Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School C | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
inspiring_engine 1. one reason for this might be to ensure the safety of a countries citizens and to check if... Why are there rules about immigration? 11/3/24
resourceful_tradition A bad prison could make crime worse. This is because if a prison is bad, that means that they... What if prisons aren’t working? 11/3/24
dazzling_computer Yes, I agree with you because all people gain their own perks from doing specific sports. All... Which sports “matter”? 11/3/24
receptive_flight I've chosen to discuss opinion B and C. I agree with both opinions heavily and here's... How would you respond? 11/3/24
placid_night The U.S. would not be supported by immigrants if immigrants weren't allowed at all. The country... What are the benefits of immigration? 11/3/24
radical_chocolate The most important way a country might benefit from accepting immigrants is the amount of job... What are the benefits of immigration? 11/3/24
lovely_wilddog Personally, I would caption the image above "One step closer". I would caption it that because... Caption this! 11/3/24
strong_jackfruit I think people should sometimes avoid bad news.I think that looking at the bad news can make you... The media and elections 11/3/24
unassuming_clementine I agree with option B because athletes who worked hard to get into the Olympics it will be... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 11/3/24
smart_jabuticaba If i created my own games, I’d make sure that there isn’t any negativity or anything that’s not... You make the rules! 09/3/24
charismatic_pineapple I disagree because Yes we shouldn't be influenced on what other people think but what do voters... Who has the power? 09/3/24
strong_jackfruit I agree with a .It helps recognize women and their accomplishments all around thee world.women... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 09/3/24
humble_raisin I think there should be a topic about business investments and how investments can change the... Suggest a discussion 08/3/24
humble_raisin I believe that the women playing football themselves are those who are most important for... Women's sport 08/3/24
jocular_yuzu All of the Topical Talk skills are important in different and unique ways, each one having their... Competition #7 winners 07/3/24
jocular_yuzu Athletes that take performance-enhancing drugs should be required to show that to others because... Should people know? 06/3/24
lovely_cymbals I agree with opinion "A"= “International Women’s Day is great because it reminds the world about... International Women’s Day: good or bad? 06/3/24
understanding_shark I ultimately disagree with B, because there's already a system that basically does that. The... How would you respond? 06/3/24
genius_camel If there are news that a certain candidate has done something controversially bad, they are... The media and elections 06/3/24
easygoing_redcurrant I agree with you because all sports matter. No matter how boring the games are, they can teach... Which sports “matter”? 06/3/24