to shocks, depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Eco anxiety, a chronic fear of environmental disasters, can also affect mental health. As climate crises continue, it is crucial for humans to take action to prevent them. To do this, we should learn proper recycling, use less renewable energy resources, plant more trees, use less plastic, and use less hot water. Switching to clean and renewable energy sources, switching to sustainable transport, and working together to address climate change are also essential. Finally, avoiding stereotypes and linking climate change to justice is crucial to addressing the issue of climate change.

  • I know that eco-anxiety is unique for everyone that feels it. For example, I have eco-anxiety because I have asthma and I'm concerned about climate change because it pollutes the air around me and there for triggers my asthma. On the other hand,my friend has climate-anxiety
    because they are worried about the future; if there even is a planet worth fighting for then. A bit like Greta Thunberg,a secondary school child who protested from going to school to stand up against the climate crisis. She believed that unless there was change the climate emergency,then there would be no point in going to school if in the future it didn't even exist.

  • Today in my class, my English Teacher had given us an explanation about Eco-anxiety. I have also discussed this topic with a few of my classmates that were selected in this Tropical Talk Festival 2024. So, What is Eco-anxiety? Eco-anxiety is a type of anxiety caused by the worrying of people on the climate change and other sorts of things. This type of anxiety giving news that comes from Radio, Television, Smartphone, Laptop etc.. come on these to make people aware of the climate change and make people stop Deforestation, Burning Plastic and more harmful things but instead people get anxiety from this news. They think that are we going to have fresh, drinkable water in the future? Will we get fresh air to breathe? and much more. They get this feeling because of us humans' activities of constant Deforestation, Burning of unnecessary things etc. This causes a mental disorder/distress in the brain and could lead to Mental Health Problems and soon even Physical Health Problems. This mental stress is currently not curable because this is not a disease, it's just a feeling. This Eco-Anxiety has caused many people to get depression and soon enough they will maybe even suicide. Again, Thank you to The Tropical Talk Team here at The Economist Educational foundation for giving us this brilliant opportunity. We are very grateful that all of us students' get to show our talent.

  • i got 6/10 on my first try :)

  • I don't really know a lot about climate change.But i know it's starting to get really bad and i want to try and help.I know that coal is bad for the earth, gases,electric cars,etc but i think its most important that i know its really bad. Please can people tell me more about it and tell me your thoughts.

    1. There is a lot of information out there about climate change - including lots of comments on the Hub. Make sure you check information by using reliable sources to help you form accurate opinions.

  • One crucial fact about eco-anxiety is its impact on mental health. As climate change and environmental degradation become more pressing issues, individuals may experience significant psychological distress known as eco-anxiety. This anxiety stems from a variety of sources, including fear of the future, guilt about personal actions, and helplessness in the face of large-scale environmental problems. Understanding this phenomenon is important for several reasons. Firstly, it underscores the interconnectedness of environmental and mental health, emphasizing that environmental issues are not just about ecosystems and wildlife but also about human well-being. Secondly, recognizing eco-anxiety can help promote empathy and support for individuals experiencing it, encouraging a more compassionate approach to mental health in the context of environmental concerns. Thirdly, acknowledging the existence of eco-anxiety highlights the urgency of addressing environmental issues. By taking meaningful action to mitigate climate change and protect the environment, society can alleviate some of the distress that contributes to eco-anxiety, ultimately benefiting both mental health and the planet. Overall, understanding the impact of eco-anxiety is essential for fostering a holistic approach to environmental and mental health, promoting empathy, and driving meaningful action to address environmental challenges.

  • I got 9/10 in the eco-anxiety test. I learnt something new from the test. I learnt that people with eco-anxiety can use it to positively change their environment. They can use their anxiety about our planet earth 🌎 to change a lot of people's perspective and bring them to care for the planet and make it a better place to live.

  • The most important fact from this quiz that should be given attention to is the effects of eco anxiety on diffrent people and that its effects change accordigly such as a person might feel discouraged after hearing a news about climate change and at the same time it can also motivate the person for doing more eco freindly stuff and that changes for the other person he or she can feel the opposite that is they already know that they are doing enough for the planet and stick to the things that are already taking place.

  • The most important thing I learned and wanted to share with you all is that eco-anxiety is a valid emotional response to the climate crisis and environmental degradation. Eco-anxiety refers to the worry, fear, and stress caused by concerns about the future of the planet due to issues like climate change, pollution, and habitat destruction. Everyone needs to recognize that they're not alone in feeling this way and that their concerns are legitimate. By acknowledging and understanding eco-anxiety, students can better cope with their emotions and channel them into positive actions, such as advocating for environmental protection, adopting sustainable practices, and participating in collective efforts to address climate change. It's crucial to address eco-anxiety openly and constructively, as it empowers individuals to become informed and engaged global citizens it would not make one feel that they are different or alone contributing to a more sustainable and hopeful future for themselves and the planet."Feeling anxious about the state of our planet isn't abnormal; it's a sign of compassion and awareness. Let's channel that concern into positive action and remember, we're in this together."

  • The most important fact about eco-anxiety is that it refers to a psychological distress caused by concern for the environmental crisis. Understanding this helps individuals recognize and address the emotional impact of climate-related issues, fostering mental well-being and encouraging collective action for sustainable solutions.

  • I want to share that my observation says ,climate change not effect just one person individually. It can effect the whole family of that person or their friends circle too. Because some time same thought and ideas converted to others and it has worth to influence others who are near to him.

  • I got an eight out of ten. This topic freaks me out and gets me thinking how long earth is going to last. Climate change is getting very serious day by day and it can affect the mental health of people -it could cause a mental illness. We must do our very best to reduce climate change for us and the next generations to come by:
    Recycling as much as possible instead of burning.
    Reducing the use of car because of car emissions
    People don't even care about Earth anymore assuming we would be moving to Mars when Earth is completely destroyed.. But they don't analyze it and thing about the fact that it's going to take lot's of money. Let's take good care of mother Earth. Think about Eco anxiety and other people.

  • This quiz was a good chance to check what we all know about climate crisis and eco-anxiety, which made me go deeper in the roots of this topic 'climate crisis' and 'eco-anxiety'. It came up with various facts, about which we have never heard of, and made me curious us to learn a lot about climate change in our country and the ongoing survey. Some of the facts, which were bewildering and stupefying which made me astonished were :- The another name of climate crisis, as its also called 'Climate Emergency', which will make the citizens anxious about the crisis taking place on this beautiful planet. Climate Emergency can be used for awaking people and making them aware about the sinking tomorrow of all of our generations and lives. Another fact, which made me staggered was that it shows a good-sign concern of our upcoming generation, towards nature. It was surprising that children are also experiencing climatic effects, which made 75% of them say that 'Future is frightening'. For them, we can also hold our hands and start working upon the better future, of coming generation. We can make them aware of various projects, and begin small programmes amongst themselves, so they can also contribute, if it is not done on time it can cause destruction. As we know everyone has their different thinkings, we can give rise to their new ideas, which would help in their contribution, towards Earth. It was also shown that experts believe that eco-anxiety can be taken in a positive way. It may reduce their feelings of anxiety and restlessness towards nature, and bad thoughts for our environment can also be decreased. If we all take and contribute in it in a positive manner, which no negative points it can also lead us to positive results and outcomes of our contribution towards our mother earth. The positive way can be a source of motivation and signal,which would erase all the negativity because it's really a pathetic thing to experience climate change. As one of the examples, during COVID- 19 we could hear flashed news headlines on every news channels on each day, which created negativity in people's mind. I have seen many people who had a hard time, suffering through this pandemic. Many people lost their lives, and some people undergo depression and lost their confidence to face the world, which is a mental health problem when things surround you with negativity and there's no source of positivity. Many fit and cured people suffered through this problem, which made them under anxiety even to talk with anyone. Also, as one of the facts it can also be said that "Climate change is a personal experience".

  • I think the fact that is most important for people to know is that climate anxiety is a personal experience and is not same for anyone. Some people fear the raging storms others feel bad about the melting glaciers. Some feel guilty about their actions in the past while others feel angry towards those who make things worse. Age also plays a huge role in these feelings for example the youngsters might worry about the uncertain future while the elders might remember the old days and worry about the changing world.
    Therefore we should not compare our feelings towards the climate with anyone as they are different for all and it is okay to feel what we feel.

  • I solidly agree with what giving snail said about climate change because, the change in climate has brought much effect on the depliction of the ozone layer and the climate in genaral.
    In conclusion, i think one of the best way to reduce pollution is through the use of electric cars and also minimise the use of toxic chemicals
    Thank you.

  • I scored 8 out of 10, but what truly matters is what we learn. I was surprised to delve deeply into eco-anxiety; it holds significant meaning for us as human beings, reflecting a sense of tension. Age is not a barrier; with courage and efforts to mitigate climate change, we can inscribe and change the world. Unity is our power, and I now truly believe that we must prioritize thinking about our home .Climate change affects every creature, so our work should extend beyond self-protection to safeguard all living organisms. As humans, it's our duty to protect our common home: Earth .

    1. Can you explain how as humans we can protect Earth?

      1. I'm glad to share insights. Humans can protect the Earth by adopting eco-friendly habits such as reducing waste, conserving energy, recycling, using sustainable products, and supporting initiatives that promote environmental conservation. Additionally, raising awareness, participating in community cleanups, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection contribute to safeguarding the planet for future generations. Moreover, staying updated on the current scenario of Earth's crucial factors like climate, temperature, and resource usage helps us better understand the topic. As our day starts with communication, I truly believe that engaging with environmentalists and scientists allows us to leverage AI for inventing more eco-friendly solutions. This is how humans can make a difference.

  • According to my own opinion, i will say that the eco_system has a huge effect to humans and palnts. For example, carbon monoxides or thr toxic smokes ftom indudtrirs has caused pollution which is deplicts the ozone layer. Hot suns or heat can also lead to skin cancer and so many other health issues. These climate changes has been affecting humans from one way or the other.
    The issue of climate can be partly traced to we humans because, on the process of producing things like rubber, textiles, papers which will lead to deforestation and also, due to our careless actions by throwing refuses and sewages in the rivers and water areas has lead to flooding.
    In conclusion, i think we should look into these cases and list some safety measures to take in other to save our environment and nation at large.
    Thank You.

  • I totally agree that this is a climate crisis . This is not just for humans it is for animals and environments aswell . We see this is happening with the ice caps melting at a alarming rate . This will effect the animals plus ruin our beautiful nature . So i agree when the new says crisis or emergency as we need to act fast or this issue will not be resolved .

  • Climate change is about abnormal variations to the climate, and the effects of these variations on other parts of the Earth. Examples include the melting of ice caps at the South Pole and North Pole. It can be treated by planting more tress and reducing pollution..
    Thank you,

  • I think that climate change should be very important for everyone and it is not, we should be worried about this. Every day there is more eco-anxiety because more and more people are concerned about the environment. We would have to bring out our knowledge so that everyone understands that the world is changing and perhaps in the future planet Earth will cease to exist.
    There are many people who do not have eco-anxiety because according to them they do not think about the next generations, they are not worried about the environment that their children, grandchildren are going to have... they don't care.

  • I think one of the most important questions on the test was a question asking you what eco-anxiety was. I think it is very important for people to know what eco-anxiety is, because knowing about it can increase your global awareness. Another important question was if everyone felt the same about climate change, or if it was a personal experience. I think it is important to know that everyone's eco-anxiety is different, and it's okay to have different feelings about climate change.

  • I think Climate Change is hard to stop because people who live far away from work will have trouble getting to work because they need a car : its quicker. People will also loose jobs so they cant work and earn money.

  • I managed to scored a 9 out of 10 on this quiz, and it helps me realize that climate change and eco-anxiety is very frightening for most people to think about, because the amount of google searches that are related to climate change and eco-anxiety have almost increased by 5000 percents in recent years. Also almost 75 percents of young adults think that the future is frightening with climate change and eco-anxiety.

  • I managed to score an 8/10. The most important thing for people to know about eco-anxiety is that every country experiences the effects of climate change. I think this is because everyone needs to keep in mind how they are going to help the earth by preventing climate change from happening. As people from this beautiful place we need to help and protect the Earth.

  • For my opinion due to use of fossil fuels it has caused a high pollution and it has been making much negative impact on the mental and physical health people like us it causes less academic achievement for students and weak immume for workers or employees like our relatives or our own family

  • This quiz helped me understand a few more things about the eco-anxiety.The climate change not only affects my country but also countries all over the world. That's the reason all of us should fight against this situation.

  • Hey everybody I got 6-10 and I do agree with fantastic song because people do need to know that the world could be endangered and there is no planet B

    1. I agree with you because I also scored 6/10 and now I understand a lot I also found out that there is always good news in climate change and that it is so bad that all the countries 195 countries are affected by climate change. This needs to stop meaning that all countries(businesses and civilians) need to participate more in the stopping of climate change so that people will not be in grief and that they will not experience eco-anxiety.

  • Hi,
    I scored 9 out of 10 questions. I think eco-anxiety is a big problem. With climate change a lot of people worry and say that the future is frightening. In lots of countries there were many natural disasters like floods, fires and many more. I also learnt that Michelle Baggerman found a way to turn plastic bags to yarn. That is a great way to help the enviroment because people throw them away in rivers and seas and can end up in the water we drink. This can cause serious illnesses. Plastic bags take 100 years to decompose! The project that Baggerman created in 2009 ( called ' Precious Waste') is a great example that we can find lots of ways to help the enviroment. If we can't find ways to clean our seas or recycle our rubbish which takes lots of energy I am sure we can find amazing ways to help Mother Nature. In my opinion, the best way to stop climate change is to convince all the people of Earth to come together and find a solution.

    1. Interesting ideas @charistmatic_computer. Can you tell us where you found your sources?

      1. Hi Chloe,
        I was doing an english lesson and we read a passage talking about the project Michelle Baggerman did in 2009 as a final year project . It was very interesting and it caught my attention. Also, I always serf on the Internet and find more about diferent topics on WIkipedia. It is a platform that can give you some answers on different topics such as, climate change, countries and famous inventors, actors and many more.

  • I scored a 8\10 in the test. It tested my knowledge and it helped me to know more things. For me the most important thing to know was that every country expieriences climate change. You may not have storms or heat waves but you expierience it on the news and with pullotion. That is the most impotant fact for me.

    1. I agree with thoughtful_agency because that, you know, it's really true that later people are getting pollution, some people are not, and really, we should care about the whole world, so if we do, we can travel to places to stop this kind of is never a good thing to give up and it is not to late to shine⭐✨

  • Hey again I have gotten 9/10 hopefully it is a good score and in my opinion I think climate change is a disaster in all ways but it can also be good👍 for some people like ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ docters because they have more patients that earns them more money to survive a life but it isn't that great of a dessision 😶😔

  • I scored 10/10, I learnt that According to Google, search world-wide to "climate anxiety" or eco_ anxiety increased by 4,590% from 2018 to 2023 ,70% of the young people surveyed said that the future is frightening in some countries, that number was even higher in Portugal,it was 81%, and in the Philippines's 90%. However, some countries and people and more affected by climate disasters than others. My suggestion is that we take great action on climate crisis. Thank you .

  • I scored 7/10 and i starting to correct what people has said like there is a lot of bad news everywhere about climate change.

    1. Please can you expand on the points you made, do you think bad news about climate change is good for citizens to gain a deeper understanding of the negative impacts we are making to the environment? Do you think this will make people want to change their habits to make a difference - if so - what can people do to be more environmentally conscious?

  • I scored 9 out of 10. Something I learned is the fact that we as inhabitants of the earth need to sit up and fight. Climate anxiety is not such a bad thing. Fear is an important emotion every human must have; it is a survival instinct. Climate anxiety can help you to sit up and make a change because you have the knowledge of the frightful future ahead if you do not take action. There is a link between climate concerns and taking effective action. There are so many different ways of reducing climate change. Taking small steps is a way to start because little drops of water make an ocean. One of the ways in which you can reduce climate change is by cutting down on waste or buying second-hand goods.

  • I got 6 out of 10. I've learnt a lot of things from this quiz. Firstly, I learnt that eco-anxiety or climate anxiety is when people are very worried about the climate state of the Earth. I learnt that from 2018 to 2023, searches on eco-anxiety increase by 4590%. Lastly, I learnt that Every country is being affected by climate change.

  • Hi everyone. On my first attempt on the astonishing quiz, I got 9 out of 10. Anyway, I was shocked to discover some phenomenal facts about eco-anxiety. So in my opinion, I think that the most important thing for people to understand about eco-anxiety ,is what to do to improve their actions as well as help the world. If we throw litter, such as plastic bags, waste electricity, use vehicles, that produce pollution and cut down animal's habitats like forests, we are increasing the power of climate change, which is kind of like a disease and virus to the world. We are living on this unhealthy planet so we should take care of it and that means to vanish climate change from damaging the world.

    If we think of climate change, we can feel worried emotionally, mentally and physically. Despite this, it is good to feel all these ways as it shows your fear of the world ending. Imagine 75 percent of the future, was frightened. Another fact, which froze me in shock was that in 2021, 10,000 young people, from 10 countries were surveyed about eco-anxiety. Climate change can affect us in multiple ways like our mental states. If you wander why there are floods, rainfalls, volcano eruptions, wild fires, many disastrous things, look at your hands and actions as you are the ones, who are creating these horrendous things.

    Remember, small things can turn into big changes.

  • Hello topical talkers,
    now I will talk about Eco-anxiety, let's go. Eco-Anxiety is the people who is afraid about the climate change. at first, the climate changes because of the human activity such as throwing rubbish in the water car gas and etc...... so, that makes pollution. In addition, pollution can affect on the climate change negatively. Moreover, that could make a fire tornado and make the weather pretty hot, so that is unbelievable.

    How could we make a change?
    We could do it by stopping the people get ridding of the trees and the things that affect on the climate change and most significant one is the pollution. I hope with this comment affect positively on the climate change and Eco-Anxiety.
    Best wishes.

  • I understand that the government are trying to help by going across the world to invest about the about global warming, in various reasons , airplanes are one of many reasons that caused global warming. In my opinion , one of my ideas is to talk online on zoom or google meet instead of getting on an airplane. Although airplanes are one cause of global warming , there are lots more, for example:
    -burning fossils fuels
    -cutting down forests
    -farming livestock
    These are three examples of 'What causes global warming ?'
    On the other hand, it all started with 'The Greenhouse Gas.' There are 97 percent that humans are the reason for global warming.
    There are many reasons to help stop global warming as it hurts our planet that we live in. To help prevent global warming , we should :
    -save energy, turn of the light when we don't need it
    -use an electric vehicle , according to google, electric vehicle is much better then gas vehicle as gas is a reason of global warming
    -consider your travel, as you know , airplanes are a reason of climate change
    -throw away less food

  • Hi,
    I scored 10/10 which makes me very proud that I am thankfully obtaining plenty of profitable pieces of information due to this advantageous competition. I have learned a lot of lessons and topics that make me feel like a real expert as this competition has made me access my path of knowledge and success. According to this topic which is about eco anxiety, I've learned a bunch of different realizations like for instance, the importance of recycling. I realized that a change even a small one can make a huge difference moreover I also learned that i as an individual , I must start today because if I ignored this situation due to my small ability of making a change than there's going to be no change! Because if everyone thought that there ability won't make much of anything then they are wrong since everyone thinks that there change won't efficiently effect the planet which is totally wrong , We all have to start with ourselves as we help in small things and then watch how those things could really successfully effect the planet. I also learned that there should be global interaction with these kind of problems like for example, launching campaigns that spread awareness to everyone in the world out there.

  • The most important thing about Eco-anxiety is how it affects you because it makes you feel something in your heart and then you tell someone else and it might help so then information gets passed on and on and finally it might happen because they heard it damaging the world.

  • I scored 7 out of 10 and it is just shocking that not many people are changing their just sitting at home scared like this is not a game we can’t just give up this is our home we have to change.

  • Eco-anxiety can be useful because it can help you think about more but it will make a big problem then the problem will become bigger then people will be worried . Eco anxiety will bring more attention

    1. I agree because.. people are getting so worried and afraid about eci anxiety and the climate change just like polo bears they are be coming extinc. But in my opinion it is good but some people might feel scared then it will become a problem for everyone. People are causing climate change and taking care of the world but it is also bad because people are getting more afraid of eco anxiety

  • I think that people are getting to worried about eco anxiety and climate change and can effect us by polluting rubbish into our country and if the climate get to hot then all the ice bergs will melt and the sea will get bigger and bigger and the sea will flood other contrary’s and that causes eco anxiety. But in my opinion it is good a little bit because people know that they are causing climate change and starting to take care of our planet but only a small amount of people are taking care of our world. It is also bad because it is making more species going extinct because of the climate change like polar bears,
    Thank you.

  • Eco-anxiety is a very real problem for many people who live in islands because they live on islands meaning that if water is rising, the island will flood and people on the island will drown and they will have nowhere to live so eco-anxiety can be a real problem for people.

  • It is important for everybody to be aware of climate change however, eco-anxiety can be negative because for us children it makes us feel like it is all down to us and we are responsible to fix the mistakes of adults.

  • I think the fact that 75% of people did the survey is good because it can make a big emotional change for the planet. The comments can perfectly persuade us to make a big reaction to our behaviour about climate change which can decrease eco-anxiety if we take it seriously. If we don't take action, in the future we shall be ashamed of ourselves. The more action we take action, the less eco anxiety.

  • I know that eco anxiety is a big problem because it can harm animals and cause pollution to the world. Eco anxiety is also important because it can raise awareness and people can finally know that we only have one world so it is up to us to keep it tidy and to respect it with all the mighty we have. I also know that we can put an end to this immediately because we are the one who started this mess in the first place so if we just recycle it helps this one world we live in

  • I think the news should show more positive news about climate change though I do think its just as important to show the bad stuff so people truly understand how dangerous climate change is. I was very shocked to here that 75% of young people are so scared of what the future is going to be like because of climate change and how from 2018 to 2023 searches on google that are related to climate anxiety has increase by 4,590%.

  • Eco- anxiety is people who are feeling anxious about the climate and world which is sometimes on the news.
    That makes us worry and give information to be alerted about climate or
    about the world.
    sometimes we do things risky because of eco - anxiety and it brings people more together
    to save the world. Normally the smallest thing we can do for the earth is recycle and it is
    Very common for us people.

  • Eco anxiety is good for different reasons.These good reasons can be shown by the fact that it shows a warning however to much warnings can affect us.

    1. Can you give me some examples of other good reasons?

  • 'Balance is an action, not a state.' I believe in order to take actions we must be aware of what we are changing.If we are aware of how amazing nature is and how we are improving it instead of, bold captions saying there is no hope ,as this will send people into depression, anxiety and panic.Eco - anxiety can come in differnt forms and could be cause by this negitivity. I think life can be balanced and I think its correct to be.

    This is what I understand thank you.

  • I believe that the fact that the percentage of people typing the words, " Eco anxiety " increased radically is very important. This is because it can comfort young people all around the world that they are not alone, that they are feeling the same as other people, that they are being impacted similiarly.

  • Hi,
    My opinion is eco-anxiety should be talked about more and that
    If people are worried about it they should help make it change.

  • Without a doubt, our planet is warming up. 2023, was the hottest year since records began. Since 1900 and the industrial revolution, the world has warmed at least 1.1 degrees celsius. That might not seem like much, but it has a tragic effect.Right now, 2% of the world is on fire or burnt to ashes.February 2024 was the hottest February in Human history. Don’t escape from this, this problem is very real and we need to take action if we want any hope of survival.

    Unquestionably, sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting and ice caps are melting-resulting in sea levels rising. 750 billion tonnes of ice is lost every year. Habitats are being ruined. It’s tragic. Sea levels rise 0.14 inches per year, that might not seem like much, but it’s rising and sooner than later, we will lose land and certain places like Venice and Fiji will have sunk. Most of the population live on the coast,and if that’s going underwater, Humans have a massive problem.

  • I got 9/10. I learned that the world is changing and some people are worried about it. I also learned that 75% percent of 10 country's 10,000 people are worried about climate change.

  • I got 7 out of 10 and this actually helped teach me a little but more. Thinking about the environment and how we are being affected by climate change and how no one is trying to stop it usually to most people I know whenever the environment is brought up. What I didn't know was how many people actually think like this, while yes I knew quite a few people did I did not think that 75% did. I actually got that question correct because I thought 40% was quite low and in turn picked the next one up. I was hoping it would be 40% and that I would be incorrect but I think I secretly knew that wasn't true. Sometimes it's hard to face reality and what's going on so your brain can block it out which can make you more anxious when it is brought up since your trying to block it out. This is why I enjoy topical talk so much, it opens up people's eyes and talks about issues that might make some people uncomfortable, but it's to show the truth about what is happening in our current world .

  • Hi topical talkers
    I scored 10l10. The most important question in my opinion from quiz is the 9th question which says which of the following is an advice from Joycelyn Longdon, one of the topical talk eco-anxiety experts?
    My answer was "B" which says "use your personal strengths and skills to do what you can do for the planet".
    Thats because if every person did what he can to make a change every person will be unique.
    The distinction in the difference.

  • I scored 10 /10 !!! . The quiz was easy to solve as most of questions were asked from the resources provided on the hub , I am always very excited to give a quiz in topical talk as they give us alot of knowledge and experience.
    Actually, before topical talk I used to feel bored about the news and different countries news , but now I am taking in interest and now I can understand a perfect situation in a more proper way.
    Thank you !