Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School C | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
strong_jackfruit I highly agree with this comment. Women can play the same sports men do if not better. That just... Women's sport 05/2/24
strong_jackfruit I think a Hub discussion post on the food crisis in America is an interesting topic. Our... Suggest a discussion 05/2/24
lovely_cymbals In my perspective, I feel as if the media plays a significant role for supporting women in... Women's sport 04/2/24
lovely_cymbals I believe it is right to restrict people's freedom if it's to keep them safe because in the end... Freedom v safety? 04/2/24
strong_jackfruit This was a good way to get know me.This survey had some great questions like how confident and... Tell us what you think! 04/2/24
strong_jackfruit I've noticed a growing interest among young people in American politics lately. The increased ... Are young people politically engaged? 04/2/24
dazzling_computer I directly disagree with you and here’s why. As I said before, the human has a natural ability... Will schools exist in future? 04/2/24
strong_jackfruit I agree with the statement "The company that developed the AI is responsible. It shouldn’t be in... AI accident: who is responsible? 04/2/24
honorable_journalist I don't know if being a student affects my reasoning, but it seems like a pretty good option.... How should prisons be run? 04/2/24
lovely_cymbals I strongly disagree with opinion "A", for the purpose of a prison is to make prisoners feel... What if prisons aren’t working? 04/2/24
placid_night I would say that the media best supports women in football. Because in the media they are all... Women's sport 03/2/24
resourceful_tradition I believe that some age restrictions should be changed but there are some age restrictions that... Age restrictions 03/2/24
reasoning_fig Honestly, I think women's sports do not get paid as much as the men playing sports. Take the NBA... Women's sport 03/2/24
lovely_wilddog I feel that the media is the most important part when it comes to sports I feel that when it... Women's sport 03/2/24
understanding_shark I agree with A because it makes a valid point. It states that there's no point going to school... Will schools exist in future? 03/2/24
dazzling_computer In my opinion, the educational system will still be in the picture and most likely will be... Will schools exist in future? 03/2/24
strong_jackfruit Why aren’t enough people changing their behaviour to protect the planet is the topic I chose.I... Why don’t people change? 03/2/24
easygoing_redcurrant In my opinion, I agree to restrict people's freedom if it's to keep them safe. This is because I... Freedom v safety? 03/2/24
analytical_lute I think they should do 30% in preventing crimes and 70% on protecting people from crime For the... Prevention or protection? 03/2/24
contemplative_watermelon For option A, I disagree, if a prison is bad there should be effort to make the prison system... What if prisons aren’t working? 03/2/24