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We know that space is a positive human future but it is also the future of humanity. One thing I have learnt with humanity is that people like to posttpone the inevitable, staying put and fighting change are not good tactics if we want to live, change is constant and humans must either learn to adapt to change or be left behind. Human beings change, technology changes, and things will continue to change in order for the future to be better.

We humans hate to think of the worse I mean what if an asteroid hit? A flood? A plague? A drought? Right now, we have many excellent ways of figuring out how each of these specie ending disasters might unfoldand we have ways of preventing most of them from killing us all. Surviving implementing what we already know. But it’s also about planning to deal with disasters we know for certain aren’t survivable right now. Those are the kinds of disasters that require us to build cities on Mars, Venus, the Moon, asteroids, and any other uninhabited place we can find. The more we explore, the more likely it is that our species will make it. Space sets humans on a journey that’s survivable. And it’s one that might yield many incredible discoveries along the way.

As climate change warms the planet, sea levels rise, and wildfires become commonplace, humans edge more precariously onto the precipice of a much harsher landscape. According to experts, humanity’s environmental woes are so severe that a global-scale ecological catastrophe is already underway. During such dire times, questions remain about the issues we are focusing our money and energy into. Among them, whether the current pursuit of space exploration and its cost is foolish or a cynical bet against planet Earth’s survival. Spaceflight isn’t just a master-minded escape plan for the richest among us, though. The key to saving our planet, and humanity, partly relies on the innovations from space exploration.

It might seem like a waste now but the moment something big happens and then we have to rely on space we would be glad, here are some facts to help you understand that space exploration is not a waste of resources.

Space research isn’t as expensive as people think

Many countries around the world invest in space science and exploration as a balanced part of their total federal budget. Public opinion research has shown that people estimate NASA to take up as much as a quarter of the U.S. federal budget, but in fact, NASA’s budget only represents about 0.5% of the total federal budget and the proportion is even smaller for other spacefaring nations.

Space research directly impacts Earthly problems

When people apply themselves to the challenges of exploring space, they make discoveries that can help the world in other ways too. Studying how we might grow food in orbit or on Mars yields insights into growing food in extreme conditions on Earth, generating knowledge that can help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Medical research conducted on the International Space Station helps us understand the human body in new ways, helping save lives and improve quality of life.


We need to answer these questions:

How can we support space exploration rather than bringing it down.

How does space exploration affect our lives both positively and negatively

Does space exploration have more merits or does it have more demerits.

Comments (30)

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  • I've watched a lot of programs about spaceflight since you ask
    On the pros and cons of space exploration
    First I'll start with the negatives
    1- Increased levels of pollution in the air.
    2- Increasing waste rates resulting from space flights.
    3- Exposure of astronauts to harmful rays.
    Among the positives of the conquest of space:
    1- Answering the questions that have always baffled people about space and the possibility of accessing it.
    2- Photographing the globe from outer space and creating maps
    3- Attempting to explore water and natural resources on the surface of other planets, or to discover the possibility of life on a planet other than Earth.

    1. I agree because watching programs about space can help you know / learn about new space facts

    2. Thank you for your comment, but from my point of view, the air will not be polluted because the moon does not have oxygen, but if you mean the pollution that results from the flight of the spacecraft into space, yes, air pollution will occur, but this pollution will not affect the population because when the spacecraft is launched, it will be in a place Unpopulated, not a crowded place and will be renewedAir after how many days

  • I think it would be required in the future if humans want to live. In a few billion years the sun will explode and take everything out with it. So in that time humans (If we are still alive) we will have to find a way to travel to another habitable galaxy and planet to go to, But i think 8 billion years (if we are sill alive) is enough time to come up with a plan.

    1. I don't know how true that is but if we want to move from the planet earth it is not how to move that is the problem the problem is how many of us will be able to afford the movement not everyone is rich enough to board a space ship to relocate and another problem is which other planet is comfortable enough for us to move in.

  • The first question: How can we support space exploration instead of decreasing it? With many countries around the world investing in space science and exploration.
    The second question: How does space exploration affect our lives positively and negatively?
    Positively: 1- Improving life on Earth, space exploration is important for the planet.
    2- Demonstrating the scientific, social and economic benefits of space travel.
    3 - The exploration of space provided a great deal of important knowledge to educate people and increase their awareness about the basic understanding of planet Earth and the universe.
    4- Increasing knowledge about space and discovering distant planets and galaxies.
    5- The discovery of space gives us an idea of ​​the beginnings of the universe.
    Negatively: 1- Going to space negatively affects human life, such as lack of physical gravity, muscle atrophy, and deterioration of the bone structure in spaceflight Slowing of cardiovascular functions, decreased red blood cell production, balance and vision disorders, weak immune system, and exposure of astronauts to harmful rays.
    I have watched short clips of movies that astronauts die when they go into space to explore. As a result, not many people will survive if all people go to space to explore or live in space.
    Finally, I would very much like to go to space because I love exploring and studying planets and galaxies
    It's fun to watch the universe and people will be happy. The more they explore, the more likely it is that our species will succeed. Space puts humans on a survivable journey that may yield many amazing discoveries along the way into space.

    1. I agree because as i stated above space exploration is not even that expensive so if we can just donate a part of our budget we would thrive.

  • I do not have a specific answer because space has negatives and positives: the positives are that the appearance is beautiful and we can discover the big difficult scientific theories and entertain people. As for the negatives / the lack of oxygen and it is possible that we get lost in space, we lose sensors / the answer is indefinite. Is it yes or no or is it possible and space Its exploration is difficult, and not all people can explore. Space is a vast place full of intricate secrets. Space is not easy

    1. I think that space has it positive and negative sides because it will take a large number time to build a spaceship and i think that that it is impossible to carry everybody on earth to space because what if the ship should have issue how will it be that they would be able to find it and if we are able to find a planent conducive for man i thing that it will lead to the fighting of properties which would end up starting a large scale war.

    2. Hey daring donkey, this is a good balanced view, where you have weighed up the positives and negatives. I think a great point you have raised is that not all people can explore space. Do you think more people would want to explore space if given the chance? Would you go and explore space if given the chance to?

      1. I agree because... Yes, if I had the opportunity, I would agree, but I am sad because there are poor people who will not be given the opportunity because space needs ....
        ....... For a lot of money, the rich will agree. As for the poor, they do not have enough money to explore, and space also needs strong people who do not fear anything.

  • A way to increase space exploration is by improving
    Increasing the amount of oxygen for astronauts.
    Increasing medicine for astronauts.
    Increase more fuel to improve more flight into space.
    Space can affect our life positively in our mood and mental state.
    Space can affect our mind in a negative way if you think something bad is going to happen.
    Space exploration has more merits than it does demerits because space exploration has more benefits and features.

  • Well we really should leave earth when necessary say because then the world isn't really used for anything.

  • I think going to space isn't good because we are leaving are own home because we are not taking care of it. all it will cost a lot of money. I also think that we'll be able to explore more in space see more.

  • I do know the true way of how space was made. It was made by
    1: The big bang the big bang made the universe and the sun the dust coming from the sun clustered to make the sun and scientests belive that the big bang is still making space expand.

  • Space exploration can be positive as it could help to reduce pollution and stop global warming, if we explore the planets it would change a lot of things like:
    1.) Ice Caps melting
    2.) Polar Bears losing their homes
    3.) Sea-level rising
    4.) Hotter temperatures
    5.) Natural Disasters
    6.) Loss of food sources
    7.) Plastic in the Oceans.
    We can support Space exploration by making people aware of current expeditions and highlighting the positive impacts. However Space exploration is very expensive and the money could be better use to reduce the impact of global warming.

  • we should spend more money on earth because there are more problems on earth than space

    1. I think so because of the danger we face in our planet due to global warming and pollution while in space people hardly live there so the environment in space is clean and health , so instead of the government spending so much on moving to space they should focus on stoping the manufacturing companies to stop the realease of harmful substance instead it should be turned into something meanful to help aid development.

  • i think they should spend less money on space and more money on the people on earth so the homeless people can eat food like us who has money and a house

  • how does mars have water? does any one know

  • I think the positive side of space exploration is that if there is something out there and we haven't used the money to go out there and explore already, then there might be a big problem that we don't know about so we should spend the money to explore because we don't want that happening to us.

  • I think they should make the earth a better place by
    making it so they can slit the money in half one for the earth and one half for space so they dont spend billion of pounds on rocket ships just to go to space once iether than once so they can go to space more than once a year probaly.

  • I think the sun will just die in millions of years but I think it will just go all black then the world would just go all dark and cold it will be bad but people now wont be alive then but the people in that time I think they will be in danger which would be terrifying but if they stay on earth I think they will be ok because the core of the earth is lava so it should keep us warm for a while until the lava dies out but the world will still be dark so it would be scary.

  • did you know stars are made of fire and when they die they turn into black holes sometimes even white holes

  • How does a rocket blast off? I have never found out about what causes the rocket to blast of. I already know that a big shot of fire pushing it up but somehow never knew how it doesn't come back down from gravity.

  • We can help raise that percentage by offering everyone the benefits of this experience and really making them feel the way an astronaut feels, and also making it free so that whoever wants to do it can do it.

  • How does space exploration affect our lives positively and negatively?
    Positively: 1- Improving life on Earth, space exploration is important for the planet.
    2- Demonstrating the scientific, social and economic benefits of space travel.
    3 - The exploration of space provided a great deal of important knowledge to educate people and increase their awareness about the basic understanding of planet Earth and the universe.

  • Without space programs, we wouldn't have GPS, accurate weather prediction, solar cells, or the ultraviolet filters in sunglasses and cameras. There's also medical research happening in space right now that could cure diseases and prolong human lives, and these experiments can't be done on Earth.

  • We support space exploration by supporting people who go to space and appreciating their effort in their attempts to know everything in space because if something dangerous happens on the planet, perhaps we can live in space, and space exploration can be supported by providing opportunities for people with brilliant minds to go to space, as there are many People have very wide and deep minds, but they cannot go to space for certain reasons and circumstances. The positives of space Going to space leads to the discovery of minerals and finding great wealth that we benefit from on the planet Earth and life can be discovered on another planet and also has negatives that affect the body and include low production of red blood cells, weightlessness, visual disturbances, weak immune system

  • I think in the future if humans like to live in a few billion years the sun will explode and carry everything out with it. So in that time humans we will have to find a way to travel to another habitable galaxy and planet to go .

  • think it would be required in the future if humans want to live. In a few billion years the sun will explode and take everything out with it.

  • I can never be convinced that space is a human future!!
    I want it to be only her
    "We can't solve problems on Earth, so how can we solve them in space?"
    I don't think life on space is easier!
    On Earth, we face many problems that, from the beginning of life until now, we have not found solutions.
    Do you think we can face problems in space?
    Space is a world that we do not know where it starts from or where it ends. We do not know anything about it. Do you think that scientists will obtain all this information easily? Or that they will be able to accomplish its construction easily? Perhaps we will not be lucky and we will die until they discover it! Perhaps scientists will leave life at that time We will not know the completion of this march!
    I do not know, but this is a wish for everyone.

  • I think the sun will just die in millions of years but I think it will just go all black then the world would just go all dark and cold it will be bad but people now wont be alive then but the people in that time I think they will be in danger which would be terrifying but if they stay on earth I think they will be ok because the core of the earth is lava so it should keep us warm for a while until the lava dies out but the world will still be dark so it would be scary.

  • Space exploration enables not only how the heavenly bodies r working but also improve our life style . From space exploration we know the reasons of global warming so we can avoid such acts which is causing global warming .we ve affiliation with planet earth we own it .so space exploration increases the worth of this planet as its temperature is quit e suitable for us to live .
    We must keep on thinking globally to reduce each nd very problem .

  • I have always been in awe of the mysteries of this universe. Being an astronaut i think the most adventurous job in this world. But as i grown up i had come to know that its not as easy as it seems. An Astronauts meant daring to face the circumstances which are completely un expected and unknown. I meant the Univere which is mystery for us having many phenomenons unpredictable and we can't foresee or plan precautions in the face of the unknow dangers met on this journey.
    We can only make our spaceships technically advance, resilient and safer for journey. Its only possible by supporting the space mission through donations.
    Space journey have positive impacts on the life of people they get the view of outer world and many unsolved mysteries can be solved. But i must say that space journey have sometimes brings disaster to the space scientists and explorers in the result of misfortunate events. Many of them have to pay with their life. So there must be way to support the familes of such Scientists and to acknowledge their contribution.

  • Does space exploration have merits or does it have more demerits?
    To me, that sounds like a debatable question. The answer really depends on how you look at it. Speaking from the two most popular points of view:
    Many people say, space research is a waste of time and moeny. During the pandemic, a whopping sum of more than 92 billion U.S. dollars was spent on space research, with a year-over-year increase of 10.7 percent despite the COVID-19 pandemic. At least 50% of that money could have been of help to put an end to the several famines that took place.
    But take a look at the bigger picture. It is because of space research that we have satellites, and because of satellites, we have the Internet and all other sorts of wireless communication media. Without them, do you think we would have been able to even know about what is going on around the world and the crises that were taking place? During the pandemic, when everything was shut down, it was via the internet that we connected to each other. Thanks to the satellites, today we are here addressing and raising awareness about the various problems that the world faces, by just a simple click of the mouse.

  • I've watched a lot of programs about spaceflight since you ask
    On the pros and cons of space exploration
    First I'll start with the negatives
    1- Increased levels of pollution in the air.
    2- Increasing waste rates resulting from space flights.
    3- Exposure of astronauts to harmful rays.
    Among the positives of the conquest of space:
    1- Answering the questions that have always baffled people about space and the possibility of accessing it.
    2- Photographing the globe from outer space and creating maps
    3- Attempting to explore water and natural resources on the surface of other planets, or to discover the possibility of life on a planet other than Earth.

  • Whilst I think that we should continue to explore space, we should also look at why space exploration is bad for the environment and how it affects us. First of all, it costs massive amounts of money to produce spaceships and you have to pay a lot of money to astronauts for them to be able to explore space, you would even have to pay to create their space suits. Another reason why space exploration is a negative thing is that astronauts get expose to mass amount of radiation and get badly affected due to the altered gravity. When astronauts have to return to earth after a trip to space, their bodies have to readjust to the earth's gravitational force which is obviously different to the gravitational force in space. It takes 2-3 years for an astronaut's body to fully adjust before they can go on another trip off the earth. Positive aspects though are that we get to discover more information about space and get to find fascinating things out about space that we have never found before. In space, we can also detect any warnings or any destructions that are coming our way towards earth so that we can prepare for it.