Eco-anxiety, the future

This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

To start this of, global warming is when the worlds temperature is very warm which makes all the animals die because there will be no more water to drink and everyone will feel very hot, worried and anxious which means we have to help. Fun fact / The 10 warmest years on record have occurred since 2005.

Some people believe that climate change is good because it makes them feel happy and proud because they might like the sun and the warmness .It is proven that 84% of young people worldwide say they feel worried about climate change.

Why is none doing anything about the climate change and the global warming? We all should plant more plants and plant more trees to save the world in order to live. On the other hand people do not want to help us the save the world however we can listen to each other’s idea.

In my opinion I say that the more we sit and watch us slowly die we will lose a war against the global warming because eco anxiety is a weakness that can make us feel down ,saying it is too scary to think about so we block it out. We should fight for what is right and not for what is wrong.

Will we be able to save all of this in time?

Comments (7)

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  • Leave the world in a better form than you found it in.

    1. Hello extraordinary octopus

      I am in accordance to what you have said because I personally feel that from the time I was born there was no much of global warming and eco crisis like now. Then people were not really worried of some natural disasters like:
      flooding: This natural disaster is cause by high sea level and blocked drainages which most of these are caused by human activities. With this I feel we are not leaving the earth the way we met it which I feel the earth is changing from better to worse.
      Humans are not perfect but I feel that we can try to reduce the way we chock up the earth and we should try and care more for the earth. We can care for the earth by maintaining personal hygiene and using environmental friendly materials.
      With all these I feel we will leave the world in good shape.
      Thank you!!!

  • The future for eco-anxiety could result in various ways. It could cause pandemonium and chaos and havoc across the world as people know that the future for earth is tough, leading to huge overreaction about earth. Some of these over reactions are sleeplessness, loss of appetite and feeling weak.

  • Hi talented_keyboard👋
    I agree with you because global warming 🥵 is an increase in the Earth's temperature🌡️, which can lead to severe consequences such as water scarcity and the extinction of animals. Just as you mentioned, a significant portion of the earth's population, particularly young people, are worried about climate change. This shows that there is a growing awareness of the issue. I also feel action is not being taken to address climate change. Taking action to mitigate and adapt to climate change is crucial. This includes not only planting trees but also transitioning to renewable energy sources, reducing carbon emissions, and implementing sustainable practices in various sectors such as agriculture🌿 and transportation.

  • Thank you all the last thing I wanted to say another question for topical talk how does eco anxiety actually work because none has told me?

  • Hi,there.
    I totally agree with you, talented _keyboard because the global situation will be much worse in the future if climate change continues. Global temperature is increasing day by day due to climate change. Every year the temperature is increasing over the previous year. If this continues, dryness and desertification will increase in the world. In the future there will be severe water shortage and food shortage. Various new diseases will be created. The agricultural system will be severely affected.
    Personally I think climate change is the biggest challenge facing humanity and the planet. Already, climate change has affected the lives of millions of people around the world. There are ways to remedy this problem. For example - increasing the use of renewable energy, reducing the use of fossil fuels, reducing deforestation, reducing the use of electricity, planting more trees etc. But we need most to combat climate change is the collective efforts of people because it is not possible to solve a big problem like climate change alone. So everyone should come forward to save the planet called Earth.
    Bye,thanks a lot.

    1. Hello triumphant context

      I agree with the point that you have stated because over the years, climate change has caused a lot of damage to our society. It has led to the destruction of many natural resources and that be as a result of human practices for example:

      1. The burning of fossil fuels
      2. Urbanization or industrialization
      3. Deforestation, and many more .

      These human activities can later result to disastrous natural occurrences like global warming, possibly depletion of the ozone layer, flooding, earthquakes and many more.

      In summary, I would like to say that we are expected to put in our possible best into taking care of our environment so that we can avoid natural disasters from happening.

      Thank You!!!

  • Hi everyone,
    I think the future of eco-anxiety is in the hands of the world. I do not think anyone can sit down and predict what the world will look or be like in the next year or five years. There is a saying we say in school: "The future is you, the way you want, how you want , and when you want is all you! This attests to the fact that we have the time to shape the future in any way we like . I don't see why the people who are destroying it can't turn around and fix it. As in stands now, The warmth in different parts of the world keep increasing everyday, Im Ghana, the warmth is sooo great that people don't cook inside anymore; they fry and cook their meals outside in the heat. Yeah, that's how warm it is. Children, Adults, Teenagers and Babies who live of streets struggle from heat burnes, blindness from the intense rays of the Sun . With the intense warmth that Ghana and other countries are experiencing, it means that people would have to stay indoors and use items such as light, electronical gadgets like tv's and online games and appliances like the air condition which all add up to the carbon footprint, causing more and more warmth. This is the time to start promoting more and more trees. We need to start now and build the future where and how we want it, the next generation and the ones that after and after, all depend on us. The least we can do to help to make a massive jump and create headway (if we run out of time) for the others to continue. If we do have the time, let's shape it. The effects of climate change keep increasing the number of people who are worried about their world.

  • The future of eco anxiety depends on the behaviour of people. If the deforstation, forest fire, destruction of natural resources will be done, the future may be worst than of now. But if people will improve their behaviour and try to conserve plantation, avoid deforestation, use of solar energy. Then people can save earth from gobal warming which an leads to the healthy lifestyle.