Is immigration beneficial?
This post was written by a student. It has not been fact checked or edited.

Many citizens of developed countries are against accepting immigrants, with the fear of that threatening their own quality of life or give rise to many social problems. Some others believe that immigration can lead to a better economy on the country and increase cultural awareness.
On the one hand, there are some distinct advantages having immigrants on the workforce. Immigrants move to the new country ready to start working and pay taxes, money which can be useful for the government. Let's not forget that even some of them do not take advantage of benefits such as Healthcare and pensions as the citizens of their host country.
Additionally, it is more usual for immigrant workers to work longer hours under more challenging circumstances. This allows businesses to do better and the economy to grow. But the most important is the enrichment of one's culture coming into contact with people of different backgrounds .
On the other hand, some people believe that immigrants can not easily be adopted to the new community which can lead to being violent for not accepting them. Furthermore, immigrants coming from a war environment need first to provide them with requirements such as housing, food, clothing that demands a lot of money.
All in all, the question whether immigration is harmful or helpful to a society demands closer examination, but to my humble opinion immigrants are the same as everyone as we all come from the same kind, humanity.
Comments (7)
I think that immigrants can both make or mar a country, and I certainly don't blame people who do not like migrants coming to their country because they like their country the way it is and also are patriotic and love it as their needs are being met. I believe that immigrants have done more good than harm, take for example Sergey Brin and Larry Page , the co-founders of Google, whereby they migrated from different countries to the United States of America to study more , haven't they not made an impact in the US by making them the country of origin of google, but also made an impact in the world in general by creating this great company. This shows that when the individual migrates, he can make impact in the world, if given the chance. This is why I believe that migrants can make positive impacts.
In my opinion, Immigration can be beneficial for many reasons
For example, it can help the economy grow (offers jobs )
Or even learning about traditional cultural enrichment .
Like (food, clothes, and the lifestyle of the country's citizens…)
Some students and people move from their countries for the motive of education and learning.
Yes, I agree with this so much. Immigration can bring diversity and can enrich the country. They bring culture and benefit the country with that.
Yes immigration is helpful because you are welcoming other people from other countries and cultures this could be helpful because they could have a better education system so if they are working in healthcare or being a key worker immigrants could help because they could of learnt things a more improved or advanced way. And some countries other higher education levels which means some immigrants could be more qualified for the key worker job.
I believe that immigration is beneficial. Immigration to a certain country is an efficient way for the country to be able to fill up jobs with more traditions being introduced to the country that the immigrants are going into. This is a major way for the economics of a country to grow also for their population to rise.
I agree with you because if immigrants come in most of them will be beneficial and fill up vacant places for jobs and they might bring improvement for the country, town or society. But in some cases some of them might not be beneficial in this cases what I mean is that some of them might put up a fake story to be able to be allowed into the country. In another case if the immigrants home country is fighting with the country they are in most of them might run and fight for their home country and this make the other country lose some people. Another case is that if their country becomes better they might abandon that other country and go back to their home country. But to sum this up immigration is somehow beneficial but not all times.
Yes I agree. Immigration can enrich the country to become more economically successful. They bring the diversity and culture to better improve the country.
Yes immigration is beneficial because migration can increase the working age population. Why wouldn’t the government want immigration? The governments tax revenue would increase. And they could have better skills and qualifications which could help make amazing discoveries in other countries and areas of the world.
Yes, I agree with you. Immigration is beneficial and I also think migrants can help countries to bring up new innovation for the betterment of the country because if they do not come, the citizens of a nation would stay with what they have but if the migrants come, they would add up to their knowledge and push forward.
I also agree with you balanced_painting because immigration is beneficial for the development of the country. As if the population of worker will increase specially young one, then country can be in way of develop. If people are of different skills and quality it could help to make different and amazing discoveries.
Immigration is beneficial. I agree with this because imagine how society will be. Immigrants bring diversity and culture. People from different cultures can come together and help society grow.
This argument is very controversial and people have different opinions most of the time. In my personal opinion, I feel like immigration impacts can truly vary on the person. If the person comes in for work and is truly trying to make a living for themselves or their family, It can improve the economy and GDP of the country. However, if the person comes in and is committing crimes, it will truly damage a country. During this time, immigrants in New York are not making much progress but immigrants in other spots may be doing the job and great things. This continues to be truly controversial among people and I find it really interesting.