Comments by students of Cheam Fields Primary Academy | United Kingdom

Student Comment Post Date
creative_shrimp splendid_fish I agree because people on Google Meet who are shy to show their face can hide... Balanced discussions on the Hub 24/1/24
creative_shrimp Hi, I chose curious because I really don't know what AI can really do or accomplish something... What's your reaction? 24/1/24
funny_potato The decision for the question was a hard one. I voted that people should only hear bad news... Too much negative news? 24/1/24
splendid_fish Hi respectful_anteater and enigmatic_leopard, I agree very much to your comment as these fun... Tell us what you think! 23/1/24
splendid_fish I think this discussion should cover,'how to stop it,' 'why it's happening' and 'letting our... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
enigmatic_leopard I am very sorry to hear that, no person should feel unsafe in their home. I feel this would be... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
enigmatic_leopard I got 9 out of 10 , I suggest you could make us do the tests at the end of the year to see how... Show what you know 23/1/24
splendid_fish Hi, I do agree with you in a way because for example age restrictions for roller... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
respectful_anteater I scored 13/16, the 1940 question was quite hard, i put 20% but it was 60%, As well as the... Test your knowledge 23/1/24
bustling_engine The decision to vote was tricky as both of the options have a good reason to agree with either... Too much negative news? 23/1/24
respectful_anteater This was tough, I chose good though, Because if we see the good news, we can learn from it, and... Too much negative news? 23/1/24
enigmatic_leopard Hi, This picture means a lot to me as my family is very passionate about the environment. I... Climate change: regular reminders 23/1/24
enigmatic_leopard I agree because the more people the merry! Google meet is a fun way to get to know other people... Balanced discussions on the Hub 23/1/24
bustling_engine I agree with this topic,us kids should not be denied to do something if we are under aged.I... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
respectful_anteater The topic I would really like to suggest is, "Too old, Too young, Not enough, Too much." This is... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
respectful_anteater hello enigmatic leopard, I agree here, loads! These questionnaires help improve our work. Tell us what you think! 23/1/24
respectful_anteater I agree with this as, these questionnaires help to get to know people. This is an amazing way to... Tell us what you think! 23/1/24
splendid_fish I believe that having a 'how to make a change' topic would be extremely vital because I would... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
enigmatic_leopard I think humans can make a huge difference by walking to school, making sure their rubbish is in... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24
splendid_fish Hi, I think the topic 'how to make a change' would really be great as I would love to discuss... Suggest a discussion 23/1/24