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Comments by versatile_editor

Comment Post Date
I think all women should hear the words: "Women are half the society and raise the other... #23 What should they hear? 25/2/22
1. The movie I know is called Dr. Dolittle by Eddie Murphy . 2. It is about a great vet... #9 Think of a link 29/10/21
THE NEWS T: The best way to keep yourself informed is to read the news H: Help your mind... #8 The News 25/10/21
My dream job is to become an agronomist so that I will increase the fertility of the soil and... #6 Dream jobs 12/10/21
The people of Gaza suffer from a lack of advanced and modern scientific equipment such as... #5 Innovation for your nation! 07/10/21
I think curiosity is the most important quality of a journalist because he should search for... #4 Because... 28/9/21
Be patient with him, listen carefully to him, he hasn't rested for many days. #3 Caption this 20/9/21
"Nock the door to let seven doors open " This is a traditional proveb here in Palestine and this... #2 Children's news channel 16/9/21