Comments by students of Rex Mill Middle STEM School C | United States of America

Student Comment Post Date
genius_camel The voters have the most power. The voters have a lot of power because they can change whose... Who has the power? 06/3/24
dazzling_computer This doesn't make sense everyone will cheat. If people aren't checked for enhancing drugs then... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 06/3/24
lovely_wilddog Personally I agree with statement C the most. Statement C states that "Yes because protecting... Profits or the planet? 06/3/24
resourceful_tradition When it comes to prison, there are many purposes. One main purpose of prison is to keep people... What’s the purpose of prisons? 06/3/24
smart_jabuticaba Personally, I say the leader has the most power. The United States government is based on an... Who has the power? 06/3/24
receptive_flight I chose no and here's my reason. Other leaders of my country have started thousands of problems... Your country in your hands! 06/3/24
kind_situation The opinion I chose was "A bad prison can make crime worse instead of better." I disagree with... What if prisons aren’t working? 06/3/24
honorable_literature I chose option C. I do agree with it because political parties can make a government system tear... How would you respond? 06/3/24
contemplative_watermelon I would say that the number of young people engaged in politics are increasing. I say this... Are young people politically engaged? 06/3/24
consistent_editor I think if people in small cities or towns limited the amount of times they use cars then it... How to make a change 06/3/24
easygoing_redcurrant In my opinion, I think an individual is important to us in this developing world.... Responsible citizens 06/3/24
analytical_lute I Agree A The reason why I agree with A is because the more people you means the greater impact... How would you respond? 06/3/24
tidy_lion I believe that the voters should have all the power in an election. I believe this because they... Who has the power? 06/3/24
radical_chocolate I agree mostly with opinion C because many performance enhancing drugs have side effects that... What do you think about the Enhanced Games? 06/3/24
understanding_shark I believe people should challenge stereotypes by Identifying their own stereotypes, educate... Stereotypes 06/3/24
strong_jackfruit Many things can be done about eco anxiety but I think the main thing is making sure are people... Eco-anxiety, what can be done about it? 06/3/24
placid_night I think there should be a Hub discussion post about how prisons treat pregnant women who are... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24
lovely_wilddog I think there should be a Hub discussion post about the reason on why people immigrate. That way... Suggest a discussion 06/3/24
contemplative_watermelon I agree most with C. I say this because not all businesses harm the environment. I believe that... Profits or the planet? 06/3/24
receptive_flight I chose a good 8, and here's why. When journalists go through an event of things, they like to... Are journalists the answer? 06/3/24