Eco Anxiety: Is it the same for everyone?

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  • I agree with you that eco-anxiety is not the same for everyone. As you rightly pointed out, you empathize with those who are experiencing eco-anxiety because of your exposure to flood due to climate change. Some people are completely ignorant of this like me. I never heard of eco-anxiety, my first contact was through TTF, therefore, this information must be out there to know that there are people who are going through a lot as a result of climate change.
    Eco-anxiety is real, therefore people must be informed about it before they begin to experience it, this is one way of preparing them because the way the ozone layer is been depleted, everyone will eventually feel the impact.

    1. Indeed, you are entirely correct; ignorance also plays a part in the circumstances. Due to limited information access and the fact that not all information reaches them, some residents of rural or underdeveloped areas may not be aware of what is happening to the climate or the reasons behind it. As a result, they may not be aware of what is happening to the environment.

      1. I completely agree with you. Personally I believe that everyone suffers from eco-anxiety whether it is a lot or a little. As you have said some people may simply be ignorant to the true dangers that are side effects of our climate crisis.
        To ensure we all see the severity of the situation, it is important that we teach those that are unsure about the consequences of both theirs and others actions. This will help people begin to act and therefore help our environment.

      2. Agreed, neglecting others plays a very big role especially when they do not have all facts or information.People that live in more field like areas or areas that are not quite developed like places like London.This may lead them to not being able to gather that information due to lack of electronics or access to internet. When this is happening, of course people will not be aware of the terms and conditions happening around the world.

  • I agree with your point because anxiety related to climate change is different for everyone. People who have experienced climate change are more likely to have a greater level of anxiety compared to those who have not. Those who have personally experienced climate change often hear what the future may hold and me experience panic as a result. But some of the people who has experienced climate crisis may channel they are fear into positive actions by searching for solutions to prevent future climate disasters. However, individuals who have not experienced climate crisis may not feel as much anxiety towards the issue even if they have seen it in the news. There are response to crisis may not be as strong as those who have directly experience it.

  • I would actually say that different people actually react to eco-anxiety differently because the feeling of eco-anxiety differs based on personal experience. People mainly have three options when considering eco-anxiety and these are fight, flight or freeze. Personal experience makes people to react in all different ways. Someone who has experienced it first-hand would probably freeze due to the horrible experience whereas a news consumer would choose flight because he or she doesn't want to be engaged in such. The outcome of eco-anxiety is based on the drives of human feelings. Different people will respond to their eco-anxiety differently, making it that different people will have a different approach. Let's take a look at Joycelyn Longdon, she had a rather fight eco-anxiety which made her to become great today. To me, your approach towards eco-anxiety doesn't matter, but what you channel your eco-anxiety to makes the difference.



  • I think you are right . It isn’t the same for everyone . It depends as you said on whether what they experienced in their location, in their country.
    For instance a destructive weather condition in a place causes a lot of anxiety if you think that maybe this happen again.
    Think also the ones living in Antarctica and seeing ice melting. It is a peculiar thing for them to experience and it is logical the inhabitants there to think what if everything melts.

    1. i agree with you and that point, as it dose come down to specific things , like where you live and like you said the weather conditions . and i also think that it is everyone's responsibly as we all live on this planet and we do share it . , but everyone can do a little by you know recycling

  • Hi guys,
    I don't think climate change is the same for everyone. In some places, climate change has benefited their countries in some sort of way. For instance, colder regions like the US, Canada, the UK, and parts of Russia can experience milder winters that can lead to lower heating costs and more opportunities in farming. Warmth in the atmosphere also increases carbon dioxide levels, which really helps with plantations. In addition, the melting of arctic areas can open more opportunities for countries like Greenland and Iceland that are always iced. Meanwhile, other hotter countries, like Ghana, Nigeria, and other African countries, experience drought, poor soil for farming, and flooding, amongst others. In conclusion, climate change affects different countries differently, and what we need to do is find the appropriate ways to address it.

  • I agree that eco anxiety isn't the same for everyone. For example, if you go to the same school as another individual your experience may be very different even if you went to the same class.
    I believe this same rule applies to eco anxiety, with the school example you could got picked on you would hate school or you could have loved school as you were popular, and everyone liked you. Similarly, you may have sever eco anxiety and worry about the future, this could be affected by your worry for the planet; this could impact where you live and how climate change affects your area which is very noticeable and concerning or you talk about climate change a lot at home or at school on a daily basis. On the other hand, you may not notice climate change in your area at all!

    Depending on where you live, you may rarely talk about climate change or anytime as you do not see any changes in your area regarding climate change. Your eco anxiety may not even affect you a bit, causing you to question if climate change is even real or is it just companies try to get off extra money of you.

    I can tell you now that climate change is very real and if it does not affect you, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, people all around the world suffer from major consequences of climate change, from extreme heatwaves to droughts to melting ice caps and storms.
    I am not saying either of not worrying at all or having a full on eco anxiety panic attacks is good for you but making your bit can really help the climate. "What difference does it make if I don't take my action and don't recycle, save water, take a bike ride instead of a car etc" Then you are WRONG if everybody has an open mindset the little things the big things that will save our only home. I hope people will do or are doing already, it can make a difference YES YOU.
    Thankyou :)

  • Eco anxiety is not the same for everyone because everybody has different feelings about things such as how the Earth is, the climate, how the climate changes, and how the climate effects Earth and the population. Some people might be worried about the Earth and might do something for the Earth, some people might hear about it and not do anything, and other people just might not care. I personally would be worried but wouldn't do anything because I feel like one person would not be able to change the whole world but I would still feel bad for the planet and the enviornment. Eco anxiety is an actual thing that people should know about and take seriously but eco anxiety can also be used as motivation to try to fix the plant and its issues.

  • It is not always the same because people have experienced it in many different ways. Some have experienced tornadoes and volcanic eruptions. Some have experienced floods and tsunamis. Others have experienced drastic droughts so everyone experiences this ongoing issue differently. Hopefully we can stop Eco-anxiety in future years.

  • It is not the same for everyone because some people would like to contribute to eco-anxiety, while others may be scared. Some see it as a bad thing and are too scared to even do anything. Others may want to improve the quality of our ecosystem. There are many perspectives but either way we can all contribute to our ecosystem even if it is small.