Comments by students of Pointe South Elementary School | United States of America Student Comment Post Date serious_cookie In my opinion, the political government should work towards prevention of crime, rather than... Prevention or protection? 15/2/24 joyous_climate I believe that the highest priority of prison guards should be focused on reforming the... What’s the purpose of prisons? 15/2/24 nice_flute If I had to sort the priorities of prison from least to greatest, I would have to say that mine... What’s the purpose of prisons? 15/2/24 serious_cookie To fill in on opinion B, I agree because prisons should focus on reforming prisoners rather than... What if prisons aren’t working? 15/2/24 nice_flute I think there should be a Hub discussion post about stores, I know it may sound very simple, but... Suggest a discussion 13/2/24 nice_flute I agree because... I've noticed that in schools, teachers only offer a "Strong man" to pick up... Suggest a discussion 13/2/24 nice_flute I agree because... There have been many school shootings on the news, I feel like we should talk... Suggest a discussion 13/2/24 giving_yuzu Hello Yesterday in class was so much fun! First, we learned about the lesson which was just... How did the lesson go? 10/2/24 brilliant_coconut I feel like people always say how the earth is dead, but does nothing to help it. They always... Why don’t people change? 08/2/24 nice_flute As a responsible member of society, I acknowledge the fact that we all have a part to play in... Climate change and inequality 08/2/24 giving_yuzu I think that people aren't changing because of their daily life cycle. They have "better" things... Why don’t people change? 08/2/24 joyous_climate The reason why I think people are not changing their behavior to protect the planet is that most... Why don’t people change? 08/2/24 talented_orca Hello! I wanted to share that I agree with option A. The reason why is because if we only have... Too much negative news? 08/2/24 talented_orca Even though I think we should only get bad news, I actually agree with you. People should hear... Too much negative news? 08/2/24 talented_orca For me personally, I disagree. The reason why is because people will think that they don't have... Too much negative news? 08/2/24 giving_yuzu Here's how we can protect the planet. First we can start using our own water bottles to reduce... How to make a change 08/2/24 nice_flute In response to question A, I would like to express my respectful disagreement. I believe that... Will schools exist in future? 26/1/24 giving_yuzu I think that alien tracking would be a job in the future and I have some evidence to support... Jobs of the future 26/1/24 joyous_climate I think that some jobs that would be created due to A.I ( Artificial Intelligence) are Robotic... Jobs of the future 26/1/24 nice_flute As our world becomes increasingly technology-driven, the topic of AI-generated employment has... Jobs of the future 26/1/24 < 1 2